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[Music] today is going to be a get ready with me with a twist you're going to see a facelift hopefully and you're going to see my hair and maybe even what i'm wearing today we'll just see it's going to be a little bit longer i apologize for that but it's just going to be a little bit longer and because of all that i will edit out as much as i can uh and also everything that i'm using including what you see here is going to be listed below you know i i list try to remember to list everything that i could possibly list excuse me i try to list everything some of you will still ask where are the links for what you're talking about well the links are below the video in the description box or you may know it as the show more box this is the divine elixir the original from skin cosmetics and this one is mainly for hydrating it's a combination of something like 20 oils i will list the video where i talk about this but it's a combination of 20 oils and this is the other one and but this one this one is mainly for hydrating and brightness it has vitamin c where the emphasis is own vitamin c this is the brand new one it's the divine elixir or avedik blend facial oils and this one is more for anti-aging and i'm not sure how many oils this one has in it it does seem to be a little bit oilier than the original and both of these are the modern oils they're not like the old oils that we've been using for years so i what i'm doing is i'm trying one on one side of my face and the other one on the other side of my face and i've been doing this now for uh a couple of weeks just to see if i can see any difference because some of you may only want to purchase one of them now this is i could my face has enough moisture that i do not need a moisturizer but i'm going to go ahead and because i'm going to use a powder foundation i'm going to go ahead and put a moisture an actual moisturizer on and as i've said before i'm trying to use up moisturizers so this is one i had it's a lancome renault relift multi-action ultra with a sunscreen uh broad spectrum spf of 30. so i'm gonna use this and not much [Music] i am not using an eye cream because this was also the new divine elixir eye oil so i got that in and i've been using it for about two weeks too and you can use that under your eyes and over your eyes so okay i've got my trusty curling iron and i've got my mat and i don't know if you guys have seen these i i've got a couple of these i bought these at sally's and they have the sally's name on and i've had them for years but it's silicone and you can put it on your bathroom sink or wherever and um and put i was just looking i had my curling iron here and i had not even turned it on it keeps your curling iron from coming in contact with whatever surface it's um so that or your high iron or anything that gets hot so that you're not you're not burning the surface that you put it on and a lot of times when i'm finished i just wrap it around the barrel you know and lay it down like that so that if i happen this still happens to be hot i don't risk touching it this is an old curling iron and the numbers are pretty much worn off of it it's revlon i have rollers and i have clips so let me get myself organized here i put my hair yesterday and nothing has been done to it so i'm just going to brush the way up [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay i can tell that sprig of hair hanging down is going to drive me crazy so we'll go ahead and fix that right now all right hairs up i'm cool down and we'll just let that do its thing how about that and i'm using the laura mercier uh classic beige mineral mineral powder uh this is the actual foundation i decided to keep the large one and i packaged the smaller one up just a flat top brush packed it up and set it back and started using the larger one and i've figured out not to blow my hair dry i would just let my hair dry naturally and sometimes i went to bed with it sort of damp and got up and brushed through it and used that brush or that curler i absolutely loved it it the barrel didn't get hot at all because there was no hot air and the bristles the rubber bristles from the brush uh didn't heat up either your hair had to be around the barrel of it which was hot i'm in love i could i did not have to do this at all the curl held i had had it and i muted oh and like when i say it held it held you know for the day uh i'd lost the next day i'd lost curl but when i do this by the next day i'm losing a lot of curl i would go in either the next day or for two days if i hadn't shampooed my hair i would go in and just use it again on dry hair and it was just beautiful my hair was so shiny i think it had ions in it maybe but it was or put off irons but it my hair was so shiny and so healthy looking i was in love with that thing and as i said i had it about a month guess what i turned it on one day it came on you have to the own button it they tell you in the instructions to depress it and hold it for three seconds and then release it which i had been doing i turned it on came home waited a couple of minutes like i usually did and went to curl the first curl and it clicked off and i thought well maybe i didn't press that button down for three seconds turned it back on it came on rolling the first curl it went off and so i did of course i'm thinking okay and i pulled out my old curling iron here or i maybe even pulled out a round brush in my hair dryer i don't remember but anyway i tried it for two or three days and it didn't work so i was over the month that you have to send it back by then and i called or a chat and did a live chat with qvc to see if uh they would still take it back and when i told the girl what had happened or the person i was speaking to she was super nice and she said oh miss bailey i am so sorry she said i we yes we will take it back and she said my only problem is i don't have another one to send you and i said well that's okay i'll just wait for them to come back on the website even in a few days later i mean i sent it back and a few days later i thought let me go back on and see if maybe they're back in stock they were just introducing them when they were the today's special i think they've had a similar brush to that in