Hollywood Show Priscilla Presley ,Dallas reunion,at the Marriott Convention Center

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thank you so much Priscilla [Music] sure yes she was uh she started writing me when I was quite young 55 years ago Y and I would answer are you for real you had enough rain already welcome to the beautiful inside of my car I'm doing a video here again in my car and before I'm going to show you the video I have to do like a little explanation while I'm actually here today one of my subscribers her name is esta from schwitzerland from schwitzer she actually sent me some things because she's a big Michael Jackson fan Elvis Presley fan and she sent me a package with some gifts for me and I was like Wow and one of the gifts was a little letter that Priscilla Presley wrote to her friend and uh this is actually not the original one but uh it's a copy of the original one I also have a picture signed here with Priscilla also not original but the letter is pretty cool so I'm actually here today at the Hollywood show and I try to have illa Presley signed her letter she wrote 50 years ago not the original one the copy but it's still pretty cool she signed it already where is it at uh I'm going to switch the camera I show you I'm trying to have prisilla signed the top right here but this is the letter and she signed it right here on the bottom already but I think that would be really nice to have that signed so we'll see what Priscilla is going to say esta actually uh gave me something pretty cool too and I just happened to get it out when I got this letter today this is the original ET from 1982 she bought it and uh she bought it actually in Hollywood and this is the original one she still had and she gave it to me so ET is with me has nothing to do with the video I just uh wanted to show you that ET is with the GV even sounds good welcome to the Hollywood show right here at the Marriott Convention Center I actually paid the early bird entrance I think it's like $15 extra people lineing up here already it's been raining all morning I should be in line right there but if you look over here there's the parking lot it says celebrity parking only last time when I was here I got some really good footage of some uh celebrities coming in so I'm trying the same thing I was standing in line earlier but I think I rather go in a little later and catch them going in let's go check it out it's been raining all morning and they say it's going to rain later on the line is underneath the tent right here a lot of people come with lots of merchandise to be signed there's another one here there's Hollywood George and I believe is here for Priscilla Presley this is actually Elvis what's up George Hollywood Hollywood last time I was here there was the cast of Back to the Future today Priscilla Presley is going to be here it says right here celebrity parking and they have a star just like the one on the Walk of Fame and they have to walk into that door right there can we tell who that is I think this is Jamie far the cpra for mesh thank you it's hard to tell who it is who's this rain is getting harder and harder this lady in the Mercedes she just stopped here and asked me where is the celebrity pocket and where the celebrities go in but I had no clue who she was I've been standing in the rain for about 30 minutes already and uh there not much going on maybe they're coming once in a while there's somebody coming but it's getting too cold so the line is gone I can actually walk right in sometimes you got to change your plans I don't think Priscilla Presley is driving her own car I think she's coming in a limousine or like a bus or something or she has at least somebody driving her I'm a little bit more current on the aister so a lot of people I don't even recognize here do we know who that is I'm not sure the entrance to the South rench is over here and this line is the biggest line so far and this is for Priscilla Presley oh gig up gig down okay so I mean you're talking about just Lightning Fast connection all those pictures you can purchase this is what Priscilla charges $60 $80 for any merchandise you bring and any words every six words is $20 XR selfies $80 wow believe it or not I actually went to the South Fork Ranch in Dallas and I sat at the table where Jr was sitting there Patrick Duffy he's here already man it looks really good huh wow Linda Gray she's not here yet those are all the pictures she's going to there Jr oh my God we together absolutely R this is me 30 years ago when I visit the South Fork Ranch in Dallas Texas and here I'm sitting on Jr's desk also at the South Fork Ranch KY portwell oh they have like in the back a photo up I think oh man we do we were doing it all day yesterday we were enjoying we want everybody to have a good experience Dallas used to be really really popular in Germany as well mom look at this angle B Hing she listens to his music but he's not here yet I just want to record the pictures he's selling you can get his CD right here he will sign it for you those are also the prices here 8 by 10 60 any merchandise you bring 80 this is my mom in the front and the background is angle Barett when he got his uh statue at the Madame tuo in Las Vegas my mom also get a signature from him and here you see the signature for free here you can get the genie bottles and the belt buckle Jing Buckle has on it there's Marilyn here at the Hollywood show you can buy pictures they're already pre-signed so you don't have to wait in line next time you come here you just get one of those pictures they're already signed like Ken she's next door all right so you don't have to wait in line nice or if someone cancels that was supposed to be here today scin all right well thank you welcome Beverly Hill billies so they're all signed already here $75 I was driving in his car one day for New Year's my friend was a personal assistant for Robert [Music] wner wow look how busy this place is here [Music] lonie Anderson I saw her walk in when I didn't recognize her Cil Danning Susan blay Stephanie Kama she sounds familiar Pete best original drummer from the Beatles I heard they fired him because he was too goodlook I'm not sure if that story is true or [Music] not those are even pictures I've never seen before wow Kelly who from The Scorpion King beautiful love all those pictures signed You by Kiss look at this when you're married with children did you know that El Bundy used to live in I've seen him walking to Santa Monica Pia almost every day Mission Impossible wow check out those old posters GRE Star Wars American Graffiti Trina parks in 007 oh we'll see if he recognized me I worked out with him in Venice 30 years ago well he actually recognized me I didn't know but he recognized me we came here over 30 years two 32 years ago we worked out together at