JGLM | Dominion Life Plano Live Broadcast

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[Music] [Music] [Music] rise up in jesus name open eyes and heal the land rise up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's time to rise [Music] praise the lord good morning it's good to see you all this morning uh how many of you uh are visiting here or our guests here for the first time all right bless you bless you so you spent the night overnight so you got a little bit of our texas weather i don't know where you were but it was storming like crazy but it was good that's the beauty beautiful thing about texas is that if you don't like the weather just stay a day and it'll be different guaranteed uh so uh it is good to be together this morning uh thank you for joining us online as you're with us uh wherever you are on your drive in your home uh at work uh we just bless you in the name of the lord jesus christ before we get started i would we have two missionaries we have missionaries all over but there's two in particular that this is home for them dominion life is home for them and i just wanted to just take a moment to just pray for them i know paul quite often in his letters would ask that they would pray for him that a door would be open for the word of god to move forward in in signs and in wonders and in power and so they're out there representing us representing christ in africa so we have two people who are in africa right now reggie who is i believe in tanzania bringing the gospel and then catherine who is in zambia and uh and and we'll share a little bit of of what they were what they have been doing and even some of the testimonies of how the enemy tried through to through like covid stuff to stop them from what they were doing and god just continued to make a way make a way make a way make a way so that the gospel could go forward so uh so would you just join with me in prayer for these two father we just so thank you for the opportunity and the privilege to stand in agreement with your heart with your purposes uh for those who are sent from among us lord you said that the harvest is ready but lord we thank you for these two who are laboring in such a way that they would take of their their time and their strength and their resource uh to go to other countries uh to bring the gospel where they are so right now in the name of jesus we say catherine and reggie be blessed we thank you that everything that you set your hand to shall prosper we thank we thank you lord that you are with them we thank you that you are in them and we thank you lord that a door will will continue to be open for the gospel to be preached for lies lives to be transformed uh and for signs wonders and healings lord god miraculous things would happen in the name of the lord jesus christ and so we thank you lord that no weapon formed against them shall prosper and every tongue and every accusation that rises up against them they shall condemn in the authority of the name of the lord jesus christ and we thank you that you are with them amen amen thank you for agreeing with me in that uh this morning i'm going to share just something really quick uh just kind of a principle something that's actually been on my heart for a while to talk about um and it just happened that today is going to be the day um and it it it's interesting because i was reading um in the gospels and i came across a particular passage that has to do with marriage but the lord actually showed me how it actually is in connection with our unity and communion with god and how we look and see how in the beginning when god created them male and female and he created them to be one flesh right it was it was a depiction or a picture of our communion and union in unity with the father with and it's it's it's the picture of of the the triune god and how they are one they are they're they're they're um co-eternal amen and but they're they're co-equal but there are three persons but yet they're one right there's an amazing unity in communion in the oneness of god you know we know that the shema oh israel the lord our god the lord is one right but yet we we see the expression or the personhood of god expressed in three persons father god the father god the son and god the holy spirit and so there's a beautiful unity in communion between the three persons of god and so um but we see that to be a picture we see god has given marriage to be a picture of the unity of not only us with the father us with the holy spirit us with the son um uh but but also christ with his church and so when it's it's so important i i the title that i had this came to me is basically is do not separate and so often we in sometimes through the songs we sing sometimes in the prayers we prepare the positions that we hold even the things we say unknowingly because we've been taught uh through traditions and wrong separate ourselves from god through statements like you know well but that was jesus well you you've stepped yourself from him you know when we when we sing songs like oh oh come down what you're saying is he's not here he's not with you and so you're separating yourself from him and it's it's a very detrimental thing and quite often times when when we find ourselves out on mission which that's that looks like in our context uh going to eat at a restaurant going to pump gas going to walmart that's mission right because it's an as you go gospel and oftentimes when when you see a situation or you you see a person and you want to get involved uh and you think well what if nothing happens that thought process is separating yourself from god because if you actually realize and remember that god is in you god is with you then it's not a matter of what if nothing happens it's a matter of something's going to happen because god is here yeah so we have to to be mindful and and take into remembrance that reality that we are with him that he is in us and so often times we have to challenge those mindsets and challenge those thought processes and i can't tell you how many times um just in the last i mean it hasn't been a ton of times but in the last eight years or so i've had opportunity to forget you you i come up on a situation and then i go wow that's that that seems pretty hard right and that thought process says god's not with me because there's nothing too hard for him and there's nothing too hard for me because he's with me amen and so when when i've had that thought process there were times where i've kept moving on and then i go wait a minute and i remember wait a minute no i'm a child of god god is with me his spirit is in me and then i double back and then i take care of business but it's important that we understand and and and let it get let it sink in deep that we know who we are and we know that he's with us so um i don't suppose this is going to take a very long time um so would you with turn with me to john chapter 14. the gospel of john chapter 14. and let's start in verse 12 so that we get a full contest we're gonna go 12 to 20. um it says jesus uh see so jesus is talking in verse 12 it says most assuredly i say to you he who believes in me the works that i do he will do also and greater works than these he will do because i go to my father and whatever you ask in my name that i will do that the father may be glorified in the son if you ask anything in my name i will do it can somebody show me any limitation in those two or three scriptures we just read he says the same things i do you will do and not just that that's not even good enough for jesus he says you will do even greater things and the question is do we believe that do we remember that when we're walking in the streets when we're in the supermarkets wait i will do the same things jesus will do has done and yet even greater things and he says listen if you ask anything in my name i will do it verse 15 if you love me keep my commandments what are his commandments go into all the earth make disciples heal the sick cast out demons if you love me you will keep my commands you will do the things that i say and i will pray the father and he will give you another helper it's interesting so the context for them at that time jesus is the present help for them he is the one who is the helper for them in that moment and jesus is saying listen i'm going to give you the father is going to send you another helper now is is there any end to forever is there that's why i love i love how how children are so like you know i don't ever get i never i never have a turn i'm like really never never so you've never played this before you've never had a turn you know but it's so it's interesting but think about that because i i know we all grew up talking that way you know using these these these you know generalizations for for these these words that mean forever and never like it it never happens and so those words tend to lose their value to us and so when jesus here is saying he will abide with you forever he means forever not the way our kids mean it but the way it's supposed to be meant in truth the holy spirit is with you he abides with you verse 17 the spirit of truth it's interesting the helper he says he could have said the spirit of power he could have said the spirit of wisdom the spirit of counsel he said the spirit of truth the spirit of truth now we know the spirit is he embodies all those other things that i mentioned but here jesus specifically is saying he's you need to know him as the spirit of truth who will be with you and and abide with you forever whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you i will not leave you orphans i will come to you a little while longer and the world will see me no more but you will see me because i live you will live also at that day you will know that i am in my father you in me and i in you you in me and i in you so we are in him and he is in us amen all right turn with me to matthew chapter 19. we're going to look at something here that is very interesting starting in verse 5. give me an amen when you're there all right so sorry in verse 5 it says this it says and he said for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become flesh so then they are no longer two but one therefore what god has joined together let not man separate does anybody know when the first time that was uttered in genesis yeah genesis chapter 2 before there were ever any kids right who said that who i mean who but in genesis who's recorded saying this do we know adam so turn to genesis chapter two because this is going to be really really interesting when you see uh just the the the revelation of the connection in this passage starting in verse 23 it says and adam said this is now bone of my bones now remember this this is now bone of my bones flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the and they shall become one flesh so adam says this after god creates eve he takes her from him from his side or or takes flesh or rib or something meat from his side and creates woman and then adam says this is now bone of my bone and fleshes my flesh she shall be called woman because she came from man and therefore it's interesting he says therefore a man shall leave his mother and father and be joined to his wife and the two shall become i because two our one flesh right originally the two were one flesh right she came from his side god created her from him amen so that's where that's from now turn with me to first corinthians chapter 6. we're bound around a little bit but i want you to see this really cool connection there's corinthians chapter 6. and i want you to we're going to start at verse 15. he says do you not know that your bodies are members of christ now he's talking about your physical body okay everybody go like this this is what he's talking about your physical body okay do you not know that your bodies are members of christ shall i then take the members of christ and make them members of a harlot certainly not or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her for the two he says shall become one flesh but he who is joined to the lord is one spirit with him so here we have a spiritual oneness a oneness in spirit he who is joined to the lord is one spirit with him him being the lord amen let's keep going and then verse 18 he says flee sexual immorality every sin that it that a man does is outside the body but he who commits sexual immorality stands against his own body or do you not know that your body is the temple of the holy spirit all right pause your body do this again because i need you to make this connection your body this tent that you're walking around in every day is the temple of the holy spirit there was a time where god instructed the the israelites the hebrews to to make for him a temple where he would dwell in and then there was a box called the ark of the covenant where the the ten commandments and the manna and the the aaron's rod we're in and that's kind of where the glory of god the presence of god would dwell in the temple in the place of the most in the holiest place of all and god said no no no i i want to dwell in them and be with them and he says guess what i'm going to forgive them and i'm going to remove sin from them i'm going to put my spirit in them and now they will be my temple where once i dwelt in a box because i wanted to now i'm gonna dwell in them because i want to so think about that you know it it it's it's it's really humbling to see that god would so desire us that he would say you are his temple you are his temple think about the parallel think about all that went into creating the temple i mean how how ornate it was how grand it was and yet it still wasn't adequate enough for god and yet he says i am pleased to dwell in you to be with you let's keep going has that blessed somebody this morning he says do you not know that your body is the temple of the holy spirit who is in you whom you have from god and you are not your own you are not your own for you were bought at a price therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit which are god's so your body and your spirit belong to god it's not it's it's it's not your own anymore it's not your own anymore it belongs to god and this is this is why uh i i'm trying to think if it's in this passage there's another passage where uh i think it's i believe it's in corinthians where paul says that you are the temple of god and it says something to the effect i'm afraid if anyone destroys this temple god will destroy him because it's his temple it's his belongs to him it's not mine to do whatever i want with that's that's really important you know we make a lot of decisions and listen we we have i have reason why we're called living sacrifices romans chapter 12 verse 1 and 2 is because we're alive but we're called to sacrifice our desires our wills for his which i promise you are much better much much better much purer much higher you know even jesus had to lay down his will jesus had a will of his own we see this in the garden when he prays right nevertheless not my will but your will be done amen and so we're a living sacrifice so every day i need to make the choice to choose to live with this body as though it is the temple of the holy spirit it's the temple of god it does not belong to me it belongs to him i should never take liberties with that that which does not belong to me i mean if this is true if this body is not mine it belongs to god and i am the temple of the holy spirit what right do i have to do whatever i want with it but the interesting thing is i have oh i have a will and in my will i can do whatever i want with my body but that doesn't make it right does that make sense i can choose to do whatever i want but it doesn't make it right because my body has been purchased my spirit is the lord's and that's what paul says amen so let's turn to ephesians because we're about to really tie this ephesians is going to tie this together for us uh verse 5. excuse me chapter 5. verse 25. ephesians chapter 5 verse 25. uh yeah so he says husbands love your wives just as christ also loved the church and gave himself for her that he he who jesus amen that he might sanctify