Jerma Streams - Flash Games (Part 3)

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what's up how you doing there's a bird at my window i i sorry i was like one minute late i had to see it i heard like a tapping like tap at the window i was like this is a bird a hat's definitely a bird he's like i gotta see him i missed him didn't see the bird unfortunately uh as you can listen to me you hear the voice right kind of getting back to normal that's a a little grungy but you know has a good excuse so uh those of you that didn't know the reason why i've been gone for the last like four or five days is specifically because i couldn't talk i was sick for about a week and a half with some type of cold or flu or something i tested negative for covet that's a good thing but i i blew out my voice the day after that last stream i sounded like this i couldn't even talk because i blew my voice out somehow how am i talking now um because that was a week ago john rivers yeah no the last yeah i don't know when i turned the stream on last that's the last time that i was like alive i just go into like a hibernation i go you just power me off and then you turn me back on hold on i gotta get auto okay but now i'm feeling a lot better i haven't been sick for probably at least a few days but i'm just barely last night into today i haven't had a just completely constricted horrendous voice so i didn't want to talk i'm trying to keep my mouth shut and here we are now i should be fine scrap this [ __ ] for an auto stream oh i just want to like chill and like play flash games i wouldn't even scrap this [ __ ] people have been asking for flash games for like a year i'm not gonna play cyberpunk i probably i don't know i probably will never play cyberpunk you want to be honest it's probably cool i don't know maybe eventually i mean like a look i i'm like i play new games a year after they come up for like at least a few months what is this hold on cyberpunk sucks does it i mean i don't think it does who told you that we had a bunch of subs coming thank you uh nukable super bruce bananarism and the fuli all five community subs back to back to back to back to back thanks guys all bugs and no snacks but yeah how is it is it any good do a cheese and wine tasting stream i didn't even tweet the stream out yet hold on everybody it says in the title just chill okay uh five subs from any neb subs here are there burma please we need the funny that's what i'm doing here man i'm trying to come back so i can give you the funny i almost just like coughed like phlegm puked on you and that would have been horrible some of you heard it some of you were like i heard that that was like phlegm coming up from like your esophagus all the way into your mouth you heard it i know some of you did that's why it took a little bit of time also we have to talk really quickly about of course that an anonymous gifter has given five community subs besides that um in the discord right now guess what channel just opened come on let's see some slug pogs uh the new year's eve nomination and discussion channel is open you're going to be able to nominate stuff maybe even add categories it's just open for discussion it's going to be up there for another probably eight to ten days the voting will commence after that so you got about ten days to figure out your nominations for the year cyberpunk in two hours i'm not i don't care look i'm not playing cyberpunk that's a reddit game it's not a reddit game no that's a mainstream huge video game so many people are waiting for that that's not just like redditers that are waiting to play cyberpunk this that game had like 600 million pre-orders only like 12 million people use reddit well okay i gotta go between this hold on reddit game i was just wrote cyberpunk and then for like my stream but no i can't do that that's misleading no i'm not going to do that i'm not going to piss people off for no reason although i kind of do that anyways sometimes i do that like for fun all the time i didn't even say a title i just wrote my stream [ __ ] it's been a week give me a little give me a minute flash games dude i'm so high right now it took so much flash games dude i'm not i'm kidding i'm not an intake i haven't i have not consumed a marijuana product in probably three weeks okay relax clip it you can play dead space um i don't yeah maybe like eventually before i turn 40. oh i'm assuming that before i turn 40 i'll play dead space oh you'll see it before i turn 40. all right you guys ready you guys ready for this i i don't even hold on wait let me make sure my uh because i know everyone's gonna freak out and be like dude why do you have click maps come on dude i'm gonna have them but i'm gonna it's gonna be streamer's choice and then your choice i'm on congregate and i'm on armor games if i missed one please tell me i missed one but i'm just gonna play some flash games whatever let's go let me just get the click maps ready no not neopets uh neopets is i don't know i'm not playing these that's holy [ __ ] like i'm you know what i want to see i might have logged into twitch what the [ __ ] i got logged out of twitch have i not been have i not opened it in like three two weeks i have to like hold on you gotta feed your little gremlin i don't no i don't want to do neopets they'll die i'll do a neopet stream we'll hang out for a little while and it'll be cool you got like a little octopus buddy dude oh my god you fed him like his favorite treat like octopus food everyone will freak out and it'll be fine and then i'll never hear the end of it when after two or three weeks when i don't play the game and people say check on your neopets and they're all dead um you guys are going to be very upset with me and i don't want to do that true yeah i know i know trust me i know all right let me turn on let me get click maps ready because i know everyone's gonna say do it do it do it you're [ __ ] making me so angry you're pissing me off jeremy there's no click maps i'm gonna punch you in the mouth i'm gonna punch you as hard as i can in the mouth like all right well just relax it's in the title okay uh shall we what should i start with congregate or armored games i guess doesn't really matter right we'll go to armor games first um why are people already doing click maps stop clicking on the screen it's not ready yet stop clicking i have tried just turned it off viruses everywhere there's no viruses here relax it's in the title come on come on quick hey we get it you smoke i don't so what should i play what we got these are new games how about bouncy quest is bouncy quest any good has anybody played bouncy quest oh let's try it oh can i make this full screen please tell me i can turn it on i just did loading okay is there a full screen in on uh armor games ow this happened in real life i that's i seriously feel like i got hit in the head by frying pan i got hit right in the [ __ ] head by a frying pan i gotta turn this onto my mixer i know that's i feel like that's what it would feel like jesus i end up with like okay is that better now we gotta zoom this [ __ ] in the hell i have to manual zoom there's a devin chat no no no leave it leave it what do you mean leave it control plus no i'm going to do a manual zoom [Laughter] no hey we're doing the game awards tomorrow by the way those of you that might get excited over that one all right we got the manual zoom what the [ __ ] what just happened i'm supposed to be playing bouncy quest did i just open like an ad paid okay wait now it's not zoomed in for me though this needs to be zoomed in well i need to do a manual zoom on my own control plus right okay i gotta know i got i got i got it a manual zoom i have to manual zoom and i'm gonna manually zoom you out omega low quiet quiet all right that was that we're fine we're playing bouncy quest uh how do we play oh this has got a good soundtrack super foil thanks for 10 community subs level select level one bouncy quest how do you play bounce how do you play save use the arrow keys to move okay there's one it's not centered all right just hold on i'm trying i'm working on it there is it better that's better okay we're fine all right let's go let's go hey cyberpunk no [ __ ] cyberpunk bouncy quest play this is the only level watch out for spikes this is fun i like this how do you jump higher oh that one's extra bouncy quest this is the only level obviously this is level four i don't know what you're talking about watch out for enemy slime jump onto a linimate eliminate eliminate i said that right right eliminate did i say that wrong that was weird right thank you for winning those what this dude is zonked i'm not sucked dude when does cyberpunk come out oh dude cyberpunk what when they do not leap when they sleep hey i got a cyber game for you hey guys i got i got psy i got so i got a cyber game early oh he did didn't he does he got does he did he get an early copy of does it have a copy of a game that like people don't have right now i wonder what that could be of course i mean of course please don't be naked of course i'm talking about siberia 20 27. siberia the year 2027 for the 3do you don't think i came prepared for the launch of this is the right one right this is the right one i'm your mother at gamestop that buys you the wrong game no mom you i didn't want the spongebob game i wanted gta henry you're 14. mom buy me that game where you can see naked people hey idiot what [ __ ] hold on this game's cool siberia you got an emote i did why make sure you do the nominations guys make sure you get some nominations and you only got like 10 days how do i keep dying from the same person it's like have i not have not burned in my memory that that person is here this music's pretty good though i will say what's this game called bouncy castle dev here where's dev i don't know what the dev is certified idiot what i'm doing fine off high five look at chat stop leave me alone no screaming my voice is gone i just looked over a chat i have not had any marijuana products in like three weeks okay relax thank you bbb for the five q a lot of community subs today what are you guys doing all right i think i'm done with okay i'm done with [ __ ] bouncy quest i swear to god i'm not like pretending i gotta beat this level though i'm not pretending by the way speaking of pretending that is a new category in uh the 2020 best of uh worst of the year your nominations for the new category of worst he is pretending moment where you thought i had to have been making it up there's no way it would be fake there's no way it would be real i mean you know i swear to god i promise bouncy loungy what time that person out i don't know what they said all right i'm done i'm done with bouncy castle i don't want to play it anymore no more bouncy castle for me this is so easy and i just i'm just like not paying attention pay attention so glad i didn't decide to play spelunky too today it's just not one of those days right you can already tell it's not one of those days i beat it see are you gonna cry on new year's are you gonna cry on new year's what what are you talking about jump on top to break stop breaking them you [ __ ] i'm gonna do what i'm gonna do can you see the mouse oh [ __ ] that's what everybody was yelling at me for i'm sorry everybody was screaming at me they were like get it off the screen get it off all right i gotta beat one more level in bouncy quest and then we're gonna move on to the next one whatever it is i don't know i'm like no we're done how about idle racing simplified racing game where you don't actually race but manage cars garages and races each races has its upgrades in racing our choice now okay well it has to be on a page let me choose let me choose alright well hold on you guys want to choose one here okay you guys can choose one here go ahead today oh make him do a puzzle game yakuza zero waiting room i'll go back to that and i'll go back to that after the game awards just let one random person choose maybe i'll do that eventually i'm just hanging out today i'm just trying to ease back into it man all right looks like we have i mean i said i the streamer said the thing so that's why everybody clicked it i right we're gonna do idle racing for a little while see how much i like it hey under armour thanks for the five give me that's not your name under and drew thanks for the five community subs all right we're doing idle idle racing thanks for voting see if this game's any good rigged how is it rigged play this is the only level i i'll play this is the only level in like a in a minute idle racing buy your first car and start performing this you guys this is way too this is messed up here hold on play the game i want all right that's better right you're gonna play the game i want i've i probably will eventually you just gotta be patient okay buy your first car and start racing go to dealer no sponsor compact car i like those family car uh no spawn city car or off-road let us pick no all right well i want to do a city car probably um i don't know the simpsons car okay i'm gonna do the simpsons homer simpson's car how much money do i have is my money city 5300 where's my money wait is this is this an ad go to the dealer buy your first no sponsor compact oh i just have to get one of these i don't have oh i have where's my money this is how much money i have oh [ __ ] okay it's up there it's a little too big hold on just look you [ __ ] dope okay i'm just gonna get a basic compact car one acceleration one speed one um hinderance bought it okay now we go to the race this one here free race the first place gets 50 takes five seconds select my car i'm gonna be using the winning chance is bad on this one but okay race okay i'm done give me another one i don't want to do this i want a better one this game's good i don't know this is like a game that you like sit on the toilet and play for like four hours all right give me another one what was it called this is the only level should i play that one i'll do sympocalypse i'm going to streamers choice guys i'm going to be here all night we're good i'll be here for like at least five hours this is the demo version standalone game will all be with all unlocked features is coming to steam on december 15 2020 oh uh so should i play the demo what if i like it sign up for the beta hold on it's too zoomed in i'm not gonna put my email in anywhere how would i put my email in do it do it guys you got some of you might remember back in the day there would be a mall just they would well of course there would there'd be a mall you know back then when they were malls uh at your mall there used to be a little drop box where you would just sign up to try to win something you would put all your information on it and drop it into a little box and hope you like got like your name on a list or something or you got where this is like this is dropping your name in that like mall box of signing up for [ __ ] just you're just giving an email to somebody and what are they going to use it for they're going to tell you about beta testing they might it's not a there's a bad analogy no it's not maybe you just write their full addresses and [ __ ] and put it in that slot your email address is your like on your email address is your online address you don't want anybody to have that [ __ ] that you don't want that's why it's called email address it's your internet e-address no it's not yes it is you gotta be careful don't [ __ ] around that's your ip no it's not it's your email address the world as you know is gone human greed inevitably led to war after 10 years the radiation settled down enough for small groups of survivors start coming out of their nuclear shelters you are the leader of one of them okay everything is ruined resources even gone but this must not be our end explore and establish your settlement to survive good luck okay starting boost select your home continent if you start in africa plus 30 suppose 30 faster builders suggested australia 20 mining rate europe plus 20 knowledge gain asia plus 30 citizen gain north america with a 50 lower market spread what antarctica plus 40 water gain uh the mining assume north america i don't know 50 lower market spread whatever start exploring get out of your shelter and start exploring for resources to survive the post-apocalyptic era your group of survivors is small but maybe you can find other startups by exploring the area around your shelter there have to be resources we can use around here i'm not next thing already what we did that already started assign some explorers okay assign some citizens to focus on exploring and look for resources don't next me yet i'm not ready okay so i want to put sign explorers okay they're exploring uh scavengers assigned citizens to start collecting food for your explorers oh this is cool it's just like a everyone you kind of spread people out to do different tasks and stuff it's an idol game i know all right just let me give me a minute let me see how good it is and have one scavenger i'm seeing a lot of resident sleepers and it's really starting to make me self-conscious as a streamer um let's go with five uh scavengers it's making me look a little self-conscious [Music] water and food are critical drinking water oh um okay i guess you know when you like yourself uh when you get like yourself in trouble here because i did i was too lazy to type in i i searched armor games this harvest game's a safe website i couldn't just write no i had to search for it and then click on it that's lazy but that's lazy for all the wrong reasons because it's adding extra steps that's kind of bizarre okay what should i play what's up this on the front page this is oh wait popular games here we go raid heroes total war mob wars which one of these is actually like should i play this is not the only level this is not this please sort by god what sort by god all games action games wait hold on adventure games there is no game did we do that one yes okay if you like this non-game go check out the steam page what do you mean steam page is this another one of those sign up for the beta because the is the demo better with audio this is crosshair not a game by kami zoto probably not made with constructs there is no game hello user i i have bad news oh it's beautiful leave there's no game so i hope you are not too much