Jeffree Star's Web of Lies EXPOSED in Revealing Interview

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- Polarizing online personality Jeffree Star recently appeared on the Going Mental podcast with Eileen Kelly, the creator, who describes the show as an attempt to destigmatize mental health while reclaiming her own narrative, and since Jeffree Star is the foremost expert on the optics of mental illness and trying to control a narrative, he was the perfect guest. So take a seat while Jeffree takes us through the story of his past scandals and traumas with a sense of charm and authenticity measured out in precise dosages like a caretaker who's trying to slowly poison you while still maintaining a sense of trust so they can steal your medication. However, like the employment history of other antisocial criminals, some things in Jeffree's timeline just aren't adding up when you look at it top level. So on he goes, filling this entire interview with more pleas for sympathy, forehead slapping contradictions, and honestly uncalled for innuendos than any person should reasonably expect from a podcast about how effective therapy is. But hey, I guess mental health is a journey, sometimes down a dirt road with no shoes on. So if you even ever make it to your destination at all, it will be with bloodied toes and dirty feet. So check in at the front desk and fill out these forms, because it's time to get our meds adjusted with Jeffree in this Going Mental podcast broadcast of Clip Breakdown. (upbeat music) Hello, television viewers. My name is Nick. Thank you so much for joining me once again on my channel for another installment of Clip Breakdown. This is the playlist where we dive into our favorite movies, TV movies, and other such content here on the web, and we break it down like the inpatient days at your favorite mental institution. I'm destigmatizing it. So that we can look at each individual clip and decide, oh no, that's an IOP, and oh no, that's an inpatient day, mama. You're running low. Can you tell that I've been institutionalized? And today, we are looking at this recent interview that I was seeing people talk about on YouTube that I just had to see for myself, and I'm glad I took a look, because Jeffree Star is really in many ways a master at trying to make himself seem more whole and healed and together than he is and ever has been, at least historically. I can't say I know what his mental state is like now. He does his TikTok makeup reviews. He doesn't get into as much drama as he used to when he was kind of just always starting fights. But I mean, I don't forget those things, and we're going to remember them together. But first, make sure you give this video a big thumbs up. That way you never miss new videos from me. But most importantly, if you're new to my channel, I would love to have you click that subscribe button right over here. That way, you never miss new videos from me. I love it that some of you watch without subscribing, but I love it even more on top of that, like it's love with a lovey hat on top of it, when you watch the videos and subscribe and click the thing and buy the T-shirt. I'm just kidding. But I do have merch and a Patreon. Do what you want. I'm not here to force your hand. I'm not trying to manipulate your brain like Jeffree Star tends to do. I mean, we've always known Jeffree Star had a penchant for shocking humor to the point where sometimes you're like, you just said the 6th grader thing that had a gift certificate to Hot Topic. It's not actually that impressive. And he does this thing. You can tell when he feels like he's going to get a good reaction out of somebody because maybe they seem more shy or soft-spoken, and I think that's his read on our host Eileen Kelly today, although I love Eileen. She does hold her own, and I love that for her. She started this podcast after spending five months at McLean Hospital in Massachusetts, which is where I went to the hospital, mental hospital, when I was 15. Also, famously the hospital that Susanna Kaysen went to when she wrote "Girl, Interrupted". James Taylor went there. God, I'm just outing everybody as crazy today. It's okay, I'm crazy too. I'm destigmatizing the word crazy. It's not crazy to have a mental illness, obviously. I'm on your side, America. Anyway, I guess Jeffree's here to talk about his recent experiences with therapy, which he did out of the goodness of his heart's desire to write a book. But when we're doing the sound check, we get that trademark shock jock sense of humor that we love from Jasper. - Check, check, check. Welcome back to my channel. Hi, how are you? Today we're reviewing Kylash by Kylie Jenner. I think it just gave me AIDS. - I didn't know there was a type of AIDS that dogs could get, you four-legged (beep). Or maybe you just got it from one of those Border Collies that you skinned for that wig you're wearing, baby boy. No, but for real, note that typical shocking sense of humor that I mentioned, which Jeffree Star