JJ And Mikey Were GRABBED BY A BIG HAND! WHO DID IT in Minecraft Maizen

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all right let's get started today we're playing speedrunner versus Hunter oh I love that game now the rules are simple if I can slay the Ender Dragon without dying first I win mhm before that if I die even once Mikey wins M I'll get you JJ I'm winning today okay but look what I have is it okay if I use this magic paintbrush uh Magic paintbrush what is that oh this yeah it's a paintbrush that creates whatever you draw H I'm not sure I understand but fine whatever okay let's go 3 2 1 go oh is that a sword all right here I come uh-oh wait for me watch out for the hole time for a detour I'm out of here wait for me so fast got to go right behind you oh nice I made it on to the Treetops you're quick I need to lose Mikey ouch I'll hide I fell no ow JJ yes he's lost sight of me where are you oh there he is are you hiding where did he oh there come out here I see Mikey maybe over here Mikey's gone that way so I'll go this way huh I'll be sneaky I'll catch you time to hide in the shadows and try this magic paintbrush [Music] out and now somewhere over here all right I want to try out the brush's powers down here but I don't have a lot of time I'll just whip up something fast so first things first it's kind of like this and like this then over here this will be my first item start with that and add some color Okay finished okay W it really worked I was able to make elytra there's one more thing I need to make to go along with elytra it looks a little like this yeah with the triangle here and over here and swoosh then paint it red and this part white then with this red pencil okay I'm done woohoo it worked fireworks and elytra the perfect pairing now I'll equip them this is so cool ha oh oh there he is uh-oh I'm going to catch you oh no this is bad come here no way woohoo seriously Mikey did you really draw those items I drew pictures of elytra and fireworks to make them woohoo that's crazy see you later no way sorry but I'm flying far away all right I'm putting some distance between me and Mikey I'll look for a village oh heyy look I found a village well wo wo nice A Perfect Landing let's check it out since I've lost Mikey I'm going to take my time Gathering supplies here or I would do that but I have the magic paintbrush this time if I use this paintbrush I can just draw everything I could possibly need all right there I'll start by drawing the first item I want to find so it looks like this like a stick is that right uh then I'll change the color I'll use this diamond blue [Applause] color okay done please work I got it look it's a diamond pickaxe and that's not all I'm going to make I want lots of great items okay I'll start with this and this looks good too like that and work oh yeah perfect a diamond sword you know I really want a complete set of fully Diamond equipment that' be cool let's see H like this there okay work your magic wo sweet a diamond axxe next up just like [Music] that yes take a look at this I have a pickaxe sword Axe and shovel but I'm not done yet I need to create more items to slay the Ender Dragon without the proper equipment it's impossible uh uh looks something like this maybe like this too okay there it [Music] is wo it's perfect the Diamond Helmet now for the next thing I know what I'll [Music] make looks something like this there we go now perfect now there's only two things left to make start here a curve okay all right I got it and now finish with these was that good enough oh yeah check me out full diamond equipment H I can't forget about food I'd like to use the magic paintbrush to drop those supplies too I bet I can make something great for example start with a yellow circle then a squiggle on top okay come on [Music] work check it out enchanted golden apples these are a perfect recovery item they're delicious and well you can't find anything better around they're the best and now I have a whole stack of them oh right there was something else I wanted to try it might be difficult but I can do it the shape is like this maybe will it understand no way wo amazing it even made a potion wow just look at all the stuff I painted what else should I make H let's see oh JJ huh oops wait what uh is someone there oh no it's Mikey gotcha it's him how do you have all of that equipment magic honestly you're so shiny it was easy to find you I won't lose track this time uh-oh I really stand out uh wait where's Mikey wait up for now I need to get away oh here comes Mikey not so fast I see you uh-oh so shiny uh I'll go into the woods for some cover right behind you yeah oh over this way you're so easy to find JJ wait the potion while I'm ahead I'll drink it go go go yes oh wow ow that was a potion of invisibility oh huh where'd you go you just came through here where did he huh where are you what oh he hasn't CAU on to me this is great there's no way he could have gotten away in that diamond armor oh wait I Know M he's this way yeah