disappointed you can still watch tv go outside read a book ask for a refund ah no no refund that gun is free this is not a game it has nothing to do with the game it's just a massive package of boredom okay cool so i just sit here and let this guy like give me like comedy lines right here is that clicking on stuff you can quit and leave me alone oh oh oh oh sorry what have you done you've just ruined the title put it back put the letter back okay no come on come on i'm trying to put the letter back dude ah never mind i will fix it next time someone will launch the game the non-game there no game here no game game he said no no game click game no game i have to refresh the page pop right delete the y what what is this i can't click it use the o what delete the a i can't do anything there is no gamo i don't know their oeo is i don't know stop why what do i do oh [ __ ] wait wait wait wait wait seriously are you going to break everything i'm here to touch that that that was everywhere what do you think about that all right then we have to crush him i can still get it stop it now i think we're good sorry i had to use the sword of procedures but i had to i love the voice i love the accent he sounds like oh what's his name oh my god don't try to break that one oh his name peter oh peter not it's peter what is it peter oh he's he's in um what's the game with the horror game yes stormer peter stormer i love that accent it's great you're stubborn as in you call superman for that one what first name i don't know stormer storm i know superman does not exist but as we're in again no we're not the guy from fargo you're still there wait what you're thinking about how to lift that big box on you check this [ __ ] out guys now you get audio cues as to how fast i can do that what was that what was it doing oh pick up the o and drop the o there uh grab the e grab the h it's going to be a screamer i don't think so it's a hit sound it kind of is isn't it yeah you have pyro running around holding down the button you just turn the corner in dust bowl and you don't even care if you instantly explode the final point on dust ball when there's like four engineers with four sentry guns pointing at you just turn the last corner and even though you're dead in a half of a second you hold the button down and you hear this and then you hear you're like yeah yeah you're still on fire all you [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yes yes go on destroy my life what the mess this screws i hope you will clean the place before living just what do you think you're doing music this is pretty cool there is a game look it's private you're going to do a terrible mistake there is a game i can spell it [Music] oh cool this is one of my favorite games breakout templates forbidden if you play they will come i don't want them to come but they can't kill me you know please oh arrow keys how do i move oh bug snacks bug snacks ending what do you mean uh there's a fun game what oh [ __ ] i mean um nobody listed oh [ __ ] um [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what do i say what do i do what do i do what do i do what do i do what do i do what do i do what do i do oh i bug snacks um ending like when i ended the stream and i like [ __ ] go i like played breakout at the end of that stream i must find a way to stop you no there's no one i'm talking about like a game like without the ball that was a bad save look who cares actually actually i was just trying to live now please i i don't feel well was he talking about i'm sick we just kind of spoiled the end of bug snacks so i just desperately tried to pretend like we didn't for the one person that doesn't think that we did oh no they're here how is this even remotely like that by the way like that how is not talking about spoilers i see three possible things gorgeous on hero girls or ton of zombies and broad of course or uh goat cypher try to find one of these three things okay so we have to find to find a goat perhaps the litters can help us okay there is a goat zombies okay it's attractive all right well we gotta go now all right obviously the cage is locked you must find the key all right we need a key key key key can i spell key look the key get it hey that flying squirrel took it you must get it back find a ladder or find a ladder i'm going to go something you can climb can i climb what can i climb uh it reminds me of my childhood i spell it just decline the universe in the garden the good luck my guide yes climb a tree i'm a waterfall this is a small tree if only it was bigger i get a big tree all right i'm gonna take it over here i bring water over here there's water here all right i need to bring the water over here bring water to that tree pocket bucket a uh container a um a box a a um a i'm gonna bring water over here i need a bucket my throat that's five letters man yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna drink it and i'm gonna come back over and regurgitate it into the tree i need to see the words let me see the letters more more more water trophy read chat the trophy oh oops backseaters what i didn't know it was actually okay whatever give me some more keep going more save the goat i'm i'm that's what i'm trying to do isn't it trying to save the goat he [ __ ] finally did it hey i this is give me that key and then you go over your friend's house and they have a [ __ ] really annoying hit sound and you just have to play on their terrible hit sound and they think it's funny but you think it's annoying can i go even higher all right i need to take that what does squirrel like nuts uh nuts i can't spell nuts does it go even higher no i have to go higher it's nuts but there's no end can i get a nut somewhere nut uh no water i need a nut i dropped the drop the safe on his head why would i do this like terrible i pick can i move this is it in it's in the tree got it [ __ ] come here oh you have to break it oh all right wait wait i got i got i got i got i got i got it give me that all right i got the key save to go you've got the key now pretty good to transform that glitchy program into a commercial hit save the goat save the world open was alive now what i'm i'm not dead i'm alive i was wrong it was a bad idea everything disappeared except me how old is this game i don't know probably a lot pretty old it's all my fault please will you forgive me no oh there it is all right that's called that was called there is no game now play there is only one level wait what did that say world 1 billion off dead if he gets world record speed run in any of these games that's not going to happen all right now play there is only one level so there first there was no game but now there's one level okay is it on here oh i played the absolute hell out of this on ipad i like almost 100 at this game like a year or two ago is it on here it's called there is only one level just search for it uh okay there is a bomb i don't think it's on armor games this is the only this is a work of fiction this is the only level there's four of these this is there's five of these games this is the only level this game requires flash flash is blocked [ __ ] does it it looks like it's loading oh well hold on yeah by the way the reason why we're doing this is because in like two or three weeks flash is literally going to be deleted from the internet these are nice flash games hold on let me do this go into go into settings should i do this is bad settings site settings flash site settings isn't it highly recommended not to do this not yet okay site settings uh flash block sites from using flash okay we're going to allow ask first is what it says [Laughter] i can't even allow it i have to do ask first okay well let's uh to reboot it okay run flash this time okay it'll work i don't think it did oh [ __ ] what happened what happened already did i get hacked already what happened i turned i turned on flash and i get a notification they really don't want you to turn this on they've i desperately do not want you to turn this on flash player will no longer be supported turn it off holy [ __ ] man i see how come i can't capture the window now oh okay there we go that was weird okay all right so this is the only level this game is flash is blocked it's not i just unblocked it i don't think i can play this oh click it click i i look i don't use i never really use chrome i'm a firefox guy there's only one level okay play it that's based of course it is why would you use chrome it uses like 40 cpu well zilla's got like quantum techno mozilla has quantum technology i've read that did you read that about mozilla quantum firefox quantum yes i'm aware that that's just like infomercial speak of like new and improved it's just soap and water i know but like they say the new technology the new soap bubble technology i get it i play or continue level one i have a timer hold on this i gotta zoom this in what i feel like i've played this game before does the timer matter okay uh arrow keys all right stage complete but this is the level over okay so they made my controls backwards i remember this game from like 2001. i think before doing i remember this game this is one of those original like troll games alternate control scheme uh what mouse oh okay get in this is like the impossible quiz where you had to memorize every single answer free floating it's a legendary game yeah that's a bit bouncy okay i'll get it this is not like the impossible quiz yeah but it was it was the same time frame wait i can't jump oh these all came out like around the same time with the impossible quiz today you know what's really funny i probably have still i played that game so often when i was younger i think i probably haven't memorized a shitload of those answers andy stripes of doom i guess don't touch pink okay don't touch pink how do i [Music] oh [ __ ] hold on am i supposed to get up there 100 million off the debt if you can do the impossible quiz i think i remember most of the answers [Laughter] arrow control oh [ __ ] hold on uh you know you know when you go to your friend's house and they've got a [ __ ] crazy hits out okay then do it i have to click heavy headwind here look at how fun this is remember when well do you remember when like video games were like so much better so much like time and passion went into it this ain't even boomer what are you talking about this is like millennial this game came out when i was like probably 14 15 or something good raid we're rated raider we get a raid did we get a raid oh [ __ ] it's uh kit bogan get vogue raid i got to sing the rings the raid song uh hey thank you for the raid well i'm doing it to this song in the background thanks kit i hope you had a good streak today hope you had a good stream welcome everybody we're currently just doing flash games and chilling for a little bit i actually saw a pretty funny kit pogo clip recently and when um he was talking to a scammer that didn't believe he was him scammer was like yeah i'm a big fan of kit buggy it's not you he's like okay he's like maybe one day you'll get to talk to him and the guy's like yeah maybe it's not you though but uh welcome guys thanks for the red one i could only jump once yeah we're currently playing games that you know you look back and you go like man back when people made games like passion like super mario super mario 2 super mario 3. impossible game time to refresh i mean what i have to actually hit f5 no you don't but is it going to count though because flash player is like dead and broken will it remember oh okay welcome to the channel thank you kit boga for that sweet ass raid that was a bad one but that was a good one but it was a bad one at the same time why am i at level one it was like i that was the yikes oh what have did i get baited oh for that sweet ass braid no i don't want to do this whole thing again did i get do fooled impossible quiz no let me get past that let me do this first i'll do this quick think before doing turn on cookies i'm gonna turn cookies on impossible quiz i will do the impossible quiz i promise by the end of the stream today i will have completed the impossible quiz okay you understand at least let me make this i know people are calling me a liar that's fine at least the first 50 levels okay i will get to level 50. i know there's like 125 levels but i'll get to at least level 50. moving a goal post that's fine i'll continue to do so oh that's singing you said you'd beat it oh come on what the [ __ ] no no what the heck i'm gonna i guess i'm just all going on youtube guys come on come on come on and then what's gonna happen is whenever i do whenever i get really close to dying the camera's gonna zoom the [ __ ] in right at when i fall down right there it's like a one second cut like no no no i got it i got it i got it no oh i mean no oh there we go let's consume we're getting close and it's gonna zoom looking close to my face i'm gonna be going like this don't don't use that perfect dog camp today heir pet him all right otto otto who's a good dog ajo move i'm how's my hair it's there it's there you've got to press it on you i've got you thinking that's what you do baby hold it down there in dmc amy well that means i did a good job so go ahead what the [ __ ] it's there it's a great song no returns no refunds it's coming up it's coming up it's coming up it's coming up it's there left right march i i actually haven't heard the new gorillaz album i really haven't it's kind of bad i love that man stop playing this trash i will okay time to refresh why though why is it doing this to refresh i'm not pressing f5 again you have to enable cookies is that cookies are enabled [Music] turn on cookies and refresh they already they're on all right give me the let's go i'm doing possible quiz that one was fun impossible ball well that's not it where's impossible quiz is it on congregate and plot oh there we go possible quiz wait impossible game save link flash hello players the latest version of chrome includes enhanced security that must be configured to allow flash oh god okay use the supernova plug-in as an easy way to enable um and it's already installed isn't it a go get flash player you would click the link i'm [ __ ] i'm afraid i'm afraid to click the link i don't think i'm hold on what's this zorn lovers i'm only five miles away [Laughter] it took all right it took me a second to realize what this was and then it was very funny all right let's get it [Laughter] okay we're gonna enable it i guess is it gonna work i think it worked did it work it's not loading it though just blank hold on let me try to refresh refresh come on is there another one wait there's another one impossible quiz dot is that is that a good one is this a real website did you just [ __ ] type this in and make it up oh this feels like a fate this doesn't feel like a real website to me it's real it's real okay all right this website uses cookies eat them i'm five miles away i'd love to chat can i get rid of these ads though like really what the [ __ ] just happened i just got i just clicked an ad this is what this was an ad you suck the game's taking impossibly long to load but it'll be worth it oh it's part of the joke what the [ __ ] i just clicked the ad again hurry up this is i want to get hold on get rid of this i'm not gonna let this i'm not gonna stand for this i'm not gonna i'm not going to stand for this i'm sorry that's not gonna happen wait a minute what's that slot machine okay oh my [ __ ] god jeremy i just gave this website like i'm why is this doing this play the zorn game i'm on the impossible quiz why is this doing this i didn't even click anything i highlighted text stop i'm trying to get i [ __ ] got it okay we're finally done we're finally done we're ready i'm gonna i remember half of these answers i remember half these answers oh all right impossible quiz i remember let's go let's see how many i remember are you ready it's time let's see if i can remember these how many holes in a in polo that's two because they're actually they're talking about the word polo no they're not another night i forgot i missed it already uh how many holes in apollo one cause it's a t-shirt okay that's wrong what four because it's polo the word okay can a match box no but a tin can as far as resolving to k-o click the answer it's the answer put the mouse on here now don't touch the blue sure thing i won't onion that would be shallots the answer is really big an elephant search for it it's not there it's not there it's right there what was the answer to question two would be that one choose the food it's the teeth what follows december second that would be n click the smallest it's this one it's this one what sound does a bell make fatang what can you put in a bucket to make it lighter uh a hole oh i got kind of close though i could do it how many houses to follow that before where's the music and they're usually music where's the sounds okay how many how many holes in a polo four can a match box no but it's in can that's a ko click the answer mouse over here next question please shallots the answer is really big it's an elephant search for it right here what was the answer this one teeth uh n click the smallest what sound does bell make the tang what can you put in a bucket to make it lighter torch oh this would be horse what is the seventh letter of the alphabet a b c d e f g it's g but it's probably not g it is a one two three four five six seven would be the letter e one two one two three four five six seven h 24 minus seven equals that would be 24 23 to 21 20 19 18 17. um it's not i i this is no it's a trick there it is stop i believe the answer is banana it's hammer uh color in the correct order that would be blue orange green green yellow masterpiece thank you deal or no deal no deal no yeah no it was deal i forget i think it was no seal watch carefully this one the choice is yours i would like plus one skip save changes to untitled no cancel [ __ ] all right i gotta get it four can i match box numbers you can it's a ko uh click the answer this one here put it over here dallas go ahead uh elephant how much do i get if i beat this that one teeth second okay click the small one it's a tang it's a torch that's a horse uh that seventh of the alphabet was um wait it was h 17 hammer blue orange green green yellow good deal or no deal seal watch carefully it's