Many believers think
about the demonic when they hear about the gift
of discerning of spirits, but my guest had
a visitation from Jesus, who taught him
there were seven purposes for discernment of spirits,
some you have never heard about. Some will be imparted to you and
will change your destiny. [Applause] SR:
Welcome, Holy Spirit. [Music] Go and flow.
My guest, Demontae Edmonds, was raised traditional
Southern Baptist. Then the supernatural
took over. Demontae, tell me about
the 4-hour vision you had. DE: Yeah, so I was
around 7 years old. I was laying in my bed, and something was just different
about this particular night. I couldn't go to sleep.
I was very restless, and there was an unusual
atmosphere in my bedroom, and then suddenly
I heard my name audibly, and I got spooked. I got scared because I didn't
know what was taking place, and I discerned and saw
for half a second an angel standing by the side
of the bed. And I couldn't look
at the angel anymore because it was like an atmosphere
of the fear of the Lord. And then suddenly, it's like
this light shot from Heaven, and when it hit me,
I left out of my body, and I began to go
into these visions. I began to go into
these supernatural encounters where I was seeing things that
was taking place on the Earth. I was seeing things that were
taking place in the future, and then I would come
back into my body, and it was like the angel
would still be there. I was afraid to turn over
and look, and the presence of God
would be there. I would fall into sleep
and then have these dreams. Then I would be wakened back up.
The light would hit me again, and the light would cause
my body to almost vibrate, and then I would be
just translated all into the realm
of the Spirit, and I would see things that was
taking place in the future. For instance, I saw
the Berlin Wall before it fell, and when I saw it on TV,
I was a little kid, but I remember, I just started
crying in the living room because it's like I knew that this was something the Lord
wanted to take place and happen. I remember rejoicing
with those individuals and people when I saw it
on the news as a little kid because that was one
of the things that I saw, and I didn't understand
what it was. SR:
Of course. You'd have no paradigm for it,
but that was at 7. And then what happened at 10? DE: At 10 my family went
through a really rough season. My parents separated. There was a lot of turmoil
and chaos in our family dynamic, and so my mother
and I were displaced. We had to live with my uncle,
and I began to up my prayer. I began to spend more time
just seeking the Lord, talking to the Lord, because it was a lot of anxiety
that was there. And one night, unexpected, this presence
permeates the bedroom, and the Lord Jesus walks in. And every word from Him
shot through my body. Every cell came alive.
Every molecule came alive, and then I jumped out of the bed,
and I began to beg the Lord. "Lord, I know it's You,
but please don't do this. I'm not ready for this.
I'm not ready for this. I know it's" - I said
- It just caught me off guard. And He came back a second time, and He spoke some words to me
and spoke to me about my future, and then a peace came over me,
and I fell into a deep sleep. SR: But then at 17 what happened? DE: At 17, one Sunday -
I didn't go to church a lot. I went infrequently
at that particular time. I was pretty backslidden,
but I felt to go to church this Sunday,
and I called my friend, George. I said, "You want to go
with me to church?" And so we go
to this particular church, and as we're sitting
in the service, the pastor stops. It's a Baptist church,
conservative church, and the pastor says, "The Lord
has just spoken to me a word, and I'm going to do
something different today that I normally don't do."
And we looked at each other because we'd never heard
the pastor stop and say God spoke to him live and in action
right there in the service. He says, "There's a woman.
You're over 80 years old. You've been in church
your whole life. You've served in ministry, but you've never had
a real salvation experience, and your time is about
to end on the Earth, and Jesus is giving you
one more opportunity to know Him and to have a trip
to Heaven as you transition." And then the lights
went out in the building, and so George and I
looked at each other. We were like, "Oh, this is
getting real. This is a little - this is not the church service
we're used to." And this lady that's almost
90 years old comes to the altar. She confesses,
and she gets saved, and I remember I left
with such conviction upon me because that day it felt like
God was really in the house. SR: And then in your early 20s,
you went to a Pentecostal church. DE: Yes. I was watching
television one day, and the Lord told me,
"Go and visit that church." It was something different
about the preacher. That was a - I didn't know
about the anointing, but just something different. He had more weight
and more authority. He seemed more authentic, and so I visited
this small church. I had to drive a hour
to go to the church. And when I pulled up,
there was the enemy fighting me to turn away, to walk away,
to not step into this church. When I walked in,
it was a different presence, just something different. I could feel God's Presence,
and they were prophesying. They were speaking in tongues. I had heard about speaking
in tongues in documentaries. I heard about it in books.
