Jesus Took Our Infirmities | Pastor Stephen LaFlora

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you ready for a night of praise and worship unto the lord god almighty you ready to bless his name come on and clap your hands with me put those hands together if you want to move up closer come on just enjoy the spirit of the lord tonight amen clap your hands and smile clap your hands and smile [Music] clap your hands and smile let the joy of the lord fill your heart today clap your hands and fly clap your hands and smile [Music] oh [Music] let the joy of the lord fill your heart today [Music] [Music] oh [Music] fill your heart today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] you [Music] nothing else matters i'm caught up with you [Music] nothing else [Music] [Music] nothing else [Music] nothing else but you yeah i'm caught up with you [Music] nothing else matters i'm caught [Music] else [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing else matters i'm caught up with you [Music] nothing else matters i'm caught up with you [Music] nothing else for you but [Music] myself [Music] i delight [Music] me [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] myself [Music] oh you are my strong [Music] is [Music] how wonderful you are how wonderful you were how [Music] [Music] how wonderful you are how wonderful you are to me [Music] i wash of you how [Music] [Music] i wonder to me [Music] i praise you [Music] y'all how beautiful you are [Music] how beautiful you are [Music] how beautiful you are to me [Music] i love you [Music] your princess to me your prayers just to me so precious to me i love [Music] [Applause] my [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] how much [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] is [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you for your messages [Music] how wonderful you are [Music] i was how wonderful you were [Music] all over the house [Music] i worship [Music] i love you i adore [Music] i adore you [Music] [Music] just for a moment just for a moment just get all along with jesus [Music] so precious to me so precious [Music] so precious to me [Music] i love you lord uplift my voice we lift your hands to work [Music] oh my souls [Music] you do [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you're beautiful [Music] so merciful lord you are [Music] all that i need is [Applause] well praise the lord and welcome to healing school today it's such a good day and we want to worship the lord today and we want to be uh come before the lord with thanksgiving and with praise heavenly father we thank you so much for this day god we thank you for the opportunity to come into your presence to come before your word god i thank you for your people god we thank you for your anointing power and for the precious word of god and as we go into the word of god i pray father for your anointing to be upon our ears and father and just upon our heart that we may hear what the spirit of god has to say today thank you lord god in the name of jesus we praise you amen well thank god for each of you all today and welcome to healing school on this tuesday afternoon we're going to get right into the word today going to the gospel of matthew chapter 8 matthew chapter 8 and beginning at the 16th verse speaking of jesus it says when the evening was come [Music] they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils and he cast out the spirits with his word and healed all that were sick that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by isaiah the prophet saying himself took our infirmities and bear our sicknesses so this is a quote actually this reference back to isaiah 53 this is in his earthly ministry fulfilling a prophecy written by isaiah several hundred years prior to jesus coming to the earth and we're going to look at isaiah chapter 53 the actual prophecy spoken by the spirit through the prophet isaiah verse 4 isaiah 53 says surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of god and afflicted this is isaiah prophesying about jesus to come but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement or the punishment necessary for us to have peace or us to experience peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed we are healed now this is some 500 years before jesus came to the earth and was born of the virgin mary amen but yet still notice the the tense that this says it says and with this stripes we are you know he doesn't say with his stripes we will be healed he says with these stripes we are healed even though jesus hasn't come to the earth yet and taken stripes on his back to pay for healing god is always in the now amen he's not in the future he's not in the past but he's in the now meaning faith is now faith is now and we believe god right now so we've been talking for a few weeks now on the subject of redeemed by christ redeemed by christ and there's so much in the redemptive work of christ that we could never exhaust it but we just like to you know the more i talk about it the more uh revelation comes and the more broad and expansive the topic gets and i just want you to open your heart and open your mind you know and allow the holy spirit to just broaden your perspective of the redemptive work of christ it includes so much it is so comprehensive i'm going to read that that scripture from galatians chapter 3 and the 13th and the 14th verse that speaks specifically of christ's redemption galatians chapter 13 and verse 14 says christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree why did he become a curse why did jesus hang on the cross so that the blessing of abraham might come on the gentiles through jesus christ that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith so it is through faith when we receive and believe the blessing that god has made available to every human being through christ jesus that we become beneficiaries of that blessing so included in the redemption of christ is what he paid for what jesus paid for when he went to the cross now i think it would be a travesty for jesus to go through all that he went through and pay for all the many aspects of redemption that was required to satisfy the justice of the father god and we the recipients just leave other pieces of the redemption on the table if jesus went through the suffering and the pain and the torment so that we could be free from every aspect of the curse i believe that we should be grateful enough to take it in to partake of it we're not being uh presumptuous and we're not being arrogant we're not being prideful to take what he paid for we're being grateful and just saying well