this one plus one skip same changes to untitled bran okay i know how to do this one click click the lives button how do you kill a werewolf with shoe polish which of these places names doesn't exist oh i don't i think it's our spacey okay i hope you've been paying attention to the questions numbers go to 21. go to 24. go to 26. which of these places names doesn't exist r spacey go 28. what is this that would be abundance what flavor is cardboard it would be uh um oh i forget uh talc [ __ ] egg mayonnaise okay put the mouse here be careful woof i believe this is woof woof woof what are the main ingredients of shampoo uh rocks and sausages nope baby champ okay how many letters in his hand one one two three four five six seven eight nine there's nine there but that's not what they're asking one two three four five six seven elephants don't like mice they don't so get it off the screen so they can move in read chat what if you press this button it's game over right alternatively click this one to carry on what do you call a wingless fly that is a jason [ __ ] what are you guys saying he doesn't need to rechat no i'm i'm trying to do this on my own heyo click the answer i told you i knew half of these already i played this so many times when i was younger that one teeth this one oh don't do that don't right click tang a torch horse h 17 the hammer blue orange green green yellow go ahead seal it's this one plus a skip ran click the v uh um shoe polish right yeah okay our spacey go to 28. that's abundance it was egg mayonnaise start here be careful good woof woof baby cham seven watch out what are you doing god gamer god wait boomer reliving his youth what are you linking here put an emote only you lost 2 000 viewers whatever i don't care okay i gotta get this right i'm on 36. a walk i think okay can you get this question wrong no way mary rose sat on a pin um i think it's oh really no it's not first her piles mary rose okay right here right now space here at cough drops cylindrical adventures um i don't remember cough drops nope [ __ ] i don't remember i think it's adventures yep put the mouse here don't touch pink i've only had a bridge uh wait how do i do this one how do you do this one i forget um we've only had a bridge what's what do i have to do oh [ __ ] right i can right click afro sexy bill [Music] dirty rectum i think it's is it dirt no it's uh what is it i think it's dirty rectum i don't know why i thought it was dirty rectum that was stupid of me [Laughter] okay click the smallest one uh that's a tang we got a torch we got a horse very cool h 17 hammer the funniest thing about this game is i swear to god every like three to five years i come back and beat this game seal i think everybody does that right woof okay this one seven watch out everybody i think a lot of people do i think at this point yeah emote only to keep him honest you can do that if you want keep me honest that's fine yeah i mean clearly you guys have to remember from the second that you see something on screen it takes about five to eight seconds before like before you see it like when i do something right now when i say you probably just heard it right there so i i don't it doesn't matter i've been doing it on my own i want everyone to do yes when they hear this sound okay we'll test it out one two three four five okay it's five seconds so it's five full seconds let's try it again i want you to do uh resident sleepers no don't do that i don't want people to think this is like a boring stream do uh do no okay two three four five five yeah it's about five full seconds no way it's mary rose here we go bridge okay this one what was it is it evil eye afro okay what is the answer to life the universe and everything it's 42 right but it's weird no skipping here i forget there's a distinct reason i think you click on like the 42nd one see one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten twenty thirty forty forty two there it is bridget makes everyone gay straight by tom cruise i remember tom cruise gonna put the piece together uh hold on there's no timer so don't worry it doesn't matter does this one say chi cheese check yeah cheerios click here oh right okay hold on i can't move this one here okay good good good good this is wing dings but i don't remember which one i believe it's uh i don't know i have no idea i have to guess top right [ __ ] beautiful one of the four chance best flat holy [ __ ] what's happening best flash ever man oh my [ __ ] god you kill sonic you bastard is that one what is this where's my mouse okay snake snake snake which is the correct spelling slap me do slap me do spap me do splap me do it slap me dude [ __ ] splap me do remember blue red blue yellow uh 108 minus 4 8 15 16 23 42 blue red blue yellow remember blue red blue yellow what [ __ ] uh red blue yellow i'm gonna skip it i don't know fight hooray carrot holy [ __ ] i guessed it correctly accidentally okay that's the third one marmite uh what is that yum but might not i only have one life left i don't know i can't take a chance i think it's uh depends i think it's probably yum nope [ __ ] it's uh [ __ ] okay whatever i got it click the answer yeah move over here an elephant search for it there it is that one teeth and click the small one for tang torch spell it out full h17 hammer blue orange clean yellow oh seeing resident sleepers i'll see you see you tomorrow when you wake up because i'm beating it this one this one this one this one well you guys should be thinking about the next game you should be thinking about the next flash game egg mayonnaise here it is woof woof uh baby seven you guys be thinking about the next flash game this is it's only been an hour i've got plenty of time i'm just gonna get him water we'll get a coffee or something we'll hang out whatever what come on no way uh mary rose this one this one okay afro it's 42 [ __ ] it's the one below it oh god tom cruise click here all right which one is this one it's not this one we have three more chances top left that's bottom left [ __ ] top left oh god damn it whatever [ __ ] okay nobody tim can k.o like the answer i just want to go over here quick hurry up hurry hurry hurry hurry my voice oh no no no i wasn't ready to come back i wasn't ready to come back yet i shouldn't i should have waited another day i wasn't ready to come back wasn't ready to come back i should have waited another day that's my fault i should have waited okay what if i calm down and just stop i can just clean my throat for a second we're fine see i'm back blue orange green green yellow seal this one this one skip bran like that one shoe polish r spacey abundance egg mayonnaise by the way i do this with the stream wasn't even turned on i would be doing this you say all the things out loud okay baby yeah okay seven this is the elephant part okay don't click it wait till it changes like this one okay okay that's a walk no way every rows cylindrical watch that get right click okay afro42 tom cruise click here of course everybody does that don't lie to me bottom right so what the hell is it i clicked on all of them which one is it what i clicked on every single one of them it's not anything down here the number i can't cheat i can't um it's one of the symbols [ __ ] i don't know i don't know what to do i think i'm gonna skip it okay snake snake splap me do right okay now what is this one blue red blue yellow it's not what it's probably gtfo oh that was so like popular at the time really i can't this was so deeply in the lingo back in early 2000s late 90s internet okay i gotta skip it is the carrot right here okay it's uh what the [ __ ] no what are you serious some super obscure thing that is impossible that's the nature of the game okay i gotta get the wingdings of one age 17 yeah oh resident sleeper resident sleep or rest sleeper rather to sleep or resident sleeper rather than sleep or resident sleeper why are he's not listening to me rushing sleeper i said what was that laugh no [ __ ] i'm looking over at you guys [Laughter] dude there's one three three one seven viewers here that's like late all right there's a lot of people here i'm like am i trying to like make people leave am i trying to make people think of like a dork don't no stay i'm all right all right what the [ __ ] is this one i don't get it flag square diamond nay yay nay nay no yes no no no yes no no what is that supposed to mean i can't figure no yes no no what's what are you trying to convey to me what are you trying to say no yes no no wait no yes no no but i clicked this one already what i what i clicked i clicked that one you're an emote only so no backseating i know but i didn't understand i didn't get it i didn't get it and it was so obvious all right splat we do okay what about this one blue red blue blue blue red blue yellow blue red blue yellow they're cheating again they're cheating again they're cheating they're cheating [Laughter] you can cheat and you know what it would be actually easier if emote only mode was off because then you guys can't do the connect four to tell me what to do it would get lost okay it's not yum it's not uh what is that it's probably what is that because a lot of you know most a lot of americans don't eat this help [ __ ] but might not what does that even mean what the [ __ ] does that mean um shanghai uh is indeed the largest city in china why is there a question mark oh about 20 centimeters off the ground never been why is there a question mark that's true it's one it's never been no god damn it oh nostalgia hey do you guys remember hey who remembers this nostalgia gaming everyone's probably playing cyberpunk right now no not me i'm a contrarian [ __ ] new game that came out like triple a game people waiting for years no not me contrarian i don't do that here no we do things like go we like to do things that are like under the radar there's tons of streams you can watch to play cyberpunk but not for a minute please i yell that to myself in the mirror every stream 28 abundance egg mayonnaise don't screw it up triple woof what do you guys there's no answers that i'm looking for how was you guys weak by the way how was you guys like thanksgiving and stuff wait i streamed after thanksgiving didn't i yeah what am i talking about i almost [ __ ] that up you guys can't even answer me wait which one was it again top right right yes snake splat be do wait which one is it okay i forget i forget this one already i think it's okay do i forget this one already okay i got it it kinda looks like rocco from rocco's modern life all right papa why is there a question mark [ __ ] is indeed the largest city in china oh my god so it's the fourth one oh about 20 centimeters off the ground oh my god what is the digestive system a series oh god serious workers break down food and extract energy and nutrients cheese i thought it was gonna be a meme answer or something at least i got to that point now the best part about this is every time i start over it's just a wave of resident sleepers it's like isn't that the nature of the game to like have to go through it a bunch of times it's like what that's the whole point i'm getting that hundred million off i'm telling you it's gonna happen cyberpunk 2024 20 to 40 what is it 20 24 70 20 20 44 20 77 no that's 20 24 is the one that i have 20 24 right who cares why did i just name it cyberpunk in the future but like this is cyberpunk i just have to have a year on it because you know what's going to happen in like 2080 in real life people are going to be laughing at that game they're going to be looking back and going like yeah look what they thought was going to happen don't ever put a year look at how much we make fun of the like danger will robinson danger will robinson they thought that was going to happen in like 1992. didn't you get this question wrong no way mary rose yes cheat thank you go 42 tom cruise click this like this one that's sonic you guys chilling out how are you guys doing on the donut chill i don't know what day the week it is i don't even know if you made me tell you what day of the week it is right now for a million dollars i would not be able to tell you jeremy i'm going to give you one [ __ ] million dollars in cash taxed by the way you don't have to pay taxes it's like taxed 1 million cash i can't tell you what day it is i don't know it's wednesday no no what's today is it wednesday did i get the money it's wednesday i win i'll take it i was gonna say thursday splat me do okay make a i can fight nice i win eric nay is this one okay here we go a series of organs says break down food a games console for whole meal biscuits again a series of this one something best buy this one okay top right it was top right i do remember it was wait remember the color or remember where the placement was it was red [ __ ] it was placement i was a wave of resident sleepers [Laughter] it's so predictable at least do it and okay at least do it by question 30. you can't just do it at question 1 through 10 and then stop you can't just do that you have to do it at it like the whole time but don't do it the whole time because that like what the hell don't do that the whole time okay blue orange green green yellow you better be getting the next game ready because i'm gonna beat this soon i have this weird memory that's coming back to me right now of it was four or five o'clock in the morning i was in college and i was incredibly tired and just over exhausted and i was playing this and my body and brain wanted so badly to go to sleep but i wouldn't i had like class the next day and i just was sitting there just with my eyes just burning just i was on the question 50. i'll go to the beginning go through go through go through questions 55 go to the beginning and i think i'd close my laptop it was like i have to go to [ __ ] bed now i can't do this anymore you know when you're lying down in bed and you know that you should be sleeping but you just don't because your mind just needs to just continue to do something sleeping is too boring for your brain at that moment even though your brain and body are like just dude just [ __ ] put your like ipad down put your phone down just close your eyes you'll be asleep in 30 seconds it's like no i don't want to do that i like want to keep playing the impossible quiz i want to keep watching this wood cutting video so judging by all the resident sleepers it feels like a lot of you guys are doing that right now this one okay here we go this is where it gets a little okay i gotta remember this is it placement it's placement so it's right there right here right kind of the top and center i thought it was color oh by the way anybody know how long of the game awards how many hours they go you just write huh write yay and write how many hours it is judging by the amount of resident sleepers whatever okay four residence sleepers of four hours three hours three hours okay four resident sleep is four hours three okay all right here we go i hope i remember it it's right here right there what what doesn't make any sense what what are you talking about is it hidden somewhere what it was the red one but it was up here i clicked read last time it was wrong what has happened what the [ __ ] was that what no what what what i don't understand it was correct for a second all right turn off turn off emote only mode i want some suggestions on that i'm gonna do the same thing i did when i was in college i'm gonna get to question 60 and just close the laptop and be like [ __ ] this blue red blue oh okay i get you know i see what you're saying okay it's the worst game ever it's a classic it's like saying that like super mario is the worst game ever you made your point wait what you guys think i'm do you think i'm making a point what do you mean i'm trying to get through this i have 100 million on the line the deal's off the table what what are you talking about there's no deal the deal is off the table how is it off the table i cheated when did i do what are you talking about when did i cheat off the table no deal you had one shot so wait it's been an emote only mode this whole time and you guys have desperately been telling me that i don't keep doing this because i lost the bet already oh well now i'm kind of i know i kind of just do it keep going i know i'm close to the end it's like 80 questions or something right we have to pay him to stop no you don't pay me to stop don't pay me to stop okay blue red blue yellow okay i did blue red blue yellow hey lobster thanks for the five community subs blue red blue yellow look out count dracula he's a sexy one sorry i prefer lemurs i don't know look count dracula one okay on the subject of dracula what is his favorite food shepherd's pie charge the laser um how oh how do i do that shoot it be honest did you manage to do the last question on your first go yes i did is that a butt if simple click the moth it's simple click of the moth what oh the moss not the mop the moth okay what are chicken nuggets made of tasteless white filth when it's definitely it's not soil i don't know so i'll come back to it skip which is true psp is better than the ds the ds is better than the psp the psp is the ds or egg is better than 28. egg click the largest it's gonna be a trick this is a trick it's probably i don't know like the largest got it hurry up it's the end of the world armageddon oh my [ __ ] god d armageddon d no no come on what do you want to do give me i'm not playing cyberpunk do it what what's up [ __ ] stop it all right what's the next game then what just what's the next flash game well you guys figure it out you guys will debate it in chat for like a few minutes cool math i've done cool math papa games age of war age of war i feel like that's like i don't know i feel like that's going to take a while to look like a strategy game or something yes do that is that like an idol game you guys are gonna be mad at me for that one do age of war i will after this all right let me see if i can get through here cookie clicker i die i didn't i did an idol game already swords and sandals i'm seeing a lot of that is that good i i i no i legit refuse to play happy wheels i refuse ever i'm never going to play that game ever for any reason those swords and sandals is it good any reason i wouldn't even do it for a million dollars okay play roblox hey i'll play roblox when their ipo comes