- I have found that the
wind down to sleep for me is like this ritual and I'm giving myself these full on facials at night just to kind of get myself in the mindset to like just sink into bed. And so, part of that wind down
is this nighttime routine. Here we go. (light music) First, I always pull my hair back because I would say that I'm kinda messy when it comes to my skincare. I like to do just a good
wipe down of the face, sort of like wiping away the day. So, you'll see that I'm
pretty much only using my Honest Beauty products. Frankly, it's the only
way that I can ensure that I'm not gonna have
some kind of reaction. Now I'm gonna go in with
the gel-to-milk cleanser. And what's great about this is
it's like this milky cleanser that just kind of like first it's jelly, but it's so fun 'cause it turns milky when you mix it with water and really like breaks down the makeup. Today I was wearing lashes
and a bit more makeup than normal days 'cause I was filming. My son, I take these off in the shower and my son thinks they're spiders. Freaks him out. Like I said, I do like to double cleanse when I'm wearing more of a glam face. My mom was always so insistent with me spending money on my skincare. She was like, "If you
got any money to spend on anything, better
take care of that face." Next is I'm gonna use
calm on foaming cleanser by Honest Beauty and you
could really just use this. I usually just use this
one every single day and it does break down makeup. But like I said, for
those heavier makeup days, I do like to double cleanse. So, this is nice because
it's a nice calming, has like a phytocomplex,
the eczema association, which I don't know if you all got eczema or suffer from any kind
of rashy dry patches that I found that it
was really hard to find a really great line of
skincare that really worked and was active and felt more luxurious than just like a basic line. I love these sponges. You can get them anywhere. You can get them from
like Target or Amazon. I got these online from Amazon. My girlfriend taught me
all about double masking and basically it's like in
some areas you may want to have that more like antioxidant, that look where your
pores look more refined and tighter and just that
dope kind of skin vibe verse really wanting a detox situation if you feel like you're getting
maskne from wearing masks or if you're just feeling congested. So, I do like to double mask
and it's kind of a twofer. This is my detox three-in-one mask and it's nice with this one
because it's not overdrying. A lot of these charcoal
activated charcoal masks can be quite drying and
I wanted to create one that just doesn't really
overly dry your skin. So, I'm putting it really
on my forehead here and here where I get my maskne. I go in with this Prime And Perfect. I don't know, just gives that
like face this light glow, it feels tighter. It kind of tightens up
when it dries on your face and it's packed with
antioxidants and Shea butter and it smells like a
smoothie on your face. So, this I actually use
also every single morning, not even gonna lie. I'm not really broken out here, but I just like to put that layer 'cause that is where I tend to break out and then never forget your neck. So, this is the Comfort Zone eye patches. This I actually discovered
when I was in Italy. We launched Honest Beauty
at Douglas in Italy and when I was there we
went to a bunch of cities and my makeup artist
discovered this amazing brand. And literally, my eyes
react to so many things and these are the only
patches that I can use that I haven't had a reaction to. I wish they were cheaper. When you're a woman of a certain age, you're always looking for
a healthier lip glossy. It's like a lip treatment
and a gloss in one. And this is moonstone. It's nice 'cause it really hydrates them, gives you that plumping
effect when you put it on. So, we just sort of sit like this for, I don't know, five, 10, 15, 20 minutes. I used to go to a facialist
a lot more, Shani Darden, she is my home girl. I don't really have a
regular dermatologist. I probably should. I feel like I really should. I am not afraid to use a skin
tightening laser, bring it. I am not afraid to use an IPL, bring it. So, I'm gonna take this off now. First off I'm going to use
the Honest Beauty Bright Eyes because who doesn't need some
brightness under their eyes? Yes, please. What's great is it's this
nice, water-based formula and it's really very
hydrating and it has pigment. So, sort of counters that bluish that can happen under the eyes. Next I'm gonna go in with the
Organic Beauty Facial Oil. I'm gonna do two, like a
big, full dropper of it and put it all over the face. This is great for all skin types. Smells really nice. So, while I have this
thick layer on my face, I'm gonna you going with the Nurse Jamie. It's called like Eyeonix
and it just like vibrates, maybe you can hear it and it just feels really good on the face especially after a long day. It feels like you're
really like massaging. It's like, how do I take
the best part of a facial and bring it into my daily routine? Yes, but I wouldn't recommend
doing it on a dry face. I think you really need to have product to help move around without pulling your skin under your eyes. Next is this really
beautiful, are you kidding? It's called Refa. It's this, I actually don't know any of the technical aspects of it. All I know is that my
girlfriend, Monica Blender, who's a makeup artist, she
got this for me as a gift and I don't know, it just feels fancy. And this little guy right here is like, it's powered by solar. So, I did set it outside
to get powered up. I don't know if I should have done that. I don't know why I did that, but I did. So, there's that. As you can see, I got like
these rosy cheeks now. Feel like my forehead's missing
and needs a little lovin'. And next is the Beauty Sleep Serum. This is nice because literally
I feel like in one night you can see such a difference. So, I don't know if
you all have blackheads on your nose or congestion, but really in like seven days
of using this every night, it's a dramatic difference. It's recommended that you could use it once a week after that, or
you could use it every day. It's really like, whatever is your jam. And then next is the Hydrogel. I would say that the person
who's taught me most about skin is probably Shawnee mixed with my mom, just always doing skincare. And then I've learned a lot just frankly from being in my office and from chemists and learning from them about formulas and about what does what and really learning about clean chemistry because it's a tricky one and there's a lot of greenwashing out there. So, I'm just taking a giant glob of this and this is the Hydrogel. And I would say that if I was
stranded on a desert island and I could only take one
product this would be it. What's cool is that as you can see, I'm putting on like the
thickest layer ever, and this thick layer, you can leave it. It has this time-release so it will melt on your face over time and slowly release all of that moisture goodness. And I would say something
that I do for my skin that isn't skincare is I
do like to take omega's. I think that's really important. I take a hyaluronic
acid supplement as well and I drink a lot of water
and I drink electrolyte water. I'm ready to go to bed. All right guys. So, the question now is,
do I get a glass of wine? As a little nightcap or do
I take a nice cup of tea? Cup of tea, glass of wine,
cup of tea, glass of wine? I'm gonna go for the wine. Thank you for going to bed with me. I hope you feel calm and
ready to snuggle into bed with a glass of wine with me. We could do it together, but apart, but together, I hope you
enjoy the video and yeah. Thanks for hanging out. (light music)