the lord paid for it i wouldn't want to slight him by leaving this aspect of the blessing on the table of course this is healing school so we're talking about the benefit of healing and wholeness that christ redemption made available for every believer amen and this is so important because so many of god's children miss this aspect and you know it's so easy to do and you know by looking at the circumstances or looking at uh the things that you know may even attack your body or the symptoms well how can i be redeemed from the curse when this is right here in my eyesight and it's on me and i'm serving god but let me ask you a question how could you uh uh bad-mouth somebody you know and you're saved well we know it's not right to uh slander somebody with your words but you may have done i've done that before not uh you know don't practice it but i may have done it before and said something that i shouldn't have said and spoken a little bit harsher than i should have spoken or that kind of thing and sin with my words even though i was saved and washed in the blood how did that happen well because we live in a fallen world the same way you know sickness may try to attach itself to our body sometimes it is self-inflicted sometimes we didn't do something or you know didn't eat right or didn't rest enough or maybe we opened the door to the thing sometimes it could have been hereditary and sometimes it could just be a result of being in this natural world and so this redemption is not automatic amen you know like for example jesus blood broke the power of sin from anybody who receives christ in other words sin as it says in the sixth chapter romans shall not have dominion over the believer yet the the reality is that all of us have probably sinned since we got saved once unless we you know got saved and and then took our last breath amen and so even though sin doesn't have the spiritual dominion over us we could be tempted you know we could be tempted to disbelieve the lord or doubt him or we could be tempted to worry you say his worry is sin yeah because the lord said don't do it amen we can be tempted to do a lot of things that are not in the perfect will of god even though we're saved well we could also have symptoms come on us you know and you know and not resist them because we may think well how did this get here well we're going to talk about that as we continue to go and so included in the redemption of christ is what jesus paid for when he went to the cross he paid for our freedom as you're looking on the screen from the dominion of sin and the penalty for which sin brings eternal damnation or separation from god well redemption christ's redemption redeems us of any believer from that anybody who will receive christ the redemption of christ also gives freedom from sickness and disease the power the dominion of sickness and disease to dominate the life of any born again believer it also includes freedom from poverty and lack amen the lord promised to provide make provision for his people and those who would serve them serve him amen so this is healing school so we're going to focus on the the aspect of redemption that includes redemption from sickness and disease historically speaking the church i'm talking about the christian church has for the most part emphasize the aspect of redemption of christ that um you know that speaks of our redemption from sin and eternal damnation amen and of course if we had to choose as believers there's no question that this would be the most important aspect of our redemption and salvation because even if even if a personally we all will die physically unless the lord returns it's going to be a generation where he returns in their lifetime and that generation won't die or see physical death but they will be changed when the lord you know uh the trumpet calls in the sky and the lord appears amen but if he doesn't return in our lifetime we will eventually physically die and so if we didn't have eternal redemption if if that you know then it wouldn't even matter so we would be healed for a few years 70 80 90 100 years 100 or more than 110 120 years but then we would eventually you know pass away and if we we didn't have eternal redemption we would go to you know a hell and so the most important aspect obviously is eternal redemption from uh you know redemption from eternal damnation or separation from god eternally but the good news is can you say the good news because the gospel means the good news the good news is that the lord never instructed us or told us that we had to choose between the new birth and the other aspects of redemption that christ provided he never said you had to choose between the new birth and having peace in your heart he never said you had to choose between the new birth and god providing for your physical needs he never said you had to choose between the new birth and receiving healing for your physical body or your mind that's the good news even the word salvation used both in the old testament and the new covenant or the new testament carries the idea of a comprehensive salvation of spirit soul as well as salvation for the physical body amen many of the well-known verses that we quote when we uh you know when we uh talking about getting saved getting born again include and show very clearly christ redemption from physical and mental sickness as well for example let's look at a couple of these passages romans chapter 1 hallelujah thank you jesus and verse 16. this is the apostle paul writing to the church at romans and he says for i'm not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the jew first and also to the greek now notice it says paul powell by the holy spirit is saying i'm not ashamed of the gospel of the good news of christ for this gospel this good news is the power of god unto salvation or to everyone that believe it now notices is not the power of god to salvation to the unbeliever in other words if a person doesn't believe it salvation won't be activated for them there's salvation available but it won't be activated for the unbeliever but the moment a person chooses to believe a moment the holy spirit gives light to their spirit and they hear the word of god conviction comes or faith rises in their hearts when they release faith towards that the the redemptive work of christ they become beneficiaries to the salvation that's available through christ well let's just examine this for a moment the word salvation here you know the new testament was originally written in greek uh the word for salvation here the greek word the the root the the root word or the original word in the greek is so tyria which