out we can celebrate it they went public yeah it's gonna be like ugh it's more than saying let's check it out i did remember blue red blue yellow okay one his favorite food is shepherd's pie choo choo choo choo shoot it play rage shadow legends no that doesn't never never happen uh i did it on my first try thumbs up click them off now this i'm stuck here a spongebob flip flop i'll try um i just clicked on the like the first five thing it was five people said win in a row and i or i did no tasteless white filth okay i already knew the answer to that egg like the largest okay armageddon hurry up it's the end of the world armageddon oh my [ __ ] australia what oh my god damn it we'll figure out the next game we'll just figure we'll get the next game figured out we're going to play swords and sandals possibly any other things that you guys have up up your sleeve swords and sandals um balloons tower defense is a pretty good idea zords and sandals is long enough okay all right madness interactive that's an interesting game but please want you guys to explain tell me about it what is the premise of madness interactive what do you do tell me i'd like to read about it over the next five to ten minutes balloon six it sucks okay well that's what we're having this debate that's why we're spending the time here to make sure we get everybody's opinions on the matter poptropica hmm that's interesting too let's check that out interactive buddy but is that the one you just kind of throw the guy around the room and you like punch him in the face and stuff and like throw stuff at him all right this is the last attempt i swear to god no matter what and i'm gonna open up sword and sandals no matter what this is the final attempt people are you i'm looking at the cap is okay let's make this interesting if this if i do another attempt add a billion to the debt how's that sound right i got it now i have to it's the last attempt cruise okay okay this one a final ninja uh okay put it on the list the world's hardest game no i don't let's play something fun not that that game's not fun but you know age of war i got that it's on the list blue red blue yellow blue red blue yellow okay one shepherd's pie shoot okay i get it on my first go thumbs up moss tasteless white filth egg click the largest okay now the next one is the armageddon one it's the end of the world oh [ __ ] here we go can i show this um what do i do what do i do what do i do what do i do what do i do okay it's a big hairy [ __ ] whatever it was what oh we have to pet the cat okay are you enjoying the quiz i'm level my dog's got no nose how does it smell how am i supposed to know terrible like piss terrible [ __ ] how am i supposed to know using my dog's got no nose how does it smell am i supposed to know using its anus oh christ search what am i searching for i got it question mark um uh i don't know i don't know i don't know i understand what is it and what it's trying to ask me uh it's just the same one how many questions does this quiz have a hundred no one knows that you can't really class this as a quiz 200 it's not 200 it's a hundred skip it i don't know let's give it be prepared get better skip it you are my candy girl sugar oh honey honey you are my sugar honey honey dancing okay what is this that's a tea bag a testicle mr t's oven glove question 77 that's a tea bag but i don't know if it is i don't know it could be wrong yep deja vu plus one life give it to me no i'm so close to the end of the game oh so close there's like three questions left ah no i have it's a billion dollars what's it at now no i don't i can't that's a billion that's too much to add there's two no i can't it's too much to add what's the next one sword and sandals sword and sandals let's go god damn it i really want to beat it too swords and sandals wait this on steam i have to buy this on steam hey wiggly joe thanks for the 15 community subs 15 subs you can if you want where do i get it we're gonna where can i just play it is it on congregate sword and sandals what the hell is it swords and souls swords and sandals swords and sandals crusader swords and sandals one swords and sandals two i guess i was just the first one loading game info okay oh that scared the [ __ ] out of me uh hold on [Laughter] is this game any good sports and sandals two waiting room but hold on i just i have this is the first game can i even play the first one okay play how to play click here to get an overview swords and sandals is a oops is a mini epic gladiator game wait two is just the same thing but better it's just the exact same thing yes it's way better just play it yes yes yes yes yes i've seen a couple of no's but i sword and sandals two emperor's reign are the different versions of this swords and sandals too why are the different versions the game will start after this message what message game brought to you by third sense okay i have to zoom this in graphics on high obviously this is way too far i need to go in closer hold on okay this is our chat i remember not being able to put games on high every game had to be yeah i had to right click every game and put it all put like the shock wave player down to low because it would run at like two frames a second okay that looks all right all right let's go how to play much has changed since swords in sandals one apparently chat but for those who have played the first game the basic presence premise is the same create your gladiator and battle your way to fame and fortune tooltips will guide you through the specifics of the game but the basic pattern of the game is as follows create build up your character buy weapons armor spells and potions defeat gladiators to win experience in gold and do it all over again okay your ultimate aim is to defeat all the arena champions and reign as champion yourself all right become a member of the playaholics to save and load characters i am not going to do that name uh how about killer the killer yeah the killer how about um great uh follow me follow me okay uh i feel like this looks like a south park character okay uh hairstyle i give him the wait i gotta find the german 985 these these all could be german 95 i have different hair every day [Music] um no how about just uh oh no should i do like the poop hair uh no that's too wild uh let's do oh dragon ball z character yeah like it's gonna be a drag one of the dragon ball z characters the ones that like don't fight that much they're like smaller no piccolo fights all the time who's there's a there's a little green guy that doesn't fight all the time right who's the little green guy that doesn't fight krillin yeah what color is his hair dendy yeah i don't know what color is what color is dandy's hair do i have this right hold on dendy dendy okay yeah there's this guy no is it dandy or is it krillin who has like the hair no krillin does no yeah it's dent but is there a dendi with like uh is there a dendy with like the hair no okay i guess whatever i'd love that i like that okay okay strength agility attack let's just make my character right yeah okay so um the great the great star underscore once said that if i had a character sheet in real life um every single point would be in luck and charisma and i'd have a zero in everything else so i i mean i don't know how accurate that particularly is um but i feel like i'll lose every match i wanted to be kind of strong i don't even know what these do can i look strength definitely needs to stay okay stamina and vitality what's the difference five strength two agility three attack is that gonna work i don't think that's gonna do anything i'm gonna probably die tooltips are at the bottom they are oh [ __ ] okay strength determines how much damage your character dishes out and your skill with axes and clubs it also affects the height and weight of your character stronger characters can push weaker characters further okay well i mean i'm not the biggest guy in the room but you know i'm also not the smallest guy in the room but i i can keep that at a one agility represents your character's speed skill with swords and ranged weapons faster characters can move in and out of combat more easily and perform spectacular aerobatic leaps well with my kind of medical stuff recently i haven't been able to move around too much like that fast or that much so having some you know trouble layers probably should be a one um attack your attack is overall offensive weapon skill gladiators with high attack scores tend to hit their enemies more often finding gaps in armor with masterful precision um i have trouble like opening up amazon packages with like a pair of scissors i can never quite like cut the tape and i'm just ripping it up i just grab the edges and i just [ __ ] pull as hard as i can and the tape is starting to give but it hasn't given yet and i pull as hard as i [ __ ] can until it just breaks so i probably wouldn't be very good at that either now defense is a vital part of protecting oneself in combat high defenses that means you'll get hit less uh i mean i do a lot of setting i just sit here and this i mean people could you give you threw like a rock at my window right now i would go hit me right the heads up i don't think i'd be very good at that either your vitality represents your overall health that's it one charisma reflects your overall charm and likability characters with high charisma please the crowd winning you more gold for winning fights shopkeepers will lower their prices by one percent for every charisma point you have i feel like i'm right at home here i feel like i can do this pretty well i feel like i have energy sometimes and i can really speak to a crowd of people are you guys ready are you excited for germa 985's youtube account i think it should be 10. stamina every leap every parry or hack you perform in the area arena takes some of your energy i got some energy well no i don't i stream for like four hours um what about magicka you cannot harness the power of magicka in your combats to cast magic spells and potions you'll need a high magicka each magicka point you have also adds one percent resistance to magical damage i i don't know man i kind of feel like you know how many how many times have i you know like power like total power i feel like i would be like one of those guys i would just open up i would go into the room with a big robe on and i would just tell a bunch of jokes and then i would zap everybody to death i think that would be me if i had a d and d character that's what it would be you are a wizard well i don't know if it would be a wizard no 10 charisma no i could be like a magic user how could i not be a magic user fine 9 charisma two magic well this is gonna be really funny laugh out loud streamer joke i can't wait for like this to not go well at all and i'm gonna die in like the first burrito and like i'm gonna [ __ ] just quit the game we're gonna move on follow me yes that was your name but it seems in and now here you are languishing in the darkness a forgotten prisoner in the emperor's dungeon door opens and your eyes are blinded by the light a dark shape of hero for voice you soldiers oh you're at the beer in the basement hey you get up worm it is time and boogers are flowing out of this guy's nose and he has a plate of bacon in his hand and he waves the bacon in front of your face somebody who if you know what that is holy [ __ ] you are a long-term viewer it's the [ __ ] copy-paste book that i put into the chat when i was writing that book and so in a frenzy of blood with the stench of fury days does gladiator begin [Music] all the mule versus live from the dungeon fearful prisoner check out your opponent's armor okay stats this guy's got zero in everything trivia okay let's go walk forward jump forward wait is this like is this how i can i can tell a joke taunt enemy pressed us to yell taunted your enemy [Music] just [ __ ] made him angry let me read these jump backwards press this leap to leap out of danger jumping saps your energy quickly the height and distance of your jump is determined by your agility step away useful when your health is low but be aware that jumping snaps your energy okay so you just need to get away jump forward jumping use a lot of inputs faster you get closer or attack charge enemy press this to perform an aerobatic aero acrobatic and aerobatic like i've been flying leaping attack at your enemy i missed him how do you block somebody yelling at you did you close your ears do you like plug your ears with your fingers all right all right all right shove him enemy press this to push your opponent back and give yourself some breathing space power attack holy [ __ ] okay 2500 gold i leveled up sick day one glorious freedom your adventure starts here in town square before you enter the arena you should visit the armory in the weaponsmith and stock up on a weapon or some armor click on one of the buildings nearby to enter or click the colosseum to jump straight into battle alright let's go to the armory what sort of armor are you looking for the portrait on the right represents the different types of armor you can buy like an area on your body to see what's available elements protect against critical hit damage as well as contributing to your overall defense shoulder guards increase the chance of a charge attack succeeding as well as contributing to your overall defense a breastplate converts the percentage of damage taken into energy as well as contributing to your overall defense a gauntlet increases the distance you can shove your enemies as well as contributing to your overall defense this third thy guard protects against critical hits as well as contributing to your overall defense shields make you hold them up in the hour shin guards you block soccer players boots increase your movement speed and contribute to your overall defense okay and then over here we have i'm not trying to be funny stop i'm not trying to be everybody gets okay can i just say something if i if i'd go and if i do an english accent you guys just burned your computers it's like this huge triggering thing like hi everybody i'm going to do an english accent break break like i'm throwing my computer into the [ __ ] trash i could sit i could i could go like this yes yes do it again yes hi everybody i'm just talking with a different accent my whole body's on fire let's use a cover yourself in a blanket like roll around your room i don't know what i want to do helmet oh it's a leather helmet anything but the accent how much is it 1200 if you have enough gold you can buy this item by clicking the tick button and it will automatically be placed on your character if you've changed your mind just got one supposed to scream today what the [ __ ] i'm not supposed to be yelling listen to this now i'm getting i'm gonna have to take another two days off no the game awards is tomorrow i can't miss it okay how do i get the tooltip software 30 crypt protection adds 20 to your armor acquired gladiator it's like bane when i used to remember bane it would go like this and all of a sudden everybody's oh everybody's all the entrails would come out uh i don't want that i should get a weapon what the [ __ ] what's going on louis d lungeville master at arms can i interest you in a weapon slashing weapons are truly the weapon of the gentleman they require high agility what's the weapon of the uh of the charisma a microphone hacking weapons are great for slicing they require high strength high strength okay i need um i need like a staff i have what was a magic thing i can use why does everybody get so mad i bought that did you do an accent to these people sorry i did an english accent for five seconds nobody kill me magic shop welcome to the magic shop don't steal anything okay spells teleport to a random spot gale a gust of wind that knocks your opponent back a great distance oh [ __ ] enchant weapon turn your a flame weapon i don't have a weapon i could put it on a rusty knife what nightfall the hours late in the town quiets you find yourself growing weary will you brave the street to spin some gold i didn't buy anything uh i need to go to bed you make your way to the cozy nook a tavern in the merchant's quarter paying the innkeeper 250 gold pieces you're shown to a comfortable room with a view of the forest to the east just leave this peaceful and you wake feeling ready to take the world again i wasted time browsing around okay i need i need a weapon or something i should buy something i buy like a a dagger and enchant it let's just go whatever i am our glax overlord of the arena what kind of what sort of fighter are you after the next tournament is for gladiators level four a duel okay this person's just me but way better he's just like got a bigger chest and got a helmet [Music] what do i do to him oh go go go go go go all right let's go you get seven armor he's got 40 health i got more health in him [Music] like what i beat him he yielded [Laughter] okay you've gained a new ability when the crowd allows you to gain more gold from fights okay i got money now weaponsmith i need just something to enchant now should i get gail i think i'm gonna get gayle gail 3740 [ __ ] i'm gonna enchant my weapon with flame your opponent will miss a turn writhing burning pain frost your opponent will miss a turn frozen the ground the power of venom what does it cost to do this that's zero gold oh it's range only don't waste the money that's just what's in the church welcome you'll find peace or do you require the church's aid and your soul saved i guess you can just buy potions looks like juggling the crowd is bored [Laughter] [Music] oh [ __ ] look at his face you have the forehead of a 400 gold what the [ __ ] my armor you dummy all right i'm gonna buy a leather helmet buy it okay i have a leather helmet i have uh shoulder shoulder pads this is skin all right and let's breastplate okay i'm gonna get my money back what do you got he's not he's he's terrible his hit points are 100 he's got terrible strength i'm going to scream in his face and win let's go all right get the crowd behind [Music] me [Music] how much money did i get do it again [Music] this is level three give me some more money go oh [ __ ] all right back it up back it up back it up okay [Music] come on [Music] what happened oh god oh god oh god uh [Music] what do i do okay i need more i need a weapon just