Job ~ 13:9 to 14:22

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our we're ready to get back in this book of Job or job you know if a person every thinks the world came in on him jobs a good one to read because in as much as our father lets us know what the score is poor old joke didn't but job never gave up on our father and that's a good lesson for you to learn God all things work to the good for those that love the Lord don't ever forget that same it just does that's the way it is and read Romans eight if you ever want to read it firsthand all things work to the good for those that love the Lord meaning and that's what God the main reason being that's what God wants from us is love that's that's what he created us for and you know it doesn't take a wise person too long to realize hey pour it on him and you're blessed but you can't it can't be a frivolous or a fake love hey he knows the difference and he likes the genuine thing job's friends have been giving him really a hard time the last speaker especially just I mean come right out and called him a liar and job seemed to think well there's no doubt when you people die all the wisdom will leave the earth it was kind of sarcastic was it not but he tells him in the thirteenth chapter where we had covered down to verse nine he said you're really playing God you're not answering my questions you're not telling me the reason for my problem but you're judging me and that's all you're doing and all these little frivolous sayings about repent and be forgiven though it's wonderful I know that I'm not one whit behind you he had said so we pick it up in verse 9 of chapter 13 where he's telling them again you're trying to play God and do the judging rather than a friendship verse 9 chapter 13 book of Job and it is it good that he should search you out or as one man mock of another do ye so mock him you want to try to do you quit with God you think that's going to pay off that of course the ends as if he were a man I think not verse 10 he will surely reprove you if you do secretly accept persons in other words if you try to set yourselves as persons that judge and put yourself in God's place you're gonna get you're gonna get knocked down you're gonna be reproved verse 11 shall not his excellency make you afraid question and his dread fall upon you of course it will verse 12 your remembrances I would rather have translated as your pompous talks is like unto ashes your bodies to bodies of clay your your defenses are going to crumble like clay and then the ultimate in the long run of course what it meant was if they weren't careful that's all that would be left verse 13 hold your peace let me alone that I may speak and let come on me what will in other words he's getting fed up with this ratchet Jah stuff of telling him he's the center of all sinners that he should repent and God will bless him everything will be fine that isn't his problem he wants to know why it happened he wants to know in his mind why God is unhappy with him what God was happy with him God was rooting for him God had made a I don't want to say a wager but it was a contest with Satan saying Satan says I can take Joe God says I don't think you can and and of course Satan and said would you take all of your wall out from around him and let me get at him and he said ok you can have him all but his soul his life you leave that alone so job here basically invert 13 has said hey I'll take my chances on my own I will and let come on me what will I will answer to God God knows I'm may I've been just verse 14 we're for do I take my flesh in my teeth and put my life in mine hand I like that he wasn't about to put it in those Rascals hands because again they're ratchet jaw nonsense would get you nowhere you anytime you attend a church and the combined the combined body cannot come up with answers rather than simply put a little salve on your on your your lack of knowledge a band-aid rather than getting in God's Word and healing that that is unknown or ignorant God's Word will always he be healing and blessing it won't be like these people are he said I'll be responsible for my own own self verse 15 though he slay me yet will I trust in him meaning our Father but I will maintain my own ways before him I'm going to present my case right to God's face God is the judge not new people now beloved I would assume that a wise person would soon learn that probably from the example set forth here that God's giving us a message and what is that message he's not being cruel to job Satan is and God pick job is a special child one of his elect and he's saying I know this person can stand this person will trust me regardless of what you do to them so I would say many times when things kind of get a topsy-turvy in your life hang on to that trust because it's true every word of it if even if God takes your life he has a purpose in it even if God takes your things there's a purpose in it for God's election it will always be replaced if you're willing to work for it verse 16 he also shall be my salvation for an hypocrite shall not come before him now they've kind of called Jobe a hypocrite right saying I'm perfect only job didn't say that he said I'm innocent a big difference in being perfect and being innocent God knows that we're not capable of perfection and anything hardly it always falls short of the glory of God but he accepts it it's perfect when you try and when your heart is in the right place so he's kind of telling these guys I am NOT a hypocrite and in a sense he's betting his soul on it verse 17 here diligently my speech and my declaration with your ears he says just please close your mouths for a little bit open your ears and look at me because they're not there they are so ratchet joy and everything they're not even there they're not even looking Jobe in the eye when they give out with their message anytime you have a message for someone and you can't