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last year was certainly not Colleen Ballinger's year as she was called out for a number of things and she certainly didn't make things better when she decided to address everything with her ukulele video she has come back online though and the last month has been her getting back into daily vlogging every now and then people have noted that it seems like she's been trying to get her audience to feel bad for her about everything that happened last summer when the entire internet tried to hold her accountable for her actions and that's certainly was something people were saying once again after she posted her newest vog titled reflecting on 2023 in this she was addressing things that happened last year saying that it was in fact the worst year of her life but she said that she was trying to focus on the positives that came from it all and the things that she said she learned experiencing what she did I think it's safe to say that 2023 was the worst year of my life but I am so grateful for so many things in 2023 and that's what I want to focus on Colleen said that she felt weird about about sitting down and filming and not addressing the fact that it was a brand new year and going over the last year so that's what this video was and she's trying to go into this New Year inspired and welcome positivity and not dwell on the things that she doesn't have control over feels weird for my first video of 2024 to like not mention anything about it being a new year last year and all that stuff so I want to go into 2024 with a positive energy and motivated inspired spirit and I want to welcome positivity and kindness and give positivity and kindness and in 2024 I want to focus on listening more and being more present in the moment dwelling on things that I have control over and not the things that I do not I want to focus on creativity and passions and things that make me and my children happy I don't have any New Year's resolutions these aren't things that I wrote down in a journal these are just things I'm word vomiting out onto the internet right now now when she did go into a little more detail about 2023 Colleen did kind of touch on a triggering topic so just a warning she did bring up thoughts of self harm but she opened up about the year not being her best but says that in the end she was grateful for the growth that she did and things that she learned in 2023 2023 was not my favorite year I've ever lived but I'm grateful for 2023 because I feel like I grew and learned more in the year 2023 than I ever have in any year of my whole life I learned a lot about being a mom I learned a lot about the internet I learned a lot about myself and qualities that I don't like about myself I learned things about myself that I do love I learned that it's better that I'm here on this Earth than not grateful and proud of myself for being here and for doing the fundraiser and for being the best mom that I could possibly be learned a lot about trust and friendships and the media now Colleen brings up the media at one point which is very interesting as she goes on to imply that the media isn't to be trusted which basically tells me that she's saying that the things that were written about her last year aren't true and um I'm probably never going to believe anything I read or here in media for the rest of my life now there were several major news outlets who wrote articles about Colleen and covered what was coming out about her the Rolling Stone wrote several articles about Colleen addressing not only the things coming out about her having been in group chats with fans but they also covered her live shows and also reported on how she was allegedly acting during the filming of her Netflix series haters back off where one former employee had come out with their story working alongside her in a post titled on cancel culture accountability and being in the writer's room with Miranda Sings variety also reported on Colleen multiple times reporting on her responses to everything in both the ukulele video and her return video back to YouTube from NBC to Vanity Fair tons of outlets were covering what was going on as the story was so massive and each day it felt as though more information was being released about Colleen and her behavior but she clearly feels as though these Outlets aren't to be trusted and that she won't be able to trust media going forward based on how they reported on her which is kind of just reminding me of what JoJo sewa said when she was defending Colleen last year when she tried to say that everything was just lies and the internet just ran with it the internet can take a lie and run so far with it so far that it's to the point where you just can't do anything about it and a lot of people at the time of this JoJo sewa interview took this as well obviously this is how Colleen must be feeling about the whole thing that people just ran with lies because JoJo is close with Colleen and they're in communication and people just felt like that's why JoJo said what she did because this is probably what she's heard from Colleen that it's all lies and she was the one falling victim to the internet's harassment and we're hearing here that she for sure felt like the reporting of everything was not right and it has her questioning things that she reads in the future which for her to say that the reporting of people's experiences with her which a lot of which did have receipts to it weren't true is very interesting and maybe a little bold but speaking of the future she addresses the future of her Channel saying that she's not going to daily Vlog like she has been she said that this year she is going to focus on doing some other new things as well she didn't say exactly what but I feel like online wise the options are a little limited for her as I'm sure there's been a lot of burned bridges in the last year she did previously mention that she would love to plan out and go on tour again but in order for her to do that people would have to buy tickets and she said she didn't know if that was going to be a thing that people did anymore and I don't know if that'll ever happen I don't know it's I have not really thought that uh touring would happen for me again in the future I I love it it's my favorite part of my job or always was my favorite part of my job but I don't know um in order to go on tour people would have to like Buy gets to see at the show and I don't know that that's something that would happen so but I did I'm so grateful for all the time that I got to tour and if I ever got to tour perform in any capacity ever again I would be just elated so happy it's my it's my passion it's my everything but like you know I'm also just trying to be grateful for the experiences that I have had and um you know look at it that way so yeah anyway I don't know if she got the response she was looking for when she said that or not and that's what she she's planning but there was a lot of backlash that came with that statement as well so maybe doing that in 2024 isn't the move but I guess we will see she did talk once more in this video about the fact that she's really just trying to focus on the positives because of last year and even though it was bad it really showed her how to look at the good things in life trying to say is that there can be Beauty in hard times darkest days I've ever seen in my life we're in 2023 and I would not have seen so many beautiful things without those dark times so I'm grateful for all of it I don't know I need to stop rambling I just wanted to say that I'm grateful for a lot of things um in the last year even though it was a hard one and I'm excited for 2024 and I am ready for it whatever happens I know I can get through it and I am excited to see what the year brings one thing is for sure though and it's that Colleen is still talking a lot about rocks with her audience this is something that she talked about in her return video that she is developed this rock Obsession in her time away and it's become a huge part of her Vlogs and in this video she credits going through hard things to Leading her to this new hobby that she is obsessed with I learned so much about rocks and I found a new passion one I never knew that I had deep inside of me one I probably never would have found if I hadn't gone through hard things I love rocks and crystals and tumbling you know I've always my whole life said like I don't meditate I don't understand meditation meditation is not for me therapists have tried to get me to learn how to meditate and I just couldn't figure it out and I really feel like rocks and rock hunting and rock tumbling is my form of meditation is something where when I'm doing it I don't think about anything else my mind feels clear I feel calm I feel grounded why am I crying about rocks I feel one with like the Earth and I feel gratitude for being here and I just find beauty and and metaphors in rocks and in crystals and I'm so grateful for rocks and and for Taylor S so it's been a wild ride reporting on Colleen the last couple of months seeing all that's come out about her and how she's responded to it all and to now hear how she's reflecting on it and going into this new year it's been a lot and I certainly want to know what you guys think about what Colleen had to say about her time away from the platform and her cancellation and what she said about the media cuz I feel like that was the biggest part of this video is her talking about how she felt about the media cuz I feel like it says a lot but I really want to hear what you guys think about everything that she said let me know your thoughts in the comments I love you guys so much and I will talk to you in the next video bye [Music] guys oh
Channel: Spill Sesh
Views: 293,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colleen Ballinger, colleen Ballinger vlogs, colleen Ballinger angry birds, colleen Ariana, colleen Ballinger birthday, is colleen Ballinger, miranda sings, miranda, colleen Ballinger instagram, colleen Ballinger husband, how old is colleen Ballinger, colleen ballinger ex husband, spill sesh, colleen adam, colleen, colleen ballinger, erik stocklin, trisha paytas, Oversharing with Colleen and Trish, swoop
Id: FtsnW90UiPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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