The Book Of Revelation Explained (Get the Big Picture!)

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[Music] hello everyone this is masoor dramandi from perfected by blood ministries i'm so happy to start a new series with you on the book of revelation this is going to be a chapter by chapter teaching on the book of revelation and the first session is going to be an overview of the entire story of the 22 chapters of the book of revelation but before that if you're new here i invite you to subscribe so you get notifications for our future live events and also any new episode that we release so the book of revelation of jesus christ the revelation of jesus christ the unveiling of jesus christ it is the revelation of jesus christ now i know many who teach this book they say the same thing they say it's the revelation of jesus christ but when it comes to teaching things that are written in the book they talk about other stuff which means the events of the world the nations of the world the things that are going to be happening and the time of them and all sorts of things but i'm here to say if you're here if you are in this channel if you've been with us you know our view you know that we never actually go into our experience or uh events of the world to interpret what the bible says all we need is just one good bible and then the spirit of revelation and your ears to be open to him to unveil what it what this is all about and if you're new here and you are hearing this for the first time i invite you to have patience to be with us to go through a couple of sessions at least and let us show you something that maybe you have never seen before because i promise you that uh the the things that are written in this book uh are going to be a blessing to you if you have ears for the spirit because this is the book that starts by saying blessed are those who read and hear the words of the prophecy of this book and keep it and guard it okay so the things that are written in this book are supposed to be bringing blessing to everyone doesn't matter if the person was born 2000 years ago or 1500 years ago or uh 20 years ago or hundreds of years from now everyone so if these are about the events of the world what and that that as it said it's very clear to have very close to happen which means in the next couple of months or years then what kind of blessings was that for the people that was written back then 2 000 years ago and then i mean what's the blessing of that what do you read in these books that brings you blessing if you're uh interpreting them literally all you see is chaos and wars and uh peace is gone and destruction is happening there are uh stars falling down from heaven there are trees burning up grass burn burning up there is um basically heaven and earth passing away and all those sorts of things men being killed all of that what is the blessing in that there is no blessing in that blessing the bible says the blessing is when you meditate in the law of the lord psalm chapter one so that means this book is actually showing you not this book of course this book but i mean specifically the book of revelation is the book that is revealing to you what the spirit of god wants you to meditate on wants you to actually hear wants you to know about which is the revelation of jesus christ because there is no place that god has shown himself as he is except in jesus christ and jesus christ is the expression of who god is jesus christ is the full manifestation of who god is and jesus christ was enough of a mystery that a book is dedicated to reveal him okay because when we speak of revelation we are speaking of the revelation of a mystery always and if we say the revelation of jesus christ that means jesus christ is a mystery okay jesus christ is not the one whom you know jesus christ is not the one who went on the cross 2000 years ago jesus christ is having a truth about himself that has been hidden from your eyes and my eyes and everybody's eyes that means you and i can never say we know jesus unless we have a revelation of jesus christ so so far when we say jesus christ everybody thinks of a man who walked on earth two thousand years ago he was born two thousand years ago and then he went on the cross and then he was buried and then he was raised and that's when the story ends yet the book of revelation starts actually in chapter one by son of man jesus christ standing in the midst of seven lampstands which are told to be the seven churches so when jesus appears in the book of revelation he is already in the midst of the churches now when you look at the stories uh of basically everything that has been written from the beginning from genesis onward all those symbologies that are in the old covenant old testament scriptures are in the book of revelation one of them is the temple and in the temple or tabernacle we had two parts the holy and the most holy in the holy place we had something called the lampstand so when jesus appears in the book of revelation chapter one in the midst of the lampstand where do you think he is standing in the holy place what does that mean that means the church has been in a realm that is not yet perfect okay there is another place there is another realm it's called the holy place and jesus throughout the book of revelation is trying to bring the churches out of that realm and cause them to enter into the most holy so trying to say this jesus that actually was told that would come apparently as he said he has been come like he has been coming like a thief and many have not recognized and they actually missed what he said so what did he say he said this the coming of the son of man will be like a thief which means according to what he said if he comes and if you are