will swear throughout this interview is laugh out loud funny, even though nobody's laughing out loud except for him. And in reality, Jeffree, that joke is actually being super disrespectful to the many thousands of people who came before you who have had to live with the stigma and the life-altering consequences of wearing a mascara from Kylie Jenner. All I'm saying is yeah, maybe Kylash Mascara did give you AIDS, an acronym meaning Awe Inspiring Definition and Separation, which rivals the look of falsies. Yeah, I didn't say it would be great marketing. Jeffree makes a quick joke about how having that microphone in front of his face is like when he was sucking a (beep) last night. It's like, all right, sweetheart. Get ready for school. He's like, I don't have a gag reflex. Good luck trying to make my eyes water, talking about crying. And I'm like, you're making too big of a mental leap. You gotta workshop your (beep) comedy. He says he could be a standup comedian in this, and I'm like, sweetie, mommy, baby, you cannot. - I don't have a gag reflex and I don't usually cry, but we will see what happens today. - Usually I can get it out of people. A little mace behind the scenes. - That's sweet of you to offer, Eileen, but I think Jeffree prefers his taser. - Taser. - Actually, maybe we should let this play out. Eileen might still have the upper hand. She brought mace to a taser fight, and the typical results of that just aren't as well studied, so we should probably see what happens. It could make for a great interview. I really want to give it up for Eileen Kelly in this interview. She does not seem like a fan, like an overly fan-y energy of Jeffree Star where she's trying to softball him. She's asking pretty straightforward questions and still being completely, I don't believe she's a licensed therapist, but it feels therapeutic, like somebody who has had a lot of group therapy, and I appreciate that she's not leading with her questions and yet still is continuing on with a line of questioning that many of the people online who are critical of Jeffree Star would ask. Particularly, we go all the way back to his original Myspace days. He talks briefly about his music career, all of that. But also, landing on his scandals there where he has leaked videos of him being really cruel to people, yelling at people on the street, using racial slurs and racist language, and I think that Eileen wants to get into the cause of that. Was that all just a persona that you used because you realized you would get more clicks and engagement? Because Jeffree Star is claiming he coined the term internet celebrity, and I'm like, I think those are just two independent words that already existed! - Do you feel like you were outlandish on purpose because you saw the result, that you would gain more followers, more attention? - I mean, I think I was already like that. - Wow, Jeffree is so real. Myspace or no Myspace, he was already like that, and by that, I mean this. - I stupid ape, I'm gonna spray you! Will you beat that (beep) up for me? Shut up, you (beep) (beep) (beep)! - See, he didn't need to play up some racist persona for this 480p video on his digital camera because that racism was already a part of him due to growing up in Orange County. It doesn't take long before the conversation steers into his career path that went from Myspace celebrity to musician. He did touch a little bit on how that transition happened, and I was mildly interested, but also I feel like we're really hearing from an untrustworthy narrator. This is like "The Great Gatsby" if "The Great Gatsby" was a big gay... Well, I guess "The Great Gatsby" was pretty gay already. They had a lamp that they loved. Anyway, I don't trust him. I don't trust his narrator. - Would you consider your younger self kind of a bully? - No, I wouldn't say that at all. I've never, let's say we're all scrolling right now, I've never left a mean comment on someone's page. That's such a crazy, bizarre concept to me, to stop out of your day and be like, you're fucking ugly! That's so weird! - Yeah, that would be weird, for you. I mean, why would Jeffree Star stop at simply calling someone so ugly when it takes only a little bit more extra time out of his day to use a much more specific toxic insult, such as a deformed rat who can't pay their taxes? Or maybe, if he really has the extra time, as the CEO of a multi-million dollar makeup brand, he could then spend the next few years becoming righteously indignant about situations he isn't involved in and do things like attack teenagers for tweets that did not mention him and had nothing to do with him, or the concealer and eyeshadow realm that he lords over. (beep), you're acting like you work in the Thunderdome of Hunger Games when it's actually the Ulta inside of a Target. Oh my gosh, I feel like I'm going to have to take some deep, cleansing breaths after this. (Nick wheezing) I don't know if that works. I don't know how to do a cleansing breath. I'm not Linda Yoga. Linda