Jimmy Boi Reveals How To Spot Real And Fake Diamonds, Accuracy of Fake Watch Busta

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now can you tell the difference between fake diamonds with a naked eye and if so how man nowadays the jury business is so crazy they got so many things that you can't really tell I would say 9 out of 10 I can tell usually when it's just too rain bully and too clear that's when it's probably not diamonds but it's hard now unless they're like big stones like big rocks those little stones you can't tell me that the game is sick it's crazy I feel like the jury game is all about preference now what you prefer you know go diamonds or silver alloy it's all about a preference though and when you say you can tell 9 out of 10 times can you tell far away or do you have to be up close and and really on someone to really be able to tell if it's usually an 89 it's usually you could just tell a lot of stuff especially like and when I say the good stuff that you can't tell it would actually be custom-made like you know we have customers that come and say hey you know what I want to make this piece and silver and cubic zirconia and to be honest with you to me I don't consider that a fake piece we're doing the same work we're doing as a jeweler we're just using different metals and different gems but now if he takes that piece and he's wearing it and he's claiming he's spending a certain amount and it's he's going around saying it's gold then then then it's a fake piece you know and that's my whole like definition to that or my opinion about it but most of the time people are rocking like the middle of the mall stuff or or the stuff you'll see on eBay that you know you can just tell off top like the craftsmanship to work on it like nobody would even spend that kind of money on something that looked that trash but then like I said there are people that are actually making custom pieces spending the money to get them customized and using different metals and gems now when it comes to rappers when you say you can spot nine out of ten fake jewelry oh but when it comes to rappers you know rappers you might meet rappers you might see or just catch real quick if you could put in your opinion well of course without naming names mm-hmm what would you say nowadays in your judgement in your opinion would you say rappers are wearing fake jewelry versus real jewelry or maybe a mix of both or what's going on nowadays I think majority is fake and I feel like the ones that have the real ones do have some fake ones too or have some that aren't made of gold you know and then in diamonds have you been disappointed by someone that you've spotted to wear jewelry and you know it's faked is that I wouldn't say disappointed but you know like I said it's a preference now coming from a generation where I come from it's just if you want something you work for it if you want to Rolex you work for the Rolex you know you know buy a swatch or watch that look like a Rolex to act like it's a Rolex you know so it's just like I don't want to say like as I was a judgmental but it's like I feel like it speaks a lot about a person especially when you know that they're acting like it's real it's just what is the point of that you know like I would respect the person that said you know I wear silver jury I don't I don't I don't have no need for the gold why spend money and invest into that you know I know some millionaires that wear fake watches and stuff and I'm nowhere near their their their price and all my watches you know I have a good taste for the watches and I rather just have that you know just buy that to them it's like I'll spend a thousand dollars I would lose a thousand anyways if I bought the real one and sold it so I'm just gonna spend a thousand and wear the fake one but it's preference you know I just can't do it you know I just can't and when you say it's a preference and we're talking about fake jewelry and real jewelry and purrs getting fake jewelry are they getting fake jewelry to save money are they getting fake jewelry because they feel like they may lose the piste or they might not be very responsible with it so it's something that hey if I lose it who cares it was fake anyways it doesn't matter do you feel like maybe some rappers are maybe I don't want to say well let's just say for just a purpose is just scary and maybe they're afraid they might get robbed or jumped and they might lose a piece are any of these reasons why people give fake pieces or you know those sound like some very logical and good reasons I think some are like that but you know and this is just my opinion but I feel like maybe more just believing that saying fake it till you make it you know the the illusion the look you know I feel like that's what it's all about now it's looking the part you know until you get the part now do rappers rent jewelry I've heard of it I've heard of I've heard of a lot of crazy things and I know it's true but we don't do that on our side you know we just rather deal with just straight-out business you know but there's there's a lot of stuff and I think I might get some slack for this but they're they're renting they're doing payments they're financing now it's crazy man it's definitely crazy you know now when we were talking about fake jewelry how accurate are those diamond testers I see some people you man I'll tell you they're the one that's kind of like a pen they're they're pretty accurate but then they're not I've one time I had a customer come in trying to sell me as a P watch autumn Morris and they do is from out of town so he came and we worked out the price and something just told me like this get it checked and so I'm like I'm hitting the bezel and it's hitting diamond and when I started getting to the band it was like telling me it was it and I at first I was I always do trying to get me later on you know we brought it to you know upstairs to our professional and he had like a more accurate one and we made sure that it was so those pens sometimes you know they don't they don't work too well you know I mean but they're pretty accurate they're as accurate as it could be you know in the situation now let's talk a little bit more accuracy fake watch buster yes sir how accurate are they fake watch bird he knows what he's talking about he definitely does but my personal opinion on that situation is that how can you really tell by a picture it could be at a different angle I've even had people try to get him to bust me on certain things and it might be the angle of the watch and you know the date window bite look off because of the angle it's facing you know so he's very accurate he knows what he's talking about but I just feel like you can't really 100% unless you can unless it's like them super fake joints I really feel like you just can't 100% Nova watches fake or real unless you get in your hands and you open it up because they got some really good rep because I've even heard of gold presidential Rolexes that are made out of gold with the fake motors I've heard of crazy I've heard of all kinds of stuff you
Channel: DJ Smallz Eyes 2
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Keywords: dj smallz, dj smalls, southern smoke, dj smallz eyes, dj smalls eyes, jimmy boi, team done right, live 2 hustle, jimmy boi interview, jimmy boi video, interview, video, nike jacket, jewelry, jeweler, jewelry business, fake diamonds, real diamonds, cubic zerconia, custom jewelry, rolex, swatch, jewelry rental, renting jewelry, diamond tester, diamond tester accuracy, fake watch busta, Jimmy Boi Reveals How To Spot Real And Fake Diamonds, Accuracy of Fake Watch Busta
Id: gjdo2HyVi2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2016
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