that's right I'll get you wow that potion was perfect well then while Mike's running in that direction I'm going to start heading this way H this magic paintbrush is really something else it can make anything I draw it's awesome and I wonder what I'm going to draw next all right I think it's about time to slay the Ender Dragon I feel confident I'm powerful with all this equipment but I want to get even stronger if it's going to be a fair battle this place looks good I'm going to use my magic paintbrush to draw some items let's see first it's something I really need it goes like this now to draw some lines on it this way then I'll draw the things that go inside blue ones too looks good just color it in okay that's the first thing will it be able to recognize it please oh I got it that was actually a bookshelf all right let's start on the next thing I want I'm drawing something that will ensure Victory against the Ender Dragon line here just like [Music] that diamond colored Corners now I'll change the other colors like this it's like this right I think so up here I'll write something on it wow I really hope it recognizes this yo it's an enchanting table perfect ha of course this is the next thing I'll need this yeah I got it lapis lazle you can probably guess that I plan to do some enchanting but there's still something else I need to get started right something like this then uh the dot here then to change the color okay please work please wao I got it that's exactly what I was drawing experience orbs wo I honestly didn't think I'd get this much experience I'm moving towards level 300 I'll use all these experience points to my advantage wow this is crazy 311 I'm going to use everything I created here to start enchanting now how should I begin I'll start like this by stacking up all these bookshelves nice now I can place the enchanting table here it will grow in power when surrounded by bookshelves see it's time to enchant I think I'll start with my helmet place the lapis lazle in here and Zam oh yeah just like that this is how enchanting works huh oh wow it has fire protection that's a great buff wa nice I'm not sure what all of this is but my armor is fully Enchanted next is my weapon wo higher damage let's do my axe next with [Music] efficiency W fortune and efficiency okay I'll do this too more efficiency wow there you have it enchanting has been a huge success I'm really powered up all of my equipment is Enchanted I'm as powerful as I can be I can definitely slay the Ender Dragon let's go ha H what's that wait huh was that there all along I'm feeling curious I'll go check it out what could it be something's on [Music] top it's a house huh our house is like this a thing it's kind of oh isn't that where I was enchanting was this here the whole time all right I'll look inside what do I do if Mikey's inside whatever no huh huh oh wow yes my trap worked Mikey I'm so happy seriously goodbye JJ wait what is that some lava no Mikey don't do this he's going to pour lava on me what now 3 2 1 yeah I win no what hang on I did it I'm won OU ouch there's no way you can Sur five ow wow I beat JJ awesome wait I'm not taking any damage what fire wa this is bad he's on fire wait Mikey it's your turn in the pit no woohoo hey but how wow I'm on fire but I'm not taking any damage I wonder why now let me check my enchantments H helmet as fire resistance my chest plate has it too wow my boots Also Mikey it seems like I'm covered in fire resistance I took barely any damage oh wow I sure am glad I Enchanted beforehand all right man this armor is so powerful I don't even take damage from lava woohoo now that Mikey's out of the way we already know my weapons and armor are powerful so it's time to build an portal for the final boss I'll use this magic paintbrush to do some drawing this is about the right shade yeah then in the middle black dot then some yellow here and I'll draw the next part with the same color then the design like this okay oops it's upside down hey I got it it worked these are end portal frames in order to reach the Ender Dragon I need one more item though it looks like [Music] this first a circle how's this that was easy well got it check it out I used the brush to make end portal frames and Eyes of Ender which means it's time to slay the Ender Dragon set this up [Music] here and here and that's how to make an end portal now I just need to fill in these slots with Eyes of Ender last one woohoo I won't need these anymore now the portal to the Ender Dragon is activated that means it's time for the final boss battle here I go woohoo I'm in the end this is where the Ender Dragon lives let's go to the surface I hope she's ready to fight me wao that's it I can hear the wings flapping wa made it this is where the battle takes place it'll be tough the dragon is very strong so my first move is going to be oh uh-oh Enderman they're attacking me uh let's head up there to the top of that Tower I'll have a second to think ow come on almost there no the Ender Dragon knocked me