McYoga, the inventor of yoga. Any sort of bodily cleansing I do needs to feel very easy, and howling into the night is not enjoyable right now. I guess not every healthy habit is as easy and fun to incorporate into my day as ColonBroom. ColonBroom is the sponsor of today's video. With a name like that, you'd think, is it a luxury footwear brand? Nope, it's a high fiber dietary supplement that I've been using to cleanse my body, lower the risk of colon cancer, and feed myself with prebiotics, which is the food that helps the good bacteria in my gut grow and flourish, just like I continue to grow and flourish with every sentence that comes out of my mouth. The main ingredient in ColoBroon is psyllium husk, which has been shown to help with problems like constipation, diarrhea, even blood pressure and weight loss. The fiber in ColonBroom will absorb water in my body, which causes it to expand and catch unwanted material in my digestive tract like cholesterol, sugars, fat. It causes my body to absorb them more slowly. It creates a gel-like substance that promotes gut movement, further optimizing the whole elimination process, and allows it to be more efficient so you get to be happier and healthier, like me. Every day a glass of some delicious strawberry drink will help you lower your risk of diabetes, potentially lower bad LDL cholesterol, while nourishing the good bacteria in your gut and visibly improving the health of your skin. It's like a magic wand for your intestinal tract. You can join ColonBroom for their biggest sale yet and get six months' worth of ColonBroom up to 65% off. Don't miss out on this limited time offer, and use coupon code DiRamio10 and get an extra 10% off your whole order. Click the link below and get your hands on your discounted ColonBroom while they still have it in stock. Thank you so much to ColonBroom for improving my health and making life more livable. To me, it's like I get why the makeup community embraced such an antihero type of love to hate him kind of villain who says it like it is, but we're talking about goddamn makeup. You're selling makeup. And I love makeup. I'm not trying to dismiss makeup. But where does he get off bringing in this whole, like, oh, you're disgusting and dark and nasty. Like yes, people do bad things, including him, but he's acting like, I came into the beauty industry and people were quaking in their little Balenciaga boots. I think they were quaking because you lash out and attack people unfairly while also just deflecting every time someone points out your own bad behavior. But okay, I guess you know it all! You're so ready to psychoanalyze all of these people who you barely know, and that's why I psychoanalyze you, someone that I don't know at all, except for that one Twitter exchange where you told me to kill myself. Now I'm blocked though, so phew, dodged that bullet. Basically, Jeffree is like, I never would just go and attack and call somebody ugly. I am always just clapping back at people who come for me. And it's like, there are several instances that you have not deleted that we can see that's not the case. You just insert yourself into (beep) that had nothing to do with you, and that's not including the like 400 messages that a fan has proof of making you aware of so that you would delete them. So it's this revisionist history that I just find so trademark to Jeffree's personality where it's like, he deleted those tweets, so it's actually not something that you can prove ever happened, and therefore it's not part of the biography on his website, and therefore it's not part of his identity. Just like he also says tragically that his father died of alcoholism and his mother is a recovering alcoholic as well, and that's why he never touched the stuff even though, again, explain then the tweets and the photos of you holding alcohol or talking about drinking. It's like, you have to choose! Are you being honest now about having never drank in the past and you were lying then, or you have drank in the past and now you're trying to uphold this narrative that you never touched the stuff because you're just so natural and responsible? I would love to know. That's the kind of (beep) that people don't just forget. Subconsciously, I'm like, there's a cognitive dissonance with my understanding of who you are. I know on some level you're not being truthful. He's like a full time PR agency for his own pale face. But again, I love Eileen for being like, do you think in your younger years you were a bully? And Jeffree is like, no, no no no. I'm actually anti-bullying. I'm actually anti-bullying, and I've never bullied, and I'm against bullying. And it's like, even if you were just clapping back, you're still bullying someone when you're more famous than a teenager or a random fan. You were overly involved with petty (beep) and you talked in a way that was intended to make people feel bad about themselves and to put yourself above them. Mamacita, this is a bully. Of course, he's the