get i'm just going to get a sword or something man i'm going to get a dagger i can't i need to i can't buy anything i need free agility i can't even get a slingshot okay i'm going for agility next time press plate 32 armor good okay nightfall all right find a bet find a tavern okay go to the arena it's time for the tournament once you enter a tournament you can't return to the town until you are victorious to lose a fight is death okay john the butcher wooldridge is a pillar of the community every year he hosts a tournament for low-level gladiators to gain valuable experience the winner even gets to take on woolridge himself for a short shot of big prize money all right i'm level four two levels higher than poseidon i'm gonna get the crowd behind me in crowds and different no no no no no oh i'm fine i'm fine interested it's okay entertained enthusiastic all right now scream at it [Music] what just happened come on [Music] no he fell he fell he felt that that was funny the crowd liked that back up [Music] ow he's cutting my limbs off i won [Music] oh [ __ ] nice okay [Music] stop blocking that [ __ ] rest and heal ugh am i hitting him with a sandwich i don't even have a weapon come on here it is [Music] what oh you blocking this ow that hurt [Music] [ __ ] come on back up back up back up back i need to sleep [Music] no come on please [Music] all right let me i want to play a real one let me play a real one play again playing a flag and play all right i'm going to do a row i'm going to do a rowing i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know okay i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know this guy okay uh that's the guy from star fox okay i'm gonna do this for real i want strength i want to attack get rid of the magic i don't care attack vitality agility let's go ow pig mob don't you dare oh i'll do it that's worse noise contender [ __ ] i'm in trouble i'm in trouble in trouble that's really that was like worst noise contender it's no by the way it's too late you know how december is the month like halfway through december it doesn't you can't nominate that anymore because we're like too far in december [Music] all right let's just let's smoke this [Music] guy [Music] low charisma i know what the [ __ ] gladiator gladiators off gladiato's off gladiato's off gladiato's off that haze off that's i hit glady azoff i was off gladiato's off i don't know all right give me a dagger to nine slashing damage i'll take it let's go start stabbing it's time for a duel we go scream get a man what's that club he's gonna enchanted club [Music] what [Music] what the [ __ ] just happened [Music] how much money is this i can't even afford this get armor you idiot i i will okay okay now i'm going to get armor ladder is off that is off that is off right all right strength and attack wash your ears wash your ears they're filthy shoulder guards uh okay all right i need a better weapon though all right i'm gonna try to make money for a weapon [Music] all right let's get in closer closer nice good trick [Music] uh what can i get for a weapon my agility high strength okay so this is 22 28 all right it's gonna win a few more we'll get an x [Music] all right get in [ __ ] i blocked it power power charge what the [ __ ] dude god damn it child in the middle you are approached by a frantic woman please help me my only child was playing in the old mill and is trapped under some heavy wooden blocks i cannot free him do you help the rescue the child or decline and get about well let's rescue the child you follow the woman to the mill and get to work with the rescue effort although it takes an hour and most of your strength eventually the child is free you become a hero and both the mother and the child dies you gain three charisma points oh [ __ ] nice i have to win a battle i have no money to buy anything all right duel come on what do you have shin guards and a and a shoulder guard okay four to sixteen how you guys got a cleaver hey dallas o'leary is the patron said i'm gonna lose [Music] [Music] okay let's get in back up rest okay he fell now we going normal good all right all right okay all right back it up back it up rest in heel get the energy back back it up again lunge [ __ ] okay we're fine all right what should i put this into seriously attack look at this again vitality yeah okay how much money do i have now enough for an axe 17 nope i don't have enough for an axe i have to win another i have to win another one oh god damn it i'm gonna do this again can i sell [Music] something i've got to get up go to the church and save the game [ __ ] are the graphics on medium yeah what the hell [Music] save your character oh [ __ ] there we go wait do you want the church can save your soul for 40 gold do you want playaholics to load oh my god um i just have to win i'm not going to win i'd bought the wrong weapon can i afford any armor what about a shield just even just a little one nope what about a gauntlets i can afford gauntlets funny armor is your armor yeah okay i have to get something [Music] all right just win just win i've got more health i got more armor and i just have to kill him [Music] okay [ __ ] i'm not gonna win he's got 18 armor he's got an axe he's got an enchanted axe [Music] come on let me get lucky here [Music] don't you don't don't get over here get over here don't pull that out yeah i was going to say give me a break lunge again back it up sleep lunge what happened power okay all right all right just a couple more behold arena champion john the butcher oh [ __ ] all right okay back up back up back up run away [ __ ] back up run shove sleep back up back up his energy is so much higher than mine fine that's okay good good [ __ ] no don't kill me what i'll do it again i can do it i can skill points what oh [Music] okay go i win good good i get it i understand [Music] okay yeah i know i bought a dagger on the axe build not again not gonna happen again here we go i'm gonna buy this cleaver done now i'm gonna win watch this [Music] that's okay while leaving the arena you spot a pretty girl smiling at you oh hi as it has been some time since you've known a lady you pluck up the courage to ask her out for a meal will you be extravagant spoiling the lady with a fine restaurant or take her for a simple meal at the tavern i will take her for beers and snacks at a cheap tavern i know i won't bear maiden is insulted and it refuses to go with you she storms off you console yourself with several pints of lager at the tavern oh well what the heck yes okay all right we're good we're good we're good we're good strength okay now i'm gonna go to the armory but i'm gonna buy some potions and [ __ ] too [Music] i need magicka of four oh [ __ ] i can't it's stamina and defense i will soon how much money do i have okay i need 2 800. helmet i can't afford any of this stuff shoulder guards i can't afford this at least i can afford these that's fine okay back to it duel buy boots i will one guy one guy's laughing [Laughter] what the [ __ ] dude i wasn't even one guy in the audience just screwed everything up so bad no don't what happened about fire this car just sucks i suck [Music] [Music] what oh my [ __ ] god the guy has a loin cloth on and that's it i have no [ __ ] money it's over [Music] i need stamina god damn it man it's asleep over here why does everybody have magic [ __ ] items why does everybody have magical [ __ ] [Music] i have no money god damn it i thought i was going to be able to do like a basic strength build charisma was better you did best on the joke character i this i know oh my god that's so frustrating why why is it possible why can't i hit anybody why can't i hit [Music] anybody so okay all right so give me some stamina give me some defense give me give me some attack four two two three attack three attack this is good okay go oh sandals i can't here we go let's kill this guy oh four strength four stamp oh okay so i should do no no go back how do i take that back why is it r minus this should be a minus why is it a minus okay i'm ready i'm going into this shop and we're gonna buy i'm gonna get the bigger axe because i'm gonna just watch this [ __ ] you ready for this watch this oh wait a minute fair maiden while leaving the arena you spot a pretty girl smiling at you as she's been sometimes you know a lady you pluck up the courage to ask her for a meal will you be extravagant or just take her out for beers 1500 gold if you accept your offer and that night you meet at one of the finest restaurants in town the meal is splendid the conversation flows and soon enough the next morning the maiden gives you a kiss and a rose you shall be her champion you got two stamina points 1500 gold it was not worth it we just got monster subs from mr sark zark thanks for the 20 community subs that's the mr sark streamer on twitch one of the old school youtubers very very funny guy follow him right now or i'm gonna be extraordinarily upset with you by the way i've heard that mr stark is uh the new drew crew uh ambassador from what i heard hey sark they're yours now yours now oh but thanks though seriously why is it keep going to medium i i've gone pee or head of water the whole day so let me just do that real quick i'll bring it back let's take a look at some art my um oh [Music] [Music] i just drank so much water there's a lot how's the art looking looks good that's good look at that whale lord and auto so funny whenever i talk to the vet uh i can't help it every time i say auto's name i have to say auto so it's like oh yeah i just called yeah otto has an appointment yeah i'm like yeah i'm just calling to make an appointment for my dog otto what's that what's his name oh it's otto sorry excuse me i mean uh otto ark says sexy art presentation too sick transitions yeah it was uh it's made by a couple people in the community so uh jen wen len and lazy luke it's real can you imagine look at that [ __ ] booty i really leaned into that i've noticed i've really leaned into that i don't know why i just have whatever yeah why i don't know look it was that was fun it's funny it's fun it was fun okay it's a funny fun thing i don't care if you do a big zoom in of my ass it does it doesn't bother me it just doesn't like if you if you have like a zoomed in picture of my ass cheeks i don't care i'm just like all right you're what i think what are you doing but like that's i don't give a [ __ ] i look good for my age i'm 35. i know look there's art that says it too no you don't think i know you think i know what i got going on down there oh ew ew get it off get it off never mind never mind never mind never mind never mind uh i love this though this is fantastic we're going to cut it off a collection of sub badges oh [ __ ] i have so many empty slots on my twitch dashboard i really need to do something about this [ __ ] look at that all right let's go back to it uh all right let's uh find a bed in the tavern game awards start at 3 30 pacific tomorrow right i can't wait i'm i'm gonna get there i'm gonna get my coffee i'm gonna have a nice hot coffee back to the art [Music] okay here we go what is he holding the disc i smile at him what the [ __ ] am i doing wrong [Music] i don't have any armor but i can't afford armor i took a i took a lady out for like expensive like quail i don't have any money boots i have shoes okay cool so i have shoes on now i got the boots what about greaves oh i can do greaves just reset no i can't please can you can you do i don't even know you're asking i'm not gonna respond mother come on 11k andy 11k i love it it's pretty good that's really good i'm happy with that that's pretty big went from 12k to 11k okay so but you guys don't understand when i go on break i just i [ __ ] squeeze my both my fists together i go i went from [ __ ] 12.3 k to 11.1 k this can't it be happening this can't be happening i've got to pull them back i've got to pull them back and i'm going to do it as best i can i'm going to go in there to making cartoon noises and what should i do vitality trump what i'm gonna i kind of was [ __ ] i'm gonna be following them back i'm so no this is just like i'm annoyed i oh it is kind of trump this is i'm i do that okay all right all right everybody settle down i'm putting one of those drank one to attack and what did you fit one into vitality what's your favorite cartoon noise that or uh all right i gotta relax i'm just having too much fun today i'm having way too much fun today this guy has so much [ __ ] on come on 70 chance how do you not how do you miss seventy percent chance three times in a row i don't understand [Music] it's because duels are only first blood yeah okay all right i got it i got it i got i'm good i'm good good some armor on it costs money that costs money play binding of isaac ooh when's the expansion hey do i finally have enough money to buy anything no first blood i gotta go for a stab a quick 92 stab in the face sometime before the end of the year is what's planned wait what can't do that i have to reset again do i really have to reset again it can't be right [Music] just get a weapon i can't do it i really don't i don't think i can do it you [ __ ] you need way more armor yeah i need to not die five times in a row i have to i'd have to get lucky guys got a club yes okay we're good okay hold on we're good we're good we're good no you dick [Music] where did he do 92. come on again again no that little one all right come on john the butcher this is the one come on this is the one right here it okay get in huh okay that hurt a lot yes oh that hurt it hurt or hurt it hurt it hurt i'm gonna do it i'm gonna lose oh god damn it i'm in trouble [Music] i'm trying to sleep stay away from me get away from me stay away from me i'm running out of room how big is this place i want rest and heal rest in heel rest in heel how come i can't heal rest in heal keep walking keep walking [Music] press and heal there we go all right [Music] what just happened oh [ __ ] come on no no no no this is the most boring fight ever imagine paying for front row seats here god damn it i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead run run run run away run run run oh [ __ ] can i go behind him um come on get him come on come on heal no come on dude god damn it no i have to get this right i can't just pay like some lady of fifteen hundred dollars for food i can't just pay somebody 1500 bucks for food just win win for god's sakes just wind by five strength four strength four attack three defense four defense okay four stamina two three stamina okay all right this i don't care what his name is who cares it's the same person if i do not beat this guy i'm gonna be here we go you ready [Music] i'm going to stab this guy once and win and then go buy the axe [Music] oh my [ __ ] god what the [ __ ] is going on [Music] okay all right all right all right i'm good [Music] defense and vitality how much money do i have i need okay i need to win a few more i'm going to get the crowd riled up how are they still bored [Music] all right all right [Music] back up back up oh [ __ ] you thank god [Music] come on let's go 2200 i got i have enough of the axe let's get the axe thank god i have a goddamn weapon now and it's time for the tournament it's time i'm gonna win let's go if i lose right now then i'm gonna go doing something else because i obviously have not cut out for this apparently i'm not cut out for this game if i can't do it it was risky [Music] okay here we go [Music] nice fall that's comedy that's pretty funny [Music] 92 we're going with normal again hi all right here comes the butcher [Music] this is it i have to win this doesn't it his armor sucks why is how is it how do you have a drama let's go let's go wow put himself in such a bad spot and he slept two perfect opportunity to get to it nice all right let's go forward move forward lunch what are we at seventy only go for the seventy cents move forward we're not gonna do anything stupid again move forward not gonna do anything dumb move forward again i'm not gonna do this stupid you just quit me for [ __ ] 50 damage you piece of [ __ ] are you kidding me really [Music] [Music] [Music] attack the guy if i get close i'm gonna [Music] die i don't even know what the character looked like i don't know what he had points in [Music] full charisma i'm never gonna beat the butcher fine [ __ ] it fine okay how about just a a bashing stick christmas op just yell and taunt no get armor first okay so should i just get a big chest plate what's the best thing to buy first please help me i can't beat the butcher just get all the cheapest [ __ ] they'll just get all the cheap crap like the 48 the these like peasant boots no single comma name one no i'm just all right i'm gonna okay i'm gonna buy these i'm gonna buy how much of these 100 hold on gauntlets are 300 helmet is cheap no it's not shoulder guards are cheap no they're not gauntlets are cheap yes there look at the middle of the road ones what a shield can i get a cheap shield no briefs okay is it okay get the greaves shoulder guards i'm just going to get the i'll get the cheap shoulder guards or should i get uh shin guards instead of the shoulder guards okay i have i've bought all the armor i can buy so now i'm gonna go and i'm gonna start screaming at people for the duels and i'm gonna taunt and make a bunch of money [Music] get me over there now [Music] how can you block a scream [Music] god dammit [Music] get that first hit on him [Music] okay [Music] let's work the crowd and make some money [Music] what is this guy's weapon he's got a golden sword [Music] why is this working stop come on you piece of [ __ ] all right i'm good okay doing all right i don't want to mess this up now seriously what should i really put this into seriously charisma stamina i'm gonna do all right what do i got for money [Music] 2400 okay i'm gonna save it we're gonna keep screaming to people no okay i gotta buy something what do i do i feel like if i should just get this enchant the club or better armor the waist armor armor armor armor armor armor okay uh a shield i could get a shield okay what else can i get shin guards all right okay i can get shin guards okay all right i think i'm think i'm ready i already have these right oceans i can't buy potions i don't have enough magic hey you need four magicka to buy a potion go enchant okay enchant so i'm