Jerma has a Mental Breakdown on Stream - Classic Jerma Moments

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[Music] hey I thought I was over one two three got it dammit get these little [ __ ] out of here the dead I think it's dead you little [ __ ] will you die Hey I was standing on the nest how did I survive everything's dead I have to kill that from here there's nothing else here wait don't do that is that killing it he's in na throes I don't think I can even kill this got it no enemies right if one thing comes out of dead memens Nadel of length of like I can't click the links look at it inch alright let me I'll get open up on my phone alright close the link so I can see it I'm getting dizzy I'm getting dizzy laughing so hard at this picture why what does that mean what does that mean [Laughter] holy [ __ ] is that real no it's not it's not real right oh it looks like somebody's firing discombobulated or into my face it's not real is it real it's not real right somebody would have a clip to prove that there's no way that it's real it's not right holy [ __ ] that's [ __ ] insane that can't be real give me them give me the real one there's a real one holy [ __ ] you got me [ __ ] kidding me I thought I thought I thought I'd look like that for real this is please give me the roof like I like burgers coming out of my nose that's [ __ ] human doesn't look like that okay so it's not [ __ ] real I thought it was I thought it was real totally [ __ ] imagine okay just hold on a second you guys are quick imagine looking at a picture that like is your face and it's yeah I don't know it could have been real we I I've had pictures taken of me be going like this and I had like a huge chin and it was real I don't know what's real and what's not anymore but that was [ __ ] ridiculous check the clips it's real somebody give me a clip give me a clip I'll save it new evilly that's pretty that's a pretty ridiculous unedited it's not real okay no no I have to play I have to get over this holy [ __ ] that's what mother was watching right now she'd be like what's wrong with him she is I need to just put that on screen cuz for people that are watching the vaad that maybe have no idea what's going on I need to show that give me a second I need to say that that image has to be shown on the big screen we traumatized him you really did my eyes are like going in different directions my mouth is huge they look like a [ __ ] cartoon character man it was scary it was scary and it could have been real but why would it have been real I don't know but I thought it was this is the original one where let me see my god okay so this is the original and then give me the [ __ ] crazy one that's so [ __ ] up all right so give me some give me like some credit just look I don't know you know tough it is to be able to determine what's [ __ ] real and not real this is the image this is the original actual image that did for those of you watching the vlog this is the image somebody linked this okay and they said that this is the this was real and everyone told me it was real and look at how [ __ ] crazy you look like freely like that could that could be it's not [Laughter] it's real it's not don't [ __ ] say that uh this is killing me I know the first ones are real oh my god when I first saw that MIT you don't know the emotions going through my brain cuz I look remember it's on a cell phone this is not on my computer I looked at my cell phone so it was like all blurry and [ __ ] small and then the big chin thing right so of course I'm gonna be skeptical of what's real enough because those of you who were here for the big chin I don't we do already know I mean [ __ ] Jesus I can't get over this yet the chin was real but that's the thing it's the reverse the chin was real but I was convinced it was fake this one was fake and I was convinced this one was real it's just is all over the place all right back to [ __ ] the thing I guess that is so [ __ ] ridiculous that was a true breakdown on stream I seriously that was a true breakdown that was a real one it may have been comedy related but that was a comedy breakdown
Channel: WhimsMoose
Views: 11,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jerma, Jerma Highlights, Jerma The Thing, Jerma Breakdown
Id: Xwos5LHZIdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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