Camila McConaughey's Nighttime Skincare Routine | Go To Bed With Me | Harper's BAZAAR

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- Now if you have an event, a wedding or something, or something really special, that you need to go number two. Yeah, I say number two. (upbeat music) Okay, so I have very very sensitive skin. I can only use so much, so my routine is pretty simple and a lot of natural things. I have three kids as well, so the way that I like to start my going to bed routine, it's with a tea that helps me detoxify and anti-inflammatory so it gets your skin glowing for the next day. I use ginger, cinnamon, star anise, fennel and cloves. Now if you have an event, a wedding or something, or something really special, that you need to go number two, need to get that belly a little flat, this is a good trick, you guys. Don't do it every night, only when you have something special, okay? So you mix those two, it's a great combination. So I let my tea steep while I do the cleaning up, exfoliation, and then I get to enjoy it afterwards. So that's step one. The first thing I do with my face is, I'm coming from a photo shoot, I gotta remove all this makeup off, all right? So I try to go very natural, less is more kind of mentality. So I use a natural oil, and this one is chamomile and peach infused. It's from a amazing facialist, Shirley Page that I met in London and really there's no trick to this besides just massaging into your face. Massage it really good, let it sit for a couple seconds while you get some hot water and this things, guys, are awesome. They're called Erase Your Face, they're very cheap, you can find very easily. What you're gonna do, it's put hot water into this and it's very gentle on your face. (water running) Okay, so as hot as you can get. You're going to just put. And always on a circle motion. I only fall asleep with makeup on if I'm drunk, which doesn't happen that often. (bell dinging) Usually, for my day to day, this process is enough to take out all makeup, but because today I'm coming from a photo shoot, I'm gonna use something a little bit heavier to help me out as well, which is Mila Moursi and it's almost like a cleansing milk that really helps when you have this hardcore waterproof makeup on. Okay, same circle motions. The oil gets the majority of it, look. There's not that much left, but it's just that little bit extra that you wanna rub it off. But everything else, the oil took it out. So the oil works really really really good and it doesn't, it's not harsh on your skin. Now it's always good to take a good assessment at your skin after you take all the makeup off. So right now, I've got some hormonal stuff going on, which, can somebody give me a hand with that? It's no joke, right? As you get older, the hormones start going crazy and after you have kids, so I have some breakouts going on and what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna do a light exfoliation and then I'm gonna put a little treatment for them, okay? So to exfoliate, I'm gonna do something that everybody has at home. I'm using honey and confectionary sugar, which is really really fine and gentle on your skin. Okay and it's all about being nice to your skin, guys. You don't have to use anything harsh. Just right there, circle motions. Also, if you don't have any problem with discoloration of skin, then you can use couple of drops of lemon juice. Just fresh lemon juice, squeeze a couple drops in there and that helps as well with brightening your skin quite a lot. So I have to really simplify the products that I use on my skin 'cause every time I'll go to get a facial and get into very fancy products, it'll actually work the opposite. So I'll have a reaction to a lot of the harsh chemicals that are in a lot of the beauty products, so I had to go into organic, natural, clean things in my skin and so far, it's been what's been working the best for me. So you're gonna let this sit for a couple minutes. If your tea's ready, you can take a couple sips of it. So again, we're going to do a warm towel. Okay, here we go. That feels good. Okay guys, so a couple things that I love to do that is a trick that I learned from Page, that same facialist that I told you. When I'm getting all these breakouts, she said, "Okay, if it's one that it's open", like I have one here and one over there that's open, then you grab hydrogen peroxide and you dab it. But what you wanna do is press the cotton ball right above it so it kinda drips down. It's going to make the white fizzy stuff, and that's what you want. It's cleaning everything out. You're gonna let that sit for a few minutes, let it do its job. While we're doing that, we have a little bit more honey