Jerma Streams - The Black Masses

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no i wasn't i wasn't going to the bathroom i mean i know sometimes that pops up hold on wait just wait i gotta wait 30 seconds hold on baby i gotta give at least a minute for people to get in here i know i'm late i'm sorry i got snagged you know what like you have something to do and like you're like oh it's fine and then i said like it pops up at 2 59 p.m you're like no you have to skip don't pop this up right now snagged by the toilet no that can happen what you're describing is very real right that didn't happen to me but at 2 59 if like you i don't know feeling a little woozy down there you're gonna have to go that didn't happen to me uh john cena thanks for the 10 subs did you do twice wait john cena is killed did you do you did two different 10 community subs in a row holy shit well thank you john cena you're late mister i know it's but it's all right all right now let me let me just tweet this i look i got snagged i've been brought a lot i got to tweet this i didn't even tweet this right back we're gonna play black masses today uh it's a game where there's like 5 000 enemies on screen uh 10 omega lull 80. should be cool um i don't know it looks like it could be kind of fun i have a backup game if this game sucks and it's a good one and i am i'm looking really forward to playing the backup game eventually if i don't play tonight oh my god this game sucks next i didn't even do anything is sim casino out i'm that when that comes out i'm gonna play it i thought that wasn't coming up for a while this game is not good well it's all right the backup game is gonna be so good because the backup game are you ready for this no i can't do this i can't tell you what the backup game is because everyone's gonna freak out and be like dude play the backup game right now fuck this game no hold on it's a backup game for a reason is everyone's gonna want me to play the backup game first let me tweet this i'll be right back everyone hold on just how you guys doing today i didn't even ask you that how you guys doing you guys doing good sim casino came out in november what all right let me tweet this i didn't know what to write so i just wrote playing games on twitch oh well okay so yeah let's go this should be fun at least for a little while we can play roblox um i'm i'm never gonna play roblox i've come to the terms and i'm waiting for their ipo when their ipo comes out maybe i'll give it a look roblox waiting room when is the ipo i don't know yes i don't think it's coming out soon let's move it over here this game the cam's not on right thank god thank god hey here it is this is called the black masses um i you can just i have the settings already i can play this online i don't know if i want to do that though is that bad this is a game where like 5 000 people can be on the screen it's a huge like medieval war game i've had this in my steam library for months and months and months in fact this game has been on the poll for the last like seven polls and nobody ever picks it so it's time for me to pick it it's time for me to say we're playing it nobody wants to see this game but you know what i do and that's what i'm because hold on no you don't even know what this is oh yeah what game is this you heard me say it like four times what game is it what game are we playing all right should i just play online oh i don't know i don't know if i want to do that never mind please be patient click clicking at 90 causes windows to think application has stopped responding okay i'm not touching four percent what the best part about this it says please be patient oh dear i have a fat wait did it go backwards oh no we're good look at that okay yeah give me a break can you hear it is his audio good this is like an rpg guys it's not just like a game we run around and hit stuff there's like a quest giver and stuff it's a guy i've been trying to play this for like three months so i'm gonna do it i'm not clicking don't tell me no oh jesus on 25 community subs from nuclear waffle this has been a lot of subs today that's a gigantic sub that that'll feed an entire super bowl party all right here we go did not freeze maybe it did it freeze no is it skyrim intro hey you you're finally awake a fucking meteor just hit the side of the house hey you you're awake well can i change the fov you have been chosen we oh sure okay i have powers back to bed this is a vr oh shit all right so this is me i have 60 health 100 green and 100 blue where do i go i just woke up on the beach all right it's actually skyrim i open up like chest press action button to open 15 fps no it's not what am i supposed to do wait options all right wait wait hold on wait yeah i put it on medium all right is there anybody you got a problem with that i put it on medium because i knew there's gonna be like 5 000 people on the screen i'll put the terrain at high all right terrain is that high new quest something isn't right scavenge for supplies all right sick off blood on the ground open your journal how do i open the journal something isn't right scavenge find a health potion find a light source find a weapon make your way down the road all right let's go whoa all right put it all on potato not yet this is kane's house i've alright i promise i'll put it all on potato eventually all right i will tell you this looks like i'm watching a stream at like 3 000 up i feel like the bit rate i feel like i'm playing this through a stadia you're seeing right now the reason why not to buy one of those oh look oh quest i'll jump to initiate a climb press w what the fuck are you serious all right this game just got way cooler that was pretty cool all right that was pretty cool all right what's in here a short i'm not even in here oh health potion and a key find a health potion health potion found press l to turn the lantern on oh shit nice oh this is a key to kane's house you apologize uh i'm sorry all right i got the key to kane's house i'm good did you have to eat in this game is it fall damage nope all right here's the key to kane's house all right is kane this game to live here should we be worried about kane being upset as coming in his house does anybody live in this town i gotta what do i need i need a weapon oh hold wait a minute what though uh can you hit somebody with feather is that a cane it's gonna be a screamer here it comes is there a punch hane hello oh this guy's actually kind of this guy's actually kind of scary i don't like this guy shovel oh no [Laughter] are you serious i thought it was gonna be a sword are you kidding me find a weapon okay well hold on that means i have to kill the guy down there he's alive down there yeah i could hear you picked up a weapon press attack to equip or open your inventory for more options well hold on where is he now oh footbridge this is actually got okay i'm into this let's go oh shit there he is okay that's the attack holy shit i'd peel this face off hold on whoa whoa whoa i ripped his entire mouth off i'm just like skinning his head is he dead okay i think he's dead i hit him so hard i ripped his face off all right how do you take a health potion oh that's i gotta go there okay frames yeah we might have to make the graphics way worse we're probably gonna have to have the graphics be terrible because that was one guy on screen and it's like stuttering in 40 fps the steam page of this game touts potentially hundreds of people on screen okay let's go check your map for quest markers holy shit it's like daisy what the fuck wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute everybody slow down for a second are you serious this is huge this is monstrous this is the early access map uh okay we're going this way apparently find a safe space that's very surprising find a safe space all right i'm just gonna go let's oh that's my stamina in the middle all right our most ambitious title to date oh shit a human no wait that's a zombie one two two people on screen die all right let's do a running charge at this guy wait this is level one is it wait i level up in this game holy shit i took the guy's leg off all right i need a safe place i'm getting there we're gonna go to strathsphere nice dodge okay oh shit that hurt the person has a t-shirt on do they have t-shirts in medieval times oh there's blood all over this shirt i thought it was like a graphic tee all right level up how do i how do i put points here open blessings menu the hell is the blessings menu blessings what the hell strength perform a 360 degree spin to clear enemies around you with a flaming sword uh fire three normal projectiles in a horizontal spread i need a but there's a guns there are guns in this game dark arts allows instantaneous travel to previously visited safe zones or stamina regenerates while in combat i don't know what to do it's skyrim with guns yeah i think i'm gonna do strength that's the easiest right i'm gonna do strength oh look at that oh how do i do that how do i do that move oh that was nice i'm intrigued at this game i'm not i'm not done i wish it would run um maybe five percent better but i'm kind of into it i'm into it right now i want to know what's what it is in store for me here i have to put it on potato okay reflections potato i get you post processing low trees get that off shadows and rendering we can put that on high okay let's see how that looks no who likes reflections in games anyways [Music] this looks better now i actually think this looks better [Music] i hate reflections it's too much okay i'm almost there i gotta bang the right uh bang left how do i do the 360 spin somebody behind me oh shit okay hold on 360 spin how do i do it this is stupid okay with an ore that's not intimidating that's pretty stupid how much does it take i like this game i you want me to lie to you sure i hate this game there's your lie here's the truth i like this all potato no i don't want to do all potatoes i can't wait to get more items maybe it's just this area that is choppy maybe it'll even out it's the town right yeah okay uh wait parkour yeah don't fight why would i fight i'm just gonna get killed this is bread okay i don't they probably can't climb right can they climb oh jesus okay hold on [Music] all right i'm not gonna go that we're gonna go in the house gone room all right what's better the bro wait wait wait wait can they come they can come in the house i want to use the broom how do i cook rarity this is light this thing sucks this guy has no arms this is terrible the broom is not good you're hitting him with the hay end yeah it's like a bug it's like a spider on the wall okay hold on i need how much health do i heal with a health potion oh what's this repair kit okay no more fucking wrong give me the ore i need is there any townspeople i'm just running yeah fuck it i'm just gonna run fight charge charge charge charge all right i found a safe zone open are you human a human okay what hello oh god you're not one of them thank god oh another human what happened here ah they're all possessed where have you been something happened to my ship and it sank in the night i woke up on the shore what are you being possessed something happened to my ship and it sank in the night i woke up on the shore what do you mean possessed i don't fully understand it myself it has something to do with the black liquid they found by servadia after people started to drink it they started to change i see they're all possessed where have you been something happened to my ship it sank in the night i woke up on the shore well glad to see someone normal maybe we can help each other any chance you can ever get off this island you're asking for a miracle but it's possible there might be others left who can help any idea where i can find any other survivors many fled to fort weiver it's a short walk down the road but i fear the worst it's too quiet now i'll check that out better be careful i can't kill him but if i need him later i don't want to do the ore flaming or spin better be careful no i can't how do i save the game do you sleep in beds like skyrim wait i can steal from him does he care many have died we might need this guy later i can't finish him he's not even wanting to finish him he's fine he's like alive [Music] wait let me back wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where are we going hey we're gonna go this way i need another weapon oh shit all right let's go all right i'm gonna go up and then right is there a boat boat boat boat boat boat boat boat boat does it work no it doesn't they can't swim right can i swim oh shit what the fuck is happening what the fuck what the fuck is that thing what the fuck is that thing what is that thing i have no idea okay i gotta get out of here i gotta get out this is too much for my brain this is too much my brain why is that person still alive and can i i have to loot the houses yeah well hold on a second what the fuck why is there what did that guy even say in the water he just went like that was way scarier than if he said any actual words that's all i heard that was terrifying this is more finished than cyberpunk okay i need to find weapons i'm not an arrow guy though oh wait a minute tomato blessing simple potion to refill your powers oh shit okay health potion blessing potion cyberpunk joke now the funniest thing i've seen of cyberpunk is when the guy is on the roof and he spins in 360 degrees and there's nothing around him and he like shoots somebody down like a thousand feet below him and like police spawn behind him on the roof [Music] okay i gotta loot more houses this is this game is so crunchy but i i mean i kind of like it i kind of like