No Cap: I Don’t Care How Much You In The Streets It’s Always Easier To Die When You A Rapper

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I do want to get to know more about how you grew up in that sort of thing you know typical project [ __ ] but my momma actually trying to move me out to here earlier but you know I'm saying like need get old and get right back to that universe and she even moved me like not my city but kind of off to the side you know it's sad but you know they grow old and get right back to where he was don't know where he was at you know I'm saying it can't leave it alone when she tried she tried where were you born I was born in Mobile Alabama and certain part you represent oh yeah RV south sad and and you still reside in Mobile today yeah I just bounced around came you know sent up I'd be sitting in for it now growing up you mentioned the hood financially are we talking pottery my mama always had it straight but it became the time with not she ain't working no I gotta do something I gotta make sure that me and my brother got to make sure the household straight now we got to hustle you know I'm saying my man working mama I'm on probably had a job like three four years so how do I get didn't matter we got to pay the bills what happened what stopped her from working for that period of time I mean I really all know like if you ask yes I do she was thought she was getting a feel sick and [ __ ] I should say me she wasn't feeling good ain't no one saying so she just started chilling saying he started getting payable somebody gotta keep the be his fate was that something that she I didn't mean to cut you off there was that something that she asked you to do or do you take that upon yourself to do does she not she not gonna where she then she had came out like hey y'all need get a job y'all you know what I'm saying but she doesn't coming like hey pay my bills you know I'm saying she kind of like y'all need to be doing something you know I'm saying we started doing it my was always working too so she was helping like everybody was here by now what age did this start when you begin to earn money for yourself your household that sort of thing how young I mean it was like I would come like 16 17 okay you know I'm saying like it's time get about my brother you know say he'd been working he bent into it because you know he owed to me he you know I'm saying he think of he and my sister she big into it she's been bringing money now you know say now what about as far as a job did you ever try your hand at a job yeah I did and I did I was there our day well I'm working for like two weeks that was it I can't do this [ __ ] yeah I get off out of here what was what was your role at Walmart when you did work for to like woo what was the actual task stocking was that tough anyway but it just they don't want to work he so you de saying big homeless get mine another way do that [ __ ] to now anything happened I know it was a short stint right two weeks but anything happened out of the norm on the clock just curious there now now and you end up get you end up quitting that job correct oh yeah you end up quitting now you mentioned your mom in this interview what happened with your father he was down he was positive that a hallway sound like whenever it went over time he was good father good philosophy was it a two-parent household or not it was several what age did that happen when they split my news I was already a very little boy and it sounds like you stay with your mom mostly yeah were there times you would stay with your dad yeah a lot of times okay in there we can you know yeah I see now when it came to the environment of you growing up and that picture you painted right mom not working and you're having to pitch in and that sort of thing what do you learn oh you know she working for a long time like she a hard-working lady you know exam but she got older she thought fantasy and so nice not like she was working out was you know well that's what I meant I'm sorry I meant yeah that stretch of time right when you had to kind of pick up the slack and that sort of thing when it was that period of your life and you doing that what did you learn from that what do you take from that overall hindsight 20/20 looking back at your life and what did that teach you the beer man [ __ ] most of all like that's there were life about you know I'm saying beers ain't gonna pay itself you know saying you gotta get some money that's why the world revolved [ __ ] you got to get some money it's really stopped before when time ran out here now what about in school what kind of kid were you in class I was always too quiet you know say I come school fly I'm laid-back you know I'm say I went no hype [ __ ] no like I mean I was like elementary and middle school but as I got to high school I'm gonna cry I'm getting from coming in fly every day lion even I wouldn't even wear school clothes I might come in with some other [ __ ] on you know I'm saying but they start letting me slide I was doing this so much showed no school uniforms at all I mean like the pants are son [ __ ] on my head on mcfly a jacket or something but you know I said they let me slide with this [ __ ] so there was a little bit of freedom with the school uniform it wasn't like head to toe me it was but it wasn't for everybody like you know they got their picks and chooses like hey you need to take that [ __ ] up my used car I probably had to hide some days to like cuz I got this [ __ ] I ain't gonna hang out on my school shirt and t-shir everyone here what about shoes did they may have you know oh you know for sure we get away and kind of shoes you wanted to I see now how do you feel about school uniforms you mean about it like what's your opinion on school uniforms some schools have school uniforms some don't right I mean I used to say that we should be a to wear anything but no I feel like every school should have a uniform cuz you got the kids who know Sam might need to wear this [ __ ] oh you know I'm saying cuz they can't keep switching no clothes every day it didn't because if you had a school way y'all don't have to wear uniform you come in with the same [ __ ] on I'll do we you know say about jacking you everybody looking at you crazy yes and I didn't want to come to school with this ain't [ __ ] on so when you've got a uniform I don't know if that's the same shirt from yesterday or what because it's look the same you know now some school uniforms though are like the case of your school right where you know might have certain pants and shirt but the there's freedom with the shoes do you feel like school uniforms should be head to toe including shoes all the same well you can really you can get really good pass with the shoes that's cool you really apparent you what about somebody that less fortunate might not have cool shoes might not have right more definitely like ain't the type of [ __ ] defender you know insane but most definitely his kids right now with a shoe beat-up and folks and [ __ ] you know saying what they just got to put up with that [ __ ] you feel like that defeats the purpose of a school uniform I mean it don't get over saying now were you part of a certain click or crowd in school yeah not really but I did have some [ __ ] I was [ __ ] we still [ __ ] them to this day but he's going with no gang [ __ ] you know I'm saying we just all really just wait 1/2 pound of that you know I said everybody ate like [ __ ] I grew up with now what about music how young did that start for you actually started young is here like I was like 8 9 my mama had a boyfriend at the time you're writing everything for us you know and we feel like that little something we were doing this shows and [ __ ] he was right we rehearse that [ __ ] do our type of [ __ ] like you really went from that but I had style I did that [ __ ] like when someone and know said I had stopped on my foot that [ __ ] but there's like I old you know I said my brother started by rapping so I'm like yeah I'm finna start being and she just went smooth really is that a boyfriend that your mom had been with is he still rapping today's he's still around oh no not really but you know say I'm gonna definitely keep in touch from him you know what I got going but he'll still pull up on me like chop it up with me we reminisce like why you remember we were saying no dead last sticky material what does he think of the success you've gotten at this point he proud him say I know he can't be more proud of me proud of in back then when you said he was writing and stuff like that for you like as a kid you're eight years old but is this something like he pushes you to rapper like he sees you rapping the offers to help or does he think you'd be a good idea to do this like how does that he was just like just trying to be a good idea and like I say no saying we were joy we did have time everything when I was good we did have time we were struggle so I guess he was looking at like damn you did shine either get his brother then he grabbed his little nephew I get down the route then we wrap him like the scrubber means are coming out reppin like no new kids you know I'm saying so I guess he thought like it would be a good idea oh so it was like a group yeah it was a group like a trio yeah yeah I would like three of us yeah so was you your brother and his nephew I see yeah okay got you and today you're obviously rapping is your brother still rapping no he uh he wisely took a step back but he only [ __ ] like I'm getting to [ __ ] so here he be saying what about that nephew that was there early in the night just your left yeah just off wait you know say my brother steel you know it's a lot I hate with me everywhere I go like know some baby manager tight [ __ ] you know ah he asked to be in that position you offer that position to me is really just happening is your brother of cause he gonna you're gonna make sure he gets some money you're gonna make sure he got a job and to you know now as far as music in school do you ever take any music classes never took any music classes no band no course none of that stuff uh what about what about a when it comes to other classmates were you ever the type that was freestyling with other classmates ever battle rapping other classmates I mean I've had time where we [ __ ] out you know in San Jose blue Shindo it went like this what we finna do me from the rep you know same way everybody [ __ ] out freestyling and you know saying this [ __ ] like that was definitely we're any good at it me everybody always told me like [ __ ] fire but at the time you making them win out this [ __ ] you just feel like everybody just saying that [ __ ] you know I'm saying so you like I'm finna take it serious ever participate in talent shows growing up um like at school could be at school could be not at school oh just a talent show period not really like I said when I was young like know seeing some [ __ ] like in between them years nah I ain't do