gonna enchant with i'm gonna chant my rusty knife with fire or ice yeah we're going fire that's one flame one frost one poison yeah we're just on fire whatever potency and three fire damage that's i'll get for free all right that's pretty sick all right let's go i'm ready i'm gonna beat john the butcher right now i'm so sick of this okay i've got 107 armor let's go i burnt him with my sound am i finally gonna beat the butcher please am i finally gonna beat the butcher [Music] with my yell build [Music] i told you to do this build yeah but i was under the impression that this was just a joke that we were doing in the beginning of the game i don't know it was actually viable [Music] i want the money got a long way to go before he gets over here [Music] no he's coming hold on oh that hurt good go to go back get back up back up back back [Music] again again again again again again again again again again again again all right for john the butcher i think i'm going to have to do some more defense vitality which one vitality probably right bring him on let's go i'm done with this [ __ ] [Music] there it is all right 38. [Music] 38 again this is the win this is the win right now [Music] [Music] get away from me [Music] eventually it's going to work it's a matter of time oh you know what let's get a little step no let's not get a little move them away nice come on please let me beat john the butcher [Music] yes yes finally he's dead it took like an hour 12 500 gold pieces what what oh my god okay well now i need to figure out what the hell i'm going to do um breastplate oh okay i have to get this one right 64 armor stars dump all my money into this breastplate three percent damn ticket for the energy what about shield definitely this one look at this thing nice nice nice nice all right what about this one now enchant chant weapon enchant more potency to fire again buy a weapon oh i don't have enough money for a weapon save at the church i need to make an account to save and i'm not doing it all right let's try this level five level five all right look at all this armor though it's gonna have any armor just instantly killed that guy it's made money [Music] this guy don't have any armor either all right we're gonna work the crowd i want i want to work the crowd a little bit i just wait did i just burn him with i just farted on him and i burnt him what the hell was that [Music] it was a charisma fart don't let him get the first it are crowds entertained hold on [Music] interested entertained enthusiastic okay i don't care i'm still dancing let's fill that bar wildly entertained more [Music] wildly entertained transfixed fanatical and [Music] come on [Music] fanatical how much money do you get for doing this back up back up back up back up back up all right here we go [Music] just kill him just punch my face thirty two hundred thirty three hundred gold for that [Music] holy [ __ ] what do i do not all charisma i can't be a dope okay i mean maybe one more new weapon what do we need what do we want bow no how about this i got 6 000 gold i kind of need to do that i have to buy this don't buy a weapon you dummy more armor okay uh let's replace the shin cards oh look at these ones yeah nice okay new greaves oh look at these veteran greaves nice okay what about um new boots oh veteran boots reeves okay all right i'm gonna say about [Music] level nine 229 armor [Music] easy easy with this [Music] oh block that oh yeah 3700 gold dude looking pretty good [Music] just level three why is it level three fighting level six [Music] save up for the better helmet you're never gonna break my armor dude i'm gonna sit here all day until i get the most amount of money possible nice weapon [Music] what i had 200 i had 200 armor how did that happen a crit goes through armor oh are you [ __ ] me [Music] don't okay just kill him can even shoot okay he's dead i just beat john the butcher chat did you nice he's tough hey hey it's pretty tough nice work swift sandals was that [Music] don't quit me that counts right [Music] [Music] hell i don't want to just do only i'm going to bed okay i'm bad 6 900. i'm going to save it i'm going to save the money all right no no i'm not no i'm not okay what can i replace that's expensive gauntlets yeah okay what are these yeah get these things nice all right what about the um helmet 60 armor 50 armor 40 armor 30 armor okay helmet you fool all right i got it all right let's go let's let's kick this guy's ass what's the next tournament the evil ninja the hell is this psych up tai cup two psych up three what the hell am i doing it's a charge-up power move yeah but i don't i just yell at people right [Music] screaming and farting it really is i think i can fill that bar he's not going to kill me art and scream build i know well look i didn't intend for that to happen tonight [Music] he's in close just kill him [Music] don't use your weapon well sometimes if you have like a 70 chance that's good yeah here we go we have next coming up is another level seven taunt is 99 oh my god it's so stupid it's so stupid that sword looks kind of scary [Music] no farting no farting yeah i'm sorry i haven't incorporated it i i gotta get my rotation okay what happened [Music] here comes the evil ninja okay let's get the crowd behind us he's gotta no no no no no no no we do not we just [Music] go ow come on come on [Music] come on ow [Music] come on [Music] does it not work he has shout protection he has shout protection doesn't work i can't kill him he has child protection where'd it go where'd it go what just happened he just pulled my oh am i seriously gonna lose because he has like shout protection [Music] no oh you got to be kidding me why did you guys tell me that was 57 [ __ ] damage [Music] yet why is it not hurting him though it should be hurting him [Music] no it don't work it doesn't work it's over can i do it oh [ __ ] that was stupid didn't do anything one of these has to land right it says blocked [Music] holy [ __ ] it worked wait wait wait wait wait wait wait guys guys guys guys guys ladies and gentlemen hold on a second everyone relax everyone relax for a second i did 57 damage we're okay [Music] we're gonna be fine we're okay [Music] good keep doing that i hope you keep doing that stick to the plan that's i'm gonna stick to the plan [Music] chad is bored to tears oh hold on a sec it's working wait it's working just wait [Music] okay all right fine you wanna play that game [Music] now you're just bored silly 57 let's go come on 57 again back to back plus 85. he's got healing potions of course he does get away from me get the [ __ ] away from me get the [ __ ] away from me get away get away get away one more and it's over there i never thought i was gonna lose we thought i was gonna lose that one nope not that one 17 000 gold i'll take [Music] it [Music] what i got on now this this is double the armor okay shoulder guards no i already have the best ones on no i don't 48 yeah gauntlets uh shield okay this is that's a big deal 72 armor let's go greaves i have the best greaves on shin guards yeah these are the worst get these on please improve that shoulder no i can't get a [ __ ] weapon all right i'm just gonna get a weapon because why wouldn't i just give me the turkey leg who cares money oh well potentially two whatever all right let's go sorry sorry about that sorry about that okay hey soy soy boy thanks for the five community subs [Music] they like me better i got way more charisma than you [Music] thirty seven hundred [ __ ] goal there thirty seven hundred [ __ ] goal dude you need more stamina i'll do i'm going to just load into stamina after this no more charisma more charisma what [Music] one more one more all right bang got him [Music] 4400 i'll just do more charisma yeah but i don't i want to be able to land i don't know man that seems kind of like that's like am i gonna beat this whole game by yelling at people [Music] how can you stomach playing this for two hours i don't know kind of just fun i've been having a good time i'm just chilling man i'm just having i'm just hanging out having a good time we're just chilling today it's fun yeah it's fun how dare you stop enjoying this just chill screaming and farting and yelling losing to the first tutorial boss for an hour [Music] all right this guy's got shelf protection too what is the last level in this game how hard does it go he's a little too close goes forever [Music] don't let him do that okay all right i gotta level up here i'm thinking you get a new quiver whatever i'm thinking charisma and defense or stamina or actually magic stamina and charisma okay all right it's tournament time tournament time what can i upgrade here breastplate um can't do that yet how about a new helmet nope i'm going to get about boots no chin guards no greaves no gauntlets no shield no shoulders are the only thing i can do okay all right you get the discount try to buy it wait what oh [ __ ] would you look at that oh well we'll come back oceans i can't buy potions you don't need them [Music] i don't need them and i can't buy them anyways [Music] this game looks better than watch dogs i mean god that game i swear to god that's okay that's not nominated for anything at the game awards right is that nominated for even one award i hope not is it no it's not what's it what is it nominated for no it is not [ __ ] what's it nominated for tell me it's not nominated for the game of the year no it's not nothing good [Music] where'd it go [Music] i worked so hard on that game stop don't hey that's not dude quit hitting your bong i don't think i could hit a bong man i really don't think i could in real life i would probably [ __ ] fall down [Music] i would hit the bong it'd be like i'm i got it my head would just [ __ ] hit the table i'm not doing that [Music] no i want to be able to control exactly what i'm doing but i'm back to how much i'm taking [Music] yeah and why did i just do that like i was eating spaghetti that was not a good bong sound that was like you're slipping up like spaghetti and meatballs what is that [Music] this is i'm this is not i'm just having fun this is just like screaming i feel like i'm playing i'm just like looking at you guys and talking i've kept my mouse in the same place i think for the last four or five straight [Music] minutes [Music] oh i played the absolute hell out of that a long time ago okay son of stylonius not yet they do look out right now well link it to me [Music] turn off the stream hits the bong and dies hold on whoever hits the bong and dies let's hear this curious i'm i got it not what i intended for that sound like i wanted that to sound like this i wanted to sound like this for some reason when i go through the stream i don't know why but i'm going to leave it on this for a little while mitch mccall hold on is it let's find out let me find out if let me find out if it's let me find out let me let me find out now let me tell you i have not uh i'm not a secretary i am not going to stand out here and not give a stimulus oh no the american people are going to be just fine they're going to be fine [Music] mr connell has a joker left by the way listen to mitch mcconnell laugh at something he does the jared leto joker he's seriously it's like how do you laugh like that think about people that you know when you laugh you just go or like that's political political all right here he comes son of stylonius scream at him i win scream at him i win i win nice fart i can match your fart with a fart too you want to get farther down all right fine let's go [Music] he's charging something nice okay you missed you will have wildly entertained by that too oh he's burnt on him you can't even pee on people in this game and if you can i don't know i'm not gonna probably unlock it yet come on [Applause] congratulations you have won this i feel like i kind of feel like i have not been in the arena yet okay emperor antares has granted you 22 500 gold [Music] the hour is late okay fine sleep peacefully pay six right that was fun i'm going to move on to doodle god now let's move let's do doodle god um yeah this game's cool but like i don't know i don't want to just yell at people for like another hour or something it's too that's too much it's a really i like it it's a really fun game and i remember it it's very nostalgic but we're going to uh do this doodle god i remember this game might be a little too big let's make it a little bit smaller okay a little just a little okay remember you normally just yell at us for hours what i don't you do that to me all right doodle god play you can now play doodle god on your phone check it out iphone version has priority in getting updates in the beginning there was only doodle god little god created the four basic elements earth water fire air from earth doodle god created the planets [Music] from water seas and oceans were created from fire were created volcanoes and other stuff and from air you know the world is still vast i know what the game is okay here we go we're gonna do we're gonna do fire and we're gonna do earth and that is going to make stone lava if your heart is a volcano how shall you expect flowers to bloom they get quotes okay cool there's a new element in the group now yeah there is now we have lava we can do lava and earth earth and lava equals the same thing earth and fire do about air and lava steam stone we have stone and water equals sand cool now we can do let's do air air and sand air and earth creates dust [Music] how about fire and sand it's glass i know that from minecraft i know that from minecraft teaching children all these things too forget don't forget your little brother plays minecraft it's teaching him things dust and glass dust and stone dust and sand dust and earth air and dust air and air and water steam there it is how about steam and fire equals plasma glass and steam fire and steam fire and dust is ash we suggested this i don't know man we're just jumping around we're just hanging out sand and steam stone and ash earth and ash earth and steam dust and glass steam and sand water and ash water and dust water and steam water and air steam turn off the game sounds why you don't like them it's too loud okay earth sand and sand sand and stone play nitrome what is nitro nitrum now nitro now let me at least get to plasma fire and fire and steam fire and water is alcohol alcohol and alcohol and water okay alcohol and a ton of water spotlight what is nitrome i don't get it lava and vodka this makes fireball i'm sorry i had to high quality indie game ah what is okay nitrum is it on where is it about glass and alcohol this is like well that's just that doesn't make any sense alcohol and sand alcohol and earth uh fire and alcohol makes bomb energy okay energy and earth may oh look at this okay energy and air makes storm energy and steam energy and storm how about uh fire and energy no about energy and earth energy and stone energy and sand energy and glass that rising two waiting room i played that game through like two three times i like beat that whole game what are you talking about alcohol and energy lava and energy about um energy in water energy and alcohol energy and water energy and alcohol vodka and energy vodka red bull um i don't know icarly psp waiting room i'm not going to [ __ ] buy that game no i'm not getting that game shipped here okay i'm sorry i'm not gonna i'm not gonna play icarly psp game double energy hmm no you now you're onto something no you're not all right how about fire and energy is not fire wouldn't fire energy be like destruction or something what am i missing aaron earth dust fire and earth i already did fire on earth didn't i yes lava water and earth makes mud swamp okay swamp in energy swamp energy's gonna make a frog life okay life and steam i want everything to combine with steve i don't know why air and life ash and life is a ghost i've created death ghost and glass ghost and sand stone earth ghost how about ghost and life about energy and ghost no about life and earth life and stone egg egg and energy equals bird egg and life equals bird egg and steam is bird egg and air is bird got it see how the game is progressing chat yeah okay now we got animals bird and life bird and energy is a phoenix no that's fire and bird there you go oh jiggly look at me look at your idiot life and death no you can't do that it's too powerful how about egg and glass bird and bird and alcohol vodka and bird bird and swamp water and bird seagull no sand and bird earth and bird ostrich stone bird um life and water weeds life and sand sand plus bird weeds and energy weeds in life weeds and egg no water in weeds alcohol and weeds swamp and weeds there we go all right there we go now we've got moth moss and alcohol moss and stone moss and earth is grass grass and life is bugs energy and grass is bugs eggs and grasses bugs moss and grass weeds and grass fire and grass is tobacco tobacco and air is smoke tobacco and ash tobacco and steam storm and grass steam and grass dust and grass air and grass tobacco and bong is oh all right ghost and tobacco phoenix and grass these alchemy games always get me hooked so it's so much fun to try all the combos yeah it is about um kind got something with a bird bird and weeds lost in bird and life and bird no how do we make a life in sand to seeds here we go seeds in water is plants right i mean that's very obvious right it has to be seeds in water [ __ ] dumb game really seeds and grass kidding me life and seeds egg seeds energy and seeds what seeds in bird what the [ __ ] seeds in earth tree tree and bird bird family tree and tree is forest seeds what about air entry i do anything korean dust steam tree ash tree storm tree those are all like last names of different like warcraft characters like in whatever i'm not gonna do it you know what i was gonna do i'm not gonna do it i refuse and shadowland's like game's got like it's one of the fastest selling pc games of all time it really like changed a bunch of stuff for the better it's like it hurt it's pretty i didn't mean it's like stupid [ __ ] game like i don't know why you if you play that game then like you seriously like you have to be dumb like you just there's no way you're you're not dumb if you play that right i don't play like the fastest selling pc game ever like [ __ ] game sucks energy in phoenix no uh energy and there's