Jesus And The Feast Of Tabernacles - Pastor John Koe

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let us pray father we just want to commit this time to your hands and we know Lord it takes your Holy Spirit to reveal to us the things of God and so Lord we rely on you we lean hard on you this afternoon and we are slaughtered by your Holy Spirit you will review your heart to us and reveal to us the meaning of Tabernacles Lord in such a way they will profoundly profoundly bless our life and change us for your glory and for your purpose we thank you for all of these in a wonderful name of our Lord Jesus and everyone say amen amen well you just heard there tomorrow tomorrow starting tomorrow sunset will be Tabernacles the Feast of Tabernacles thirteen of October sunset when the Sun Goes Down or may Cienega our Jewish guy just told us he say you know you know you know what's the qualification of sundown when you can count three stars in the sky okay apparently I started alright so tomorrow sunset it starts and it starts seven days of joyous joyous celebration the most joyful celebration of the Jewish people and God instituted for them thousands of years ago you got to do this you know you've got to celebrate this feast and why why is this important for us to know as well well because they actually all point to Jesus well it is the most important feasts for the Jewish people actually it's also the most important feasts for us actually we should be celebrating a feast of tabernacles rather than Christmas because Jesus was born on the feasts of tavern a-kor not July and not December 20 feet do you know that will come today we have time but today I want to quickly share an overview of what are the seven feasts and how we see Jesus in the feasts or any particularly the the feasts of the tabernacle alright look look at this seven feasts because the seven feasts of Israel really reviews God's plan for the salvation of humanity do you know that it is portrayed prophetically in the seven feasts of Israel and this instruction comes in the Book of Leviticus chapter 23 or I just only read the one verse from there speak to the people of Israel tell them here are my a point that these days they miss Gaza these are my divine appointments don't miss my appointments I'm gonna meet you there these are my appointed these days they are the appointed these days of who of the Lord not of man's idea this is God's God's appointment with us tell the people that they must come together for this sacred feasts because it is a sacred this belong to him and we must observe it and we must come to him for it now do we really as believers well we need to let the principles behind it because these seven feasts they are prophetic enactments that depict that they depict the two comings of Christ and His redemptive work all right what are the seven feasts quickly all right these are the seven feasts of Israel now though though the ones in blue on this side we can we can divide them into two categories the spring feast begins in springtime and then the fall feasts are the remaining three that happens during fall during autumn all right now all these fees the 7vs actually they portrayed the redemptive work of Christ the the spring feasts actually portray the first coming of Christ and what he will do and the fall feasts portray his second coming what he shall do when he come really really interesting so God told the people of Israel celebrate this feast forever everybody say forever so that speaks to us to his people this is found in Leviticus 23 41 this regulation is to be kept by your descendants for all time to come for all time to come so until today Jewish people especially those there are religious Jews they definitely celebrate the feasts now while they celebrate all the feasts it is really unfortunate that many of them were they celebrate them they don't understand that they don't understand that all these fees actually point to Jesus who have fulfilled the the spring feasts and shall come soon to fulfill the fall feasts and so while they celebrate all these feasts they miss the truth behind it and that is that Jesus is the Messiah who has come to save man and shall come back again for our total Redemption for for our records for our union with him eventually all right so it is unfortunate that they don't understand the meaning not just them it is also unfortunately that unfortunate that today Christians also do not celebrate the Feast because we do not understand that they symbolize Christ's salvation world if only we come to understand the feast we can actually allow the feasts or help us to better grasp God's salvation plan for mankind and we can actually benefit from the celebration of it do you know that so the seven feasts again alright this seven feasts you know I'm gonna be very brief because I've actually ever done a pretty elaborate series on every single face actually and what did what it entails where are the scriptures how Jesus fulfill them alright the spring feasts they portray Jesus first coming and his redemptive work which has been done which has been done do you know that Jesus in his first coming he's he's everything he did his birth where he's gonna be born what he will do how he will how he will carry out his messianic work how he would die in what way he dies and after he dies what will happen do you know everything that Jesus lived and perform and accomplished completely to the minutest detail fulfilled about 300 over prophetic words 300 over prophecies in the Old Testament days in the Old Testament as prophesied by prophets as far back as several thousand years before Jesus came 300 over description of the different aspect of this Messiah Messiah that who will come and who will be doing this cool this thing what happened to him and what he will complete and what will you be called to the minutest it even to the day to the hour Jesus fulfilled the more 300 prophecies fulfilling all the spring feasts for example Jesus was sacrificed as the Passover lamb exactly a pass over 2,000 years ago or a Passover would have the green pointer anybody the the laser green quanta do you have it yeah I can get it yeah Jesus was the Passover lamb and Passover he's the true Passover lamb the ultimate Passover lamb for Passover you're remember Passover the first Passover was when God spoke to the gave the instruction to the Israelites you know to deliver them out of out of Egypt sorry this is green huh since I presume too soon for but it's not powerful this one yeah I know it's okay it's me yeah it's all right no yeah no yeah yeah we need a more powerful one it's okay all