JayzTwoCents Office Tour | Studio Build & Industry Discussion

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what's up guys Jays $0.02 here and today we're gonna talk about well-aimed because that's what everyone's talking about it James days this is my show sorry you said this is two times bigger three three times bigger this this just the shop itself is more than twice the space this is the shop I guess yeah well that's the idea so it was originally gonna have its own like because you see we got the fake walls over there right I was originally I didn't even insure this we're doing a studio tour anyway continue this is j2 cents will link below we're doing a studios for it before that this video is brought to you by us and our new limited edition wireframe shirt the G on wireframe shirt uses a custom made 100% soft cotton tee with a blue and silver foil GM logo on the front rotate it in a way that makes it look 3d with the shimmery foil effect the back has foil polygon shards for an abstract design with that technical feel our previous to foil shirts sold out fast and like those once this is gone it's gone grab your limited foil wireframe shirt today I'm store that gamers Nexus dotnet to help support what we do so hereĆ­s a yeah so I we had this 3d rendering that we used in like Google Sketchup on how we kind of want to utilize the space cuz this is our third move in three three years and so I just like you I went from like what was the second I so there's the previous place that well there was the place I started my channel in back in 2012 it was just a bedroom my parents lived with me at the time garage was converted to like an apartment and so I just had one bedroom that I recorded in which was like I remember that one was like an 8 foot by nine foot bedroom it was it was so small the hallway became like storage and right parents had to walk sideways down the hallway to the bathroom so when we moved to our larger house it was like okay I've got a bigger bedroom to use as a studio I've got the garage like the single detached garage it was also gonna be like a garage space and shop then we moved to the space everyone knew prior to this one which was significantly bigger you know that was the official office the official one yeah next Nick moved with us and it was just like we had the kitchen which was exciting not because of his kitchen or anything but because we had a sink we could pour the water cooling set down right which unlike lionesses kitchen is a real thing it's a real sink and it's a real one that apparently we corroded with so much stuff we put down there that we had to pay to have the pipes replaced but besides the point but anyway it we quickly outgrew that and then so we're here now so in so in seven years this is the fourth place I've been in or the third move yeah and then I didn't when we moved into the other place prior to this it's kind of like when I'm dealing with now where all this is a larger scale where I had more space and new to do with I was used to having like a desk and that was my whole YouTube presence and then the problem is when the space grows you don't know what to do with it and then what happens is it turns into a catch-all and then you become frustrated with the inefficient use of space but you probably dealing with that too in the office right thanks to some extent it starts to everything starts to fill in on its own very easily well because we start getting shipments you're like okay just put it here pretty storage or put it next thing you know it's like caving in on you well it's kind of crazy because one of the our our goal here was like the very first build or thing I wanted to do in here was to revive the RIP GN yeah we talked about that and it's like it was crazy because we were we were building the Dominus and we'd had it for like five months but never booted it so we didn't know if it work so we're setting it all up and it's funny Phil and I realized that this table got full of boxes and we're working on like corners trying to get all work and we're like we've got so much more space and then we spread out we're like this is actually kind of nice and then we filmed another video in the middle of that of us getting the RIP DN going and it was kind of nice because we just sort of moved it back here did our thing and we were able to keep going but even then I my idea for this studio is that we're gonna have projects that are currently in progress like each bin will kind of be like parts for those builds and stuff I know so this is in progress stuff right here yeah right now this one became just kind of like tubing and stuff but as we're building things it's like okay the parts or whatever that's needed for that will be labeled and it's like okay where'd that thing go cuz we if we're not gonna work or finish it all in one day yeah hey things getting mixed up easily so these are like in progress this other stuff that sitting here is just because I haven't moved over our main storage shelves yet right I don't want product on here I want this to be tools and we need four active projects so it's not really a humble brag but it just kind of shows like the ups and downs of being a product reviewer or anyone working in hardware this is all stuff we've required distance we came here yeah we haven't moved anything over time yet so I mean the water cooling stuff is obviously important you know I think