Jeff Farts and Anchors Lose It 01 08 10

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25 morning news continues it's six o'clock and you're watching the fox 25 morning news good morning and welcome to fox 25 morning news it is friday january 8th i'm at us [Laughter] we're having some real issues this morning [Laughter] to laugh about this morning however because uh it's gonna be cold once again the temperatures are actually colder than yesterday morning but it's not as breezy but still feels almost as bad uh this morning um but you can do what you gotta do today you can go outside and go to work if you have to go to your car
Channel: Jeff George
Views: 152,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L9BuzgVgInw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 12sec (72 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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