7 Ways Roofing Contractors Cut Corners | How to Hire a Roofer / @RoofingInsights3.0

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in this video I will share seven ways roofing contractors are cutting corners if you were the homeowner please watch this video to the end if you're about to hire a roofing contractor I'm a contractor myself I've seen all seven ways in real life if you want to avoid headaches in the future make sure you write the contractor right in the first place so here my seven ways how roofing contractors are cutting corners and can cost you thousands of dollars in damages and headaches years later I know it sounds obvious and most contractors do pull permits but unfortunately a lot of contractors still think that they can save some money I've seen so many cases where people would go on the Krag list or classify listing page and will hire a roofer direct by passing company they we call them chalking the trucks they'll hire them to save money and one thing that comes would save money is saving money everywhere you can including pulling permits well I want you to think about permits the way I look at the permits permit is a public record a lot of times that permit it'll be your leverage to deal with a bad job here's why pulling permits is so important I want you to think about as a public record whether you like what government does some people don't pull in permits because they want to be regulated trust me when it comes to roofing this regulation is good even if city inspector does not know nothing about roofing and he'll come inspect the job and pass it on the liability does not go to CD it's still on a Roofing Contractor because see the inspector often don't know what he's looking at but it's a public record you can use that public record as a leverage when you go against contractor maybe in court maybe you have money dispute maybe he didn't do it right and you didn't notice right away maybe see the inspector pass the inspection but then six months later roof still leaks I've seen so many jobs when I ask homeowners who did you job five years ago and people could not remember I mean we all move like do you remember who are cutting your grass five years ago who install you Flores couple of years ago we forget those things so pulling permits is crucial in construction because you can always go back and you can notify the city that a contractor who did your job did not do the proper work they can actually do something to his license if he did something shady at least you have the public information and it's always gonna go against the contractor and OB license and registration I understand that a lot of states license is not required states like Texas but you still can get the Ontario license like for example in Indiana you don't have a roofer license but you can become a general contractor and you can pull a permit with the general contractor license I love licensing because licensing for me means continuous education I go to a lot of training by manufacturers alright that's how you shingle a roof to make it straight and water type siding has a vinyl siding institute we go every year there and when I sit in the room of 100 150 installers who install siding daily it's amazing to me how many of those guys don't pass the test why because we know it all someone teach to us how to do things 20 years ago and we still do it that way well when you're a licensed contractor you actually required to get continuous education keep educating yourself and actually you have to study and to pass the test trust me it's not gonna hurt your contractor to go through two days of training once a year sometimes the three sometimes it's four days if you live in states like California or Florida those contractors go through a lot I'm a licensed contractor in the state of Florida last year I have to take two tests one of them were six and a half hours another one was four hours but in Florida you still can find a lot of guys who are not licensed and it will give you a better deal ask yourself why they're not licensed why job is cheaper and what are you really giving away because sooner or later quality somewhere will suffer and your roof will leak that's what happens when you cut a lot of corners I also will teach you a few tricks how to screen your roofing contractor the person who's trying to sell your roof how can you use your knowledge about ice and water barrier to screen and qualify your roofing contractor for your job because ice and water barriers also barrier between good guys and bad guys in the industry I've seen contractors who will advise homeowner not to replace old shingles in reality often times it happens because contractor doesn't want to deal with a messy job I know a lot of guys who practice it daily they pretty much go in they want to in and out fast they tell you they want to save your money some guys who do replace remove shingles they don't install underlayment at all we still see a lot of jobs like that again we were doing it 20 30 years ago today you are required to install ice and water barrier in most states especially up north it's a great practice to have good solid roofing system also synthetic underlayment it's pretty much standard today but what's happening is not only they might not install it guys who do install it they might save money their money not your money you might be paying for premium products if they don't specify what ice and water what underlayment they use and most likely they're going with the cheapest brand and they can be saving three four five hundred hours per job and if you do five jobs a week great saving for them fifteen hundred dollars but ask yourself this what if contractor who install your job used everything premium right now you have insurance claim insurance is paying you them your new contractor money to replace it to the condition that was before before it was premium now you're getting cheated by using cheap accessories cheap underlayment you don't even know it so they're cutting in the corner your quality of your roof is going down idiot and doing nothing about it I have even seen contractors who are not specifying what shingles they're using they would not put it in writing they just would say something like architectural shingles usually happens in Florida the reason I know it because of our amazing audience a lot of homeowners sending us quotes saying hey the beach shake you know look at this court and by the way you can do it I love looking at quotes I want to be your advocate so if you go in between two or three quotes and you don't know which one to choose I would like to look at it for you and give you my feedback who has a better product better price and who I would go with it's not hard thing to do it does cost a little bit of money I mean most manufacturers you're talking about small fee couple dollars per square you talking about $70 hundred dollars depends on the manufacturer the reason contractors are not doing it either laziness lack of process or they don't want to spend money it's extra hundred dollars they can save so they pitch you that this roof will have this lifetime warranty well in reality most shingle manufacturer will only have ten years out of the box were gee if you want to enhance words if you want to manufacture to back it up you have to register it which brings me to point number five so most manufacturers to require at least three accessories by that brand a lot of roofers have this mentality that all