Jesus The Fulfillment of Prophecy Pt 2

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maika at chapter 5 Michael would be just before the book of me whom in the Old Testament and then Matthew at chapter number 2 verses 1 through verse 10 I want to read Micah chapter 5 in verse number 2 talking again about Jesus the fulfillment of prophecy Micah chapter 5 verse 2 reads but thou Bethlehem Ephratah though thou be little among the thousands of Judah yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel whose goings forth have been from of old from everlasting in matthew chapter 2 now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the King behold there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem saying where is he that is born King of the Jews for we have seen his star in the east and I'll come to worship him when Herod the King had heard these things he was troubled and all Jerusalem with him and when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together he demanded of them where Christ should be born and they said unto Him in Bethlehem of Judea for thus it is written by the prophet and our Bethlehem in the land of Judah but not the least among the princes of Judah for out of thee shall come a governor that shall rule people Israel then Herod when he had privily called the wise men inquired of them diligently what time the star appeared and he sent them to Bethlehem and said go and search diligently for the young child and when you have found him bring me word again that I may come and worship Him also when they had heard the King they departed and lo the star which they saw in the East went before them till it came and stood over where the young child was when they saw the star they rejoiced with exceeding great joy thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower fades with the word of our God shall stand forever Jesus the fulfillment of prophecy from the beginning of the Bible Genesis chapter 1 until the last word amen in the book of the revelation the entire Bible is a story about Jesus from start to finish from beginning to end he is Alpha and Omega he's the beginning and the end he's the first and the last the Bible is not just history but his story it's about Jesus in Genesis it's about Jesus in Exodus Leviticus and numbers is about Jesus in the book of Joshua and judges and Ruth first and second Samuel is about Jesus all through the Psalms all through the Proverbs it's about Jesus in every line of Isaiah's prophecy in every word of Jeremiah's prophecy in in all of the book of Hosea and Ezekiel and Daniel and Amos and Rebecca and Zephaniah and Micah says out of Bethlehem Ephrathah shall come a ruler a governor of Prince and Bethlehem is the least among all the tribes of Judah but out of that obscure place out of that insignificant origin will come the son of God God brothers and sisters is in the habit of bringing great things out of obscurity God is always bringing a good thing out of a small place God moves in mysterious ways and the things that you think are not worth much in God's hands he can do mighty things this prophecy in Micah is fulfilled in Matthew at chapter 2 every time prophecy is mentioned in the Old Testament if it is really prophecy there must come fulfillment without the fulfillment of the prophecy it would be false it would be a lie and since God cannot lie everything God says will come to pass in Micah it's prophesied that the Son of God will come from Bethlehem and in Matthew chapter 2 there's a star that rises in the east and wise men from the east see that star and make their way towards Bethlehem to see for themselves the Son of God they are astronomers we usually think of them as being three because we sing the Christmas Carol we three kings of Orient are and some traditions have named them Caspar Melchior and Balthazar and so because they are named by some tradition and because we sing that Carol we think it it's three wise men and because three gifts are three treasures are open we think it was three men but it was a caravan of astronomers a host of astronomers who saw the star in the east and though they were pagan they knew that there was something different about this star my brothers and sisters if pagans can recognize who Jesus is I wish I had somebody to help me preach it if unbelievers know that there's something unusual about the birth of Christ we are God's children are always be excited to talk about Jesus when you read the scripture we see it wise men or before these wise men in the Old Testament there are some wise people like Noah wise people like Enoch who walk with God and God took him that's a wise man named Abraham Moses had the wisdom of God when he was born his parents saw that he was a goodly child that word goodly means he was he had the hand of God on his life even as a baby Joseph had the wisdom of God David who was a man after God's own heart had the wisdom of God and whenever you follow after the things of God God will make one wise I saw a book the other day and the books through and I intended to go back and get it I'll probably do it this week the book is entitled from smart to wise a whole lot of smart people who are wise I wish I had somebody to help me preach it because there's some things that you get from the wisdom of God that you can't learn in the university there's some things God has to show you that you can't get in the Academy because there are folk with college degrees who don't have good sense but when you walk with God he will show you some things that other folk Casey walk with me around the tent when they saw that stone they left the Orient they left the Near East to come and follow that star and when that star came to rest over Bethlehem of Judaea they inquired of what the star meant we know their king is gone somewhere we have seen his star in the east and we have come to worship Him there's a hurry brothers and sisters I want you to note something that wise men always approach Jesus you you're never gonna get what you want from the Lord until you make your approach talk back to me if you can many of us never get near salvation because we never make the approach we never get the joy of really serving God we never get the excitement that really comes from praise in the worship because we have not made an initial approach when I was growing up as a boy in my little town where I'm from there are four of us who were raised together