not awake you will not recognize his coming just as if you are not awake and a thief comes you will not recognize the time of the coming of thief so he said therefore be sober so you can know and recognize when i come now when you look at the book of revelation he's been coming over and over and over in many forms in under many names under many signs and the church has missed it i mean most of the church has missed it not everyone obviously but the reason we are still waiting for something called the second coming of christ because we have no revelation of jesus christ if we had the revelation of jesus christ we would understand jesus christ has come in different forms and we have missed them just as he proved this at his resurrection when he appeared several times in different forms to his disciples and he expected them to recognize him and they did not so just as he walked in the day of resurrection with the two disciples that were in the road to emmaus and he walked with them he talked with them and they didn't recognize him right now the same is happening so they were waiting according to what they said for a messiah that would be the redeemer and they were sad because they said we hoped we wish that this guy would have been that man that christ that anointed of god that would have redeemed us so he's talking with them and they are not recognizing him he's raised from the dead the living resurrected christ fulfilling all the scriptures fulfilling all the prophecies is walking by them by the disciples like you and me and they're not recognizing that what is that speaking to you today okay that is showing us that the reason we are waiting for jesus to come is because we don't appreciate his coming that has already taken place we are waiting for a physical coming and with physical clouds opening the physical heavens and bringing armies with himself so that they can destroy some part of the earth and then save the rest and take them to heaven which has absolutely nothing with the jesus that is being introduced in the bible he is not a god of destruction he is the savior of the world he is the one that is going to save the world not to destroy it now the problem is the mystery of jesus christ is not interest understood or not appreciated that's why revelation of jesus christ is not ex anticipated by the church and because of that our participation in the mystery of jesus christ or the mystery of christ is not um appropriated we just say we are the body of christ but we don't believe what it means we don't believe that his coming was going to be through his body okay now when you look at the book of revelation you're gonna see again and again once we go through actually these 22 chapters in details uh you're gonna see how this coming has been happening and is happening and what was the point of this coming anyways like what are those stories that are mentioned in matthew chapter 24 about his coming the son of man coming with the clouds of heaven with uh sitting on the throne of glory and coming with the cloud of glory what is that story okay so that's good enough for the introduction for today but now uh there are a couple of things that i need to actually show you so when we are uh talking about the book of revelation okay so i'm gonna write actually on uh my screen so you can see it on your screen and uh have a visual of what i'm about to explain so one thing that you always have to remember when you're looking at the book of revelation and always have this vision always and i say always is this that the end of the book is a proclamation by jesus which is this is what he says he says i make all things new what is that speaking to you about that means there are things that are old so there is a change there is something that is going to happen okay so we are going from the old to then you and jesus says i make all things new now when you look at this book there are several things that are mentioned as new uh there is a new uh name given there are actually there is a new city uh and there is a new heaven there is new earth there is a new song okay and couple of other things and jesus says he who overcomes shall inherit all things so the point of this being what makes the old to actually become new or the process of this newness is i'm gonna re write it here is overcoming overcome okay so there as jesus says in revelation chapter 21 verse 6 i believe he says he who overcomes shall inherit all things now so the book ends with actually a place that he's giving this prom promise that you are the heirs and the heirs inherit only through the overcoming okay now the question is what are you talking about like what is this overcoming when you go to chapter 2 and chapter 3 of the book of revelation we have the story of the seven churches to each of these churches at the end of his epistles jesus says he who overcomes shall have and then he names something i will give him to eat from the tree of life that's one he shall have the crown of life that's two then he shall have the rod of iron that's tree then he shall sit with me on my throne that's for and over and over and over so this overcoming is happening where in the seven churches okay what is that telling you it's not the churches that will inherit okay so because i need to actually write this here all these that jesus mentioned eventually this all things new is about inheriting this is your inheritance in her pretense okay so in order to inherit he says you must overcome and he says i say this to the churches so it's not the church that will inherit it's the overcomers in the church that will inherit i hope this is clear okay so this is the book of revelation this is the revelation of jesus christ now to all of these seven churches for overcoming