this i just wish it ran i just need to oh my okay we're in trouble i'm cutting off all their arms how do i take a health potion that lady is so bloody i'm gonna level up is there a block i don't think so my son is watching can you please limit the violence i was trying to hit this person's head as much as i could level up is that a bomb holy shit there's bombs there are bombs knife where's the knife inventory table knife okay get rid of the broom table knife in i use that it's a throne item holy shit oh shit what hold on can i eat a tomato all right throw an item uh v v g house scroll grenade yeah i had to use this grenades in middle times they were q wait q oh that's how you drink a potion okay well that's good to know d f h j go to fort wire a wiver okay um wait let me look at the can i look at controls inputs okay i'll go sprint enable item and consumable scrolling match camera sensitivity wait no okay jump attack block is mouse two okay mouse two is my super move bash is f usability is mauser like from mario 2 um okay scroll sprint sneak use cons okay it's g and b g and b do not have it equipped maybe g and b right g b huh i'll figure it out the corn repair kit be on the controller i love the music it's just like a violin i'll come here you there's a sword on the ground i don't even see it where's their sword oh shit oh my god i have a sword porn oh nice swords pretty good nice okay cool i don't even know what i picked up i'm just touching everything more rusty broken sword no what do i throw this can i sell something to somebody eventually dual weld can you no you can't you can do well no you can't maybe you can get a shield eventually though stamina potion dual weld dual duo wield sorry what do you want to say sorry dual wield fuel wielding you cleave if you can cleave this skill goes up a letter uh i don't think you grade holy shit you can do that though somebody in here no second breath motion that decreases your stamina but only for a little while and some arrows and was it brass knuckles musket ammo dude i can't alright i can't wait i'm having fun and there's tomatoes in the game all right is it a kitchen knife how do i get rid of all this stuff is it it's a tip there's a tomato so there's plus one letter grade yeah i'll take that that's not a bad uh indicator but hold on excuse me sir a a equippable tomato something a pick up pick a uppable tomato not just one for decoration it's really important to distinction all right let's go what do i have to go this way all right i'm gonna run for it made up you can throw these i gotta figure that out you can throw tomatoes at people all right i need to go okay we're just gonna we're gonna parkour i'm not parkour okay hold on he's way too high i think this is water this looks like water going the right way yeah all right let's keep it going very crunchy water sorry that it's okay that guy is so far away his lod is like one fps he's not a threat at all his ai doesn't even know i'm over here that's just an animation don't worry we're fine anybody in here i kind of want a handgun or use the rusty sword for the tetanus bonus uh thank you kai's kitchen for the five community subs appreciate it can i use can i throw corn at people i hope so what the hell is this a bone like a dog bone well let me get a nice sip of my tea hey by the way if you don't have like a tea or water or you know coffee or something take the time this opportunity to go gamble all right what there's a door what happened oh there's a day night cycle in this game i thought there was something wrong with my game i thought the render distance went to zero all right i'm going up can i sleep here is it worse at night is it scarier at night need another point in strength three blessing points three one do i have to wait till i get to level well i gotta get level five okay i see he's going pure strength are you telling me you don't want me to get the huge two-hander and be able to chop up like a hundred people in one swing guns are cool bows are cool but huge two-hander is what i want holy shit this is awful um i'm just gonna stay on the path this way how do i get over this i gotta go on the road there's a road from here all right all right it sucks but you know what we're just gonna run okay um we're going this way yep okay then banging left at the end of the road right oh my god just jump right am i going the right way then bang the left oh right in the chest oh fuck hold on cool okay i'm good i'm gonna go we're going to the town all right just fuck everybody i'm running all right do you let this guy in the guy running towards the gate with the sword going help me hell they're after me open the gates open the gate you open the gate right or am i the guy that does that and then just gets absolutely slaughtered by like 50 people and they tear me apart oh my god what what the fuck is happening over here run away oh my jesus christ oh my god like a pack of ants i found an ant hill holy shit they're still running after me where am i supposed to go where am i supposed to go they're all after me holy fucking shit dude oh my god that was actually terrifying [Music] [Laughter] that was insane so what that town got overrun by the ants that was ridiculous i can't believe that it's gonna farm the xp how do you sleep they're not still out here right they're not just waiting for me like a disney ride can i not sleep uh journal go to fort wyver and look for survivors um how am i supposed to do that is what if oh i have to go back i gotta go back and talk to the priest okay i'm going for it run but oh oh but there are not if they're on every single road oh man all right can the priest help me oh jesus go this way all right and in here in here and here get off that map i gotta find a way in i swear to god if this place is full of people i'm gonna be so mad ow all right hey dude let me in you don't have any idea what happened out there listen um how much food do you have they're all possessed there are thousands outside the fort walls so everyone has turned i was afraid of this but while you were gone i saw a few survivors enter the town but it looked like they were in trouble well they're dead they were being chased by the possessed they appeared to be held up in the tower i'm sure they could use some help right well i just want to let you know that was me you were looking out the window you saw me running away i bumped up in the tower still out there you were looking at me man okay we have to go to the kirkwall tower what is he saying okay so there are survivors up in there gotta go in the tower and help them all right are they in here what the fuck man why get up get up get up get up get up on the boat i need to throw a grenade over there how do i throw grenades how do i throw a grenade inputs usability mouse one q and x g and b e and a v z z z z z z bread oh wait tomato let's drink it to my dead wet i just drank a tomato what bread i just drank bread okay i just drank the bread this is weird z okay what about is it weapon open stats journal player list menu yeah it's supposed to be g but it's not hold on okay how about use consumable q and x use item g and b g okay g b mouse scroll g x oh where we go okay so i'm gonna throw a grenade in that crowd where are they where are they where are they where are they i didn't hit a single person eat it [Music] oh jesus christ what do i do what do i do what do i do what do i do what do i do what do i do what do i do what do i do what do i do they can't get me they can't get me get them off get em up get em up get off me oh my god i have to leave now i have to leave now wait wait i'm gonna farm so much experience you have no idea uh this is just what it feels like in warcraft when everyone's on their flying mount and they're just going they're freaking the fuck out all around you they're just waiting for the portal to be open this probably looks so stupid from an outside perspective well crap reference yeah don't care got it i'm gonna kill i'm gonna get to level four wait it's daylight does that mean anything i don't think so [Laughter] they're just extra hungry all right can i crouch i can't take it i have to leave i have to get up i just hit him in the fucking head just hit their head quick eat a tomato i got it did i i got it this guy dead whoa don't crash don't crash come on don't crash it's too many body parts do any body parts leveled up all right let's go go go go go go go go go i'm here open i'm being locked oh shit how do i get in climb this can't climb that look i'm trying to get into get away from me okay i climbed the side wait what oh my god i could climb it 5k andy what happened how do i open this oh it was it was like a box got banned so who's in here i'm supposed to rescue people oh no he forgot to pay his view bot service it said 10k ah it's probably a bug all right this must be survivors in here i'm just i can't leave okay i was gonna say oh survivors i found you how did you get here is he pissing off the edge whoa how did you manage to get up here i climbed there are quite a few possessed by the entrance or it was until i showed up oh we know they chased us down the road we're making our way through sonan pass from the village of grimsby so are there more survivors out there yes we were out scavenging when we ran into a horde in the past and ended up on the side when you head back i'll come with you that sounds like a good idea but we barricaded the way through sonan pass to stop the horde is there any other way to grimsby yes but the only other way would be through the mine and far too dangerous okay i'll deal with the possessed at the bottom of the tower first thank you we'll make our way to the chapel when it's safe it's safe travels it's great to see a fellow survivor they chased us down the road we barely made it stay safe you look like a fighter well matt okay it's safe though don't fall off the edge oh they're talking about these dickheads over here your twitch viewbot i do look like a fighter don't ever do an accent people are gonna scream at you they're gonna be very mad that you just did that didn't i kill everything that was down here if you see a possessed knight run thanks good tip if you see a possessed run remember you give good tips i don't think i do my tips are usually pretty bad so what i didn't kill everything already he's still left out here oh you okay fine really okay are the nominations still up they are the nominations the ability to nominate for the end of the year is going to be closing over the next couple of days voting will happen uh probably midweek up until obviously the 30th if you have a nomination please get it in on the discord there is a new year's eve discussion and nominations channel i uh i would implore you to do so where do you vote you will find a place to vote later after the nominations have been compiled and the poll has been made okay so did they are they are they back at the church already it'd be interesting if they were hey i found some survivors it's great to see that there's others still out there that's jigsaw i just want to put a filter on it that's jigsaw uh yes they told me there were more survivors in grimsby but they did mention that the pass is now barricaded and the only way to grimsby now is through the mines i see the lord had locked the mines to stop the possess from coming out what do you suggest i believe he fled with everyone else but i'm sure a key to the mine would be at his home mezra castle southeast from town on the coastal rock isle i'm sure you'll find many useful items he left behind okay i will go to the castle many of many have died make your choice yes okay where are we going from here so we have to go oh shit that's pretty that's all the way down here all right we're gonna go down if i just go straight from i'm just gonna go straight over we're gonna climb over some shit he said there's useful stuff in the castle so it'll be cool this game is this game is ridiculous i can actually climb the mountain look you can go anywhere you want it's a completely open playing field ow okay todd anywhere you can go anywhere i can't wait to see mesra castle it just works it kinda does just work i got a blessing didn't i all right blessings level four almost one more one more point with strength okay this looks that's a level eight i'm level four and did i fight this guy oh okay oh no no no no no no no run run run run run away run over this guy's gonna kill me i haven't saved the game is it okay level one why is there level eight please get out of my way please get out of my way please get out of my way please get out my way oh my god get out of my way please get out of my way get out get out get out get out get out i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i have one help where's the healing potion what's the q b how do i wrong button wrong button what do i do what's the what's the button what is the button to switch to healing potion i don't i don't have no idea x z is it zx fucking god dammit [Music] never drink from the river of sticks i feel like this guy is sleep talking that's how just all the things he's saying her all right um we're gonna go i'm gonna do it again you have to 100 this game up from the trailer there looks to be some very very insane things that i would like to see so yeah we're still here i'm still interested okay no level eight that's good wait nice okay bread anything else in here it's bread i wanna ten dollars off the debt if i play something else no thanks you can keep that ten dollars you can keep it on the debt a life i thought that was amazing holy shit can't open that no you're gonna have to add probably like 20 zeros oh god damn it don't run after me hold on