my other brothers were much older than we John a wink and Gwen and myself we were the younger ones in my family and Johnny was the youngest of all of us and Johnny could get my daddy to do anything my daddy just doted on Johnny Johnny was I guess the son of his old age and when we wanted something we would tell Johnny to go tell daddy we want a quarter and Johnny would go and tell my daddy we wanted a quarter and my daddy would would give her Johnny whatever he asked for but I was afraid of him I was terrified of my father's voice his voice just rumbled like thunder through the house and and my daddy was a big man and I was scared of him I wanted a quarter but I never approached him Johnny would go before us and make the initial approach I feared my father he was a booming presence he was an awesome presence and I wanted a quarter because you could get two moon cookies and a rare soda water and then have 15 cents left to buy a mary-jane and a long boy you got to be over 40 to know what a mary-jane and a long boy and the moon cook it and some red use the old soda water and Johnny had to make the approach because I feared my father somebody ought to help me go where I'm trying to go Jesus is our brother when we fear the Father he goes in first to make the approach and then he opens the door so we can have access I wish I had a witness here I would never know God if it wasn't for Jesus Jesus opened the door to salvation and now every man can go to God for himself there is therefore now I wish I had a Bible no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh have we got a witness but after the spirit we have peace with God we have access because somebody already made the approach and you will never get saved until you make the approach you got to enter his gates with Thanksgiving talk back to me if you can you've got to enter his his courts with praise you've got to physically make the approach you you you can't come to God on your terms you got to come to God on his turn have a kind of witness hear the God Bible says without faith it's impossible to please God whether you must first believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him now I want you to understand something you didn't seek him he sought you you didn't go running after him he's been running after you and when he finally tracked you down you recognized that he was there all the time and once you find Jesus it's not that you find him but he found you wise people always make the approach they had to leave these they had to inconvenience themselves they had to get ready they had to make the long trek from the Far East to Bethlehem they had to find him but they had to make the initial approach and then once they found him they said we've come to adore him we've come to wish him him that's that's adoration that's what worship is worship is just adoration worship is not admiration its adoration I wish I had somebody it comes from the Latin word honor RA which means to just prostrate yourself and fall before a superior as an inferior ci kwacha God brother you you you can't really praise God shaking you up here you got to get back down here where you belong you got to prostrate yourself because you are not worthy to even call on his name my brothers and sisters this this is just me that doesn't have to be you this is just me but I never seriously pray without getting on my knees I get on my knees every morning I get on my knees every night and prostrate humble myself to let God know I need your mercy I don't stand up to pray when I really want to pray I get down on my knees and say God I'm helpless without you I need you I'm hopeless without you now maybe some of y'all can make it without prayer but when I get on my knees I want the Lord to know if you don't come through I'm through I adore him that's that's not admiration that's adoration because you can admire somebody without adoring them we admire athletes we admire celebrities we admire certain people in our lives from afar but I don't worship athletes I don't worship these movie stars my admiration for them does not spill over into worship because I know they got faults and failures just like everybody else but our door Jesus I wish of him because he's practically the son of God ever got a witness here he is God in perfection in human form and so when I come to his house I've come to worship there are a few words for worship in the Hebrew that makes my point clear word like yada and toda that's that's just losing your mind in praise and gun that's what David did when he found the Ark of the Covenant the Bible says he he danced out of his cloak he he forgot about decorum he forgot about public dignity and listen when the Lord has rescued you when the Lord has delivered you when the Lord has answered your prayers you don't come in by no makeup you don't care about no hairdo you don't care what you got on you don't care who's sitting next to you you don't care what they think about you you don't care what they say after church is over I came to get my praise on I was I was I was trying to say it over at new faith the other day that you can worship God quietly but you can't praise Him quiet to praise God you got to open your mouth have a gotta witness the praise God you got to lift your hands you you got the clap you can't just you can't just bow your head God don't know what you're saying when you do that the Bible says let the redeemed of the Lord say so if God has done anything for you your response ought to be hallelujah thank you Jesus I wish I had one or two more witnesses that's got to be made a joyful noise you can't make noise quietly I wish I had some help right here you see if you really come to worship take care who you sit by because not everybody came to adore him I wish I had some noise right here be careful what few you get on when you come to worship look in their face and see if they're smiling at you look at their countenance and see if they're glad to push over and let you sit in the pew with them and then listen to them when the music is started and when the preachers thoughts if they make a noise that's a good pewter sit on I don't want to be nothing to be around nobody or nothing that's dead cuz anything dead ought to be eaten or bury don't do it now don't look at him now don't do it now but but in about five minutes just look around and see them dead folks it yes sir you listen I try to get a fire