Leslie Nielsen farted on Morning show ^_^

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you just end up knowing that if you turn your head away he's going to try to put something over on you or slip something in yeah and uh you you end up participating and say just a minute now he's going to do something I understand what he's up to now and you really start to watch what's happening that's the other thing about the humor you have to pay attention to it sounds a sounds a great film to s a great film to work out well we'll chat chat we chat more anything you want to say go ahead we'll chat more later on stay with us yes but are you you're not going to ask me to leave are you well maybe maybe you just like to go to the little lady's room for a while the gent's room and come back and just sort yourself correct there right now bit of Sanity let's have a look at the weather now with OA she's out and about all this week she's from Wales this morning she's in Ln and she's got her sunglasses on I'm so sorry about this we're suffering from wind here as well and a little bit of sunshine I can't get my eyes open I'm so sorry I'll try to do it blind standing here in Lan which is probably best known for it's Dylan Tom
Channel: --
Views: 2,017,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloopers, Blooper, Breakfast Television, Funny, Humour, Comedy, News
Id: 5egaR4WvLPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 11sec (71 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2006
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