I had never seen it, and they were giving messages
in tongues and interpretations, and I felt very uncomfortable.
I felt a little antsy, but I felt like
it was really God, and I was intrigued by the
supernatural things taking place. And so being in that service, it just stirred up a desire
to know more about God, to experience more of God
and to be one of those people that really operated
in the gifts of the Spirit and flowed in the things
of the Spirit. And so that was a transitional
point for my life. SR: And you got filled
with the Holy Spirit? DE: Yes. Yes. Actually, I got filled
with the Holy Spirit in that church service.
I sought the Lord for over a year to be filled
with the Holy Spirit. Now, some people,
they get it instantly. They get it automatically.
The first time they pray for it, the first time they ask for it,
God hits them with it, but God allowed me to seek
a little bit longer. I believe
He wanted me to press. I believe that He wanted me
to have a real pursuit for it and an appreciation for it, and I was filled with the
Holy Ghost at the altar. It came out like
a mighty rushing river. SR: And you started
being mentored in the gifts of the Spirit? DE: Well, I began - My pastors and people
I was around, I began to watch them operate
in healing, discerning of spirits, prophesy,
all different types of gifts. And then the Lord says, "I'm surrounding you
with prophets." I said, "Lord,
I don't know any prophets." But within 4 months,
all of a sudden, it was a circle of prophets
and prophetic people that the Lord put me
in the company and put me in association
with them, and He began to just stir up
more of the prophetic ministry and seeing and hearing
from the Lord during that season. SR: Now, you sound like,
from a young kid, you could hear God's Voice
pretty clearly. DE: Yes. Yes. SR: That's a gift. DE:
Yes, but it was spread apart. It wasn't all the time.
I think it increased as I began to read the Word
in my teenage years, and there was a particular street that I used to hang on where there was
a lot of drug activity. There was a lot of gang activity,
a lot of crime and debauchery. And the Lord would actually
speak to me, "Go home." And when I would go home,
someone would get arrested. Something would happen bad, and so I used to hear
the Lord in those times, especially when there
was warnings where the Lord didn't want me to
get caught up in bad situations. SR: And then how did you
become a pastor? DR:
Well, I was attending a church, and God was using me
to minister to people, to bring healing and deliverance,
and I really feel like He wanted to do it
at a greater level, and then the Lord spoke to me
and said, "It's your time to pastor. It's your time
to plant a church." And we planted a church, and when we planted the church,
the Lord said, "I want this to be
a supernatural church. I want this to be a place
where people come and experience My Presence, experience My Glory, and there's
healings and miracles." And so we became kind of
the oddball church at the time. We were one of
the first churches to really pioneer
in the supernatural dimension. We have so many manifestations
and things that took place
in those services. SR: And you began to teach
on subjects like discerning of spirits, and one day you had a visitation
from the Lord correcting you. DE:
I was in Eastern Europe, and I was ministering to leaders
there in Eastern Europe, and that night the Lord
appeared to me in a night vision, and He said to me, "Now, you've taught
that discerning of spirits has four dimensions to it, but I'm here to tell you
that there's seven dimensions, and you've been
teaching it wrong." And then - And automatically this
rebuke directly from the Lord, I'm like, "I'm in trouble,
but I'm going to teach it right, whatever He tells me." And this download
comes from Heaven. It's like the Lord's mouth
is not moving, but I'm hearing
and receiving everything concerning discerning of spirits
that He wants to impart to me, and it's supernaturally
downloaded into my life and into my heart.
A few years later, He told me to write the book,
"Discerning of Spirits." SR: Tell us one demonic
experience that you discerned. DE: One of the first
that stands out to me, I was ministering
a healing line, praying for people
that needed physical healing. There was a woman.