and cleanse her the washing of water by the word that he might present her to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that she should be holy and without blemish okay he's talking about the church amen so husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies he who loves his wife loves himself so side note husbands if you're not loving your wife it's evidence you don't love yourself so get along with jesus see what he sees correct what needs to be corrected see how he loves you love what he loves and then love your wife for no one ever hated his own flesh but nourishes it and cherishes it just as the lord does the church for we are members of his body now really pay attention right now not that you haven't been but for we have uh we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones think about that we are members of his body whose body jesus of his flesh and of his bones for this reason a man shall leave his mother his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh this is a great mystery but i speak concerning christ think about that he says we're members of his body of his flesh and of his bones and then he quotes what adam quoted what jesus quoted from the beginning for this reason a man shall leave his father mother be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh this is a great mystery but now the mystery's been revealed amen so it's no longer a mystery because we've heard it we've we've made the connection that which adam declared or you can even say he prophesied in the beginning for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh here we see the fulfillment of it now that we are members of his body we are members of his body and paul says of his flesh and of his bones i mean that is much deeper than like you know we're related you know twice removed or you know he says we're of his flesh and of his bones why because the two have become one and the bible says one flesh and it's a great mystery maybe our minds can't comprehend but this it's amazing that they tie those two together what adam said in the beginning jesus declares it in in when he's here on the earth and then paul is saying hey listen this is the reality christ nourishes us he cherishes us he sanctifies us he cleanses us with the washing of the water of the word so that we are presented to him as a spotless bride without spot or wrinkle without blemish and we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones beloved we've become one with him we've become one with him we need to let that reality sink down deep to never believe that we are inadequate we are unqualified bible says we have been qualified you have been qualified i mean how more qualified do you need to be to be one when you're one with god you're one with christ of his flesh and of his bones amen think about this and we see this played out when jesus encounters saul on the road to damascus what's the one thing jesus says to saul when he's on the road saul saul why why are you persecuting me it's hard to kick against the goads why are you persecuting me who are you lord how am i persecuting you did saul ever encounter jesus outside from that moment no is it recorded that saul ever encountered jesus outside of that moment and yet jesus's accurate accusation of paul is that he's persecuting him interesting jesus is in heaven revealing himself to paul saying you're persecuting me who is saul persecuting his body his body that's how intimately connected jesus sees his church and we see him as sometimes as far away and where are you you know would you come down and visit me and uh just i just need i just need more of you and jesus is like if you're touching them you're touching me that's how jesus sees it and it's we here on earth that need to be convinced of our union our communion our oneness our wholeness with him jesus isn't confused about it oftentimes we are and when we step on the scene of a situation that may seem big then the doubt tries to creep in the lies of the enemy try to creep in and go i don't know if i'm ready for this well great then his strength is made perfect in your weakness because apart from him you couldn't do anything anyway and so when you remember the reality that man i am of his flesh and of his union that is spirit and body i'm ready because he's here he's here he's in you he's with you amen ephesians 2 20 through 22 is this making sense yeah can can you guys see the connection there you know when jesus is talking about marriage and paul's talking about marriage and um what's that guy's name adam was talking about marriage how it all is connected in our union as the body of christ as the bride of christ it's it's so cool ephesians 2 20 we're going to go through some scriptures it says uh uh um chapter 2 verse 20 says having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets jesus christ himself being the chief cornerstone in whom the whole building being fitted together grows into a holy temple in the lord in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of god in the spirit you we are a dwelling place of god in the spirit not only in the spirit but in the physical paul says this is paul he says you your body is the temple of the holy spirit your body is the temple of the holy spirit he says he who was joined to the lord is one spirit with him man you you can't get more close than one amen so we know this is fulfilled and in john chapter 14 which we just read it says and i will pray the father and he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive but it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you for he dwells with you and he will be in you first john 5 20. he says and we know that the son of god has come and has given us an understanding that we may know him who is true and we are in him who is true in his son jesus christ this is true excuse me this is the true god and eternal life so we know the one who is true and we are in the one who is true so why is it important for us to believe this to to receive this to know this to understand this so it's got to go from a place of not just knowledge head knowledge to an experiential knowledge to an epignosis knowledge to a revelation in your own heart saying because i've searched this out because i've studied this out because i know the word is true and i know it's true for me and i see this now now this i embody this truth it's different from mentally assenting it's it's different from nodding ahead and saying that's nice i i agree to saying i believe and this shall be my reality that everywhere i go i know i'm in union with christ christ is here christ is here i mean i think sometimes i don't want to get you in trouble but i think sometimes you just need to say that to people hey man what's going on with with your with your knee oh yeah man i messed it up you know doing whatever and uh pushing the carts around and they won't give me time off but you know i'm just here at work and is it bothering you yeah it's bothering me christ is here and he loves you let me show you something real quick in the name of jesus need be healed check it out hey man what whoa man dude bro yeah take off that knee brace you're good man jesus loves you he's with you that's the true scenario it just happened last wednesday or thursday i don't know when thursday last thursday because you know it's interesting i was actually at someone's house and it's visiting and we were talking about things about scripture and then the person uh we were talking about um revival and so a person was like you know well you know sometimes you know god just has a timing and it's not his time and this that and the other and uh no it's not i said maybe that was for the old covenant but in the new covenant it says he's revealed these things to us by his spirit kind of shocked everyone who was there and i was like oh did i just say that like like it was like i didn't like should i say it should i like as soon as he said that i was like no that's that's not true anymore and he was like oh like it shocked him and it kind of shocked me i was like well i just said that because i believe it because i've searched it out and i know it's true there was a time where i couldn't see and ear couldn't hear and hadn't entered into the hearts of man the things that god had planned and prepared for him but now these things have been revealed to us by his spirit who is in us who abides with us i don't need to be in the dark what he knows i can know that's the beauty of being one that's the beauty of being one flesh and one bone and or flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone and being one spirit with the lord so this is the intended results hebrews chapter 4 verse 16. you can boldly come before the throne of grace to find help in time of need acts 10 38 now becomes your reality jesus of nazareth how god anointed him with the holy spirit and with power and how he went about doing good healing all who were oppressed of the devil for god was with him is god with you so this should be your testimony also you go about doing good healing all who are oppressed of the devil why because god is come on say that god is amen philippians 2 13 for it is god who works in you both to will and to do for his good pleasure is god in you so he's working in you to do and to will according or for his good pleasure colossians 3 17 and whatever you do in word indeed do all in the name of the lord jesus giving thanks to god the father through him giving thanks to god the father through him so we live through him so whatever you do in word and indeed do it all why because your body is his right so whatever you do in the body you're doing as a representation of his temple of his flesh and of his bone we gotta we gotta let this sink deep we have to let this sink really deep this is how he sees it this is how he sees us we might have a different understanding or interpretation this is how he sees us that's why he can say whatever you do do it in his name do it for his glory because he doesn't see us as separate from him himself colossians 3 uh i did that one ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus for good works which god prepared beforehand that we might walk in them right so we are his workmanship created in christ jesus for what for what like five people who know it what were you created for good works you were created for good works first john 4 9. in this the love of god was manifested toward us that god has sent his only begotten son into the world that we might live through him that we might live through him all that we do we do through him that's why uh in another place talks about you eat or drink do all things is unto the lord i mean he put eating and drinking in the category because there are people whose god is their belly and he's saying listen and so he's saying there's nothing that is off the table if i am one spirit with the lord if my body is his temple then all all of me is to be submitted to him and so i lived through him at every dimension first peter 4 11. he says if anyone speaks let him speak as the oracles of god that word oracle's there is is like divine utterance if anyone speaks i mean even as i'm talking about this i'm just i'm really seeing the the amazing and divine connection if i am god's if i am christ's representation if i am of his flesh and of his bone if i am his temple then the words that i speak must be consistent with what he says and how he thinks and how he believes i need to say what he would say i need to see as he would see that's why peter here is saying if anyone speaks do so as the oracles of god as the oracles of god as you do with the divine utterance if anyone ministers or serves let him do it as with the ability or the strength or the might which god supplies that in all things somebody say all things god may be glorified through jesus christ to whom belong to glory and dominion forever and ever amen and all things and all things god may be glorified why because when i speak i do it as the oracles of god and when i help when i serve when i minister i do it with the strength and the ability with the might that he supplies so it's it's it could yeah i mean it's it's no longer i that live amen i mean it's what we quote it's what we've said it's what we know to be true it's the new man it's the new creation i have been crucified with christ it is no longer i that live but christ who lives in me and the life that i now live i live by the faith of the son of god who loved me and gave his life for me the life that i now live i live in faith i speak as an oracle i'm created for good works i i talk as he would talk i act as he would act i am his workmanship for good works letting the light of christ shine because it's christ in me the hope of glory amen romans 8 37 yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us unlimited super abundant conquerors philippians 4 13 we all know this one i can do all things and maybe we don't all know this i could do all things through christ who strengthens me through christ you see that all these things that he says are to be done or should be done or can be done you see how it's all in him or through him or by him you see how how much the spirit wants us to see our our union with him i mean you will not find a promise that says you know where it talks about an exploit of service or power where it says you just do it on your own it's always in him but you have to do something you have to do something but it's through him and it's in him amen second corinthians 6 1 we then as workers together with him also plead with you not to receive the grace of god in vain as workers together with him co-laborers with christ going down to ver chapter 2 verse 4 it says and my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive excuse me persuasive words of humanism but in the demonstration of the spirit and of power reality that when we speak we don't speak with persuasive human words are in the wisdom of heaven and with the demonstration of the spirit and of power and lastly genesis 1 verse 19 who believe a working of his mighty power so that which works in us is according to the working of his mighty power why why because what because we're with him why because he's in us why not like like me and diana in the same room and i can be with her it's a whole nother scenario when we are one right that's a whole other thing in the old testament god was with them in a box that they carried around but in the new covenant he's in you he's one with you can we all just say amen to that reality so beloved please never forget never forget your body is his temple a dwelling place for him a habitation for him when you're there he's there don't ever forget that amen amen we'll be blessed we will break for the 10 o'clock service greet somebody go get some water use the restroom and uh we'll see you back in 12 minutes well good morning how's everybody doing all right everybody still alive make sure you sound alive all right [Applause] you know i said that when the lord appears he's coming for those that look for him and those that are alive he don't want him to pass you by cause he thinks you're dead okay okay all right well again good morning it is good to be here we're about to head to minnesota and uh that'll be tomorrow morning and so we are excited about those trips uh it's gonna be a great time up there we're doing a joint meeting with our good friend and brother tom skerella and it's his annual camp meeting so we'll be ministering with him and so we are excited about it uh going to minnesota i told him we are on our way we got our bulletproof vest we're ready so uh very quickly got some quick announcements today is june 6. back in 1944 this was d-day and that was 77 years ago think about that uh i believe it was winston churchill said i'm not going to say that this is the beginning of the end but i'm not and i'm not going to say that it's the end of the beginning but it is the end of the beginning of the end so he was a master at words he was amazing actually a couple of things i don't know if y'all heard but yesterday tb joshua passed away uh in nigeria tremendous um so i haven't heard any more details