Jazwares Big The Cat Plush Prototype - History & Showcase

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[Music] the Jazz Restonic line needs a little introduction throughout the years it's been titled as one of its not the greatest line of sonic merchandise of all time one aspect of the line that made it stand out was the sheer amount of characters that were included in it unlike previous Sonic sets jazz was made their set feel really complete well for the figures at least well the figures were the main focus of the line the line also contained plushies I often see these plushies overlooked which makes sense well the plushies were alright it really lacked character diversity which is a huge contrast to the figures if the plush line contains 7-inch plushies of Sonic Shadow Sonic the werehog tails silver and that's it there was a series of classic plushies released later into the line which did feel much more complete but still the modern plush lineup felt really lacking however this wasn't always going to be the case yes jazz wars had a lot more planned for the 7-inch plush line plushies of Eggman Knuckles big and even a plush of Sonic with the gauntlet and Caliburn from Sonic in the Black Knight were all prototype tanned designed but failed to be released even the classic plushies had a canceled plush Super Sonic so there was a lot of plush work at jazz words that never materialized for the most part these cancelled plushies remain shrouded in mystery with their existence only verified by the occasional glimpse of them we got at Toy Fair 24 2010 was where the knuckle was big and Eggman plushies were all first shown off in fact toy Fair 2010 was the only time we ever saw the knuckles bigger Eggman plushies they were never shown off ever again and to my knowledge they were never listed on any sites or store catalogs nor was any further explanation regarding them given until now on the fateful day of April 30 2017 I check email I searched Sonic plush expecting nothing too special to show up to my surprise I see a listing with the now famous title of new Sonic the Hedgehog big the cats 7-inch plush toy doll gift it's a listing from China I get suspicious but the second I look closer at the image I quickly realize it's him being listed for only $15.80 I check out within seconds and after just a few short weeks is the jazz words big the cat plush prototype arrived I cannot stress enough how much of an honor it is to actually own this plush this plush has been unseen for nearly 7 years besides that one appearance at a fair in 2000 10 the plush never showed up again and until now we never got a great look at it this is the first ever full in-depth public video of this plush and the fact that I have the opportunity to share it with you guys is absolutely mind-blowing before the plush was listed on eBay for all I knew it was gone see more often than not prototypes are discarded and destroyed because they're simply test items they exist solely to test an item and make sure it's ready to be manufactured because of that most companies don't see the importance of keeping them around so most of the time they get destroyed however by whatever magic this big has attached to it it survived for seven years and considering it was for sale from a Chinese seller whose items are mostly items taken from a factory chances are this big was hanging out of the factory for seven long years how this plush survives for that long I'll never know maybe someone at the factory just really liked big let's just hope they also like to Eggman knuckles etc of course well we've waited seven years to see this plush so let's take a look at him just going to say it this plush is leagues better than most of the plushies jazz was actually released well this may be because this was made as a prototype and not a mass-produced item he still looks really really good nonetheless the plush captures all bigs details near perfectly or at least as perfectly as could be done on the budget jazz was was under big face were not entirely accurate looks pretty good with what the plush was going for his eyes look kind of unsettling but that may be because the embroidery on this eye isn't done correctly or is damaged the white Shannon bi isn't fully there biggs muscle was very well shaped and his mouth is fully defined his nose is also made of embroidery just like the Jazz where's tails plush big has thin pieces of felt use for his cheek and chest Tufts his cheek tops aren't symmetrical but his chest Tufts look perfect big ears are great they're very large and the insides of them are fully patterned they're very impressive looking his head shape is spot-on and his back spikes are very well done too with the two rows having the correct number of spikes and the spikes being the correct length his body is naturally round with his stomach fur being perfectly circular and his arm so the correct length his gloves are a separate piece which like most jazz were sonic plushies aren't stuffed at all which makes them look very flat but his fingers are all detailed and his hand is well proportioned just like the other jazz where Sonic plushies big is made mostly using a soft fabric he also of course has all of his dark purple highlights all over his head and body here's one of the most interesting parts of plush bigs belt I believe it's made of vinyl is about itself is great with it being fully wrapped around his body and it's also looped into a circular buckle which is a separate layered piece though it's made of the same material the end of bigs belt here is cut this is very odd it doesn't look like it was a mistake either the cut is way too clean the b1 so did someone willingly cut off the end of Biggs though is the one that was at Toy Fair which may or may not be the one that I have does have its full belt so something must have happened to this big very weird the overall condition of the plushie is very good but he does have some dirt and damage here and there this can be easily explained by it being in a factory for so long though I mean big being somewhat used is much better than the alternative of him being ripped to shreds in a factory so you know I'll take it you know what's pretty great bigs tale it does go somewhat sideways which I think was the result of it being pressed on for a long time but whatever it still looks really good the end of the tale comes to one centred spike with felt pieces around it to represent the other spikes bigs legs are short and his sandals are top-notch the biggest feet are made using the same material at stuff like the reliefs plushies shoes were made of it kind of looks weird when you notice that his legs are soft but his feet aren't but it looks fine his sandals are full of detail they're made using the same material as his feet the soles are a different color the strap is there and has embroidery and the