off this isn't going to be easy I need to come up with a plan and fast huh let me think no I need a moment alone to think I'll dig a hole for shelter that's better sheesh I can't fight the Ender Dragon like this even with the best equipment but I have an advantage my trusty magic paintbrush I'll draw up the most ultimate item ever made and if I can make this I will definitely win the battle now watch huh I'll start here with a block then fill in the colors I'll use this color to draw on the sides like this now to draw the red dots and that's it it's the ultimate item yes it worked I can't believe I got the command block a that scared me the Ender Dragon destroyed my picture that can't be good I needed that this is a seriously tough final boss battle it won't be easy I need to get really serious if I want to win against the Ender Dragon now what next looks like I'm going to have to get to the top of that Tower I'll climb up let's destroy this yes okay it's time to use the command block for the First Command ah right that's it okay now oh wait I forgot something really really important this how could I have forgotten this come on okay now I have a lever for the next part I'll need one more command block placed here so for the first step is that right yeah and now I'll put another command into this one it's ready to go I'll activate this command block and watch what it does goodbye Andre Dragon wait a sec huh what is that Mikey I won't let you slay the Ender Dragon I have Diamond equipment too I'll fight you really there you are that's not good you look pretty tough it's even Enchanted no I'll win wow I'm really impressed Mikey you might pose a real challenge you're going down now before Mikey climbs up here for our fight I should activate the second command block okay wa Mikey's climbing up quick we're both fully equipped I might lose this battle I'll get you first an apple then I'll pull this lever heads up I'm pulling the trigger and go what trigger you're going down I'm catching up wa Mikey what's that noise oh no I fell off how did that happen oh man woohoo yay I won that's so crazy I beat the ender dragon all right take a look at this our new house is finally finished wow what a nice house and great location we'll have a happy life building a village here yeah with this house as the start of a new Village we can live in peace fantastic hang on what's that sound uh there's an emergency news alert on the TV let's check it out it's about to start what could it be let's see what's going on huh huh [Music] what this is bad Mikey what a mysterious wle monster just attacked a village nearby uh-oh and according to the reporter that monster is headed this way next what after we finished building our peaceful home what do we do H well Mikey we should have at least 6 hours before the wle monster mon reaches us we have until then to build some security let's fight off the wle monster yeah let's fight it let's go what kind of Security will we build the wle monster is huge yeah it's so big we need to build a wall big enough to surround the entire house of course yep let's do it so let's build a gigantic wall let's build it yeah how this wo look at that wall it's massive that's just one section it's huge our walls need to be quite thick it's thick I think it's five actually six blocks wide so it's pretty solid and it's also about 10 blocks tall at that height it should be tall enough and thick enough I think we have a pretty good wall no way the wle monster can break through this wall it's the strongest wall ever yeah wo W now we have to build off what we have so far okay let's surround the house with walls let's do it do our best the very best all right woohoo wow check it out it took us a while but we did it yeah the house is completely surrounded by large sturdy walls that took a whole hour to make but now we should be safe and sound Behind These Walls right nobody can get through well Mikey sure but we built our perfect house together and I don't want to see anything happen to it and since I don't want it getting smashed just in case yeah we should build some more anti-le Monster security oh for starters let's see here we'll need this and that uh start with these H is that right yep how's it look what's this H what are you doing and taada let's build some Iron Golems of course Iron Golems are the toughest troops around maybe the Iron Golems will defeat the rigle monster for us they can take it no problem yeah oh Iron Golems are the strongest soldiers out there they're the Ultimate Security Force they'll probably feed the rle monster for us they'll protect our walls amazing there's something else I want to build follow me what is is it don't you think we have enough protection already no Mikey it's not enough we need to be ready for anything we don't want our perfect home getting wrecked sure so Mikey yeah while the Iron Golems are fighting for us yeah we'll provide them with support fire from our bows like this good plan yep we need a smart approach that's exactly right