Jerusalem Tour of All the Holy Sites! Temple, Mt. of Olives, Gethsemane, Church of Holy Sepulchre

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well welcome to the holy land and this biblical site of jerusalem we are overlooking the old city of jerusalem and in this talk in this video we're going to be talking about the history of jerusalem just rich rich place to be there's no better place to be than on the mount of olives overlooking old city jerusalem why so much has happened here [Music] oh [Music] jerusalem god's special dwelling place on this earth blessed be the lord from zion who dwells in jerusalem praise the lord this is my resting place forever here i will dwell for i have desired it psalms 135 and 132. [Music] jerusalem is in the central part of israel about 33 miles or 53 kilometers east of tel aviv and the mediterranean sea it's situated at an altitude of 2600 feet or 800 meters above sea level and one of the highest cities in israel [Music] it's located on a mountain that is well protected and for this reason it was hard to capture by enemy forces jerusalem rests primarily upon bedrock so everything has been well preserved jerusalem is the old testament mount moriah [Music] well welcome to the holy land and this biblical site of the city of david the city of david was first inhabited by the jebusites and then david would conquer it it would be called the city of david then he would rule over all of jerusalem from right here [Music] the city of david is located just south of the temple mount on a plateau it's where all the history of jerusalem began the city of david has been the most excavated site in israel over the past 150 years here you can see the remains of king david's palace the city of david is also referred to as zion in scripture it has amazing ancient walls and these walls date back to over three thousand years ago here are some excavation ruins in the city of david [Music] so this was the lowest point of the city of david and this is where the pool of salome was so hezekiah's tunnel the water would drain into here this was a massive massive pool it was a mikvah and so the jews would cleanse themselves here and then go up the pilgrimage road up to the temple mount the pool of siloam was uncovered in 2004 during a water pipe break and it's a large purification mikva for the jewish holy festivals like the passover feast of tabernacles and so forth it was the size of two olympic sized swimming pools it was massive in size the historian josephus who lives shortly after the time of christ records that up to a million jews would make pilgrimages to jerusalem on these holy festivals here is the model city of jerusalem shortly after the time of christ [Music] the antonia fortress was located just outside the temple mount area on its northwestern side [Music] we are filming in what would have been the antonia fortress now it's a public school but it was built on top of what was once the antonia fortress [Music] umaraya elementary school and a convent of the sisters of zion lie atop the present-day antonia fortress [Music] some of the ruins can be accessed through the convent of the sisters of zion tradition places the antonia fortress as the beginning point of the via dolorosa which means painful path the antonia fortress was a military headquarters in barracks built by herod the great in 19 bc to protect the temple mount area and the city of jerusalem and here we're looking out onto the temple mount platform and where the dome of the rock is is where the temple once stood [Music] the temple mount is located on the eastern side of the old city of jerusalem it's 35 acres or 14 hectares in size the equivalent of 35 football fields it occupies 1 6 of the current old city jerusalem how you doing you know what you're looking at that's where the temple used to be that's where the temple that solomon built was see this little building right here in front of it that's where the altar was okay and the temple that solomon built was much larger than this two to three times bigger in height massive the temple mount has played a center stage role for much of israel's history and has functioned as the center of god's dwelling place on this earth archaeological historical and eyewitness accounts place the location of the first and second temples on the very spot where the dome of the rock stands today in the center of the dome of the rock is the rock foundation upon which the original temple once stood and here is a view from above looking down at the original foundation stone of the original temple it will play a key part during the millennial reign of christ on the earth [Music] here we're looking at the beautiful mount of olives it's located just opposite the temple mount on the east side of old city jerusalem the mount of olives has played a significant role in the bible [Music] the chapel of ascension lies atop the mount of olives welcome to the holy land and this biblical site of the chapel of the ascension right now we are in the highest place on the mount of olives and this is the place where tradition holds and it would make sense where christ ascended back to heaven after he was crucified buried rose again so forty days after christ ministered on earth after he rose from the dead right here is where he ascended back to heaven early christians soon memorialized this place after christ's resurrection later a mosque was built during the ottoman period on the south side of the compound and the chapel was converted into a muslim shrine [Music] here we're inside the chapel of ascension looking at an exposed rock which marks