the past but these had flowers on the handles there was something that made them different my mirror just went off i touched it i had to pull it up a little bit closer okay so they they had another they they had but they had none of them in stock of the old one they had taken them i guess they've taken them off of them but obviously oh and i started reading reviews because i was going to write a review on it on qvc and home shopping you have to actually have purchased an item from them in order to review it went to write my review and i thought well i think and there were other reviews and i thought okay i think i'll read these reviews and almost every single review had the same thing happened it just all of a sudden you turn it on and when you would go to use it around the first curl it would automatically shut off so they didn't actually recall them and and the people and the review i gave you know i stated what happened but i said you know i've been used basically i've been using curling type products on my hair tools forever and this is my favorite ever and it truly was it was my it's my favorite ever i would never use anything else if this worked and of course the uh you know because we're in the pandemic and all of the show host and everybody has to do their own hair and makeup right now and so it meant the models who were demonstrating this were having to do their own hair and granite they probably had time to practice but this was one of those tools that even if you had mobility issues with your hands you could and had short hair especially oh listen i called my sister and i said you've got to buy yourself one of these she didn't and i'm glad i didn't steer her wrong she has short hair so there you go i guarantee you when they reintroduce it it will be right and by the way i'm using the bareminerals rose palette when they bring it back out it'll be right it'll be right and i'll own one i was so disappointed it didn't heat up the room like a like a hairdryer and even curling irons flat irons will heat up the area that you're in especially if you're older you know what i mean i'm using haze all over and then i'm using soul soul over my entire lower lid in my crease i don't go out any further than my eye here because i think that brings brings us down lord knows i don't want any more sagging than i have i have my clean sweep right there so that i can clean my brush i have a little i think this is an elf brush it is and blending eye brush but see the little tiny tip there go right under with that and then i'm going just barely over my lashes [Music] and i can blend that just a little trying not to pull my skin i turn this around this is the essence volume boosting lash primer and i've said this before but emily noel gave us the best tip ever on this and i think it's true with any lash primer is do not overdo it use very little to get the best results i think that's why i never liked the lash primers i always had a goopy mess why did i turn that around that is old habit [Music] i brushed as much off of this as i could and i like it where i can just barely see a little white that's what does the best for me and i don't know if you can see it but i got way too much right there so i'm going to go back to my spoolie that's on the end of my and brush that out of there we're going to give that just a little second to dry it needs to be almost dry and i know when it's almost dry because it's losing the whiteness or the whiteness is almost going away i mean those of you who have watched me for any length of time you know i have no natural eyelashes they're just short and stubby and this is the mallee lift and curl mascara it's not my favorite it's not my favorite brush but i look like i have lashes and i know it's the primer but i'm with the mascara and everything else in that right now especially i am using what i have this is a a super old mirror and when you touch it it turns off maybe pretty good let's see i'm using my doll 10 tce and the tce stands for this covers everything concealer under my eyes [Music] getting old i'm so glad i'm having the opportunity to get old what about you i'm so fortunate that i have my health and so for me oops this is uh bye bye poor's it cosmetics translucent powder i'm going to use just a bit underneath my eyes [Music] by the way i found a channel that i have to tell you about you know i'm always finding new channels and this one i found because she actually a blush brush so i did bring this big old powder brush from real techniques i'll use it my benefit rock tour i can get it in there but i found this channel because she left a comment under my one of my videos recently and something she did i don't know if she actually said i have a channel but something in her comment made me go over and check it out and i fell in love with it so let me tell you about it and when this video is over i hope you'll go check it out when this video is over my video and you've watched everything else you want to see on my channel the re you know at the very end i'm sure you know this but at the very end there are recommended videos for you to watch that uh that i've made so if you're especially if you're new to my channel it's an opportunity for you to see some similar videos so go watch those and then come back and get the link to this video i'm going to tell you about and i think you're going to love it too let me put let me do this this is the covergirl covergirl outlast illumina all day lip color 24 hours i ran completely out of this and added this to my walmart grocery shopping i'll list the color those of you who have followed me for any length of time know that i love these cover girl outlast okay while that dries we'll take i'll tell you what let me get rid of all this tell you i need to say that tell you about this channel while i get all of this put back in my basket better this channel is called i'm sticking to my stool here this channel is called crushing the 80s with nanny and moose and let me tell you about nanny and moose well number one obviously they're in their 80s but they they live well they've traveled the world and they live in a tiny adobe that is on their one i think maybe their youngest daughter's property in southern california now an old old adobe and for some reason i'm