let me just clear this that move is really good take the heads off that's the easiest way to do this i got level eight no okay all right whoops it's z okay it's z all right this dude like this dude has some secret shit here i gotta find this dude he's stuck in the chair bring us the ratatouille and wipe away the debt i'm never loading that game again okay this shit load of people in this room right i mean come on okay there's only level ones and level eights i think that's kind of hard anything those are bugs all over the screen um okay no go up these are peaceful villagers villager villager there we go that's better show your feet all right okay here we go there they are they're right in front of the camera i'm holding them up can you i'm rubbing them can you hear that did you see i'm i'm gonna hold on let me put them up i'm just gonna put them like on the desk like flat on the desk it's kind of hard to do okay um i can do this it's kind of hard to do but i can do this with my feet this is cool do you guys think this is cool it's kind of hard to do that juggles [Music] lead pipe oh all right where are these so-called secrets that this guy has goggles got unbanned no he's permanently banned from twitch i what i last i heard he was like doing a thing where he was shaking his stomach and he kept on saying like kind of really really like strange shit to people he's talking he was shaking his stuff again like talking about like just filling his body with gatorade and like i wish that were me or something where's the secret item where is this thing what this is not even the castle what the fuck is wrong with me i'm the wrong house right song we got oh we got garbage links oh dude garbage links in chat right now i hear this fucking garbage link some chat i ain't clicking them all right there it is there's the can i avoid this i'm gonna go around i don't want to fight that guy i can't i'm level four where's that boogie man watch out for the boogie man this is bad this is not smart this is very this is not smart right this is not smart oh i hear him get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up holy shit this guy gets the shit out of me i don't know why this guy's terrifying why does that scare me so much that actually puts me in like a panic what is that why is that guy here that dude looks like a flying dutchman i get up i don't think i can even climb up this oh here we go so work what does that sound all right oh my chest my whole body hurts my whole body hurts oh my god what the oh my god dude why why that was i there was no reason why that would ever happen god damn that that hurt my entire body i climb dude please oh it's the stairs don't come through the walls i hate this ooh grenade nice porn you should have the cam mr streamer hey i decide when the cam goes on i decide it's my stream i tell you when i put the camera on man 3 is psvr only i still haven't gotten over it i'm still very mad and the last time you heard me talk about this i have been seething for the last six weeks it's not it's in my brain every day okay this is the manner right here all right let's go can i climb this no you guys level eight little two no okay hold on i want a different weapon watch out watch out watch out no shit okay hold on um what did i what's the point of this where am i make it up there into parkour all right i'm on the roof now i need to i need to get in the house oh that house all right i'm gonna go for it let's see if i can make it the game lagged and i fell off the game is all right every 15 feet you move the game has to load 15 feet down the road one two three we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine fine where's my potions there we go all right he said he had goodies in here i hear a lot of people but what kind of goodies does this guy have the three crones the three all-seeing crones the morai who had been with him for a previous eternity guarding the river of styx in the underworld and passed through the worlds of the living and the dead would often come to visit his spirit ah had no soul so it could not go anywhere and there was no one to ferry it but he had a sort of spirit they could talk to that conveyed his disembodied state i feel like i'm reading i'm doing a play and the people in the audience just fucking hate my guts i think it sucks tons of moaning just groaning booing it's hard to read the more i took pity on him and visited him regularly it is important to know that the morai are neither good nor evil they are impartial typical of all the crohn's they enjoy stirring the cauldron yeah intermission ended 30 minutes ago i know that some of you are trickling it in you're somebody you're shuffling in uh half of you though that's really annoying sorry the line was so long but when the show starts get the fuck back in here can i take it meltdown on oh here we go tower room key the book of gwyn part one of hail gwyn the merciful and great keeper of our souls gwyn i'm not gonna read it whatever somebody caught on the stage i've got i've got my like wooden pretend sword to defend myself from the angry people in the theater okay so i got the key to the tower which uh stop stop it leave me alone all right what's these two-handed mastery or one-handed mastery i mean it's two-handed it's two-handed five points in two-handed just fill it up wait should i have done that i don't even have a two-hander uh can i hold this with two hands find the alchemist lab okay what just happened i pressed l oh all right i gotta go to the tower i don't have a two-hander i'll find one when i do i'll be ready l oh all right i gotta go to the tower i got these potions why not bedroom okay hold on don't have a two-handed sword in here like a broadsword or something why come on you have bullets who's getting in press t doesn't doesn't he doesn't do anything all right tower time oh shit once i find a two-hander this is game over for everybody she's fast yeah all right so i have table knife two of it them like there's so many people out here all right i just i'm gonna run i'm running i'm gonna get out i'm gonna run i don't even know how to get out of here two-hander fuck grenade oh two-hander is that a two-hander this is a two-hander it's a two-hander it's a two-handed rake where is it [Music] two-handed rake yes miriam a horde is making their way down the road we have to whatever this is a note wait grab my rifle as well i'm going to my laboratory to get ammo keep the door locked the other woman including that sick girl into the study room was the study room it's under me door is locked laboratory hatch shit it's upstairs all right i'll go get it it's a rifle i want it study room this is a study wait why is it pointing down rifles are two-handed he has the tower yeah that's key to the tower if it's did i go all the way up my baby didn't go all the way up i have the key i have the key to the tower i don't have the key to the study kid it's probably up here another two-handed rake no thanks key constance mine key what's this i've been treating several people here for some sort of lunacy or madness the last month is taking a very dark uh turn okay we'll need to drink the medicine or they will succumb to this dire consequence of eating this or being infected or something cool okay the gar turned into a brute force i wish i didn't have travel here this constant outbreak of violence and fighting i heard a word of another town that they hung three people for theft a fortnight ago uh i've been making it at night i've been having a lot i've been making potions all right so where's his rifle i want the rifle but is it no no i don't know would it be in is it in the lab i don't have a key to the lab though well hold on let me see to the castle yeah get to get the study room key from the laboratory all right let's go out the door to the laboratory time to face the music oh yes bro i can farm here all day can i throw a grenade no grenade i don't need it drink get out of there get out of there i'm all right i'm gonna be fine this is a good farm the person is so why are they doing so much damage what level was that person are they level two okay that's why this is tomato juice ours okay i'm good all right i can all right out out uh where's the i don't i don't know i don't know i don't know what to do i don't want to go is it was it like underneath i have what's the lab key i have a lab key i don't know what to do with live how do i get down there dude back up to 10k oh shit have a molotov cocktail yeah i gotta follow the marker but the marker's like down there wait what where is this this doesn't feel correct this is the mine oh shit okay hold on it's gonna hurt oh fuck the rake is gonna break it will soon but i'll be okay oh funny scrape thank you funny scream oh there it is okay cool lap door is locked laboratory what the door switch is being repaired you in the top floor workshop use the floor hatch entrance for now shit but what no are you serious i look i have so much bullshit where are my keys use a repair kit um okay i don't know how oh did it work oh i guess it worked okay uh where are my keys okay so now what the hell am i supposed to do do i i have the lab door key right oh come on dude i'm in the water i'm in the water get out of the water please get out of the water please get out of it i'll hate that guy i can't see is that water fuck why did i have to come all the way down here no water oh get to the beach quick get to the beach i'm not in the water anymore get away from me please he speaks backwards okay now i gotta go where the hell it's too dark i can't see anything all right bang left i'm just running around with a break i don't know do i have pants on i don't know if i have pants on all right straight okay oh no level eight level eight level eight level eight level eight please get away from me get off the bridge i have to go up here please get me in oh fuck get away from me okay all right open this dumb door that's just oh but not high pitched fucking morty [Laughter] this dude does a real morty when he's scared all right hold on i leveled up what can i do to put it into this one-handed or this is as far as it can go endurance dark arts i don't think i can allow instantaneous travel to previously visited zones i can't even click it i need uh a certain consumable agility enables the ability to fault over short objects yeah i mean we kind of have to spread out a little i could do this one too nope maybe i'll do endurance let's do endurance i have one point let's see uh blessings can regenerate in combat or decrease movement based stamina costs blessings can regenerate in combat i think all right cool we're looking all right all right now i gotta just go in this guy's stupid secret lab bullshit thing what i thought that was a repair kit are you serious do i actually have to go all right now where the hell is this study is there like a door somewhere for the marker yeah i don't see a marker you guys see a marker i don't see one thank god it's almost light out is it down uh it might be done thank you for the funny stream it's absolutely my pleasure i'm still getting sick let me i'll fix that that was better still getting over that uh cold i had so where's this marker how do you how do you make that noise well it's from uh lying in the bathtub for like an hour and just sitting and practicing it over and over again and i already get this athens one of his hobbies yes it is i love i love taking baths like one of my favorite things in the world where is this goddamn marker that's a tower room up there isn't it i would classify this as a tower get the fuck out of my camera there it is okay what's in here oh shit all right what is it power room there's nothing in here why did you just say that oh i'm remembered why are you saying that why'd you do that tell me explain to me why you did that i want to know now why would you do something like that now why would you do something like that there's nothing here that was stupid can i track the quest somehow journal investigate the laboratory complete get the study room key from the laboratory what investigate the laboratory get the study room key from the laboratory where's the laboratory go back to the room look up what i mean look up what is look up you missed a legendary chest it's in here i gotta go back in this house hold on bottom floor of the house there's a hatch okay yeah but i couldn't open it but it is just let me in the damn house please look all of you get away this is a level fucking seven level seven don't like it level seven feet away from me okay so door is locked what do you mean door is locked this is the study don't i have the key to the study what i have to go in the laboratory first laboratory door is locked laboratory hatch is locked what the what the fuck wait this uh what wait a second hold on this is the door to the study that is locked but i i'm in it now i can't do it i can't interact with this i have to go back all the way down grab my rifle horde is making their way down the road we have much time take the other woman including that sick girl into the study room okay i'm going to my laboratory to get him i'll keep the door locked so i have to switch now now i go down where the thing was well i don't have a marker anymore oh my god what the fuck i have to switch i can okay so i use it outside where the mine was right i think this is bugged i have the switch for the i don't understand how come it's not tracking anything you're actually pretending i have no idea what's happening he's not pretending the game sucks oh i don't know what's going on i'm gonna go try to go to the mine that's that's not i don't have a marker on my map anymore oh my fucking god