the place where christ ascended back to heaven the church of paternoster is located on the top of the mount of olives just below the chapel of ascension [Music] well welcome to the holy land and this biblical site of patter noster church this is a very special place paternoster means our father this is one of the places where jesus came to pray and taught the lord's prayer his disciples came to him and asked him to teach them how to pray so right here is where this spot marks that place it's part of a carmelite monastery also known as the sanctuary of the eleona which means greek for olive grove soon after christ ascended back to heaven early christians venerated this site because of its significance this is the cave where it's believed jesus taught about prayer [Music] here we can see the triumphal entry path that descends the mount of olives [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to the holy land and this biblical site of dominus levitt dominus levitt means the lord wept in latin so this is the place as jesus was descending down the mount of olives on the triumphal entry this is where he paused and wept over jerusalem because they did not recognize the time of their visitation [Music] the current church at dominus flevit was built in 1953 to commemorate this important event [Music] at the base of the mount of olives is the garden of gethsemane the church of all nations marks the location of the garden of gethsemane [Music] the current church called the church of all nations or the basilica of the agony was consecrated in 1924. [Music] the church is built over the rock on which jesus is believed to have prayed in agony the night he was arrested and then condemned to crucifixion [Applause] this is inside the church of all nations and at the front is the rock upon which it's believed jesus prayed it's called the rock of agony right beside the garden of gethsemane is an olive grove upon which jesus could have traversed and prayed as well gethsemane means oil press in hebrew it was an olive orchard with an olive press in it as a result it became known as the garden of gethsemane and some of these olive trees boast of being here almost during the time of christ [Music] the church of the holy sepulchre can be marked by these two blue domed rooftops it's located about 450 yards or 415 meters west of the temple mount welcome to the holy land and this biblical site of the church of the holy sepulchre it was located outside the city walls during the time of christ it's the believed place where christ was crucified buried and rose from the dead here inside is the tomb of jesus that has been well preserved here we are going inside the tomb of jesus now this is the very inner part inside the tube [Music] this is right beside the tomb of jesus here is the place where he was crucified [Music] you can see the rocks beside it were part of golgotha [Music] it's the ending place also to the via dolorosa path and has the last five stations of the via dolorosa located at it [Music] here is the beautiful eastern gate also known as the golden gate it's located on the eastern side of the temple mount and faces the mount of olives it has a muslim cemetery in front of it [Music] but it's located just opposite the mount of olives well welcome to the holy land and this biblical site of the eastern wall of the temple mount platform this is very very special the eastern gate is very very unique it's the gate that christ came through after the triumphal entry came through it repeatedly the temple mount sat right up above where the dome of the rock sits today it is absolutely very very special to be here there are ancient stones here that date back to the time of solomon's the eastern gate is the oldest gate in the city of jerusalem and here are some of these ancient solomonic stones dating way back in time [Music] the kidron valley runs between the mount of olives and old city jerusalem the hinnom valley and the kidron valley meet at the base and then runs to the dead sea the kidron valley is referred to repeatedly in scripture as a place of judgment god will gather the nations to the kidron valley at the end of the tribulation and judge them according to joel 3 1-3 [Music] welcome to the holy land and this biblical site of what tradition would say is the place of the house of caiaphas there are some other opinions but this is the traditional site here the house of caiaphas has a lot of ruins has an interesting dungeon where it's believed that christ could have spent the night before he was condemned to crucifixion by pilate he would stay at the house of caiaphas here [Music] the house of caiaphas also known as the church of saint peter in gaia cantu which means cox crow in latin [Music] [Music] in the courtyard of the church is a statue that recalls the events of peter's denial of jesus now we'll enter into the first story of this church it has three different levels to it [Music] this is the cistern or dungeon where it's believed christ was placed the night he was tried and condemned by caiaphas [Music] well welcome to the holy land and this biblical site of what really seems to be the place where jesus was tried herod's palace was built by herod the great later pilate would stay here when in jerusalem this is the believed place where jesus was tried and started his path to the cross okay you want to know something absolutely breathtaking right here is where the trial of jesus took place right here was the bema seat right here at the judgment seat this is where pilate sat this is where it's most likely that jesus was tried and condemned to crucifixion