Joan Rivers on The View (6/24/09)

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foreign ly on Celebrity Apprentice remember that Donald Trump was so impressed with Joan Rivers he paid for new implants yes he asked her to replace Miss California please welcome Joan Rivers [Music] [Laughter] and we made we gave our 10th millionth meal yesterday for God's love isn't that great because of the show there's no doubt about it well yeah and that and and you took on that uh what was she a poker plan you're still pissed at her yeah it doesn't go away no it doesn't go what what so what's the line I don't want to go I don't want to be negative no give people publicity they do not deserve it nevertheless the good thing was with Celebrity Apprentice it was all about charity and I'm you know you know me and charity years ago salvation Navy I gave uh save the children from Michael Jackson big big Charlie and there's a new one to sexually deprived seniors is called feels on wheels so I am definitely into charity what about Perez Hilton what do you think of that story he's crying on the table yeah you know if you give it you gotta take it back if you give it you got to give it back but if he said nice things we wouldn't watch him well isn't that true if they're two magazines and one says Barbra Streisand wonderful terrific person Barbra Streisand biggest in the world man oh I'll take that yeah okay it's true I don't want to hear anything good about people I want to hear that worse off than I am I I'm dating men never die you know I I had my social life I I there are no second days yeah you've been busy that's the joke I would ask how you uh how you keep it together because you have a new show August 6 coming out how did you get to how did you get so easy you're so rich and then you're getting roasted on Comedy Central is it August 9th okay so what's all going on and being as busy as you are you still look so good tell me what you should tell me what you did nothing tell me what you did you are such a nothing nothing don't you love these Liars that we know if I would but I don't you know I love when they say I'm not against it I'm not against it yeah I'm not against and you shouldn't be because you've got tracks going up the back yeah you can run a train but I love it when friends look at you Elizabeth and they say I'm just rested yeah you fell asleep on the operating table [Laughter] [Applause] you know when it's too much though I went to the bathroom I wiped behind my ears so I said nobody can make fun of you because you do it first yeah when you're on Celebrity Apprentice Melissa was on and your daughter and my daughter almost the same age and you know that my daughter thinks Melissa is terrific so what's going on with her uh she's dating someone she likes surprise as opposed to what well no usually you you have daughters yeah she got married yeah yeah they usually bring home things that you go what is this do you like yeah she should have brought me Bernie Madoff why why before he got going I was still giving out some money yeah 63 billion dollars I would have had him give back 61. I would have said give it back but we'll keep her little for ourselves now what do you think about same-sex marriage uh John I'm totally against it you are yes because all my friends are gay at my buying gifts I am so [Applause] seriously they're calling me and they say can I use your house I'll buy the cheese [Laughter] his and his dowels I don't know what you buy them go ahead you are you are one busy lady you're appearing at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas August 27th through the 29th on a gondola yeah anything and I love Vegas so what do you like about Vegas she got something oh God bless Vegas I'm telling you uh great stand-up comment just for a moment of solidarity here she's the best she's our role model all of us learn from jobs sure like I'm dead whatever they say we learned that means you're over now I know but you're gonna be in Vegas I like going next time I like to watch the show Girls because they're so gorgeous but they're so stupid and it's oh it cheers you up when you're a real house thank you for asking I spent my life laughing alone like a crazy person but I saw a showgirl there's a sign that said wet floor she did now that's not Brown but it doesn't matter because men still love them right you know and they're all those tight little but they're enhanced also I mean not for nothing you're enhanced so are you planning any other plastic surgery no right now I'm doing kegels oh you know um [Laughter] [Applause] I have to ask you something but by the way Cindy Adams Joan and I I'm not I'm not kidding we're talking about when we get older old we're gonna let the three of us are going to take apartments in the same Hotel can you imagine what our life is going to be like that would be the golden I'm gonna share one one nurse you know our friend Ed McMahon passed away and and you were very close to him give us your thoughts I adored him he was everything you know we all know you can be two things on television he was everything you saw on television that's what he was he was honorable he was generous he played for the team he was a good guy and I look at this I really when Johnny Carson didn't talk to me and sent the word out no one is allowed to talk to Joan Rivers he would see me in a restaurant he would come over and talk to me did he pick up my check you know you know he wasn't so nice nice everybody's talking to you now and we're going to have a good time living together how did you get so rich Jones new show Premier is August 6th on TV Land you check your local listings always good to have you on when we come back Elizabeth is going to find out different ways that she can give birth to baby number three [Applause]
Channel: Narrative Mode
Views: 44,558
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Id: dQY-ypxaY1s
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Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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