that's that's kind of a fun topic too we had one of these problems when I did the tour with Linus where within his we were talking about advertising standards and people really liked that discussion but talking about products coming in and you say and it's not a humble brag I think that is a good point where I think on average people and it's completely fair to think this too but on average people see like all the stuff come in they're just like oh my god I must be amazing imagery great yeah you're so lucky it's free stop right walk shows up and it's like how many hours is this box represent yeah cuz it's it's really not like it's not really free no it's it's two years of work to get here you know work in a hundred hours a week for ten years yeah and then it's okay I'll take a quote from Linus you know it's like okay you've given me this box it's not really free stuff it's an obligation yeah I have to do something with this and I think you would agree though we love what we do enough to where we continue that relationship of work love hate otherwise you know why do it right right right but I mean is fair to it's it's kind of lost a lot of its excitement with something like a new graphics card comes right and it's like oh they're cool I would say it's different like it's I find it exciting and fun from a competitive standpoint like a content creation how can we do something really interesting with this right when no one's gonna be doing the same content right but not I don't find it like when I built my first computers and I wasn't running a review site that was a different feel it you're excited to build it because it's like you've worked hard to get to this point you've done all your research right but when you're reviewer you're not or at least you shouldn't be excited about just getting a product it's kind of the wrong reason yeah cuz then it's not really gonna be a good review I think to be honest I've seen you I've seen you get some flack for being kind of I guess overly critical yeah but I feel an enthusiast should be critical quite honestly yeah it's one of those things like it's no different than the keyboard warrior sitting around reddit being critical because if you're passionate about something you know you don't care about it you care about to the point we're like no this deserves me better this should be better this is a shortcuts brand shouldn't be doing this and especially when when you see as much hardware I mean like you said acquiring this and what a couple months or something yeah yeah nothing's come over here from the other studio yeah and this is after me telling people don't send me stuff right the other the other site so you've got a bunch of 570 boards you have the new super stuff and yeah I guess the point being that if you you see as much hardware as we do your standards should be higher for what's good and what isn't firsthand experience and so we have a good baseline to be like this is a good or a bad product right it doesn't take long to realize this is above or below the curve yeah you know well yeah it's I mean so it's just kind of nice though to be able to have a space to work in I mean I've been so busy I mean we'll put our pegs on the pegboard yet I mean our Linus board but yeah it's just I wanted to get more of this done prior to review season which we knew was coming since you know early this year CES kind of said this is gonna be a busy summer I don't like the setup here though like these were the original work benches we got we have they're pretty good yeah they're like 200 bucks they're pretty affordable yeah yeah absolutely and then what I like about this table here like I said this was just an Ikea countertop this it was expensive it was like 290 dollars for this piece of wood but it is solid wood you could see because when we dragged it we damaged it but it's real wood but what's cool is this looked so bad and I showed in one of our videos of me resurfacing this no no it looked perfect originally but we had over spray paint on is scratched when we beat this up it's a workbench but I showed I showed it like a life hack of how we power sanded it and then I use glue gun to restain it or oil it because it's citrus oil which is good for wood and so I made it look pretty good again but yeah this thing is also like probably a good hundred and fifty pounds just the wood piece yeah so yeah it we I also ran power to it you said the original was that one yeah which is much narrower we're not skinnier what piece behind the shelf but you see everything's extension cords everywhere extends yeah yeah the only power in here is on the wall that's with the office and then that for gamebox and two of those didn't even work because anywhere even hooked up oh but I took the cover off and I was like it's a socket with no wires going to it what the heck and it's coming right to the panel so I'm good we had one of ours when I was at the house the panel blew up like it lit on fire so this wasn't a at least it wasn't like a flash explosion it was just like a over current I wasn't home but basically what happened was the one of the neighbors said they could hear the arcing like they thought it was a power tool in the garage but we had a contractor come out and install a new dropping a circuit in Wow and when they put it all back together they had a according to the fireman who came and put it out they had a line I think