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what if I added music it would make this funnier what kind of music hopefully nothing but I was thinking like abstract freeform jazz well I mean let's give it a try three forms jazz its freeform jazz oh my god it's freeform freeform jazz and there I was out in the park wandering down my lonely road and I see a mad gasp who could he be he locks eyes with me and he says one thing I love you my sweet vine I can I cannot believe this my beloved has spoken out again I gets me so positively I can feel a rush of emotions to my head yeah bye [ __ ] is wet hello there cuz [ __ ] you the same place so many Eagles that I'm getting here feeling juicy on the battlefield back to you crazy alright slide in hey hey don't collect at me don't you clap at me that's a jazzy beat I'm gonna do improv Jazmin oh yeah I was walking through the woods and I noticed a tall brash man come through the underbrush who was this sexy hunk I wondered to myself as I bit my lip and twirled my hair it was none other than coogo the mighty if your viewers were old enough for swagger assigned their tits at a meeting great then we're doing something right oh that was that was what I got this I got to sign the jug I'm gonna sign a whole jug yeah it was very hard because it was so soft which is ironic poetic it away Oh what were you expecting were you expecting it to be hard I mean I wasn't expecting this sign of [ __ ] waterboard penises I was expecting a sign in Teddy period Smitty it was funny to do it right in front of her boyfriend - it was interesting that was weird I was like I'm hitting this Jule I feel like he's gonna [ __ ] am i okay yeah we're bad sorry continues that one sad saxophone that comes in late to class it's like Billy goddamnit you're late again this is the third time you're this week grab your chair and get sit down in your desk [Laughter] and [ __ ] instruments [ __ ] bassoon he found in a drawer you stop before you pass out a writ I figure that's the sound I make when I suck penis that penis give you an epilepsy Jesus so you know it's so good it's an epilepsy warning gonna nichy trigger finger on my [ __ ] and I've been seeing my doctor about erectile dysfunction for four years and I've been on and off medication and just sploosh am i right ladies oh no oh no all right boys get ready yeah here we go classic all right I got you I got you smooth jazz for [Music] [Applause] freeform kind of guy I feel like I can do anything to put the Jazz on for a full round thank you [Music] [Laughter] we need to bring Bank vacant gay along with amp ik what our forum is I'm gonna intro intro my X video to bring back squid sounds like an imaginary like suit in the deck of cards ah the ace of squids he's great one of these days I'm gonna hook up my electric to my to my computer because a while back a fan sent me a guitar pedal that makes your guitar sound like an anime character something called a miko that way you are you familiar with what the Miku is I'll send you a picture it's like a guitar pedal it changes your guitar into a Japanese girl though that's amazing when we [ __ ] it yeah what the [ __ ] yeah that is that is definitely Japanese that is definitely can literally turn her knobs Jesus dude Japanese Japanese like some [ __ ] martial arts technique [Laughter] [Laughter] here this did not exist [Music]
Channel: SwaggerSouls
Views: 3,472,803
Rating: 4.9700646 out of 5
Keywords: Funny, fun, game, gaming, gameplay, comedy, hilarious, moments, swagger, SwaggerSouls, souls, CS, CS:GO, Counter Strike, Jazz, KugoTheMighty, Kugo, Fitz, iNoToRiOuS, Smii7y, Grizzy, Misfits
Id: dt5XDRrHRRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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