JJ Does AMAZING PRANKS On Mikey! JJ And Mikey NOOB vs PRO The BEST PRANKS in Minecraft Maizen

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all right then my plan for today is to spend the entire day setting up pranks for Mikey will he realize he's being pranked in the end on that note this is Mikey's house I wonder if he's home Mikey's asleep right now I should set up a prank at the front of Mikey's house while I have a chance I'll set up a trap right by this entrance first I grab a carved pumpkin then I'll grab an enchanted book with the curse of binding an anvil an observer and a dispenser now I'll set my trap up beneath the entrance I hope the noise doesn't wake Mikey up and give me away first up I'll put a curse of binding on the carved pumpkin now I have a carved pumpkin that can't be removed once worn now for the next step I'll set up an observer beneath the door the door goes above it am I safe The Observer will react when the door is open now I'll put a dispenser here and then inside I'll insert the carved pumpkin then I'll place redstone dust beneath it now to fill this in finished when this door is opened Mikey will be automatically equipped with the carved pumpkin that he won't be able to remove he won't be able to see much with that carved pumpkin on and he won't even be able to see the ground which is why I'll set a pitfall trap up next Mikey is sure to fall for the Trap when he can't see I think I'll use a command to make a pit right around here that's an enormous pit my prep work is now complete I'll make myself invisible while I wait for Mikey to wake [Music] up I slept really well it looks like Mikey woke up will he realize I've set up a prank I think I'll go get some sunlight to wake myself up huh what happened he fell for it what is this what do I do I can barely see anything but this isn't so bad so I guess I'll go work on the farm ouch what is this what happened uh-oh has he realized that it's a prank oh I must still be dreaming I guess I'll let myself sleep a little more hm good idea good night me Mikey doesn't have a clue that I pranked him I guess I should check up on Mikey how's he doing he's still asleep oh he woke up huh I thought that was a dream huh how strange H whatever I should probably get out of this hole I'll stack blocks to [Music] escape yeah Mikey's climbing out I better move I'll watch how he's doing from a [Music] distance oh I'm finally out of there now then I guess I'll go straight to work on the farm Mikey's on his way to work on the farm so I think I'll race ahead and set up a trap from there I went ahead and now I'm at Mikey's Farm it's pretty big I want to set up a trap before he gets here he even has a chest with lots of seeds inside huh there are a few places around here where Mikey hasn't tilled the soil yet I'd like to use these to set a good trap right I know what to make if the soil gets tilled let's have it activate the Trap that I have in mind now to dig here and I'll set an observer under here I'll set something else up over here let's dig everything out around [Music] here okay I've now made a wide open space underneath Mikey's Farm here right beneath Mikey's Farm I'll completely fill this space full of [Music] TNT finished now if someone tills the soil here it'll send a signal down to the TNT I've stuffed down below and it'll set off a huge explosion to give Mikey a chance I'll place a sign that says do not plow now to go invisible and wait for Mikey to show up oh Mikey's made it to the farm another day of hard work I'll grow lots of food Harvest lots of crops and eat until my belly is full all right huh huh what's this there's a sign on my farm do not plow danger what does that mean how could my farm be dangerous there's nothing wrong with my farm oh I need to plow that soil over there there should be a hoe inside of my chest okay I'll plow here and then I think I'll plant some wheat a little of this all right oh here too I'm growing so much food I can't wait to harvest it let's plow this too just like this huh I need to plow over there too okay here too next [Music] up what what's going on ouch something caused a massive explosion how is that possible no way could it have been oh no Mikey must have figured me out this time my farm was struck by lightning I guess I should be grateful that I was struck by lightning and survived Mikey still doesn't have a clue that I've been pranking him I've been digging so much but I can't seem to find diamonds anywhere it looks like Mikey is searching for diamonds so I think I'll set a trap where he can't see it I think I'll make it over here where there's a large Ravine I see water down there I'll place a huge vein of diamond ore here to lure Mikey over and I'll put lava over here this trap will use diamonds to lure Mikey towards the lava so he'll fall in still even if he falls into the lava and catches fire there's water down below he can put out the fire with that on the other hand that gives me a great idea Mikey will be so hot and desperate for water that he'll probably try to jump in like this he'll want to put the fire out here but I think I'll replace the water with something else all right I've trapped it so that when Mikey attempts to dive into the water he'll smash into these blocks of lapis lazle now it's time for me to go [Music] invisible and wait for Mikey to notice the diamonds there's Mikey I can't seem to find diamonds anywhere huh hang on he saw them are you kidding me there are so many diamonds over here amazing wo ouch what's this it's so hot hold on oh there's