Jay Morton | I Do THIS Every Morning So That Nothing Can Stop Me

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[Music] appreciate it i trust you've had a wheelie bin bath this morning i did yes did you see it yeah i saw it on your story how was that i mean the weather outside down in wales is terrible so i'm not sure what's up like by you but it looked down yeah yeah it's the same here um yeah exactly the same but like um it's quite nice because the wheelie bins are a good temperature now whereas during the summer the wheelie bin was too warm to get into so you you were getting into like a bin and not getting the effects of the cold um and i bought a sauna during lockdown oh wow so now i do like i go in the sauna for 30 minutes uh like go out for a walk in the morning come back do 30 minutes in the sauna and then the bins at a good temperature where i can just get in the bin um and just to the point where we start shivering and then i get out um and then you know what like louis the rest of the day like you just you zen right like nothing can bother you you're almost like i tell people it's almost like you vibrate and you've got this like vibration um similar to like when you go out and you do some like some like long endurance or something like that it's like any problems any dramas anything any you know bad mood or anything that was sneaking in beforehand just gets completely like annihilated with the sauna and coping so how long are you spending in the bin um so if for now if i just if i go straight from uh bed into the bin i'll do the temperature is now probably about four to five minutes right okay um to the point that i'm shivering um if i go straight from sauna it's probably about the same if i go straight from the sauna and go straight into the bed four to five minutes um because you come out and you still like have you know i've not got much i've not got much body fat on me so i get cold quite easily uh surprisingly um so yeah like i i shiver quite a lot post a bin the great thing is that like i've got it's it's it's actually quite it's good to see like people on social media doing the same thing though yeah um and i've got quite a few people that regularly send me videos of themselves getting them bins so um and they're obviously getting the same benefits and i've i've even had a close friend who's actually bought a bin um because you can buy an extra bin for your house so he's gone out and bought a bin to do the whole cobin thing while you're not tried it yet no i haven't tried it i'll have to give her a go um i'm not great with cold showers boy you're a welsh boy you should be you should be all over that stuff i know i'll give her a go let's uh i'll try and do it before the year is out anyway um yeah the cold showers are good though like if you can like cold like that's kind of where i started was just doing a cold shower and just getting the benefits of that um and you know what if you can like like because the worst thing is the initial shock of getting in yeah then once you're in your body kind of normalizes to the to the cold right you don't feel the cold as much so like i just found the best way was to just like stand under the shower and just turn it on as opposed to if you turn this if you turn the shower on and like put your hand in and start feeling creeping it all goes wrong yeah yeah yeah yeah sure
Channel: Freedom Pact
Views: 15,301
Rating: 4.961165 out of 5
Keywords: jay morton, sas who dares wins, sas, soldier, special forces, ant middleton, ollie ollerton, billy billingham, jason fox, sas who dares wins australia, celebrity sas, podcast, interview, book, audiobook, everest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 25sec (205 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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