it was like a ground line or something that wasn't connected and it bridged like two so that was just that was faulty workmanship it was bad work we insurance covered it but it was almost a house fire I say you got really lucky because that stuff always happens when you're not there like a water leak I'm dealing with we came home like what's all this water here on the drive and it's like oh look I have a new water falls yeah what was your wife like Oh Jay must be doing another water cooling project it's not that abnormal to see water running out of things that I own right but the thing is like we have a we have a water spigot in the garage not on the outside of the house yeah from tampering with it and I'd like washed the car and I thought maybe I didn't like turn it all the way off ah but it was when I saw the the drywall was now wet wall so fortunately though it was isolated to the garage none of the living area was affected and it's just been any convenience rather than right what about this big empty space is this gonna well I guess I'll point this out on the ways here so it's just a sound panel I guess so one of the things that we did in the other space which again is a it's a very high metal ceiling that had real bad reverb yeah and it was even like angled so like come right back at us what we found was that you could go to a place like film tools and he could spend $300 on a piece of foam board yeah or you could go to Home Depot and spend $16 on the same foam and then we just put sound panels on it like this and what we'll do is we'll move this to right behind the camera wherever I'm speaking just to break up some of the reverb prior to it reaching the concrete walls yeah because these are still not treated so I if what I've done in like when we have to film in a hotel room or something for a launch schedule right sometimes you can just throw like the comforter over a chair in front of like right behind the camera yeah yeah and I'll catch a lot of that noise the same reason why we have two dozen moving blankets because they work really well too in a pinch yeah if it's off camera and you can stop the camera or the the sound I mean you're never gonna stop reverb but anytime you make it bounce it how do you deal with the height like do you do you ultimate do you have a plan for or how do you feel about the audio right now let me ask that question like are you pretty happy with where you have it I feel like it sounds spacial hmm rather than echo II okay I get a lot of comments if like echo echo but what people don't realize is that's not echo they're not hearing echo they're gonna reverb hmm echo is where you say something and there's a delay and you hear it again alright that's that go like yelling into a cavern right right this feels spacial and it's not as out of place when we're in the shop because you can see that it's a shop and you expect to hear that it's when we go to this set over here where it's intended to with this proper camera angle feel like you're at home to where it is pretty good like this is when you when you when you when you get the camera angle in there and you turn off the house lights and you get all the key light and stuff it really does sell it but the thing is the audio doesn't quite match the the look you're like there's way more reverb than you should be getting in those guys yeah but when we put up the insult quote actual sound treatment on the wall that's gonna stop all that okay the lav mics really helped him and you were saying so is that is it a sheet or what is it it's about a half inch thick think of it like a like a honeycomb fabric okay that's just got tons and tons and tons of layers that are designed to apparently it's tuned to the frequencies and stuff that you would expect to experience for vocals and all that stuff it's the same exact stuff that like CB CBS Studios Warner Brothers Studios like I've been in those sound stages it's the exact same stuff same supplier even okay so I basically was like hey I I hit up some of the people that I know that work in like studio design mm-hmm and was like who do you guys contact for this sort of so they gave me a number I contacted them yeah I was wondering if extremely affordable to I'll surprise this whole place will cost me about three grand to sound read yeah which is as a business expense not that bad not that bad ins so are you gonna put that stuff like in the ceiling up here or does it not need a ceiling this this set I want to experience it first without a ceiling yeah without the ceiling we can still have our our our hair light good punch lights yeah but what I what I'm thinking about doing though is if I have to build another thing here yeah to stop the sound from getting to the ceiling we block the AC vents a little bit but we don't need the direct airflow for the cooling space right but but I mean so sand out here is this by the way is this the new yeah this is this is what we installed this was not a very shiny that is a radiant barrier that your ceiling up there that that foil aha it does stop some of the heat coming through the ceiling but there's gaps everywhere so he doesn't make it through right but that I mean that's an alicorn year that's a seven and a half ton unit just for accurate and then a three ton for the office so I have no idea what's gonna cost me electricity wise but trust me the alternative it's worth it whatever the