Trapland Pat $10000 Permanent Gold Teeth, Reveals Dentist, Gold Karat, Number of Teeth (part 1)

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what was your reason for permanent gold teeth uh something i really wanted to do i always wanted them my teeth were perfect so it wasn't really nothing about my teeth i just always wanted permanent golds what age were you when you got them oh 19 and what age are you now 22. and for time reference it's april 2021. back then were you the youngest in your area with permanent gold yeah i was the youngest and what area was this dare failed beast did your parents know about this before you got it done yeah i let them know ahead of time what were their thoughts they didn't think i was serious choose the right age looking back at 19 do you wish you would have gotten them earlier do you wish you would have gotten them later i kind of wish i would have gotten them earlier if you could have it your way how early would you have gotten them done my grade and why ninth grade i felt like that was like a stepping stone for me ninth grade is where a lot of stuff shifted a lot of stuff changed now how does this work exactly do you go to a jeweler do you go to a dentist i went to a dentist you could go to a jeweler too but it's a certain dentist that people go to in my neighborhood we all go to the same one care to share who uh dr kelly and was this based on a referral was this based on research based on results chemistry finance no chemistry like my side of the river like most of the people when they go get their permit it's a certain dentist you go to dr kelly it's been going on for years now now can you explain the process from start to finish how this works um actually i just told you everybody went to dr kelly but i ended up going to orlando it's a different dentist but everybody from my neighborhood goes to kelly but i ended up going to lando because everybody was full that day for some particular reason but my process wasn't too hard because my teeth my teeth were already like perfect i didn't have to do too much until like i got towards the back when you weren't solid so you could be able to eat but i didn't have to numb up my mouth too much like you know usually you to numb up all your guns wherever you shaving down that but in my front everything was already good it was like towards the back i had to do some things but my front was good so my process was pretty short shorter than anybody else's because my teeth were already like kind of perfect for some reason but some teeth were shaved down you got to go to the back and you did have to get numbed up yeah you got to get numbed up you know how many uh times you got shot no i was high i was high laughing gas or your own drugs what were you on at that time i think i was little i did a little hybrid xanax per cassette adderall yeah i was like i was scared i ain't know how i was gonna feel you know kills anxiety but it wasn't that bad i barely remember what happened to be honest i barely remember did you discuss with them whether they were going to oh yeah yeah yeah you laughing gas or yeah they can't just do it for no reason no but i mean did you talk to them an event i mean did you yeah they let you know before like they you wear your options how you want to get them done they could just throw them in your mouth and they could look crazy or you could do them the right way and have them have the certain ones shaved down but even though you knew you were going to get numbed up you still wanted to have this personal cocktail yourself yeah i already wanted to do it did they know yeah i didn't know and they were okay with it it's all long it's all on you really i mean they don't know how you come they don't ask you how you come either because you already have to be like 18 or older to even step in the office but do they say hey come sober i don't even i don't even think i had a conversation about it even if i did i wouldn't even remember man that thing was kind of a couple years back so because you were under your own cocktail uh it was painless yeah i feel nothing you remember nothing you look into the mirror for the very first time what'd you think i'm a glass it's like a mirror in my mouth how many teeth did you get done total 20 and you went all the way back yeah on bottom and top yeah happy with that decision yeah i'm happy with it because it's just something i wanted to do i'm gonna always make sure i'm confident with my decision and before i do something i want to make sure that's what i want to do some people don't go all the way back why make that decision for you to go all the way back i was tired of seeing white did your dentist say it all you don't have to go all the way back we can get it to where you don't see white without having to go all the way back yeah they told me i could have did 16. i had 16 at first because they're not gonna do 20 in one day they can't shoot you up that much in your guns for 20. so i did 10 on six then i came back because it was like it still wasn't nothing showing but i was like i want to make sure it's nothing showing so when i'm just i'm pulling back and it's like you know that's 20 like so what were the intervals the first time you get 10 and 6 10 on top and six on the bottom and then how long before you get the other four probably i probably went like a month later how much did this cost i can't remember too much i just know it's over it's over it was over 10 grand for sure it was a little i can't remember but i know the price of gold went up that's why i can't tell you exactly but at that time at that time it wasn't too bad it wasn't too bad so at that time was it 10 or no is it probably 10 now the way gold is priced right now as of today it's the uh it's when they have to uh it's the when they shooting shooting up your gums or whatever when they have to do extra stuff to your teeth it costs more so like that's why it's never like really a set price it's like a surgery i don't know the name whatever they call it when they do it but it's an extra price you could just put them on your teeth and it'll be cheap but if you want them to be balanced out or whatever like it's more right now i know 10 on 10 could probably oh i'm not sure 22 karat 15k 14k with the surgery or something like that but do you remember what it was that you paid at the time yeah it had to be tender better oh no now when it comes to permanent gold teeth can you eat anything you want you know certain stuff you'll be chewing for too long like i ain't know i just went and got them i like to eat bagels and i realized i can't really like microwave the bagels and just eat them like that and they got to be real toasted damn near burnt like steak harder to chew it's like a lot of stuff you don't realize it it's just tough chips chips was putting dents in my gold all type of stuff is like you got to watch what you eat you can't just eat anything if you want to last long what about drinking can you drink anything yeah when you drink liquor and make it glass and make it look more shine harder when you're drinking liquor nothing you can drink can stain it i don't think so no i mean i never really experienced nothing like that what about smoking smoking it could make it foggy smoking makes it foggy but you could use a buff rag it'll be able to take the fog out real fast but if you got diamonds then that's different you don't want to