Jenna Fischer Met Meryl Streep at the Golden Globes, Thanks to Amy Adams - Office Ladies

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- I think it's time to talk about Amy Adams. - Okay. - I feel like we could play sis. - You could! All right Hollywood, you heard it here first. That's how I, I guess that's hok when I'm talking to Hollywood. - I don't love it. (both laughing) (upbeat music) So one year we got to go to the Golden Globes. - Oh. - "The Office" had been nominat. And I have to say, first of all, I am so grateful that I got to o to these award show things with. We were not allowed to bring a . - [Angela] Well, we were not big time enough. - [Jenna] No. - [Angela] I feel like we were barely invited. Truth be told. - Even though our show was nomi. It did feel like that. Well, first of all. - Wait, wait wait. - What? - Do you remember where our tab? - Very far away from the stage. - Our table was behind a pillar. - [Jenna] I don't remember that. - I had to sort of lean all the, like towards Brian's lap, to see the stage. I was glad I got to go to those parties with you because I knew you felt as awkward at them as I did. But you are way braver than I a. Way braver. - That is true. I have a little bit of my mom's voice in my ear. And my mom would say, if you are at a fancy party, you need to meet the fancy peop. You need to use it as an opport. Come on, go say hi to the people you wanna say hi to. So I always had that in the back of my head. Like, this is my only chance to. - Hobnob. - Yeah. Meet whoever I've always wanted to meet, I guess. But what do you do? How do you, how do you get into the conversation is always the mystery. So, at this Golden Globes. - (laughing) I'm starting to laugh because... - [Jenna] We had our in. We look across the room and we e Amy Adams talking to Meryl Stre. - We lean around the pillar we're sitting behind and we see Amy Adams. So Jenna's like, there's Amy Adams, and Angela, she's talking to Meryl Streep. - We know Amy Adams! - Yes! - We can go talk to Amy Adams. We know her, she likes us. - Yes, and then maybe we'll get to meet some movie stars! - Yeah, we'll just basically glom onto Amy Adams, was our plan. - Yeah. And Jenna was like, come on, Angela, let's go. And I was like, nope, don't wan. Not going, not going. And you really like, you were like, Angela. - I pulled you from the table. I said, we are meeting Meryl St. We are doing this. This is a story for my mother, . And you said, well, what are we? What are we gonna say? - What are we, how do you walk ? What are we gonna say? - So I was like, here is my pla. We are just gonna walk up to them, laughing. - What? - Just laugh. - What? - Just... - And I said, laugh at what? - It doesn't matter. - What are we laughing at? - I said, it doesn't matter. Just walk up to them laughing. - Jenna, I think you thought if we just walked up laughing, we would look cool. Like, we're like (laughing) - I don't know what I thought, . I don't know. I just knew we had to seize the. So we did. - Well, I said, I basically was like in shock. I was like, what, wait, what? What, what? And then I looked, and Jenna was like four strides away. Like kind of like-- - I committed. - [Angela] You're like, come on. And then I sort of, half-assed committed behind you. - And we did just that. We walked up to Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. - [Both] Laughing. - I lagged behind you a little. I was late getting there. And I just looked like I'm walking alone, laughing. I'm like a good three paces behind you laughing to no one. And you're laughing with Meryl . - I did get to say to Meryl Streep, I did get to say, it's such a pleasure to meet yo. I'm a big admirer of your work. - Well, I'm glad you had that m. I did not meet her because-- - Wait, you didn't meet her? - No, no I didn't meet her because they were dimming the l. And so the like, by the time I , I was just like, bye. - [Jenna] Well, she's one of my best friends now, from that moment. I've never spoken to her again. - You've never spoken to her ag. My guess is that Meryl Streep doesn't quite remember that moment the way we do. (upbeat music) And then you have Roy, who decides he's gonna try to make up with Pam. And he decides to start ticklinu while you're sitting on Jim's d. - It's so awkward. - Next to Jim. - I remember filming that scene. - When I watched it, I felt so uncomfortable for Jim. I was like, oh God, Jim. - [Jenna] And then he gets up and he walks away. - [Angela] Yes, yes. - So here's something interesting about that. I, as Jenna, hate being tickled. - Yeah, you hate it. - I don't like it. It is not, it certainly would ne the way to make up with me. - It would make you angry. - It would, yeah. I would be like, no! And I think that when I was filt I had to really wrap my head around the fact, this is a way that Jenna and Pam are different. - Yeah. - Pam is won over by it. Pam is like, oh, come on. Oh no. That is how they make up. - [Angela] Yeah. - [Jenna] Pam and Roy are frien. Or I guess engaged again, after that moment. - [Angela] Whatever they are, they're back. - Whatever they are, they're ba. But for me, as Jenna, I had to really stuff all of my Jenna instincts because I do not like tickling. - Well, and some people really don't like being tickled. I don't like being scared. - Oh, I know. - Well, and my husband, like once a year around Halloween. - You don't like being startled. - [Angela] I don't like scary m. - [Jenna] You don't respond wel. - I don't go to scary movies. And my dad was the same way. So you know how they say, some people are like fight or f? - Yeah. - I am fight. And so, Josh, my husband, like around Halloween, him and the kids think it's funy to get like a fake arm, or a mask, and scare me. And I always say to them, one of you will get whacked. You know that. - [Jenna] Yeah, you flail your arms when people scare you. I've seen it happen. - [Angela] Yeah, I have no