look them straight in the eye you've got a problem friend 18 behold now I have ordered my cause or I've ordered my case I've got it figured to that extent that I'm gonna present I know that I shall be justified acquitted I know that God's going to equip me want acquit me when all is said and done because I haven't done anything you see there's one thing man can do he can read his own mind and God can read your mind and God you you can always trust God to know the real truth of the matter so if you're innocent you're going to be acquitted period you can put you can hang it all out on that that's just the way it is and don't think you can con God he knows for a fact 19 who is he that will plead with me for now if I hold my tongue if I if I keep silent I will give up the ghost if I held my tongue now after the way you all have been talking it'll kill me have you ever been in a place like that where it was time for you to talk and if you didn't get it out of your system you just boil over okay 20 only do not two things unto me got that only do not two things unto me then will I not hide myself from thee in other words you grant to me these two things and I won't ask you to close your mouth and I certainly won't hide anything that I have done 21 withdraw thine hand and this means your heavy hand far from me and let not thy dread make me afraid and never don't heap up and pile up a bunch of nonsense of guilt when I'm innocent 22 then call thou and I will answer or let me speak and answer thou me that's debated in a civilized way 23 how many are mine iniquities and sins question now and what he's asking here is don't just say I'm a sinner he said I won't names times and dates this is the way you stop gossip incidentally this is this is exactly the way you stop gossip when say well did you hear what so-and-so said when and who and what day used to this well I don't know I wasn't the one that heard him say it somebody else did here he's saying if if I have sins name them make me to know my transgressions and my sin now that's been job's question from the start he knew that everything had fallen from him he hadn't done anything he was innocent and again I must insist you're privy to what's happening Satan's doing it because Satan hates job and I'm going to tell you something though you may dread hardships but if Satan's if Satan hates you that's probably the best compliment you could ever be paid in this world even the pain that comes with it it is one of the greatest compliments you could have is the fact that Satan hated you you know why because it means you're tearing up Satan's little nest and praise God that means you're a true servant of the Living God verse 24 wherefore hide as thou thy face why would you look at me that's what he's saying and hold us me for thine enemy you why won't you face me and why don't you stop treating me like I'm your enemy he wasn't he was at the friend asking for help and I don't know about you but I like when someone is speaking to me I want them to look at me because the eye white-white let's discuss that a moment the eye mirrors the soul and when you lock eyes with someone you're actually looking into their soul or self and you know whether they're being fully responsive to any given situation always especially if you go if you ever go anywhere hunting a job you look that employer straight in the eye and even if you've never had any experience you look him in the eye and say I will do you the best job I can and what I don't know show me once and I'll have it you know you show confidence and honesty Plus comes from the eye he knows you're telling the truth so a lot of times this is the reason it somebody comes in with me all shifty eyes asking for work hey forget it 25 I hope that wasn't a digression I don't think it was wilt thou break a leaf driven to and fro and wilt out pursue the dry stubble in other words what they're doing that's like chasing the wind have you ever seen a leaf bounce across the yard or a field your like chasing leaves here or chaff the no good stuff what good is chow for a broken leave nothing it's gone it's through it's finished served its purpose and their words and questions are like chasing the wind job's being a little hard on them if you understand what I'm saying but a lot of times you can go to a church congregational meeting and all you're gonna hear is somebody chasing leaves for an hour because they probably won't get into God's Word and any part of God's Word taught chapter by chapter and verse by verse will change lives will bless people will please God and when God is pleased he blesses verse 26 for thou rightist bitter things against me and make us me to possess or to be to inherit the iniquities of my youth in other words you're looking all down through my life even back to the sins of youth and you're trying to bring them bring them forth and and so forth I want to know what is my iniquity and sin right now that brought this on verse 27 now puttest my feet also in the stocks and look us narrowly upon my paths you watch every step I take and have now thou sittest a print upon the heels of my feet there's two ways you're gonna have to look at this of course we know what stocks are now it's not like this means stocks were two boards with a hole in the middle and you run your head or your feet through them and but here a slave was a log was tied to him like you would hobble a slave or a horse an animal a log Hubbell and and the print on the foot was the mark of a slave it could be but I think it's more than that I think it means that you even monitor my very footsteps looking for trouble you see when a person is down and out what they need is comfort and they really need to know and if you can't if you can't give them a decent answer that will heal or change the situation that will help them then it's best keep your mouth shut that's why men many times chase the wind yeah Deepti Yatta