get the diamonds cloudy when you smoke depends on like if you're a heavy smoker you're not really but you have no diamonds you're just no i'm just go 22 and when it and when we're talking about smoking are we talking about cigarette tobacco smoke are we talking about any smoke any smoke could fog it up would one fog it up a little bit worse than the other um i'm not sure do you have to use a special toothbrush soft yeah a soft one do you have to use special toothpaste yeah it can't have uh well it can't have bacon so there's something in it since you've gotten these perms any health issues no no gingivitis no rotten teeth nothing of that nature did it change the way you spoke at all no no slur no lisp no speech impediment probably when i first got i wasn't really comfortable with it but not no more how long did it take to get over that a week what are your thoughts now that you have permanent gold teeth on pullouts i never really like i never thought about getting pull-outs like i never really had the urge to win to get it and nobody in my neighborhood would ever would ever even let me like have pull-outs like they wouldn't let you live like come on bro you pharrell are you serious right now so i mean nobody like not everybody got to get perms not everybody want to do that so i'm not saying it's mandatory i just know for meals either i get that or you just keep your white smile so never had a grill in your life can you tell the difference between somebody with pull out golds and perms like yours yeah you could tell what's the hint kind of bulkier they're not tight on the tight on your uh teeth at all at 19 were you out of school at that point yeah i was already out of school you graduated high school yeah i graduated with high school uh i graduated from i went to three high schools i graduated from coconut creek high school what were the other two schools you attended before boyd anderson and blanche ealey high school and why three different schools what was the reasoning on each uh i left blanc's early i went to ba i went to go play ball at ba i transferred like sophomore was like i had problems getting the class like i didn't really like going to class so boyd anderson were pretty strict on the absences and stuff and it was like i was never in class like so they kicked me out i went to uh coconut creek and i was able to graduate from crete i just had like a little absent problem you did graduate on time though i graduated on time and you're referring to football yeah now what's the public reaction you get from strangers to your permanent gold teeth maybe like damn that's permanent like you can't take them out you'll hear that a lot does that bother you do you like those comments yeah i'd be laughing you'll embrace those comments yeah i could say i don't really embrace them but i just be laughing when they be telling me that cause i'll be like yeah man permanent tired of those comments no i ain't tired of them because not everybody see people with permanent goals all the time not everybody really take it to that next level like that never been a situation where you were embarrassed having perms no never little kids can be brutally honest what do they say when they see your permanent gold teeth they'd be like you got yellow teeth they don't really know it's gold your teeth yellow you have kids yourself no i don't got no kids if you did have kids hypothetically speaking and they wanted perm golds as well just like you how would you feel like at my age i don't know what age i'm just kind of posing the question but maybe for this example yeah let's say 19 years old i mean you can't be like you can't be a hypocrite i mean if they wanted them i can't sit there and be like that's the worst thing to do because i got them in my mouth myself so how does that look i'll be like you just got to make sure that's the right decision you want to make because they're permanent you know do you notice a certain type of women attracted to you or not attracted to you since you got the perms yeah you know some women only talk to people who have perm so yeah attract them type of woman yeah there's some type of woman like that are you able to describe those type of women i mean it's a wide variety of them it's not really a specific type light skin and dark skin all types have your permanent golds ever been an issue when it came to meeting a female's parents i don't even like showing my teeth to the parents i'd be like she knows virus now so i'll be having a mask so now i don't mind to meet the parents they don't really know what's under the mask but you have met parents before and they've seen your gold teeth yeah it's kind of like weird but already carried over ever lost a relationship over it parents finally meet you have an issue with the gold teeth no not really now what about this have you faced a worst experience when it comes to judging stereotyping profiling or discrimination because of your permanent gold teeth yeah yeah you get pulled over got pulled over a couple of times usually when you get pulled over in south florida like two three officers pulling up at the same time and i was good i was just i think i was like speeding or i ran a red light or something and all good and then the black officer came it wasn't even the white officer racially profiling me the black one was like look at him man slugged up mouth full of ghouls what he up to stuff like that and just got high after that but no officer ever said anything out of their mouths about it no they never really say no looking back and it's been some time now since you've had permanent gold teeth two three years rough estimate did you make the right decision choosing permanent gold teeth yeah why do you say that it's what i wanted to do i feel like if i ain't made the right decision i'll still be stressing about it sometimes i forget i got them in my mouth have you missed opportunities or gained opportunities because of the permanent gold uh gained in what ways i guess like gained more publicity people really raise question marks when they see you with permanent goals and stuff they want to know when to know what's going on any regrets at all with the permanent goals no you know aggressive with the permanent goals i wish i would have gotten more i really wanted to go 24. but when you go way back there bro it's like it's different different type of pain back there so no more no 24 no more gold you'll stop at 22. i might go i might go more like i'm finna snatch these i'm going to take these out like i don't know what i'm going to do though but i know i want to take them out clean up my teeth probably go diamonds i really was going to go gold again i don't really know i know i'm about to take these out you
Channel: DJ Smallz Eyes 2
Views: 75,727
Rating: 4.9434195 out of 5
Keywords: trapland pat, trapland pat interview, trapland pat video, dj smallz, dj smalls, dj smallz eyes, dj smalls eyes, interview, video, permanent gold teeth, deerfield beach, coconut creek high school, Boyd H. Anderson High School, Blanche Ely High School, Dr Kellys Gold Teeth, Lando Golds, eat, bagel, chips, dent, 22 karat gold, buff rag, tooth brush, tooth paste, banking soda, neighborhood, football, class, woman, police, south florida, parents, Trapland Pat $10000 Permanent Gold Teeth
Id: MwwdyEhU6Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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