thinking the adobe is over a hundred years old they are i think their names are really mary ellen and bill i believe but they go by nanny and moose and it's just i think the whole channel is for the most part just coping learning to live in your 80s well i'm going to tell you right off the bat i want an adobe i want an adobe i would love to live there they have a garden they it's a dollhouse it's a dollhouse and i found the video maybe on a friday or saturday and i binged watched all of her videos it's a relatively new channel just a very i mean a minute number of subscribers but i know i just know that you are going to want to see this video or their videos i know you're going to want to subscribe i just know you i know you will tell them i sent you now if i were just going to have my everyday day with my hair did you notice i did not brush my hair i could put some hairspray on it i'm not going to do that right now uh and this is the tresemme extra firm control number four it's my favorite hairspray this is just one of the little travel sizes i'm using up but normally what i would do is just put my headband on and at some point during the day i would pull my hair up and just clamp it like that that would be cool hair off of my neck but i showed y'all or i told y'all we were gonna do a facelift and this is so funny the reason i decided to do this i was cleaning out some things a few days ago and i came across this and here's what i'm going to do first of all and i'm going to smile real big and i'm going to take a couple of screenshots uh when i'm editing this video and this will be the before picture for the facelift okay so as i'm going through things i found this and this is called the facelift van the face lift band instant face lift and i bought this probably two three years ago on a whim and oh it's called an age reverser and i thought it would just well well let's see if it works this is nothing i would ever wear or use on an everyday basis but like when we're on a cruise or if we have a special event to go to which haven't had one of those in a long time don't know that i'll ever have another one but this is what it looks like in the box it's magnetic so these clips hold on so let me show you and and i haven't tried this this is a this is the first time this has these little combs that lock so i've got them unlocked and i when i tried this on so this this might work you can adjust it i'm going to adjust this with these little sliders and make it just a little bit shorter i forgot i had this and i've been on several cruises now i know they make these with tape that you can actually tape to your forehead but my fear with that is that i would tape it and then if i didn't want to wear my hair back you'd see the tape or if i didn't want yeah if i didn't want to wear my hair down around my face you would see the tape so i am going to section this whole top section of my hair off there's one of these and i know from my little ponytail type hair pieces that the hair always does better under these clamps if you tease it just a little bit so i'm gonna go right in here and my hair is really soft let's get that here sorry okay i must go ahead and do i'm not doing exactly i may i may regret this but i'm not gonna do it right on my hairline see that back combing there gives you some okay so let me think about this now i clamp it okay so that's a good hold and then pull it around oh and all right see i have it too tight even stretching it it won't go all the way around so let me lengthen those back out just a little bit [Music] i think what i've done is i've got it too high [Music] i don't know [Music] what do you think okay we're going to take another picture another screenshot i don't know what do you think let's listen i could not wear this all day i would have a horrible headache i've never worn this in a video i've never worn it out in public but let's let's try down closer to my temples [Music] i've said many times before i don't think it does i've said many times before that i think at some point our faces have reached the stage of no return see that's what i want right there man if i could achieve that look with it oh okay okay that that that got this side better [Music] okay [Music] i can still sort of [Music] okay let's take you know that's not so bad right here going up uh i need to work with my hair a little bit more but that's not so bad it could still come up a little bit i think you can even put it back here and pull your neck up which that's going to be too much maybe if i had three or four of them i could space them all the places i needed my lips are dry this is the top coat that goes comes with these this lip stain and this lipstick will stay on all day long sometimes i'll reapply this if it gets a little dry or i can put any gloss over it touch up just a little bit now that i have a lifted face if this is i know i ordered this off of amazon and if it's still on amazon i will list it in the description box if it's not i'll try to find something similar to it that you can look at and if you think it's something for you uh you know try it try it i can tell you right now it's one of those days it's oh well i can't do this yet i'm gonna have to take this thing off of my out of my hair but i know it's hot enough today that the hair is going to be up thank you so much for watching know that i love you i appreciate each and every one of you if you haven't subscribed yet i sure hope you will we have a lot of fun on this channel but know that i love you and i hope that you'll go out and be kind today just be kind i love you i'll see you soon bye-bye what i don't do for you guys let me get this thing out of my hair
Channel: rxstrmom
Views: 2,247,064
Rating: 4.8846264 out of 5
Keywords: over, 70, beauty, makeup, momrtsxr, cosmetics, aging, anti aging, aging gracefully, maturity, mature, rxstrmom, haul, lipstick, foundation, blush, nail polish, tags, tag, Chatty GetReadyWithMe ~ DID I HAVE A FACELIFT? ~ SHOUTOUT, get ready with me, facelift, over 70 get ready with me, Chatty GetReadyWithMe ~ DID I HAVE A FACELIFT? ~ OVER 70~ SHOUTOUT, OVER 70, GET READY WITH ME OVER 70, HAIR STYLES FOR OVER 70
Id: R0Czo69Xq0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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