Yatta t ratchet jaw ratchet jaw that's what will you many might say well why do you keep saying that because that's what God wants you wishes you to derive from this book of Job don't listen to men that means this man or any other man without checking him out in God's Word but you can always listen to our Father and know that he will never leave thee nor will he forsake thee and you have to rightly divide the word of God before it's going to make common sense to you meaning what meaning in job's case if it were not knowing that he was one of God's elect you would be hard-pressed to understand what's happening here but God's election already preordained from before to do the work of God on this earth whatever he has for us to do whether it's drag logs get scabs get a sore toe or whatever we can cut it we can do it all right so that's rightly dividing the word to who and what the word applies if it were not one of God's elect certainly God is not going to allow Satan to thump their gourd if they know unless they if they were innocent twenty-eight and and he as a rotten thing consumers he said like me I'm like a rotten thing consumer that's consumer as a garment that is moth-eaten it would seem like that in other words my source is he said he all over and then here BAM they break back open again and they're going it just seems like it's a continual flow but he said I trust God even if he kills me I know he's my Savior that's a pretty strong medicine I love it I love it because it shows unshakable faith and beloved that's what you need especially in this generation today I'm gonna say it again unshakable faith do you know that you know that you know that God loves you and really after studying job you know don't blame God God's not going to tax you Satan will and he has given you the ammunition and the artillery and the forces to keep Satan knocked off your back if you are salty enough to stand up and issue the ammunition chapter 14 verse 1 now that this particular chapter verses 1 through 12 kind of tell the smallness of man and really in the flesh we are compared to the world we're very small what can we do we're here a day or two or you know 60 70 80 90 100 years that's not long it's just a whiff and then we're gone man just really in the flesh doesn't amount to that much but thank God we have a god-given soul that dwells within that flesh and it's eternal if you work at Wright chapter 14 verse 1 and it reads man that is born of a woman and isn't of a few days and full of trouble and that's the way it goes man that is born of a woman means a flesh man all right we could say gaberelle Gabriel the Archangel what does that word mean in the Hebrew it means man of God but what about that well Gabriel was not born of woman got it it's the man born to woman said it's just for a few days why thank God we only put so much time in these flesh buddies and it's over to better things come verse 2 he cometh forth like a flower and and is cut down he fleeth also as a shadow and continued with not by wine because that's see you wouldn't you want to hang on to the fact me people it's very difficult for them to divide the word especially if it comes to dividing the body because your spirit is sharper than a two-edged sword even as the truth you can divide the inner man from the outer mind man in your mind and think on the subject God has given you when your flesh goes into the dirt it goes back to dirt it's never again but your spiritual body is eternal that's all you're going to have afterwards then but if some people really are they just will hold my precious body well hey what's so precious about it it's flesh animals are flesh and I'm not knocking God's beautiful creation do not misunderstand that the human body is placed together in such a way that it's near it is amazing I mean you've got hairs here on the back of your fingers and why is that it's so that if you get if you're in a closed place that's just about to trap your hand those hairs feel that and you can withdraw your hand or if I want to pick up this pin he put mud chains on my fingers meaning fingerprints that give me grip and on and on it goes with these bodies they're awesome and all that while we have them but when we're through with them that's it we have a far better body if God could create a wonderful flesh body if there be such a thing then think how he created the spiritual body you talk about something so man it's just pretty the flesh is just pretty small do you use it it's gone all right just like a flower if you don't understand he gives a pretty good example watch it it grows up it's beautiful and then it's gone all right your little tulip wilts verse 3 and dust thou open down eyes upon such an one and bring us me into judgment with thee hmm verse 4 who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean or one who can make a perfect man out of flesh the word one is it means Adam okay well from Adam to this point there hasn't been a perfect when Adam and myself fell there would be one to come that would be perfect and his name would be Jesus Yeshua the Christ but it's pretty difficult to bring clean out of unclean and and and now think about this for a little bit what what about your flesh I mean you can repent and you're clean let's look at it in the spiritual sense for a woman and it won't be but a few short months till you're and you you make a change I've turn about and everything's gonna be wonderful and you're gonna do what's right and in less than a few months the old this flesh body born to a woman is going to say well I want this or I want that or I'm gonna do this or I'm gonna do that and pretty soon you're gonna listen to it and here you're unclean again got it alright five let's let's change the word seeing two if if we may if if his days are determined the number of his months are with thee thou has two pointed his bounds that he cannot pass man is so little that whatever God