a big puddle of water down there I can save myself if I jump in woohoo Booyah Mikey felt for it ouch what on Earth happened to me just now I was sure there was a puddle of water here huh what is this there's no way uh-oh he must have figured out that I've been pranking him hang on this is incredible there are so many blocks of lapis LLY here it's like a mountain of treasure woohoo a Mikey looks so happy he has absolutely no idea this was another one of my elaborate pranks look at him go I'm back from the cave now I'm going to set up the mechanism for another prank before Mikey gets back from [Music] mining I think I'll use these scaffolding blocks sand torches and buckets of lava I can stack scaffolding blocks up high like this now at the highest point of the scaffolding I'll build the pl form for my [Music] trap I'll put torches along here and now I'll put blocks of sand above it I need to finish this trap before Mikey gets home [Music] now I'll pour the lava out of this bucket of [Music] lava all right as you can see I put lava above the layer of sand now I'll cover Mikey's roof with a crazy amount of torches when sand blocks fall into torches they break up and disappear with this done my trap is complete I'm finished if anyone touches the scaffolding it'll break apart and drop the sand and lava from above for this trap the blocks of sand will hit the Torches and disappear allowing only the lava to pour out and cover his house so I think I'll put up a warning not to touch the scaffolding or else something bad will happen I'll put up a sign and make it say danger now I'll wait behind this tree for Mikey to show up this is going to be so good finally home Mikey's come home today was exhausting huh what do we have here it says danger what's dangerous about this huh it leads [Music] upwards I know maybe there's a huge stockpile of apples up there someone must have put up a fake danger sign to make sure no one climbs the scaffolding they won't trick me I'll be taking all of those apples all right H the scaffolding broke what is that huh it's lava hang on my house is going to burn up are you kidding me what do I do my house it's burning up seriously has he figured out that it was a prank my house I feel bad now I'll tell him that it was all a [Music] prank Mikey huh oh JJ the truth is Mikey I've been playing pranks on you all day huh could you tell a whole day of pranks uh it seemed like an ordinary day to me let's get started in today's world anything I draw becomes reality check it out I'll start off drawing something simple I'll add a few more lines and finished W just like that the picture I drew became real my plan today is to use this power to try and prank Mikey without being caught all right I've arrived at Mikey's house I wonder what he's up to um yeah more cookies please a it looks like Mikey's in the middle of a nice dream well let's draw a picture to make Mikey wake up right away for starters a little of this some green yes this goes here all right time to draw the face just like [Music] this awesome now there's one more thing to add something like this and I'll color it in add the letters finally a bit of this and done oh it worked the TNT is dropping onto Mikey wao huh hey what was that what just happened success I'm so confused JJ I just randomly blew up all of a sudden do you have any idea what happened to me must have been a freak accident oh that's unlucky so weird that was scary phew he hasn't caught on well I'm getting hungry there should be something to eat in the chest inside my house huh there's nothing in here oh a it looks like Mikey doesn't have anything to eat I'll draw another picture to prank him again I know exactly what I'll draw this time it looks something like this then for this part I'll color it in that's good for this last part I'll draw these I just need to write something here almost done there now let's watch Mikey oh I'm so hungry huh JJ my house doesn't have any anything to eat inside oh and I'm super duper [Music] hungry no way check it out it's raining cakes wow wo that's amazing Mikey awesome this is incredible but why is it raining cakes that's so strange something is weird today hey JJ you're not the one doing this are you uh uh maybe you're just lucky H I knew it some days are just luckier than others hooray I'm so hungry I'm lining up all my cakes so I can eat them like this wow that's delicious I can't believe how much I ate I'm so full hey JJ I want to try climbing this Cliff hm why Mikey see there's some really pretty flowers at the top of the cliff but I don't think I'll be able to climb that high it's too much effort let's try to find another way up H you're right that's an extremely tall Cliff let's think about this huh oh give me a sec okay sure all right let's do this thing I'm going to prank Mikey by bringing another picture to life this time around I'm I'm going to do something different something like this up here color it in then I got to dot the eyes now to finish it off I'll draw some of this there it's finished let's head back over to Mikey oh JJ what were you doing hey I don't think I'll be able to climb the cliff so let's find another way to reach the top nah there's no need for that why not well for starters try jumping I bet if you jump you can probably reach the top what are you talking about JJ that could never work see how tall it is there's no way I could jump up there why don't you just give it a shot H I'll try you're acting really weird today JJ I'm going to try jumping 3 2 one wow h how did I oh no no way what