this is what jesus says ready he says he who has ear let him hear what the spirit says to the churches so who are the overcomers those who have ears for the spirit okay so let me just put it here here what the spirit says okay so this group is called the overcomers those who hear what the spirit says what is that telling you how many people do you think are listening to the spirit today do you think watching the news is hearing the spirit do you think reading the bible and seeing that there are in chapter 9 for example of the book of revelation then out of the smoke low costs came out upon the earth do you think reading this and looking at the scene that media is showing and looking at all the helicopters and saying that these are the low costs that john was in the spirit and he looked two thousand years ahead and he saw the locust as i've heard ridiculously being taught do you think that's what the spirit says no that's what flesh says that's what actually our carnal mind is saying the spirit says about low cost if you want to know what the what low cost low costs are you have to go back to the old testament you have to read what is written you have to interpret scriptures through the scriptures you have to allow the spirit of god who is able to search out the deep things of god search it out and reveal that to you not to be a carnal man not to be a soulish man not to be a natural man who does not receive the things of the spirit of god first corinthians chapter 2 verse 6 to i think 10 but to be the one who has the mind of christ the one to whom the spirit can reveal these things so because what man can know the things of a man except the spirit of man that is in him so also what man knows the spiri the things of god except the spirit of god and he says we have received not the spirit of this world but the spirit that is of god so that we can know the things that have been freely given to us so we're talking about inheritance we're talking about inheriting the things that have been given to us a new name a new song a new revelation a new message a new uh nature a new heaven a new earth a new order a new establishment something that can actually be the kingdom of god inside of us and says this is your inheritance and you want to have it let me just speak to you hear what the spirit says don't read the letter of the word because it will kill you hear what the spirit says and it will give you life second corinthians 3 verse 6. and john comes and in revelation chapter 3 verse revelation 1 chapter 3 says blessed are those who read and hear the words of this prophecy not only those who hear as i've heard people say just reading this book brings blessing who said so no reading and inheriting and hearing brings the blessing you can never be blessed by just reading the book of revelation i read that i was never blessed i mean i would read this is like seven years ago of course nine years ago eight years ago when i had no interest in the book of revelation and the only thing that i believed was the things that i had heard from christian tvs but here it says that those who read and hear what is that telling you it's not enough to read like the bible alone is not enough this is not as we say or have said the word of god this is about the word of god the word of god is jesus christ if you want to know the word you need to know jesus not the bible the bible are stories inspired by the holy spirit allowed to be written for its purpose to make you wise as paul says to tennessee in his epistle so right now he says there is a need for the church who actually has been deaf to the spirit to open the ears so that by the hearing something happens what do you think happens he says let me tell you what happens if you hear if you hear the spirit what's gonna happen let me just actually draw it here uh let me change my color to something that is more like what i want to talk about okay so set we are talking about seven churches okay the churches in the book of revelation true jesus himself in chapter 1 verse 20 are said to be seven lamp stands now lampstand is what new king james says it's not the correct translation there was never a lamp stand there was candlestick there is a difference between lamp and a candle okay so there were seven candlesticks now if uh you've ever studied the old system and you would know that it's something like this a stand that has place for seven candles a candlestick that has actually a place so you can put on seven candles and these candles are uh let me just use another color red would be a great one okay so here we have they would put actually you know what because i need to first show you the week the wick okay so there was all of this candles on this which eventually uh after the work of the high priest this would be like a flame of fire burning so then we have candles that are candle that is lit okay this is the story that the church being the la being the candlestick is the place that has the candle but the candle is not lit the work of the high priest in the old covenant was one of the services that the high priest would do uh the priest would do was to actually go into the holy place of the tabernacle uh and in that place to [Music] constantly trim the wick that was burnt out and fill the candlestick with the oil and again lit the candle so it could give light now god comes and through the spirit says churches my candle sticks you are not lit and the only thing that can do this is when you hear what the spirit says the reason there is no light the reason there is no knowledge there is an okay let me just first explain this you remember jesus said the eye is the lamp of the body the correct translation should be the eye is the candle of the body the eye is the candle of the