please holy shit i killed everybody all right so i have to go back to the ledge and go up where the mine was to open the door with i guess i have a switch now yeah well how come it's not a map he's like i remember where the fuck that is select the quest active quests the study room and the mine key i mean but it's not showing anything oh i'm just gonna go down here am i going the right way though i don't remember being down here the door is locked where's my marker where's my marker where's my there was no marker there i don't want to hear it there was no marker here i don't want to hear it i don't want to hear it there's no marker whoa why who is this guy level three knight get away from me i'm gonna throw grenades at him [Laughter] god [Laughter] i can't knock him over okay why is it not doing anything i take his weapon that's a huge two-headed sword gonna take it i can't take the weapon i was trying to blow him up that explosion radius is so small that's like a firecracker my god let me help let me out of the room uh about you bastard okay don't lock the door behind me because it might be another one you're just slapping a guy with a rake yeah well it's two-handed so okay study room key oh my god do i have to actually go back to the fucking study oh shit i'll get up huh there's nothing up there get the gun hold on hold on hold on a second i'm going to get the gun just wait looking off the lore i'm just hold on looking for lore i want to be able to read shit you know i'm looking to read if there's anything around where's the gun my wait everyone you guys are freaking me out is there a gun everybody's freaking me out it's on the bed it's in the study yeah you guys are wrong okay you guys are freaking me out why is everybody freaking me out all right study room finally look see now i got a marker somebody come and then like extra kill this guy oh no that's uh wait they didn't die there they didn't die there to get they did not die there okay whatever let's go don't crash i'm having too much fun in this game for this to crash come on man hey can i climb no just go the right way wait the the boogeyman is going to get this guy right where did you your body parts kind of fall off really easily i've noticed okay going in the study we're gonna get the gun in the study and i'm gonna use the gun to shoot someone in the head here we go tell us the backup game no no because i'm gonna play the backup game i'm into this i'm playing this for a while you'll know the backup game is soon enough this week oh i'll tell you what the plan is though you wanna know uh i have some stuff i gotta take care of over the next couple of days so there'll be no streams of the next couple of days but we'll be going either thursday friday saturday or friday saturday sunday and the game we're going to play when we come back from our errands or the things we need to do is fear two i'm gonna play fear two i've been talking about it for a long time we're gonna play that okay into the study oh eight oh that hurts okay i got the rifle actually you're level seven stay back there don't move how do i can i zoom in why did i not pick guns not too late i was level seven guys that was still good okay now how's this automatic i don't know okay we got the gun we're good now what's next on the list of things to do go to measure castle follow up with peter once you're equipped i'm the alchemist lab did i not find it you're in it aren't i you already did it now go find peter oh shit let's go to peter all right time to talk to peter i need health potions i need to sell too all right back to peter hey remember the time watch out watch out don't be an idiot okay straight up this road i'm gonna try my absolute hardest to do a peter griffin i'll try hey hold on i'll get it hey i could probably do it pretty well i mean it's like boston accent i mean like they're in rhode island what are you talking about lois yeah hey lois you remember the time that me and stewie went to wait who are these people oh wait these are survivors i'm bringing them back to the church this is just bloodborne okay peter i have the keys good head to the mine's main entrance and make your way through didn't i do that i've noticed lights coming from the mine storage on the ridge can you check for survivors [Music] i sell thanks for clearing the way thank you for helping us we decided we're going to stay here yep you've already done so much for us and i hate to ask but we could use your help we had dropped a fair amount of supplies we scavenged when we were chased food medicine ammo stuff we could really use it's up the valley the bag should be the well by the well in the center of the next group of buildings after the bridge be careful there's a mob 20 of um okay i wanna i don't give a shit about your supplies i wanna do this now we go out of here okay talk in the peter voice or how long how long do i have to do that for you want me to do like a pretend like peter griffin let's play like is this like 2009 on youtube do we want me to do that am i gonna do like a peter griffin plays skyrim all right i'm gonna try let's see what i can do i'm gonna try so hard i'm gonna try not to laugh and fuck it up all right okay so we got some bad guys here oh i gotta go this way around the bad guys hopefully there's something in this shed i can use no no no um kinda reminds me when i fought the chicken [Music] all right you look like lois i am peter my name is peter i'm killing zombies my name is peter fucking game crush whenever it's over shit oh by the way i'm gonna make that i'm gonna make like 60 of those videos okay where are we going whoa you should bring that back uh i remember that was so that's so old that's so long ago that's like 2010 or something 2009 2011. hold on hold on what's this a rusty sword no thank you better do stewie griffin playing black ops 2 [Laughter] all right it exists already i don't have to do that if you just type into youtube like stewie griffin plays x you're gonna get like a thousand videos i don't even have to do this they already exist i say brian like i'm this fool thinks he can fire at me it's definitely there like i don't have to even do it wait i didn't go up because it did okay i need to go to i'm going the wrong way but stewie was awful i say brian any idea i look i've been sick you can't blame somebody else going the wrong way look everybody can do stewie griffin for the first word i say brian it that's it nobody that you could do that much right uh stewie's playing black ops hee i gotta go this way i climb this oh i don't why are you not allowed in the water everybody's find that strange there has to be a reason why when the player character goes into the water there's probably like a memory leak that happens in like a minute that they have to try to avoid somehow to fight fight i can't swing in the water i can't fight the zombie all right we're going the right way across the river i can't even swing my uh sword i'm sorry rake persistent bodies it's kind of pog that's kind of a pog moment unfair okay cool let's keep going over here the mine all right get over here i'm gonna fucking hit we don't have any grenades i have a molotov cocktail i'm gonna throw it into the water where is he what the fuck there is there is there is all right come here come here come here come here come here i shoot him if i could shoot him in the head i'm gonna laugh so hard come here dude i'm gonna kill this motherfucker all right all right come on come on over wow let's relax i can't shoot him that was so overreact that was overreaction that was the most extreme overreaction jesus christ come here don't don't move don't move don't move don't move this is so hard okay if i missed a shot i add 50 billion dollars to the debt thank god i don't have to do it thank god is the armor on um i didn't miss it him right in the head my god damn it man what the fuck is happening right now um you hit the door i did not hit the fucking door whoa okay he figured it out he figured it out he figured it out he figured it out he figured it out it's okay just i'm just like a monkey i've got like a monkey that's like got out of like a cage get away from me you little shit no don't eat those tomatoes oh look at every single movie with a monkey as a main character he's eating the food get that hamburger out of his mouth oh no it's me the hotel clerk he's always causing problems for me this is actually starting to hurt me monkey my stream crash my stream just crashed am i alive oh i am i can see okay that was weird wait that that doesn't happen in those movies you can't add 50 billion i hit them in the head it's just the bullets are made out of like fucking cardboard i did not hit the door i did not hit the door i did not hit the door no i didn't i hit him right in the head it hit him directly in his head i even shot twice and it hit him in the head he's wearing armor i can't pierce the armor with the bullets jesus christ no this doesn't count it doesn't count no it doesn't count dream overreaction jesus christ how does it hit the door this is so hard okay if i missed the shot i add 50 billion dollars to the debt explain how i hit it how i miss him okay all right now thank god [Laughter] [Music] look at where the particle effects are guys look where the part look the particle effects are on his head oh i don't have to do it the part of like the artist's head look at where the crosshair is i hit him in the head okay i need to relax this is going to kill me um i it may i don't know they're going to need further examination no no no excuse me it's fine it's impossible i'm telling you right now it is impossible for that to have happened it's not it is impossible that's impossible you understand oh god damn it no experience gain yeah i have to kill something to get experience gain you don't just get it for shooting things double or nothing i mean double or nothing you want to bet 100 billion dollars to the debt that i can make the next shot with the rifle sure it's this guy holy shit i almost just pulled the trigger when i hit the back all right it's this guy right here i just hit him i just have to hit him it doesn't matter where i have to damage this guy with the gun okay like i said i just have to i have to damage this guy with the gun it's not my next shot not my next move i just have to hit him with the gun so i'm gonna get rid of this person i'm gonna get rid of this lady okay i just have to shoot him with the gun that's it i went okay my heart was just racing right there oh my my chat i'm gonna pop my chat out this is like broken no deal no deal whatever that was a deal i made it how do you turn uh night mode on on twitch where's night mode how do you turn on dark point okay there it is okay i got it okay i just gotta go into the entrance here the mine and with my two-hander shoot another night i mean maybe eventually i will but not right now and why did i not just pick the knife at the one hander this is so much better than using a two-hander why would i've ever done that all right survivors in here is it cutscene is there a cutscene no way [Music] that's the water guy fear oh he's just reading like the back of a denny's menu and they reversed it you must put me together so i may be whole again there are towers each contain a piece of me you must enter these towers and collect my pieces [Music] stop what i didn't pay attention to the last part go forth and be where we have temptations was the snake gonna show up and feed me an apple no i okay welcome to the mine that was pretty abrupt yeah cut all right now the actors are going to eat lunch nice job bob you really gave it you gave we talked with the two pieces and shit that was ad-libbed i can't even fucking believe that man it's my fucking turn at the food truck bub yeah he's such a good actor to pieces of me two pieces of me they didn't even write that unfucking believable god i wish i was as good as he was just read my lines i can't come up with new shit on the spot i gotta read him better than he can read his scripted lines though how much damage does this do that was just one word i said a whole sentence but it was a single word how much does that is game runs so much better indoors okay into the mine again i hear a lot of noise make me whole again look out yeah this is just how everybody plays dark souls when they play a dagger build this it takes like forever to kill anything you just spam you just r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 r1 or try to dodge around and stab in the back it always seems like a fun thing to do at first oh no i'm gonna do a dagger build in dark souls and then you you see what i just did on screen and you're like no no i'm going back to strength this is stupid when you do eight damage to the first boss in dark souls per swing with the dagger you're like no thanks i don't wanna do this anymore this is fucking stupid pretty damn good in this game i actually like the knife i wish i could do two what can i do uh dual welding knives just slash them side by side like crazy just be a lawnmower that's loud though it hurts okay this way we're gonna level up i will then hey oh next frame please all right we're almost out hold on level up all right i got two points one-handed mastery yeah probably and then rage charge oh shit i gotta what's this what's coming up next two-handed impact yeah i gotta get rage charged man this is just one point okay well should i put should i just do uh i'm gonna do one handed as well whatever who cares dark arts i can't do dark cards i don't have enough of the i don't have any of that currency whatever it is dark farts i hope i hope you get in trouble in this chat i hope you got like i hope you actually