World's Gym and then at Gold gy but he's still in really good shape not like me so I know him for a long time and he've done a lot of movies too right here check him outand Ki good You' seen him on different television shows on of the beach and this is how he looked when I met him right here wow and I met this gentleman last time I was here Christopher Rodan rudan and he was actually Elvis favorite dancer and there he is he even got a picture with Priscilla Presley she's going to be here today as well and there's Elvis right there and here I am and that's him skinny little guy huh pretty awesome well nice to meet you again I appreciate it nice seeing you have a good day you too and look he got the warrior jacket on side really cool you got them all today or I'm going to get no I got these last last um last last year okay so I need two more I'm going to get today Cleon and uh nice all right appreciate it thank you my son and daughter are also YouTubers all right and we watch you all the time there's Linda Gray oh wonderful man I watch them all on Dallas St [Music] Canali [Music] there's like a lot of security around they don't want you to take pictures of her so they all block everybody who's taking pictures so I'm here with Jack and Jack is one of my subscribers and he actually got like a little picture of her and he sent me the picture so I really appreciate it man thank you and thank you for watching and you as we love you as much as we do for sure you're the best she's better looking though all right thank you Michael well thank you they're playing the Dallas music here in the background yeah she is with Jing even know's doing the show with Chuck Norris we remember Christopher Atkins the Blue Lagoon wow it broke Shields [Music] I do not like waiting in line five times I already thought I'm not going to do it but I got to do [Music] it where's yeah yeah there he is angelbert Humber [Music] dink he's tall mom here's your selfie with egel Baron just for you Joan Collins from [Music] Dynasty she just signed the play one this month March 22nd to 24 we celebrating 50 years anniversary of the little house at the Prairie and the German anden is going to be there Little House on the Prairie yeah Tony is still the boss my on Frank and was uh uh I got yelled he's in awesome shape too look at this unbelievable like these golden stairs that they have in all variety St I was standing where you are and he was like here and he's telling a story here my shoulder cuz we were all spread out all over the place I'm not worried even celebrities need a break here is what happened you have to laugh about it because I was waiting in line I would say 45 minutes then I was in line over here for another 15 20 minutes and now she actually had to go to a photo app to take pictures and I'm I'm back in line I have to wait probably another half an hour maybe 45 minutes that is the longest I ever ever ever waited for anybody Priscilla Presley and uh I'm super exhausted I didn't even sleep last night I came here I I edit the video from yesterday the one when I went with Scott I edit the video all night till the morning I drove here my legs are killing me I'm super exhausted and when I was filming earlier I didn't really feel like filming I was like I don't even want to come here today and I did it any anyway so turned out to be a good day Stephanie Powers heart to heart I Lov her on the show I always watch it in Germany heart of a hat wow John Pro let see let see do we know any of those people here I don't when you have one good movie can make your money to the rest of your life it's just like YouTube when you have one really good video that can still make you money years and years and years Jamie far from Mash looks like he's leaving already lot of people here in this area Ivon [Music] Elan almost one hour later she's coming back no no no Sammy and the premier he was at one of those oh yeah he goes to a lot of those this is Miss L from New York I have I remember this very well so what am I doing um your signatur is right here maybe you can sign it like big like this that would be awesome okay thank you so much Priscilla [Music] sure yes she was uh she started writing me when I was quite young 55 years ago Y and I would answer this is Priscilla standing in front of the house where she met Elvis for the first time in Germany B Nim and I was there matching up the picture I was standing exactly where she was standing and this is the picture we took together Michael be spawn Warriors come out to play this whole row is the Warriors he played one of the bad guys here and I think this one is Karate Kid Onie [Music] Anderson Well my friends that was it here live from the Hollywood show in Burbank after eight hours I'm here eight hours and I have to apologize that I wasn't really talking too much today but but for some reason I didn't feel like filming today too much but at the end it worked out pretty good I'm glad I did it I got some good footage they don't really like you to film over there and I understand that's that job but I see it as promotion you know it's like you're paying already to get a selfie with her why can't you just take a picture of her you know but uh I guess rules are rules and um you guys hopefully enjoy the video I tried to put put as many stars in there as I could some I knew some I did not know but uh esta thank you for that letter she signed it and uh it's going to be framed with another picture of her next to it and um that was it next time you guys come down to the Hollywood show there's always something new to see it's always exciting you meet new people and uh I can't believe how many people recognized me they took pictures with me well that's what's happening when you do YouTube anyway if you happen to like this video just whatever just that's all good you don't have to do nothing I'm happy and uh I'm going to go get something to eat I upload that other video and then I'm out of here see you guys later thanks for watching you guys have a great week choing and this is Priscilla's signature on the letter laying on a piece of red carpet I got from the Academy Awards she got really nice [Music] handwriting
Channel: German in Venice
Views: 83,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: german in venice, giv, reunion, dallas, hollywood show, marriott convention center, show, signing, funko pop, celebrities, autographs, tv show, movie stars, tv stars, vlog, convention, priscilla presley, hotel, fans, southfork ranck, patrick duffy, linda grey, engelbert humperdinck, loni anderson, warriors, joan collins, 50th anniversary, cast reunion, festival, little house on the prairie, tony danza, stars, venice beach, los angeles, california, elvis presley
Id: 5d-KCg3VMJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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