body if your eye is good or single your whole body will be filled with light so he says now let me tell you this that the candles on a candle stand represents the eyes in the church paul says i pray that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened so what are we talking about when we say candle let me use another color okay so candle is the eye now he says i pray that the eye of your understanding being enlightened so what happens uh is if the eye is the candle a candle that is lit means an eye that can see or understand once again a candle that can see a candle that is lit is an eye that can see or understand so here we have lit or c or i can say the i is opened so what does this or let me first put it this way if the eye is not open what do we call what name we put on that person that he's blind that the eyes are blind isn't it so a candle that is not lit is a is a i is an eye that is blind not yet it's not this eye it's the spiritual eyes it's the eye of understanding so who are the ones that jesus called the blind okay let me just read this for you because we have to put everything together we can't just say what we want to say about these scriptures we have to allow the scripture to interpret the scriptures and if we do this we will never interpret the words of jesus as prophecies concerning something that is going to come in future he said beware lest you be deceived the first thing that people asked about the signs of times he said do not be deceived that means you're going to be so deceived because this is going to be like the message of the day this is going to be something that you would hear from left and right everybody would be talking about this and if somebody raises his voice to say no that's not what the lord said they're going to bring him to synagogue and they're going to persecute him and they're going to kill him spiritually of course but anyways look at chapter 23 of matthew verse 15 it says what you scribes and pharisees hypocrites for you travel land and sea to win one proselyte and where he and when he's one you make him twice as much as son of hell as yourself vote you blind guides listen to this blind guides whose who say once again chapter 17 fools and blinds okay constantly to whom he said pharisees ascribes sadducees who are these religious people those who know the scriptures he says you know the scripture but you are blind but now god comes to the church and he says still blindness is in the church because the church is the candlestick of the lord it's the place that light was go supposed to be shining what light the light of the knowledge of the glory of god what does that mean the image of god to be shining through them to give to actually be a reflection for everybody else so they could see themselves in the church that means the church would be the image of god they would see in the church who they are not the false identity they have taken upon themselves but actually they could see us the city that is set on a hill the light of the world that in our light they could see didn't he say no one when he has lit a candle uh puts it under a basket but he puts it on a candlestick the church so that those who enter in may see so he says now that the problem is when the guides themselves become blind spiritually saying they have no understanding then what happens everybody else would get into the same ditch that they themselves are going to what is that saying this these are not words of condemnation and this have nothing to do with hell or things like this this is about what jesus says there's a narrow way of looking at things there is something that brings life and that's always the spirit and there is something that always brings death which is the knowledge of good and evil what pharisees promoted what unfortunately most of the church is promoting and in the name of god so the law is preached in the name of god just because we don't we can't differentiate between the old and the new the old covenant and the new covenant we can't recognize from between actually living by the spirit and living by the law of commandments so who are the blinds this is the guides so the place the lampstand the church that was supposed to be actually shining he says this place is not shining that means you don't have understanding now in the context of ephesians chapter one when paul prays that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know no you may even the word is actually see that you may see what is the hope of your calling he says the only thing that can do this is actually the uh the uh spirit of revelation so what can open the eye of your understanding is the spirit of revelation so that means unless you have a revelation you remain blind you can never see so the only thing now that can actually uh the only way that the spirit of revelation works and opens your eyes is through your ears which means the spirit speaks and if you hear your eyes will open and you will see so the spirit speaks to you and you hear it and if you hear what the spirit says then you will see but if you don't hear it if the eye remains close to the spirit what are you going to have definitely not what the spirit says what is going to be in you is actually not the light of the spirit it's the light that has been in you through the old teachings and everything else jesus called darkness by the way uh and you can't see you remain blind so jesus comes and says i want to make all things new and i want to say this all things new are your inheritance and in order for you to actually have all things there is a need for overcoming if you overcome shall inherit all things revelation chapter 21 verse 6 and at the end of every letter that he writes to the seven churches chapter two and