right so Jesus he was crucified exactly near for the Passover to be the Passover lamb so the Passover actually pointed to him like when the Israelites were being delivered out of Egypt God told them right take a row line without blemish representing a band that is sinless or a lamb without blemish and then killing and take the blood and paint it on the doorpost and on the lintel of the doorway and every household has a blood the ink job never passed by without hurting anyone it's a it's a metaphor of how the blood of the Messiah that will be shared for the salvation of the world and that lamb without blemish is the sinless man that righteous who were died for the unrighteous that was performed by Jesus when he came to be the ultimate Passover lamb for the salvation of the world he was crucified at Passover right before Passover to be the Passover lamb he he was wrapped up like the unleavened bread he was wrapped up to be to be the man without sin and yet he was killed for all sinners and he was buried at the Feast of the unleavened bread and then after death he resurrected and the first fruit the feasts of first group the first one they resurrected from the day he is the ultimate first from all this we have scriptural reference you do know yeah we won't go there today you know and then 50th day after his attention he he promised that he was sent the Holy Spirit and it did the 50th day - the day after Jesus ascension the 120 disciples they were waiting at the upper room for Jesus promised to come to pass and he came to pass right on that day itself and it cost the Holy Spirit came upon the people from the on the disciples and the church was birthed and the church was birthed and the church came in the church interjected into God dealing with men originally got only deal with men through Israel but with the advent of the church when he was born this the church came in and for 2,000 years God turned his attention to the Gentile world that's why the feasts happen in such a way that it is as far as it could be from each other there are six months apart you understand the spring feasts is six months away from the fall feasts then six months now come back we come back to the time of the celebration of the spring feast this six months this stretch of no fees is the church age symbolically where God's attention not in the Gentile world to reach many many non-jews with the gospel with the good news and to save as many as as as he as you want to then eventually so this so spring feast pointed to it what Jesus have already done it is first coming the first Advent we know because He fulfilled all these feasts to the very my new test detail to the day even to the hour even though in between prophesy thousands of years before he said then we can know for great certainty he will come again to fulfill all the fall feast to the minutest detail as well that's why is very very interesting to watch the feast and understand the feast why because it will soon come and on the trumpets what what happened but I will say at the blow of us the sound of a trumpet what what happened the dead shall rise Akiyama so everybody will rise who believed in Christ yes the day will rise Jesus it speaks of Jesus coming to take take his bride the rapture you know to take his bride the church to himself that will happen anytime anytime all right it can happen so we want to live like it's gonna happen tomorrow this is trumpets and then day of atonement is Jesus judging the world that's why day of atonement in the Jewish feasts it's a more somber event it's called the days of all they ensue after day it's those days that they have to to come before God and do truly cleanse their life and remove all eleven they represent sin you know because it's the days of judgment and actually the ultimate judgment is to be done by Jesus when he comes again this time first time he came was for salvation the second time he come it would be for judgment or and that's day of atonement after which will be followed by the millennial reign of Jesus being kept a neckl among us his presence permanent presence among men ruling from ruling from Jerusalem do you know that this are the events that shall take place we know they will take place that's right these are fascinating to study when it studied the more you understand the Phaedo the more you realize the feasts indicate to us where we are on the timeline of God's dealing with mankind right so what are these actually these are actually rehearsed souls of bassy ending events as review by the scripture that's why God wanted these people to celebrate the feasts because through the multi-sensory activities you are actually rehearsing for the Messianic event we are being a firm in our faith of death of the Messianic event they have taken place and now we are being a firm in our faith and expectation of what will happen whenever we celebrate the feasts it's very very powerful do you know the fees was one of the primary reason why the Jewish people never lost identity even though they have been scattered all around the world for 2,000 years they could keep their identity intact because of the practice of the Finnish it's so amazing it's so amazing God told them about about the feasts in such a way let's look at this scripture Leviticus 23 verse 4 these are the appointed times of the Lord holy convocations which you shall proclaim at the times appointed for them what a holy convocations really interesting if you'd be such that Hebrew word for this what convocations it actually means rehearsals so they are holy rehearsals these are holy rehearsals because they are actually metaphor of what is to happen through the Messiah Wow God shall save men through him so the fisa actually shadows pointing to the true substance that is there is going to be demonstrated in reality by Jesus Christ you understand no wonder in the book of Colossians that's how Paul described the feasts Paul says in the book of Colossians epistles here chapter 2 verse 16 therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day things which are a mere shadow of what is to come but the substance belongs to Christ so they are shadow of death which is very real Jesus is that reality isn't it fascinating so the fees are powerful events that they capture consciousness in God and what God shall do to save them and how to relate with God and help them to keep the identity that's why and and also affirm their faith that's why the first century believers in Jesus they understood the feasts they understood the feasts that the feast symbolized God's plan for salvation of men through Jesus Christ the long-awaited