Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson & Liam Hemsworth play Hungry Hippos

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good morning liam hemsworth good morning good morning Jennifer Lawrence good morning strange sir good morning isn't good morning Josh Hutchison good morning I really struggle with your name everyone does on every one bullies not the hardly - Hutchinson oh there's no D is the SS honest I think the gesture shush shush shush shush eat ah just Joshua easy Joe Hutchins it's just an iron you see it's a real mess renew your name was complicated yeah I did another manner to complicate here's such a break okay you guys right that's right how are we all today we are good I'm good yes Liam you're healthy you too not healthy actually we've been on pretty strong in have I got it yeah you buddy didn't you I had a drip no why I had to Jess I didn't know why--i faintings oh wow that's it that's down the hallway no way I don't leave my jumper - yeah I took the sickness to the utmost to the next level yeah I like that so Oscar levels yeah Josh they are the same thing so I had to beat him I think he's been in bed for two days alright watch this drips what Josh companies I can't touch you and that's it yeah what's my it's not that I just didn't want to have a chance of giving you any kind of sickness and I also don't want to get something again no I just don't want anyone to touch me and so selfish sorry to give you a bug let them give you survive this yeah yeah I'd the other night I felt like I was getting sick I started to get a bit of a sore throat these are sweaty skin and why are you trying to Jennifer gets sick I feel like my skin like my stomach's I think it's just Jonah support you know I don't want her to feel like the only one that like I've had a mind over matter uh take on this whole thing so I'm gonna beat his convinced he said you think you throw me he was like my throat's hurting I'm getting second like you're not getting sick and then he thinks that he mind over matter dit really he just never got no knighthood himself I was definitely I was definitely started you know I didn't get sick but I'm mine I won't to get chicken on my mine injured it we should first of all I want to talk about this Jennifer and I didn't bring you this cake because it's really really creepy but I want to know if you've seen this guy oh my god yes I saw it I was aware this I am 511 yeah someone's made a real-life Jennifer Lawrence cake you would work to the personnel oh my god do we know how long it took they took her two and a half two and a half month I read off the BBC news thing and I highlighted eating this cake is not recommended and Jennifer talk to me about shooting this movie because this was um you know after you've done the first two you know that the third movie is going to be important and people are gonna love it how was going into the third filming was it was full of pressure or excitement because you know the guys or how was it phew it's always exciting um cuz they're my best friends um so yeah we always have a blast shooting these movies and also the story it was really different in other weren't games this time we're getting deeper into the war there was just more to do and my character just kind of starts out very stripped down and has : totally lost herself and kind of has to rebuild and so it was just kind of it was exciting yeah was there a favorite bit for you is there like one scene that you love to do ah I know I can't really tell the singing scenes actually like to see you see I don't know them bring that up formatting - yeah talk about that front - most traumatic day on set yeah that's my biggest fear I never ever ever like singing and I never want to sing in front of people huh so that was terrible it definitely wasn't that day she did I don't know I know wonderful job though thank you very much you mean movies apart so I can't oh yeah can you watch The Hunger Games as a fan Josh not me Josh no there's been so much trauma a fan josh Josh Shang ah no you guys okay I can't I don't like watching myself in movies uh for a lot of reasons and so it's hard to kind of totally know you don't know yeah watching me yeah yeah so it's it's like yeah it's it's hard to kind of be able to step away from the fact your faces on them screen so big watching us I always like on set I'm always like no makeup this needs to be raw this needs to be real and then I watch it I'm like um let the snap pull out of my nose yeah I know I really do like love these movies I don't yeah I love them after I've watched them cuz the whole time I'm watching them all I'm thinking about is what a troll and how untalented and awful I am but that word it's really good movie I really I like it my just hate that I'm in them yeah I'm that's because I would love these yeah yeah tickets I'm the worst part franchise well bye Yulin can you sit down and watch okay no I would totally I mean I would agree with what they're saying yes it's it's it's always tough to take yourself out of it and watch it doesn't you know yeah - and Liam I wanted to talk about this film because it was a comfort intro but there's an extra fight minion stuff he was like a fun role for you to do yeah I did absolutely yeah physical physical stuffs always fun to do I mean it's it's uh you know when you do physical stunts stuff in films it's very repetitive and you get beaten up at the same time it's really fun and and and yeah it was it was nice just coming to work with with these people more so on that you guys laughing no I'm saying no heat at a time cheers you fell back off the thing there's something funny happening over here oh no no no we're actually just not listening to you yeah we're not laughing I'll give you a point if you could be nothing that he's that he said being doing such as fun cuz you get beat up Wow I owe repetitive you said something about repetitive good job guy look just you just I'm not repetitive something about repetitive repetitive something about repetitive what if you if I knew that you guys were listening to me I'd start getting self-conscious I never we've not been there already don't works I'm Josh there's a lot of like edge-of-your-seat moments in this in this movie yeah and did you did you feel a lot more tense and exciting when filming this one what was the differences in filming Mockingjay part 1 yeah uh well I mean Peter goes to a much darker place and his psychotic and thrashes around and loses - um and and that was a first for me on screen I do it all the time in my personal life he's a big-time yeah I'm a bit back sure yeah uh I'm a raging with it so for me it was nice to get back to my roots and really Who I am and why I'm about it yeah crashing I had a really hard time with the first two movies I was playing a really nice normal calm person and so to finally get to let out my true inner lunatic yes this is acting right now exactly