chapter three what does he say he says that the he who has ear must hear what the spirit says that's how you overcome so that's that tells me something which is i'm going to actually move to another page so that tells me something that the only way that i can interpret is through the spirit okay only through the spirit and i say only and when i say spirit i'm not talking about having a dream and getting up and saying well i had a dream jesus is coming that's not hearing the spirit i'm not talking about sitting on your couch watching the news i'm seeing what's happening in california or in china or in russia or in middle east and then say the lord spoke to me i'm not talking about that hearing the spirit means to be okay let me just say this jesus said when the spirit of truth the holy spirit comes he will take what is of mine and declare that to you in other words he would reveal me to you so the only interpretation of the scripture through the spirit means jesus that's it you can never go wrong if you read the scriptures and look for jesus but you will always go wrong when you look at the scripture to see what's coming in to this world jesus said often the kingdom does not come by observation he said the kingdom of god is within you romans chapter 14 paul said the kingdom of god is in the holy spirit that is within you he said when they save and cr look here is the christ or there is the christ don't go after them don't follow them don't listen to them why because they're deceiving you they're showing you he said false signs of course there are signs of course there are things that you're going to see and you're just going to say oh my goodness i mean the world has never been in such a place he says that's a false sign that's not the sign of my coming you're not going to see my coming that way the sign of my coming is in the spirit he says this is the sign of my coming the son of man sitting on the throne coming with the clouds of heaven the son of man sitting on the throne said you want to understand my coming this is my coming so when you study the book of hebrews it says when he purged our sins he sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high waiting until all his enemies are made his footstool so he purged our sin and then if he purged our sin where do you think he sat the same place that sin was sitting in the past so what sign are you going to see the sign that is inside of you if you begin to understand that he is in you from that moment on you're going to see actually this later i'm just drawing some of these so you can have a picture of what's coming so let's have for example this for now in chapter four what do we see we see a uh throne okay chapter four we see a throne let me just write this down throne okay and from this throne what we see is okay so from this drone what we see is that there is a ton rings okay there are lightnings there are voices and then we see a rainbow it says round about the throne a rain bow so where do you see uh a rainbow a tundra and a lightning all together isn't it in a cloud so where do you think the throne is in a cloud so this is the picture of a cloud didn't jesus say he will come with clouds so what does that mean what what do you think that means that means the he's coming he's gonna have tundraings it's gonna have lightnings and he's gonna also have a rainbow which means when you see okay tundraings and lightnings they come before a shower a rain that comes but he says in the past we have a story the story of noah the earth filled with chaos and the earth was filled with so much corruption every imagination of the heart of man were continuously evil genesis chapter six and he says something happened the fountains of beloved opened the gates of heaven were opened and then water came down rain came down and flooded the earth and destroyed everything and then god comes and says to noah he says i will put my rainbow in the cloud so that this would be a sign of my covenant that no longer all the flesh would be destroyed so we have a picture now of a throne yet that throne is in a cloud in revelation chapter four and he says although there are ton dreams and lightnings but god has put a rainbow there so you can be sure that this thundering and lightning are not for destruction this is where the glorious voice of the lord the spirit of god is coming forth from his glorious throne to rule and reign in the midst of his people which is you and me so you and i become the clouds in whom the throne of god is established and his voice is going forth like tundraing and lightning all these of course have details we may cover some of these later if not you can actually get into our membership new membership pbb revelation membership which is a verse by verse teaching of the book of revelation it's going to be so deep and you can get into this and in fact let me just show you something now hey guys i have something very special for you today it's called pbb revelation membership if you need to see jesus the way john saw and experience the love that john experienced you need a revelation of jesus christ that's why we have created a brand new membership called pbb revelation membership where we will take you through the revelation of jesus christ verse 5 verse word by word and symbol by symbol and that means you're gonna know jesus as he is without veil without the mask of religion and without the mask of carnal mind so if you want to join me you can scroll down right now to the video description below and click on the registration link it will give you all the information that you need so click the link below and join us inside the program all right so let's get back into this now this is the place that the the voice of god is going forth the light