got in trouble you know one of the mods is just like okay dude gone this is too good it's too good of a weapon we need to have the music more cool down on the swing are you in here oh shit what am i gonna do what the fuck durability i have a repair i prepared what's next okay keep going i got banned from your channel for saying streamer smells like dog shitty well uh okay dog is shitty i kind of just feel like that i have like one of those chunk destroyers in minecraft like i can just walk forward and just door is locked open it minecraft gamer -2 hey what's up you almost had a chance to do it you had a really good chance to have that via death very close sorry then here's the best part tons of you just the second you saw my pixel go over the railing we're like fall joke oh my god fucking idiot and it didn't happen and now you that's you can't delete that comment it's there forever okay i need to get in here okay that's fine i'll do it i'll take me find the mind and make your way through investigate the sounds is this you making that sound thank god you came along when you did i've been trapped here for months how did you survive there was the storage house of the mine it has food and supplies but there is almost none left now i haven't slept much because well you know you can hear is it safe for them to all be down there i locked the door many of them were my friends i'm sorry peter the chaplain in strathshire sent me to help you i wasn't sure if anyone was left down there is it safe to get there mine isn't saved and the nearest exits are caved in well i have explosives in a crate it's downstairs you get the key here it is before you clear the north entrance could you open up the side for me first i'll make my way to peter when it's safe i will when you hear the second explosion you'll know i've cleared both ways it should be safe enough to get back be careful i would have been done for if you hadn't come along thanks again i hope you find more people in grimsby imagine you see someone coming around the corner going like this it's like oh shit i'm dead [Applause] yeah hey i'm coming help me man where were those where are those explosives again downstairs you said right guy looks like gloom man get me in there what the fuck get me in there never mind hold on i have to have a uh hold on [Music] okay that's blood got the explosives microwaving popcorn that's explosives that's like a bag of like halloween candy what are you talking about this bomb in there i'm going up to blow up the okay blow up the mine yeah when you hear the second explosion okay what do you want to put the bomb knife is almost broken oh shit it is well i'll repair it repair kit uh kitchen knife we're good [Music] how much further i have to go oh shit all right explosion one how do i blow it up wow okay now i need explosion two is up this way get over here explosion two coming up and then when he's gonna go back to that church sick all right he i did it he gets to leave journey to grimsby oh and to oh going to grisby this is pretty sick this is pretty sick human no is that a human no is it no it's not a human is that a human that thinks level 10 well um i'll be i'm completely safe don't worry i wasn't i mean it was not that safe but it was still okay okay we're gonna go to grimsby there's like a major town wait there's a whole house over here you're under leveled you got to farm some more souls um i'll be okay in a minute i thought i even had that move oh why even do that when i can just do this we got any weapons any armor what do you got from me in here something good right in the chest shitty spawn shitty spawn rate really there's nothing in here stupid there's a point of even having this why is this even here they added the 50 billion no they think no they didn't take it off take that off that's not real i had the crossover on his head and he was directly shooting him in the head no you take that off that's not real i hit him in the head show sparks you saw the sparks come up uh i ain't going that way i wanna pie into the mountain here i'm gonna get a pretty good view oh this might be actually pretty cool a full hp yeah i'm good okay well this is a hide knight shoot him i can't hurt him shoot him shoot shoot him it's doing damage yeah but it was the other guy had a weird force field around him yeah i did i don't think any damage went down when i just hit him in the head did no fucking way dude no way i shot him right in the head you should be right in the face all right just keep breaking them all right fuck you dude stop all right dies that was that was like a andy toyzar here thing or whatever toys and he's here that was really really good that was good i like that like andy's the one that pretends to fall down oh no andy quick the toys are here pretend to be asleep the family has to do that not the toys level 12 this all right i actually probably shouldn't be here no arms you're good okay you're dead nice metal gear survive well i'm not gonna go that way would have any wait do have grenades how do i not have any grenades oh oh there it is turning to grinsville oh god wait there's a knight rims be survivors there's a night here there's a night friend is this a night friend no that's a possessed night do i have any night friends i have to find i look for survivors in grimsby oh my fucking jeez survivors it's you it's peter peter what are you doing here oh another survivor no this is alderman gibbons another survivor i was marooned here but i made my way up from strathzar as unfortunate i heard something plagued with the waters before this all went down i went and ran into ira and derek they're staying with chaplin peter after they were chased by a horde glad to hear they're okay we got worried after not hearing from them but we're still in need of supplies there aren't many supplies for miles except the storage house of course okay i'll clear them out i can handle it i'll be back am i gonna be able to do this i would really like a new weapon or something i have so much dog shit two femur bones a common peasant sword and a rake i kinda wanna lure somebody in here to kill this guy can anybody get in here let me vote yes no vote no oh vote no it doesn't count don't vote yes well you guys are doing a democratic approach to this don't vote i don't know oh that probably hurts okay i gotta go this way no not gonna happen run oh shit i can go this way come on no let me glitch up here you're not gonna let me do that please thank you shit that's a lot of people oh man what am i gonna do uh knife it's time for the night [Laughter] knife play through let's go okay wait hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait why do they fall down i need where's my healing potions i'm gonna be in deep shit okay all right all right all right all right all right all right i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine this there's probably a thousand people here that fucking hurts me well i like thought it was going to hurt okay get up get up get up okay okay i thought it was like wait a minute that's kind of moving really fast does that hurt i don't even know how i got hit twice lost to gigantic pinwheel hold on a second so that means it'll work on oh okay that's gonna work on like the thousands of them that are down there not just farm insane amount of experience if i kill like 5 000 people with that windmill up i'm gonna level up like eight times okay slope okay slow this down hole cancel paul is butted there's no pull all right let's see if i can do this do i have to tag them first holy shit it actually does work okay hold on wait wait wait wait wait run him around holy fuck okay watch out don't get hit by it oh jesus christ there's too many people there's too many people all right i'm gonna hide up here where are they going why are they going this way like road i'm not getting any exp oh shit i have to tag them um what was i doing shit no don't kill this guy that guy's a good guy throw a grenade i don't have any grenades i use them all fuck okay whatever i throw a tomato don't ignore the poll i'm not voting on a poll there's no poll what poll are you referring to i'm not clicking on a poll there's no official poll i have to make polls we don't we don't go by unofficial polls here i didn't make one wait you won hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute i won i won does 50 billion get added to the debt no all right yeah use this one use this poll we're going to use that poll that's a good poll thanks guys we're going to use that one it's okay we can use that [Music] no it's not official but it's okay i made i just made it official just go the right way for the love of god dude let's go the right way just who cares go the correct way okay i'm almost done they're all like covered in blood all right slow down hold on it was too bad when the pastor kirkwall collapsed get up there new pole no bots what are you on about okay i'm gonna try to do this again i gotta go which way this straight ahead okay all right come on get me over that stupid windmill oh we actually we found out that you cannot attack um peter or peter variance that's good to know noob streamer can't even do a wall skip all right i'm gonna go this way i'm not gonna go down the other side here we go okay now can i go in that building no just stan just just everyone's gonna get hit by this just relax get in get in is there is a door all right how do i get i need to get their attention i throw something gun i have a gun but there's no bullets oh move out of the way move out of the way come on oh are they following me okay go now now now now's the time now it's time to go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh shit please don't do that get up there please get up what are you doing crime you fucking idiot oh shit oh now now you decide to come home right so you don't want to come up over one over there now you want to all right i'm gonna i wish i had a grenade right now so bad holy shit okay everything's fine give it a rake that's a lot of blood look at the xp bar it's so loud i can't hear anything i love the sound it makes though it's speedcon i schmidt i'm out of mana stupid i don't know what to do i guess i'm just gonna get to like level eight level nine put it in potato mode now just mash these people up do a blood suit what if there's too much blood on the ground it's actually kind of starting to happen it's getting in my eyes you see that look at the screen it's too much it's getting in my face it's dripping in my eyes i can't even move open blessings man what was the music did you hear that okay i can't just sit here and do this for 40 minutes you're almost there i can't tell who's alive and who's dead they're the same you made this bed you have to line it you're here yeah i know this almost two full levels i've gained from this they're all the this is actually the objective this would have been so this is so ridiculous all right i think that's i think that's good i don't feel good about this you know what i mean i feel like really bad about this i'm not like happy with what's happening okay so i killed a lot of people i've i've killed a lot of people and i'm i guess i'm ready to move on and go into the tower oh my god this is so horrible i did this repair the weapon oh shit no i don't want to do it again no i'm getting flashbacks from five seconds ago no not again no okay so what do i have to even do in here on the ground just clear it out how can this still be this many of you outside holy shit i dug that through his pulse fine okay what's in the chest i'm gonna drink some shit whatever just drink up psycho stream murders innocent zombies no i'm do i have to i don't want to i have to it's either that or i'm gonna be dead i'm gonna be killed and i would really appreciate a weapon that's not a rake or a kitchen knife can i just say i would love a bastard sword or a spear or a a long sword or i've been using the rake the whole game and a kitchen knife i have a gun yeah but i don't want a gun i want a bastard sword very specific thing that i want you have one there's a weapon outside in the barrel oh okay is there what this person's bedroom back to the broom hi my inventory is huge i have so much shit in my inventory i don't want to kill this guy i like i want to leave him alone all right give me the knife back to the kitchen knife where's my knife there it is all right nice okay well i killed him anyways so what's next go back to um george house hoard i did it right go back to grim bee right i did it right settle down i did it loretta possessed outside settle down that was horrible just leave me alone i'm trying to look at my book they're all the possessed tell the okay so i gotta tell i gotta go back in the barrel barrel outside check the barrel okay um there's a lot of barrels in this game which one should i go for right one that's against the house where you killed them hey where the fucking swords let's go let's go you see that one let's go look at that let's go yeah i'm not going that way you please play lego star wars this game is too violent maybe one day i'll play it for your birthday when's your birthday hold on two this is i gotta pay attention get the hell away from me fucking jumping stop chomping oh fucking jumping am i gonna actually die right now you went swedish jumping ooh a potato what okay never hello i killed them all we wouldn't dare try to kill that many there must have been hundreds it took some creativity i'm starting to look up thank you can you help me i have to get to perth why do you want to go to perth it's completely overrun uh peter told me if i i might find someone there who can help me get off this island i've made it this