brand just wants to make more money and I'm pretty sure that's the case but it's a cave for brands to make more money when consumer gets better product at the end better coverage when you are an consumer who just purchased the roof actually have legit warranty and in case you know your roof fails five years down the road you can call the manufacturer when your roofer is out of business manufacture will come out say yeah you use all our accessories everything is done properly now we have to honor the warranty happens all the time but also what happens manufacturers comes out saying well your roofers is out of business he did not register warranty and he did not use our accessories and shingles don't have that enhanced warranty and the problem a lot of times about shingles so those are super super important guys make sure that your roofer tells you what accessories was brands he's using we here at my company we do use some other accessories not from brands that we install because a little like them better but we don't sacrifice the warranty for it so if we can use three accessories to get a warranty other two we might use of other brand sometimes you have to install product maybe that you're not a fan of but if it's good better for the warning team to just do it number six is huge I see it all the time also comes with a laziness and with a roofers not willing to go extra mile not replacing rotted wood not inspecting thoroughly underlayment saisi way reply was I mean you putting your spanning ten fifteen to twenty thousand dollars on your new roofing system to replace the roof it's a couple hundred dollars unfortunately what's happening in the roofing industry and I've caught roofers who work for me several times they just want to move fast so for them they might you know every screw might get let's say two thousand dollars a day of labor to remove end style new shingles now let's say you open it up you open your roofing system you see two or three boards and you don't have a ten you know you have to go to the store you're talking about a couple hours so you promised your homeowner that you will charge them you know $70 per ply with a replace you charge them X amount of labor let's say seventy-five dollars an hour to replace rotten wood so on paper the promise is there on paper all the contractors start doing it in the reality unfortunately a lot of times you're like oh it's not that bad oh it's not that wavy or you know week it'll be just fine and they just installed a new roofing system on wavy deck and elimination and stuff like that sometimes they just feel horrible or don't know how to approach you and show you pictures maybe come up with a recommendation some contractors just real bad at sales they feel bad about coming to you and asking you extra three or four thousand dollars to replace entire deck and it happens all the time so I would say out of a 100 roofs that my company does two three we do complete three deck I mean yes it cost about $3,000 but if you have huge gaps between the decking on houses that were built in thirties forties fifties you're actually required to do it by code so when your roofer comes to you and saying hey you have rotted wood or I recommend you to upgrade your plywood because of you know it's wavy it's not up to code you know whatever the case is I do recommend please let him do it make sure the foundation of your roof that decking is structurally sound because that's important you don't want to install you know brand new roofing system on something soft delaminated or were the bigger gaps but unfortunately a lot of roofers still cut corners doing it and at the end of the day you're the one who is being cheated in the last way how a roofing contractor started cheating you and cutting corners is not paying their bills I see it over and over again all over the United States especially with the companies who are so cheap if contractors is waiving deductibles and the cheapest bid a lot of times he just doesn't have money and money has to come from somewhere so you might be getting new roof you pay for it in full and then you find out that your Roofing Contractor did not pay his bill at ABC supply did not pay his sales rep did not pay his crew and you might end up getting some liens on your house happens all the time I remember I was working for general contractor who went bankrupt and I remember homeowner was reaching out to me they owed me a lot of money back that well for me it was a lot of money thirty five hundred dollars in two thousand seven and I remember homeowner was telling me to me she will want to pay him but will want to make sure he pays you and he was not paying me so it happens all the time in our industry contractors who are achieved contractors who don't understand business they will cheat you by not paying their bills and you're the one who will get in trouble because the last thing you want is to get lien from your supplier to get a knock at the door from the sales rep or from the cruise saying hey we didn't get paid so if you the homeowner and you looking for trustworthy contractors the purpose of this video was not to scare you there are a lot of good guys in this business I know a lot of them I built my own roofing in size directory I personally interview every single contractor before I list and recommend them if you struggling with a recommendation you can reach out to us you can go to roofing in size comm directory I'm gonna put link in description below you can see who we have in your area if we don't have a contractor yet I will find you one again I know what it takes to be a good guy I know what it takes to scam people and to cut corners people who cut corners they're not always a bad guys sometimes they just don't know sometimes they were taught that way they never went to business school I actually have roofing school I have my business I've been in business for seven years now and I never have disputes with homeowners I've never been sued by employer or Saab or homeowner we care about customer service and if you would find contractor in our directory I promise you if you would do any of this I personally will back him out by $20,000 so if if any of my contractors would not raise their warranty I will address it if they would use cheaper accessories if they would be night licensed when they should be licensed if they're not pulling permits if they didn't replace rotted wood I don't care what it is if they made you wrong I will make it right at the end so roofing in size directory comes with the $20,000 guarantee I know what it takes to find trustworthy contractor I also know the headache of those who hired the bad one go check it out I'm here for you give me one of those if you liked this video don't forget to subscribe if you're new to the channel comment below I read and answer all my comments see you guys in the next video
Channel: Roofing Insights
Views: 465,537
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Keywords: roofing, roofing contractors, 7 ways roofers cut corners, roofer, roofers, roofing business, roofing contractor, how to hire a roofer, roofing directory, roofing insights, how to start a roofing business, roofing company, roofing school, roofing advice, roofing companies, roofing business school, how to roofing, roof, roofing 101, roofing business tips, roofing shingles, how to start roofing company
Id: nlB1ysSnfjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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