yet but as we find out then of course we'll pass those things along but um there are some amazing things if you've heard me talk about the time that i was working and there was a video playing and i felt movement by the spirit that video came from t.b joshua so um that was there was there were some amazing miracles that took place there and a good friend of mine kobus van rinsberg also went there when he was at one time trying to move into the working of miracles and went there and saw t.b joshua and t.b joshua actually walked past him he didn't say anything but as he walked past him my friend was thinking god i want to move in miracles like that and t.b joshua walked back over kicked his foot and said you can do this and he said you're supposed to be doing this and so kind of launched him out so um he was he was i know there was a lot of controversy but there's never been a man of god that there wasn't controversy why because the world is at odds with people of god it's just that simple so you know get used to it now i do have another one here the uh this life team we now have a life team in sao paulo brazil uh fernando fiera corcia i believe it is christian i believe is his last name get sometimes those names i got to get used to him but we have a new life team in brazil amen that's a good news all right also we have had four recently had four life teams birthed in china now we don't give the names and the addresses and that kind of stuff because it is illegal there but the word of god is not bound amen it will go through it you know the only reason they don't let christianity in there and don't that bible's not stuff through is because they're scared of us they're afraid that we will actually change their nation the people start thinking for themselves and thinking according to the word of god and they'll get free because that's what happens wherever the word of god goes there was a total of 60 dhts certified for the month of may 60 new dhds amen amen so a lot of things are happening and there are other testimonies we're going to give you but i'm going to let jenny do that but i have been going through a lot of my books going read the bible go read some wigglesworth read the bible go read some other editor read the bible i just i have been going through that cycle and there was something that i wanted to read to you out of this now i've talked years ago i talked to george stormont he wrote this book it's called wigglesworth the man who walked with god and he was uh george stormont was his good friend he was close to wigglesworth he drove for him anytime they were around and george stormont also pastored a church in duluth minnesota and he was a amazing man i've actually talked to him several times also william hacking and albert hibbert all those guys had written books about wigglesworth well in this one i just wanted to read something to you real quick get the other one there it is uh this says today this george stormont offered wigglesworth a beautiful rosebud to wear just a little rosebud clipped off of a rose bush and he gave it to him to pin to him he said no thank you brother and as a matter of fact he declined it quite strongly he said as soon as that rose was cut from the bush it began to die i don't want any death on me you think that guy was just weird you know i mean that's that's you know well that's a bit over the top he was a bit eccentric no he believed what he believed and he wanted nothing to do with death on him wearing it that kind of stuff uh that's where dr sumrall i found out also that was where dr sumrall got the idea or the characteristic that if he left something behind he wouldn't back up to go get it he wouldn't go back to get it he might send somebody to get it but he wouldn't because he didn't believe in going backwards and so all of that came from wigglesworth he had some strange characteristics but um you know it apparently worked for him he said here walking down the road one day he remarked that in the south of england most houses had tiled roofs while in the north slate was used he called tiled roofs dead the life was baked out of him he said and he preferred slate roots because they were actually living stone his emphasis always was life because he began to work in a woolen mill when he was seven years old willsworth had little formal education he did not learn to read until after he married mary jane featherstone whom most caller polly whom he and everyone else called polly they were married in 1882 and had five children for years she was the minister and he helped while building a successful plumbing business paulie taught him to read but said he she never taught me to spell he would no doubt have appreciated president grover cleveland that was one of our presidents in case you don't know way back he because grover cleveland made a remark and said that it is a poor kind of mind that can think of only one way to spell a word he said he was ministering at our church once on mark 11 23 he shall have whatsoever he saith when he asks the congregation have you begun to sayeth yet you can see his vocabulary for 20 minutes he spoke about say a thing saith in right at home after the service i said you know brother wigglesworth you can't say it he replied well if you can't say it you don't know god i persisted no it is i say you say he saith wigglesworth said you've got it hang on to it [Laughter] but i pressed my point i told him your grammar is wrong wigglesworth replied i don't know much about grammar but if you can't sayeth get down on your knees until you can he he was really hung up on the saith he was when a young man challenged d.l moody and said i don't like your grammar mr moody said young man i'm using all the grammar i have for god what are you doing with yours that's pretty good so there's there's just a lot of these things here i was trying to see if there's anything else i want to read here nope we're good there i think that'll stop right there but uh amazebook amazing man of god um you know it's good to go back to these people and read i tell you i've been in dally's leaves of healings i've been in mother etter's books and just amazing especially reading about the miracles here in dallas during her revival here with ff bosworth in 1912 and it's just it's amazing and matter of fact i'm going to make a point when i get back off this trip to go down to the newspaper because they have all the newspaper reports in them from that revival and see if i can dig some of those things out it's funny i've done them everywhere else but here in dallas i've done it in sacramento i've done it in portland i've done it in spokane everywhere you know i've done it and right here in dallas i hadn't gone down there and sat for days in the archives of the newspaper but we'll fix that when i get back and we will go over some of these things because it is really amazing and we're going to be seeing those things here than we have and we're going to be seeing them soon so get ready amen all right well now who's next let's bring the worst of team on up morning guys my office is actually one there's a building between my office and this sanctuary and they were doing some things this morning i could hear and then the other day when they were near worship i'm like they got it let's do this so it's gonna be fun today amen all right well get on your feet let's worship amen good morning good morning how is everybody doing blessed highly favored uh just turn to your neighbor this morning and just greet them if you don't know them introduce yourself and then lay hands on them in jesus name speak life over them in jesus name healing and wholeness in jesus name peace and joy in jesus name and just thank jesus hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] you are worthy you are worthy you are worthy you are worthy of our praise praise you jesus you are worthy [Music] [Music] [Music] sing with me god is what god is fighting for he is on our side he is overcome yes he is overcome we will not be shaken we will not be moved jesus you are here oh carrying moppers covering our shame [Music] jesus you are here [Music] i will not die the resurrection power of christ alive in me and i am free in jesus name oh we worship you lord we will [Music] i will not die of resurrection power of christ alive in me and i am free in jesus name i will live i will not die i will declare and lift you high christ revealed and i am healed in jesus name [Music] of jesus he's defeated and we will shout it out at the darkness lining up the kingdom [Music] [Music] we will shout it out [Music] [Music] alive in me and i am free in jesus name [Music] i will i will live i will not die [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] god is fighting for us he's lighting up the kingdom in the name of jesus [Music] in the name of jesus enemies defeated and we will shout it out shout it out come on lift your voice and shout his praises now failure hallelujah hallelujah we worship you lord glory and honor to the kingdom sing i will live cause i will live i will not die i will declare and lift you high christ's rehearsal and i am healed in jesus name sing that one more time i will live yes i will live i will not die i will declare and lift you high christ revealed and i am here in jesus name for we bless your name jesus oh we bless your name jesus oh we worship you we worship you [Music] this is living among them [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] this is on the cross and from his wounds his mercies flew and now the dawn put death to death and ever since that grace see this is [Music] jesus [Music] oh of jesus here in our chest at every door the savior's not let him in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the sound of every oh jesus [Music] again [Music] jesus [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] pour out your grace in the name of [Applause] [Music] jesus we love you [Music] we love the name of jesus oh jesus [Music] no sweeter [Music] we praise the name of jesus [Music] jesus [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] forever [Music] forever [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] amen amen [Music] amen amen thank you jesus amen [Music] yes [Music] and i am [Music] is oh lord things [Music] is [Music] is [Music] all these [Music] is [Music] just the voices sing out to the king sing eyes [Music] holy holy holy [Music] is [Music] [Applause] we [Music] oh we are jesus [Music] [Music] well oh lord [Music] so [Music] so [Music] and so my life you have been things and so my life you have been so so good [Music] with every breath that i am [Music] this is why we exhaust you cause you're good it's all my life you and [Music] [Music] of the goodness of god [Music] [Music] and your mercy never failed me and all my days i've been held in your hands [Music] of the goodness of god [Music] it's all my life [Music] i will sing of the goodness of god i love your voicing i love your voice cause you have led me through the fire in darkest nights you are close like no other i've known you as a father i've known you as a friend as i have lived in the goodness of god seeing all my life [Music] all my life you have been so [Music] [Music] of the goodness [Music] your goodness is running after it's running after me my life's laid down i'm surrendered now i give you everything [Music] is [Music] this is my testimony lord on my life i will sing i'm the goodness of god all my life you have been faithful [Music] [Music] of the goodness of god of the [Music] i'll let the whole world know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] your goodness [Music] your goodness [Music] you're a good father [Music] your goodness is running after it's running after me with my life laid down i'm surrendered now i give you everything your goodness is running after [Music] your blessings overtake me blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah praise you jesus he's so faithful the apostle peter talks about he reminds the church to not forget he says the person that forgot that they were cleansed from their previous sins is short-sighted even to blindness we would never forget the sacrifice the blood the body broken on our behalf and it's more than reason enough to celebrate that we were called from darkness to light from death to life amen thank you jesus and for that we magnify you king jesus i was buried beneath my shame [Music] it was my turn [Music] till i met you [Applause] is you called my name and i ran out of that grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] jesus and i ran out of that grace into your glorious days i needed rescue my sin was heavy but chains break [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] you call my [Music] [Applause] out of the darkness into your glorious death [Music] [Music] come on let's celebrate the lord [Music] jesus this morning we thank you lord for being faithful to us lord father we love you we worship you it is an honor to serve you lord we just thank you for all that we thank you for all the healings taking place right now we thank you for anyone joining us live and also that they're completely healed watching this right now in jesus name we bless you lord and we thank you for everything that you've done for us in jesus mighty name amen amen god is good all the time all the time that's right good morning everyone welcome to dominion life church it's so good to see a full house at this time if you have children that signed up for children's ministry they are dismissed so please take your children to the children's place and um you can pick them up before the healing line at the end of the service so welcome how many first-time guests with us this morning awesome praise god we're so happy to see so many new faces every week it's awesome and i'm sure that we have more people joining us live as well so welcome thank you for joining us this morning so i have a long list of announcements and awesome testimonies so bear with me this morning we have the divine invasion coming up june 10 through the 12th and that we're so excited brother curry is actually leaving tomorrow with the team so we just blessed them it's going to be an awesome time and if you are in minnesota around minnesota you actually do not need to be registered for this event so all that information is on our website and you're welcome to join them so that's june 10 through the 12th as well july 15th through the 17th we have our faith conference coming up this is an awesome seminar that will be held here at headquarters led by brother curry as well and this is the first time he'll be speaking about faith in this in this seminar so this way um so we're excited about that as well we have the lake um i hope i see this right janel jenna alaska in north carolina lake china alaska august 20th through the 22nd so basically in north carolina we have the registration available on our social medias it's not on our website yet but it will be very soon so look out for that that's in august and then the louisville conference the annual conference is october 20th through the 23rd so this is the conference we have every year it's our annual and a lot of our leaders from all over come to this conference all of our jglm leaders it's going to be an awesome time so be sure to mark your calendars october 20th through the 23rd and that'll be in louisville texas so it's just going to be at a hotel in louisville here as well um we have a missouri call coming up so for those watching live or if anyone here is from missouri this is for anyone that's in missouri it's going to be june 15th at 7 00 pm central time usn canada so basically if you want to get connected with jglm somehow if you want to be a dht become a life team leader this call is for you so we want to make sure anyone from missouri is connected to this call there is a zoom link but if you have any questions you can email alex limoncinco and that's the jjlm missouri state director and his email as alex limoncinco gmail.com which i know is probably a lot of letters there but you can find all that information online as well and if you're connected with us on our social media platforms as well we