JEWISH Woman Encounters JESUS | Ruth's Testimony

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okay there is something that's happening because I didn't feel this every entire my life until this moment that I invite Jesus to come to my heart ruth hey you're a Jewish woman born in Israel why do you believe in Jesus I can not explain it in words but it did so changes in my life and I cannot deny it oh I can't wait to hear that that story so tell me a little bit about your background and how you became a believer in Jesus so here in Israel yeah so I born in Israel and raised here in Israel I grew up in a Messianic Jew family I didn't believe it I didn't accept it I just lived my life like this even I had a lot of friends anytime every time I still felt so lonely so hopeless uh I didn't find like something that can bring me joy and peace to my heart and so I did the whole things that teenager in that age are doing if it's to drink if to missing school and all all of this so um during this time I was seriously had the question of what is the meaning of life like why I'm Ruth here in this her and why I'm here what I need to do what is the goal of life and I didn't find any answer in this all years six years and I finish uh my high school and I uh go to the military service for two years and in those two years uh I had a of a health issue okay uh that caused my hair to really fall down and it was so tragic for me because it was yeah so important for me my hair and so also my mom had a issue heal and all this together was for me was too much and my mom and my sister are really strong Believers and I know how they are so passionate to Jesus yeah and when I was seeing all this past stuff I was thinking wow God why you are not doing something right for those people that follow okay I'm not following you but my mom or sister are following you and there needs to deal with that bad stuff and why you not changing the situation and so I thought that God is really evil and he's not care about his people at all and so this is the mindset that I had so you're thinking God is evil I don't want to follow him yeah I don't want to believe in him I don't okay forget it all right so now what so after the many times I was thinking okay maybe there is no God maybe there is just a situation and things happen not specific there is someone that decide that this would happened yeah uh so I thought these thoughts for uh one years and after that this time I was really dead inside I really yeah I was going I was breathing I was smiling but inside I was totally dead so I feel really emptiness and hopelessness and and my friend came to me and suggest me to go to discipleship that it's going to be three months and there we are going to study the Bible more deeply and to know about Jesus more and I was okay and I remember the prayer that I did before I decide to go and I was God I don't know if you exist or not I didn't exper it uh my my family are saying that you are the way the true and life I'm not believing it because I I haven't seen it yeah I didn't experience at all and so if you are real just show me uh yourself to me reveal yourself to me oh hold on I love this because you know you have you heard the saying before God doesn't have grandchildren what that means is that Christianity or faith in Jesus Messianic Judaism is not passed down from generation to generation it's a personal experience with everyone that encounters Jesus yes and so you're not a Believer because your parents were Believers you're a believer just like your parents had an experience that brought them to Faith yes and each believer whether they're Jewish or Gentile that believes in Jesus has to have his own personal experience you're with Jesus and this is where you're going right now yes so this um month I was praying in my room consistently that God revealed himself to me okay and I was remember that one day I was in on my knees and praying that God revealed himself to me me I want to know the truth like why I'm here and I remember that immediately in that time the black hole that I had in my heart just taken away in one minute and this is was like okay there is something that's happening because I didn't feel this ever entire my life until this moment that I invite Jesus to come to my heart wow and it was like okay so Jesus is is real because the emptiness and the loneliness the hopel that I felt just taking away in one minute wow it was so big he just filled up that empty space yes with love and and you had friends and family experiences you had fun yes you had happy times but none of this feel it's like the Book of Ecclesiastes yes there's nothing in this world that can ful that can fulfill you and sustain you yeah but God and and then you found that out at that moment yes that's amazing and I think also the big things that God really gave to me it's the understanding of what he did on the cross yeah and the the grace that he gave to me and yeah I was part of the community of Christianity community and going to the church but the whole these years I didn't really understood the the meaning of that God forgive my sins and he loves me and he sees me different right and so for me it was the greatest thing oh my goodness so how does going to church now different how is it different than when you were going to church before you believed I think that my heart yeah was really changed uh my heart was from a stone and now it's like really soft to him I I be able to to to cry to God I was able to express my feeling towards God something that I didn't couldn't to do before yeah and so for me it was a big change also the way that I was looking myself also the way that I'm looking at others so was totally changed my point of view of the word so what are you doing now with your faith okay so because God show me his love for me and car for me I have the H the obligation yeah to share this Faith to others and the love and the hope there is in Jesus yeah so I'm basically now serving the people that live in the streets and also the women that work in prostitution oh my goodness so they the hope that I that Jesus revealed himself to me and he gave to me I want to share it with others oh that's so beautiful and this is the the things that I can do well Ruth I usually like to finish with asking if there's somebody watching that's like you and they're looking at you maybe even from Ethiopia yes and they're Jewish and they're wondering how could I do this how could I my my family doesn't believe in Jesus Jesus but yet I feel drawn to him what would you tell that young woman or or man so I would tell her there is a verse of book of James that said that come near to God and he will come near to you and this is what I felt in my relationship with God the moment that I was decided to do one step towards him he did a thousand step towards me so just asking that God revealed himself to you and just yeah being open heart so him oh my goodness I love it Ruth you touched my heart thank you for sharing your testimony I pray that it blesses millions of people around the world thank you for sharing this and thank you for watching if you have questions for Ruth leave them down in the comments section if you like this video give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel and stay tuned for more yeah more testimonies like this thank you Ruth thank you praise the Lord woo wow
Channel: SO BE IT!
Views: 308,892
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Keywords: faith in jesus, messianic jew, help for israel, jesus testimony, christian testimony, messianic judaism, god testimony, christian, jewish testimony, belief in jesus, my testimony, messiah, mashiach, moshiach, jewish messiah, israel jesus, is jesus the messiah, who is the messiah, jewish believer in Jesus, Jesus the Messiah, Jesus is real, Did jesus exist, how to become a christian, journey of faith, jewish jesus, was jesus jewish, judaism, Ethiopian Jew, so be it, israeli
Id: cgHF4T6lUB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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