Messiah so as a result they continue now this important thought the early believers they continue to celebrate the festivals the feasts for actually several hundred years until if until mr. constantly change the change a lot of thing about Christian Christianity and how it is understood in practice which is a whole different message myselfi actually the early believers celebrated the feast with great joy with now that the right light and revelation of what they truly mean and so they celebrating with real understanding it's important to to celebrate it with real understanding then you benefit from it it's just like a baptism you know it's good to be baptized understanding what's the meaning so that it is mean so that you can benefit from the act of it you see so the fees are important to God that's why he said this are my appointed fees these are the whole this add up appointed feasts of the Lord it says there is God so if it's important to God it should be important to us don't you think so it should be important to us but sadly today most Christians do not know what of these days and they do not celebrate them and then by default we celebrate we celebrate you better watch out you better not cry then the more he see again you know really if we celebrate that day that Jesus wasn't even born on that day do you know Jesus wasn't even born on December 23 he wasn't it couldn't have been actually December 25th was actually called Saturnalia it was a day of a a Sun worship actually you know a by the pagans in in the in the early days do you know it only was converted to become Christmas Christ's birthday in the 4th century there's 400 years again mr. Constantine anyway and it was 400 years later they was converted to be day of Jesus it wasn't possible yeah we so wish they do you think Jesus was more actually stubborn at all or you can actually calculate from the days because John the Baptist was was born on a Passover in the description of the father is a priest in the temple and all that and it describes how you know when Mary when when Mary met Elizabeth you know Elizabeth was already six months pregnant you can actually calculate and know that Jesus was born during tabernacle you know how appropriate because tabernacle is God coming down to dwell among men and if Jesus was have been so accurate to the day to that hour of what was prophesied do you think his birth is random anyhow just Mary feeling I got a thought here you know and then give up you know just random it would not be random you know Jesus very very accurate every bit of his life and also by the way this is a sec Nona free and by great you will know that you know there was no room in the inn when Joseph and Mary you know travel to Bethlehem why because it was the tabernacle is the greatest feast day where everybody travel to to the temple you know and that's why that the hotel was full the hotel was full everyone was in Jerusalem and the ins were full there were many many corroborating scripture and facts of history that pointed to the fact that it wasn't December 25th and by the way the shepherds were watching their floor if the feels when when when Jesus was born that's why the angels appear right Hosanna glory in the highest you know and all that and glory in December twenty-fifth flocks will be out in the field with the Shepherd frozen frozen all the plots are in the shed by you know the in India in the winter winter in the Middle East there's no Joe in the desert place you know the flock you know already brought in already so many many corroborating scriptures and historical facts tell us you know that Jesus he was caught Emmanuel God with us you know he he came down to be with men and you know him must have been born during tabernacle that's why I mentioned just now that if we shouldn't be actually celebrating Christmas all these celebrations should be Tabernacle if we want to celebrate the birth of Jesus you understand why I'm saying that now that's why the feast days are very important to the Lord and and we must soul it today many thing have been twisted by by religion of the past even Easter why Easter what we call it Easter it's from the fertility goddess called Ishtar and that's why we have colored eggs you know to represent fertility and other is we pagan eyes you know it's been jumperado you just jessica mixed up and always with pagan religion and today actually if you want to come back to the scripture coming to what it's been like food to God it's the feast day of Israel so much so that a Bible say at the kingdom age you know believers from all nations whether Jews or Gentiles we have to make the pilgrimage to observe specifically the feast of tabernacle as commanded by God do you know scripture actually says that Zechariah chapter 14 verse 16 says then survive survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year this is a it's a future thing he has to have taken place here year after year to worship the king who is the king well only thirty-five people to Jesus I say Jesus they were worship the King Jesus and you know where he will be then he and he's the Lord Almighty and to celebrate the festival of Tabernacles do you know Bible actually say Jesus will reign from Jerusalem and then we will celebrate the festival of Tabernacles so right now if we celebrate it when we celebrate it and tomorrow and we celebrate it is a rehearsal for what is to come and that's what strengthens our faith it causes us to anticipate what the Messiah will do in the near future and then is the Feast of Tabernacles or today we are zooming in on the Feast of Tabernacles it is the grandest and finest and the final feast of all the series of seven festivals they would they were to observe that God commanded his people to celebrate and of the seven three other are the most important ones that they must they must take their family and go on an excursion on a pilgrimage on a journey to Jerusalem to to offer the offerings there at the temple which are the three Passover Pentecost and Sukkot which is a Tabernacles these three they must go so now we zoom in on and among the three the most important the Feast of Tabernacles so now we zoom in on the feast of tabernacle to remind us again why way samaa why must we why why is this the greatest vision what do they celebrate the Tabernacles for all right to begin with why this they are celebrating say God provision because Tabernacle takes place after the end of the agricultural year when they have taken in all the harvest of everything they planted in the fields all right where do we find the scripture Exodus 23 verse 14 celebrate a festival is a so