sets that's it six turn from him that he may rest til he shall accomplish as an hireling his day in other words it is the mind which is man spirit is the intellect of his soul and your spirit being your intellect can keep you can bring you a lot of rest if you have that ingredient called peace of mind peace of mind comes from wisdom of God's Word knowing how to tend these flesh bodies that God created with the instructions that he has sent on how you're to put it together and operate it how it functions you can find rest or you can just tough it out kind of all through it day by day paycheck by paycheck seven four there is hope for of a tree if it be cut down that it will sprout again and the ones out of the roots you're gonna get some some sprouts it's going to grow back and that the tender branch thereof will not cease now we're just not going to a tree's now going to die in the ground well when you look at it in the spiritual sense let me let me hasten to say this so that we don't get some desperate people here that are not looking past the flesh when you put when you cut down this branch these branches in the trunk of this tree when it dies a spiritual body immediately steps forth as a chute into near perfection if you have a mark an immortal soul a word to the wise is sufficient verse eight though the root thereof wax old in the earth and the stock thereof die in the ground it still happens now you people that are familiar with timber you know what he's talking about the verse nine let it explain yet through the scent of water it will bud and bring forth boughs like a plant it's couldn't do it you know no stop you think you've got it killed I'm gonna tell you what you don't kill us dump out that easy by cutting the tree down if you don't put a killer stump killer a weed killer growth killer or whatever you want to call it it's gonna it's gonna grow back there'll be little sprouts that's come up here and there well man is the same way there is life after death but don't forget the tree rots back into the leaves all right in other words meaning flesh man doesn't amount to much but the perfect man that dwells within that is to say the spiritual man which can attain perfection after he sheds the flesh and don't anybody get any anxious ideas about hastening the trip God has purpose for his elect him but man dieth and wasteth away yeh man giveth up the ghost and where is he well it's you that are students of God's Word no now you know where the dead are they're with the father okay but where is the flesh you've got to be able to divide beloved the flesh is dust dirt 11 as the waters fail from the sea and the flood decay a--the and ratha 12 so mortal so man and this means mortal man lieth down and rise up not till the heavens be no more they shall not awake nor be raised out of their sleep now that shakes some people up wouldn't it if you couldn't do rightly divide the word - no we're talking about the flesh body it's not coming out of the ground I know you got some preachers it'll say oh it's a great day the horns will blow and everything those bodies will come rip it out of the dirt no dust to dust and let dust be dust we don't want any dirt in heaven like that we have more beautiful bodies that are incapable of being sick ill injured or anything else you want to trade it for these flesh things I think not thank God it's a graduation it's the resurrection into the new life not the old all over again like you'd play the same old banjo over and over thirteen oh that thou wouldest hide me in the grave job still blow occasionally that thou wouldest keep me secret until thy wrath be passed that thou wouldest appoint me a set time and remember me 14 let's continue right on here if a man died that's to say a flesh man okay shall he live again question of course you know the answer is yes instantly to be absent from this body as present with the Lord in the spiritual body all the days of my appointed time will I wait till my charge my change rather come as a soldier this this kind of this as kind of a military connotation as a soldier is ready to march and do battle as long as I'm here regardless of what the conditions I'll be ready to do battle who with who beloved Satan of course Satan is our enemy and and I hope and I trust that never again in your life when things begin to go really wrong and you've done your best now most time people bring their own troubles upon themselves so you you got to sort that little stuff out but when it become so obvious you better start digging a little deeper and get your back up 15 thou shalt call and I will answer thee thou will have a desire to the work of thine hands 16 job talking job continues for now thou numberous to my steps does not dust thou not watch over my sin question I don't know have they seen job sin do you know what the answer to that is no you know why job hadn't sinned verse 17 my transgression is sealed up in a bag and thou sawest up mine iniquity from your reckoning from what what you've reckoned or figured or ciphered you got it all sewed up got a whole bagful of troubles here eighteen and surely the mountain falling cometh to naught and the rock is moved out of his place what chance has a little old man can it when God if he wants to move a whole mountain he'll shake that thing and boulders that we don't have cranes big enough to move will come crashing down job's kind of getting around here you all want to play God let me see some action let's see what you can do you've sold all my sins up in a bag here it's 19 the waters where the stones they vow washes the way the things which grow out of the dust of the earth and thou destroy us the hope of man frail man is what it means think heavens we know through Messiah now that we have many of the answers that even job would not derive even when we finished the book but Joe had a pretty good idea and job served God well it might do you well to think that