I spent $180,000 on this LiDAR now DJI released one for $500

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I spent $180,000 in this lidar let's see how the new integration from Green Valley with the $500 DGI livebox lidar compares [Music] [Applause] [Music] yo dude did you just see that DJI released a new $500 light our only $500 huh I don't know I'm on the website I can see it I can you buy it can you click buy you can buy it now you can click buy it you can buy it right now $500 yeah dude Harrison didn't you just spend like a hundred and eighty thousand dollars on one yeah I totally did spend a hundred eighty thousand dollars on that lidar sensor and it's awesome I love it but DJI the global leader in the drone industry I can't talk about 70-percent the marketplace they now release their own lidar sensor for five hundred dollars now it's not the only thing that goes into one of these whole package mapping systems it's you know you also have a GPS and an IMU and a bunch of other software's inside there to make it all work together so the total price is a little bit more expensive but that fundamental price of the lighter sensor really it's gonna drive the prices market down I'm gonna try this out I just called up a buddy of mine who works over at Green Valley International he told me they just finished integrating this sensor into a new mapping system and he said I get to play with it so let's go over to his office in Berkeley California get our hands on this and go taking off for a test drive [Music] [Music] oh all right so we've got our hands we've got we've got our hands on this new inside this Pelican case a small Pelican case this is the new DG I live ox lidar sensor in here now it's actually we got a few other things here this is actually an entire lidar mapping kit so it's more than just the the sensor but it's really small you know I got an idea you know this is this may be interesting so before I tell you the idea let me give you a little perspective on something so check this out okay so for that little bit of perspective that a little bit of perspective this is all the stuff that I would take with me usually to do a lidar map with a drone so yeah we had the drone right here we have tripods GPS receivers we got the lidar we got a ton of batteries and we had a bunch of accessories and everything else that we need to take so this is a lot to carry this is usually what I take so now what I'm thinking what I'm thinking is we're gonna get everything inside of this backpack [Music] I cannot believe all that just fit in this backpack it's blowing my mind right now because this is it's way smaller than I even thought it was gonna be it's all in there cool but let's think about a place to go and where we gonna test this out we're in Berkeley right now so you know Lake Tahoe isn't that far from here so let's go ahead and go out to Lake Tahoe and I'm gonna put this on my back what I'm gonna hike into the woods find a nice beautiful place to test out the new DJI lidar sensor which is in this backpack and pretty soon if you just stay with me for a few moments I'm gonna reveal this lidar sensor let's go to Lake Tahoe now [Music] all right we just finished our hike we're here on top of the mountain well unpack the DGI let's get the lidar out of the backpack get the batteries assembled we're going to do some mission planning and then we're going to take off and survey this entire area again we got Cliff's Fiat rivers there's some forested areas as well as the snow so it's going to be a wide terrain to be comparing this lidar sensor let's do this [Music] [Music] we just got everything unpacked we got the m2 10 out of the bag we got the live Vox lie air V from Green Valley out of the bag the controller still got the tablets in the back back there so the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and unbox this Y air V lidar sensor from Green Valley all right so I'm already pretty amazed by the size of this case it's already smaller than everything else I've seen let's open it up and see what's inside Wow okay okay it looks like well we have I think it's the lidar sensor here we got our GPS base station I think this is the base station controller module and then accessories and some antennas let's pop this bad boy out and see what we're looking at here Wow so this is the ly air V from Green Valley and it is absolutely tiny this thing is this is small just look at that on my hand I can't believe this it weighs I mean what is this this has got to be only one maybe maybe two pounds two or three pounds yeah something like that and what do we have on here well we have all the connectors we've got a config LAN the power IC one button right now and then here we got the title here ly RV on the top here looks at the quick-release for the mounting plate we got our GPS connectors and then right there that's what you all want to see that's the live Vox sensor from DJI right there integrated into this small package so all you have right here is the DJI live ox and inside this we have a GPS there's an IMU a complete computer system and basically everything you need to be mapping with lidar it's very impressive a pretty little Green Valley logo engraved on the back so let's go ahead and install this into the drone and then we'll set up the base station the next thing we're going to do is start doing some flight planning and we're gonna test out how this thing performs [Music] all right we're doing good we're up in the air flying the mission everything looks really good right now we're the flight plan programmed into the flight controller it's going to the first Waypoint and from there we're going to do about 12 flight lines flight characteristics look a little nose heavy to be honest and you know we're at 6,000 feet elevations the air is much thinner up here this is a heavy payload and it's on a smaller drone so it's a heavy payload for the smaller drone but honestly it's still flying pretty darn good so I feel comfortable with it [Music] [Music] well there we have it we just finished flying that mission with the lai air V which has the five hundred dollar live Vox sensor from DJI on it let's go back to the office now and process that data and see how it lines up and compares was something I spent a hundred and eighty grand on a couple years ago welcome back to the office we just got done out in the field flying the lai air V and now it's time to take a look at the data we've already pulled everything off of the system we've processed it and we're about to get the first-hand look at the first flight with the lai RV here in South Lake Tahoe so we're gonna go and take a look at the computer on the computer right now we see the data that we have flown and it looks pretty darn good I'm very impressed with the performance of this system now the first thing we're going to do is go ahead and pop over here and grab this cross section and this is gonna give us more complete idea of exactly what it is we're working with let's grab an area that looks beautiful right there check that out okay well let's go ahead and reduce the thickness of that I think this will give us a little bit of a better better understanding okay so there we go you can see some trees very beautiful good ground penetration so we're seeing the ground very well let's go ahead and hop up here to this flat spot and we will quickly now this looks like it's snow so maybe a little exaggerated but let's just get a rough idea if you click on this measurement tool most trees right here that's what roughly nine centimeters of thickness so that's pretty good now that's very impressive for this package and the price that we paid for it now that being said this is not very place the $180,000 sensor that I have I got plenty of use cases for that that is a surveying beast and you need it a lot of times but on the other hand this new system being so cheap it kind of opens up a lot of ideas for me like what can we be doing with this I'm thinking you know avalanches disasters I'm thinking things where you need some speed and maybe in a remote location you don't want to lug around that huge lidar system and the m600 all the batteries and all the gear you can just have this one backpack one person I think the feature is gonna open up a lot of doors for this system and I'm willing to bet on that so stay tuned but for now that's the yrv I hope you enjoyed the video and as always like subscribe and please leave some comments I'd love to get back to you and what I think and what else we can do that's always Indiana Jones see you next time
Channel: Indiana Drones
Views: 48,491
Rating: 4.7769079 out of 5
Keywords: DJI, Drone, LiDAR
Id: yJo9eJF0ECc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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