observe the festival unleavened bread and observe the festival harvest with the first fruit of your produce and observe the festival of ingathering which is the which is the the festival of Tabernacles it is it's called feast of tabernacle feast of ingathering and feast of booths which is same booth is Tabernacles all right now at the end of the year when you gather your produce from the field so it is it is the time that they have already gathered in the harvest of hui and all the remaining produce of the land including grapes fakes pomegranates date citrus fruit and all of this we have experience recently in Israel remember yeah all these the final final harvest comes in by about this time just in the last two weeks everything has been taken in and then they had this grand celebration of God's provision it marks the agricultural year the end of the agricultural year and having gathered all the harvest to be gathered and they celebrate that they celebrate their and the feast of tabernacle is therefore a joyous celebration of God's abundant blessings for them and in having given them a year of fruitfulness so so how do they do it seven days of celebration and expressions of Thanksgiving and worship unto God by the way it is also a prophetic enactment of the final harvest of souls before Jesus come to Tabernacle with men permanently before that there must come a final harvest of souls and that's what we are trying to accomplish right through the happiness grouping and all day is to is to flow with God's timeline you see to bring in the final harvest of souls before Jesus come to Tabernacle with us permanently alright that's a sign no no and that's why temple anchors very powerful is a time of giving thanks for all that God has blessed us with so at the end of this message I'm gonna have you come together and celebrate God's provision in our life shall we we will celebrate for every good thing has given us don't you agree that every good thing in life came from him the Bible tells us their good health education provision money resources children children's children every good thing in life Bible say actually they came from the father of light above can I hear him amen and the cyber neckl is a time of such joyous celebration of God's provision now before before we move on I need to mention a few very powerful principle regarding the feast that God taught his people to observe first of all when they observe such a feast that Tabernacles it keeps them conscious of the fact that God is the source of all provision in life say with me God is a source of all provision in my life and that kept them away from idolatry to all kinds of deities you know in the olden days they would pray to all kinds of gods and demons and devils and entities for for rain for their for the crop to prosper and all that you know people you know and and God doesn't want them to do that God wants them to remember it is him not some spirit and some you know demons and entities you know spiritual entities and so God gave them this piece so that it was stay focused on God knowing and acknowledging that he's a source of everything good in life amen amen so it's a time that we as Christians where we understand this principle we celebrate God's provision we thank God for all his goodness towards us in our life and we are being kept humble and aware of his presence and provision in our family in the works of our hands it's the touch of him upon our life that prospers us can I get good amen and then we will not give our heart to another god or even to put upon ourselves like it's much it's my own arm of flesh and earn me all this provision we stay humble before him when we celebrate the eighties or this provision has come from him this is a powerful powerful principle celebrating their feasts another principle is this when God told the Israelites to celebrate or these feast you know it's so amazing by celebrating the Feast it linked their hearts to the land to their homeland so then no matter later on where they were scattered to all over the world they were keenly aware of the land that they long for to go back to to return to they and they're keenly aware of the seasons and rhythm of life in their homeland as they sought to keep their feasts they have to remember all the days that by now it would be harvest time by now it would be you know they know all that season's back in the homeland and they long to do so soon when they return to their land this is a reason why I said just now that the feasts have been so powerful it's one of the primary primary thing that linked and connected their hearts to their homeland and to God's position and place for them and they did not lose it after 2,000 years and that's why Jews would greet one another often times with next year in Jerusalem you know through the top 2,000 years they were greeting each other next year in Jerusalem they longed to go back to every time they celebrate the Feast they remember they belong to Jerusalem they need to go back there one day and God use it to connect their hearts together not only with one another but to their homeland and to God and God's plan for them now how does this principle bless us as Christians as believers in Christ when we celebrate such fees understanding its meaning it connects our hearts to God to God's plan for us it connects our heart to one another in the community that that when we come together you know to celebrate him as our source and together we're reminded he's our papa he's our Heavenly Father and we celebrate the fact that all good things came from him it connects our heart together as family it connects our hearts to the Father it connect us to our siblings in the house of God amen amen this is that's why it's powerful to come to church to worship God together and God as we worship Him together he links our heart together with him and with one another it is powerful and then it's not easy then to fall away to backslide ought to be removed from the house of God when we do that God had that intention in mind for such celebration not the third and final principle about celebration of this disease it's called corporate version like these three feasts that they have to do corporate worship that means they have to pack up the family they have to save up actually for the three journeys that they must do in the year 2 to actually leave the home put aside all their work from all the busyness and then they they come together with a family and they go to Jerusalem to worship God together as a fan do you know that he likes God do you know that is important to God there's like the feast of tabernacle