have the philippines connect call so if you're if you are watching live and you live in the philippines this call is for you we want to make sure that you are connected with us as well this will be saturday june 19th at 7 30 p.m manila time it's also going to be a live zoom call for those interested in becoming a certified dht or if you want to start a live team and we'll be introducing our leaders in the philippines as well but there will be a registration link for this coming out very shortly so we want to make sure that you register to see how many people will be on this call of course it's absolutely free we just want to see how many people will join this call so be on the lookout for that information but during the week we have two calls as well we have the getting started call this is every tuesday and it's at 8 30 pm dallas time so cst time if you are interested in being a dht and becoming a life team leader if you just have any questions regarding the jjlmn ministry and how to get started this call is for you it's absolutely free again and there's a zoom link at startlifeteams.com locate all that information is on there so get on this call and be connected with us and then on thursdays we have the q a call so this one um is a call that we have for specific doctrinal questions that you may have and we will be releasing a question every week that we will specifically one of our leaders will specifically focus on so if you have questions about divine healing about the scripture this call is for you this is thursdays at 8 30 pm dallas time cst time and you can also find that information at startlifeteams.com locate so those are all of my long list of announcements but we are ready to receive this morning's offering so if you would like to give you can make checks payable to either dominion life church or john g lake ministries and you can also give online if you go to jglm.org and click on give or you can give through our app the jjlm app so we want to make sure you're connected with us we do have an app and that's a wonderful way for you to give as well so while the offering is being received i'm just gonna bless it real quick in jesus name we thank you father that this offering is already blessed and will do so much to serve your kingdom in the mighty name of jesus amen and i have some awesome testimonies to share with you all this morning so this is my favorite part we have a testimony from nigeria it says one of the major changes that occurs to me when i started learning from jglm most especially on divine healing is the ability to stand and not quit especially when the word says it is done i remember my earlier days at a particular hospital here in lago lagos as a result of healthy relationship with the stackholders i was given a place to be using a temporal office i just go there with my laptop and do the work of the ministry online 4 pm each day i would walk around the wards to pray for their patients this continued for months i think more than 4 months of daily healings and miracles i remember a young man who was brought in almost dead he was suffering from a severe spiritual attack that was complicated with partial paralysis a few days of ministering to him morning and evening no signs of changes but having learned to walk by faith and not by sight and having learned to quit i kept going i kept commanding the sickness and disease to depart each day i said to the wife your husband will walk out of this place by himself in a matter of two weeks of consistent standing on my ground he was healed completely and walked out of the hospital all by himself jesus be glorified amen so awesome that was from nigeria as well we received this testimony it says praise be to god thank you so very much brother curry i'm going to be 63 on the 29th of january and i have never in my life seen a ministry that comes close to yours thank you so much for all that you do because of you my wife is alive today she has studied you in all of your training for six to eight hours a day for three years that's what the lord put on her heart and and don't you know that after about three years she got excessive stage breast cancer breast cancer and she herself was a gynecologist for 30 years her associate doctors in the hospital said that she had work that she had worked with for 39 years said she was going to die but because of john g lake ministries and brother curry she has been cancer-free now for over six years praise god we love you pastor curry in the entire ministry praise god god is good this one we had received yesterday from lake city florida and our life team leaders matt and sherry had prayed for this baby so it says we received a prayer request to pray for an eight-month-old baby that had cancer the baby had a tumor growing on his cheek and the parents had taken him to the doctor and were told that it was a rare form of cancer that was almost always fatal in infants the parents had taken him to a cancer center for treatment where they were told that the cancer had spread to his lungs and lymph nodes our whole life team prayed for the baby and commanded the cancer to leave without any harm to the baby the doctors told the parents that the chemotherapy was very hard on infants and that they normally lose a lot of weight over the next week the cancer disappeared from his lungs first then the tumor shrank and was completely gone the baby stayed happy and actually gained weight this last week the doctors announced that he was cancer-free cancer cannot stand before the mighty name of jesus praise god glory to god amen god is good and we also have a life team testimony for you all and this is submitted from a life team in norway so it says i'm thankful to god for directing me to curry blake and the john g lake ministries message in 2017 my wife and i went to denmark for a tlr conference to connect with another ministry there we meet a brother from malta he told me about brother curry blake from the first teaching i listened to it it totally resonated in my heart and i was convinced about the truth in it but it wasn't until last year that it became easy to get connected to john g lake ministries outside of the us and so i did becoming a life team leader has totally altered my attitude as a believer i have started to take responsibility because of the new man inside of me before i was waiting for someone to follow now that i see myself as a source of change awakening to the realization that i am literally an extension of christ has at times been painful but his spirit testifies with my spirit that i am god's child and by having this hope to him i'm pressing in to become like him in every way in short i see two prominent changes after becoming a life team leader the growing pressure from inside to convey the gospel to other people and the urge to go out and display christ to people around me because i know i know i now know what to give them joy to life team so this is so awesome god is good and if you aren't connected to a life team we want we want you to be so all of that information is at startlifeteams.com please get plugged in if you're not from this area find someone in your area to get connected with we want to keep growing these life teams so without further ado here is brother curry blake well again good morning i got wrapped up listening to the testimonies and forgot i was supposed to be making my way to the front but good testimonies amen god is amazing the things he does the things he's done it's just amazing so uh a couple of things real quick also we're gonna get into the scriptures uh one of the things that this reminded me of i'm talking about the young men from nigeria uh going to the hospital uh there had matter of fact just yesterday or day before yesterday i think it was anyway yeah um there was a phone call that came in from a couple and uh they she was born in russia raised in ukraine uh she also is a doctor and uh it was amazing because and actually some of the well it's the same person actually she just gave the testimony about i was talking to them on the phone before they sent that testimony in and that it was it's just amazing to hear and talk to her because like she said she had been studying as i said medical doctors she'd been studying these the dht and going through it and then the enemy hit which you know makes sense if you're a devil because that's what he tries to do people get to hold this message especially somebody like a doctor or somebody that has access to people the way they do uh and she was hit with his cancer and then uh went through the dht again and kept enforcing it and kept enforcing has been praying for her patients but the doctors around her now recognize what she's doing and it's just amazing to hear what god is doing and it's always good to hear you know different aspects uh the young man that went in nigeria going into the hospital we're seeing this more and more and more where hospitals are recognizing the good that our people can do when they go in and they're giving them offices i mean i hear this all the time they will go in there and pray for people and then they'll say hey why don't you take this room and you can be here and they're generally not paid staff actually one or two have become paid staff but many of them are not but they get a room and an office they're in the hospital years ago when i went to trinidad it was well you know it's kind of sad because it's so much easier to get into hospitals in other countries places like trinidad places like nigeria it is actually easier to get in there and just pray for people because you can literally just kind of walk in the door many times they don't have security and things you can just walk in and just walk through the wards and in many places it's just an open room like this with beds and as you walk in you start praying for somebody and you know they get healed and all of a sudden everybody else wants prayer and we did this actually here at parkland hospital a few years ago we when we were in the old building yeah actually over in mesquite and so we would go down to parkland hospital to the emergency room and just go in and there was about five or six of us and we'd go in and the place was packed out and there were people sitting on the floor people laid up against the wall some of them sleeping because they were so sick and we go in and this uh i had a friend of mine that was here he said uh can i have your attention we are here to pray for the sick if you need prayer raise your hand and the the receptionist is looking like who are these people who are they had no clue we didn't ask permission or anything we just went right on in and this and a couple of hands went up like and there's probably 150 people in there and there was probably six hands that went up and so which was good because that's about how many people we had with us so we kind of scattered to all of them started administering people started getting up moving around doing things recognizing fevers going instantly gone and they started getting happy about these things and all of a sudden the people next to him pray for me pray for me and we ended up praying for everybody i mean literally almost everybody in the hospital there were so many healings that took place and then of course security showed up um that's why it's good to go in and hit all at once like that uh but they were very good and they you know they just kind of stood there and watched they didn't run us out or anything and so we've done that many many times uh something similar to that here at parkland uh when our teams would go there and but there was also when i went into trinidad there was the place there uh the hospital there they asked me to go pray for one person i went in pray for that one person and we asked anybody else wanted prayer and there was a couple we prayed for like three or four altogether and there was probably at least 100 people there in that and they had different wards that you can go into and each ward was for specific diseases or categories so we went in administered people left we had gone in with the pastor next day we were going to go back and check on them we went back they were out they had been dismissed and because they had got well so they released them and we walked back in there and as soon as the people there saw us they knew that we had the other day in and he was released so now all of a sudden he's like oh pray for me pray for me everybody we stayed there about three hours just going through and praying for people then we left came back the next day literally the next day all new people the entire ward had been released and but you know people always say why don't y'all just go and clean out the hospitals we do and then you fill them back up again we would have to have somebody on staff there or there to to literally work with everybody that comes in but that happened i was there for about 10 days and that happened uh five six four you know six days out of the ten that i was there we were in the hospital and had some great meetings and just it was it was amazing uh but i'm telling you this the gospel of jesus christ works why does it work because he's the same yesterday today and forever he's always been a healer he'll always be a healer he's still healing he's already accomplished it now he's just looking at us i was reading something about mother etter as i mentioned earlier and the person that wrote the book about her you know you have to be careful sometimes when you read books about somebody if you read their books that they wrote that's one thing if you're reading books people wrote about them you kind of have to filter it sometimes because they will put their own religious beliefs in there and this person that i was uh reading about mother etter he said that her first husband was not spiritual at all was a matter of fact kind of antagonistic against her call and so she was at home on the farm and that kind of thing and he didn't and this is what this man said that wrote the story about her he said her husband did not realize that he had married a woman who had the gift of evangelism and the gift of preaching let's see when i read that i'm like okay first off listen carefully the reason i'm telling you this is because of this right there is no gift of evangelist evangelist the evangelist is the gift he put gifts in the church the evangelist the apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher those fivefold ministries we generally call them they are the gift the person is the gift now they have certain callings giftings uh gifts of the spirit that kind of thing operating in them but when somebody writes that this man didn't know who he had married and he didn't know that he married a woman that had the gift of evangelism and the gift of preaching what that does is it nullifies people's will because there is you cannot find in the bible any mention of the gift of preaching or the gift of evangelism why because it is not a gift it is a duty and a responsibility and an obligation it is your job as a believer now you can develop it you can do it you can get better at it and you will get better at it the more you do it but the key is to remember that it is not a gift that drops on you and all of a sudden you're just an evangelist now there are certain characteristics in the fivefold ministry that each usually each gift will possess each each one of the fivefold will possess certain sometimes certain temperaments certain personalities things like that but we have to realize that that's how that god goes into that person and works out through them and it is their personality now sometimes people's personality can change thank god and other times that god will use the personality they were born with it just gets sanctified right so either way the bottom line is and this is what i what i really want to emphasize even smith wigglesworth said this the key is to believe the word of god when you read the word if you read it out loud god has spoken and remember that when you read the word of god and it says that if anyone whosoever saith god just said whosoever saith you have to look at that as god speaking amen now we're going to look