no raps you did you guys ever place do what did you ever place like first place second place third did you ever place and like when you did a talent show back then around it oh yeah definitely yeah we it was places like I was young his hair battling against growing these in his [ __ ] rapper you know yeah it was original music that you would use in the talent show like he may say really know cuz were the nice you know somebody watching this any advice when it comes to talent shows and they're trying to place they're trying to win no matter how people how many people now you know I'm saying we wanted to people not just that like it's a big as crowd you know I'm saying get show all that [ __ ] pay off its most definitely pay off I feel like I warmed up for now you know I'm saying like that was just normal okay boom I can do this I know what to do now I'm here I'm gonna say hi I really know how to do this I've been doing it since I'm nine years old you know Sam I still got a lot to learn where helped and and did you guys actually win or it was just like second place third place type of thing it means time you know second third but they really went giving away [ __ ] I can't even remember what they were giving away really want to be a chicken but it was how he did it was some money but we went you know now when you were in school middle school high school right the group thing is and what happened to that group what ended up happening with the group oh no they just got older or they separate ways really no I'm sad so he isn't if you went back no I'm saying to his gonna understand with down it's just you know everybody got old going on now when it comes to you I'm being on your solo right right so loneliness did you have a song you were promoting back then when you were a middle school or when you were in high school or no then just curious him never performed at pep rallies or anything like that pep rallies yeah what about sports ever get in a sports growing up oh yeah I play basketball in middle school when I was younger I football my dad a man football a lot but never like I keep doing this [ __ ] either you know so nothing in high school yeah you end up graduating high school yeah I graduate now I know sometimes when people graduate in the yearbook they'll give out these things called superlatives they're like awards right most likely to succeed biggest flirt things of that nature did you ever get a senior superlative no they did give without or best dress I know you said you were fly didn't oh no II really we did [ __ ] like that way and you know you got to put in the participating [ __ ] like that I ain't never try to put in for that [ __ ] like that I see after you graduate high school was there any thoughts on furthering your education it was what happened like it just didn't go ahead playing you know Sam oh you too I said like shouting get on a boat off another you know I'm feeling go well the trade school you know but a shame and he goes you know I'm saying it was a thought but it needs us I really do all the steps to it I was just sitting what does your parents think about what not going forward with those type of plans the trade school really time tied to the flat by like of course they want you to do some really time to fire by they be like yeah I guess he ain't gonna do it you know say anything cute accent now his music taken seriously after you graduate high school then I wouldn't even say that like I got down if I really started taking cereal I drop my first song called Bosman and I sounded like 50k and two at the time to me that something you know I'm saying so much you know I'm saying [ __ ] doing a little something from I'm keep going forward with it and I tried to take my whole hood rocking with a I said you can't never leave your behind like this who really gonna get your music out there you know my mom heard rocking with it that when nobody was you know I'm saying so that's really good promotion I mean there's people watching this that can't get 50k on a song right now exactly and out of my first song no I said keep going you get that [ __ ] that was 50k on soundcloud or sometimes you to a YouTube now hindsight 2020 looking at how things have transpired any regret on not going the trade school route do you wish you would have done that or no no regrets why not okay um well my angle sailing where I want to be but I'm happy I'm making money nothing ain't happy all the times and you know saying but I'm making money I can take care of my whole family nobody my friendly household had to work you know I'm saying they don't want to when I can take care of that now speaking of your family when it comes to your siblings you mentioned a brother an older brother and you mentioned a sister younger or older sister I can't remember oh the older sister so just you three in the household okay yeah Who am I missing I mean my pops got plenty kids man ah yeah I see so you but only one of them is older than me all my dad okay so then in the household you would be the youngest yeah I'm the young is it not so what's that like being the youngest other family I mean I'm going over you okay because you bully you know Sam as you get older you protect it but I'm still that little [ __ ] who feel like I gotta protect them you know I'm saying that's always I'm a man honking [ __ ] how you is mama you pretended sister brother whatever I'm dying for you that's how I posed to be somebody watching this maybe they're the youngest and they're family