far i don't think you understand there are thousands of them and they have an overlord haven't you seen the tower here we go some say there are demons from the underworld they have power beyond our comprehension grouping up with more survivors is our best chance kirkwall is the nearest city and had a significant military presence how do i get there it's down the mountain from the north side of the lake there are several roads that lead there just take any got it okay let's go we're going to kirkwall that's far away it was too bad when the pastor kirkwall collapsed it was too bad when the pastor kirkwall collapsed skill points all right rage charge charge forward while performing two horizontal swings all right rage charge and then i hold on to more points chris's one-handed attack dark hearts oh shit hold on instantaneous travel to previous zones you visited oh all right okay and then moving space some what okay increases damage resistance right can i talk damage resistance like peanut butter what the fuck is wrong with me this dude is baked that guy in there sounds like a public toilet that can talk the public toilet can talk never drink how do i use the charge different abilities as well there it is okay ready pretty cool all right it's time to start the journey to kirkwall let's go this way so this apparently has a military presence this is about to get very interesting i think i believe this is going to get interesting go to early access what is there um i think this is the name of the zone are you miss pronouncing it it's like orlais access or something it's the country or something don't jump off of this you fucking dope i need to get a good look looking the wrong way we're gonna go this way we have to go over vienna lake into okay so we gotta go that way ow ow ow ow oh oh let's go [Music] i just heard a pig did anybody see a pig get out of here okay okay we're good just gotta get over there before the weird guy comes and gets me he missed [Laughter] oh man okay let's go we're going right away oh ships climb yeah wait hold on there might be food in here outrage sucks how do i get in here what the fuck are you doing okay okay okay okay time to run please don't okay did i get away i got away i think i got away oh okay i did oh this is actually pretty beautiful wow look at this you can see this pretty cool that must be kirkwell kirkwall hey oh it hurt it hurt i didn't even go that far i have to regen don't do anything stupid just fly there i have to be there first before i can fly there all right there's a house right here holy shit don't die okay i'm good level nine what am i late oh ow how do i regen i have to move yo i i can't i don't have any healing potions or anything i'm good this works okay now i have to be really extra careful here i need to get on the road it's like an apple of food in this house these guys are tough get just run run run away just run don't stop for anything i have to go i said don't stop running up to here you say run [Music] you're i know that is i have watched television before all right i gotta go left here i saw season one i was like all right okay yeah ninja all right cool got to season two and they just did the thing where every character like is just it just they it tournament arc i was like i don't like this i'm just bored do the good stuff please we're in 45 episodes there's like one maybe 12 minute segment where anything really progresses any of the story i mean i'm not a big fan of that kind of style i know it's cool you know i get it i have to go uh through here this is too dangerous i'm gonna take the road not doing that i'm not stupid [Music] so chests nothing nothing is that kirkwall it is that's kirkwall that's i i made it i made it to kirkwall it's right there okay i'm gonna watch out for that lag missed stuff i did why do i think i can do that did i okay i don't care oh my fucking god don't do this to me okay just slide down gently slide easy carefully and we are safe okay this is gonna be bastard swords at kirkwall i guarantee it they said there wasn't a huge military presence here i'll be good all right kirkwall i'm ready i'm a soldier at corkwall now parkwall east they have military-grade rakes yo when does he get to the ass eating part i don't know if this i don't know there's not in this game all right i'm just running okay kirkwall open the gate i'm here close that okay kirkwall open oh yes traveler we could use a man like you hoops nevermind oops all berries all zombies again oops all zombies never mind it's been overrun right oh come on what the fuck this is stupid no i didn't want to go that way oh i am in so much trouble now climb this climb that am i safe what no not this again let me in what wrong move wrong move wrong move wrong wrong move bronco excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me excuse me wait it's empty okay can i get into kirkwall i'm gonna actually get in there can i just run in there i think i was trying to go in this house no i'm gonna go in the house and get stuck they're all gonna get stuck in here this sounds like a school cafeteria eel corn potato pain reduction okay i got potatoes where are they there was a thousand of them are they in the house aren't you kind of curious oh shit bad idea just stay on the roofs nobody can hurt me if i'm on the roof in my gun i feel more comfortable with the gun oh no okay now from here i can nice all right i made it i think this is safe this dude's a fucking squirrel it's kind of i gotta go in there that's a bomb you know what i'm going to do with this thing right you know what i'm going to do with this i'm i'm gonna kill like 200 of them why is this so much corn i'm seeing far less weapons and items and way more corn than i should be seeing okay let's get the let's get the grenade ready i got it we got some potatoes so i gotta go back up here all right i'm throwing this thing in there i go uh can i go up and out yes i can okay i mean doors locked give me a break never mind i don't care get me out all right i'm going for it just be slow no horde anywhere this is good the hell is everybody uh i mean i did i didn't kill any of these things there's blood everywhere i didn't do this oh my god i don't want a broom why did everybody despawn oh they did not despawn they're all just over here all right hold on i want to try to pull everybody over here and just throw a grenade right in the middle and just watch the here fucking come come on over here i want the entire group shoot the knight shoot the night all right i shot the guy behind him hold on he's moving around erratically whatever you found it all right here we go it's just another priest in here everywhere to scene in the face we can always use the extra hands i just came from brisbane there are a few survivors back that way perhaps we shall send a search part to go help them out when we have the time sprotted from the ground i must be a source of power i need to get into that tower either you're insane or you're up to something questionable neither i believe there's something useful we could put it into all of this i hope you're right but between you and me between you and the tower are 10 000 possessed huh how many soldiers are here a couple thousand but you'll need to talk to the general where can i find the general he's down at the garrison north east outskirts i will go talk to the gentleman and maybe i could save some time for a great low rate you can save online go to the general and save some time generally even actually a good insurance company i mean are they they're horrible okay really i shaq uses them um no guys i'm not i'm not sure that shaq actually uses the general i could be corrected and that's fine if i need to be corrected i will it's like okay if i was paid to tell you guys about like gamer goo or something it doesn't mean i eat gamer who all the time you know i don't like go try this new snack gamer snack i show it on camera i wave my hands a little bit i go look at me add content and then i just never eat it ever again can i jump down here this is gonna be a huge battle soon and i cannot wait it's all been leading up to this moment i'm dead if i jump down there no i'm fine calm down i love how you do like the cod run you know what i mean the gun moving back and forth all right there he is give me all of your finest soldiers i'm ready to do battle with the demons i need to have to get into that tower would you like a crown as well i'm serious first off i don't know who you are or why um do you know something you look behind you first of all i don't know who you are so why should i help you i believe there's something in that tower that could put an end to all of this and what would that be a body part from a god oh really um you're gonna have to prove your trustworth first what must i do well behind me there are maybe six to seven hundred of them i'm sure you hear them there's a wagon that's turned over i need to see your prowess stand on top of the wagon and spin around 400 times cutting off as many heads as possible oh my fucking i'm good at that is an ancient relic a weapon at arbor hollow what sort of weapon let's just say it'll help i'll do whatever it takes oh and by the way there are hundreds of those zombies in the hollow okay just avoid the front entrance and i'm sure you'll do fine [Music] is this like a cute text from a girlfriend or is he telling me to be careful i could get killed by hundreds of monsters i'm sure you're divine we're the ones fighting i died oh my god that's so many people uh so we have to go down here arbor hollow be quick about it all right i thought i just said i thought i just failed the mission okay oh my gosh they're where are the soldiers by the way it's just you this is this must be like 3 000 people we're gonna kill em all no we're not it's me and you man it's just the two of us this is not gonna work out so i got to get a spot i have to get in this spot right there on top of that tiny little rock i think it's gonna be good i think i can get on top of that little rock i think i'll be fine right my god oh my god [Laughter] oh my god there's [Laughter] level from diablo 2. that's perfect that's a perfect description get on the rock quick okay let me do the mission i gotta finish this i can't wait to do the battle you know it's gonna be such a shit show it's gonna be so stupid it's gonna be worth the three to four hours to get there it's gonna be the most unbearable stupid thing i've ever seen and i can't wait okay how do i get at it okay anyone remember when they were really trying to show off days gone this is what fucking potato this was the cool feature in days gone remember god damn i lost my chat again the tower it mocks me and i don't have the weapons need a weapon the relic arbor hollow where am i now okay i gotta go down down all right down here tawa the tower hey just wrap around go to arbor hollow i can't wait to do this this is gonna be so much fun this is the part of the stream where my computer crashes and then when it crashes i'm just turning the stream off no human that that doesn't nobody could do that that doesn't make any sense but i'm glad i was able to do it teleport i can't i'm already like almost there you can only go to safe places okay and arbor hollow is right here let's go straight i need to heal though i have tomatoes and stuff i'm good rumor was raising a bond oh close the door what are you what are you raising the bond there it is that's not good that's this weapon is terrible just be honest what a great selection or is locked i'm climb the ladder this is a fake ladder oh what no it's not i just grabbed it what what just happened oh shit i'm dead i'm not there's a door so oh well oh hi yeah i know going to arbor hollow yeah thanks for the rake thanks for the rake thanks for no weapons i just have a broken dusty ass sword a one-handed sword a knife and a rake and a pore i let's go whatever it's not that far it's fine sing the fucking rake song um swish swish swish swish break up the leaves and have some fun when you break up the leaves swish swish swish swish break up the leaves and make a wish on the weapon store now break me up rake me up inside no that doesn't work that's stupid you can't break up don't mind even save me from the door in my blood to ride or come on up save [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's no leaves outside that's a tuber joke it's fine though how do i get up here i don't even know oh turn around that was dark enough this is not the way you're supposed to do this mission but i have to do it as fast as possible because i can't help it i have to get to the 10 000 person fight am i running up a mountain i think i am i oh all right i was um i think i can get out oh it's quick sand it's quicksand it's quicksand i can't die i think it's pr i might be possible to get out i can do fast travel but i'm right here oh come on oh my legs did you hear that did i lose the legs when i teleported back it's me uh-huh goodbye i'm just taking the goddamn road no more jumping over mountains so i have to go out here and then on the road whatever i'm i'm going up the mountain don't care just get the fuck out weapon store okay where's the weapon store king's arms it's a fake it's a fake building i can't go in here that's not how that works but okay i'll take it up am i just standing on the ground what the fuck am i doing low low anyone there low low yeah [Music] climb it we gotta take care of that eat eat can i eat eat a potato go i think i made it out of the town i did i'm good yeah too much okay never mind okay almost there banging right right there could be some supplies in here i'm gonna wait i'm just gonna wait it out i'm gonna