HUNGER GAMES MOCKINGJAY PART 2 interviews - Lawrence, Hutcherson, Hemsworth, Sutherland, Dormer

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I love the real or not real moment in the movie I love that moment about the whole film and I'm wondering since you guys been working together for so long now if each of you could say something about yourself and the other two guests if it's real or not and so I was thinking the abuse are and they have to guess what if you do it out it's something just absolutely crazy about yourself that they would only know through your friend ah man um I feel like I know you so well that I want to come up with your own real and see if I know yeah okay no no I don't even think that well I can be cool I can juggle you can do that's real yeah yeah look cinnamon rolls um I what's open mouth kiss divorce I really didn't open up kiss or worse they're just pretending like it's real okay more like oh this is me I love these guys and I knew something crazy about you that's weird that they have to guess real or not real so you can totally lie right now if you wanted to yeah I'm a really good cook you are a good riddle yeah misra what do you really want it's gone off it I'm not back what do what's a special dish that you made in the Hemsworth castle made pecan pie I did mica in my first Pig you don't need it though I didn't make it no late-night it and I didn't eat it I love it what a cool story I've been doing this for ten years and it's an honor to sit across from you for the fourth time because I've never done a full franchise before finding my interviews and you guys have been the kindest people to ever talk to you guys about every single time you've been so nice to me and I want to ask you looking back at the franchise do you remember the first scene you shot in the first movie and the last scene you shot in this movie and how you each changed throughout that period I do what was there the first name I mean the first I don't know if you shot before him the first in an Irish I was the one where through the bread do you in that flashback oh shoot in the rain like that like the I shot earlier that day I saw in the bathtub that they never ended up using oh yeah mmm getting ready for the games yeah yeah and I punched the window and it's the whole thing shatters like what is it oh yeah yeah you know and then I beat my chest like a gorilla the last year giant pickup of me putting you out of when you're on fire in the final movie that's like a pickup shot on top of a roof here in Berlin oh yeah know where last scene was our babies oh yeah that's just in the meadow miss Kennedy's reaction is your nephew here my neck how did that come about did you come out did you plan that with Francis yeah well cuz ever you know they um ever the bear the first Nephi was born when we were doing the first Hunger Games so this has been his destiny for a long time that's awesome and Lambert would never set up getting more nephew the first thing I show up with Jennifer was where I come out of the woods and we're hunting or something like that blocked it out remember and Astra no no no no on the side of that hill when we're talking under the hotfoot forest wasn't tree remember that how does your that was well that was it was that die it was a pre shoot we when we had to wake up at like 3:00 in the morning really yeah cuz the Sun had to come up like in the scenes the spinning shot where prim and Katniss are dancing right and the shot itself like it looks like they're spinning first and then the camera spins can you talk about how you did that that's an incredible shot yeah yeah it was you know that this was something that's a little different from the book so we had this idea that the wedding at the wedding when Katniss gets the idea that she's going to run off to the Capitol even though nobody wants her to and she starts to dance with her sister she knows that she's probably going to go off and die and so that she wants to hug her sister it becomes kind of a goodbye and so they start to dance and I have a steadier Steadicam operator a camera operator would go into the dance that we had choreographed with the actors and all the extras and start to swirl around and then at a certain moment Katniss sort of just stops and has to going to grab a prin and then we kind of just keep circling around we get closer and closer and closer as they hug and hug just becomes a great goodbye and then you've got of course their theme that starts to play over it and it's yeah it's a moment I'm very proud of her breakdown scenes well the most incredible emotional moments I've seen she's been holding that in basically the entire series and she lets it out the scene when she's throwing things at the cat was the cat CG how did you get to sit there was it really not there how'd you do the shot we shot the cat the cat separately so the obviously the cat was there for scenes with her so she could interact with it and she could pick it up but of course we never really want to throw things at the cat so what we did was we knew the angle we were going to use to throw the things at the cat and then I actually had a second unit going the next day with the cat and they shot for I want to say like two days because the cat was really tricky so you'd get the cat out the window get it to look in the right way so it looks like it's looking at her and then they would make sounds to get it to react and look to different places as if something was smashing or breaking nearby and they spent I'm serious two full days just shooting this one angle of this cat Wow and then she wasn't actually even throwing anything so she was just faking throwing things and then we added a digital Cup so the digital Cup hits the sink and bounces off and kind of breaks against the wall and then the image of the cat looks up Wow that we just put it all together so amazing yeah you know well my favorite scenes in the whole film is the is the moment when Haymitch sits down with her and we to that letter and I know that was originally a film Seymour Hoffman moment um when I know obviously since he passed away when how did you decide that it was going to be Hema - because in the the seat itself was hipped up Seymour Hoffman