got to be something else here again here we go dinosaur contrarian loser no game's [ __ ] stupid like dumb game all those warlock changes like pretty fun like [ __ ] stupid against stupid shitty game air and dinosaur is dragon this is not funny somebody's actually really upset that they think that this is for real sorry i'm sorry i'm i'm look all right i bought it all right i bought it and what are you doing can you mad at me you're gonna yell at me i bought it and i played it you're gonna be upset with me about this fine i will i'm going to admit you here we go i bought shadow lands and guess what i'm having some fun not that not very much but i'm having fun with it it's very good so far i've played a little bit kill this man [Laughter] he bought shadowlands oh mega lol look i haven't played the game since legion and i'm just looking at it i've played it for like two weeks i just told you how dare you i know like what the [ __ ] add shadow lands to the dead why because i bought it he wasn't sick he was playing shadow lands now that's horseshit that's not even real you know i i actually was i was it's not even real the truth comes out no wait no are you kidding me i would not stop streaming for like a week to play shadowlands i've just been i've like smelled it a few times i would not do that tree in life a trio oh my god just like that there's like a world of warcraft with the tree it's really at mount hyjal remember why are you doing this um that could mean a lot of different things why am i talking about shadowlands why did i admit that i bought shadowlands why am i playing flash games why am i playing doodle god why have i not played cyberpunk why are you not playing cyberpunk i mean i could answer that that depends on what you mean there's a lot of different answers there i was sand and where's the swiss swamp swamp play okay cool how about clay and playing earth stone and clay sand and clay glass and clay life and clay that's gonna be a golem oh all right what about dragon and dragon and fire i make like a fire dragon life and god i made a human there it is finally i did it but you actually bought shadowlands no i didn't i did not human and human is baby sex sex let's see uh sex and sex and water sex in the swamp sex out on the beach the sex in the backyard nope sex on the suck sex acts up in a tree passionate sex sex and eggs i don't know sex and eggs sex and energy it's like whatever i'm starting to get a little weird here sex and sex i'm trying to combine stuff sex and sex is sex too it's sex with a dinosaur i want to click god god is sitting in the clouds oh my god uh a section of tree sex in the water oh sex with a dinosaur sex with the birds hmm what else i wonder what else we could do how about sex with a sex with a dragon sex with a ghost because the sex he said is that a white board just writing all this [ __ ] down no no no sex while playing the harmonica yeah that's a good one i think i'll do that one too steam and sand no i keep doing steam and swamp and sand no i did that already fire yeah fire and clay that's a good one makes bricks new element structure bricks and water bricks and life energy and bricks eggs and bricks seeds and bricks sex and bricks bricks and sex don't know what i don't know what you're doing um i don't know why you need a brick okay never mind like um what oh dude no oh hold on i'm starting to like see stars that was i laughed too hard very quickly hold on smash with a brick no guys that's ridiculous that would [ __ ] hurt so bad all right i'm going to be all right i'm going to be fine what's what's the the bricks and the bees the birds and the bricks birth of the bees the birds and the bricks [Laughter] okay how about bricks and sand franks and earth bricks and stone playing bricks how do i make a house bricks and glass how about human and brick that's not gonna work you know can i tell you guys one of my favorite words in the english language is brick it's the perfect word for what that is i love that word when you think of the word brick you just see this heavy thick dense just just clump a [ __ ] heavy dense thing it's just that it's just i love the word it's perfect why is he not playing uh nitro i will in a second hold on dinosaur and water like a water dinosaur right dinosaur and swamp alligator hey morty i turn myself into a brick no that's not funny if it was a pickle i might have laughed at it i wouldn't be baby pickle brick all right that's enough tobacco and free what am i looking for fire and i don't want to do that but oh cole sex and life sex and egg no sex and life didn't work human and brick i already did a human brick it didn't do anything oh my god human and moss human in weeds can i make like a a swamp person fire and human oh corpse and corpse and air i don't know corpse in corpse and dust corpse and what about corpse in life zombie zombie and i'll be in cold i don't know i'm trying to get away from [Music] i'm trying to get away from uh i'm trying to get away from i'm trying to get away from i'm trying to get away from what's the new game what was the new game was called nitrome or something bricks and coal yeah that's a good one it was cold brick and coal no nothing remember you good i'm fine i need another building material how do you build a house wood where's wood where the hell's wood tree and axe where's wood where's tree tree and something to break it life and tree oh that's trend brick and brick mud and brick yeah how do you make mud earth and water i think i've already done that yeah i already did that earthen water and clay i need tools yeah how do i make tools human and vodka alcoholic what what alcoholic and i don't understand what human and corpse about um egg and corpse energy and corpse human and energy a widget uh fire wizard coal wizard oh that face went no wizard sex oh my like [ __ ] face hurts right now this is stupid wizard and energy who makes a demi-god okay if you have sex with a demigod that means that that's how like i'm not like yeah aren't there like dante right it makes it makes a quarter god hercules somebody said dante yeah dante is not is dante from devil may cry debbie a a quarter god no don't you feel like that eventually if let's say like you know demigods were you know procreating you know procreating and they were you know demigods and now you have you know just like a human and a demigod and then you know eventually get to the point where you have like like two percent demigod on like he would be like i'm a demigod that's me they'd be like just you stand over there man i'm gonna try to like shoot fireballs at you like that's not how it works dude just [ __ ] relax yeah like [ __ ] like 27 million years ago yeah you're like you had a demigod okay whatever we said i thought the gladiator yelling was boring but you managed to outdo yourself time the person out for an hour no i'll do it it's your name i remember you there you are there you are there they go right click then for 72 days oh he actually died you actually tied him up all right after 10 minutes reverse that band i just want them to know what they did now egg and grass i feel like i need to do more stuff with eggs human plus computer i don't have a computer brick and brick will that actually do anything where is brick okay brick and brick oh that's not gonna do anything rick and corpse no i tried that already clay and water gotta like lose track where everything is clay and water let's go for it no swamp and i need to make mud or like cement bacteria oh [ __ ] okay hold on bacteria and and um dinosaur bacteria and not that come on earth and bacteria stone and bad i could make some kind of animal right bird bacteria water bacteria energy bacteria life bacteria egg bacteria look i'm just gonna do it because i have to water and bacteria there we go oh plankton okay plankton and lengthen an energy plant in an egg planted in seed plankton and sex the secret formula sand and earthen plankton worm okay we're getting somewhere worm and earth earthworm beetle beetle and tree beetle and italian tree beetle and uh grass and beetle grass and worm nope sand and worm is a snake all right we got another animal bird and worm let's try that uh bird and worm no burden plankton burden weeds burden beetles snake and worm there's a lizard i still need i make bricks of lizards and worms beetle lizard snake beetle moss lizard snake moss dinosaur beetle weed bird bird bacteria plankton dinosaur snake worm oh whoops snake in water lizard in water snake in water fish okay fish and i don't know fish and what fish and steak fish and bird fish and grass fish and water fish and alcohol swamp fish lizard and fire you just burn it let's just toss the lizard in the fire why would you do that i don't know i i'm just it's on the whiteboard i guess i don't know let's take it off energy and lizard life and lizard egg and lizard lizard and grass lizard and swamp lizard in water snake and swamp uh fishing i'm surprised fishing water doesn't make something else i guess it is just a fish lizard zombie ghost uh a ghost fish lizard fish snake ghost lizard ghost a human snake fish sex lizard sex snake sex bird sex dinosaur sex i don't know no i'm talking about like it's that it's just the term it's not that it's not like you it's not you having sex with a lizard okay it's just the terminology for like procreation about i feel like i haven't been using fire for anything fire and bacteria beetle fire worm and lava fire and worm there we go oh my god whatever iron grass no tobacco what tobacco and human i haven't tried that at all um mission plankton hmm good call that's a really good call look at that it made a whale look at that genius in the chat genius lizard and earth you go a beast trying to get me to buy it like i don't even have a lot of fun but i mean it's on the app store go get it beast and human makes a werewolf makes a domestic animal okay domestic animal and energy life and egg seeds snake and beast bee snake lizard beast cow snake fish cow whales cow beast whale fire fire cow fire beast fire whale firebird phoenix i already did it do beetle and sand okay sand and beetle you said that's not right here it's over here oh scorpion nice okay i this game's i'm addicted to this game it's fun we'll change we'll change we'll change once that guy's timeout goes comes up we'll change worm and stone scorpion and earth scorpion and sand scorpion and clay no scorpion and snake fish scorpion and lizard together fire and stone i haven't done fire in stone yet are you serious how have i not done that what have i not done that metal and brick equals house oh tree and metal equals i don't know water in metal alcohol and metal uh fire and metal lava coal and metal what lizard and metal human metal tools finally okay tools and get it we got a lot to do here tools and energy tools in life tools and eggs tools and seeds tools tools and sex uh human tools corpse tools wizard tools demigod tools alcohol tools air and tools dust tools steam tools ash tools storm tools brick and tools what earth and tools is field okay about metal and tools obviously right half that has to be metal and tools weapon human and weapon is gonna make like a fighter hunter hunter and beast equals food um meat wool and blood okay meat um what's like lettuce like meat okay meat lettuce tomato it's like a whopper like it comes together wool and human sweater warps meat wizard meat tools and wool it's your fabric meat and fire that's a good one wow okay that's actually pretty surprising um tools and meat breaking tool i'm surprised brick and tool doesn't do anything tools in fabric no water and fabric alcohol water and field no okay grass and field blood and field blood and bricks blood and life that sounds like a good one blood and egg energy and blood i'm not gonna i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna click that seeds oh fire yeah seeds and fields you're right where are those seeds hey where's the seeds i do them they are seed and field equals crops hey air and blood blood and storm uh blood and snake lizard blood bird blood no grass blood tree blood maple syrup uh fire and blood um blood with water no tree and tools there we go wood finally that took forever now let's go with wood and wood and tools again right yeah makes a wheel blood and stone um blood and earth blood and metal blood and sand blood add it doesn't do anything blood and clay and weapon oh that's not a bad idea oh too bad oh blood and zombie meat and zombie right that would be a good one oh blood and blood um i tried that coal and fire blood and human oh [ __ ] vampire vampire okay vampire and wood is like a stake through the heart which makes a corpse right sex and vampire a human vampire is just a double vampire i guess wheel and energy what gonna do with wheel woolen wheel no tools and wheel wood and a metal and wheel stone and wheel really glass and wheel come on brick and wheel no oh there we go cart steam and metal somebody said i'll try it steaming metal oh yeah spoiler cart and wheel and animal cart and animal hold on uh wheel and animal heart and animal wheel and beast wheel and whale cart and lizard snake cart wheel dinosaur no boiler and human uh okay no boiler and hunter weapon and human already got it [Music] wheel whale i haven't done anything with meat have i not done anything with meat how about life and meat energy and meat how have i not found anything human meat hunter meat alcoholic meat wizard mean what can i do hunter and what's with these other animals hunter and bird oh feather okay all right let's do i want to do hunter on the other one on everything else too hunter and dinosaur it's just blood okay hunter and snake hunter and lizard hunter and fish hunter and whale hunter and beast okay what about hunter and okay tree and tool i think i did wood already right yeah human and snake oh no i thought that was pretty good idea though that was gonna do hunter and vampire during zombie hunter and ghost hunter and treant hunter and gollum hunter and dragon what oh i get it the hunter's dead energy and demigod energy and wizard is demigod so energy and demigod makes what uh life and demigod blood and demigod well demi gods don't have blood they're like i don't like electricity or something we yeah i gotta come by and wait with something do the boiler in the wheel spoiler and wheel let's see boiler and boiler boiler and weapon boiler and tools okay boiler in wood boiler and fabric boiler and bricks boiler and field spoiler and boiler and metal boiler and stone what do you say boiling cart boiler and wheel no weapon and cart weapon and wheel tools and cart no really hunter and hunter okay hunter hunter and hunter hunter hunter doesn't do anything hunter and human hunter water and wheel smart very smart hunter x hunter um oh all right never let's mind water and wheel wait water and field no water and wood boat cool all right i got a boat what was the last one you guys want to do water and what water and human water and hunter corpse in the water alcohol in the water wizard in the water wheel right right okay yeah yeah damn carton water boat in water alcohol in the boat alcohol a boat in the swamp energy in the wheel i'm gonna try everything with the wheel actually let's go no okay meet in the cart meet in the boat beating the wheel wool in the cart wool in the boat wool in the wheel weed in the cart weed in the boat weed in the wheel feather in the wheel feather in the cart feather in the boat air in the wheel air in the cart air in the boat dust in the wheel dust in the cart dusting the boat steaming the wheels steaming the cart steaming the boat and you know the rest storm of the wheel storm in the carton storm on the boat we've got a bird in the wheel a bur we got a bird in the wheel a burn in the car a bird in the boat a whale on the wheel of wailing the carter whale on the boat a dinosaur that's too many syllables animal and car i'm surprised this one doesn't work fish boat no what's storm and metal hmm that's a good this is this is such a chill day right now i'm just chilling you guys chilling this is like kind of nice i like this storm and metal no [ __ ] you [ __ ] you no you suck [ __ ] you no no oh my oh my god what the hell what's going on here you guys are making me sad it's dormant metal nope metal and energy mate oh there we go a count countess flagrant uh energy and metal there's metal down here dude oh yes african feathers please i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going but i got electricity zombie elect what's electricity and stone electricity and metal ah electricity and stone electricity and glass fire and electricity boat and electricity motorboat water and wind oh wait i got steam electricity and human just electrocute them boiler and coal let's go for it damn there it is steam engine okay oh now we're getting real steam engine and tools steam engine and weapon steam engine and cart steam engine and steam does that sound oh electricity boiler yeah you know we're gonna do some spamming here because i really feel like electricity is going to work with so much stuff electricity energy let's just go for it electricity egg electricity sex seeds no meat electricity wool i have feather too no electricity scorpion electricity metal no none of this works electric snake hold on electricity water alcohol swamp really electricity and snake no damn it no that guys we're not trying to make pokemon here would want to combine elements use one of the hints oh some of these may react vodka and lava swamp and coal swamping lava swamping fire vodka and coal vodka and lava vodka and fire alcohol and coal alcohol lava alcohol and fire energy oh isn't it oh where where the hell is it what what did i not do water and fire wait what water and coal oil do water and water please i'm having an aneurysm water and water all right settle down man it doesn't do anything you were freaking out for no reason man okay oil and i should do oil and what oil and life oil and electricity oil and energy blood and oil season oil sex oil worm oil human and oil no two minutes for another hit [ __ ] phoenix and oil vampire oil dragon oil sand and oil metal and oil earthen oil clay and oil stone and oil wait wait we have tools tools and oil steam engine oil boiler and oil weapon oil come on meat and oil wool wheat other damn pardon oh there it is all right finally got