was that what happened GJ could it be uh-oh did he catch on my jumping ability must be amazing I can reach the top of the cliff in one shot with a jumping ability like mine I'll have no trouble making it all the way up there okay here I go 3 2 1 w amazing yes yes yes I'm going to make it wow Hy to the top Mikey climbed that cliff in an instant I guess it's my turn wao that's a big jump W oh there's Mikey huh oh hi JJ look at this there's so many flowers over there it's amazing amazing these are what I really wanted look call these flowers all for me wow Mikey still doesn't realize that I pranked him JJ JJ H what's up Mikey I have plenty of flowers now so I'm going to go find a cave I'm definitely not afraid of them anymore Yep looks like he found his cave H is there anything good down [Music] here oh sh hang on ow zombies skeletons too there are way too many so I got to run away I'm glad Mikey decided to explore a cave but these monsters aren't good there are so many of them all right I'll hide in here I hope somebody comes by to save me hang on a second wait this is a dead end at this rate the zombies will get me in no time how am I supposed to get out of here thank goodness he got away but it doesn't look like there's any way for Mikey to escape plus there's a big swarm of zombies in here it's up to me to save Mikey with another amazing drawing prank I think I know what to draw this time I'll draw this part first and next comes the face like this there there now it's time to draw something that goes over his whole body I think something like this should do it last but not least the head looks kind of like this yeah that'll work great the most important thing comes next a little something like this I'll color it in and draw a little of this inside the lines this is going to be epic so far so good nice it's finished now let's go check on how Mikey's doing oh it's no use I'm not going to make it I want to go back to the surface he hey the picture I drew became reality Mikey's wearing the best [Music] equipment hey wait a sec where did this diamond armor come from huh and what's the deal with the l gun in my hands wow this is awesome I can definitely escape with this woohoo I should get back to the surface first I need to open up this wall let's go I can beat the zombies like this booya I'm so powerful I can't believe it this laser rifle is insanely strong nothing can shop me now I'm Invincible woohoo wo yay nice this is great I did it looks like Mikey you'll make it out okay woohoo I'm Invincible I just thought of another fun prank all right I'm going to start drawing here this time it'll look a little something like this there that looks good next I'll color it in and draw over it like this this is really coming together finally I'll draw the inside of it just a little bit more okay I'm almost done last thing there finished let's see how it turned out wa all right Mikey's house has a nether portal for an entrance now the moment Mikey tries to enter his house he'll be pranked by being sent into The Nether okay I better wait for Mikey to come home it's Mikey here he comes what a long day time to relax and home I think I'll have some cold juice in my cool air conditioned home yes Mikey was sent to the nether instead of going inside his house I wonder what happened to him down there let's follow him to see how he's doing there he is Mikey JJ uh-oh has he figured it out what am I going to do the inside of my house is super duper messy what's going [Music] on all right let's get started awesome if you enjoy it please like And subscribe thank you okay 3 2 1 start go before we see modded doors let's check out ordinary doors oh yeah I know those like this oak door here exactly everyone knows oak doors those are the most common but over here oh I've put modded doors on these houses and there's a door that's so well hidden there's no way you'll find it mhm but if you do find it there's a door laboratory inside really I have to find it come on hurry up and show me the doors okay this is our second door do you know what it is it looks Japanese mhm were these doors in Minecraft before these slide open right I haven't seen anything like that before so it's pretty cool let's open it you're right these are Japanese sliding paper doors from the mod but will it slide watch this open wo it's nice thank you wow it even makes a nice sound just like the real thing really oh I can see through it too so that was the sliding paper door and this is what it looks like when you place it neat let's see the next one number two a prison cell H looks serious but JJ it's surrounded by iron bars I don't see a way in so what you're saying is there's no entrance here well yeah I mean it is all made of iron bars there's no door did you forget it there is a way in how there's a button here huh oh wow mhm that's amazing cool wow the bars are the door um JJ H I'm stuck Mikey let me out all right hold on okay thanks hurry oh I made it watch out they won't open without a lever or a button it locks from the outside it's a good present you're right this is what it's like oh then you place a button oh I see get it now yep let's move on Wow look here we are this modern house has a super high-tech door installed check it out it looks pretty cool huh yeah just looking at it I can tell it's futuristic it looks expensive too so awesome but how do we open this JJ I'm standing right in front of it and it's still shut tight this door is also manual huh see oh this one might be better if it were automatic yeah I'll set up some pressure