saying these things to Jennifer Lawrence how did you decide that it was gonna be Haymitch reading a letter to him whose decision was that yours Suzanne you know the idea the idea came from Suzanne you know and it was surprising how quickly it happened you know be we we found the news we found out about his death on Sunday it was a Superbowl Sunday while we were in the middle of shooting and Phil was actually supposed to shoot the next day on Monday and of course you know we weren't going to be able to do that so we shut down for the day and we had a big meeting on that Sunday afternoon after found the news and tried to just figure out what we were going to do I mean emotionally for the crew and cast but also physically with production like what scenes does he have left and we saw there were 1 1 scene for mocking Jiwon one scene for two and a handful of appearances and other scenes and Suzanne very quickly said Haymitch should bring her a letter and it seemed like it made sense it's it always seems like he's the mentor he'd be the one to come visit her and it also made perfect sense because she never wants to read anything that Plutarch would send so that he would have to read it rather than her just taking it and reading it there and so it just seemed to work to work perfectly that sewer scene is one of the most incredible scenes ever seen in my entire life I think Frances shot that so wonderfully when you were shooting that moment what did it look like for you were those monsters really there what what was that CG how did that look miss don't I stress yeah I was in capture suits I was met by the friendly faces of the stunt a Hugh no sir as much as they were meant to be very very scary at that most of them are smiling cuz they're doing what they love to do but it was a very very very very tough day and I'd speak only for myself but for the stunt guys as well as for France it's so sure I do like three weeks that's so a sequence well yeah for you giving state the Francis says it was the hardest for him as well as us cuz morale we were wet all the time they tried to warm the water but that just kind of made it a bit humid so as well so we cold where like it was very dark little bit claustrophobic like Francis really had to fight to keep up morale and he leaves feeling it a bit I think at that point do you remember the first scene you shot in the first film that you were in of the series and the last scene you shot in the series it was the training room Catching Fire and everyone was so nervous because it was like this big reveal and we've been all training to kind of get these bodies that we weren't really sure that we were supposed to have and and and and then yeah they like changed my sequence and I was supposed to be fighting someone and then I was fighting no one I was like um poured on the floor I'm just like like I don't know it felt really strange and then the last one was a very defining scene God it was it was this the table yeah you know the Saudi Sun is ivory partly posture another departure was when we were all deciding the boat yeah for me what my first scene was again the training center but it was it was a scene that got cut from Catching Fire where I'm teaching Katniss how to tie a noose hmm and similarly nerves anxiety but and then my last scene was us running over railroad tracks in Berlin huh yeah which did make the movie proud oh yeah it was quite quite a large glamorous today really my first scene was being lowered down in a crane on a hovercraft down to district 8 to meet paler weird fire everywhere was amazed at well welcome to Hunger Games everyone and last day was a couple of days after Sam's last day again running lots of running in Mockingjay - yeah um through the snow on the way to tigress that's awesome I know movies are shot nonlinearly and did you really shave your head for that that for those shots in because that was like if you didn't that was the most realistic looking shaved head I've ever seen it yeah I didn't I've actually shaved my head twice before so how does it ready but they're like no no we need you to like you know go back and forth and time and have different levels of but there was stubble we had a really good look like there it was intense there's a whole thing that you do you stick metal in your mouth and there's a machine what that like pumps like sistema which is how you grow head on yours yeah on here I want to do this on your head it's like this really weird thing and I thought I was being electrocuted and so I couldn't actually use it anymore and they had to like fake it after that day it was the most realistic shave I've ever seen a fake shave I've ever seen on a head before my wedding what you can do with CG and then we did a full ball cap and CG and you know they image tracked it so that it all kind of made sense or is not didn't get away with that right that's a shame I've never asked a question this before in an interview how do they do the lashes that stuck I'm not a fashion 30 that blew my mind oh I was like how are they not falling off I can't like focusing on the bubble yeah what glue yeah all it is we were just able to blink naturally again to think about me do you feel them for a long time and then after a while you just are used to him they just kind of like flutter on your face and you try not to whack them like they're fun I wonder if you take it back to the first scene you shot in the first films that you were in and then the last scene you shot and kind of how you change as an actor or an actress over those years my first scene was the introduction president coin where I have to kind of come in in my gray jumpsuit and introduce myself to Katniss and the interesting thing about about coin is that initial she's very very unassuming so you have to be presidential at the same time that you also seem like you're one of the people somewhere that was a big challenge but also there were all these actors in the scene you know actors from the other movies so it was really exciting for me and I was I they were so inclusive it was it was a great way to start your last scene mm-hmm TV case all about me yeah I came to government scene but it was the last Wednesday no no that was a pristine but the last