the feast of tabernacle is the best attender of all of the three pilgrimage festivals and and being the final feasts or you know after the whole harvest has been brought in it is also the time of the greatest celebration and and from here we can see the gloss children resting from their work coming together in deliberate effort and intention to worship Him is precious to God and that is the principle of corporate worship like this even though private worship is necessary it's necessary by the way that you should have a private worship life you know interacting with God having communion with him and that's beautiful and it is needful when we come together in corporate and worship and celebration like that IDI likes the heart of the Father the pilgrim the pilgrimage festival remind us worship requires a journey a deliberate action an intentionality to put aside every other priority get our family and go to the house of the Lord and that pleases God when daddy sees his his family coming together again true worship involves a journey it involves intentionality today you are here because you have been intentional none of you I hope none came by a sleepwalk you did not know until you sit down right what am I doing here you know I trust not a single one came that way everyone was deliberate everyone was intentional today I'm gonna worship God together with my brethren in the house of God do you know that pleases God do you know it pleases God immeasurably when his children were would actually put aside other priorities and in busyness of life and saying I'm gonna gather with my sibling and worship our Heavenly Papa if it did likes God and you know today we have many Christians who no longer together we other believers because they feel that on the internet I can choose anything I want to watch any sermon I want to download I want to listen I can practice my favorite load it doesn't work that way there are two things you can never do alone in life marriage and Christianity you can do alone it's a family saving me it's a family it's a family and when we get this is children Wow Popeye's delighted it's like we Chinese you know we have we really really loop over to reunion as families parents especially look forward to reunion no matter where in the world that children are scattered to you know if once a year they could just come back with great intentionality come back and and to suspend that moment with with the parents and with a sibling Wow to them that's the highlight of the whole year in what we are just a pale shade and reflection of the heart of God to see his children coming together to worship Him he meant so 10 the one next to you and have a light Tennessee that's worship together okay don't be a lone ranger Christian okay okay no wonder the Word of God exhorted us like this you know in the in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 24 it says let us think about each other and help each other show love and do good deeds you should not stay away from the church meetings as some are doing but you should meet together and what encourage each other okay take a moment encourage the one next to you yeah yeah you look good you look a your hair very nice you know why this exists our colleges encourage one ideal good job your face haha Bible says encourage one another do this even more as you see the day coming what is the day here he's returned so God is saying especially towards the end it's even more and more crucial that you gather God knew something about the end of days that we may not fully understand but he says especially towards the end my people need the fellowship my people need the gathering my people need to come together encourage one another do you believe if God says I believe there's something about towards the end especially towards the end God said you come you must not miss the people of my people coming together and encourage one another love for one another if you agree say Amen amen and so come together in church come together in cell groups come together in live groups come together in happiness group come together come together you you will be blessed and God desires I repeat again i reinforce this point again God desires his people to leave their routines and to journey to worship Him and to celebrate him as a family as a community amen I mean know so so so now we move on to the next major element major element of Tabernacles it's called living in Boots by the way the word Tabernacle is also the word booth that's why it's called feasts of booth you know what a booth Leviticus 23 verse 42 let's look at God's instruction for them that once a year they must go camping today I've learned a new term many people like glamping who has heard of this word glamping I just learned it in Israel you know just this recent trip my guy said do you know people today like glamping I said was glamping oh I get it now glamorous camping I'll show you that it is not glamorous at all actually the way God told them to do it all right there is the reason for this there is reason for this let's read the scripture you are to live in booths for how many days seven days all the native-born of Israel must live in booths so that your generations may know that I make the Israelites living booths when I brought them out of the land of Egypt and Yahweh your God so God says living booth because in the past they used to live in such booth is the booth are really simple very tempore very fragile and and you can see that is all put with leaves and all that and and they are not waterproof by the way you know it's not like the way we we've our attack leaves here in Asia no it's done this way it's just to shake them from the Sun because because if water comes down they are actually happy they are not say to them good weather is rainy days right away for those of us who have been to Israel you know what I'm saying right because I told the team it please don't pray and no ring God keep away the ring keep away the ring and we are here for holiday you know no no we're here to bless Israel I always tell them for us good wear them is no rain for them good weather is rainy you will see them when the rain they go I stand under the rain you know because rain is life is their life source you know and you see their shelter doesn't keep away rain actually it has an intention for this is the word suka from which we get what Sukkot for for the festival or booth God said you live in this book for seven days during this celebration this reminds you of 40 years how all you had was a boot dos dos shelter those dot reckon tech shelters in the wilderness and yet you a well kept