at this um you know recently i don't know if y'all noticed yes or not and actually this was prophesied recently just before this recent rash of things that's happened is that now what was going to start coming out was a whole lot of ufo sightings have you been hearing about that all the different sightings all different kind of things well the reason for that okay because there's a good and a bad side of that all right now here's the thing you have to remember one thing is for sure we are not alone so today we're going to talk about how we're not alone all right now so today i'm going to start what i expect to be somewhat of a short series but we're not alone the bible says that we are encompassed about with a great cloud of witnesses one of the great cloud of witnesses are one part of that and there's several different aspects but one part of that that i want to uh i'm going to mention i'm going to move into a second part is that great cloud of witnesses includes of course all the people in hebrews 11 because that's where it's actually talking about it hebrews 11 going into 12. but we have to remember smith wigglesworth is in that great cloud of witnesses john lake is in that great cloud of witnesses mother etter is in that great cloud of witnesses amy simple mcpherson uh all you know these names of these giants that we know about as people call them or god's generals they are watching us now think about that that we're encompassed about in the spirit realm because the spirit realm is the spirit realm and it's another dimension and it's not here or there it's another dimension along at the same time in other words there could be in another dimension something someone else standing in the exact spot i am where i'm in this dimension they're in that dimension and it wouldn't be a problem right so the thing is that we have to remember is that number one these great men and women of god that have impacted so many lives to the point where even though they are now you know in the great cloud of witnesses and no longer with us they are still impacting lives and so we have them watches now imagine because every one of them now obviously some of them admitted that they had giftings and and gifts were given to them but most of them said anybody can do what i did that's what anybody used of god will almost always say that if you hear somebody say i can do this and you can't run from them right they may be of god but run from them why because they have another motive of why they think they're special so when you look at these men and women of god they will always say if i did it you can do it and it comes down to an a matter of the will of you deciding to be like them now now think about this we talk about being like jesus all the time isn't that right but how many of you know that to be like jesus uh you're probably gonna pass wigglesworth on the way right because he's not above jesus so if you're gonna get to jesus you're gonna have to go through wigglesworth you don't understand what i mean by that in other words you're probably going to walk and talk like wigglesworth to pick up some of his characteristics and other people if you're going to get to be like jesus you're going to have to probably pick up some other editor's characteristics now you don't have to study them to do that if you do study them you'll see those things and you'll probably do it faster but you don't have to study them you just move toward jesus and along the way characteristics will come into you and you'll start operating in certain characteristics that somebody else would look at and go well that's what smith wigglesworth used to do do you understand what i'm saying so now if you do study them generally you can incorporate some things into your life on purpose you can choose to change as a matter of fact that's the only way you will change is for you to choose to change amen now but this morning and as i said we're encompassed with a great cloud of witnesses but there are other beings also so when i say we are not alone well we know that the father is watching us we know that jesus watches over us we know the holy spirit is with us and knows what we do amen but we also know that there are angels and we know that there are demonic spirits or which you know as a bible called demon spirits or you have to look and see what the bible actually what the bible says about it we're going to talk about these beings now today i won't get very far into it that's why i said this will probably be a series but this morning starting uh i want to talk a little bit about angels and it's going to give you some basic ideas and things and and we'll come back to these things but we want to talk about the ministry of angels now first off they're only and you might want to take some notes of stuff so some of this is going to be pretty just cut and dried but i want to i want you to start to move in this direction but i want you to do it right because the worst thing you can do is start talking about angelic beings and get on the wrong track and then you start waiting for them and you start looking for them and you start trying to you know hear them and you know you start asking for angelic appearances listen god initiates angelic appearances not man when man initiates angelic appearances it's almost always a demon they will show up because they will take advantage of the fact that you want to see something and so it's never good to ask god to see an angel now if you need it he will show you an angel if it will help you move forward but your idea of helping gods is sometimes two different things and so i'm going to give you a couple of things number one these are just some facts we'll start with first off there are angels they are spirits a spirit body now there are only four angels named in scripture only four right all these other names you hear is made up by somebody it's not in the bible the only four that are named in the bible are very simple they are michael which is generally seen as the warring angel there's gabriel which is usually seen as the messenger angel come to bring a message don't don't make this a hard and fast rule all right the third one that's mentioned is lucifer right and then the fourth one actually goes by two names one is abaddon and the other is apollyon but those are the same angel their fallen angels as is the first two are good angels the last two are bad angels amen now when the angels rebelled against god two-thirds stayed with god only one-third fell so that tells us right there we got a mountain number two to one then if you add the believers even more so amen now we also know that the bible says that the number of the company of angels that belong to god and work with god are innumerable so if the angel if two-thirds are innumerable then the other other third is numerable that makes sense so all right i mean okay technically if you couldn't number them how would you know two-thirds state just say it so it is an illustration of how many were with him now but we're gonna look at some scriptures so first go with me yep go with me two second kings second kings if i can get there myself come on there we go yeah second kings chapter six and we're going to look at verse we will look at verse let's start in verse 15. now you know this story this is when the prophet was surrounded and his servant his uh associate was there with him so we'll just we'll just pick it up from there and when the servant of the man of god was risen early and had gone forth behold a host compassed the city both with horses and chariots and his servants said unto him i'll ask my master how shall we do so these were the syrians that had come and surrounded them and he answered fear not that's always a good start right for they that be with us are more than they that be with them and elisha prayed and said lord i pray thee open his eyes that he may see now notice and the lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about elisha and when they came down to him elisha prayed unto the lord and said smite this people i pray thee with blindness and he smote them with blindness according to the word of elisha notice that was not the word of god that was the word of elisha okay but now notice those angels appeared now now get this the angels were there elijah elisha had already said there's more with us than be against us he already saw him then he said lord open young man's eyes and he did and the young man saw which means they were there before the young man saw them they were already there even though they were unseen that's point number one angels are around even when you don't see them right now the bible says in matthew i believe it's chapter you have to turn there but it says that the angels it talks about don't despise these little children because their angels always behold the face of god and so we know that there are according to uh the inference of scripture that angels are assigned to people and it says that these children have angels and there's nothing in the bible that says you lose your angel when you get big when you grow up so we would assume that there is probably what most people call guardian angels or whatever or an angel assigned they don't get taken away with that and start trying to talk to your guardian angel uh all that kind of stuff he he's like the secret service he don't want to talk just he's just doing his business he's standing guard he's watching just let him do his job amen don't get don't get wrapped up he's not one for small talk okay so now because they really only say generally speaking what god has said right now so now go with me we're going to go to the next one uh we're going to look at daniel you can go to daniel we'll go to daniel chapter 10. daniel chapter 10. and if you look at chapter 10 where are we going to go there he goes um yeah now you know let me get this right here uh 1 12 yeah because he says here this angel shows up and i was trying to go back to where he talks about the angel actually saying it but he said then said he unto me fear not daniel for from the first day that you did set your heart to understand and to chasten thyself before thy god your words were heard and i am come for your words so now notice angels bring answers to prayer they bring the answers to you do you get that now notice too he said from the day now watch this he says fear not for from the first day he did he did not say from the first day you started to pray he said from the first day that you set your heart to understand and to chasten yourself before the thy god your words were heard and notice it doesn't say pray it says when you set yourself set your heart to understand and you decided to chasten yourself in other words to discipline yourself your words were heard from that moment people say well how come my prayers never get answered well maybe you need to set yourself to understand and need to start chastening yourself and discipline yourself amen there's if god if you're not experiencing the benefits and the blessings of god it's not god's fault it's because you're not in a place where he can do it so the key is to get where he can do it right he says here but the prince of the kingdom of persia withstood me one in 20 days 21 days but lo michael one of the chief princes also known as a archangel came to help me and i remained there with the kings of persia now i'm come to make the understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days for yet the vision is for many days and when he had spoken such words unto me i set my faith toward the ground and i became dumb means quiet okay and behold one like the similitude of the sons of men touch my lips then i opened my mouth and spoke and he said unto me that stood before me oh my lord by the vision my my sorrows are turned upon me and i've retained no strength now you'll notice that he actually goes on and he tells the whole story but then when he finishes he says now i had to fight this basically he was saying that there was an angel another angel a fallen angel over persia that he had to fight his way through and couldn't get through until michael the warring angel came and fought with him and apparently opened so that they could get through and then michael stayed there fighting and this angel tells daniel now i got to go back and continue the fight now think about that so there is actual war in the heavenlies as they would say and these angels are fighting over certain certain situations now one thing you can usually see because daniel held a position where it was important that the angel get through to him obviously for what he was praying for and he said i've come to tell you now if you go back and read this daniel had been reading the books of jeremiah and he said i need to understand this and then the angel shows up and says okay you set your heart to understand i'm here to share this with you and i'm going to tell you what shall befall your people in the last days and so the the vision of daniel for the last days which coincides with the book of the revelation of jesus christ those two go together but in daniel it specifically shows this is what will happen to your people the jews in the last days you get that so when you read the book of the revelation you have to realize a lot of that is referring to what is happening to the jews and you can tie that in with the book of daniel right so many things and if you go and look many it tells you exactly where certain things are going to happen all this kind of stuff for instance everybody's always trying to find out who the antichrist is okay and you know it's funny i've talked to somebody the other day and they said well you know you just think you know everything i said that is not true there are many things i don't know i don't know the name of the antichrist i don't know when jesus is returning amen i don't know if you tithe okay there's a lot of things i don't know amen so just let it be stated that i have said that i've stated that for the for the record okay now okay but this angel showed up and started telling him and now and as we're saying a lot of interest i'm just throwing this out there um the the bible calls the antichrist at one time they they it calls him that assyrian and that he will come out of assyria now today syria is part of syria used to be a part of assyria in other words us syria was big and syria is one place in it so it says that he will come out of assyria so he can't be anybody you probably know of at this point if he is alive right i'm not doubting that he is i don't doubt that he's not i don't care either way he's not going to affect me simple as that right now but everybody thinks that everything is in the in the book here is talking about america and this thing no no no all of that takes place over the 10 kingdoms in that area you have to go back to that right so when it talks about these things that were happening you have to look at that period it has nothing to do with the united states you understand that has nothing to do with australia has nothing to do with canada has nothing now there are and it's not the revived or yeah the revived roman empire it was oh it's going to be the revived dominant roman empire no no it's the revised roman empire it's a different type of roman empire right but will include some of those countries involved in the roman empire which also included the middle east and those areas so if you want to go back here here's something you can do look at the area assyria used to cover look at the area that the roman empire used to cover and see where they overlap just an idea right so now that's not what we're talking about today so now notice uh this angel come and brought an answer to prayer amen so when you pray many times it's angels that bring your answer and we've had situations uh where when i've been speaking people have seen angels they see them walk through walls and come up behind me and stand there and talk to my ear and i and they said every time that started happening i would go do you know and i would just take off they said they said and they said i was watching this and they would describe different things the way it works so i don't