victim in all of this. He mentions, one day he just woke up and two of his biggest friends in the beauty community, referring of course to James Charles and Tati Westbrook during Dramageddon, whatever, where they called him and Shane out for manipulating the situation and badmouthing each other. It's like, yes, they did mention your name in a negative context, but they didn't seem to say anything untrue, and then he got heated and involved right away, and then he got his hand slapped for that. So he's like, this is just like they got so threatened by me and they were throwing out all these lies about me. I'm like, where was the lie? Which lie particularly? That's the other thing, they're so vague. He never mentions racial slur. He never mentions sexual assault allegations, of which he has at least one that I'm aware of. He's always like, oh, that thing? People made me into something I'm not. So now he's saying that the beauty community was ruined, as though it's like an actual mausoleum that we could go and pray at before James Charles and Tati Westbrook (beep) bulldozed it with their big (beep) or whatever. That's how he would put it. It's like, no, you left the beauty community because you couldn't take the heat, because the comments section was just getting a little too honest with you, I think, at that point in time. Also, he probably wanted to get off of YouTube while his views were dropping. I mean, he says as much. He's like, 30 minute makeup reviews? No one watches them now. No one watches them. Like, girl, maybe not for you. Anyway, he has his own theories about why the other members of the beauty community were so quick to oust him, even though it's not that they were that quick. In the eight years since he started his brand, he's been outed for befriending Rich Lux, this drama channel creator, and then badmouthing Rich Lux and diminishing the Hermes gift that Rich Lux gave him after Rich Lux left the room. Jeffree was supposedly telling all of his friends, he got me the cheapest thing in the store. It's like, you're just that kind of girl who just literally talks (beep) as soon as someone leaves the room and is just all about making themself seem so rich and fancy. People who are rich and fancy, they don't talk about Gucci all the time. They don't name their dog Dolce and Gabbana. You're a tacky teenager who grew up in the OC. You're closer to the Bling Ring than you are to Paris Hilton getting robbed by the Bling Ring. Yeah, I said it. - But you know, there'll be people that say, you bullied the beauty community! It's like, no, I entered the beauty community as this whole new thing, people were fucking shook, but there's no one like me, so when I didn't view them as competition, I think it made them even more mad. - And where do you stand with some of those people? - They're all dead to me. - Oh, okay. Okay. - Ba ba ba ba ba! Cue the sniper. - Do you feel a little bit of resentment towards them? - No, not anymore. - Or that community? No? - Oh, okay, not even the people you just killed with an imaginary machine gun? That response came from a calm place of healing that you cultivated with a therapist? Okay, got it. Jeffree said, oh, those people who I used to hang out with all the time who accepted me as the painted old man of their friend group? Well, they're all trash, so I spiritually curb stomped them and now and then I like to wheel their grizzled corpses out into the town square on a wagon, especially to help promote my new Revenge Blood liquid blush collection. But do I resent them? No, no. I'm too evolved for all of that. People are just jealous because I just like to be kooky. I'm just like that weird girl in your class who everyone makes fun of even though nobody else in 7th grade was listening to pop punk music until she started playing it on the bus. Okay, sweetheart, fine. If we give you credit for that, can you please stop being mean to the lunch monitors? Those are volunteers. Oh, this is where Eileen brings up Shane Dawson's documentaries. I find it so refreshing that she clearly seems to have never watched a Shane Dawson video before the documentary where Shane basically tries to redeem Jeffree Star by letting him retell his side of the story where he's like, all of those horrible things I said online were just this or this reason that they don't matter. It's like, I loved detention too as a teenager, and I had Myspace as well. I still knew not to say those words. ♪ Mm-hm ♪ So as far as I'm concerned, you still deserve the accountability, but whatever. Eileen's not forgiving this, but she is acknowledging that there was an additional side to the story or additional context that changed the way it sat in her memory, I suppose. - Because when I was even preparing for this, I watched a couple of the Shane videos. - Dawson? - Yeah, Dawson videos. - The documentaries or just fun videos we've done? - No, the little documentaries, of just saying, oh, this soundbite got taken, but if you actually watch the video or you