She had issues with her stomach, issues with her digestive system,
issues with just different things going on
with her stomach, inflammation. And I'm praying for her, and I feel the anointing
come back into my hand. The anointing
was touching everyone, but with her,
it was just coming back to me. And I said,
"Lord, what's happening?" And He opened my eyes to the gift
of discerning of spirits, and I saw this small demonic
spirit lodged in her stomach, and I knew that I didn't need
to pray for healing. I needed to pray for deliverance and rebuke that spirit
and command it to leave. When I did that, she felt
the anointing hit her, and she said all the stomach
pain left her instantly. [Applause] SR:
I'm curious. Have you the ability
to look at someone and know whether there's a demon
involved in their life? DE:
Many times, yes. Many times
I've looked at individuals, and I can tell that
it's a demonic spirit plaguing their mind. Even with kids sometimes,
I've told the parents, "You need to pray for that child. There may be something
with perversion," and they investigate and find out
something happened to the child. Or especially when I travel, I may see something
with witchcraft over individuals, either they're practicing it,
or it's in their bloodline, and it's influencing them.
And the Lord will allow me, through discerning of spirits
and seeing, to deal with that type
of demonic entity. SR:
When we return, Demontae is going to tell
about a recent meeting where even his kids
and many other children were seeing visions
of Heaven and Jesus, and miracles were breaking out.
Be right back. [Music] [Applause] >> We will be right back
to "It's Supernatural!" >> Calling all seekers
of spiritual revelation from God. Would you like
to hear angels singing? Does feeling the presence
of angels all around you excite you? Demontae Edmonds,
called "the Miracle Man," with many signs, wonders
and miracles surrounding him wants to tell you
his miraculous story of a direct visitation
from Yeshua Jesus and how that can happen
for you, too. DE: I believe the Lord
is going to open up your senses and give you a new
supernatural awareness of angels that are assigned to protect you,
help guide you, to help you overcome pitfalls that the enemy will try
to send your way, and you'll be activated
into another level in the prophetic realm. We delve into the supernatural
dimension of dreams, how to discern false prophets and the gift
of discerning of spirits. It's going to encourage you
in your walk to move in this gifting, and it's going to give you
a greater understanding that you, too, can operate
in discerning of spirits. >> Call or go online
at to make your donation of $35 for Demontae Edmonds'
essential book, "Discerning of Spirits:
7 Dimensions of Revelation." Shipping and handling
is included. You'll also receive his exclusive
new three-CD audio set, "Unveiling the Operations
of the Invisible World." You cannot get this exclusive CD
set anywhere else. [Music] [Music] >> We now return
to "It's Supernatural!" [Applause] SR: Demontae is known
as the miracle man. Tell us what you've seen. DE: So the Lord has shown me
many creative miracles, many peculiar miracles, and they happen frequently
within our ministry and in meetings that we have. And so we've seen limbs grow.
We've seen the deaf hear. We've seen supernatural
weight loss. We've seen metal disappear
from bodies, and we've seen all different
types of miracles that the Lord does for
His people. Recently, we've been seeing more
and more people get out of wheelchairs, off of walkers
and throw their canes away. [Applause] SR: Okay. Most people emphasize
discerning the demonic. I want to hear about discerning
what God is up to. [Applause] SR: Tell us about
discerning of angels. DE: I love angels. I love their activity.
They show us that God is with us. Recently, I was in a service, and I saw an angel that was
standing over to my side, and he was literally doing like
this behind somebody's back. And I knew that before
the Lord would help me deal with the spirit of betrayal,
and he would have me pull a knife prophetically out
of the person's back. And I said, "Anyone that's
dealing with betrayal" - Now, this is
a Methodist church, the largest United Methodist
church in the country. "Anyone that's dealing with
betrayal, come to this altar." Forty people came.
I didn't touch them. I just did
what the angel showed me. I've done it before. I just acted like
I was pulling the knife out, and they just instantly fell
on the Power of God within half a second, and they were getting
delivered from betrayal. [Applause] DE:
And there's been other instances where I've been in a service and I've heard the angels
singing like 100 voices that sounded like one
in a choir over the meeting, and you can hear the angelic
chorus singing in the atmosphere. [Music] SR: There's another type
of discernment that God has taught you about,
discerning, and this one I love, discerning the Holy Spirit. DE:
Yes. Yes. That's my favorite. Many people focus too much
on what the devil is doing, but if you know
what the devil is doing, you don't know what God is doing.
