Meet Cam'ron and Lil Baby's Go-To Jewelers, Avianne and Co.

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life is a struggle so is a sport you have ups you have downs you have left's you have rights you have great moments you have sad moments you know so that's the same thing I try to have my team believe in and I try to instill that the work ethic the drive the competitive spirit just the strength to constantly move forward and never never look back no matter what the outcome is you know come in first leave last day in and day out just with the same enthusiasm my name is Joseph Aaron by eV I'm the CEO of Avion e & co jewelers in 1999 when we started it was just four of us today it's 25 of us my family's been doing this business for 43 years my grandfather my father's they started in the jewelry industry as manufacturers so they would produce product and wholesale it to stores just like mine in 1991 we came into the family business we what I mean by is my brother and my cousins is that we just asked our family like we don't want to do manufacturing and do wholesale and we want to build a brand growing up in East New York Brooklyn we knew a lot of our friends you know they they became entertainers they went into the music business others went into the sports room and so on and so forth so there's it was only right to utilize what we have as a family business and converted into a Empire is er not mad scientist being easy or mad brothers I'm actually a diamond chef meaning what does that mean meaning that I know what I'm looking at when I when I look into any storm I know the color the clarity the COTS you guys see a finished product but this is where it actually all happens response from starts something very simple only to the complicated piece we sell art like this for example Sam [Music] you can't hold what inspires you back you got to move forward and you gotta create little pomp walks in here and he wanted his name across his chest stating little pomp I told him when I think about your name all I could think about his pump action and what-what does pump action a sawed-off shotguns that's what comes to my mind I created a graphic image of it I send it to him he approved and that particular necklace like the way the necklace is made that hasn't been done for thousands of years I sat down I looked up the history of jewelry and the only thing that really comes to my mind is Egypt they were you know world power so what we ended up doing is basically recreating like the way the necklace would lay on a person took today's generation that was the main key to get it to sit right so I know when I'm wearing this I'm on stage so and it's just hitting on every corner it's like what some king tux you know it's not your average chain it's like a choker and then the shotgun is gonna hang right over it's just an amazing chain the babies mad cool person he randomly walks in comes in and buys a ring first that we had sitting in a showcase he fell in love with the scorpion ring you know I'm a scorpion myself so I we put a lot of attention into that ring cos that was you know that's my science so I said you know what we're gonna make this craziest scorpion ring and he end up buying that one and a little pump whoa the other one so it's only two made so I'm not making any more that's it and then while he was sitting there one of my designers was at the store at that time and he approached him and he was like hey why don't we create you something sick something you know unique he's like you know what you guys handle let me see you to God we call this the baby zombie which we custom-made for him holy detail we actually added blue diamond studs to the baby and you have his name as a pendant you have another chain their rings it's fully detailed the Nike sneakers the enamel I mean it just took a lot of time into this even if you're standing from the side and you're looking at it like what is that you know this is something different the safty brothers you're talking about okay I'm the guy who did the jewelry for Adam like but that starved they would ring he had with a four carat in the middle that was me the rule the Rolex he was wearing with the red face you know I had two swag him off New York style I put a Cuban bracelet on him I forget him we don't have to get him looking right I get a phone call from my friend and client camera on my girl what's up well I'm like myself Hiller he's like I'm here with the sakti brothers and they were Adam Sandler and they wanna you know come and see how you worked like for real he's like it like three hours later bring it on my doorbell and I was anything would happen that instant because they were in New York I guess Adam physician or that that is important that so they make things happen quick and that's how the connection happened since is he's the one who does all the buying of the diamonds all the production part of our company as far as all the pieces being built that was his portion so he is he for about say 45 days or 60 days or so they sat here and you watched how I actually you see what she's doing and asking questions what's this we told him we explained to what a loop is look into a diamond daily operations and you know where's my money whereas that was this so you can see a daily life of a diamond dealer in a store a little bit having done that you know we built our own relationship with with the film crew and the safty brothers and my nephew which is my brother's son ended up landing a major role in the movie played Adam Sandler son it was randomly it wasn't