Jim VS Pam VS Roy | The Office U.S. | Comedy Bites

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do you mind if i go out for a drink with these guys uh no come on let's get out of here go home okay um i'm gonna be a few minutes so it's only 20 past five i still have to do my faxes you know what you should uh you should come with us because we're you know we're all going out and it could be a good chance for you to see what people are like outside of the office you know i i think it could be fun no it sounds sounds good oh no seriously we gotta get going yeah yeah yeah um what's in the uh what's in the bag still have to talk to him no definitely all right dude awesome will do do i think i'll be invited to the wedding what's going on what is going on you guys are playing like a bunch of girls you know what let me take roy all right switching up a notch come on [Applause] shoot it shoot it whoa whoa whoa whoa foul naked aggression oh that is you're right jim suck it up he's afraid of me now oh how much does it hurt how much does it hurt [Applause] what the hell man take it easy no you take it easy come on i talked to this cow it looks good mm-hmm i haven't signed anything hey baby hey look at larry bird larry legend yeah he's uh he's pretty good huh oh yeah let's get you into a tub yeah let's give you a little time some might even say we had our first date last night oh really really why might some say that because it was dinner by candlelight dinner and a show if you include michael's movie and there was dancing and fireworks pretty good date we didn't dance you're right we didn't dance it was more like swaying but still romantic swaying isn't dancing please i didn't leave you at a high school hockey game i have some taxes to get out oh come on pam i okay we didn't dance and i was totally joking anyway i mean it's not really a date if the girl goes home to her fiance albert hey uh i uh you know heard there's a rumor going around about you know you used to have a crush on pam oh no no no no it's it's cool cause i know you're a good guy and i know that that crush ended a long time ago so yeah we're cool right yeah nope yeah definitely you know i'm it's great with me because wait glad she has a friend at work she can get through the day with oh she's done all that bad bad you know when she gets home yeah i like talking to her too so uh we're cool right yes yeah all right yep all right cool man sweet dreams are just that their dreams they help get you through the day like the thing about the terrace it's nice but um i don't know it's just something i read in this book when i was 12. the girl in the book has a terrace outside of her bedroom and she planted flowers on it and i just loved that just always kind of stuck with me so you're not doing it how did you know why not just like no big reason just a bunch of little reasons come on roy's right there's no guarantee it's going to lead to anything anyway roy said that what you have something you want to say you got to take a chance on something sometime pam i mean do you want to be a receptionist here always oh excuse me i'm fine with my choices are yeah it's impractical i'm not gonna try to get a house like that um they don't even make houses like that in scranton so i'm never gonna what i want us to make it i want a fresh start that's awesome that's what i want okay but in order for us to make it there can't be any secrets between us i didn't do anything i asked anybody i totally could have and i didn't at all just listen remember that casino night about a month before we were supposed to get married i kissed jim what he told me how he felt and i guess i had feelings too and we kissed jim came on to you just listen no i am listening that's the problem i'm listening don't yell don't yell this is over yeah you're right this is so over you kidding me pam come on they're gonna call the cops no i paid them off jet ski money all of it i'm gonna kill jim halpert so do you want to see it or not i don't know they're like friday night crowds oh my god you're like agoraphobic agoraphobic yeah really yeah you would rather sit on your couch and watch a philly's game than go out to a movie with your awesome girlfriend absolutely correct later gem kev have a good weekend yeah bye okay so this is what's gonna happen you're gonna suck it up here we go and we're gonna go to dinner okay and then we're gonna go to the movies hey help her hey pam please call security every day for eight years i have brought pepper spray into this office to protect myself and my fellow employees and every day for eight years people have laughed at me well who's laughing now sorry i almost got you killed yeah that was nuts he could have broken your nose or something crazy it's just so stupid i mean getting back with roy and everything i mean what was i thinking right no i mean you guys really seem to have a strong connection not anymore it's um it's completely over now we'll see i'm sure you guys will find your way back to one another someday jim i am really sorry oh yeah don't worry about it [Music] what's up roy hey man relax man i'm not gonna hit you oh [Music] you good i'm good how you doing i'm good hey daryl what's happening what's up guys what's going on with pam oh she's good actually yeah she's uh she's in new york she's at art school really yeah she's doing really well she's engaged um [Music] to me congrats man ah thanks man appreciate that so pam's happy yeah i'd say she's happy i mean she loves her classes loves the city and last night she was out with her friends till like 8 a.m wow what you were a friend you
Channel: Comedy Bites
Views: 1,484,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 30 Rock, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Comedy Bites, Dunder Mifflin, Greg Daniels, Jim and Pam moments, Michael Scott, NBC, Peacock, Rainn Wilson, Roy Anderson, Steve Carell, The Mindy Project, best of The Office, characters, comedic timing, love triangle, memorable quotes, romantic comedy, sitcom, streaming
Id: awdglOXBHOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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