actually means of course it means salvation from sin but it also means rescue it also means safety it also means deliverance and yes it also means health so we could say we could read this verse like this for i'm not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god under health to everyone that believeth it's the power of god unto health to everyone that believeth amen and when it says to the jew first and also to the greek is saying that jesus came on the earth to the jewish population first because they were the descendants of abraham and god made the covenant with abraham that i'm going to bless all the families of the earth but i'm going to start with your family and your family through him is going to come christ that's going to make this blessing available to every nation on the earth so here it says that it's the power of god under health salvation rescue deliverance to everyone that believes amen and then let's look over a few chapters still in romans over in romans chapter 10 beginning of verses 9 and 10. now we read this when when somebody says well how do i you know how do i get saved i want to give my life to christ or how do i know i'm saved or how do i know i'm not saved well this is what the scriptures say also the apostle paul by the holy spirit writing to the church at rome so these were italian mostly or other non-physically jewish people but believers in christ that if you shall confess say with your mouth the lord jesus and shall believe in your heart that god has raised him from the dead thou shall be saved so being saved requires you know confessing the lordship of jesus over your life and believing in your heart that god raised him from the dead he didn't just dial the cross he was raised from the dead on the third day some people keep jesus on the cross and they they mourn and they grieve and you know and keep putting them on the cross but jesus is no longer on the cross he was on the cross and he had to go to the cross to purchase the redemption for humanity but he didn't stay on the cross because if he stayed on the cross there wouldn't be absolute victory there had to be a resurrection there had to be a coming up he had to get the victory over the grave in order you know for there to be victory for any human being that would believe otherwise he would have been like every other man he would have been would have been or he would have been a good man who didn't sin who died but who didn't get up that wouldn't have done it so it says we have to believe that god raised him from the dead and you shall be saved let's read the tenth verse and it says for with the heart man woman boy girl believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation i want you to look here back in the ninth verse when you see both the word saved shall be saved and then in the tenth verse it says the word salvation confession is made unto salvation you know the same there's a rid of the same word saved in salvation right but out but but the these words the original words in the greek before translation in english was the greek word s-o-z-o uh so zo sodzo which means this word completely means yes it means salvation from sin but it also means you know you ever look a word up in a webster's dictionary or wherever google it it just doesn't usually have one word right i mean it may have three or four or five words to describe to give you a definition to give you a picture in your mind of what this word really means and so the full definition for this word salvation is salvation from sin but it means deliverance it means preservation it means healing and soundness so the same process we could say by which a person is saved or born again or becomes a christian by confessing with their mouth the lordship of jesus christ what do i mean you know before you receive christ you run your life you run it the way you think it should be run you run it the way you believe it should be run but when you become a christian your lordship my lordship ends and you say okay lord i've been doing this my way or the way i thought was a good way but now i see that i want you to be my savior and i want you to be my lord so i no longer call the shouts i read your word you know i seek you in prayer i fellowship with a community of believers and i find out what sure what is your will for my life and so when i find out in the word i want to find out through communion with him and prayer and fellowship with other believers oh i thought this was your will but i see that it is not then i adjust my lifestyle to what god's will is so that so i say jesus i'm making you lord over my life right and then i and then i believe in my heart that god raised him from the dead well when we understand that this word saved also means heal healed then we could confess with our mouths the lordship of jesus also over our physical bodies you know first corinthians 6 says know you not that you you are not your own your body is not yours when you become a believer all of you belongs to jesus yes we are stewards of this body meaning we're to treat it right we're to you know eat right exercise don't do things on purpose to damage it here it is before he says what know you not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost the holy ghost is in you you have the holy ghost of god and you are not your own you know just to be clear on that the very next verse says uh for you were bought i'm bought that's that redemption piece because redeem me to buy back you're bought with the price therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit with your gods well if you've been sick before you know sickness is not glorifying god in your body you say what i didn't ask to be sick what am i supposed to do kick it out spiritually by faith that's why the lord said submit yourself to god and resist the devil so how do i kick sickness i say you know what uh asthma you're not glorifying god in my body get out of my body this is the temple of the holy ghost this belongs to god now now maybe i didn't know that i could kick that out of my body but now i see it that my body is the temple of the holy ghost and just like i don't want sin in this bible i don't want to sin with this body i don't want sickness in the body i don't want anything from the enemy in this body so i'm evicting you out of my body in the name of the lord jesus christ amen that's just an example so we could confess with our mouth that the lordship of jesus christ over this body and believe in our heart that god has raised jesus from the dead interesting thing about god raising jesus from the dead in jesus resurrection was the defeat of the devil and everything