You're going to miss out, and so the Holy Spirit, this gift will help us to know
what the Holy Spirit is doing, what He desires to do,
how He's moving, whether it's a tongue
and interpretation, whether we need
to be silent because He wants to do
something supernatural or if He wants Heaven
to come down in our midst. So there's times where
I discern the Holy Spirit wants everyone
just to be quiet. I'll quiet the atmosphere,
and then all of a sudden, God just breaks out with these
supernatural manifestations. So we have to be sensitive
to the Holy Spirit and to what God desires
to do through Him because He's always moving.
He's always speaking, and He's always active, and the gift
of discerning of spirits will help us to discern
His activity. SR: Okay. This one I've never heard of.
It had to come from Heaven: Discerning the Living Word,
the Bible. DE: Yes.
Yes, so that one was amazing. It came from the Lord,
during that rebuke, and He showed me
that there's times when the Holy Spirit breathes
life upon the scripture or upon a word
that's spoken in faith, and it becomes a living word. Jesus said, "The Words that
I speak to you, they're spirit and they are life."
So discerning of spirits, the Words from the Lord
can be Spirit. SR:
And you know what also I love? You love to work with children. Tell me about the recent meeting
where your kids had visions. DE: We were doing our
Parousia Encounter in Virginia, and on Friday night,
I'm giving my testimony of seeing the Lord at age 10, and my wife brings my 7-year-old
daughter to the stage, and she says, "I saw the Lord
standing over there!" She had an open vision
of the Lord standing, and He told her in the service
with almost 2,000 people, He told her, "Do it!" And she began to pray for people.
They were getting delivered. They were getting healed.
They were getting set free, and they were getting touched
by the Power of God. Even my own father
was touched by my daughter, and he walked offstage
without his cane, and he has two false legs. The next day, I was praying
for about 25 kids, and the Lord said
He was going to fall upon them. And all of a sudden
He fell upon them. Maybe 20 were slain at one time,
nobody touching them. Many of them had visions.
Many of them saw Heaven, but two of my daughters were
caught up for over an hour and a half in front
of this big crowd, not moving, not twitching,
not doing anything, and both saw Heaven.
Both saw the Lord Jesus. Both experienced these angels
that were with the Lord Jesus, and they saw parts
of Heaven together because they were talking
about the same things in Heaven that both of them saw. [Applause] SR: God said something to your
daughter. What did this mean?
"I'm giving you eagle eyes." DE:
She doesn't know what it means. I'm going to be honest.
I got a little bit jealous. The Lord said,
"I'm giving you eagle eyes," and that means the ability
to see in the realm of the Spirit and to see with precision
and to see with accuracy and to go into a really
deep prophetic place, I believe. SR:
Now, speaking of prophetic place, you are very prophetic. God has shown you
what's coming this year. DE: Yes. SR: What do you see? DE:
One thing that the Lord showed me was that we really
need to pray, especially for
the Body of Christ, that we own property,
that we own land, that we own housing. That is something
that's even in the Bible, and I shared how big,
mega conglomerates would try to buy up property and try to manipulate
real estate, and articles have just
come out about that. That's one of the things.
The second thing that I saw is, this year and next year
it really will be a time of war. When I saw war, I don't
necessarily mean physical war, but we have to war greater than
ever with the forces of darkness, and we have to pray that the
enemy doesn't prematurely pull us into a Third World War. SR: If you don't know God,
you don't have anything. If you know God
and all these things happen that Demontae is prophesying, "No weapon formed against you is going to prosper." [Applause] SR:
No weapon, none, none! Say this prayer with me out loud, and mean it to the best
of your ability. Dear God - >>: Dear God -
SR: - I'm a sinner. >>: - I'm a sinner. SR: Against you -
>>: Against you - SR:
- and you alone have I sinned. >>:
- and you alone have I sinned. SR: And I'm so sorry. >>: And I'm so sorry. SR:
I believe Jesus died for my sins. >>: I believe
Jesus died for my sins. SR: And I ask Jesus
to live inside of me - >>: And I ask Jesus
to live inside of me - SR: - and His Blood to remove
every one of my mistakes. >>: - and His Blood to remove
every one of my mistakes. SR: I'm clean. >>: I'm clean. SR:
Thank You, Jesus. >>: Thank You, Jesus. SR: Demontae, press in,
and pray for our viewers. DE: Yeah. I could literally
see someone's leg almost like a mechanical thing
where the bone in your knee is deteriorated.