just before we put the cameras always a great yeah exactly that licking the walls on the stove it was really really wet we should talk about Lord coz Lord did the soundtrack for no he should talk about Lord I was that's amazing isn't it yeah he's a really really great it was a huge deal was it a big deal she was the most excited uh screaming quiet while at the same time tries to be cool yes uh I completely fanned out I just kept me like she here is she here is she here she's here okay cool yeah got a picture with her um yeah that's pretty exciting she gave me a wet willy once oh my god yeah and I we didn't know how to react to it and I'm a big Lord what do you mean you didn't know how to react to it you never wash your ear again I well I guess so I did like a new reaction and then she walked off and I didn't have time to say oh it was okay I was like uh-oh cuz I didn't know who it was and then it was Lord no oh yeah so you're like oh do a wet willy stage things when you give me a lotta wet like well only like I would give him to them at to him at the premiere yeah um well while we were watching the movie cuz you were in the row right in front of me what was I supposed to do leave you alone not given and then a bit weird I think I went Willy the premiere - no he would have thought we were fighting it will happen and we want to ask some questions from something that happened yesterday on Radio 1 we went to a school for the best day ever and we took over that school so we have some questions from the people at that school cool hey ready for those we're gonna play them off here they recorded them it was 10:00 drink technology College the first question is from Lizzy you ready for this one yeah okay and if you were to come round what would you like I wouldn't like to chicken parmesan papa hi chicken curry oh yeah um if McDonald's you're gonna manage will be great you just have McDonald's yesterday are you already there do you remember that one time has at your house and we hate like a whole pizza and then I stopped at McDonald's and got a double quarter-pounder and then I had a gut Pat's out of food coma and had a ketchup packet stuck to my ass while we were filming a hunger game yeah non-existent it's good um lucy has a question for you Jennifer Lawrence why don't you have to assume will you ever get it I will never get Twitter um I'm not very good on phones or technology I can not really keep up with email so the idea of Twitter is so unthinkable to me I don't really understand what it is it's like this weird enigma that people talk about and it's fine I respect that um but no I'll never get a Twitter and if you ever see a Facebook Instagram or Twitter that says it's me it most certainly is not well that is a glow I had I had that one locked and loaded by the emissary thumbs in the chamber interview oh I know and I really like laser focus that is look at anybody that like you somewhere else in monitor because the Internet has scorned me like like it's like that girl in high school that I'm like oh you want to talk about her yeah yeah take my hoops off because it is okay we came up with a really great game called The Hunger Game let me introduce you to Hungry Hippos okay looks fun yeah okay so we all have a face Oh looks like that's my brother was seeing platform you thought he was a stranger very similar what you're doing fair I thought it was a Robert Downey jr. how do we do again very silly yeah okay we're gonna swap your face yeah okay okay here we go faces swaps we have them and you're playing for some really serious stuff you're playing for delicious British delicacies okay YUM okay so whoever wins that but all foul um the balls are going in let's play Hungry Hungry Hippos with the stars of the week wait wait there's no way to know hey I'm Swiss go down I got a yellow one those that kind of spot was the deal so yeah yeah okay just rich what's the judge let's go second it's a Money Ball it's a Money Ball you vote against the way we you have to do is go yeah like so once you guys Lea I mean Josh you've won the British delicacy to enjoy rule that car throughout your rest day you have one pork scratchings pork scratch there are delicious hello they are the most delicious John oh wait like a red rose called I do I thought something else now was this real meat yeah that's like pop it's like dry it's a dog treat these gave me dog treats just like a dog treat you like you're surprised you Joe and I later oh wow they really stink I thought it was gonna be like a fun unison oh we did another round another record every other round yeah get your holes in the thing hey put your balls out here now your balls bounce game okay okay I ready to go again you both no no no the yellow one is right in front of John oh it's time Mudassar we look for those somewhere else let's get rid of pork scratchings in my lap my hippos my you just have to get the other one there's no Toshi's hippos Prabhu's okay too late three two one go what's the point you know I'm not gonna continue once because I this case sir yeah I got a yellow Josh this time watch it go into the green one I wasn't thinking I was little it's a little canis this time Josh you have won this gift I'm not shaking more your gifts man these like to discuss I'm gonna teach you right now this is black light butter yeah yeah oh okay look like something that stays behind a border look but it's worse love gave me a blood-clotting dog truth yeah officially were so happy I won that is black pudding right there genève another game yeah yeah let's up one the look with the next up is this the next one is outside of it vc-1 I hate you Jenica seriously the next thing we're playing for is good idea right now okay last one this is a good man still doesn't work but oh oh how it goes okay great man I'm going to my rude uh yeah you got the yellow Oh Liam you are a winner big winner of some spotty dick wait what's it good had that before spotted a lecture that's good yeah I had that one but I had to get wingman for a dick last time I had that I went to the doctor oh no you'd have to go to the doctor this is a shindig oh it's so - desert it's a desert it's not a main choice I'm buddy David that's cool enjoy your spotted dick yeah thanks man but you've all got a gift spotted dicks and black pudding and some porks great Wow this is absolutely awful great it's not gonna get better than that Josh thank you oh thank you Jennifer thank you you're welcome Thank You Liam thanks you have a wonderful day hey guys oh my god I have to brush my teeth
Channel: BBC Radio 1
Views: 1,768,984
Rating: 4.9608517 out of 5
Keywords: Liam Hemsworth (Celebrity), Jennifer Lawrence (Celebrity), Josh Hutcherson (Film Actor), The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1, Nick Grimshaw (TV Personality), BBC Radio 1 (Award Winner)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 11 2014
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