alternative was it gets hot out here but if you stand out here and just talk even though and the reason want that set up so high is people like why is it so high is there's gonna be walls and more sets here so okay gotcha you see how those are set to the proper so us I guess walk me through the the plan you have the workshop area is there is anything you're gonna go back here is this just gonna be like oh you need it for the supports we need it for the supports ok gosh on this side here I am gonna build more bench slash storage space into this wall ah cuz we only need about two feet to walk to the restroom and right in the set so I'm gonna utilize this space by making more storage here okay but what I was getting at is if you hear the way it sounds when you talk here versus now coming coming back into the actual set and talking here yeah it you can tell there's a different yeah I don't know how much it'll pick up on camera but a lot of the the reverbs gone yeah but the problem is we're still speaking out into the space right yeah so if I turn and talk this way then it sounds like a bedroom well so there's your solution just all your videos should be you facing this way with the camera right there yeah and you can put a mirror on the wall yeah I know right part of eight that would fix it I kind of part of me kind of feels like if I was to do this all over again I might have needed this but it's easy to have an aisle with the cameras and the lights I I like I like the idea of having an open row down a middle right so is that corner with this carpet is that gonna be one set and then it was gonna be but we've had we've mixed that idea this carpet is cut to the exact size that my current set in the other studio was when they had the windows behind me in the shelves right this is the space I had this was it and it was frustrating so if we get a wide shot I think everyone will see like from that corner out you could definitely see the space we've got now I was gonna recreate that set that was the idea behind here I was gonna build the fake windows like over there what I was gonna one-to-one yeah so if I shot here you would think I was there so was that but I cancelled that it was that for like sentimental personal initial attire or was it for viewers or well no initially it was just for continuity and yeah and consistency but like I started I told you off-camera that place is such a source of stress I was like why do I want to bring that here so I just this is now gonna be storage I'm gonna have the racks here right kind of like a mini version of what Linus has in the way yeah right and then this over here is gonna be the giant flex space I guess okay so the idea was talking head talking head slash build space yeah flex area that's gonna be not just an area we can record it looks like so storage here I guess yeah but then this will also double this green room meeting area TV to hang out all that sort yeah yeah and that doesn't even include like obviously the offices and enjoy oh we can do stuff but we should let's I mean so this space here like I said it's gonna be like a think of this is like the break room yeah i honest it's gonna TV fridge tables maybe maybe yeah like a couch over here or something but it's really just because it's here when mother do something with it yeah I mean ideally it would have been better for us personally if the office was cut in half and this was still warehouse mmm this would be beneficial to us that way but this was already here and so then if you got the office over here yeah yeah you spend most your time in there the irony is if the men's bathrooms already out of order this is the one that works yeah it feels laughing but we we may have caused it ourselves but I won't say that on camera yeah so I mean ideally I'm probably end up setting my office or my desk up on this wall or actually no I think I am I think I decided we're keeping it this way we're gonna do like a conference table over here huh but yeah well maybe maybe a table here I guess yeah just so that when we have like our little our little skiff design meetings like when we came up with that world of warships ad and stuff like that was a funny ad I texted you about that yeah I don't know if the fact that you asked me if we actually broke glass at met Phil sold it with that post-edit yeah I don't know so well maybe we can drop a clip in for it then you can build them for another ad run so our concept and we've done some of these in the past was you know ads are a way of life it's how we live right if you've got to watch an ad at least make it worth watching right you know and and then we didn't even tell will the worships we were gonna do that we were just like hey all right we're gonna kind of like go over the top on this ad let me run it more than one month so it has value to creating this thing so we're gonna keep building upon it our next ad is gonna be a continuation of that it's just gonna be fun just get more ridiculous yeah we came up with that mostly on the fly like I had this idea in my head didn't even storyboard it I was directing it and I was kind of like okay just do this I know it doesn't make sense but just do this yeah mix reaction in a different take I should have Phil show you some of the outtakes from that Knicks reaction to turning around when I came through the window was genuine because I didn't tell him what I was gonna do I just was