then he began carrying his cross and then simon of cyrene came from the open country and then took his cross and they walked to the church of the holy sepulchre so this would be the viadoladosa alternative path or the new path which probably is more accurate well welcome to the holy land and this traditional site of the via dolorosa there's two via dolorosas two possible sites one is the traditional site that starts here at the antonia fortress and as you look out the window here you can see the temple mount you see the dome of the rock where the dome of the rock was was where the temple once stood [Music] well welcome to the holy land and this biblical site of the pool of bethesda and the church of saint anne this is where christ healed an invalid man who couldn't walk absolutely amazing these pools are right by the temple mount so just amazing to think about what jesus did here the pool of bethesda is located on the property of the church of saint anne and the ruins of the jewish roman byzantine and crusader eras are still well preserved at this pool this is the base down here where the pool was actually at and where christ healed an invalid man who had been going there for 38 long years [Music] the church of saint anne is located just inside the lion's gate and this is the place where it's believed that mary the mother of jesus was born the western wall also known as the wailing wall because the jews weep here during their prayers is located on the western side of the temple mount well welcome to the holy land and this biblical site of the western wall we are standing just right on the western side of the original temple mount platform okay so right above the western wall is the temple mount and where the dome of the rock is is where the temple once stood so herod the great in around 15 or so bc 20 bc he enlarged the temple mount and he is the one those after him that actually built the western wall so what you're seeing here are stones of herod's time and up above you can see different stones as well people from all over the world come to pray at the western wall and put their little notes of prayer in the cracks many people pour out their hearts to the lord at this place [Music] here is the western wall tunnel that runs at the base of the western wall in 1967 israelis excavated below the ground level of the western wall and found additional stone layers here is the largest stone found in the western wall measuring over 44 feet or 13.4 meters in length it is absolutely massive and no machine today can pick it up the western wall is accessed on the northern side of the western wall plaza and runs north to the end of the temple mount platform well welcome to the holy land and this biblical site of the southern stairs area we're looking at the part of the western wall we're going to be looking at the southern stairs this is a rich archaeological site just laden with things to see here we're going to see the old herodian stones we're going to see the herodian street that got all crushed we're going to be looking at the southern stairs which is the most likely place where pentecost took place right in that area the southern stairs also were called the rabbi stairs the southern stairs were also called the rabbi stairs and were one of the main entrances from the south to the temple mount during the time of christ the stairs were cut out of the bedrock of the mountain and part of them can still be seen today [Music] well here we are on the southern stairs going up to the southern side of the temple and these stones right here that i'm going to show you the ones that are cut into the bedrock those are the original stones now jesus would have walked on these stones these stones were the original stones and this stairway going up to the temple on this side was called the rabbis stair so it was all along here and rabbis would teach their disciples along these stairs here and there's no doubt that jesus would have taught his disciples here [Music] you are sitting where jesus would have taught the disciples you are sitting where the apostle paul would have been taught by gamaliel these are the rabbi's stairs the main entrance into the southern platform into the temple mount here you can see broken pavement from the stones that fell during the roman destruction in 70 a.d they fell from up on top of the temple mount platform absolutely amazing in size and they just crushed the pavement give you an idea how big this rock is just this one here is about 30 feet long by about six feet wide well here we are at a very special place this is a replica but the original is just exactly like it when israel does these replicas they do them just you can't tell the difference but anyway this is a replica the the real one is in the israel museum but this was positioned up on top of the corner up here you can see a picture of it right here but what it says right here in hebrew and it can still be read today in hebrew it says to the place of the trumpeting two so what this did is this is where the trumpeter would come to and it would announce to the shops and everything right here that the sabbath was coming or holy days so it was a way to announce to the people there were shops all along here there's a street right here that will show you that was crushed anyway it says to the trumpeters it was an announcement so that the people would know that it's time to shut things down it's time to get ready for the sabbath or feast or whatever holy days or weeks that they were celebrating well just up from this trumpeter stone here we can see the old herodian street here okay