doubt that at all now i don't it doesn't matter to me right i mean i now listen and i really wanted to teach something else this morning i really wanted to and but he kept bringing this up and he said teach this and i'm like okay i will teach it but i'm still gonna get my piece in there and it ties right in here see it's perfect time but anyway okay so here's i'm being obedient lord i'm obedient so but here's my piece people talk about believing god we're going to believe god okay that's good but you there are times when you need to believe him for something to happen or an event or something like that but people say well we're going to pray traveling mercies over you i don't need that i don't need traveling mercies prayed over me why because the angel of the lord encamps around about me he goes before me he's my rear guard i expect him i don't believe for protection because somebody prayed it for me i believe in protection by god because the bible said he would protect me now i started believing that i never stopped i i turned it on years ago and it's still on i never decided you know what i think today i'm going to turn off believing that god will protect me no i cannot imagine that i mean no uh i it is a constant thing that is i'm always believing now it's not always in the front forefront of my mind but it's always there that i believe god protects me amen and so it's things like that now like divine health i don't believe every day get up and believe for divine healing for myself or divine health for myself i believe in divine health i believe that by his word now and by by his stripes obviously i have been healed and if i have been i am and why not stay that way and so i just live this way so i expect now there's probably things he's had to fix and heal that i didn't even know about why because as soon as it popped up he just dealt with it why because i expect him to i don't have a time where i go and go okay god is there anything wrong if so tell me if so i'll pray and i believe you'll heal me nope when it it's like i'm a divine bug zapper it comes just gets hit amen so i don't set you know i don't i don't start believing god and then stop believing god i start believing and i never stop amen so be believing don't now there's times when you have to pray and believe and receive i get that there are times for that but not the things that he has promised that is to be operative in your life all the time now i i can tell you an example if i get a chance right we'll see so now okay now go with me to daniel chapter nine daniel chapter nine and we'll start in verse one and let's see yeah okay in the first year of darius the son of a huserus of the seed of the medes which was made king over the realm of the chaldeans in the first year of his reign i daniel unto it books oh look at that he understood my books the number of the years whereof the word of the lord came to jeremiah the prophet that he would accomplish 70 years in the desolations of jerusalem now this obviously the chapter before what we just read so this is what daniel read and he goes oh 70 years wow that's this year so it's time to be free so he set himself to start to pray right and i set my face unto the lord unto the lord god to seek by prayer and supplication with fasting and sackcloth and ashes and i prayed unto the lord my god and made my confession and said o lord the great and dreadful god keeping the covenant and mercy to them that love him and to them that keep his commandments we have sinned and have committed iniquity and have done wickedly and have rebelled even by departing from your precepts and from your judgments neither have we hearkened unto your servants the prophets which spoke in the name to our in your name to our kings our princes and our fathers and to all the people of the land oh lord righteousness belongs unto you but unto us confusion of faces as at this day in other words he's saying this is the situation we're in he says to the men of judah and to the inhabitants of jerusalem and all unto all israel that are near and that are far off through all the countries whether you have driven them because of their trespass that they have trespassed against you oh lord to us belongs confusion of faith to our kings to our princes to our fathers because we have sinned against thee now i'm not going to tile this in and try to say oh look here's what you know what is happening here in america and we need to go into sackcloth and ashes and we need to do this and why because we're in a little different position than daniel was now i'm not saying we don't need to pray i'm not and saying matter of fact i will tell you we need to pray we need to be praying for our nation we need to be praying for our leaders we need to be praying that god will reign righteously through our leaders amen and so we need to be praying for him now but i just want to get to a piece here where he says in verse 10 neither have we obeyed the voice of the lord our god to walk in his laws which he set before us by his servants of prophets yea all israel have transgressed thy law even by departing that they might not obey thy voice therefore the curse is poured upon us and the oath that is written in the law of moses the servant of god because we have sinned against him and he now notice he was praying and confessing the sin of the nation and saying okay but now notice when he did this he didn't start doing this at the beginning of the 70 years he did it at the end why because it's time to change right then he said and he has confirmed his words which spoke against us and against our judges that judged us by bringing upon us a great evil for unto the whole heaven hath not been done as hath been done unto jerusalem as it is written in the law of moses all this evil has come upon us yet may we not our prayer before the lord our god that we might turn from our iniquities and understand that truth therefore hath the lord watched upon the evil and brought it upon us for the lord our god is righteous in all his works which he does for we obey not his voice now and he goes through all of this list now go with me to verse 18. oh my god incline thine ear and hear open thine eyes and behold our desolations and the city which is called by thy name for we do not present our supplication before thee for our righteousness but for your great mercies o lord hear o lord forgive o lord hearken and do defer not for thine own sake o my god for thy city and thy people are called by thy name now drop down to verse well i'm not sure we'll just go and while i was speaking and praying and confessing my sin and the sin of my people israel and presenting my supplication before the lord my god for the holy mountain of my god yea while i was speaking in prayer even the man now we know this was an angel gabriel so he appears as a man and has a man's form the angel gabriel whom i had seen in the vision at the beginning being caused to fly swiftly so now we know angels fly swiftly touched me about the time of the evening oblation and he informed me and talked with me and said o daniel i am now come forth to give the skill and understanding the angel came to give skill and understanding when you are praying to god and for something and you don't know how to do it see most people won't pray to god to do something they don't know how to do they only pray to god to help them do something they don't they know how to do but if you need to do something or you desire to do something and don't know how to do it you can pray to god and he will send an angel to bring the skill to you to get you to do it do you get that i can tell you when we started i didn't know anything what i'm doing god had to teach me and i believe that he used an angel to do it even though i never saw the angel didn't talk to the angel i heard things right now he says verse 23 at the beginning of your supplications the commandment came forth and i am come to show thee for thou art greatly beloved therefore understand the matter and consider the vision 70 weeks are determined upon your people and upon the holy city so you understand how the angels are functioning here right now genesis in genesis 18 you don't have to go there necessarily but you will if you do go there and check it out at some point you will find out that god at one point said man i'm seeing uh i'm hearing some bad things coming from sodom and gomorrah and he said i i need to know and so two angels came down and to check things out matter of fact you'll find that often angels go to check things out and he'll say go and see if what i hear is true the thing about god is sending angels to do reconnaissance for him and that's what they did they came into the city the people didn't recognize them as angels but apparently they were very good-looking and the men of the city wanted them right and matter of fact lot even offered his daughters to the men and the men said well we don't want those women we want these men it gives you an idea of what some sodom and gomorrah was like right and look at it now right because they left and it was destroyed okay now but if you do research the reason it was destroyed was because of how sodom and gomorrah treated the poor go read it not because of the sin of the people but that kind of sin anyway but and it is we're generally used to it the words you don't hear anymore but used to that i mean that's where the word sodomite came from and so but the real reason why sodom and gomorrah was destroyed was because of how they treated the poor you can look it up now next uh in daniel actually we're right there daniel chapter six he goes maybe daniel six and daniel six and we're gonna start about verse oh let's see um yeah yeah look at verse 16. now you know the situation with daniel these men didn't like daniel and so they convinced the king to make a law that it was against the law to pray to any god except the king and they they knew that that's how they would get daniel and so they passed that law and daniel went and opened his windows and knelt by the window and prayed loud enough for the people to hear him and he wasn't praying to the king and so now in verse 16 it says verse 15 that then these men assembled under the king and said unto the king know o king that the law the medes and persians is that no decree nor statute which the king established may be changed then the king commanded and they brought daniel and cast him into the den of lions now the king spoke and said unto daniel your god whom you serve continually he will deliver you you hear that the first statement of faith about daniel's situation was spoken by the king and a stone was brought and laid upon the mouth of the den and the king sealed it with his own signet and with the sickness of his lords that the purpose might not be changed concerning daniel then the king went to his palace and passed the night fasting neither were instruments of music brought before him and his sleep went from him so he spent the night up then the king arose very early in the morning and went in haste unto the den of lions when he came to the den he cried with a lamentable voice unto daniel and the king spoke and said to daniel o daniel servant of the living god isn't that amazing is thy god whom you serve continually able to deliver you from the lions then said daniel unto the king o king live forever my god hath sent his angel and has shut the lion's mouths that they have not hurt me for as much as before him innocency was found in me and also before thee o king have i done no hurt then was the king exceedingly glad for him and commanded that they should take daniel up out of the den so daniel was taken up out of the den and no manner of hurt was found upon him because he believed his god and then we know the rest of the story they took those men and cast them in right and so they don't don't worry about the lions they got to eat after all so it was just now i love when i used to hear dr sumrall tell the story about this and how he would go in he said because it was a gift of faith operating in daniel at this point and he would tell the lions now you lay down there and be quiet i've got to get some sleep tonight because the king's going to be here early in the morning and i got to be ready for him and so he these lines will be laid out and he said he would go over and he'd lay his hand no no here you got to move your paw a little over here it's a better pillow and he would lay his head on the side of the line and he said yeah go ahead and purr like that that'll put me right to sleep and he said and so you had to kind of picture how what it must have been like in that den during that time and the amazing thing is daniel slept all night and the king stayed up worried about him isn't that something okay well now so what does that mean god sends angels to protect his people amen there are so many stories i've heard about israel in modern times different things going on how god sent angels to protect the people and do different things i don't have time to go into them but i'm sure this will become a series so we'll be talking about those things as we bring them up now now go with me to acts chapter 12. let's go over to the new testament and we'll get some testimonies from there acts chapter 12 and in verse well one through 10 you know the situation i'm not going to read it all to you just for sake of time but it's acts chapter 12 verses 1 through 10. and now notice it says here we'll have to actually have to get there at one point um yeah verse seven now peter has been arrested by herod okay and behold the angel of the lord came upon him and a light shined in the prison and he smoked peter on the side so peter's asleep he's in prison scheduled to be executed next day he's not worried he's sleeping right and the angel comes in the angel lord and kicks him in the side or punches him or does something to wake him up right and raised him up saying arise up quickly and his chains fell off from his hands and notice when the angel shows up things start happening all by themselves chains fall off right and the angel said unto him gird yourself bind on your sandals and so he did and he saith unto him cast your garment about thee and follow me and he went out and followed him and it was not that it was true which was done by the angel in other words he's trying to figure all this he didn't know it was even an angel that was doing it right but thought he saw a vision when they were past the first and second ward they came under the iron gate that leads into the city which opened to them of his own accord the gate opened up without the angel touching it or without anybody touching it and they went out passed on through one street and fourth with the angel departed from him okay he came he set him free got him out and he left and then peter and watch it says when peter was come to himself and said now i know of assurity that the lord has sent his angel and has delivered me out of the hand of herod and from all the expectations of the people of the jews when he had considered the thing he came to the house of mary the mother of john whose surname was mark where many were gathered together praying and that's the key now peter didn't pray he was asleep the people in mary's house prayed you hear that the people started praying and as now watch and as peter knocked at the door of the gate a damsel came to harken named rhoda and when she knew peter's voice she opened not the gate for gladness but ran in and told how peter stood at the gate and they said unto her you're mad but she constantly affirmed that it was even so then said they oh it's his angel now i understand they thought that was his angel standing at the gate right now but she i'm sure she don't know i've i heard peter i heard him she might have even said i saw him it doesn't say she saw him but it says that she heard his voice and recognized his voice so the angel sounded like peter peter's angel sounded like him are you thinking have you ever talked to yourself and come up with a really good idea that you think where'd that come from it's cause your angel sounds like you but peter continued knocking and when they had opened the door and saw