without Christ this is where we would be God created a wonderful world and I love to see rocks worn smooth as they've tumbled over time it amazes me quite frankly how that time and nothing but water can whittle a hard stone into a perfect circle simply by rolling it in time it's amazing you know many might say well what in the world is he talking about well that's nature in nature's way I do find that I find that amazing but it shows you how frail man is why number one back to the first you wouldn't be here unless you had a very good tumbler you won't be around long enough to smooth any stones you wouldn't be able to move the stones that David picked up when he crossed the creek verse 20 a different lesson for a different time they'll prevail us forever against him and he passes they'll change his countenance and sin dust him away 21 and 22 to complete his sons come to honor and he knoweth it not and they are brought low but heap receiveth it not of them verse 22 to complete but his flesh upon him shall have pain and his soul within him shall mourn I hope you noticed and I hope underline the word flesh there and under Wyant line the word soul they are two different things and I want you to think above the flesh are you never going to understand the book of Job you've got to think beyond flesh and realize it is the do you think Satan wants your flesh he likes to see you misuse it but he wants your soul God wants your soul why because God owns your soul as we mentioned in the last lecture I believe it was our the one before in ezekiel 18:4 God already owns your soul you're bought and paid for but flesh will get you in one heap of trouble especially if you listen to if if flesh is wilts like a flower and doesn't amount to much then if I were you I would be very careful how I listen to flesh men this being the point you know because you might get a good dose of how to chase fodder how to chase leaves that are already dead and spin you might have a good chance of wearing yourself out to a nubbin through your whole life and find out when you caught it it didn't amount to anything because you didn't amount to anything watch your soul analyze your soul that that means the inner man yourself that that yourself that will be transferred from this flesh body into a spiritual body learn to think and use your intellect if you don't quite understand what I'm saying I'm going to insist that as a home assignment that you make a note of proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 and I want you to remember eyes that verse by heart I want you to be able to repeat it without having to read it because it tells you from where all wisdom comes and what the beginning of wisdom is where do I start it always gives you that first budding start that allows kind of it's kind of like cooking up jumper cables to your soul some proverbs I hope I said proverbs I may have said songs did I say Psalms well proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 it's like cooking up battery cables and giving your soul to jumpstart if it isn't running all right I guarantee it's running or you wouldn't be listening to me but anyway be that as it may learn to discern the Word of God the difference is what things that are being addressed men doesn't man's flesh body doesn't amount to much so why would you lose your eternal soul over something it wanted Satan wants your soul be on guard don't miss any of these lectures they get better as we go along and then we have the crowning glory of God finally saying to joke joke why are you listening to these fools know do you realize God said that and yet the thing things those fools say preachers preach sermons over it's at the Word of God I tell you we got a long ways to go people say you mean you still learn things listen if men flesh man could ever learn all of God's Word it'd be a naught he'd be an awesome creature I'll tell you for sure thank God we all learn when we study together all right bless your heart you listen a moment once you plea the mark of the beast' on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast' many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravette Arkansas 7 2 7 36 don't be deceived by Satan alright bless your hearts there we are back again the 800 number 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Puerto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question you share it once you do that you know please keep your questions away from denominationalism individualism and organizational type questions let's don't name names let's just teach God's Word hey it's able to burn a whole new road into your path that you can follow it'll change you much for the better and it brings father's blessings those of you that listen by shortwave around the world at this time it's a pleasure hearing from you and again I'll say quickly to our group in Scotland god bless you and all of you around the world your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address we've got a prayer request he's your father you don't need the number you don't need an address he loves you a lot he really does he may not love what you're doing but he loves you that's why he created you was for his pleasure documentation the last verse of Revelation chapter four he created you for his pleasure have you pleasured him lately think about it father around the globe we come we ask that you lead guide direct father touch Yeshua's precious name thank you Father man okay let's see what kind of questions we have we're gonna go with Judy from California what is the best way to deal with family that is against you well you know that that question could cover a lot of ground what are they doing against you there are so many problems okay so I will have to kind of give it a shotgun coverage that means really a wide spread let's say that they are gossiping about you then make do his job did today say when did I sin and what time