like okay just be sad blah blah blah and then he was and then he took over the camera when I was you notice we were never in shot together yeah with the exception of when I'm screaming at his face so I just basically he was like okay and action I like boats and the young to the window and it was like what so it was pretty genuine that's what I liked about I didn't watch it full screen or anything so any of the glass effects he did I didn't know looked good yeah yeah most people watch on their phone and tablets now right yeah so when I was like oh he must have like bought just a simple sheet of glass from Lowe's and stuck it in the window it would be getting stitches if I did the things everyone keeps saying captain Jays the best and I'm getting mags I'm like no it's Admiral James Fleet Admiral J so but yeah I mean we're still on folding tables because there's literally like so what's what's your plan like long term for the stern what's your vision for it I guess there's gonna be like silly crap on the walls I mean we're good alright so one I can't lived in right yeah one of Brian's really good friends as an artist need those murals and stuff so he's gonna make like crazy paintings and stuff for us to put up here that reflect our personality he's got this one photo of Brian eating like Chinese food with chopsticks but it's my head in the chopsticks that's like weird stuff right I just want to be fun because if we have to spend you know probably more time here than we do at home you know that I've yeah I want to be comfortable here right okay that's why I want a couch that's why I got the couch it yeah is like with the rise and launches especially I was basically work like 20 plus you know 24 hours yeah and then just go crash on the couch until embargo lifts an hour later because if otherwise its I don't know I know the life you definitely need that so how many naps I take on another couch like half the time you're editing on me over there like catching a catnap the reality is the reality is I became addicted to that game prior to them ever working with me so and they were like that's a Ju what I was like genuine I yes yes I play the crap out of that game way more time than I'd like to admit but yeah so we're gonna have our he's gonna have a sit stand s that he really likes from the other studio this is where we did all the benchmarking for other reviews and so okay yeah which that was another thing that was a problem at the other studio is not only did it have to double as our set it was the only place we had for the workbench yeah so the test bench had to be used the ER was using real estate was also used to make videos right so everything's stepped on top of each other we had we couldn't do anything simultaneously so we could have benchmarks running in here and then go out there and be filming something and or even if we want them running out there we could put it on the test bench or the work bench in the back of the set it's just really flexible so it's gonna be his desk my desk and then probably workbench here funny story I tried to set my desk up here mm-hmm and I tried to hang these which are temporary I'm gonna do clean blinds and stuff up and I'm sitting here with my nail gun and I'm like why won't nails go in yeah I was hitting this concrete with a nail gun and the nails were just like completely flattening on them so he's laughing as he did when we realized like I'm trying to nail gun into concrete yeah so there's no power runs well before I signed my lease I had gotten approval to mount mount our pegboard directly to the wall and that was the one thing I specifically got approval for mounting to the wall to your studs I want to go mount it and they're steel studs yeah and I'm not allowed to mountain steel studs and there's no wood studs in the space most offices are steel so of course they were like yeah go ahead sorry wrong with that yeah sure it's a proof do they know you can't hey yeah this is this is all steel too so when I know if you saw our video and I had to redo the networking because the guy just who installed our network plate just use wood screws into drywall so second I touched it like all fell apart yeah so I redid all their work properly I showed the proper box you would get with the wings that come out and then I had to run it up over the office I think for a full-time two-man operation with a part time not part time but a part time here third third body yeah this is a lot of space which is why I'm so conflicted on how I want to build this side out I've already got some of the lumber to start building it but yeah I need to build an actual like a more permanent structure for that door that was just left over sound panels from this or I want a thicker one for a higher our factor but that roll-up door is a huge heat load on this space yeah for sure with a thermal camera that blows a big hole in the wall exactly because concrete is an insulator I mean this work concrete on three sides it's pretty cool in here with AC running it works really well and because we actually have that motor reduced on speed because it's a stage two system or two stage system but we don't have a two stage compressor okay so a second condenser and compressor is supposed to kick on with the two stage so when the fan would go into its second stage it sounded like like like a jet in there but we got no additional cooling in fact it got warmer