a car aaron human energy and car what was car inhuman means no nothing wizard in car car and sex i don't think that's gonna work clown and car where's a clown yeah air and car might make an airplane there it is nice all right cool airplane [Music] toy and boat toy and boat toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat [ __ ] toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat toy boat i had it god damn it [ __ ] i tried i was had him wheel and air maybe wait air and bricks fabric and air i don't know tools and air a weapon and air you know just swinging your sword in the air and i'm not gonna do anything wheel and air you're gonna play fancy pants adventures um make a house please i'm i'm i'm gonna do it okay house would be what wood and stone or like tools and wood tools and what would it be airplane and weapon oh [ __ ] that's right oh take the hint oh i was already on it okay tools and wheel tools and cart tools and boat let's go through the whole thing weapon and boat weapon and car steam engine and wheel steam engine and plane what locomotive okay okay so locomotive and art to make up wheat and stone ooh flour okay flour and eggs flour and eggs are gonna make bread or something right flour and eggs what i can't make like a cake seeds two eggs some butter police electric corpse i'm dying over here all right i'll do it hold on man i didn't do anything flour and water yep that's a good one hey listen yeah food okay flour water go all right dough and eggs go in life go in energy tools and dough fire and dough blood in the dough i wouldn't eat at that restaurant anymore fire dough bread okay bread and human it should make this should definitely be happiness human and bread just happy hunter and bread well you're not hunt bread you just make it bread and meat that's not a bad idea nope flour and bread meat and bread doesn't make like a sandwich come on why should that should make like a hamburger hunter x hunter germa i know some you made that joke already fire and meat yeah i tried that it didn't do anything that's weird right in tools let's try it and weapon flower and weapons feather tools feather weapon either boiler feather engine red and alcohol oh that would be beer right yeah if there's anything else okay this beer fire and brick human and stone a hut wait hut and tools should make uh hut and tools uh um where'd it go where is it where's hud where the hell where'd it go am i stupid what is it where did it go pizza and hut oh my god oh my god i was looking at it i sorry tools was already over there i'm sorry tools pizza hut pizza and hot [Laughter] yeah that'd be so funny if they did like a dumb branded version i know it'd be stupid but if you could be eventually made like a king and you had like a burger you could make burger king or something nobody would think that was cool but like like three of us here okay uh some of these can interact metal and weeds that's right earth weeds mushrooms plankton in stone hey shell mushroom and tools made poison poison and human is death wizard and mushroom okay wizard and mushroom oh mushroom and human nope mushroom and hunter hunter and weapon that's not a bad that's a good one yeah oh warrior human and field yeah that's a good idea look at this this is like we're having like a little game night tonight together you know what i mean this is like a little game night what about tools and field this is the streamer and chat bonding experience warrior has to combine with something warrior and vote warrior and dragon oh [Music] you're a superhero superhero and water um alcoholic superhero human superhero hunter hero corpse hero warrior hero wizard hero demigod hero no all right let's make a house what and brick somebody said wood and hut how do i make that a house train and metal hold on oh right all right training metal metal and wheel no none of these really do anything you poison and weapon nice ooh poisoned weapon where was it the and where was i have everything holy [ __ ] i didn't think we were gonna let's beat this game let's go game night guys come on hey wango bangy thanks for the five community subs appreciate it thank you wango really got like 20 more poison weapon human assassin assassin human is a alive assassin and a dead human okay assassin and brick you poison sex sorry okay let's do poison and sex fine where's poison over there didn't do anything ceramics human and clay good one shell and stone yeah let's do that one limestone oh nice okay we got a lot of comp okay swamp and worm snake all right go back to go back to that that was wrong a swamp vodka and worm tequila or something well i know it's not tequila but you know what i i'm not i'm stupid never mind swamp and shell ooh sulfur sulfur i'm gonna do a silver sulfur in like coal no it's over on fire go for an oil super and cold really can't do something cool one too many eyes say one too many eyes thanks for the five communities up appreciate it one too many eyes beer and weapon that were need weapon weapon and what do you want me to weapon in one tree and life swamp and grass do weapon and sulfur where where's sulfur oh it's over damn it no no weapon and oil in the weapon and coal do wizard and stone oh assassin and stone metal assassin limestone and wizard oil and boat uh should i do oil and boat or uh wait should i do what about a hot now sand and boat more community subs holy [ __ ] sea bone thanks for the five subs thank you sea bone uh oil and boat doesn't work coal and boat fire and boat sulfur and boat nope do limestone and clay okay limestone and clay oh [ __ ] cement finally holy [ __ ] give that person a give the person a thumbs up now we can do cement and hut with cement and bricks really cement in wood cement and ceramics cement and metal cement and stone cement and sand cementing glass cement and clay what cement and tools boiler engine hut human and cement what cement in water concrete all right concrete and human concrete and tools no i'm creating hut concrete and what finally a house okay house and human is like family or something right house and hunter house and hero house and wizard house and house a city i was on fire i was in oil house and sulfur help me out here here we go okay tobacco and snake bird tree echo grass snake tobacco tree what the hell is this didn't i i feel like i did all these combinations what the hell is this grass beast tobacco tobacco animal tobacco grow oh [ __ ] milk and fertilizer okay we got hold on milk and eggs right milk and meat or milk and flour milk and beer milk and meat dough and milk eggs and milk milk and eggs poison in the milk life and milk energy milk muscle milk blood milk milk and bread milk and sex that's not gonna do anything uh house and milk fertilizer and limestone i keep forgetting to do that and i'm sorry you keep saying that i keep forgetting it okay fertilizer and limestone let's do it salt peter salt peter and we got salt peter i don't know if that does not that much more it's got human and sky by that human and uh there is there no there's no sky human in air peter and sulfur okay okay saltpeter and sulfur it's gunpowder gun powder and tools makes gun and powder and tools a gunpowder weapon is your firearm okay buy your arm and like car like we need to make like a a tank or something firearm inhuman no hunter and firearm assassin firearm hero firearm warrior firearm nope uh what about gunpowder yeah that's not a wait i've done anything with fabric fabric and sand this is my clothes fabric and fabric fabric and tools no fabric and hut i'm trying to make like clothing ever can fire african human there it is close what about clothes and clothes and and domesticated animals it's like [ __ ] bugs bunny bugs bunny didn't wear clothes uh this is daffy duck donald duck wore a t-shirt and no pants and [ __ ] um mickey mouse didn't have clothes on he'd like no mickey mouse said pants on yeah mickey mouse whatever i feel like i have not used electricity for anything electricity in house no i have not used electricity one time so it has to be used for something whatever let's find okay again what the hell is this water and tobacco water and tree alcohol tree alcohol grass vodka tree swamp grass makes a reed okay tobacco inhuman electricity and energy no electricity in life nope and reads it's paper paper and tools or paper paper and pencil human and electricity and paper human paper iron paper what about firing paper hunter and paper tobacco and paper here it is perfect yes that's a great idea tobacco and paper good good good good good paper and gunpowder does that do anything let's get tobacco cigarette there it is and feather what would that do what would that do the hell's paper this paper how did i miss it already what category is paper oh okay right okay paper and feather it's a book they bring weeds i'm sure paper and grass paper and reads paper and yeah whatever look we're down to the final almost final uh ten storm and bird that's right thunderbird they actually have do a book and worm yeah that would work it definitely would work a book and worm ah that's too bad uh what up what about sand and book metal book what about a wood book um hold on weed and swamp oh that's a no-brainer no it didn't work okay and house okay book and house what about book and human like in like scholar or something no [ __ ] i don't know book and house no [ __ ] hut cement in house brick and steam engine wait give me all right let's go uh ash and i'm gonna do ash oh storm worm storm shell storm shroom okay steamweed steam beetle dust we dust beetle steamed weeds that's gonna be air then whatever air uh aaron weeds air beetle air scorpion aeroplankton air shell air worm oh the last one i possibly could have done okay butterfly 10 more what about a lizard shell i'll try it nope snake shell bird shell lizard scorpion butterfly lizard playing gunpowder that's why i claim gunpowder no snake and oil okay i have not used wheat i've used wheat like once either once wool like once worm and shell um i guess i could try it yeah let me try these the glass with glass and house right okay glass was glass class and house oh [ __ ] skyscraper perfect all right skyscraper and human is like office worker businessman or something right oh skyscraper in house do fertilizer in the field oh [ __ ] okay yeah uh what category is that in i don't [ __ ] remember fertilizer and field fertilizers uh i don't remember there's so many categories there's so many things fertilizer and what's the fertilizer okay fertilizer field now [ __ ] skyscraper and hut field in house no concrete house human enclosed [ __ ] fabric and boat okay fabric and boat try this one what would fabric and boat do oh african feather okay what the hell is the feather how many things [ __ ] hundred goddamn elements just keep forgetting where everything is brain is [ __ ] fried uh ah feather is yeah i don't know this one there is it wasn't food it wasn't food all right bird house [ __ ] there's less than ten bird house [ __ ] sand and egg [Laughter] oh no sand and egg okay turtle okay turtle of water turtle in swamp there's one more animal that is not here cat and beast do water and sand like i did water and sand a while ago didn't i no oh this is interesting about ghost and bird ghost whale ghost dinosaur ghost beast oh snake ghost animal lizard ghost turtle ghost fish ghost zombie bird beast and gollum zombie bird zombie whale zombie animal lizard zombie turtle zombie fish dragon turtle dragon beast thunderbird turtle thunderbird beast brilliant whale vampire beast oh jesus okay there it is werewolf nice nice sand and tree no fertilizer entry oat and wood wouldn't the in the boat made out of wood and then i feel like the boat is already made out of wood ship all right down to the final six only a few more yeah i figured boat and oil would have shipping oil no coal and ship fire and ship coal coal and locomotive no really ship and steam engine try that and there's the steam ship perfect five more i'll do ship and boiler human and ship we'll try human in steamship human ship won an airplane what about beast and fish cool i'll try it dolphin there's only four more this is almost done metal and energy that's a good try let's see ah oh it's electricity i'll do ship and fabric okay shipment fabric is this is a sailboat what are the last three i got we got all the animals all the gooey things we're missing some of the life things i feel like a little bit of fire i was in domestic animal and then they wrote for [ __ ] sake all right i hope you're right if you're not right you're getting [ __ ] timed out for 10 minutes you're getting timed up for 10 minutes if this is incorrect okay let's find it house ready house and domesticated animal oh get him [Laughter] right now he's like no no you don't ever take me a lot or what if we just hit the x watch out what is it oh [ __ ] i'm out of here whale and human oh hi i tell you whale and human okay nope auto plus energy firearm and vodka oh we got a hidden coming up here hold on and okay the last thing of transportation fish and boat fish and ship mission steamship no bird and plane beast and cart period there it is nice this is done what's left there's only a few things left two things left okay i'll take your side okay uh let me just take him off real quick i'll be right back i'm gonna go over this way okay i'm back so so very cool very very cool chunky fireman in real life i'll hit very cool it was a hundred gifted subs wait what hold on let me see what are you talking about oh my god there was 100 subs what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that's too many that's too many that's from zap x there's a hundred community subs i thought you guys are debating for a second i was like oh my god i feel like that you've done this before there's too many i really appreciate it though thank you that's a a monster amount of money thank you thank you thank you thank you way more it's way more than i deserve so what is that oh the bust of an e-clown okay let's stop there let's head back over here we have only two more elements and i have a i have a hint [Music] water scorpion water moss water bacteria no what's the last one water mushroom water shell butterfly water swamp butterfly water beetle no water swamp beetle swamp alcohol and worm yeah i tried that one already weed swamp no i did that i don't know what is it mushroom and vodka water and is it alcohol it has to be something weird huh vodka and beetle moss and swamp burn there's only one more what's the last one what's the last one burning something fabric and ship fabric and ship yeah i did yeah i got a tablet is it water and metal that can't be the last one that i didn't do no way okay zombie and wizard nope vampire wizard ghost wizard zombie i don't know vodka plus firearm uh okay nope zombie and corpse is this oh there it is that's the end of the game ghoul congratulations in the next episodes which path will the development of the world creation take what are the fantastic adventures we'll do to god make maybe technological disaster will throw the world into stone age what creatures will inhabit the planet or maybe world will take the path of magic perhaps the doodle god himself will descend from heavens and take on adventures personally hmm you can now play it on your iphone by the way there are like five of these yeah there's like doodle devil this doodle medieval doodle doodle magic or something right was fun that was fun that was very chill and that was really fun just hang out okay i promise everybody that i will play nitrome this week okay we'll go back to it but i am going to call it here it's been five and a half hours hasn't really felt that long i'll see you guys tomorrow for the game awards stream will be starting somewhere around like 3 15. we'll hang out for like 15 minutes before it starts we'll do that and then we'll see what's going on on friday but i'll see you guys tomorrow yeah game awards are tomorrow i'm only watching the game awards for eldon ring i don't care about anything else i'm just gonna sleep through it until i have like an alert on my phone when it's the announcement's coming there's probably some other cool reveals too like there might be let's we'll see that's going to conclude tonight's stream thanks for watching guys sorry i was gone for so long i just i wasn't able to talk it was really took until about this morning before i felt comfortable speaking for more than like an hour straight so we don't being that guy that guy should be going banned by now right send up a dm like and just say hey got noticed no he's still banned he's still a band well okay maybe he'll be on band tomorrow all right so uh raid right okay rain you want this does donkey donkey's streaming now right dump but i'm such like a fan like if i stream if i raid dunky i could be like i'm such a big fan and here's like a bunch of people yeah donkey's really funny he's been around for a long time if you don't know who he is he's very very funny i've got some of the funniest youtube videos i've ever watched one of my favorites is the capture video if you haven't seen it please give yourself a treat and go watch it right now before you you know watch the stream we're going to write up we'll write donkey yeah look he hit i'm like just i'm just a fan whatever he's cool whatever what is this i gotta follow him on twitch what is his twitch name i gotta follow him right now junk stream oh yeah he's had this like he's had this account for a long time hasn't he all right i'll see you guys tomorrow have a good one take care good night goodbye see you tomorrow for the game awards goodbye get that raid going go go go go go go go go i'm looking forward to the game awards i think it's gonna be some cool stuff there i don't know we'll see all right guys thanks for watching as always decent do you
Channel: Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 70,790
Rating: 4.9369087 out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, stream, streams, full stream, archive, jerma flash games, pc, flash games, bouncy quest, idelraceing, simpocalypse, there is no game, this is the only level, the impossible quiz, swords and sandals 2, doodle god
Id: 5RL0ZY2xpZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 331min 39sec (19899 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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