Eye-Opening Experience visiting Western Wall and JESUS TOMB in OLD Jerusalem Israel

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And this is the most contested religious place in the world right now Jesus Christ was crucified here Then he was sacrificed And it is believed that Music Music Guys, hello and welcome back to another video If you are new to my channel, my name is Ravish And I am out for a tour of the earth And today's destination is Jerusalem And I am standing outside the Old City of Jerusalem This is a wall and there is a wall like this all around the Old City For the three major religions of the world Christianity, Judaism and Islam Jerusalem is a very important city for all three Historically, religiously And that's why it is very popular And because of this, Israel has a fight with many countries About Jerusalem So the people standing behind me in this red umbrella They give a free tour, it's a tip-based tour You can pay tips here after the tour, as you like Again, I am not an expert on any of these religions I am not an expert on Islam, Christianity and Judaism But whatever I learn, I will keep telling you If I tell you any wrong fact, I will miss it So I am sorry in advance Because again, I am not an expert I will keep telling you as much as I can I think it will be a lot of fun, so let's go inside How much is this one? 10 Shekels They have got this kind of bread Which has dates inside I have had my breakfast, but what's wrong in trying it? It's a very hard bread But it tastes good If I get hungry inside, I will keep eating The old city behind the walls was really really dire There was a lot of vermin, rats People living on top of each other, no plumbing This is the old city of Jerusalem It's 4000 years old And this wall was built all around it for protection There are many gates built all around So the place from where we are entering is Jaffa Gate When there were so many people inside, people were told to start living outside But no one wanted to go So ultimately people were sent out by paying money That take money and go out of the city Because the whole city was so congested The name Jerusalem is 4000 years old There were different empires here So the city is divided into 4 parts Christian Quarter, Muslim Quarter, Jewish Quarter, and Armenian Quarter We are going to see the Armenian Quarter first The other cities are a bit more flexible You can see overlap of places and holy sites going over each other In 1915, the Ottoman Empire decides they want to wipe off the Armenian people So between 1915 and 1927, there's something known as the Armenian Genocide The Turkish people massacred a million and a half Armenian people inside the country And starting in 1915, the Armenian people started making Fleeing the country and coming to Jerusalem to seek refuge I know this is a really dark part of history And it's still very vibrant As you see behind me, there's posters to not forget the Armenian Genocide And why is it important to not forget the Armenian Genocide? When the Ottoman Empire was here They divided the old city into 4 parts Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and Armenian So they divided the old city into 4 parts Till now we were in the Armenian Quarter Now we are going to the Jewish Quarter That's because when God created the world On the 7th day after creating light and darkness Separating water from air and all that stuff He rested on the 7th day So Jews are the reason that we have a weekend And there's a day off in the week This whole old city has houses, roads, and everything is made of stone But some of the very old, 2,000, 3,000, or 4,000 years old The original, basically there used to be a temple here The main one, the first Jewish temple Some of its remains are as it is Like the wall, it was broken So it's like this behind me It's just preserved as it is It hasn't been rebuilt Rest, it's a modern city from inside Air conditioning, inside the houses You know, bikes, everything is here But the look and feel is exactly the same 3,000, 4,000 years old It's the same look and feel This place is like a maze from inside Small alleys from here to there Music Music Music I've come from the western wall I've touched the wall They're not allowing me to use the camera there As soon as I took out the camera The security came and shut my camera Still, I was able to get some footage there It's the most important religious site for Jews There used to be a temple here first King Solomon built a temple here And what happened was It was built once, then it was broken Built again, then it was broken Babylonians and Romans broke it Now, all around it, this wall The western wall, the retaining wall The four walls Now, it's just left here There's no temple here There's a mosque here Because the Muslim prophet Muhammad He's believed to have received heaven from here That's why there's a mosque here And this is the world's most contested Religious place right now Between Muslims