plates on this side and oh there nice now it's an automatic door that's way more Hightech right yeah now I want one of these doors for my house it's pretty cool there's even a second floor wo let's move on to the next one Tada look at this it's a big mansion with a giant door no kidding this door is perfect for a gigantic place T like this what's it like inside I want to see please please please okay it's huge but you still have to open it by hand is it really heavy it's beautiful inside wow there's a fireplace and a nice [Music] painting let's go upstairs there's more mhm wow so nice oh oh here's the bedroom you can see the first floor hey JJ H the balcony door is huge too 3 2 1 wo open from here we can see the ocean it's beautiful definitely mhm I'd like to live here I really like this Manion it's perfect really huh wait look what I see something it's outside of this window look oh what is it JJ well Mikey yeah I'll show you I've used another Super interesting door really let's go all right see this y you can see better from back here it's a garage wo fancy mhm how does it open it looks heavy if you look to the left there's a lever to pull can I mhm let's do it this is exciting ready to see it open 3 2 1 W there's a car inside isn't it cool it's awesome I really like this garage it doesn't open from the inside so don't get trapped I'll come out well that was the garage huh oh gig look what is it that was the last house but it's is that it are we finished already huh no Mikey we're not done wait there's more oh right there's an impossible to find door H exactly if I remember correctly it's around here somewhere try to find it [Music] Mikey aha hm I figured it out oh yeah [Music] ready yeah it doesn't seem to be around here so it must be inside one of the houses it's just a gut feeling I'm going with let's check every house oh wait go hold on don't go why it's over here look see look closer where H it's not here is this a [Music] joke come over here see huh look closely see the coloring um well now that you mention it I think I do yeah seeing is believing now let's try opening this door 3 2 1 open oh can I go in is it a secret hideout let's go in oh wow there's more inside what's this yep there's the hatch so cool the secret hideout is through that hatch Mikey oh ready let's open it up wo nice [Music] wow I'll go first Mikey okay come on in what's in here it looks cool through here is the secret hideout ow really the secret hideout is where I've been experimenting with doors there are so many you haven't seen yet it's like a laboratory yep let me see okay if you're ready let's [Music] go mhm H it's so dark I can't see a thing see the lever pull that to turn on the lights this yep what's in here 3 2 1 wow there are so many doors cool huh wow let's try opening the different doors yeah plank oh I like it oh yeah what do you think of this one I like this one the most I can't reach it all of these are nice I can open this one too uh Mikey wow this would be perfect for hide-and seek we have curtains too really yeah oh swish uh where'd you go here I see you you found me there are lots of doors here huh H what's this oh the that yeah well that's just a machine to make absolutely undetectable doors you want to try it out Mikey really undetectable doors I want to try okay do you see all the crafting tables yep and bookshelves yeah the blocks of diamond uh-huh we have all of these walls let's make secret doors to match oh that's a great idea okay so how does it work first we need to get the right materials for them those are inside the chest oh h Huh there's some kind of barrier what do I do well follow me Mikey okay we'll go this way nice doors next we'll go through this door oh and now we'll open this chest here what's that this device deactivate Ates force fields W it's dangerous so I HD it away let's shut and lock this behind us to be safe how does it work JJ you just activate it really it's easy ready 3 2 1 wow it turns it on and off I closed it on myself be careful okay Mikey yeah these are the materials for us to use maybe we should make an example first but which one the crafting table let's do it okay let's put a hidden door right here mhm it's really easy to use H I'll start with this choosing the sound it makes like this then comes the hard part H frame type and top block material we have to choose what the door looks like if we make it all the same then it will be hidden within the wall see yeah I'll use crafting tables then create the door and there it is wo let's try it out here we go where's the door huh you can't tell it apart from far away oh wow wow cool you could play hide and seek and never be caught definitely how cool is that all right Mikey here oh it's my turn take this too thanks I'll try it good luck I'll use this to make the doors you got this
Channel: muzin
Views: 228,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, shrek craft, jj maizen, mikey maizen, maizen jj and mikey, jj and mikey minecraft, jj and mikey, mikey and jj, maizen, mikey, minecraft mizen, minecraft jj, minecraft mikey, minecraft maizen jj, maizen minecraft, mikey minecraft, mikey jj, jj mikey, maizen jj, maizen mikey, maizen mikey jj, mike and jj, jj and mike, zenichi maizen, mizen, maisen, mikey and, mike and jay jay, maizen craft, mynez, maizen pranks, maizen prank, jj and mikey prank, jj and mikey drew
Id: h55ZMtHuYJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 21sec (2241 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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