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M good morning Mikey how did you sleep good morning JJ I slept great I had a very strange dream let's watch TV all right ha guys let's get out of here before help arrives how dumb are the cops that we were able to escape so easily thank you dude you're just an escape genius see you in a couple of years hey guys why are you standing there maybe you want to look at me haaha I told you I'd punish you all someday and now I need to go to another country maybe I should go to Cuba I hope you are all ready for this operation well then get ready to shoot there's a bunch of guards out there do we need to kill them right away of course shoot them before they call the cops and now let's go to the bank everybody down this is a robbery if no one moves then no one will get hurt hey you open the safe now it worked that way too now get out of here as soon as possible I planted a bomb here let's get out of here and go to the Gathering Place oo what is going on in the world anyway did everyone suddenly go crazy or something let's go see it live then I suggest starting the inspection with the bank because it is located right next to our house great let's look at what happened to the bank what a horror happened there I can't believe all this just happened let's go see how the staff are doing there oh my God there's almost nothing left after the explosion all the doors are broken the windows are broken and the floor is broken too what have they done here o that is he was really killed how is that what kind of beasts did this is that my dad how is that hey dad wake up I want to go home to my mom let's go eat together I have some bad news for you Dad won't be able to eat with you anymore because he went to get bread it's not funny bring my dad back go get someone who can help him okay we'll go get some help and you don't go anywhere while Dad oh I mean just sit here hey JJ you don't know how to talk to kids at all you should learn from me and you seem to be able to you actually said that he went to get bread that's why you better not tell me anything let's go home and take our swords with us and go to prison because we don't know what might be waiting for us there mhm H do you think these swords can help us who are we going to fight there they have weapons by the time you get to them they'll have fired a whole magazine at you it seems the prison is in that direction it's not for nothing that this Banner is hanging there so that we can easily find him and this sword is needed to make me feel better because I just told the child to wait for his father therefore we need to go to prison soon and see how they are doing sheesh what all the jailers really ran away here it turns out that the news does not lie because it looked like they were making a movie do you think we can go in there and take a look at everything from the inside knock knock is anyone there we came in anyway H who is here who are you guys if you can call someone for help because I urgently need a helping hand I agree you could use a hand ouch I meant it hey is there anyone here the guy needs help here urgently help him seems everyone has already run away it's okay to tell everyone that I tried to stop those criminals who was calling for help hm what happened to you Martin what happened to you who did this to you hey Martin answer me Adam is that you I tried to stop those Bandits but I failed forgive me tell everyone that I am what are you doing Martin no how is it why didn't you run away what a horror look at what's going on on TV what should we do now it's just crazy what happened to everyone all of a sudden h Huh did they really think they could beat us with some kind of helicopter a few moments later their base must be here somewhere it's so good that Adam decided to share a weapon with us on the condition that we finish off those robbers who did it all look over there they're standing there do you think you can shoot them from here I I don't know I need to try but I don't think I have enough experience then why do let's go kill them up close with a sword Take These Wings and we can fly in them unnoticed all right we need to be careful even though they should be weak but there are still a lot of them so get ready to fight hey guys what's the matter with you you look tense should I give you a neck massage with this sword uh Mikey how is it how could we lose to them they were such weaklings JJ that's because they were a lot of them and there were only two of us that's why they were able to kick us off in a crowd you're right right Mikey do you see this poster come on let's get closer and see what's written there m buy a Hulkbuster what is it do you know something I also don't know what this poster says so let's go and ask the seller Hi man what kind of hulkbusters tell us I knew you were here for a Hulkbuster in fact you are lucky that I have just two left for you it will cost $64 you'd better hurry later because I don't know how many more people will come for this so what do you say them for us we'll be back for them a little later we need to take money from home JJ where are we going to get that kind of money do you know look back and you see a poster that says money so we can find money there let's go there soon and look at everything with our own eyes M what kind of sandbox is this are we supposed to be looking for the key to this locked chest it's going to be very long and boring do you think so too Mikey no I think it's better to look for the key like this than to dig a mine for several hours it's just that you're not used to easy work that's why it's better he hey h there's nothing here I told you it was just a scam let's go find better places where we can find money I have an idea JJ let's go to the bank then I think there are saves in which there is money I don't think anyone would mind if we took a couple great idea I think there should definitely be money there well let's see how much money we can find there uh this seems to be some kind of joke because there is a dollar in each of these safes I don't think there will be enough safes here for us to accumulate $64 there doesn't seem to be anything left here at [Music] all let's try to look in all the saves maybe there's something left I think I know why there's nothing here at all this bank has been robbed for a long time that's why there's nothing here at all is it because of these robbers that that we won't be able to find the money what should we do now I don't know where we can make money either even if there is no money in the bank maybe then let's go tell that seller that we no longer need to book those Hulk Busters huh Mikey I know what we should do let's go there soon it seems there is a miner standing there maybe we can find a job at his place it seems to be his mine I think it will be very useful for us hello Miner is this your mine we would like to dig up all the ore there you don't don't mind do you of course take it away then I'll come home as soon as possible hey how lucky we are that there are a lot of