was it and who was it with or whatever the case might be alright truth dispelled light kills a lot of darkness alright is it someone that is jealous of you because God maybe blessed you Judy more than then then feel sorry for them and show kindness to them because they're just jealous if that be the case they can't help it the spirit of jealousy is a wicked wicked spirit so show kindness and gentleness I have an old saying it's really it's from military snow I'm under with kindness when that type thing comes along so especially if they're in a much higher echelon of rank than you are always snow I'm under with kindness and honesty and it kind of melts them because you have set the way so I what can I say then if it is someone that it is God's pleasure good pleasure that you get along with everyone but it's not always possible so therefore sometimes you have to handle the handle family as you would let us say in second second Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 7 that might help you 2nd Thessalonians 3 7 Vicki from California I would like for a year I would like for my husband and I to tithe together however he only lets me ties with my money does the Bible say anything about this since we are married you you want to Vicki you want to handle this very carefully it would not if he does not choose to ties with you it would do him no good nor you if he were to okay that's not what tithe tithe is received by God when it is given freely and because you want to okay it's alright you ties were you're fed and if he isn't fed here he should not tithe here okay and please do not let it be a problem in your family you and your husband need to get along so you let him tithes wherever he wants to or not at all all you can do is plan a scene but it would not help you are him if you were to force him to tithe alright Chris from from Massachusetts I've been listening to you for a while I do not believe in the rapture my mother is not in good help and would like to tell her the truth about the rapture but don't know what to say to her can you help well if she's if you mean she's not in good health and she's a long in years then just plant a seed just like you would if it were a younger person if the seed grows then God intends that you say something else we add her question but plant the seed and if she does not question do not say more unless you really feel led of God to do it it is not I'll take myself as an example I you know that I am a gifted teacher how do I know that I know because God blesses my efforts very much and I love him for that but it is not my desire that everyone believe exactly as I do I don't expect it all I do is teach and then it's in their lap their business God's business because only God can make seed grow so therefore if it may seem sometimes it is probably obvious I don't care what people think it isn't done it isn't said flippant or sarcastically it is just that God's Word must find its own level in each individual's mind and man can do nothing about that only our Father can so trust our Father enough to know that when you plant that seed it will find its level Tyler from California can people have evil spirits inside them of course they can you've read the New Testament you've read in mark up within the first four chapters that we have people help to have both diseases and evil spirits not necessarily at the same time but that they are separate things you have read the time when Christ cleanse the man's house which is to say his body this is a parable and left it clean meaning didn't put Christ back into it and I mean a bunch more than was there before came in Christ will help give you the power to drive all these things from you of course there are evil spirits and some people their own spirits are kind of evil they're just mean mean-spirited everyone has a spirit and bad spirits are drawn to bad spirits I'm sure that sometimes Tyler in your lifetime you've ran across some old boy that was just downright his spirit was mean all right melon Marlina from from Michigan please explain first Corinthians 13 about walking in love well charity is the word translated from the Greek that we should walk in charity and you this does not mean many people don't understand love many people think that love is I like to say blissful ignorance but you're supposed to love murderers that you're supposed to love the devil that you're supposed to love everybody even if they run over you you know not everybody believes that most people understand what real love is love real love is to be able oftentimes to practice a little tough love as a matter of fact true love can be very tough I think job documents that you think God didn't love job do you think God didn't walk with job and yet look what Satan's doing to him so you see he did that because job was stronger now if he knew he could use job as a lesson for all of us down through the ages to know how to get to get tough with Satan alright so we're supposed to get along with people if we can but love also is the scripture I mentioned earlier in second Thessalonians chapter three verses six and eight do you know what it says there it says get along with your brother if it's possible but if you can you put that rascal back off to the side don't have anything to do with you don't treat him as an enemy but exhort correct him as a brother until he can get his act together you don't love him in that respect or show love of all Sigma submissiveness all right Jose from and Mary from Denver Colorado first of all my husband and I would like to thank you for teaching us the Word of God will you welcome on says I'm a good teacher I'm glad you I'm glad that I have the ability to teach I appreciate it from our Father very much our question is is it wrong for men to enter a church with a hat on or not remove it during the sermon well you know you see now being an old Marine naturally a gentleman always uncovers