and you can put on your lips to moisturize your lips. Just honey, no sugar. Let it sit there. And while those two are doing the work, I like to do a dry brush drainage, okay? Now I do this for the whole body, but we don't need to get naked together, right? But I'm gonna show you for the face, okay? So the whole idea is you have lymph nodes all over your body and you need to activate them so they can help you drainage and lose the excessive water that you hold throughout the day, work, travel, all the things that you do in your life. So it's really easy for the face. You have a few lymph nodes right here, right there, some over here, right here, okay? And it all goes to the direction of the heart. I'm gonna show you with the hands first. This one is the first one you wanna do. Right there, and you feel it. You feel little hard spots there. Okay, do a few times, you can do in a circle motion as well. Then you're gonna go under and the same thing. Just remember, very gentle. And then what I like to do with the brush, very gentle. It actually feels really good. Brush it in, brush it down towards your heart. We do drainage massages a lot in Brazil and ahhh, this feels good, I can just stay here. (laughs) Okay, so once that settles, if I have a breakout that's not open, I use this Skinceuticals, which is blemish and age defense and is an acne treatment and it usually works really good on drying everything out. So once this is done, I don't even clean my lips because the honey got absorbed. Look how plump and nice it looks, okay? Then I go into using this oil from Shirley Page again, it's true lavender and it's very calming and it also helps with any little breakouts you might have 'cause lavender helps with that stuff too. I like doing this little trick as well with the massage, it helps you relax your frowning expression. All right, I don't put a lot of oil, it's just a little bit. So for my face, guys, this is it. It's done. Now we're going to hair, okay? I have really curly hair. I know it doesn't look like right now but I do. It's kinky curly, and what's very important for my hair is what kind of brush I use. So this Mason Pearson brush, it's awesome. It's really expensive, that's the downside, but it works really great. So the philosophy behind this is that your hair, throughout the day, produces the oils that it needs. So to have beautiful, smooth, shiny hair, you brush it before you go to bed and basically you're bringing those oils from the scalp into the rest of your hair. And I love this brush because if I have a hairstyle, if I have waves or something, it also helps me keep that hairstyle, that blowout. Really try to get from the scalp down, all the way through. Now I like to wake up with a natural wave to my hair so I usually part it down the middle and I sleep with two braids. If I want just a soft bounce, I hold it like this and I just put my finger here and I wrap around it and then I tie it. So I do two of those, okay? Now if I want, and you wake up with your ends with a nice bend and volume. But I'm looking for just a nice wave. These, I am obsessed with this, guys. If you don't have it, you gotta go get it now. This is silk hair rubber bands from Slip and it's because it's silk, it does not leave a mark in your hair. Couple more things I wanna share with you. This, I absolutely love too. This product, I found in Africa, in an island in Africa, it's called Mauritius, and it's called Bee Coco Cream. It doesn't look pretty but it's really really good for you. Now if you can't find this here, I get it. You can just get a good old 100% coconut oil and hands and elbows, it's a must, okay? I also like to do knees and feet. They kinda all fall in the same category. And that is it, you guys. I'm gonna put my sleeping mask on, silk, to help as well. I'm going to have my tea. I'm going to go to bed on my silk pillowcase that is really helpful too, and thank you for joining me with my going to bed routine. If you have any questions, you can go to and send me a message there. I'll answer them. Bye!
Channel: Harper's BAZAAR
Views: 471,201
Rating: 4.7238564 out of 5
Keywords: Harper's BAZAAR, Bazaar, Skincare, Fashion, Skincare Routines, Beauty Haul, camila mcconaughey, camila mcconaughey interview, camila alves, camila mcconaughey skincare routine, go to bed with me harper's bazaar, camila mcconaughey harper's bazaar, camila mcconaughey go to bed with me, camila alves runway, camila alves interview, matthew mcconaughey and camila alves, skincare routines 2020, skincare for dry skin, double cleanse, women of today, skincare for sensitive skin
Id: QArtRWVnPc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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