God is bringing healing to that, and you'll have full mobility
of your knee and your leg. And as I was sitting here, the Lord told me to pray
for greater glory. Many are prophesying
that greater glory is coming. I want to say this, that it's
already here in this year. It's already here in this season,
and it's only going to increase. So I pray in Jesus' mighty Name that you will have an encounter
with the glory of God that will change your life, that will give you this
just blazing fire and hunger to know the Lord
and to experience the Lord and to have a relationship with
him greater than ever before, and I pray that this glory
will visit you in your homes, visit you in your car,
visit you in the workplace, in Jesus' mighty Name. SR: Now, as a young child,
you had dreams. DE: Yes. SR: Give us some clues on,
number one, how we can have
prophetic dreams and, number two,
how we can understand it. DE: So one of the things
for prophetic dreams is to simply ask. Just recently someone told me
they read my book, and they said, "I haven't dreamed
in a long time. I just realized it when
I was reading your book." And they asked the Lord, "Lord, give me
a prophetic dream tonight." And they said the Lord
spoke to them that very night. God is always desiring
to speak to us. He's always desiring to communicate
His heart and His will and to make Jesus
known to His people. And so we simply ask Him, "Lord, what is it that You want
to speak to me in this season? Maybe I'm missing it
as I'm awake. Can You give me a dream
with details and give me the understanding?" He will not only
give you the dream, but He will help you to unpack it.
And as well, ask Him, "Lord, is there
somewhere in scripture that I can look to match up
with my dream? Is there somewhere in scripture
that aligns with the dream?" And even in the Word of God,
you'll find a scripture, maybe one you didn't even know, that will speak directly
to the dream that He's giving you. SR: Now, many of my dreams -
I have dreams. I don't have a clue
what they mean. Can He give me some clues
on how to understand the clues? DE:
That's a really good one. I tell you what. I've had many,
and when I wake up, I say, "I know that was You, God.
I just don't know what You're trying to say or what
You were saying." And I say, "The Holy Spirit,
help me." And what I do as well,
I'll find one or two people that are gifting in the gift
of interpretation of dreams, and I'll send them the dream, and I'll get what I can get
from the Holy Spirit, but these other prophetic people
will help me as well. The Bible says, "In the multitude
of counselors, there is safety." So I believe
we can lean to the Word, and there's people that's gifted so I don't have to rack my brains
trying to figure it all out. Trusted prophetic people
are a blessing. SR: And if I'm
understanding you right, I bump into a lot of people
that say, "I don't dream." Are you talking about,
"Well, if you don't, ask God"? It's that simple? DE:
It's that simple. I have friends that were
in other religions, and Jesus appeared
to them in dreams. One we discussed. God won her
from another religion, and so if you don't dream,
just simply ask Him. Now, if it doesn't happen
right away, everything in the Kingdom
works by faith. Without faith,
it's impossible to please God. Wake up and say, "Lord, I think
You didn't speak to me this night, but tonight
is going to be the night. You're going to give me
the best dream I've ever had." If it doesn't happen
that night, say, "Lord, I'm just ready for this.
Woo! You - Woo! I know it's going
to be good, Lord." [Applause] DE: "I'm waiting on this dream
to hit me from Heaven." So by faith, do it by faith. Use your faith, and you can
be excited with the Lord. Have an expectancy that
He's going to speak, and He speaks in His timing,
not our timing, so that's what I tell people.
Put your faith on the line, and God is going to answer
from Heaven. [Applause] DE: Yes, Lord. [Music]