that he brought see there was no sickness before sin amen sickness is a consequence of sin so as i said before uh just like uh redemption from the curse of the lord covered sin it also covered the effects and and all the causal effects that came after sin it wouldn't just clean up the root without cleaning up all the fruit amen if you kill a tree at the root you also kill the fruit so if you kill if jesus killed sin at the root with his blood he also killed all the effects of sin now i know that in this life we won't get a you know we're not going to live forever so we don't get the redemption of our physical body a glorified body yet in this life i understand that but there is a quickening power of the holy ghost that is available right here on earth let me read a verse in romans chapter 8 verse 11 this is one that tells us but if the spirit of him that raised up jesus from the dead dwelling you talking about the holy ghost when you get saved the spirit of god comes to dwell in your spirit if he dwells in you and if you're saved he does he that raised up christ from the dead talking about the holy ghost shall also what does also mean also he will also quicken that word quicken is an old english word for make alive your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you so it's very clear he's talking about these mortal dying bodies he says that the spirit of christ will quicken this mortal flesh well we know it's just enough quickening to make it be healthy just enough quickening to help us to live out this life live out the fullness of our days amen while we're on the earth so that we can be healthy and serve god with energy and servant with vigor and vitality and give testimony to the world hey listen i serve a god that of course provides eternal salvation after this life but he also provides blessing of healing in this life he also provides redemption from anything that's under the curse of the law so as we study out these passages it becomes clear that god offers and jesus paid for these benefits to for every born-again child of god to enjoy because of christ's redemption jesus did pay it all all to him we do oh amen to be honest god even provided healing for his covenant people israel under the old covenant so if i mean we we we know that he did i mean you you know uh way back in exodus 20 well let's go back to exodus 15 26 what did he say he said i am the lord that's where we jesus in the in the original hebrew of you know the old testament in this it reveals uh god's redemptive name jehovah ropha i am the lord that healeth thee god's telling his covenant people israel i'm the lord not the sickness not the tuberculosis not the cancer i'm the lord i'm the lord see you know sometimes sicknesses was you know it would the symptoms would be so powerful that they'll basically speak and say hey i'm the lord i'm lord over your body i'm lord over your heart i'm lord over your kidneys i'm lord over your skin i'm lord over your eyes i'm lord over your ears but you have to say no jehovah ropha's lord over this body he is the lord that healeth me hallelujah thank you jesus and so we need to be meditating on this while he provided healing in the old covenant well what would make us think that you know there's old covenant new covenant new is better right hebrews chapter 8 verse 6 tells us this hallelujah it says but now hath he speaking of jesus obtain a more excellent ministry jesus is still in ministry guys his ministry is not over in fact the church the body of christ still carries out the ministry of christ in the earth but jesus has a heavenly ministry as our high priest the high priest of the children of god but it says by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant talking about the new covenant which was established upon better promises so notice god is telling us here in this passage of scripture that the new covenant we call it the new testament in jesus blood is a better covenant than the one that moses had it is established upon better promises than the promises that moses had it's not less than is not even equal to is better than so if there was healing under the old covenant come on now then why would there not be healing under the new covenant why would the lord say okay i gave healing to my people israel then but now the church you're gonna have to wait until you die and go to heaven to get complete health well that's not that doesn't agree with this verse amen a better covenant based upon better promises notice that this passage in hebrews chapter 8 refers to the ministry of jesus well as we said you know the church carries out the ministry of jesus in the earth so if what what was jesus ministry in the earth oh let's look at a verse i didn't give this verse to but uh acts chapter 10 verse 38 we want to look at that we want to see what jesus did in the earth in his ministry it says how god talked about god the father anointed smear on put on jesus of nazareth the holy ghost the holy spirit with power healing power what did he do with that holy ghost and power he went about doing good he wasn't doing bad he's not the bad jesus he's not putting cancers on people he's not killing little babies he's not bringing tornadoes no he went about doing good and healing if you don't know what good is healing which is also good because the good there is benevolent meaning he gave he was a giver he gave to the poor he gave into you know the ministry and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for god was with him so notice who's doing the oppressing jesus is doing the good the devil's doing the oppressing well that goes with what jesus said the thief cometh before to steal kill and destroy but i'm come i'm come i'm come that you may uh have life and have it more abundantly amen so um so right here in the book of hebrews we're told that the new covenant that we're living under is a better covenant that is established upon better promises here's the thing though uh if jesus provided healing and deliverance from from healing and deliverance from sickness and disease and all oppression if it wasn't for this dispensation or this timeless era that we're living in now when would it be for i asked that question if it's not for now when would it be there will be no need for healing and deliverance in the next life in heaven because there's no sickness there right the devil has no access to some person who has died in christ no access to them period amen so there will be no need for it in the millennium that's the thousand year reign because the devil's going to be chained up for a thousand years so we won't need healing then right so the benefits of christ's