Jeff Foxworthy, God says go, I go.

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I get requested to do so many things and I can't do them all and I pray over them and say God if there you want me to do something in here tell me to do it and I'll do it and I I'm a bow hunter I'm a big outdoor guy and so I get invited to speak at a lot of wild game dinners and I got invited to speak at a wild game dinner in Claxton Georgia it's where they make the fruit cakes for Christmas Claxton Georgia and and and so I told a buddy I said I think God wants me to go down and speak this thing will you ride with me cuz it was a 4 and 1 half hour drive and we ride down there and we get there and y'all it is a goat rope it is a goat rope they it's a field they have no stage no lights and no microphone and 3,000 people showed up and so we put pallets down put a piece of plywood on it I stood on it they shine lights from trucks on me and I yelled and I did comedy for about 30 minutes and then I rolled it over into a story about Jesus on the way back home to Atlanta that night my buddy just kept laughing he goes that's the one God told you to do couple years later we're at church one Sunday my girls are in the bathroom again they spend a lot of time there and and I'm standing in the hall waiting on them and this guy comes up and Taps me on the shoulder and he says Hey do you remember speaking at a wild game dinner in Claxton and I started laughing I said oh yeah I said I'm never going to forget Claxton he said well neither am I he said I wasn't brave enough that that night to come down but I gave my life to Jesus that night and my wife told me later she said let me tell you what's so cool about God he didn't even have to show you that you could have spent the rest of your life making fun of Claxton he said but he showed you that to let to encourage you that when he whispers to you and you say yes he does what he does so whatever it is you do in your life be bold for him do not be ashamed of the name of Jesus Christ ch
Channel: Hear God Media
Views: 29,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nnIitsTP-oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 0sec (120 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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