control over it. Just recently my husband, for H, they jumped out to scare mem, had this mask on. And I screamed. And then with everything I had, I hucked my phone at him. And I hit him with my phone. Clearly, like I didn't mean to, It's just is like this weird instinctual thing where I just go, ah! - Yeah. You need to hope that you never have to do a scene where someone scares you. - It'll be very-- - Because you will, how will you keep your arms from not whacking? - [Angela] I don't know, I don'. Someone will get hurt. - That was the difficulty for me in that scene because tickling me makes me ir. - [Angela] Wanna wack someone. - [Jenna] It does not make me l. (upbeat music) - Michael Scott has a talking head that I love so much. I love that he said, he loves American Way magazine, the in-flight magazine. And then he goes, they did a great profile on Dor, and where she likes to eat when she's in Phoenix. It just made me laugh so hard 'cause I read those. - I love those magazines too. I read them. And you know, actually one of the coolest things that ever happened to me, is that one time I had an artic. - In an in-flight magazine? - Yes. Just like the Doris Roberts thing, I got profiled. - What, Jenna, I would be so ex! Why didn't you tell me? That is so cool! - No, I told this story about playing poker in Scotland. - Oh wait, wait. I know this is a total tangent. Guys, I'm sorry. I have to take Jenna on a tangent 'cause I love this stor. - Yeah, should I tell the story? - You have to tell it. - So Lee and I had this little romantic trip that we took to Scotland. This was before we had children. So we were gonna spend two days in Edinburgh. And then we were gonna go into the countryside for the other three days. Do a tour of, you know, like a scotch factory, and everything, really fun. So we get there and we thought, we will take an overnight fligh. We will sleep on the plane. And we will arrive at noon, rested and ready to tour Edinbu. - [Angela] Yeah right. - This did not happen. We did not sleep on the plane. And we landed, it was noon. And we were thinking, how in thd are we gonna make it through this whole day? - You were exhausted! - We were so tired. We're touring a castle. We're walking along little shop. We bought some hats at a little. - [Angela] Jenna, you texted me. And I remember you saying, we'r. We're gonna try to power throug. We're gonna try to power through so we don't fall asleep. - Yes, this was-- - In the middle, you can't fall asleep in the middle of the day. Then you're ruined. - No. Then the whole five days you're just gonna be sleeping during the day and up . So it's 5:00, and we are so exh. Just so incredibly exhausted. We thought, here's what we're g. We're gonna go into a little pu. We're gonna get a bite to eat. We're gonna have a drink. We are gonna force ourselves to stay awake until 7:00 PM. And then we're gonna go back to the hotel and fall asleep. We get to the pub. We order our drink. And we see a sign that says poker tournament starting at 6:00 PM. - All right, I have to interjec. So my BFF, Jenna Fischer, is a flipping fantastic poker p. - I don't know if I'm fantastic. But I love playing. - You are fantastic! Okay, no, you're fantastic. I think I can win poker with like two pairs of three, and I have all the bravado. - Two pairs of threes. That would be four of a kind. You can, you can win poker with that, Angela. - Okay, so see, this is the pro. - We sign up for the poker tour. Lee, my husband, he plays poker. We're thinking, here's what we'. We'll join the poker tournament at 6:00 PM. We'll be done at seven. This is how we're gonna stay awake that extra hour. - You're gonna play an hour of , and then you're gonna go to bed. - Go to bed. We enter the tournament. We start playing. We start winning. - You're like the two Americans who came in and now you're kicking butt in this pub in Scotland. - So much so, that we make it to the final table. - [Angela] What time is this? How long have you been there no? - It is now midnight. - Oh Jenna! - We are out of our minds. - Exhausted. - [Jenna] I don't even know what I'm doing. It's probably why I was doing s. - 'Cause you're so loopy. You're playing the best poker of your life. - Lee and I are both at the fine and we keep checking in with each other saying like, should we quit? A couple times Lee went all in. 'Cause he's like, I'm so tired. Just all in. And he would win. Finally, I get down to the fina. It's 2:00 AM. - [Angela] And it's you and one other person? - One local Scottish guy. - Scottish fella. - Who played every week in the . - And here you are. - This American on her vacation. - Tired person. - And I won. - [Angela] You won the whole th! - [Jenna] I won, I won the whol. I won 200 pounds. - Wow! - Amazing. Lee and I couldn't believe it. Everyone in the pub was a little bit like, yay. Yay for her. - [Angela] Did you get your name like up on the wall or somethin? - Yes, I got my name up on the leaderboard. And I was supposed to come back for the championship, like table, that was happening in several months. Of course, we all knew I wasn't gonna show up. So I think the runner-up guy got to take my place. - [Angela] Yeah, that's a pretty rockstar moment, lady. - [Jenna] Thank you. (dynamic music)
Channel: Comedy Central
Views: 518,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Office Ladies, Comedy Central, Office Ladies comedy central, comedy, sketch comedy, sketches, skit, skit comedy, The Offiice, The Office Show, co-stars, best friends, Jenna Fischer, Angela Kinsey, The Office re-watch Podcast, podcast, The Office podcast, behind the scenes, bts, behind the scenes stories, podcast stories, the office stories, Office Ladies podcast, John Krasinski, Pam Beesly, Angela Martin, Steve Carrell, Mindy Kaling, Meryl Streep, Golden Globes, Amy Adams
Id: nuZSIwn6EM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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