you were well provided for we were protected I was your covering by day from the heat through the you know God became a pillar of cloud for them and they by night he became the pillar of fire I was your light your warmth I scare with that Wow animals for you with my with my fire God was everything and the book reminds them that God was there everything God was there to shelter throughout the 40 years and so when so even way after they have they have left those days of wandering in the wilderness God still wants them to be reminded for seven days every year that once upon a time you live in such a wreck and tank you know wreck tech shelter and I was a one that actually was a true shelter I provided for you I protected you amen amen and so and so they every time they do that they remember Wow God was with us and Goss presses never left us even when Israel was in rebellion was in unbelief you know what God was faithful to be with them to abide with them never left nor forsook them all those years and and and in the mists of all so even way after those years have already passed I mean for hundreds of years because every year you still do it trim to be reminded that I'm your true source of prosperity I'm truly your true shelter I'm the one that kept you safe I'm your security I'm your protection on your preservation I'm your provision and so tabernacle is a time we we are reminded that that that God is our everything so they will never fall into the pride of self-sufficiency or any form of sin of idolatry entrusting any other source it's a time that we remember that God is our true prosperity our true security amen amen that's why the way the practice Tabernacles up to today the Jews you know during the feast of tabernacle they also is a time that they remember the poor and the weak and the marginalized of society because during those times when they practiced a tabernacle God told them bring the Levites invite the Levites to come and and to feast with you during the feast of tabernacle why because the Levites who were the full-time people in the temple they have no job of their own they do not have land to farm to provide for their own for themselves so gossip bring them in the mister Bernanke's also a time that we look out to the foreigners cause it's the foreigners enormous take care of them you know that the widow's the orphans you know bring them in to share in the abundance that that I have given you you know so this is a time that we remember the foreigners the we remember those that do not know Jesus we want to reach out to them it's actually part of the celebration of tabernacle that we remember the foreigners the aliens and our means and when I say alien I'm not referring to turn you know the alien from outer space you know the bible does use it with aliens people from from outside the faith the commonwealth of faith you know to look into their their their cry for God and for for the reality of God and so up to today the Jews also would do that to the poor to bring them the wealthy will invite the less royalty to come and eat with them in their booth specifically to eat in their booth so likewise today we recall and we thank God for his rich provision and we also remember that we have been blessed to be a to be a blessing amen now the one next to you do you know I've been blessed to be a blessing so so from the booth first of all we know two key thing about salable the meaning of Tabernacle we celebrate God's provision remember other harvests and all and the second thing is we celebrate God's presence because Tabernacle speak of God in there means God came to dwell among them be do you know that Moses tabernacle the is also called tabernacle and there is God's presence in the midst for 40 years they have the Moses Tabernacle with them in their camp as they wandered through the wilderness and being led by God through the wilderness because of God's presence in their midst they were fully provided for they had no lack at all and so Tabernacles women is the time to recall the God's presence has always been with them and they realize their the power is not in the crowd their power is in the cloud that the present you know it's not in the present is really found in God's presence that's the big lesson and reminder of Tabernacle Tabernacles a time that they realized all their provision is not in in in the people but in the pillar the pillar of cloud by day the pillar of fire by night their security everything that they ever needed was found in God and Tabernacles is a reminder of that the GaAs presence is everything that we need is the one thing that I need your presence is all I ever seek it's really the one thing that will ever need God was there protection your provision there companion the constant companion the preservation the permanent preservation this is what we celebrate now we come to the final point Jesus in the feast of tabernacle because today we as we celebrate the feast of tabernacle we want to be reminded that actually Jesus is God's ultimate provision as well as God's presence isn't it true Jesus is God's greatest provision for men and Jesus is the very presence of God in men and that's why the feast of tabernacle the tabernacle actually celebrates Jesus and that's why it calls for joyous celebration it is so interesting just as in the in the days of wandering in the wilderness when God's presence is represented by the tabernacle of Moses in there meets God tabernacle in there meets to be with them throughout their journey never left them go Tabernacle with the Israelites during the 40 years in the in the desert likewise the Bible reveals to us Jesus Tabernacle with us in his first coming and he will come again to Tabernacle with men in his messianic Kingdom it points to Jesus been in our means that's why the scripture in the Gospel of John is very interesting it says the word became a human and lived among us we saw his glory the glory that belongs to the only son of the Father and was full of grace and truth do you know the word and he lived among us do you know it's a word pepper neckl that's why Young's literal translation it says and the word became flesh and did Tabernacle among us so Tabernacle actually refers to Christ coming in for her life and pepper neck he tabernacled in us he come to live in us as God's ultimate provision for us and his in us and the words can move in the eating in Greek this is that the equivalent word in the Hebrew for Tabernacle Jesus is God living in our means and he's God's greatest provision and God presence in our life and the greatest present God has given us in in our life is his presence