and Jews Music So, I'll tell you about the western wall Because there's no temple there Jews stand on the western wall And pray And in the western wall, in the middle There's a place Between two big stones There, people put their prayers on the plates And put the plates there One more thing to keep in mind If you want to pray to the Jews on the western wall Or if you want to go there to pray You have to cover your head So, the special cap of Jews You have to keep it on your head While going there There's a section It's divided into two parts On the left, people pray And on the right, women pray So, orthodox Jews keep it separate Whether you believe in Judaism or not Christianity, Islam Don't believe in any of them But you should come to such a place Even if you're not religious You should come from a history point of view Because the three major religions of the world They are related to Jerusalem And our life Which has been shaping for the last 2000 years Its ideas are somewhere Its source is Jerusalem And the old city of Jerusalem And the place where I'm standing In front of the western wall That place from where all the ideas Are made Which in the last 2000 years Have shaped the world A lot of people come here like me The tourists But most of the people who come here Maximum They are for pilgrims So, till now we have seen Armenian And Jewish quarters Now we are entering the Muslim quarter We are entering the Muslim quarter This is the place for Hajj As you see People live in the city People are going to work Doing their jobs Right, so we just saw the Muslim quarter Now we are going to the last All of a sudden Jesus disappears And Mary is freaking out Jesus! Jesus! She's running around the city Like a mad woman Looking for her lost son And Mary is freaking out Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! She's looking for her lost son She ends up on the temple mount Where she finds her 12 year old son Jesus Teaching the priests of the temple This place Is the most holy place for Christians Because here Jesus Christ was crucified Then he was saved And from here it is believed That he was resurrected Meaning that after 3 days He was resurrected So this is the church This is the exact place I am very sure They won't let me make a video inside But I am going inside To see if I can make as much of a video as possible Otherwise I will come outside And explain to you what's inside Holy chants Holy chants Holy chants Guys so I have completed the tour and It was fantastic Let me give you guys an estimate Tip here is 50 shekels 50 shekels tip which comes out to be around $20 or a little less than $20 so everyone gave this much, I also gave the same amount of tip Now it's time to try some food There is a hummus and falafel restaurant called Tala, Tala whatever So this tour guide has recommended it So let's go here and see what it is Hummus and falafel is basically a staple food of the Middle Eastern countries You can find it everywhere but when you are in Jerusalem, in the whole old city, he said this is one of the best So why not just try that one So this is hummus with chicken shawarma This is falafel and this is pita So we are supposed to make our own Hummus and falafel I came here to this shop to buy some souvenirs I have bought something for everyone, for the kids, for Sakshi And this guy, he was a nice guy, he was eating at that time So he told me to wait, I waited for 5 minutes And then he gave me a free gift Nothing much, but he gave me a photo book in the name of Jerusalem He gave me this for free This is a Saturday evening at 7.30 pm Everything is closed This is a train station All the trams run here, this is closed All the shops are closed, all the restaurants are closed Even taxis are not available And I have come to the bus stop And this is the bus stand of the bus stop Jerusalem Central Bus Stand This is its condition Everything is closed And there are already a lot of people standing on the platform I think the reason is that the buses are just starting And now I am at the Penzorian Airport in Israel And my flight is in 1.5 hours For Washington DC Which is going to be a 12.5 hour flight And before that I am going to explore this lounge here at the Tel Aviv Penzorian Airport Called Dan Lounge Let's see how this Dan Lounge is Alright Dan Lounge Bye
Channel: Ravish Vlogs
Views: 1,097,938
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Keywords: the Real ISRAEL You MUST See, israel hindi, jerusalem hindi, jesus burial site, western wall, yahudi hindi, jews hindi, hindi travel israel, jerusalem history, israel history in hindi, church of holy sepulchre, temple mount tour, wailing wall, israel tourists destination, israel visiting, israel places to see, Jesus buried here, where was jesus buried, jesus temple israel, holy sepulchre old jerusalem, where is jesus tomb, jesus tomb
Id: zHHReLpvWeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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