look at the context of who I'm screaming at, it's a white person. - Yes, it was crazy to be deemed something I'm not over and over and over. - Yeah, I mean, crazy implies that it defies all logic, and I think you were called racist because of all of the racist slurs you used, and if it happened over and over and over, it's only because that's how often you would go off on a Snapchat rant and use hyperbole to describe other people as dark, nasty, depraved, disgusting. Hey, weren't those the four shade names in your recently launched Piss Queen color correcting cream collection? Huh, what an appetizing brand you've built for yourself. It's like trying to eat undercooked chicken in the same room where a human autopsy is being performed. Again, it's straight into this victimization of, oh, the videos leaked of me saying the N word indiscriminately to both white and black people, but he only gave an explanation for the time that he said it to white people, not that that makes it any better. You're putting it on the internet. It's very hurtful for anybody who watches it to hear who is from the black community and is therefore aware of the historical significance of using that as a slur. You'd think this was like a (beep) you read one page of the book and flip it and then you forget what just happened. I'm not compartmentalizing your excuses as easily as I think he wants us to. That's the thing with this kind of person, though. They can easily create compartments for you, so if you want to remain a fan of Jeffree Star, you can easily accept that logic, because it's like, yeah yeah yeah, what you said today doesn't account for what you said that was opposite yesterday because they would rather accept you as a whole, because probably they have the same kind of hangups and underlying issues that Jeffree Star does, and they recognize that issue in themselves. But for others, it's like, remember when you said the opposite two minutes ago? Oh, you'll probably remember a few weeks ago when Jeffree Star was quoted on a podcast. People asked him about his feelings on they them gender neutral pronouns, and he said that they're stupid. It's because people were in quarantine and we were all bored so they invented this new thing, even though, you dumb (beep), I remember people using gender neutral pronouns from when I was a freshman in college in the year 2009. Just because you were not aware of it, although you should've been because you literally marketed yourself as an androgynous alien, ugh, just because you were not taking it seriously and it hadn't become so politicized by the right. Let's face it, Jeffree Star living in Oklahoma with his millions of dollars and his big businesses that bring lots of money to that economy, I would be shocked if he were not registered as a Republican. Those people just love to keep the rich richer. And he has this (beep) taste of a conservative to him that just, ugh, make-a me sick. Give me the ick. So anyway, Jeffree got read in the press for this statement about they them pronouns being basically made up, and then when he got backlash, he was like, how dare you? I employ five transgender people in my company, along with a smattering of black people or people of whatever color. And it's like, sweetheart, don't start listing numbers, especially when they're not enough for two hands. You gotta understand, that's so offensive. Five trans people? Wow! Dylan Mulvaney can go (beep) off then. I guess you're the new hero. So first of all, it sounds like tokenism when you mention numbers like that. Second of all, people who identify as gender neutral would fall under that trans umbrella. You can't say, well if you're a trans man, then just say you're a man. If you're a trans woman, say you're a trans woman. Well, for many people, including someone who knows what the word androgyny means, gender doesn't fall into a binary, so it wouldn't be appropriate for them to identify that way. It's also just like, what the (beep)? People just need to call people by the pronouns that they want. It literally does not take any more effort. Ugh, I saw this conservative YouTuber, I think his name was (beep) Neckbeard. He was like, don't you ever try to change my language! It's like, (beep), your language is not even (beep) 12th grade reading level. Don't ask me what to do. You can say whatever you want, all right? But if you're not going to respect the way that I want to be called, then I'm not going to respect the way that you want to be called, Asscrack McNeckbeard. You look like you (beep) a (beep) sheep for breakfast. Ugh, I hate these (beep). I (beep) hate these (beep), and Jeffree Star doesn't (beep) understand the harm that he's causing the very trans employees who have been fighting for acceptance for their whole lives. If you're going to invalidate non-binary people, you're essentially giving other people enough reason to invalidate trans-ness in any form. It's so disgusting to me, and I know that's a Jeffree Star term, disgusting, but