something they asked if I had a son all of this and that and my nephew was outside with with my son they were betting on something my son was like nah you did I my nephew's quiet point for the quiet one myself yeah I'm telling you gonna see and they were looking for an aggressive for two-year-old you know and you know smart as wise as that proved for you also they were like hey war you and my son was like um no my father's in happy anyway it was job oh we know your father blah blah blah and then they contact me and don't come in to take an audition and it and they took him I was surprised myself that he got I'm like where did you act like that like from you yeah I'm like it you see that I mean we're here Tikku usually picked up something good for me I said except the [ __ ] part except the part like I got a [ __ ] like I was I mean that's funny no [Music] almost 300 days out of the year I was gone constantly living on the road in and out of hotels motels you know just bobbin and Weavin the business that I'm in is a very lucrative business the product that I have is it's a commodity you know you can liquidate it anywhere so you know just putting myself out there was a mission in itself seven years ago I was at the Hard Rock Cafe and my my vehicle got shot at 40 times dramatic multi-million dollar jewelry heist in Midtown three men trio of bandits tied up stories tied up and then robbed workers at gunpoint CBS 2's Christina face the rivalry that's something usually don't talk about it you know it takes me back to a place where I you know [ __ ] happen to such people at the end of the day they came in three guys acting like they were gay I don't discriminate I said okay come in I'll work with you so he picks out the ring and I take the one guy to the back you know at that moment my son and my nephews in the back picking out watches that they were gonna wear to a Bar Mitzvah that night they want to be like their parents of course so I told go to the back we got watches and I forgot they were in the back with all the watches out we had like one hundred and fifty watches out on the table and they were looking at what they were which one for an hour it was sitting that forgot all about it so I came to the back with the guy and I'm telling them put all the merchandise away why is everything out like that and that's when the guy sat now and I sat down and I wanted to size his finger and that's when he pulled out the gun on me and then everything else is on the news he was telling me that the one of the robbers was saying if I can't have this you can have it either take this [ __ ] off your wrist but the funny thing is people think that you know we were raised with like a silver or platinum spoon in our mouth not knowing the fact that we came from the [ __ ] gutter we lived in the largest section 8 housing in the world in East New York Brooklyn you know what I mean so people judge you and not knowing who you are and what you you know where you came from what you've experienced in life you know it's you know sad but that's the world we live in I'm just thankful that nothing happened to my son to my nephew the kids were more important for me so I handed it out that's what everyday think about that till today like how I could have prevented or what I could have done and what I should have done which I already did now I have arms or at all times which I should have had from the get-go at the end of the day and you know you learn the hard way in life you know these are the stories and not only I have but people within my industry have these are the type of ground that we we walk on in order to achieve our goals you know you have to watch out just like you and I wake up every morning to go to work to make an honest living these guys who do the robbing in this deal and they wake up everyone to do their job and it's a jungle out there we are targets because we have diamonds so I guess you know when someone wants to what they call looking for come up they do what it takes we were kids we were twenty year old kids you know running the streets we were not suited up we're in in Tim's and jeans and hoodies running around selling this work going from city to city state to state just again as getting to the bag and there was nothing I was gonna stop us nothing there was nothing else getting in our way we will take over a million dollar bag and liquidated and come back home with a million dollars cash and that's what it was about I mean we've been there since 99 so the impact of Abbiati in the diamond industry or in the hip-hop the culture we've grown together you know and we try to give the best and if it's something of ours we stand behind it the way we were brought up is to constantly and always be transparent and be yourself you either gonna like it or you not gonna like it they say you know real we'll always recognize real some people don't like real this is what it is we're real people [Music]
Channel: Complex News
Views: 160,412
Rating: 4.8733859 out of 5
Keywords: Complex News, Complex Networks, pop culture, mens, news, urban, avianne jewelers, avianne jewelry cuban link, avianne pendant, lil pump, cam'ron, dip set, uncut gems, uncut gems jewelry store, uncut gems jewelery, adam sandler, cam'ron purple haze 2, adam sandler uncut gems, custom jewelry, lil pump complex news, lil baby complex news, cam'ron uncut gems, the safdie brothers, cam'ron avianne jewelers, Cam'ron, avianne jewelers robbery
Id: IqUo3qVyOkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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