as lightning and thundering and yet there is a rainbow to say don't be afraid this is not for your destruction this is for actually this is the reign of the lord to come and wash you clean not anymore outwardly it's the cleansing of your conscience the voice is being spoken to your conscience his voice comes like many waters it's gonna come to your it's gonna come to your conscience like a flood and purge everything that was sitting there and accusing you and judging you and condemning you because the rainbow is there it's the sign of actually god's uh covenant that there would never be any destruction that's what he's trying to show so what do you see after that is john is caught up to this realm of the throne and then jesus says this is the voice the voice actually that first spoke to me said come up here and i will show you things which must shortly take place and he goes there and the first thing that he sees is a throne and jesus shows to john john this is not by works this must be from the throne your your you living life can never be accomplished unless if you understand the throne life unless you enter into this place unless you sit on this throne that is my purpose that is my calling that is what i have for you so what i want you to do is to actually be in this place and then you realize everything that happens in the book of revelation initiates from the throne this is the sign of the coming of the son of man with sitting on the throne with the clouds of heaven okay and this is the hope of creation it says every eye shall see this every eye okay not one not two not christians not jews every single pair of eyes now that's spiritual by the way not um fleshly so what does that mean they're gonna have a revelation of jesus christ and but this time the manifestation of who jesus christ is is not going to be through one body of one man jesus christ it's going to be a many-membered body called the body of christ who have the same glory who are shining the same light who have the same compassion the same love the same glory and they always have a rainbow above above their heads they always are showing actually the sign of the covenant of the lord now spiritually speaking obviously you don't see any rainbow above my head these are all sign language okay so that's what i want i wanted you to see that the book of revelation is the revelation of jesus christ and the way he wants to do this is through his throne he said that at the resurrection he sat down on the throne so that he can do all this stuff he can actually reign as the king of the kingdom of god he can bring to subjection everything that is against him every enmity the carnal mind sin death disease and everything out of god's creation so the fullness of the redemption comes so the fullness of life comes so the fullness of god dwells in man bodily and that's you that's me and that's everybody else this is the story of the book of revelation and he has promised it says he who sat on the throne said i will make all things new so this is your hope this is my hope that he is in us if we can be caught up into the spirit just like what john was in john chapter 1 verse 10 he was in the spirit in the lord's day if we can have not our focus on the flesh not on media not on the news not on the old teachings not on what this one said and that one said and this man of god said and that prophet of god said but to have ears for the spirit of god to let him actually reveal to us the mysteries of the kingdom of god you'll see all of this and then you begin to actually walk in them and then in your pain in your faith and patience or perseverance you begin to experience these things you you realize there is a different life to live there is a divine life there is a divine nature there is a new name that i can live by that there is a place that i can uh embrace uh actually this truth and not to be moved by the things around me okay so that's for the first session and i wanted you to see actually the big picture of what this book is all about so when we get into uh chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 all the way to chapter 22 you see the progression of this revelation and you see this whole thing is one revelation and that is the revelation of jesus christ and that means showing you what he did in the flesh and now what he's doing and who he was in the flesh and now who he's in the spirit and what he does in the spirit so that you can also embrace who you are as him okay that's the revelation of jesus christ i hope this blessed you guys uh if you haven't subscribed subscribe and uh also i would suggest to get on our email list go to forward slice sign up to uh first of all you get a free ebook and also you get into our email list if there is any new event coming up live conferences live uh youtube lives or stuff like that you actually get notification from us or you receive actually our main emails that are sent out weekly with inspirations and revelations so bless you guys we'll see you next week
Channel: Perfected By Blood
Views: 2,023
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Keywords: book of revelation, book of revelations explained, the book of revelation, the book of revelation explained, the book of revelation explained verse by verse, bible teachings on revelations, what is the book of revelation all about, what is the book of revelation in the bible all about, the revelation of jesus christ, the book of revelation verse by verse, revelation verse by verse bible study, revelation verse by verse commentary, revelation verse by verse explained
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 18sec (2778 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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