redemption are available and to be enjoyed right here on the earth amen uh i want us to look at a couple more verses and then we'll uh wind it up and wrap it up first john chapter 3 and verse 8 we're going to look at that in the uh amplified translation it reads but he who commits or practices evil doing is of the devil that's not talking about a person slipped in the sin or something like talking about somebody if you habitually practice sin you're not you know according to this scripture you're not serving the lord you don't i mean when you get saved you uh your sin will prick your conscience i mean you you know you will you know you want you don't want to sin that's what i'm trying to say and so you'll be looking for help god help me help me to get out of this you know even if you're in bondage but it goes on to say i was getting to this part right here for the devil has sinned from the beginning and then the next part of this verse says the reason the son of god was made manifest came to the earth visible this is his reason for coming here was to undo destroy loosen and dissolve the works of the devil or the works the devil has done so the reason jesus came to the earth this is this is what the scripture says straight up the reason he was made manifest where you could see him with your eyes he he the word he was the word but he was made flesh he took upon a human body and became flesh like us human beings the reason he did that was to undo destroy loosen and dissolve the works the devil has done now someone may read this and think well if this was jesus purpose was did he succeed because it seems like the devil's still working out here he still got doing things and evil things and look like it's you know more and more so but here listen jesus defeated and stripped the enemy of his power and authority authority just like it says here he accomplished his mission 100 without fail yet when he left the earth he delegated power and authority to the church he equipped us he gave us the weapons and the tools we would need to do to walk successfully in this earth and although he stripped the enemy the enemy is not totally chained up and still has the ability to deceive still has the ability to disguise himself as an angel of light still has the ability to create some circumstances and some symptoms that he can fool people into you know taking or saying well this must be this way because this is the way it looks but the but but but we walk by faith and not by natural sight sometimes things look like you know oh it's going this way but in the realm of the spirit is not that way and as believers we have to stay on the faith side amen i want to look over at ephesians chapter 6 hallelujah thank you jesus so it's up to the body of christ and us as individual believers to enforce the defeat of the enemy in our sphere of influence to enforce you know let's just think about the us army now you know we just pulled out of afghanistan whether you agree with that or not it happened right but they you know up until this point of the united states and other nations in nato had left a contingency force to hold things together and we can see that as soon as we pulled out that that thing start to unravel because the support that was there left well when jesus left he left a contingency force in place called the church the body of christ and that body is growing and listen as we know that as we know that we're ambassadors for christ as we know we're here to occupy until he comes back as we know we're here to preach the gospel and preach to every creature and tell them about christ and tell them about the redemptive work of christ and that you know there is a savior there is a deliverer and there's there's a heaven to gain and there's a hell to shun as we preach that to them we're holding back the forces of darkness we're holding back then we we're the contingency force to hold this thing now we're not doing it in our own strength we're doing it by his spirit we're doing it by his grace we're doing it by his anointing we're doing it by his word amen we're doing it by his anointing healing the sick as he said do those that believe lay hands on the sick and they shall recover and we do so by receiving by faith our own healing and keeping off things from coming on us you know with by you know believing like the 91st psalm that a thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand but it shall not come near near me this is not poetry this is the living breathing word of god you look everybody's listening to some words it may be the words of the cdc it may be the words of a doctor it may be the words of a so-called human expert but you listening to and are patterning your life it may be even your own words and your own insights it may be your own reasonings but everybody's following somebody's words well i don't know about you but i want to go with the eternal words of god because his word is flawless theories change amen research changes amen you learn things as you go in this earth by trial and error but god don't have to try it he already has the truth from the beginning amen ephesians 6 beginning at verse 10 says this hallelujah finally my brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might that's a good thing to confess you know we often say that here i'm strong in the lord and in the power of his might i'm strong not in my own strength i'm strong in the lord and in the power of his mind then we like to break it down and say i'm strong in my spirit i'm strong in my mind i'm stronger in my body in the lord and in the power of his might amen that's a good thing to wake up every morning and say during the day i'm strong in the lord how you doing you may feel weak in your body but don't say that say i'm strong in the lord and in the power of his might i'm strong in my spirit i'm strong in my mind my mind is sharp i'll never lose my mind i'm strong in my body and then you may also want to say i'm strong financially you may not even have a dollar in the bank but you gotta you can call those things that be not as though they were so the lord said put on the be strong in the lord and in the power of his might verse 11 says put on the whole armor of god why why put on the armor i mean christ redeemed us he defeated the devil why do i need to put on armor he tells you so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil why because again we're the contingency force jesus left behind to hold the devil back otherwise he will take over the world the unsaved world amen we're supposed to be the one holding him back amen through christ and so it says for we wrestle not against flesh and blood