it is disgusting to hear this influential person make such uneducated statements that he himself has contradicted in his own branding, in his own life, in the years past. - A lot of people are like, well what does androgyny mean? Now androgyny, I think, is the definition of Jeffree Star. It's like gender ambiguity can be found in makeup, fashion, (beep) sexual identity, gender identity, anything. - I keep calling you she on accident. Andrew was like, wait, is Jeffree... What's happening? - I'm just Jeffree. So if you look at me and you're like, damn honey, yes, she, everyone calls me he, she, whatever they want. - So that's fine. - Yeah, I'm an alien. - Every pronoun is okay. - Every pronoun. - Okay, great. I'll think on some. - And then go out into Wyoming and be like, come shoot a (beep) cow in the face with me and then jerk off onto its corpse! Oh, you like makeup too? It's vegan! You don't even make sense as a person. I don't like it when people pretend to be activists or groundbreaking in some way when actually, no, I don't think, Jeffree Star, you ever were groundbreaking. I don't think you were ever paving the way for gay men to wear makeup or for people to present with any sort of non-conforming gender. I think you just liked being different, and that you liked scaring people and shocking people and being the weird one on the internet, and now that what you do, wearing makeup, being a (beep), is not all that exciting or new in today's day and age, you want to be different by being contrary to that. It's like, pick a goddamn side, mister lifeboat jumper. Anyway, let's see what he says about his quote on that podcast. - You were saying they them pronouns are stupid, and then people immediately associate that with being transphobic. - I don't know why we're not working on normal things like leaving women's rights alone, more gun control. As a gun owner, there's not enough gun control, but we're focused on he, she, they, them, and all the wrong things. - That seems kind of subjective. I think you're focused on all of the wrong things whenever you walk into a Louis Vuitton and head straight for those logo printed bodysuits that were designed for rich old ladies in Beverley Hills, or maybe a model skeleton from the science lab who just recently got access to their trust fund. Disputing people's pronouns like Jeffree is currently doing is a trans rights issue, and a trans rights issue is a women's rights issue, so don't then throw it back and be like, we need to be focusing on a woman's right to choose what she does with her body. It's like, that includes trans women, and if you are not okay with hateful, violent, or invalidating speech against women or trans women, then you should be equally as stressed about that language towards nonconforming or nonbinary people. Because if you're not, if you're allowing that, then you're opening the whole community up no matter where they fall on the gender identity spectrum to risk of danger and harm and murder. So don't try and talk talk talk and change the subject to gun control when we know full well that you have the Barbie pink barrel of a rifle all the way up inside of your boy hole right now. Oh, boy hole, isn't that the name you gave to a pastel shade in your (beep) pink palette from last summer? We're getting some really great cross-promotion here, Jeffree, you should thank me. Anyway, Jeffree then goes on to talk about his new life. He had to leave the beauty community because he was being persecuted for his terrible behavior, and now he's in Casper, Wyoming, where all of the cattle want to (beep) him and he just recently opened, not at this time, but present day, he had just opened his Jeffree Star store in Casper, Wyoming. I'm sure this was a great tax incentive for him and a great way to make the town of Casper, Wyoming, indebted to him. They probably love him now that he got all of this tourism. Because if he opened this store, thousands of people flew in for it, and they presumably will be all year. That's restaurants that are going to be visited, hotels that are going to be stayed at, airports that are going to be used. He's infusing the economy, a relatively small population's economy, with a lot of tourism money when he does this, so I'm not surprised that he did it, and it's good for his taxes. It's like, yeah, he's making a house for his yak meat business and his makeup business. Which to me is just like, whatever. I don't even... Are you an actual (beep) serial killer? - So you can go into the store, and it's a full Jeffree Star store. So you can go in and buy a steak and a mascara in one transaction. - Finally, the streamlined shopping experience we've all been waiting for. Way to find a boy hole in the market and then fill it, Jasterisk. Oh, by the way, I could already buy Jeffree Star makeup and weird meat in the same transaction at my local TJ Maxx, as long as they have at least one of those summer sausage gift sets in stock. Jeffree then gets into how if he weren't doing all