Jerry Seinfeld SHOCKED By Jason Alexander "Fan Question" | UNFROSTED Funny Interview

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I did come across someone in Chicago recently who had an amazing fan question and it actually caused me to actually pause and put it on camera and I was wondering if I could play it for you and um hi Mr Seinfeld my name is Jason we're going we don't need r guys I genuinely love this movie and I always tell people I do junkets every day and I can't honestly always say that sometimes you just say hey it got made right it exists it's a movie um this is a very nerdy question so I apologize in advance but I'm sort of curious about when you're crafting a joke and you're doing standup you know where your audience is they're right there in front of you they're in the room when you did Seinfeld you had a live studio audience and and even people watching on TV at that time you could assume they were home on a Thursday night with this movie it could be someone watching it tonight at home uh it could be in the back of an Uber on an iPhone in 10 years you have no control over when or where or how they're going to watch it so what's with you so far exactly what's the difference between crafting a joke for someone who is right in front of you and you know how to you know how it's going to land versus crafting a joke for someone where you have no control over how they're going to how they're going to take it well the difference is we have each other and um if we both think it's funny yeah that's good enough for us yeah I think think there the odds of if I think it's funny and he thinks it's funny the odds that an audience will think it's funny goes way up if it's just one of us it's different stand up is really hit and miss you know with new stuff yeah but us working together and all the people in the film were very very funny people so if both of us signed off and go this feels funny this feels good or not good that's how we would do it yeah and I think performing standup in front of an audience for years you you you get you gain a spidey sense of what's going to work and what might not work you know and then so you hopefully can apply that but like if somebody's in an Uber not paying attention but because I do feel like this movie is is going to work on a couple different levels like you know there is there are some comedies where you're like folding laundry and you're like you miss a plot line it can work on that level but it also can work on if you've seen it a couple times I think that people will enjoy it still catching stuff for sure uh now that you are a director you know what it means to to look through that lens and craft a story you can see us a story through the perspective of a filmmaker is there an episode of Seinfeld you would have loved to have directed well in television the writers really are the directors because the cameras are pretty much set you can't do much uh cinematography wise and you can't do much setwise either you most it comes it's just a couple sets so the writers or the exec producer the show Runners they are the director oh that's interesting and we the way my show was done we had a director that helped us but Larry and I really handled because we wrote the stuff so we knew how we wanted to so it wasn't completely new for me to work with actors and say well let's adjust this a little bit this way for sure that makes sense uh I have to tell you whenever I do these interviews you know I often brag about them oh my God guys guess who I'm talking to and always people come up and go oh my God you guys you're you're talking to these people you got to you got to ask this question okay fans always have a question and nine times out of 10 I don't ask because respectfully they're always they're not always great it could be worse uh I did come across someone in Chicago recently who had an amazing fan question and it actually caused me to actually pause and put it on camera and I was wondering if I could play it for you and um hi Mr Seinfeld my name is Jason and I was just wondering you're really funny and I was just wondering um like how do you get funny is there a way like is there a book or something I could read that would you know cuz I'd like to be funny um but I want to be funny like like you that we're a career is not like just you know but like has decades and goes on and on um if you could get back to me I'll give Jake my email be great thanks I have his email we're good I'll tell you how how this young man can do it he needs to get involved with me for a decade and just live with me all day every day for 10 years and and he'll be funny that's it that's all he's that's all it takes yeah and I see a lot of potential in this young man I feel like he's got the goods he's got the goods he's got a play kicking off in Chicago right now but I feel like if he really wanted to he could have a career in and maybe even television I I like the little uh don coron mustache yeah no I think it looks good on him it's such a massive talent I mean he is such a massive Talent did you realize that the the consistency like that you guys were going to hit on every character like that you mean each of the characters no no it's luck it's a sheer luck it's luck it's like the Beatles right it really is honestly that's an actual and you're Ringo what not that there's anything wrong with Ringo's nothing wrong with Ringo Ringo gentlemen this is a massive massive honor for me seriously thank you for for putting up with my nerdy questions I appreciate this is really great thank you much for your time I appreciate you thanks can you picture him is a really old man he's he's so he's gonna he's gonna have his hair his I really kind of resent it yeah and he's gonna be fit his entire life so that's what I'm saying picture him at like 88 you keep like Jack Lan right by the way he is 88 true win Chun that was a great day thanks guys thanks we're going we don't need Ro
Channel: Jake's Takes
Views: 143,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jerry Seinfeld, Seinfeld, Jason Alexander, Jake Hamilton, George Costanza, reunion, Kramer, Elaine, Jake's Takes, Unfrosted, clip, scene, trailer, episode, funner, Michael Richards, Julia Louis Dreyfus, Larry David, Netflix
Id: F9hZi29APkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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