emeralds in this mine and now we need to dig up everything here and we will have money 2 hours later I said it was the best thing that could happen let's go to this Miner and give him all the emeralds we've dug up M guys I didn't know you could dig up so many emeralds you are just Mega miners keep your dollars thank you more for the help now that we have a lot of money let's go back to that cell and buy hulkbusters mhm I didn't think it would be so easy to dig a mine Hi man we came with the money you said you needed $64 but we decided to give you a little more because you held them for us so I hope you like it thank you guys very much you are simply the best customers in the world did you need a Hulkbuster then wait here I'll go get them to bring them for you great we did it because you're the best salesman we know that's why we don't mind the money for you then let's go outside because these hulkbusters are very big and you need to look at them from the street I'll be right back all right some strange salesman how did he put these hulkbusters in his house maybe he has a basement or something like that I don't know but I think he tricked us huh guys you're so dumb how could you even believe that ha now I'm a millionaire I may never work again in my life stop you you're just a pathetic coward how is that did he really deceive us so easily maybe you shouldn't have given him so much money what are we going to do now I don't know let's take a closer look at his store because it's obviously not his store maybe the real owner lives somewhere nearby maybe so but it seems to me that we will not be able to find the real owner because he just ran away with our money and it's just disgusting maybe we can find something let's ask his neighbor who lives opposite hi guys so you were deceived by this seller I thought so he's just an ordinary liar and he'll come back back here what was he selling there come to my house my brother was the owner of this store and he just stole all the documents and now it's his store but in fact it's not that's why I'm living here to catch him and punish him for being a seller that's why I keep what my brother sold in my basement come here these are The Smashing hell Busters you wanted I'll give them to you for free because I'm sure you've given a lot of money for it dude this is just crazy I didn't think it was possible to keep such a thing in my basement at all you are a real hero if we get these hulkbusters we must take revenge on this Crook and those who did all this so you want to take revenge on this seller then I think I can trust you with something else and if you also want to find those who robbed the bank then you definitely need this W shees guys everything you find here and lying in the chest is yours I hope that you really take revenge on all these villains and not just go with it all of course we will take revenge don't even doubt it then I wish you good luck then I'll go wait for that salesman in my house all right Mikey this guy is just the miracle we needed now let's take a closer look at what's in those chests hey hey there are just a bunch of weapons in these chests that will be useful to us I can't believe it was actually in his basement this is just crazy how long did he keep it h i don't even have enough room in my inventory for this weapon I think with this we will definitely easily defeat all the robbers who robbed the bank who escaped from prison do you know what the coolest thing is we haven't taken the best weapons that are here yet these are the hulkbusters let's go put them on soon sheesh we've really become these Hulk blasters it's just incredible let's see what this suit is capable of because it seems to me that this is much better than any other costume in the world MH and these weapons what do you think about them I think they're just great because they are so powerful that my hands are shaking after I shot from one of them I think these weapons are good for for anything we can do so many good things for example right now we can fly towards the bases of these robbers and blow up the entire base because they did a very bad thing and you can't forgive that mhm JJ come here I can see their base they have guns but I don't think these guns will be able to penetrate the armor of our Hulkbuster suits of course what are their weapons is this a weapon it looks like a baby slingshot I don't think they can do anything against us because we'll kill them so easily that I can't even feel their blows look at them they are afraid of us but they do not give up either they are very brave or they are very stupid because they don't stand a chance against us JJ didn't they have an army it seems to me or there were more of them oh right we just knocked out a large chunk of their Warriors very quickly to defeat us you need more than 100 even 1,000 against us in the meantime you're just a regular morning workout for us ouch there are very few of you left I think you should have just run away from here well it's too late because we've come for you and you can't escape anymore God these weapons are too good to exist with them we kill them so easily that it seems to me that it's in a dream hey hey Mikey let's look for a place where they keep all the money because they had to hide it all somewhere JJ come here I found some kind of Passage to the basement I think they keep all the money here great job Mikey but what are we going to do with all this can we take it all away because we have too many weapons and I won't be able to take all the money they stole with me JJ I have an idea how we can do this let's put our guns here and take the money with us and go back to prison and give it to Adam for helping us in in the beginning and then we'll go to that kid in the bank and give him all the money so he can live on his own then let's go to jail soon how strange does that sound you should be sent there for what you said to that boy a few moments later hi Adam we were able to take revenge on those robbers so here's the money to rebuild the prison and improve the security system and some more weapons so that you can fight them off if they can escape again guys thank you very much Martin and I are very grateful to you we will definitely improve our prison so that this never happens again then good luck to you Adam hurry up and fly to that boy before he leaves there I hope he's still there hello boy we were able to avenge your father then why did you come here to show off no we came to give you money so that you can provide for yourself and if you need more money then you can call us we will give you more that's why it's such a compensation for your father oh I mean that's his whole salary for Life in short you know what to do with it JJ you need to learn how to talk to Children you're kind of dumb I do not know why I said that the main thing is that we helped him
Channel: Maibek JJ
Views: 261,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GDL41Xxxmbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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