because it was just generating Heat well it was shoving more air through the condenser which was not getting any cooler okay but I'm gonna be building a more permanent door in front of this because technically this AC doesn't meet the California title 24 because that has to that door can't be allowed to roll up ice to an air warehouse can't be our condition if it has a roll-up door why because they want to make sure not rolling up the door and just a seeing with the door with them oh yes then it would always its California title 24 which is the efficiency title I'm going to do that though I'm not gonna be able to roll it up anyway because this this carpet here is was just like okay how big do I want the space to be we're not gonna use this carpet actually which is kind of a waste of money it's probably good for deflection though that's why it's down here now originally we were gonna hang it on the wall but it was too heavy but it's gonna come all the way out to the store so we're not gonna be able to bring anything in through it anyway right we never accepted any sort of pallet jack deliveries so worst case scenario we have a people door so if they deliver a pallet we just have to break it down and come yeah that makes sense to me so but yeah through anything with these this brick veneer that was just leftovers from the bedroom set thing you know using a white one over there right well it's just that painted white oh okay yeah but because it's actually the the texture it shows up nicely that's pretty good actually oh we got a lot of push back a lot of people initially were like don't paint it and then once they saw that it looked good we put up you know we put a fake white like wall mural for our b-roll set and uh that's that's a pretty good faith though I mean the veneer approach yeah I we just happen to see it when we were at Home Depot I know it's like $44 a sheets expensive it's funny a lot of people told me I was copying you with the shiplap weather why would this with the with the wood paneling because it's like it's the best way to hide defects in a wall right yeah because you can see you can see where the sheets come together this is just that you know eighth inch thick hardwood but you do I like this stuff it's great for a lot of reasons but it really does a good job at hiding it's the same as people saying that we copied - for having a pegboard or anyone who has a kitchen in their house it's copying - so I haven't showed anyone yet on camera how I got around the Electrical Code but I would I will expose myself okay wait let me rephrase that I will expose how we got around code hey would you like title in the video J's oh well you see we had a big censored bar over yeah we have functional outlets on okay cool so we'll show you over here we'll start over here I'm not proud of this because I came up with this on my own and I asked like three different contractors like is this okay and they're like yeah I think so because most contractors if they're not sure they're just like no right no don't just don't even bother yeah I think so I was pretty good but it has three different c10 electricians that I know like can I do this and they went yeah I think so and I'll show you why so we've got our light up here running to this box right so you can see we've got the rolling I've done everything in here oh that sucks yeah yeah I mean how I can't really go through the wall you know right but I had to cut the coaxial because I had to bring the router back or the modem back out here next the router okay but so I've got this box here which is jumpered off of this box which is the other side it's the proper box this is a proper romex everything's exposed so the way I got around code is actually really kind of ingenious I just went and got I got electrical extension cord making equipment and if you shoot right through here you'll see the lit cord there it's just an extension cord onto that box okay so basically if the fire marshal came in and went well you can't you can't have that wired like that it just yes okay it doesn't plug sorry yeah so every contractor has looked at that and went dude there's a really thin gray area and you're in there yeah so because what makes this legal is the fact that this is a perfectly freestanding structure it is not it bolted down it is not wired into anything that's hardwired and because that's detachable it's like saying an extension cord is legal with a lamp that's really what that is right yeah I've completely underneath codes requirements yeah nice so that's why as long as I don't put a single bolt to the ground to hold that thing down then we're good like if I wasn't enough if I was but if I was to run a board to that wall ah to anchor it then I'm in trouble I see okay yeah so there's all this free standing fully free stone yeah so that was fun and I kind of came up with all that as I went I've never built anything like that this was more of a proof of concept like can I build this and it won't kill me there are so far the answer is yes it's like the earthquakes it's just you're that's that's my hat your Admiral hat my Admiral J hat the the RIP Thien wig is gonna make its way in here at some point did you do this I did build that yeah then I mean it when I said I like boats yeah it's not just a meme you might alright you might do well in North Carolina I like boats yeah I like boats so you guys have a have a