wait till it's daytime i ain't going anywhere i'm just gonna hang out here for a little bit okay people have a problem with that then you know there's millions of other streamers right now that you could go watch you have a problem with me standing here waiting for sunlight to go up i can eat me a thousand streamers right now they're streaming right now that they're streaming right now you could go stream to them okay oh people have a problem with that apparently okay 9k andy raging on stream i need some supplies betty's i forgot about that yeah that is that's a long time ago i should let me do some repairing drop all this crap drop a femur bone drop the rusty broken sword there's no reason to have any of this stuff uh rake is gonna be one kitchen's knife's gonna be two the common peasant sword would be three rifle will be four and just get rid of the bone okay blessing potion vial of pain reduction okay second breath stamina introduction hair kit broom herb milk herb milk that's yeah that's kind of gross what is herb milk all right is it almost light prepare the knife repair the rake get the gun that's the sword it's fine relinking here all potato for a hundred thousand off the dead that's not that's worthless anything else in here oh bullets okay bullets i wonder what's gonna come to ps5 okay daylight is about to be upon us i kind of wish i could pick up the two by four and use that instead all right so we're going this way we're right here gonna find there's a ton of people here or did they spawn in yet can i get them before they spawn oh they're here all right so what's what's the strategy here i can't just run on the front door i have to go up there and go in that way how do i get up there around maybe around the mountain i keep going up from here that'd be pretty cool i think so wait that's the that's the trap that i got in before this is the same place do not go over there that's the quicksand get it fuck shit grab on to that why do you pick and just choose what ledges you're going to jump on to it wants me to go up there all joke waiting room somebody said that probably stopped pretending to fall down the mountain i was about to just jump off and die this left person got very angry with me [Music] there we go finally okay now i'm in a good position what's that light are you exhausted from pretending no not yet i still got at least like another i got like another hour at least of pretending i know i can get up there but that i gotta get right there how do i do that that looked like kind of good but i guess not go in the front door i can't there's like 5 000 people in the front door i have to go all the way around don't i all the way around back uh don't kill me whopper watch that sounds kind of good right now actually i would take a whopper right now i don't i don't even like burger king i'd say burger king is my least favorite out of the three but you bring a whopper in here right now you present one to me i would eat it on stream after everybody i'd go oh my god oh my god take a huge bite oh my god oh my god found it i can't wait for the 10 000 person fight coming up soon eat it on screen for the debt reduce so if i take a bite of a whopper and i do the oh my god oh my god it's so good try try it try it oh my god how much is that how much do i produce i would look like such a dickhead it would be so embarrassing but i might do it because that's kind of funny to me like i think that's kind of funny just being irl just chatting without context you just have you're just eating a burger king burger and you just can't stop talking about how much you love it and you're doing the oh my god thing putting your hand up you know take a bite oh my god put your hand up uh kind of i'm not covering your mouth but hovering in front of your mouth and do that after every bite until it's gone i think about it i think about it okay gotta get up there it's hilariously bad i don't know it kind of it's making me laugh right now and like a lot of times that's all it takes so you know we'll see we'll see uh can i go up from here do it we'll double the offer if you do it tonight i can't no not tonight i'll do it this week i promise i promise are you ready i promise you give me an offer and i'll say oh i might agree to it i want an offer i need to go up not down finally hey it's a crossbow it's still a new weapon finally it's taken two hours to get one tonight do it tonight hey for burger king or this is for the burger king on the street no he just made that name right now to just give five community subs just do it do it i don't i have yeah i haven't seen an offer yet by the way i've not seen an offer so until i see that we're not talking we're not we're not talking until i see a real offer 2 billion interesting two billion huh hold up wait wait wait wait i don't wanna die i'm so far into this hold on 1.5 billion no what an absolute low ball no um actually i'm i'm pissed about that not doing it tonight what a low ball unbelievable 1.5 really i'm walking away the hell is this 2 billion now i don't get out of bed from one three i mean less than three less than three i don't get an event for less than three oops you're not gonna do it anyways okay uh i haven't take i'm gonna take a break i've been taking a break all night i gotta pee right back take a quick break so so so hmm okay hello i'm back the deal chat what do you think are you wait yeah we got a real deal let's see we got a final offer hold on final offer number 95 whopper challenge do it tonight for 3 billion off the debt later this week is 1 billion no deal no deal no deal wow getting a lot of no deals right now no i'm do i'll do it later this week i i i don't want a whopper right now i want something else yeah i said if you presented me with a whopper i'd eat it i didn't say i would love to go order a fucking whopper pick gross shit they're no they're um they're they're okay uh is that well how many look at all these cat boys that's like cat boy number five a revised deal i'm not doing it tonight i will i will get burger king and i will open with that at some point this week i'm gonna do it because i think i think it's funny and i'm just i'm gonna do it i can't wait to do that because it's gonna make a lot of people um hate me all right let's keep going i want to go i'm almost at the end of this uh game some pretty sick art though what do you think i think so too hold on a second we got an animation you're gonna feel like shit for the rest of the stream yeah i don't want to eat like burger king right now not right now i thought about it i was really thinking about like no i almost walked right off the edge okay that was that was stupid all right i got the um i got the item let's just teleport 500 million per mick chicken eaten tonight i don't think you want to do that deal man i can eat dozens of chicken nuggets if i really was hungry and i really sat down i'm not kidding i could probably eat 50 in one sitting over the course of about maybe like an hour i could probably eat 50 mg chickens nuggets it's a lot that's too much better be careful all right so now it's time i have the relic of the item why are you still playing this i don't know because i want to see the huge battle that happens in about 10 minutes no i could i could definitely eat without a problem 20 to 30 chicken nuggets and i would be able to stand up and stretch my back and go oh i feel okay and i would lie down for a little while i'd be able to do it after about 30 i'd have to clock out i would maybe like 35 40. hey i can listen i can definitely eat as many chicken nuggets as years i've been alive guaranteed that's easy yeah for some of you for some of you 15 year olds some of you yeah what are you 16 20 18 30. i'm 35 that's a lot of nuggets some of you guys are like in your early 20s i'm in my mid-30s that's a lot different i know a lot of you guys are like oh yeah it was my 19th birthday i can eat 19 nuggets try 35. 35 is not impressive yes it is i gauge how impressive eating food is by the burger boy uh index here like the burger boy like tier list burger boy i think could i think burger boy one time ate like 44 or like 45 nuggets what would they come in six pieces right 6 12 18 twenty four thirty two thirty six thirty seven thirty three nine forty forty yeah like four no forty six burger boy eight four what i told you yeah i think burger boy's eaten 46 nuggets before in one sitting that's a lie somebody's wrong who the fuck is burger boy right a lot of you guys are new i forgot i forget that sometime who the fuck is burger boy all right here we go how would we get in the tower how do you feel about a full-scale war do we have enough men isn't there 10 000 possessed with my tactics and this weapon we could do it with 500 men you're the general so you would know when does the battle start prepare yourself and come back when you're ready then we will start okay i'm ready all you have are brooms rakes and kitchen knives take 15 of my men and flank through the right side of the tunnels the rest of the army will charge through the front gate ring the bell on this platform to start what do you want now all right let's go it's time to do it here we go start with the final battle start the battle by ringing the bell oh shit here they come i gotta get in there i gotta get in line [Music] wait 15 this is like a hundred what do you want to do guys why are we going through one single door this is not the easiest way for us to fucking lose go through a single bathroom doorway get out of the way wait what is going on uh [Applause] wait wait wait shit we gotta get in the front door of it hold on where's my where's my brake where's the brake how do i change weapons no i want come on john's fallen [Music] get in there and fight them they still can't get in they're all stuck in here why are they all going over here they're trying to climb the wall get out of the way move it's so stupid they're so stuck uh i wish i had a grenade or something i don't have any grenades i have nothing used a relic don't hit me i'm your captain dummy use the relic i i don't know where the where's the thriller broom repair kit crossbow stamina kitchen knife rake musket merchant crossbow okay for a second i thought that was one of ours but he was naked like he had his arm he took his armor off before he died i have no idea why though what am i pissing him off i don't think these guys have the help wait i can see that guy's bone [Applause] turn on potato mode so is gonna take a minute lowest resolution oh my god what just happened they turned into just shields except all right charge in this is like lord of the rings it is like lord of the rings and still only counts as one especially if you kill 15 of your own men let's do the highest let's do ultra everything ultra it's gonna crash no it's not i got a 1080. kennedy's still good enough still good okay it's raining right now and sometimes it's kind of hard to tell if this is red rain or not [Applause] i think we're gonna get in use the new weapon i i don't know where i don't have it where's my new weapon it's not even in my inventory on the right pile of paint blessing on the right look at the zombies [Applause] on the right i don't i don't know what you mean scroll i have on the right the general has it yeah he's nowhere to be found oh shit here we go we're moving we're on the move we're on the move we're on the move on the move go go go go go break that guy [Music] and i'm i don't get a sword come on this way are you running back why are they going backwards get over here into the castle [Applause] let's go oh just nice just bring your kid to work day uh all know give me a fucking break dad dad daddy [Applause] ow a little bastard i'm sorry i'm getting my dad why are we all going through this way again we're all going to get see we can pour it in excuse me excuse me i'm gonna get the bad guys yeah take it holy shit jonathan what was that a pretty good thing get into the front device that's my son up there i want to die i don't think they're even attacking they're just walking forward and and just overwhelming them and just like assimilating them into the crowd they're not even attacking it's just overwhelming numbers walking forward and stepping on them i've seen maybe one of them swing a sword two of them they're like an amoeba they're like a white blood cell getting a virus oh that was pretty sick okay it seems like we've taken the longest way possible to get to this castle right why couldn't we just walk forward why are we down in this like ravine what are we down here for i kind of want to go forward and see what's up here okay we're making our way all the way to the hand tower i kind of want to see what's up here no you're gonna break the sequence am i no no fall damage on people's heads holy fuck i'm almost dead [Applause] six [Applause] everybody why are they going left [Music] well i'm going left we need to go that way [Applause] visual representation of chat i kinda just want to get to like the destination already we have to go up in the tower how is it possible that i could be bored by this isn't that kind of bizarre i was supposed to sneak in oh my god i couldn't talk i was supposed to sneak in with 15 people i understand that but why are they going away from the power i went the wrong way he was spawning behind us i went the wrong way hold on can i fix it i'm gonna fix it somebody gave too many subs someone just gave a hundred community subs all right you guys zap x gave a hundred community subs holy shit dude what that what are you doing oh my god i can't even talk that's insane thank you so much for the insane amount of subs that's too many subs where these guys come from all right