we'll help the Iron Golems from up a top the walls but first it's pretty hard to scale the walls as they are now so in order to climb to the top I'm thinking about making a secret passage sure first we need a location how does this spot look good I'll have it right about here oh that should be far enough now for the next [Music] part okay the sticky piston should go something like this sure and fill that in with stone now I'm increasing the space we have to work with like so okay and here uhhuh how's this and then something like [Music] this okay that should work then up here a couple of repeaters and then hook these up with redstone dust yep and then put a redstone torch right here done that's the secret entrance this lever opens and closes it so you're done actually the secret entrance may be finished but we're not done yet we still need a ladder to reach the top of the wall right right let's make that next up I'm going to clear a path in this direction okay how's that then dig a hole up and out the wall now Mikey we need a ladder can you do that hi can do it hang on yep I'm on it oh good job aesome perfect now we can sneak in go through the path up the ladder and climb on top of the wall that's amazing now it's [Music] perfect actually Mikey we only finished up to the ladder but we're still missing something we have to provide support to the Iron Golems once we're on the walls but we still need weapons and armor to be able to do that so in this narrow Hall hallway I'll build a device that automatically equips weapons and armor wo that sounds cool the ceiling needs to be higher there like this first I need to set up the dispensers I think six should be enough mhm now in each dispenser yeah just like this I'm putting armor in each one it'll be a full set of diamond armor like so next boots leggings yeah leggings right I mean leggings now the boots okay boots in each there okay in the next one I want to put some bows I'll put in some special bows special bows yep bows with the infinity enchantment okay by doing that huh the bows can fire endlessly wow bosea can fire forever it's full of bows with the most powerful enchantment wo and here I'll put some arrows just to be safe wow that's it I should do this we're done yep like so next what's that a row of pressure plates that looks impressive watch this just walk through see that's amazing check me out I'm fully geared up now I can use my Infinity Bow Wow to provide support to the Iron Golems now we're totally going to take down the wle monster look how prepared we are well Mikey there's one more thing we need to do for the walls what's that we're going to build it right now there's no quick way to go up from here yeah down to the ground right we could jump but we'd likely break a leg at this height that would hurt that's why right here yeah just like this oh what is it and like this I think I know what you're doing you can probably tell what it is by now yeah how does that look oh wow now to pour out some water up here how's that awesome not bad if we need to retreat we can use the water slide to descend that's amazing now we can quickly and safely get down perfect I'll shut the secret entrance yeah okay I guess we're close to being done it's perfect now Mikey if worst comes to worst we'll have security inside the walls what can we make no way the monster's getting through the iron golems and our wall right what else can we do H well just in case it does get through I was thinking of using lava as a security measure H how about this oh oh thanks Mikey good good okay that's how wide our lava defense will be now to fill it up it won't make it across this much lava right there's no way build the middle all the way up with lava it's really impressive he hey I doubt even the giant wle monster will be a B to cut across this much lava no no no although we can't make it across ourselves either so we'll have to fix that first we'll raise this part up and then put a ladder here then in the middle of the lava some slime blocks now I see what you're doing now you can climb up here jump on the slime blocks and bounce across now we have a way to make it through that's right and the wle monster won't be able to cross the lava the wle monster won't make it to the other side it's perfect I'll put one on this side too it's great ha amazing yeah so we're done awesome I guess this should be enough it's more than enough that wriggle monster is going down well let's take it easy and get some sleep while we wait Mikey hang on hang on why we can't be too safe just in case we need to make the Ultimate Weapon something 100% effective that works on any enemy we still have about 5 hours left in the day a weapon that's absolutely effective against any Enemy what is it you'll see let's start at the back of the house first get a shovel ready Mikey okay we'll use our shovels to dig a hole in the ground a really deep hole sure how's this how big should we make it it should be pretty big let's make it a crazy deole let's do our best yeah so let's