scene led the Zoey seem as close to the last scene though yeah it was I really am pleading I do definitely complete my arc I mean that was what was great about it is that I start somewhere and somewhere else is very very different interesting and for you remember the first scene you shot I do you know the thing for me the very first scene I shot which was the first reaping in the first film um I was all about her voice I had gone back and forth with Gary Ross about what Effie Trinket sounded like because we were establishing the accent of the Capitol and you know it's like is it this is it baby and then I had a live mic and it was sort of like once I heard it projected and that Gary Ross is there after the first of all sort of said I think that's it that's it she's very actually kind of small but then it's projected and it was really interesting to find her voice on that day I was so scared that it was not going to come to me what it was supposed to sound like but we found it mmm now she's crazy and it's all worked out yeah you know you speak to a lot of ice Patrol actors who when they play a quote/unquote villain in a movie they'll say that I don't consider him a villain because I have to justify what he's doing in order to become them on camera do you feel the matter nothing you feel the same way do you feel like you have to justify snows and moments and what he's saying I mean you have to go there mentally and understand why he's doing what he's doing I don't think so I mean I don't know I mean he is I mean he'd say you know he sits inside me III go to the toilet with him I mean so I don't know I don't think so i mean he he does what he has to do he said to tell totalitarian and all a dark then he's ruling a country he's pragmatic he's very frank and he's absolutely truthful um no I don't I don't think of him as and he doesn't think of himself as bad or good or you know he just but he does justify himself to her and he says I'm not wasteful I don't kill people unnecessarily expeditiously now I've been talking to you for these years and I've been following your work since I was a kid and I love the work you've done in your career but filmmaking and television shows have changed so much since you first started off in the 60s and 70s and 80s and we're to ask you what is the biggest difference you see in the filmmaking process that from then to now interviews other than that you know you come and you perform a character you participate in a filmer that that hasn't really altered of the mechanism of a digital camera or a humbling Teraflex since it's obviously different the difference between the 200-hour Panavision and the original 185 is 15 degrees more shutter that's different but other than that no tell of that kind of stuff I missed I missed 35 millimeter film I love film so much but obviously everything's digital now it still looks great though but the thing with digital is that magazine is 56 minutes long right so that they don't stop and me because I was brought up on 35 millimeter and an 11 minute magazine and whatever was some sometimes really long to change magazines they didn't waste film hmm they would cut and when they cut you would reap repair and then you would Reese late and I still get them to cut that digital film and Reese late because it gives you an ability to prepare to perform as we're saying here you've wrapped these movies do you miss him do you want to go back to it obviously what we won't but I mean do you do you miss middle no no that's like making love and you have a your wife becomes pregnant you spend the next nine months waiting for that baby and that's what I'm waiting for I'm waiting for the reaction that young people have to this film to see whether or not it catalyzes them and gets them off their ass and organizes them politically whether they recognize that they have to do something to save this world otherwise we are all dead the earth included James Newton Howard scores one of most incredible scores I've heard him do in his entire career I actually sat through the entire ending credits whatever it was a ten minutes long just so I could listen to the rest of the score you know you have such an arc with the characters which you have such a great arc with this score as well and do you direct a score as you would direct an actor I know he's writing the music but obviously it has to be thematic and totally take us through the storyline do you direct him a little bit like an I do I mean it starts before he even gets involved you know because we have music editors that get involved in the in the edit and music editors have a vast knowledge of film music of actually source music but film music and all of that and I start to talk to them at that point about the scenes and sequences baby-napper reel and we start to build the feeling of a score when we get to a movie like this luckily we also have three other movies worth of scores that we can use so we can start to use some of our own so we can start to layer in some of the existing themes when when needed and sometimes we use other things and so we start to get a sense of what the emotional value of the music is going to be at that stage then James comes in I show him the movie and then I'll talk to him about hey this piece of temp score I really like because it does this and sometimes they'll be a back-and-forth sometimes it we just get it sometimes we use a piece from one of the other movies and then it ends up you know going straight through and we rerecord it but it's still that theme and then sometimes he will say hey you didn't have any music on this thing but I really think that I can do something let me try and then he'll do something and so there's a great back-and-forth so it's quite like working with an actor
Channel: FOX 5 Washington DC
Views: 770,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drama (TV Genre), Donald Sutherland, Elizabeth Banks, Slither, The Big Lebows, Winter's Bone, Catching Fire, MockingJay, The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins, Francis Lawrence, Primrose Everdeen, Katniss Ever, Peeta, Movies, Entertainment
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2015
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