started and here you are trying to put it out I'm trying to get some folk to praise the Lord and you trying to shut that down wake up some of them dead deacons in this chair wake up some of these folks sleeping in the class thing some of these folk in the few who haven't said anything yet the Bible says not everything am i doing alright now if he hadn't brought you keep your mouth closed if he hasn't kept you don't say a word but if God has opened the door for you to adore him if somebody asks you why are you hauling so much telling that's why I came here they want to know why you bucking and shouting so much when I got up this morning I knew I was gonna cut up when I got the check I woke up this moment with my mind stayed oh Jesus IV ain't done nothin for you I don't blame you be quiet but I can't be quiet I said I wasn't gonna tell nobody but I just can't keep the wise men made their approach I'm trying to get through here they came to adore him but lastly they came to adorn him look at what they did the scripture says when they found that baby when the star rested over the place where Jesus was the Bible says they adorn him with Trish they didn't bring no joke but they did not bring what they wouldn't want you they did not bring God what cost them nothing they came with gold frankincense and myrrh now it doesn't make sense brothers and sisters to bring a gift if you don't open it it's right here in the text they opened that's right many of y'all come here with treasure that should never open you think I'm talking about money now that's why you got quiet I'm not talking about money I'm not talking about that because that's that's a temporal treasure that God doesn't need cuz the cattle on a Thousand Hills belonged to the Lord and the hill that the cattles are on belong to God so God don't lead your than 15 cent that you make on your job every week no I'm talking about some treasure that money can buy God has done something good for you that is priceless you can't put a dollar amount on peace of mind what price can you pay for a good night's sleep never got a witness here that is no value on having good health I wish I had a witness here and if God has given you somewhere to sleep tonight and if God has put food on your table and if God lets you be raised in the house where people love God if God gave you health and strength that's a treasure that money came out and so I come to praise God with my whole heart I don't have any gold I don't have any frankincense I don't have any man but I do have a treasure I said I do have a treasure it's in this earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us have I got a witness here so every time I get a chance I'm gonna tell God thank you I'm going to open my mouth and say hallelujah I'm gonna lift my hands in the sanctuary it may sound trite and old-fashioned it may be dusty and out-of-date but I still think you ought to give God praise I still think you ought to adorn God with your gifts I still think you ought to come before his presence with singing know ye that the Lord he is God and it is he that hath made us and not we ourselves he go help me preach this one we are the Sheep of his pasture enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto Him and bless his name for the Lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endures to all generations no taste and see that the Lord is good blessed are those who put their trust in him the Lord is my light and my salvation come on you can help me said whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid when the wicked even my enemies and my fools came upon me to eat up my flesh this stumbled and they fell I was a head of Bible reading the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want yea you can sit with me he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leads me beside the still waters he restoreth my soul he leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake yea yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me your rod and your staff they comfort me here it is by preparing a table before me in the presence of mine thou anointest my head with oil here it is shown else my cup is just running over goodness and blessing we'll just keep on following me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever is there anybody here not ashamed to open your gifts is there anybody here not embarrassed to share your treasure if the Lord opened doors will you help me praising me if the Lord been good to you help me magnify me if the Lord is where there to be please why don't you shake somebody's hand tell him I've come to open my treasure I've come to get my approach I've come to adore him I've come to lay out my treasure I don't have much but such as I have I'm a play the Lord he's done so much father come on I wish I had a witness if he's done something for you and you're not ashamed to testify if he opened the door for you and you don't care who's and looking at you why don't you grab somebody then I'm gonna wait a minute wait a minute let me tell you something you looking at man and you don't know why I shout so much let me tell you my story he brought me some a mighty long way he kept me when I was about to move he made a way thank you Jesus thank you Jesus you're proud man so once you find out where he is make your approach come and adore him and then come and adorn him bring the gifts yo your gift don't have to be my gift you don't have to bring what I bring you don't have to do what I do just just come do you just come praising with everything you've got tell God thank you for all you've done for me and brothers and sisters the more you praise him the more he blesses your life o come let us adore him my brothers are standing now and those wise men when Herod tried to get him to come back and tell him where the baby was the Lord came to him in a dream and said don't go back to Herod because he does not want to go and worship that child he wants to go and kill that baby and the Bible says the wise men went home another way and once you meet Jesus you always go home another way you
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 13,455
Rating: 4.865922 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: 3K96vZnjl4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 30sec (2070 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 09 2014
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