JJ and Mikey Escape From Five Nights Freddy's Fnaf At Night in Minecraft Challenge Maizen

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it's night time already I'm pretty hungry yeah me too was that the doorbell oh it's here nice huh what is it oh thanks huh wow what it's what I ordered check it out JJ oh what did you order Mikey well taada M here awesome oh is that yep I ordered a special Pizza mhm oh wow let's eat while it's hot what a nice surprise let's eat yum yum so good huh huh what oh H it's so dark in here now oh the power must have gone out uh wait there's something on the TV the puppet attacks and eats people at night reported sightings of the puppet are coming in from all over everyone is asked to be extremely careful at night please be safe what there's a puppet that eats people at night lurking somewhere nearby whoa that's pretty scary I better be careful oh the power's back on Mike did you see that news alert yep our town has been taken over by a gang I don't know what that means well I'm sure we'll be fine as long as we stay inside our house I'm tired from the move so let's call it a night that was weird well I guess so I don't know any more than you do huh we'll be okay if we stay inside it'll be fine yeah it's really late now so let's sleep I'm tired pH good night JJ mhm sleep [Music] well huh how long was I out and where am I this looks like a train and the other passengers they're asleep too uh oh Mikey's here too hey Mikey wait what was that noise huh someone just entered the train car am I crazy or is there a monkey on the train he just killed a villager this is bad he's coming this way we need to get out of here and fast come on Mikey wake up he's not waking up what do I do I don't have much time I may have to wake him up by force Mikey come on you have to wake up hey what was that for you're so mean JJ I was having such a nice dream now's not the time Mikey we have to get out of here what are you talking talking about look what is that thing let's get out of here now all right hurry run away oh no the door is sealed off with iron bars there's nowhere to run seriously what are we going to do uh uh oh there's a chest maybe this will help us oh it's just some loaves of bread it's no good Mikey there was nothing useful in there at all oh uh-oh we're out of time what the monkey's caught up it's all over for us we can't give up come on think wait what we're back in our home this must have been a dream but it felt so real oh no stop it sounds like Mikey is having a nightmare I'll wake him up go away Mikey wake up are you okay huh it was only a dream are you all right Mikey that sounded like a really bad dream oh JJ in my dream we were on a train being attacked by a monkey it was right about to get us I'm glad that wasn't real a dream where a monkey was attacking us are are you sure yeah why well I had the exact same dream huh no way you're joking oh no I have a bad feeling about this huh what are you talking about hold on let me check [Music] something is this the monkey you saw yeah that's exactly what I saw right now for the first time in human history an artificial human is undergoing testing will the human be [Music] completed what's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] happening huh what happened uh what happened to the artificial human did it fail I'm not really sure but more importantly I'm hungry JJ let's eat potatoes today okay well okay let's go pick some potatoes let's go another day in Paradise yeah all right here's our farm let's Harvest some potatoes is this enough sure okay let's eat I'm hungry let's use the campfire to bake our potatoes I'll light it up oh just like this let's eat them later when they're cooked all the way through wow it smells good already yeah it'll take a while for them to cook this way let's go for a walk then the weather is so nice Okay that's a great idea this is our Village's famous giant Fountain it's beautiful yep it's the best huh definitely hey the market sure is busy today wow there are a lot of people our village is Lively it's the best village around it's always so peaceful yep H what's that sound what is it Raiders they're attacking H wao it's zombies really zombies no this is bad oh no y are we safe oh no wo waa huh wow Mikey look at that yeah we have three iron golems so our village is safe no matter how bad the attack yep our village is safe and sound it's great yeah it's about time the potatoes are done oh they're cooked all the way through thanks pH let's eat h M yummy oh yum mhm [Music] delicious wonderful another peaceful day let's go home all right let's go the doors are locked H what's that what it's an emergency alert huh really turn on the TV terrible news the city is being annihilated by a bizarre wle monster oh [Applause] no what huh what was that huh a mysterious wle monster attacked the city huh how could this happen JJ there's no way that the City was destroyed it's fake news besides even if our village is attacked the Iron Golems are sure to protect us you saw it earlier we have the strongest Golems around I have a bad feeling about all this you worry too much whatever happens the police can handle it you're right let's turn in and get some sleep all right good night sweet dreams I slept so well let's have another day of peace and quiet hang on another news alert huh oh man what is it this time tragedy the entire police force of alpha Village was attacked by the monster and were wiped [Applause] out what wait isn't Alpha Village close by yeah and the entire police force was destroyed huh but it's fake news there's no way the police could be wiped out besides our village has the Ultimate Iron Golems remember they can take on that silly rigle monster and exterminate it they can definitely win I'm not so certain are we safe here we're fine I still feel uneasy how about we make an underground shelter oh all right you're such a worry wart maybe but it wouldn't hurt to have it just in case I guess so I'll help you build it you ready yep we'll start by making the safety shelter somewhere underneath our existing house sure okay where should we put the entrance I want it to be inside the house H how about over in the corner sounds good to me like this oh nice time to dig deep [Music] down underground shelters should be pretty deep this looks good now we dig out the space okay oh thanks Mikey we'll definitely need a ladder yep just just in case it's only meant for emergencies so it doesn't need to be too big okay this should be good enough to survive for a few days dig it out like this looks good this should be wide enough yeah okay how about a desk put that there this is a good spot for sofa yep nice next up Mikey this is a shelter so for the entrance what do you think it's like a secret hatch wo in an emergency we'll go down like this see oh down here we're safe and cozy yeah well it's better than nothing absolutely all right that means we're finished we should be able to survive whatever may happen in our neat little shelter this is awesome I hope we get a chance to use it sometime but we probably won't huh wait a sec H that sound what is it uh it's really loud yeah what's going on out there I don't know let's check it out okayy huh well waa hang on JJ huh what is that thing Mikey that's the thing from TV the mysterious wle monster and it's here to destroy the village it's after us Mikey get to the shelter run hurry into the shelter oh man what was that go quick what's going to happen to us what about our village at least our village is protected by the Iron Golems so maybe it'll be okay only the five of us were able to make it are we in the clear yet H I feel like it's gotten quiet out there yeah I wonder what it's like outside well I'm sure the Iron Golems must have slain the wle monster by now should we check I hope you're right let's go see yeah all right here we go outside how bad could it [Music] be [Music]
Channel: JayJay & Mikey - Minecraft
Views: 410,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, zenichi maizen, jj maizen, mikey maizen, maizen raft, maizen lava securuty base, maizen volcano, jj and mikey, mizen, Maizen art, mikey turtle, maizen fnaf, maizen security house, maizen challenge, minecraft security house, maizen craft, maizen, paw patrol minecraft, minion minecraft, fnaf minecraft, chucky minecraft, freddy minecraft
Id: go0a0THTxC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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