that's why we must treasure their presence and in a while we're gonna worship me celebrate his presence in our life and I wanna end with this thought that this is this is a beautiful scripture you know during Jesus days during Jesus days how they celebrated the Tabernacles the feasts of tournament one of the major thing they do celebrating the Feast of Tanith Tabernacle was the ceremony of pouring water at the altar why because the greatest provision that the Jews give thanks for his water is for water because without the water they wouldn't have the pomegranate the grape so with everything else so the greatest provision to them is water water is a very lifeline and so they celebrate during Tabernacles they will bring the water from the pool of siloam does this sound familiar to those of you who would who were pon-pon pon-pon in the silla we were just there just just actually one and a half weeks ago we were in Siloam in case you forgot where it is you know where we came out Hezekiah tunnel and we stood there and that's why we I stood inside the pool and didn't want to leave it we took good picture that there was a pool of Siloam all right the priest would collect with the flask collect water from the pool of Siloam and that was proven to be the exact pool of Jesus time so they have definitely been the pool that that a priest collected with the flask collected the water and he will lead this great procession of people dancing and singing and and reciting the Psalms you know just rejoicing rejoicing before God and then they were circled the altar the altar seven times and then they were pour out the water before God as a drink offering unto God thanking him for water and also praying the God in the coming year you must continue the same as rain because it all is so very life in survival they do that it was in the midst of that celebration and thanking God for giving them the very life through giving them water that Jesus shout out in the midst of all that ceremony jesus said this very words in John chapter 7 or it's so amazing in verse 37 on the last and most important day of the festival or festival was that the festival of Tabernacles so now you understand the implication the depth of why Jesus uses that occasion to say these very words about water alright Jesus stood up and cried out if anyone is thirsty what should he do he should come to me and drink while people are celebrating the water from God they can only quench their physical thirst Jesus say come to me and drink the one who believes in me as the scripture has said will have streams of this is supernatural now living water flow from within him this Jesus is saying I am the true satisfaction I am the one that can quench your thirst not just in the physical I quench of thirst in the emotional I quench your thirst in the spiritual I quench your thirst in every area of life where you are lacking and crying now I am your very satisfaction Jesus is the true satisfaction and that's why he stood among them while they are pouring the water celebrating water is the most important provision Jesus a I am the most important provision if only you would believe I am your true satisfaction and today as we talked about the tabernacle today I want you to know Jesus is your true satisfaction you may be crying out for something that has been lost you may have been hurt you have been stolen from robbed from never my all of them I want you to know if when you put your faith in Jesus this when you derive true satisfaction you see I will come out inside of you and cause it causes Supernatural living water to bubble up from within you that will quench all your thirst spiritual solace physical in every way Jesus say I am your true satisfaction Jesus is the one that would satisfy our deepest needs and hunger and if you believe say amen amen so let us celebrate let us celebrate Jesus as God's ultimate provision for men and Jesus is God's very presence in men and he's here right here now means are you ready I won't invite you to stand come I want a musician to quickly come first of all first of all I want you to just can we do that the one thing yeah a keyboard I want the keyboard to just play softly first I want you to give you a moment to encounter him because he's in our means kissing now means and it's his presence they bring about the greatest miracles and breakthrough in our life I want you to take a moment encounter him when he close your eyes and I want you to give thanks would you take a moment and just give thanks for every good thing in life the very breath in your nostril the Bible says came from God [Music] for the education you have received for finances for career for job the grace to hold down a job to run an enterprise to have family to have marriage this blissful to have children healthy children and children's children would you take a moment would you take a moment with me close your eyes and just softly talk to you may say daddy thank you my Heavenly Father today as we celebrate Tabernacle I'm being reminded you truly are my greatest gift in life without you I wouldn't have come to this place or such blessing and affluence of this place of health and wholeness thank you God I want you to recall what God brought you out of that was what they did when they celebrate the feast what God brought them out of those days or wilderness many of us had come from such broken messed-up background you know who you are and they include me too but today let us take a moment and thank him thank him for intervening in our life do you know we did not choose him he chose us Bible say Oh like lost sheep have gone astray none see him not even one but he came looking for us he came wooing us into his arms and today God wants you to know I mean I want to meet your needs you do you belong to me I want to hold you in my arms I want to meet your needs in your life I want to satisfy your deepest hearts crying the Third's of life I am the living water and you have put your faith if you put your faith in your job your finances your reach and your riches and all that you know you need to repent and turn to him and say father my my confidence is in you not even in my years of accumulated wealth or experience in the industry that I'm in whatever Lord today I I intentionally deliberately by decision more choose to put my faith in you Father thank you for having helped me help my family together Bible say in Christ all things are held together and they includes our family not our marriage our household would you just thank him thank him even your body is held together by him from falling apart do you know that so I want you to give