of this, he would be a standup comedian, because he's (beep) funny. I was like, you're not that funny, actually. I've never laughed at a thing you've said. I made a TikTok about it. I'll put it right here. I'm the queen at clapping back. I have a big mouth. I love being shady, and at the end of the day, if I wasn't doing all this, I'd probably be a standup comedian, because I'm funny. - He really gets off on his own humor. I'm like, you sound like the same you did when you were 19 and 20, just trying to be shocking but knowing where the line is a little bit more. But not the line of, like, makes me laugh and cringe! Just the line of where I don't want to actively send a threatening letter to your home, which I would never do. I don't have any stamps here. So he's making all these sexual jokes, and he's like, oh, I'm very sexual. I love, you know, the NFL players want to (beep) me, the Kanye Wests want to (beep) me. I'm like, yeah, sounds good. All these people who are too big and apparently in the closet to provide any proof that they've never met you, weren't interested, and also it's so (beep) basic for a gay man to be like, straight guys love me! It's such a dumb flex. I don't care. There will always be straight men who are actually secretly bisexual or queer and want to have sex with a man on the down low. That doesn't make you special. It just makes you rich and manipulative, most likely. How do you coerce them? How do you coerce that NFL player into wanting to (beep) you, Skeletor? I would love to hear it. You are Casper the unfriendly ghost, (beep). There is no way out of all of the gay men they could pick from a (beep) lineup in West Hollywood that you would be at the top of the list. He wants to build this fantasy where he's like, oh, I got the big, tough, strong, burly football player, but I'll never tell who it is because I'm so cool. But he wants me, and he loves my frail body. It's like, I don't believe it. I'm not buying it. And even if it is true, it's not impressing me. ♪ That don't impress me much ♪ Anyway, he keeps talking about sex and oral sex, and Eileen is like, so this humor that you use, is it to cover up your deep emotional wounds? And he's like, sex sex sex! - Lord, yeah, I could take about 12 inches, and then after that, you gotta call someone else, so. - Is not using humor to cover everything up something that you try to work on or something? - No, I'm just such a Scorpio. If there was a dick in this room right now, I'd suck it this instant. - She was asking you about if you want to stop deflecting with humor, Jeffree, not about how desperate you are for oral sex, which I think we already knew about due to your sexual assault allegations and the taser you allegedly used to commit them. I love when she was like, so are you going to try to work on that part of your personality, which is clearly putting people at an emotional distance from you? And he was like, no, because... (whining) He mentions astrology at that point, which only adds to the bewildering nature of the response. I'm not really an expert on all of that. Scorpios, sound off in the comments. Do you feel the need to instantly suck a (beep) whenever it enters the room? Do you even bring that fact up when someone named Eileen asks you about something else? Do you plan on continuing to talk this way on gen Z podcasts well into your 40s? Because I've got to be honest, it's kind of hard for me to picture that in a way that's sexy. Same with the mental image you keep trying to put in my head of you gruesomely feasting on (beep) looking like the head vampire from "30 Days of Night". Jeffree Star seems to think we all want to imagine what it's like when he has sex. I'm like, I've already fallen into a pit of bones in a Halloween store, okay? I get the fear. Then Jeffree goes into his gun collection. He loves guns. We know this. Also, apparently in Wyoming you don't need to lock your guns in a safe, and that's when Eileen is like, but you just talked about gun control. I mean, this doesn't feel completely illogical. He has a stance. He's like, I believe you shouldn't be able to just go into a place and buy guns the same day in some states, while in others, you need a psych check and blah blah blah. You know, we should make it as hard as possible for people to buy guns so that we can be stringent with who gets them. Sure, I guess that's one very Fox News related solution to the (beep) open shooting epidemic that we live in in this (beep) hellhole of a (beep) country. Although others would be like, that doesn't help ghost guns or unregistered guns coming from overseas or 3D printable guns or the fact that a kid could figure out how to get into a gun safe if your (beep) cabinet is unlocked. So she's trying to make the point where she's like, how do you feel safe having guns just out in the kitchen, 27 of them, he says, where a dog could step on one? Which is my first thought, too. Or your kid could find one. Or, since this is a mental health podcast- - So