him they were astonished so there you go so now an angel delivers peter why because angels god sends angels to protect his people amen in matthew chapter 2 we know that the angel told joseph where and how to go to avoid herod's people killing him and killing the boy killing jesus am i right he told him go and take this take the lad into this into egypt basically and so an angel shows up to warn him of this thing and how to get out of town basically and so there's no doubt that the angel had to tell him which road to take which ones were guarded and because yes remember there had to be pandemonium going on at that time when babies are dying right and it says now now let's go further they go with me to psalm i gotta hurry here psalm 34 psalm 34 now look at verse 7 the angel of the lord encamps round about them that fear him and delivers them do you hear that you might want to write some of these verses down you might need to call on these things at certain times and start believing this right in a bad situation you can call and say lord uh this scripture you said this scripture and it's true so deliver me or you can decide to believe this today and believe it every day for the rest of your life and whenever you start to get in that situation sometimes that situation even materialize because the angel lord will keep you from going that direction and get you out of that situation and or if you do get in that situation you're already believing it so you can rest and know that he's going to deliver you amen the people of god have to learn how to live in peace you have to learn to know that god is trustworthy and he is good and he will keep his word but if you don't know his word he doesn't know what to keep for you amen you see people blessed why are they blessed and i'm not because they probably believe something you don't just say it you want to be blessed find get more word in you so you can find out what god has promised amen now now go with me to psalm 91 everybody knows psalm 91 amen psalm 91 is kind of like psalm 23. they don't know a lot of them but they know those two psalm 91 and we're going to look at verse yeah look at verse 10 there shall no evil befall thee neither shall any plague come near your dwelling that's timely amen why not for he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways they shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against the stone thou shalt tread upon the lion and the adder the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet because he has set his love upon me therefore will i deliver him how's he going to deliver you with an angel he just said right there that they will he gives his angels charge over you in other words he makes he tells him watch him take care of him protect him amen how many of you can say you know i know there were times in my life that something should have happened and it didn't i know god protected me amen good i'm preaching to the right crowd amen okay but now notice you believe that he says here there shall no evil befall thee that means he gets you out of trouble before it even happens but if you're not listening and you get into trouble he will still deliver you amen and take care of you now go with me well i can just tell you in acts chapter 8 about verse 26 the angel spoke to philip and told him where to go told him to leave out of town in which direction to go so that he would meet up with the ethiopian eunuch now think about that it was an angel that told him that now see we always go now see as christians now this is a book of acts this is our time period we're still living in the book of acts the book of acts is the only book in the bible that does not have an ending amen it's not it wasn't finished right why because we're in acts 29 right now amen and we're writing the last chapter well what's your part right don't be like those that wanted to throw daniel in the lines then you just get eaten up yourself amen but write the part that god has for you and so he told him where to go to meet him and then afterwards of course he was translated in acts chapter 10. this is one that a lot of people know the angel appeared to cornelius remember the roman centurion right and he and he appeared to him and tells him where to find peter now think about that here's a roman centurion and the angel shows up and says listen cornelius uh your prayers have been heard and god has seen your alms the good deeds and the the offerings you give he's seen all that he's heard your prayers and i've come to tell you how to get saved but he didn't tell him how to get saved he had to tell him where to go to find a man that could preach to him and get him saved isn't that something i always thought that was amazing because the angels right there you think he would have just told him but that's against the law for angels to preach the gospel that's been given to us that's why man has to do his part angels now watch you'll see us in just a minute but angels don't preach that gospel now there will be angels that fly in the heavens that preach the everlasting gospel right but that is not the average angels and it's not on a person by person basis right angels whenever you start praying for loved ones for them to get saved their angels which was assigned to them as a child actually if you're praying correctly gets to work and starts doing things to maneuver that person into a face-to-face confrontation with god either by bringing people they make them you know what right now because remember the angel sounds like you so he'll whisper in your and say you know what i want right now i want this and you know where i'm going to get that i know where to get that and then they'll go there because they know there's going to be a christian that'll witness to them god is playing chess trying to get together and so he uses angels to actually coordinate things and create divine encounters we just saw that with philip we just saw it with cornelius and the angel gave cornelius an unsaved person a word of knowledge that said there's a man named simon is in simon the tanner's house on the street called straight i mean i'm everywhere i mean that's that's called a word of knowledge that's pretty detailed for an unsaved person to get most saved people most christians don't even operate at that level of accuracy in a word of knowledge and here's an angel telling it to cornelius right now go with me to hebrews chapter one we're just just about done we're making pretty good time here i'm not not too bad hebrews chapter one well y'all get anything out of this so far all right because we're we're going to wrap it up here in just a minute and i'm going to show you why you need to know this okay hebrews chapter 1 and if you look at verse 13 but to which of the angels said he at any time sit on my right hand until i make your enemies my footstool okay the answer is none he's never said that to an angel that's the whole purpose of the book of hebrews is to show that jesus is better than angels that jesus is better than moses and he says this has never happened that's right the jw's that's what they oh jesus is the archangel michael in another form then that means according to jesus then that means that michael and god are the same now okay there's a whole lot more to it now michael does mean the term michael does mean he who is like god but it does not mean that he was god and if that were true then he would have been mentioned well again i'm trying not to get too far off from one area but um well you know what that'll probably be a session we'll probably do a session on that because you need to know this because you need to know how to answer people that come up with weird doctrines right um so it says now watch now he's talking about angels he says but to which of the angels said it at any time sit in my right hand until i make your enemies my footstool are they not all angels ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation notice it doesn't say sent forth to minister to them now do angels minister to us yes jesus said from this time forth you will see angels coming and going and ministering to the son of man and so there were angels that were coming going and apparently they saw these angels disgruntled because jesus said they would there is no record of it in the bible of them seeing that but jesus said it so they probably saw it amen there's a lot of stuff that happened that we don't know about but what we need to know is in the bible so so we know that that angels went back and forth ministering to jesus and here it says that they are sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation so these angels are sent forth to minister for us minister to us yes but this scripture says minister for us now watch i'll show what i mean by that because you can go into this and it's really interesting when you pull it all together okay now before we look at that go with me to first corinthians first corinthians and we're going to chapter 6. first corinthians chapter six yeah now in chapter six it starts in well it must start verse one dare any of you having a matter against another go to law before the unjust and not before the saints so their legal system their courts was among the saints they did it in the church they didn't go to the world they did it in church do you not know that the saints shall judge the world the saints shall judge the world you hear that and if the world shall be judged by you are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters know ye not that we saints shall judge angels now you're going to judge angels you're going to judge the world and you're going to judge angels saints are going to judge angels do you see that in your bible you as a saint are going to judge angels now now watch us how much more things that pertain to this life now what judgments are you going to be presenting for angels well you're going to judge your angel for how well he ministered for you and by what he did for you so you may have something you say well my angel didn't do this or my angel didn't do that you know and i sent him to do that now you're not going to sit around and start telling angels okay go do this go do that go there flippantly all right they won't listen to you right angel you know bring me a latte now he's going to say get him good at yourself you lazy thing that's what he would tell you right so now just just just trying to be real with you all right so go with me to psalm let's see what we're going to judge them and how and what we're going to do let's go with me to psalm 103 psalm 103 and we're going to look psalm 103 is amazing psalm the whole thing but let's go to uh go to go to verse 19. the lord has prepared his throne in the heavens and his kingdom ruleth over all bless the lord you his angels that excel in strength that do his commandments hearkening unto the voice of his word do you hear that they do his commandments they hearken listen to and obey the voice of his word it does not say they do his word why because we're told to do his word be therefore doers in the right don't just be here but be doers of the word amen so we are told to be doers of the word they are doers now watch what they do they hearken to the voice of his word so your job is to voice you get that so you are to voice his word and his word gets voiced when you open your mouth and you say what he has said so when you begin to say what god has said in his word see and until you speak the word of god and i'm not talking about king james and these and vows i'm talking about the the the message itself the words itself he says lay hands on a sick they shall recover that's one thing and so as you speak that you don't have to say you know the exact same words amen do you understand that but until you speak what god has said whether you speak it in well like we talked about earlier with wigglesworth with the with a grammar okay depending on how you say it you can say it you know in educated tones you can say it eloquently you can say at hillbilly which is a little closer to my area um you know you can say it and there's this hard and fast texan which is right where i'm at and so you can say different words but the angel hears the message he does not hear because otherwise you'd have to speak probably hebrew or greek or something if you're going to say the exact words so the idea is you speak his word so you begin to speak his word when you until you do your angel just stands there and you're like oh god i want this god why did you make me sick god why did you make this calamity fall on me and they were just standing there god you know help me out of this calamity i mean you put it on me there's a good oh okay no never mind uh you said something wrong there and so the angels are gonna stand there until you start saying you know i just thank you lord that that your angel and cancer around about me he protects me and when you do that then this little demon comes along and the enemy goes nope stop right there and just smacks him in the face right and he says nope you ain't going over there why because i'm in camp tear around this one why because that believer just said it now i'm activated now i can start to do and you start to speak his word and the angels start functioning for you and so whenever you start praying you pray god's word and the angels get to work until you speak his word they just stand there and then people blame god so all i'm giving you is the chain of command of how it works amen you want to know how things work this is how it works you speak angels here they obey they get it done you speak it to heaven heaven agrees and that's where the angels start to function do you see that they hearken the voice of his word you voice his word heaven agrees with you why because whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven amen the binding loosing starts here so you say it god hears it he agrees the angel goes let's do this and then they go do it amen now every time you speak the word of god angel your angel gets busy you say well i keep mine too busy well they're fast they're fast as a matter of fact they are so fast one angel killed 185 000 people in one night now that to do that they had to move quick amen try to kill 185 well i don't try but anyway you do 185 000 people in one night you got to move pretty quick amen now finally okay exodus chapter 23. now this is where it also gets serious because i want you to see this exodus chapter 23. are you getting anything out of this are you going to use it you're going to start functioning it because now you'll know how to use it and you watch things will happen things will start to change exodus 23 verse 20. behold i send an angel before thee to keep thee in the way and to bring thee into the place which i have prepared and then notice an angel was leading right beware of him and obey his voice right provoke him not for he will not pardon your transgressing transgressions for my name is in him now notice don't provoke your angel well how do you provoke your angel well one way to provoke your angel because he doesn't forgive you why because angels now listen they they have joy they rejoice every time somebody gets born again right and they constantly praise god so there they can have emotions but it is amazing because they do their emotions do not control them so if you provoke your angel they will not forgive you it's just they're just straight on up that's what you did that's what's going to happen right and we have to realize that how do we provoke our angel we provoke our angel the same way we provoke god we disobey god we move from his statutes from his commandments because he's which honestly that means we move away from loving him and from his love because he said if you love me keep my commandments so you have to take the whole bible together you can't piecemeal it out right and so that's where a lot of people fall apart is they piecemeal it and then they preach weird things and so you have to be able to put it all together now last thing i've had personally uh different encounters there are two that i'm going to tell you about real quick uh the first one happened up in sherman texas about