Elisa Raffa - KOLR10 - Chipotle Bowls Blooper- 1/4/19

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new year new bowls ELISA Chipotle trying to help you be a better you out there okay it's got new bowls that accommodates popular diets there's a key doable paleo Bowl whole thirty diet bowls they all have big rules about what you can oh you mean those like the tortillas that they make when you order a bowl in our burritos are you talking about you can get a bowl at Chipotle just in a little bowl and the certain ingredients go to a certain diet no I'm I'm so confused about where you're talking about right now they're offering Paleo diet friendly bowls there's nothing to do with burritos just the stuff that's inside and when you have cereal do you eat the bowl as well so is it matter if it's purely or not what's in the shake it the lettuce those things okay hours to the south later are today okay they linger through early tomorrow well more sunshine Friday afternoon at temperature 52 60s and sunshine all weekend let's go get lunch I'll treat you to some Chipotle [Laughter]
Channel: Elisa Raffa
Views: 98,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _Pe_tdxrwzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 29sec (89 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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