battleship Museum out there too we do actually yeah I've been there a few times yes pretty so out here we've got the down in San Diego we've got the USS Midway and then in LA we've got the USS Iowa okay you know Iowa is a sister ship to the one the 200 scale and building a home so how long did this take you to build mmm I did it during Christmas break probably spent about and I don't want to admit this but I price spent about ten hours a day for three weeks on it oh man yeah and it's not even done be honest you know there's no propellers there's no rudders so what takes the longest with this is it it's just the amount of like little things like a lot like this superstructure part right here they all glued together or snapped door glued together but it's easy to clean the parts not intentionally like weathered this way more than the ship ever was because the Bismarck never so is it only it only floated for eight months until the Sun Oh and so it never really had a chance to like truly become weathered so I just sort of put a take of like that's if it spent a year at sea you know at all conditions what would it look like but I stopped to do all the rigging like all the wire antennas and stuff which is like thread mm-hmm I just haven't had time to do it and I'm doing a two hundred scale right now because I needed to take a break from this what is this this is a 350 scale okay yeah so 200 scales it's about that hanger yeah and it's is that gonna make its way into the set when you're done with it eventually yeah cuz I have no place to put it at home I built I started building and I'm like way bigger than I anticipated on that table in termina house interested in set backgrounds here just but I'm just I'm sorry just the wall would you use yeah yeah it's really I see you're giving you're definitely real plants I'm good sunlight it's funny I did that just for the hell of it and then it became some you can put a real plant there now but what's funny is somehow that became J's Pro medicinal like because it looks like a grill light yeah so everyone thinks I'm over here girl likes growing marijuana do Rihanna's I just was like I just liked the plant there one day and it made it in a shot and then it just stuck yeah so yeah and then this this chair here I've done a few Talking Heads in this like I did the QA but it's funny we are thinking about doing like a like an interview set almost like a like a Tonight Show right and we're like that chair would be perfect I just kind of a Tonight Show so that yeah if I was sitting there and then we had multi camera angles and stuff all right the problem is we have more room than it what to do with so well you're in California you could get guests from mostly companies yeah I would think that III get Jacob out here probably good something gigabyte around the small gigabyte not sure about that Messiah but it was like local how are they is there a ninja city of MSG I guess oh yeah the right down the street can you a glacier and sixties out there yeah they're out who they yeah they there for sure here yeah start doing the the Jay show I know right do I want to open that can of worms oh I start doing like bringing guests in and doing interviews and stuff I don't know it's like anything else is trying to come up with ideas yeah you know right let me do one one more question before we close out then let's talk about the camera setup okay so can you walk me through it yeah so this is our episodes on a Manfrotto 502 head which is actually 10 though it's too small for this camera this just thinks fairly heavy like if I put our you've had this camera body for a while right a while yeah but it's not light let me feel that so that 502 is a little and keep in mind there's no monitoring no battery and do you want to use this one for non- shoot energy seems like but if you want to talk about like a superior video quality though this compared to I plus five is it's really really good in low lights is your kind of your daily camera that no actually we use at least alright we use it mostly in this set because we keep the lights a lot lower a lot more moody this has a much better sensor on it but it's running it's so what are you using oh I see okay so that's an FS 7 with a sigma 1.8 art lens on it with a small 5 are a small HD 502 mm-hmm I think it's also fight what you land or monitor and then we're using the electro sonic analog lab lab mic this is this is like 99% of our stuff gets shot on this ok it's it's just because it's much more you know hand hold is this an add-on no no that's that's part of the book it's part of the body but yeah yeah the Epis 7 was one of those like I wanted a much more better studio quality camera right and it was one of those little bit of like remorse you know yeah pieces of equipment here we don't use it that often mostly in that set so do you use this one for shows Phil prefers to use the a7 at our trade shows which is which is this guy over here and I think you've seen it the a7 we have to go to the a7 with the tilt abadi uh-huh and then when we use this for our blogs he tends to use our choking at 10 to 16 mil mirror okay cuz he really likes that super wide feel right and then we have the remember the model number of this guy here or the XLR a1 M so our dual that's all input with shot Mike retractor gun Mike right and then we just power it off like an anchor battery for those the problem with this