when was that about 19 yeah 6 87 87 i think it was it was actually it was whenever um wilford wright had sent me information a package of information uh from his secretary actually saying that i had been named the general overseer to pick up lake's ministry and to carry it on i'd gone to the p.o box and we had a po box there i realized yesterday the po box we now have i've had 30 years same po box 30 years that and that is just a miracle of god in itself even though we've moved different places i always kept my p.o box here and we i would drive from colorado come down and check the po box not every day but yeah but i did but i was in the sherman and i had just gotten this package and put it in the car and i was going through it and i was shocked to be honest with you i mean i i i know what they had told me on the phone but when you see it in writing everything's different and so um i parked we had a chrysler cordoba now i don't know if you remember the cordobas but they were amazing cars at the time but their doors were like from here to that wall when when you open the doors the doors were out i mean they were the longest doors that i've ever seen and so i had pulled up to a curb on a street and i had opened the car door and i was i just put this box of materials into it and when i leaned into it it was a strangest thing because i've never i mean okay listen i have slipped before you know i've fallen down before i've done that this was not that as i had leaned over to the car i was about to come back out and it was like right there at the base of my neck like a hand shoved me into the car and i literally fell into the car and literally right at that second a car came and took that door off if i had not been pushed into the car that car would have got me the car that hit and it bent and it didn't take it off completely but it bent it to where it broke or bent the frame and i could not shut it so now i'm looking around i'm kind of the people stop and you know i'm kind of in shock and i'm looking at this and i'm thinking wow you know and then i realized what had happened that obviously an angel had pushed me into the car and so i'm talking to people and then when i get ready to leave i try to shut my car door and it won't shut so now you got this six-foot door right and i'm having to maneuver home i'd put it in to where it was only about four foot out but i'm having a maneuver and not hit other cars with it but that was the first time then 19 well actually that was the second time in 1980 uh going back a few years we we had launched out i was living here in wiley and we launched tried to launch out into ministry we i knew that was god's will just didn't know how to do it and thank god it really didn't take off because i had the wrong message that was in 1980 i was just starting to learn some things but i was still preaching things that were that now i preach against i'll put it that way and so we took off to tulsa oklahoma went to a camp meeting there and while we were there during the camp meeting you know we were trying to figure out we had we had nowhere to go we were the camper anything and we had nowhere else to go nothing to come back to everything was loaded up in this camper and so we were just we were trying to launch out and figure out where to go and it was at that time the kenneth hagin camp meeting was held at the tulsa convention center civic center downtown and it's where they had the park across the street and where we parked our vehicle and we were feeding the hungry and all that kind of stuff at the time so we were in the meetings and i i got restless and i don't know necessarily why but i decided to go out into the hallway and everybody was in the meetings and so i was really the only person out the hallway and i was just standing kind of by a refreshment area that was closed during the sessions so i'm just kind of standing there and this man walks up to me and he said excuse me and i said yes sir can i help you and he said um he said do you know where you're supposed to go when you leave here and we've been praying about it we've been trying to figure it out and i said no actually i do not he said well he said you you function as a teacher and i said that's true yeah that's which in my heart but i wasn't teaching anyone because no one was asking me to teach so and i said okay and he said well um he said have you ever heard of software louisiana and i said i've heard of it i said i've never been there. he said well there is a church there that is made up of all youth and they need someone to come there that will teach them the truth and he said you need to go there and i said hmm okay you know and it was kind of like i'll think about it that's in my mind i'm like okay but you know it's the best option we've got so far so it was kind of shoe-in you know and so i'm like okay and so he said now you're here with your family and i said yes he said where are they and our children were in the nursery area and except for my daughter erica because we had erica with us and we kept her with us in the main meeting and i said my wife and my daughter's in the in the in the main area and i turned and then when i turned back around oh well i got to go back a little bit because he said when you get there he said uh ask for a man named layman and i thought that would be easy to remember a layman layman you know and and so he said ask for this person named layman and he said uh he's the one that started this church and i said okay so then he's that's when he said uh where's your family and i've started turning point and when i turn back around now we're in a hallway that you can see i mean it's huge he was gone there was nobody there and i'm i'm starting to look around like you know and like i said about mary she pondered those things in her heart you know i'm kind of like because i mean because the building kind of curved but it was long and so i'm walking and looking i mean this guy's gone right there's no way he got away not that quick so then i'm kind of stunned i go back into the meeting tell my wife we're sitting there i can't remember who was preaching at that point but i've turned my wife and i said i think i know where we're going you know and she's where south louisiana she said why i said i don't know but there's a church there that needs us right and that was awesome then after that and i mean i could i could spend another whole session here just talking about how we got there but we got there miraculously maybe i'll tell it sometime but we got there and when we got there we went into town roundabout way finally we ended up working with people that were going on the streets and we went to a particular church but it wasn't the church i was looking for and so i we met these people that were really street oriented and that was our focus and so we started talking to him and i said yeah well i'm looking for a church of young people that was started by a man named layman i can't remember his first name now but i had his first name then too and this woman looked at me and she said layman and she gave me his name and i said yeah and she said uh well there's a i think his name was bob layman i think it's what's his name she said well there was a bob lehman that would used to work with the youth here and but he's he's dead and i said when did he die and she said well he died like eight or ten years ago and she said but he used to work with the youth and his burden was to get the youth off the street and to get them saved and so i'm like hmm okay so then we ended up working with him and when we left there that church uh gathered we worked on the street went out on the street witnessed and when we left there that church that was planted there uh was youth all were 21 years old or younger and they had called several other churches to give kind of elders to kind of watch it and yet and the thing is that man i believe his name was bob his first name was bob bob layman he had prayed for years for the youth of that area to be saved and for them to know god and to actually come you know have their own church and so later on i was talking to people about this and and sharing the story with them and they said well that's that's easy i mean that's that's amazing i'd heard his prayers and answered it even years later by sending you there and so but it was an angel that had talked to me in that convention center now i can give you more stories of situations like that of where we know certain things happened at certain times that had to be an angel now i don't talk about these things a lot because people get off on the sensational type of thing and they want to hear that kind of stuff and then they get into what colossians called will angel worship and what they when they start worshiping angels and the angels every time somebody saw an angel they would always fall on their face and begin to worship and they would say no get up get up don't worship me right because we don't worship angels and so all the only reason i even brought this up because i'm telling you i fought with the lord over this i didn't want to deliver it because i don't like talking about this stuff because people get weird and they start you know everything becomes an angel thing jesus has preeminence he's the one that we look to he's the one that we worship but we also need to know that angels are here for us angels are in this room as are demons i'm sure right and the angels are probably keeping them quiet right because you know demons want to do things but angels stop them and so but they're here they're with you they came in with you and they're hoping you get this so that they can actually go to work for you and actually help protect you and bring the things that god has for you in your life amen just don't get hung up on it it's just just you know speak the word of god but now you should know how speaking the word of god actually causes how the things actually happen amen but know this we're going to judge angels and i believe that part of that judgment has to do with how well they carried out the voice of the word that we speak and so you need to realize what you speak you will also be held accountable and i also believe that that is part of the angel's job is to take down what you say because every idle word you'll be held accountable for amen and dr sumrall said we've already done this we'll have to worry about it dr dr sumrall used to tell us he said every time we receive an offering whenever the people are walking down the aisles with the buckets he said angels are walking right beside him and the angel knows what's in your pocket he knows what's in your bank account and then he looks at what goes in the offering and he judges your faith by and think about that i mean there's there's scriptural you know evidence to that it said that jesus sat over by the treasury and watched what people put in there's no he's the same yesterday today and forever there's no difference in it he can watch what you put in but your faith is based not on what you put in it's based on what you hold back because what you hold now i'm not telling you empty your wallet please understand i'm not thank god this is after the offering so we don't have to do that now but all i'm saying is that if you hold back because you think that you've got to meet your needs that you're that's where your faith is but if you realize the reason the widow woman was honored by jesus was not because she gave more because she didn't she gave more in percentage that's the key right so god looks at the percentage and why because the percentage does two things it allows him to bless you back percentage-wise but it also shows where your faith is that you trust him to meet your needs because i can tell you you know there's been situations in my life where all i had left literally in my pocket was ten dollars and when you get down to ten dollars how many know ten dollars will not meet your need you might as well give it away amen because it ain't going to help you right and so that's what i did and then god met us there so i'm just telling you that just so you know you know you give or don't give you know again we're not going to do another offering so you're safe but i'm just saying the only reason i tell you this if i did not know it to be a fact if i could tell you just what god has done in the last year i'm i'm telling you you'd be asking me to put out a thing here so you could give i'm telling you it would one just because you would see what he did in our life miraculously without us having to think about it it's been amazing what he had done for us right and and part of it had to do with a test that we had to pass and based on the outcome i guess we passed you know amen so amen amen but uh so the reason i'm changing this is because you're gonna we're gonna see a lot more that here in the few in the next few months things are gonna start happening we're gonna hear more testimonies of angels and angelic things happening people are going to be more angels in the meetings they're going to have more things by angels it would not surprise me if we don't hear angels i know many many cases where angelic voices were heard during the singing that was totally separate i've got recordings actually of that uh that happened in other meetings and different things and so i'm all i'm saying is let's believe god's word and believe that what he said happens happens and let's not limit him by saying the wrong things let's release him by saying the right things and let the angels work on our behalf and minister for us amen did you get anything out of this today amen amen all right well it took a little longer than i intended to but uh as i said this will be i believe it'll be a series that we will continue on because we also where there's angels there's also demons you need to know about how they function what their job is we see we've seen some of the angels jobs but you need to know how they work and how to deal with them right and now you'll know that when you deal with them the angels deal with them so it can be fun amen knowing that that angel is jabbing that little demon you know with his sword amen all right now if you need ministry uh any type of prayer hands late on you healing whatever spirit solar body we are here to help you and we'll minister to you and so my staff will put that together and but if you do not need assistance of some sort then feel free to depart you are dismissed we bless you and if there's anyone here that has not made jesus lord obviously we want you to make jesus lord because that's the beginning of all the good things that god has for you and that's the beginning of you serving jesus and doing his will so if that is not you you know if in other words if you're not in that position yet do it today don't wait for a feeling make a decision faith is a decision and don't wait for some well you know things aren't right when i get my life straight no you will never get your life straight until you make jesus lord that is making your life straight and then everything else will come together after that because then you have god fully working with you in your life and it makes a difference if you've not received the baptism holy spirit and you desire to receive the baptism holy spirit it's a gift from god he desires every child of god to have it you can receive it with the evidence of speaking another tongue supernaturally a language you've never learned god wants you to have it if you have not but you desire to do it today and receive it today then feel free to get in the line and uh you know we will also minister uh to you as well amen so anything other than that and we will see you in a week or so um we'll be in minnesota this week looking forward to that time and then we'll be back here as soon as possible so until then god bless you i'll see you again soon amen amen you
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
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Id: 6ckXZ7daB1k
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Length: 206min 3sec (12363 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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