sandals even have all eight buckles made of felt the amount of detail that this plush has is absolutely insane especially compared to the other plushies by Jazwares big is pretty well big compared to the other 7-inch Jazwares plushies well he's still only 7 inches tall he's overall much larger here he is compared to the Jazz for a sonic plush and here he is compared to other jazz 4 sonic plushies you know this does give us a glimpse into what the Jazz line could have been if he was released oh well continuing with comparisons here he is next to the GE big and here he is compared to the actually released jazz Wars big item is a 4-inch big figure along with froggy of course while the plush does like a paper tag which makes sense given that it's a prototype the plush does actually have a fully detailed touch tag and it's very interesting now I know what you're all thinking but know this plush has no relations to the sonic products being currently released by Tomy back when the Jaspers line was first starting out Tomy UK who you can see here distributed the figures and plushies to the UK and it seems for whatever reason this plush was made using that touch tag maybe the factory only had these touch tags on them or maybe he was manufactured where the UK releases all the plushies were made that's all just speculation but it is interesting to think about and that's big I'm so saddened that this plush never actually came out if Jasper's could have released this plush for the price point of their other plushies this along with the other canceled plushies could have improved the line so so much so why wasn't this plush released well there could have been a lot of reasons behind its cancellation my theory was that the plush was actually too well-made to be released or at least too complex to be efficiently produced by Jasper's under their price point at the time the Jazz were Sonic plushies usually ran for around $10 when they first came out so this would have been super complex for a $10 plush big is a pretty thick Sonic character all things considered so he requires more materials to be accurately made he also has tons of detail embroidered eyes large ears back spikes his tail which itself has spikes coming off of it not to mention his belt in sandals if this was released at the price point of the other plushies it would have been a steal another potential deciding factor behind the plushies cancellation is that well it's bigs I can remember this plush was made in 2010 or earlier that was long before the age of big the cat being the meme icon that he is today nowadays of a company released a big plush not only what actual fans buy it but you know full well tons of them would be sold ironically back at the time of this plushies creation not many people liked big so this plush probably wouldn't have been all that successful I'm sure tons of you watching this video are thinking oh no I would have bought the plush if it came out but think to yourself if this plush did come out would you have bought it would you about a big plush back in 2010 would you love releasing it alone would have been a pretty big risk and I imagine Jasper's didn't want Biggs clocking up store shelves as unfortunate as that may be but wait big not being released due to him being too complex or unpopular doesn't explain why the other cancelled plushies weren't released for instance why was the Knuckles released there had to be more to it right well in my time researching the jaws / sonic line eye contact with a very influential member of the Jazz were Sonic Team Joe Amero who essentially ran the line I asked him if he and the insight on just what happened to these guys he said what most likely happened was that they were simply not approved by Sega actually looking back at the articles released regarding jazz were Sonic at Toy Fair 2010 some do directly state that the plushies shown off we're not yet approved by Sega and because of that people weren't allowed to take pictures of them and that's the reason why information on these canceled plushies is just so scarce I'd like to know Sega's thought process behind approving the plushies like why did so forget approved but Knuckles didn't did the nutless plush just look that bad surely quality wasn't the only thing taken into consideration as big a looks so good maybe knuckles looks really good as well of course we don't know that yet in fact we've only seen exactly this much of the Knuckles plush I really want to see what his face looks like hopefully we'll see that someday the thing that really gets me is that even though we now fully know what the big plush was like the rest of the canceled plushies for the most part are still undocumented and the sad part is there's actually a chance they are gone for good if these plushies weren't approved by Sega what reason what Jasper's had to keep them around as said of a thought as it is these are just products to the company throwing away a canceled rejected never to be produced plush prototype is something any company would do I'm sure Jasper's took pictures of the plushies there has to be at least some documentation of the plushies out there but until those come to light who knows then again if the big plush could survive who's to say that the knuckles eggman and all the other canceled plushies couldn't have maybe even some unproduced figure prototypes could have survived to I guess only time will tell it's pretty cool looking back the first Sonic plushies I ever got was a set of Jazwares plushies I got Sonic Shadow and the werehog back in summer of 2010 and now seven years later I have an unreleased prototype from the line that got me into collecting an aspect of my life that has given me so many opportunities has allowed me to meet so many amazing people and have experiences I never would have otherwise really incredible when I think about it I want to end this video by saying thanks to whoever found this plush the seller who sold it on eBay the people I contacted while researching for this video and everyone involved in making this guy right here possible I would have never even dreamt of owning a Jazwares prototype heck I never even thought any of these would see the light of day and honestly having this big is a pretty surreal feeling now we just need to hope that the rest of the cancelled plushies are still out there somewhere as someone who's super into documenting the history of these merchandise lines it makes me so happy to own this big and to be able to share him with you guys well the fate of the other canceled plushies is still uncertain it's good to know that at least big is still here and I'll be sure to preserve him for years to come [Music]
Channel: PatMac
Views: 112,601
Rating: 4.951828 out of 5
Id: OSKpW4Q-ofE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2017
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