make it about this big and really deep it might take us a while let's dig we can do it yeah I'm tired we dug it all up but we still have 2 hours left that's fine take a look over here we dug a hole so deep it drops straight into the void but still one would fall into a hole that they can clearly see don't worry we're going to convert this into a giant pitfall trap to do that we'll need TNT and [Music] sand yeah and we'll use redstone dust and some repeaters yep first uh maybe here sure all right on this layer we'll place the TNT let's completely cover the hole with TNT okay just like this yeah all right great we covered the hole next we place a layer of sand covering the layer of TNT sure just place the sand cover it up with sand that's the way good good keep at it yeah [Music] okay that about does it for the sand finishing up now nice job the next step is to place a layer of redstone dust okay it's a lot of work but let's keep at it let's do our best place the Redstone Dust just like this all [Music] right wo okay that's done layer placed all right the last one the finish we'll cap it off with another layer of sand cover it all up yeah this will be the final layer okay keep covering all this up just like [Music] this okay we did it we did it that's it for the TR itself all that's left Mikey is to set everything up so we can activate the Trap sure we covered up the pinball trap already but we need to be able to activate it by pulling a lever to drop our Target into the hole wow now to line the sides with repeaters like this nice and then it becomes the Ultimate Weapon woah the Ultimate Weapon w then um that should work yeah is that a good spot to leave it looks good good now to cover up all of this perfect perfect all done yep we'll just leave this spot open okay that should be everything it's done so now when we pull the lever all of the sand should drop away amazing then everything standing on top of that area will fall straight into the void our Ultimate Weapon is complete yep that means we've completed all of our security measures we still have 2 hours left until the wle monster comes I'm exhausted the monster could show up at any time H really huh it's the wle monster it's here oh no oh no oh no hang on we got to move hurry the secret door is open get yourself equipped monster huh the Iron Golems are even stronger than I thought they can win there's no problem for them they're beating it too easy I'll give support pizza cake W wao oh no hang on it's coming wo at least we're safe Behind the Walls did the iron golems just lose they're still there they are hold on a second Mikey I think the wriggle monster is it recovering its Health did it just it's coming hang on Mikey it broke through the wall are you serious how wao at least Don't Panic the Iron Golems are still fighting they need support I'll support too we can do it it's taking damage attack the walls were so thick attack seriously the walls melt away like butter oh no the Iron Golems are all down it's coming the lava should do it the lava is so wide will be fine it'll try to get across we'll be fine there's no way it can cross what what now I knew it couldn't cross the lava I knew it it can't cross wait wait seriously it's coming are you serious we'll have to use our Ultimate Weapon what about the house it's about to get wrecked huh oh no our house about to get wrecked our house is getting ripped apart really Mikey we have to use the Ultimate Weapon you need to lead it here to the sand why me why is it always terrible leave our house alone no our house how the wle monster is regenerating too fast can we beat it once it's on the sand it's not safe for you on the sand now Mikey right once it reaches the sand come to the sand I'll activate the pitball Trap huh wao what ah what what was that what just happened seriously what happened oh no hold up it's still alive that was supposed to be our Ultimate Weapon uh huh uh um I guess the wle monster the wle monster slipped it fell off into the void for [Music] Realo well our house may have been completely wrecked but at least the wle monster fell into the void even if it slipped on its own what a relief we fought off the wriggle monster if you enjoyed today's video please make sure to like And subscribe to the channel thanks bye-bye thanks for watching bye
Channel: muzin
Views: 44,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, funny minecraft, zenichi maizen, jj maizen, mikey maizen, maizen raft, maizen security base, maizen volcano, jj and mikey, mizen, Maizen art, mikey turtle, maizen fnaf, maizen security house, maizen challenge, maizen, maizen minecraft, maizen house, maizen jj, maizen shapeshift, mikey became what he draws in minecraft, maizen whatever, jj and mikey whatever, maizen draw, jj and mikey draw, jj and mikey draw challenge, maizen prank, jj and mikey prank
Id: JkxqntcTKT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 21sec (2361 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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