this way that's a sub for each soldier it's like the secret entrance i'm supposed to go through most of the stamina okay but that's the tower oh jesus hey who's up here those those are not mine those are not mine they're not my friends yeah good luck this is getting stumped i wish i had a grenade why don't how am i so unprepared all right there's a door up there i'm going for it now we made are we in how'd they get in how did they get in here oh my fucking god there's so many i'm gonna hide up i can fight about to kill him go ahead [Applause] dude i have no idea what the fuck is going on here all right we're gonna go up the stairs i gotta go up we're going upstairs what's up oh shit go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go um go i don't know where am i going hey great what was this doing here freddie dredd just gave 25 community subs welcome back freddy thanks for the subs freddy thanks to zap for the hundred and thanks ready for the 25. you guys you guys are trying to sub everybody that's in the game that's a lot of money thank you oh hold on and go i thought that was the boss holy shit just go um up up i don't know i don't know this game may be like sick again what broken sword oh actually kind of scared this i think this is kind of the end i don't have any pointy end friends where are my pointy end friends he left him all behind because they're going the wrong way okay you found it what'd i find victory for the humans light the fire let them see victory for the humans we did it what do we do and tower ascent go to the top of the tower oh i got a long way to go i'm not even close i'm just a raid oh shit i did miss a raid all sham no wow what's up thanks for the raid dude hope you had a good stream currently trying to parkour up the tower i think the great song thanks thanks thank you for the raid thank you for raid thank you parade thank for the raid thank you i have to jump in uh do i have to jump and get this yes you yes bank yes four yes what is that a pickup that was weird holy shit oh my god i thought i just freaked out and i pressed the buttons i did it i made it i'm good why is this segment in the game are you kidding me do i actually have to do i really have to jump from here to there i don't right do i actually have to do that now what the fuck am i supposed to do loot there's nothing here there's actually nothing here box i can't open it there's nothing in here why oh i really don't know how i'm supposed to get up there i guess i gotta climb this i just fell off the whole thing wall the wall need an eagle why would i need an eagle i really don't understand what's happening but i'm going uh how did i lose how did i lose like ascend you got to be kidding me dude no way no fucking way don't put that there why is that there why is this part of the game in the game a blacksmith hammer oh dear this is so hard save what i mean save there's no saving save where what am i supposed to do here i don't what what this is ridiculous i'm supposed to go on the cage i can't move i can't move i'm stuck i can't move hold on i can't even let it go i can't let go my hands are stuck [Laughter] no i just have to hang up here my arms have wedged into the steel look at all the blood this is to wait here till i starve to death come on it can't be the end here right that can't be real just hang here till morning oh how am i supposed to get up there spam everything i'm pressing every button p o i y t a f k quest log turn off the light teleport wait where the hell am i i still have to climb the tower this is just a chest i can store stuff i'll give you that back i still have to get to the top of the tower how am i supposed to rely how do you do that why did they add this weird far cry segment where you just jump and parkour up a tower seems like it shouldn't sorry i couldn't mute it didn't work it didn't work you can't grab the cage it didn't work you can't grab the cage it didn't work it doesn't work you can't grab the cage it doesn't work you can't grab the cage you cannot grab the cage confirmed i just confirmed it okay you can't you hello can i move look up the ending on youtube i don't think this game hasn't end yet yeah i'm just a ghost i think i'm dead i think that's it i think this is when i die it's over you help me i can't move i'm stuck in spectator mode oh well there it goes did that work finish the climb i don't know if i can even do it hold on when i laughed really hard at all the people stuffed into the hallway i gave myself the cough again i started laughing and it was just that's it he's gonna take two weeks off no i'm not get some water i have a drink right here nobody click this has been fun though i'm glad i played it it was just like it was just crunchy enough i really want to get to the top of the tower though what was the backup game oh i guess i can tell you now game was uh the leaf blowing simulator idle game looks awesome i can't wait to play it all right follow up with the wait what wait i don't have to do this play it i'm gonna play it you'll see it i will in the house hey i'm back what's the status i haven't made it up the tower yet i found the body part i've been what do you need it for i cannot use this weapon relics to its full power without the body part of a god what are you gonna do with this weapon it's not of your concern i'm the bad guy i'm a very i'm bad you won't be leaving this place oh it was really ow oh fuck you you can't open doors yes again he's a person let's go come on oh i know what i know what to do i'm gonna lead him into the fucking i'm gonna lead him into all the zombies where is he come on dude let's go level 20. all right yeah i gotta i'm gonna just just i'm gonna kite this guy all the way from the badlands to stormwind and this motherfucker is gonna get destroyed am i going the right way okay we i think get out of this venue get out of the menu you just run into something [Laughter] no he's stuck in the rocks come on get up he's pissed come here i need some enemies where are their enemies where are the enemies on the map up here right okay come this way is this not supposed to happen yet i don't i think it wasn't he's level 20. look if i have to walk him into the ocean and get killed by the boogeyman guy that's what i'm gonna do the zombies are all dead are they all right keep going we'll get them they're zombies near the tower yep okay oh there's some up there too but i think there's more over this way take him to the windmill i can't i don't remember where the windmill is guys i don't remember where the windmill is where's the windmill get out before he gets me where's the windmill i forget where the windmill is it's like all the way down here isn't it i forget i'll find it let's see if i can get him there just to go this direction come on worst joke that's this is not a joke this is just a destiny this has to happen this is not a joke this is this dude's destiny windmill it's coming up here somewhere isn't it it's down it's down here hey no deal i'm not making a deal i just want to do this to this guy a little bit more down this way lead him off a cliff i guess i could i could just but i don't think he'll come up the mountain is that the windmill is that it right there this is actually the final boss this is it up here isn't it no holy shit this is so far all right well there's people here nevermind will they attack him [Music] they do attack him let me get a cheap shot right hand where'd he go where is he where'd he did he go [Laughter] it's just oh i can't even anymore man this is so stupid i'm just gonna lead him into the water fucking i don't care stop oh my god is he still out here i think he might be still out here what the fuck he's dead who killed him what did he walk up no what you guys don't understand is i hit this guy in the head like 10 times with a hammer eventually the adrenaline's gonna wear off and you're gonna fall down you're gonna go to one knee and you're gonna die man i hit him right in the back of the head like six times oh that was so dumb whatever hey i hope all hey the general tried to kill me by the way yes after the invasion of the tower i obtained a body part of a god the general tried to kill me in attempt to take it for himself i'm sorry to hear this but somehow i'm not surprised the general's behavior recently changed after he started studying the relic i'm not sure what he's planning to do with it i see it's something i should tell you i've been having visions i wasn't sure if they were real until now visions of what ever since i was marooned here a mysterious white figure has been appearing and talking to me who do you think the white figure is i think he might be some quote of god he gave me the mark on my hand well that confirms the visions are true okay like i'm not i wasn't smoking in the bathroom you just believe me what is the relevance of these body parts he said that he could only take physical form once all the body parts sounds like we may have yet a chance i strongly advise you continue on this journey do you know of any other towers there are three possibly four i don't know sorry i'm not much of a navigator okay good luck i will spread the word about what you are doing as well as the general's betrayal thank you hope we qua cross paths again four more towers i can tell you right now i ain't doing the other four towers the mcrib tower but i just want to look at it i just want to see it you died you didn't even do this tower that's true i know i just want to look at this tower it's in the snow area it's right here all right i just wanna see climb the bar no i'm not climbing anymore i'm not climbing the tower anymore all right we need to go this way towers that way that's the direction i'm going let's go there's the windmill too damn it i don't even know what killed that guy either way is there a better way to go um i gotta get up here uh yeah just go around i'm not gonna fuck around and die it'd be stupid my whole body hurts right now my face hurts my eyes hurt oh we had a shitload of subs come in too ash 686868 gave 25 community sub thank you ash for the insane sub drop thank you it's a lot of money thank you okay i'm gonna go this way i just hit myself in the face with the hammer i hit it off the rock and it bounced back and the spike hit me in the forehead all right here we are almost there oh i can't believe he played this all night are we sure he isn't being paid i don't no i don't think you understand i wasn't gonna give up after the first hour oh shit look at this very cool let's go cool all right first stop a lot of fighting going on here a lot of fighting going on here why can't i stand on this don't die don't die don't die seriously see what uh i got some stuff going on over the next couple of days i got to really hunker down and do some work uh german rumble characters are about to go into full force this is a lot of new characters i really gotta get some time into that uh and the new year's eve stuff too by the way you only have another couple of days to nominate something so go take a look at the categories in the discord channel i would do that if i were you if you want to participate and i will be back on thursday late afternoon gonna be starting late on thursday somewhere probably around we're gonna do probably gonna do a night stream on thursday i'll be like after like about five or six p.m pacific we're gonna do a night stream but uh sorry that the week is going to be and next week too it's like holidays i've got a lot of stuff going on next week i will not be around so i'm gonna do what i can i'm gonna try to do what i can got a lot of characters to make too so this is actually a lot of fun um this was a really i had a great time so hope you did too of course as always let's run the credits well this music is still just playing let's do a raid uh yeah we'll do a raid tonight let's see the choice is here uh we are going to raid kit boga it's always nice to catch uh kid focus raymond so we're gonna raid kit go say hello funny guy really really awesome stream you never watched i'm sure all of you have i mean it's kit poga come on and i'll see you guys on thursday thank you for the stuff there's a lot of subs it was like i had 300 community subs tonight or something insane crazy thank you guys hope to see you again really soon we're gonna start fear two on thursday evening you like that game i've never played it i go in i have no idea no clue more community subs they just come in right now they did uh haven is bad or sorry haven is bald thank you haven is bald i'm gonna be there too pretty soon not quite but maybe a little bit later when you're gonna play the leaf blowing game probably at some point when fear is done i'm sure what how long is sphere two 12 hours something 8 to 12. i would take two uh streams to do it's 40 hours what no it's like 10. this music works pretty well here year two is barely eight yeah we'll do it at least one or two streams that was a great outro there goes a little kit boga are you done with the yakuza um we'll see we'll see that will be decided somehow i wonder how maybe we'll find out in a couple of weeks we'll see thanks for watching as always take care guys see you thursday wait what oh are they in oh i don't know who knows you have no idea good night guys i'll see you soon you
Channel: Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 99,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, stream, streams, full stream, archive, the black masses, jerma the black masses, pc
Id: keZOia1Onlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 285min 48sec (17148 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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