if he's not under arms all right which in military that means if you're under arms that means you're the having you are a flag bearer or a rifle bearer with the flag then if you're indoors you don't uncover all right but a gentleman in the military or a gentleman in civilian life if he goes under a portal goes indoors he uncovers that's called respect and but at the same time today we have to remember this there are people with medical problems when certain people take certain drugs or something that perhaps they feel very embarrassed to because of what their head looks like all right I could live with that that wouldn't bother me okay but gentlemen uncover when they're undercover that's that's a very simple statement but so is so and so it is Maribel from California can Satan understand our prayers when we are praying in tongues and no he can't know Satan can't understand your prayers when you're praying in tongues if you mean unknowing tongues nobody can okay nobody can understand what you're saying dan from Canada where our sult were our souls before Christ real where are our souls before Christ returns and resurrects our souls our souls are not buried our souls make a note Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 7 instantly the spirit when this dust flesh turns back to dust but the spirit instantly returns to the father that gave it all right now what is the spirit the spirit is the intellect of the soul so wherever the spirit where your spirit goes yourself must go also and your self is your soul it goes back to the father that gave it so they are with the father there in Paradise the waiting judgment all right remember the parable Christ gave in Luke chapter 16 concerning Lazarus and the rich man it's very true Tanya from California does God expect us to stay in our in an abusive relationship when that person is a Christian you know a question like this is I have to be very careful because what does it mean abusive abusive with words or abusive with fists abusive with drink abusive with real danger like knives or threats of death you see it doesn't it leaves me a long ways to have to guess and and I don't like guessing games so it's very difficult for me to answer a question when I have no more facts than that I would say only one thing an abusive relationship when that person is a Christian a real Christian is not abusive I'm going to say that again a real Christian is not abusive now you've got a lot of fake Christians that can be very abusive so just because someone says they're Christian or claims to be Christian does not make them so test the fruit of the tree I can say no more than that Dale from Minnesota who was Cain's wife Cain married one of the girls from the sea de creation and if you're not familiar with when all the races were created on the sixth day then you I'd know not too many teachers that teach that other than myself well there are a few that there are many that I'm not gonna say many there are many true scholars that know it but they're not going to teach it because it would brand them as a racist and they're real real squeamish about being branded as a racist I don't think God was a racist and I think he was proud of every race he created and he expects those races to take pride within themselves so you'd me order my tapes on titled 146 it's three tapes and it covers the creation and also who came married Ronald from California is our life situation in this flesh age a result of what we did in the first Earth Age that's that's very true we are taught and we get very close to the matter in the ninth chapter of the book of Romans when God would say in the ninth chapter about the 13th verse Jacob I loved and he saw I hated while they were still in the womb and even they haven't even been born yet why because of what they did in the first Earth Age Esau did not respect his heritage or God and then he goes on he's and what about Farrah he said I created Pharaoh and a hardened is hard to be Farah he earned the right for God to twist him around that way and then God would go on and say and I'm going to speak good this is called this hillbilly Greek if you want to but he says hey I can take the same lump of clay and and I can make a flower vase for beautiful flowers or I can make a chamber pot for passing waste so that kind of lets us know God's in control but God's not going to put a a soul that can't cut it if it's already overcome and if it's somebody that needs to be tested he will always leave them free to receive that test you're you're correct that's a very good question Florence from Oregon where is it written that God hated Esau and that amazing I just I Romans chapter 9 where I believe it's verse 13 or you can go to Malachi in the Old Testament and it's chapter 1 and I'm out of time I love you all a lot because you enjoy studying our fathers word in more depth but what's the most important God loves you for it he really does it makes his day when you take time to study his word we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you what you do then bless God he will always bless you he's the man he's in charge he's our Father but there's one thing most important and that's this that you stay in that word it'll change your life stay in it every day in it is a good day do you know why Jesus Yahshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five twenty four-hours-a-day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas seven two seven three six once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for one six Gravatt Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,888
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor, Chapel, Arnold, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold Murray, Job, Shepherds, Murray, Book of Job, Shepherd's, Shepherds Chapel
Id: qH57VoAN3qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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