is it's still a little bit heavy but our HDMI out port broke so we have no monitor on this anymore alright so because of that we don't really use it that much anymore with just two bags it broke like almost immediately so just on camera screen now yeah which is really not great for trying to get focus the Zebras on it or not they're not they're they're really forgiving so it'll show like oh yeah your face is in focus but it's like to be behind you okay yeah so that's started causing us some this one's crazy built out this thing is capable of giving you studio quality yeah this is like TV can you set it to 24 P and you put a good load on there because all of our stuff has let's bill for each camera we actually had Wes come out works for Austin Evans he's a lighting engineer okay so he actually came out and took samples and created let's reach for our cameras that way they can match nice so if we were to do like a three camera thing with three different cameras they're all they all look the same that's cool yeah which got us to realize like wait a minute if you can get the Epis 5 look it's the goodest is so you go off the lab then when you film here do you use or sorry to use elaborate use the shotgun here so scratch audio ok and then normally we'll use the lab on this we haven't used our em cage for 16 much ah because with the AC on and all the reverb this picks up a lot of it I can't use that though if I just turn everything off and then get it real close to me this is amazing audio but until it's sound treated in here it's not gonna - it's not gonna meet our needs so what is the the workflow then ultimately I mean it for for making a video like I just walk me through the bullet points of you get a product and how do you progress through it well it depends on what it is so let's let's say like I don't know CPU something like that alright so first for a CPU we probably end up using this set we tend to just build out now on the motherboard box like we used on whole case set up and all that but now we'll just build out in weather board box do all of our testing and stuff and then we more or less turn it into I guess racing on how you do like a talking head piece with all the charts and all the data right that's overlaid on top of our voice so over here if I were sitting stationary I would use the Epis 7 it's such a better such a better lens and a better sensor in that in that body I would arrange all the lights how I wanna I do all the lighting for our videos Phil is fantastic at camera work but he doesn't like doing camera lighting setup ok so what I'll do is I'll just kind of take the FS 5 and I'll sort of frame her they don't wanna yeah play around the lights and stuff and then by that time he's ready to come and set up he handles all the equipment so he's like my quartermaster at the same time aha once I hand off like okay the lighting setup the outline is ready to go for the video because I don't script anything I just bullet point and then we just either sticks and shoot or he'll do something dynamic so I mean it's a it's a pretty small operation and I feel like we're only about 25% utilized here of what we can do that's good for just starting yeah that's why I want whatever I do over here I've got to be committed to because tearing this down would be a lot of work it's a lot of lumber in this I'd only want to sandwich just once that cost a bill but it's not cheap and I did it myself because the initial contractor like quotes I got was just like really yeah for fake walls you're gonna charge me this yeah no I don't think so bill that add-on for your house basically and that's and that's a thing was trying to get someone that understood like look we're building a set we're not building in addition yeah they couldn't they couldn't get their mind around that so I did it myself but I don't want to build this all out and then be like man I want to redo it yeah well if you put set walls up in either of these areas it's gonna feel a lot smaller yeah and I was in really fast I think I'm okay with that though because the more we fill this space to the help more it's going to help it reverb hmm right right well yeah that's that's I would say our humble humble little studio so that's the tour J's two cents on youtube if you want to check them out we'll link them below yeah thanks for the walkthrough oh thanks for coming and looking at it because I'm doing lettuces it's kind of like really you want to look at mine well why does this has a lot of eccentricities he's just got a lot going on but this one is like very relatable I see the build one big giant bookshelf no that swings away right here that's right it's off yeah on that note we'll see you all next time thank you're watching check out J on YouTube and then we've also got I guess I'll mention of the line of store we did previously if you're interested in this type of content we'll see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 543,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamersnexus, gamers nexus, computer hardware, jayztwocents, jayztwocents studio tour, jayztwocents interview, jay studio tour, jay interview, linustechtips studio tour, ltt studio tour, linus media group, ltx, ltx 2019
Id: XlfEJwhiMI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 52sec (2392 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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