this is not a fight with people it's not a fight fight with you know the rich or the poor it's not a fight with the black or the white or the asian or the latin no it says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities powers rulers of the darkness of this world spiritual wickedness and high place these are ranks in the spirit ranks wherefore therefore take unto you the whole armor don't just take pieces of it but take the whole armor wide so that you can stand in the evil day well i don't know this seems pretty much like the evil day to me there's a lot of evil going on around us it says and having done all to stand when you put on all the harmlesses having your loans gird about with truth that's like your belt he's saying put the truth talking about the word of god put it around your waist what what is it i mean i mean that's a very essential part when you're holding up your clothes hey man i know some people young boys don't like wearing them belts but i'm telling you you know we see things we shouldn't see when you don't put on a belt hold up your pants well it says it will hold up your life if you if you carry the truth of god's word around you having on the breast plate of righteousness well what's that the breastplate covered the essential organs the heart uh the lungs you know the back part of you the breastplate was something that wrapped around your breast and your midsection covered your vital organs well when it says the breastplate of righteousness is talking about the righteousness by faith in christ meaning you're made right i'm made right i have right standing with god through the blood of jesus through his redemption so that means it gives me the opportunity to pray without a sense of guilt because i you know if even if i make a mistake i repent that's under the blood of jesus so when i come before god i come clean innocent not because of me but because the blood of jesus washes that away and cleanses us from all unrighteousness so it says put on the breastplate of righteousness what else having your feet shine with the preparation of the gospel of peace in other words i when i step when i go when i'm moving you know as i go about my day and throughout life i have i'm prepared in the gospel in the good news of the word of god the gospel of peace in other words i i spend time in the word i spend time studying the word i spend time you know fellowshipping with other believers and and submitting to some pastor somewhere at a church so that i can partake of that ministry gift that the lord has appointed and anointed for me to grow by i don't even care if you if you got a ministry yourself you're you know an evangelist or whatever you still need a pastor you need to be up under somebody who's got that ministry gift of a pastor and then it says right here um above all above everything else take the shield of faith wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked now the holy ghost gave this word to the apostle paul and he fashioned these pieces of armor after the roman soldier now here's the thing he said take the shield of faith this is healing school above everything he said faith is a shield so he gives you by the holy ghost that clue faith your faith in what god said i know people say i got faith i got faith i got faith but listen yes we all have every christian has general faith but jesus made commentaries when things didn't work why how is it that you have no faith he was talking to believers how is it that you he said oh you have little faith and then he said to the centurion and the syrophoenician woman great is your faith how we are all these levels of faith so that means there can be levels of faith he said take the shield of faith and with the shield of faith as you build your faith as you're listening to the word of god on healing as you're listening to the word of god i can be well i don't have to be sick i don't have to die young i don't have to die with this sickness and disease i i know it may be a terminal diagnosis from the natural standpoint i'm not denying that faith does not deny sickness and disease let me say that because some people uh will say that all those people they're just in denial they're just acting like it no sickness is real no covert is real no disease is real so we're not saying that jesus didn't deny the sickness wasn't real he just said get out and we don't deny that sickness is not real we just say you don't have a right to come on this body no you don't have a right to come on this mind no and if it did come on build your faith you know if your faith's not there you know if you need hands laid on you get with another believer amen let them lay hands on you get in agreement and get that thing off you out of you it's not always instant but you can walk out of it there were even some people that jesus prayed for lepers he said they were it says they were healed as they went that denotes progression when they obeyed what he said go show yourself to the priests and as they start stepping that way leprosy starts drying up listen when you do just like in the old testament when the general naomi had leprosy and he came to the prophet like elisha and he said you know can you cure me of my leprosy and elisha gave the command go wash in the jordan river go dip seven times first he got mad listen if we don't do what the lord says do both in his word and maybe maybe sometimes the lord will give you specific personal instructions in order to get well then don't get mad at god because you don't get 100 well amen that's really important don't get upset with him just do what he said do amen and be believing for healing so the lord said that with the shield of faith you would be able to quench stop put out extinguish all the fiery darts of the wicked notice that the enemy he get this by the spirit gives us clues we're talking about healing we're talking about christ's redemption and i pray that you're receiving listening by the spirit to what i'm saying because the enemy will shoot darts sometimes the darts are symptoms you know you feel the pain in your chest you feel the pain in your back you feel your hands look like you know they they painting oh must be arthritis oh it must be a heart attack i'm not saying don't go get it checked out i'm not saying don't go to the doctor but go in faith speak in faith before you move and do anything else read healing scripture before you go and just you know just do the natural thing you know it's okay to do the natural thing but do the spiritual thing first because why because you are a spirit being and when you're saved we're supposed to be more too in tune to the lord and the holy