well anything you would tell them I mean probably one of the best buys you can get rid of I say no we're only being a younger than a family your older brother does music what he did music right and he did it before you oh we started at the same time but he started back before me ah I we stopped and he started bad [ __ ] with now just you two anybody else in your family does music or it was just you guys not in the family nobody else was ever I imagine you guys collaborated with each other back then yeah yeah we got a shitload of song wait I don't know what [ __ ] that laptop every way yeah shitload of song sounds like a supportive atmosphere between you two definite at this point what is your family think about your music career they love it but it shouldn't make them nervous because every rapper who you is if you're a rapper you a target I don't care where you at you're a rebel you Atari you gotta be particular that all the time and you got folks in your city who don't want to see you make it now when you come home you know saying you got a move good you just came yeah like that I'm saying it [ __ ] make you it's all you so late but they don't say hey everybody proud of me they tell me that every day now when you talk about this target thing I do want to ask you this I've seen on Instagram boosie badazz say and I quote most dangerous job number one being a rapper exactly and nas also said on Instagram in his own post he said it's dangerous to be an MC thank you I'm fixed because I don't care how much you in the streets you know what I'm saying it's always easier to die when you a rebel you know I'm saying not you going everywhere you buy everything in the damn country you know saying everywhere around the world and now you you know say you're in the middle of that you got chains on you got money on you they know that you know I'm saying of course he already got money on you know I'm saying cuz rapper he got chains on he got something that caused someone let's get him you know how does one protect themselves from these type of dangers I mean you just got a limit limit your move you know I'm saying you got a buy be [ __ ] up sometimes like I'd be feeling like I'm still that saying to dude and I can go here and I can go down you know insane but I'm kind of learning down like you got a limit your movie just can't be out like that sitting the house sometimes if you got to I'm saying go to the studio you know I'm saying go do that don't be out you know I'm saying like moving around like you ain't nobody parents supportive of your your music career at first more definitely my whole family I always been supportive way okay just curious at this point what do they think about the music now I know how they feel about the career but are the actual music what do they think I mean I don't really play song that my mama cry cuz you know what I'm going through you know I'm saying like she literally asked me everyday like it it kind of irked me something are you good you're right alright y'all good like I'm straight but you know what even been through so no I'm saying she's everywhere to do some time what about the cussing I seen you [ __ ] my mom called and talked up okay yeah has she had a chance to see you perform live yet yeah she didn't been to a couple shows and she thinks she might secured on the stage come on open the door come on step in front of you your mom is doing that for you most definitely she's his hair think she minds I had to tell the last show I had in Birmingham we walking not unless you tell you my secure don't see like I do now when your mom shows up at your some of your events do you know she's gonna be there does she ever say she oh no see all right with this Tim like I'm on the way to the show meet me at [ __ ] is it a different feeling for you when you perform and you know she's at the show um not really because I always try to put my all into that [ __ ] but I know she we want to see a good show so I I do go laughs uh-huh never censor yourself because mom's there nah when it comes to your mom or your dad here last question best advice either of them have given you at this point Oh a lot of good advices so I can't either see a hand thank you one in particular like my dad is stay called a [ __ ] don't know you stay from round you know I'm saying like make sure you Carla to me that like I said stay say he got stay safe every day you know saying my mama same thing watch you you around you know saying [ __ ] like that like your mama know like don't nobody knows you might bring your [ __ ] around you think that your partner you know I'm saying mama be like Danny doing ain't the one right now I look at her crazy like photos in the damn weeks later than the end of dorsum push that [ __ ] and I you like down I literally had to go back to her like you were right are you for real you
Channel: DJ Smallz Eyes 2
Views: 800,790
Rating: 4.9200444 out of 5
Keywords: no cap, nocap, no cap interview, no cap video, dj smallz, dj smalls, southern smoke, dj smallz eyes, dj smalls eyes, interview, video, g raw zip jacket, mobile alabama, walmart, sick, working, man, life, money, bills, school, school uniform, music, rap, rapping, rap music, advice, boss move, hood, promotion, youtube, protection, death, jewelry, boosie badazz, nas, No Cap: I Don’t Care How Much You In The Streets It’s Always Easier To Die When You A Rapper
Id: HlXNBl33fPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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