and so when these massive rocks you can see them up here these massive building blocks when they fell down they were so heavy when the romans conquered the city and knocked them down they were so heavy that they just absolutely crushed the city street here and of course this was all excavated and all of this was uncovered right up here once again was robinson's arch where pilgrims would come in coming down from the pool of salome or wherever so amazing right behind me are shops this was a very very busy area during the time of the jews time of christ christ would have walked up these stairs christ would have walked on the street right here so absolutely amazing to see this and just to see the evidence of the destruction of the temple and the temple mount platform when the assyrians were conquering the northern tribes of israel many of them fled to jerusalem and became refugees hezekiah therefore built an expansion wall around this refugee area and enclosed it within the city walls of jerusalem [Music] this is the patio outside the upper room the upper room is in a second story building that commemorates where jesus shared the passover or the last supper with his disciples it's also called the cynical room which means dining room in latin it's a place pilgrims visit today and was built by the crusaders in the 12th century as part of the church of saint mary of zion the current building was built over a church that was erected by early christians shortly after christ's death and here you can see the apps of this early church that was built by christians and on top of it the upper room was built the hinnom valley is located just to the southwest of old city jerusalem well welcome to the holy land and this biblical site of the hinnom valley we are located just on the southwest corner of old city jerusalem the hinnom valley ran down and it met the kidron valley down below the old city of david now the hinnom valley is mentioned quite a bit in scripture and in reality right now it's beautiful it's absolutely gorgeous they water it it's like a park however in the biblical times it was ugly down lower it was the trash dump of the city it was a place also where they sacrificed their children to molect this detestable god they would burn them on this altar really ugly we're going to be seeing the field of blood that's the field that they bought from the money that was given to judas to betray jesus so some amazing things to see down through here with its pagan history and burning sewer stench jerusalem's hinnom valley serves as a vivid metaphor for both the christian and jewish concept of hell a keldima which means field of blood greek orthodox monastery was built over the place judas hanged himself after betraying christ this is the tomb of caiaphas caiaphas was the high priest who condemned jesus christ to death on the cross he was the one that helped in that and so we've hiked up here now we've got a friend here that was kind enough to let us in there and show it to us but right now there's a camel in front of it and it's a sheep and goat pen so how fitting that the person who condemned christ to death is now not visited and his tomb is basically a stable versus the tomb of jesus christ at the church of the holy sepulchre which is visited by millions and millions of people each year [Music] the tomb of mary the mother of jesus also known as the church of the sepulcher of saint mary is located just a little north of the garden of gethsemane in the kidron valley the new testament is silent regarding the death and burial of mary but strong christian tradition places her tomb at this site here we are entering the tomb of mary the damascus gate is located on the northern side of old city jerusalem and is an entry point to the cardo road well welcome to the holy land and this biblical site of the city of jerusalem we're right in front of the damascus gate and we have a special walking tour for you we're going to be walking here from the damascus gate up to the zions gate why the zion's gate because we're going to be following the old roman road through the old city of jerusalem that's called the cardo [Music] the cardo road ran from the damascus gate to just below the zions gate ran north and south here are some ruins of the old cardo road [Music] well we have made our way as you can see from the damascus gate walking all along the original cardo and here we have the original turtle that was uncovered and discovered you can see the pillars i'm standing on the original stones right here it continues on down there aways in its original form and then it goes into some shops modern day shops today so anyway this was the cardo the main roman road that hadrian the emperor built in around 132 to 135 a.d after christ amazing jerusalem is the special dwelling place of god on this earth and he has many plans for it in the future psalm 135 21 praise to the lord from zion to him who dwells in jerusalem praise the lord [Music]
Channel: HolyLandSite
Views: 487,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Old City Jerusalem, Mt. of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Triumphal Entry, Western Wall, City of David, Kidron Valley, Southern Stairs, Temple Mount, Bethesda, Pool of Siloam, Pater Noster Church, Chapel of Ascension, Dominus Flevit Church, Cardo, House of Caiaphas, Upper RoomKidron Valley, Hinnom Valley, Via Dolorosa, Pilates Palace and Judgment of Jesus
Id: 9iGZLzGyciw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 17sec (2297 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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