ghost and the word of god than we are the natural so we do the spirit first and then when we go do the natural then when you go to the doctor you're already declaring all is well all is well even if the doctor says something contrary to what you're confessing you say okay you're just looking in a natural i understand that's all you can see unless you know their spirit filled and lord gave them something but if they're not most times they're not you know you gotta look for you know spirit-filled doctor they're out there amen praise god get one if you can get one amen uh but even if they say something contrary you may not your body may not be there yet but let me give you a clue your spirit is ahead of your body and you can take something like abraham you can call yourself a father many nations before you to father anybody amen god had him call yourself this you can call yourself well before you have any any evidence of being well you can be calling yourself well calling yourself well calling yourself well people could be laughing at you they are fool calling yourself but don't don't get don't don't even be concerned with that just follow the lord and his word and believe amen if the holy ghost give you some specific instructions follow those and with the shield of faith you can quench extinguish all all didn't say some it didn't say most all the fiery darts of the wicked verse 17 take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of god praying always with all prayer amplified says all manner of prayer the different kinds of prayers and supplication in the spirit watching there unto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints so even though jesus redemption provides healing for anyone really that will believe it belongs to the believer the born-again believer but even a sinner if he believes and comes to the lord in faith can get healed i've seen i i i've seen it happen before with somebody who wasn't committed to the lord but they were in a healing service healing healing was presented and they said hey i need it and i believe it and got healed on the spot amen so listen even though jesus redemption provided healing faith in his healing power and faith in this aspect of the new covenant comes from hearing and hearing the word of god we activate christ's redemption when we release faith in it it activates that redemption the fullness of it i challenge you i'm challenge you and i'm just i'm closing right now challenge you write down pay attention to how often you listen to the words of other people talk about health and wholeness and healing maybe about a condition that is confronting you now are you spending an hour reading about all the symptoms and all the possibilities of the negative things that could happen to you i'm not saying you can't apprise yourself of things naturally i believe in i believe that the lord wants us to know something about some things but a lot of times a lot of times people know more naturally about a sickness than they do know they don't even know three scriptures most people in the bible and there's over a hundred there's a lot of scriptures on healing most christians can't tell you three and that's bad because we know more about the diagnosis the natural medical research how many people had this and you know this amount percentage died this amount got worse this amount responded well with treatment we should know more about the word of god and what he said than that are you with me are you people are so ashamed about being ignorant naturally but why aren't we ashamed of being ignorant spiritually lord said i am the lord that healeth thee i'm the lord let me be the lord that healeth you so i challenge you to pay attention to what you listen to what you read have take more time in the word take more time following messages like these or others you know on healing and be blessed by that amen uh this is so important so whatever we listen to whatever we read uh whether whatever we watch whatever we talk about the most is what we will ultimately believe the most and and what you believe the most is ultimately what you're going to talk and what you believe and what you talk is going to become what the experience you have in reality that's going to be what you're going to experience so because jesus said i mean not jesus but it says in galatians be be not monk god is not mock excuse me be not deceived god is not mocked whatsoever a person plants that shall they also reap don't be fooled the lord is saying whatever you're planning you're planting words you're planting actions planting things by your actions planting things by your words planting things by the plants you're making whatever you plant that's what's going to come up in the harvest season amen so galatians 3 13 14 our text christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree that the blessing of abraham might come on the gentiles or all the other nations through jesus christ that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith say this with me say christ has redeemed me say it out loud christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law and then say this and that includes he has redeemed me from sickness and disease christ has redeemed me from sickness and disease [Music] that doesn't mean we get in condemnation if we get sick or you know sickness comes on us or we go and get a uh you know go to the doctor and get a surprise diagnosis no the enemy is is uh shrewd he's he's violent he he comes to steal kill and destroy but the first place he'll come to steal and destroy is to come to try to steal the word from you the word of god from you and one of the ways he does that is if you go and you get a bad report he's gonna the devil's watching to see whose word are you gonna believe that negative report or god's word which one you're gonna believe more so the word will be tested because the enemy's gonna come and try to steal it if he can steal the word from you he can steal your health if he can steal the word from you he can steal your money if he can steal the word from me he can steal your family guard the word of god in your heart and even when symptoms pop up say nope this is what i believe i see you i'm not ignoring you i'm not trying to bury my head and say and act like you don't exist i'm just saying by faith you're leaving i resist you you can't stay and when you park in faith like that amen you may be in that word and speaking that every day you may say a little bit disappear don't be sick don't be moved by that you say well it didn't all go it don't matter praise god for the little bit the little bit of progress amen and then you see a little