thanks because Bible shows us its principle while we give thanks for multiplies when he gave thanks for five loaves and two fish in Walt apply to feed thousands let's take a moment a sacred moment to thank him for everything good that you know that you do enjoy in life take a moment and just talk to him give thanks over your children give thanks give thanks for everything that you have and you are enjoying right now and ocean thank him for his presence would you ask him for the hunger for more of his presence Lord would you would you draw me into your presence I never before help me to honor your presence welcome your presence to know how to hold your presence in my life in my household in my workplace how may I honor you and hold your presence what would you put a greater hunger in me to want to encounter your presence day to day momentum moment Lord today as we celebrate the feast of tabernacle I'm reminded Jesus your God's greatest provision and I thank you for giving of yourself for my Redemption and Jesus I thank you your God's presence in me the God's presence in me not you have any form of sickness in your body right now I want you to claim I want you to claim divine helm and healing because Jesus body was torn apart that your body might be made whole he paid the price but the Bible says by his wounds we were healed and I want you to claim the healing I say thank you Lord you paid the price now a Laiho of divine healing I lay whole health Alejo Alejo I'm a hope of divine health thank you God for setting me free thank you for the healing process that's already begun in me as I give you thanks as I give you thanks Lord for all that you are to me you are God's provision and you're God's presence in my life and I shall not ever take you for granted Lord Jesus thank you God thank you God Father I join my heart in my faith with all my brothers and sisters in harps of God today and thank you for your provision and honor you for your presence in our life thank you Father thank you help us or give us greater and greater revelation of what it means to enjoy your divine provision and give Grannis and grace to be good steward of your provision is such a way that a foreigners will come to know you Indians people who have been alienated Lord from the from your love they did to our life Lord they may come to know you father today allow me we look out law for the windows and the orphans the disenfranchised the marginalized around us the brokenhearted Lord and the downcast what would you use ours Lord to draw them into the booth of your abundance and to share of our abundance with them of our of our love and affection of the Father with them thank you Lord give us a compassion for souls and for the lost and grant us the grace to reach out with great intention ality you father thank you thank you Lord father we thank you Lord even for the happiness group that's running right now we know today dawn 19 people have been born again just over the last three four weeks what we celebrate with that we love we celebrate salvation Lord a reconciliation lord thank you lord more a lot more will be leaving you for more than will come to be reconciled with you to find healing to find restoration in you and in your love Lord with thanking love see that Dorothy mijo your beauty speak over your voice I will he let your presence wash over me Lord I'm here to sit at your feet [Music] yo [Music] your voice I will let your presence was sober me is the one thing that I need your presence is all I ever see oh boy with your you all I see is you - all I see is you [Music] missing your presses if so I'll never see over with your love - all I see is you - all I see is you to see that choppy [Music] [Applause] you're stay your voice I will t let your press what so Bernie No [Music] your friend [Music] me with your love two of my series you - all I see is you [Music] [Music] you're this is all Oh with no luck [Music] all I see is you Jesus all my fears fade away when I see you when I see you Jesus all my fears Sabino when I see you when I see you [Music] when when [Music] see where [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] is the one thing that I need your presence is all I'll ever see over well me with your you all i sees you you all i sees you he's the one thing that i your friend I've never seen Oh [Music] I sneeze [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] and I speak over you that the presence of God will tangibly wrap around you oh you and help you feel your press fill your your family flood your household that the presence of God would inundate your workplace then you will be the very carrier and courier of God's presence and his glory everywhere you go everywhere you go and foreigners and non-believers will coming to encounter with him they cannot help but sense him when they interact with you and may the Lord use you may the Lord use you to be the very expression of his character of his heartbeat of his compassion his mercy and his love to people around you the many will come to know him and fall in love with him because they have met you and they're know you as a friend and a colleague as a neighbor and as a class me may the Lord use you to reveal his glory and goodness to the people around you in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus amen [Music] would you help me bless the one next to you and see Jesus is your is God's provision for you and God's presence in you may Jesus be God's provision for you and his presence in you this is Tabernacle this is the feasts of tabernacle and rolling ironic [Music] I'm gonna ask you to bless one another okay afterwards okay we're gonna sing high priestly prayer over one another [Music] the Lord bless you the loss upon you and be gracious to you it's countenance upon you and they yes these merit yeah [Music] ha [Music] but [Music] come on that's one another the law bless you [Music] come on the Lord baby pictures to you it's confidence upon you [Music] I'm a [Music] [Music] [Music] man I'm in I'm in now if you have any prayer knee alright please come up gotta pray for the sea gonna pray about the discouraged run pray for breakthrough for those who need breakthrough all right so the prime ministry by the leaders is available up front or I come
Channel: Petra Community
Views: 351
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Petra Community Church Singapore, Petra, Community, Church, Weekly Message, Singapore
Id: eMe0WIeJ9_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 32sec (4172 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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