yeah, when you do come over, there's about six loaded guns in the kitchen. - I always thought they had to be in a lockbox. - In California and maybe New York. - What if you have a suicidal friend? - Well, then I guess you don't have one any longer soon. I'm just kidding. (laughs) Yes, dark humor! We're coming back, 2023. And suicide's not funny because my dad killed himself, but my joke's funny. - You heard him. His joke's funny. Right, everyone? Just say yes. His taser is almost done charging. Clearly Jeff has had a certain level of charisma that lets him get away with all of these paradoxical statements on everything from gun safety to emotional maturity, and part of that charisma, I can tell, is knowing how to work a room. He might say something that's crazy upsetting to, clearly, the host, but he can also instantly tell that the joke has made Eileen too uncomfortable to respond, so he instantly reacts be being like, oh, dark humor! Love it! Let me fill the whole space with my voice! He jumps in and just instantly starts trying to bury that stunned silence under his own boisterous laughter, then follows it in the same breath with a vulnerable statement that pseudo-explains why he's allowed to make that joke, and then follows it up with a quick reaffirmation that the joke was in fact funny, hopefully convincing all of us that, oh yeah, the room was filled with laughter a minute ago. I guess we're all laughing. No, it was just him. It was just Jeffree. Everyone else wanted to cry. And no, I'm not a body language expert, although I did have an equally as manipulative model skeleton standing at the front of my science class in high school. Intro to Biology with Professor Boyhole. So I recognize the behaviors. So Eileen is like, wait, so why can't you just lock them up if you're really that afraid of an intruder on your house? Which, Jeffree really feels like he's like a mob boss of baked highlighters, I don't know, and he's like, no, it wouldn't work. It wouldn't work. I don't have time. - Someone breaks into his house, he has 30 seconds to react, you think you're going to be able to run to your closet, unlock your box, load the bullets? You're already dead! What? The killer's already in your house finding you. You're stabbed. It's just, no. - What about a taser? - (laughs) Uh-uh. - Oh damn, did Eileen honestly not know about the taser accusations when she was doing her guest research? Or is she just like the shadiest therapy type podcast host in all of Spotify, or wherever you download podcasts? Jeffree thought he made it through this whole interview without any specific allegations being mentioned, but then Eileen said, don't tase me, bro! Right under the wire before the end credits. Did you hear Jeffree when she said taser? He's like, oh no! No, tasers? I don't have a taser! Taser? Taser? He was gooped. You can see that he was gooped. He was like, is she coming for me or did she just say taser? - Because a taser is close contact. The ones that shoot out are for police only. - But he can also tell you which states have a Second Amendment loophole that would allow you to procure one if you have an uncle on the police force and you steal it from him. Okay, one last plug for the Jeffree Star brand in the form of a new jingle I wrote for him. He'll zap you near. He'll zap you far. So lock your doors, it's- - Jeffree Star. - And that's all we have for this shocking installment of Jeffree Star kind of sucks. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Also, let me know what other influencer podcasts or content you want to see covered here next. But most importantly, if you're new to my channel, I would love to have you click that subscribe button right over here. That way, you never miss new videos from me. I upload two new ones every week, so turn on notifications. That way, you'll always be the first to know when I'm locking up my gun safe and I'm shaking the whole house down for mascara samples. Also, thumbs up if you want to see more like this. I've got merch and a Patreon where you can access exclusive benefits like bonus episodes and virtual watch parties. You guys are all the greatest. Thank you so much for zapping me near and zapping me far and going mental with me, I will see you next time.
Channel: Nick DiRamio
Views: 184,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick diramio, nick diramio youtube, youtube nick diramio, nick dimario, jeffree star, nick diramio clip breakdown, clip breakdown, nick diramio shane dawson, jeffree star podcast, jeffree star cosmetics, web of lies, exposed, revealing interview, film reaction, reaction, video essay, going mental podcast, eileen kelly, beauty community, james charles, tati westbrook, commentary, reaction video, analysis, shane dawson, cringe, youtube drama, drama, nick d, reddit, dramageddon, lies
Id: 7kxZvCmtqTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 4sec (2044 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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