bit more disappear hallelujah you think i mean just go have a party think and rejoice thank you lord i'm healed this thing is off of me this thing is leaving it's gone in jesus name and if you stay parked in faith you will come the day will come the moment will come all of it's gone in in my life in in in my family i've seen we've seen this happen time and time and time again so many testimonies of things we had to walk through some things left instantly but some things we had to walk through sometimes six months a year a couple of years sometimes longer than that but you stay parked and yes you know it can get discouraging sometimes we got discouraging we discouraged but we just got back into word and just said nope we played keep our ears listening to healing and faith and when we didn't change we stayed on the word that thing moved just like god said it would move let's pray father i thank you for this service i thank you for those people listening to me i pray father that people will be encouraged in their faith i pray father that their their faith would not fail them but they would stand strong in you and in the power of your might father we resist the spirit of fear that try to dominate somebody this discouragement somebody may feel discouraged because they're in the midst of a fight lord in the midst of a faith fight for their health but father i pray that you will strengthen them right now in the inner man and by faith we resist fear and we command it to go we resist discouragement and father you know i just pray that your joy would rise up in them as they yield to the spirit of joy in the name of jesus i thank you for your power and your blessing in jesus name amen hallelujah thank you jesus well praise god i pray that you were encouraged today i i'm encouraged i got encouraged preaching to myself amen but know that christ paid for your healing don't let him suffer in vain back then and just say oh you know if i don't get healed no big deal it's a big deal it is a big deal jesus paid a big price for us to be well and i'm telling you it is a great testimony to unsaved people when you come out on top every time it's a great testimony if you don't get sick and it's a testimony if you get sick but you receive healing and people are looking for you to die people are looking for you to you know stay sick you know just go downhill downhill downhill you don't have to you can be well all the days of your life live long and live strong well before we go today i want to give you an opportunity to give i mentioned that scripture in galatians chapter 6 which says be not deceived god is not mocked for whatsoever a person's souls plants so w souls that shall they also reap one day i was studying that and i looked up the word deceived in the greek and all you got to do is get you one of the strongest concordance you can actually get it on your phone and if you could just look up the word deceived and you know then you go to the greek section and it'll tell you give you a more expanded definition well the the definition for this word to see was kind of surprising to me you think it means don't be lied to don't be fooled and it means that too but one of the definitions is don't be not roaming from your place of safety now i thought that was interesting many things we could get from that number one it means your place of safety is in believing the word it's in truth and the truth that is talking about is sowing and reaping we talk about offerings it's so easy to be removed from this place of safety of sowing and reaping when it comes to finances that's not all the only application you know it is an application here and so we're talking about offering i want to give you an opportunity to give and sow into the ministry sometimes you can give and be discouraged and say well i gave i give and i don't really see no big blessing well the lord says that our giving the way he said tithing that's 10 of your income wherever you go to church you know you give there uh or whether you wherever you get fed from where you you know what i mean then that's what you should tithe but then giving is on top of that time that's your place of safety in obeying what the lord said about this particular area if it's healing so the word of healing and you'll reap healing if it is a peace sow the word of peace walk in peace be a peacemaker amen be a peacekeeper sow peace don't sow strife and then you'll reap peace if it is money so money and when you sow it don't just throw it in there and give it like okay bye bye twenty dollars bye-bye no sow it in faith i'm sowing into the kingdom and lord you said i'll reap a bountiful harvest so let's pray it's on your screen how you can give you can text give you can uh you know uh give via paypal you can mail a check to the address on the screen to the church give as the lord directs you and prospers you amen no amount is too small don't think about i'm embarrassed i wouldn't want to give a dollar why not i mean you go to the dollar tree amen let's pray father we thank you in jesus name we thank you for your people i thank you for those watching and as we give i pray that it be multiplied back to the giver some 30 some 60 some 100 fold i pray that the holy ghost will direct each of us what to give and i thank you lord for uh [Music] blessing and prospering us uh what we what you know what we've given in jesus mighty name we thank you for lord amen well we praise the lord for each of you all today thank you for coming to healing school i pray that you were ministered to i encourage you to open up your bible and go to galatians 3 13 and 14 or just the whole chapter and begin to meditate and study these things out for yourself things begin to taper take a different shape when you take personal time to look at them yourself and pray and ask the lord for further insight and further revelation god bless you we'll see you soon if you're if you're not watching and uh if you're not following anybody's bible study tomorrow night come join us at 6 30 tomorrow night right here this same station we love you and see you soon god bless [Music] [Music] the name of jesus [Music] me [Music] [Music] of the lord rise up in me [Music] this is [Music] is [Music] right [Music] the lord rise up in me this joyous wasn't yeah [Music] this is the time and this is is [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Maranatha Church Of God In Christ
Views: 55
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: e51fh2w38WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 32sec (4952 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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