Jay Leno's Garage: Piers Morgan Shows Leno HIS Car After Taking Tour

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so J I don't even know where to start in your in your car Emporium but as we as we head into this room for example uh past a sea of Bugattis but what are we looking at here well these are American cars from the 20s duesenbergs uh Packard a little bit of everything where do you find them where do you Source your cars well you know if you're into something there always other people that are interested in it too you know odd a lot of these guys are hermit kind of guys and they they they've had a car since it was new and they've kept their whole life and a lot of them just wanted to go to a good home you know so I usually pay what what are we looking at here okay well that was interesting that's the last dusenberg made by the dusenberg brothers and the guy I bought it from bought it in 46 locked it in his garage and I bought it in 2005 after he passed away it the garage hadn't been opened in like 60 years really and and you know you found newspapers of Japanese attack again and all these kind of stories you know so and you still drive all of these cars oh yeah they're all on the road they drive them all yeah this is this has caught my eye mainly because it's the book of the Morgan the book of the Morgan there one of these a Morgan these are Morgan these Morgans these two are Morgans yeah yeah magnificent aesthetic cars well English cars do English make good cars they do well you know what I was find that English make one of any great you go Hey listen I need two more ah damn I can't do it what was it Churchill said about Americans that they'll always come around to the right decision of exhausting every other potential right yeah exactly exactly so what do we have what do we have here well there's a little bit that's Japanese those are mazas there triumphs these are all Jaguars over here oh the Jaguars yeah e time uh yeah those are e type the the red e type look at that yeah yeah absolutely magnificent good to ask you I mean you come across a so easy mannered do you ever like lose your um well you know one time I actually this kind of like a road rage Story one day I'm in I'm in my car and I'm in an old car I'm kind of going along so like I behind me be be I go what I go go around me go around me so I kind of pull out as he passes me he gives me the finger you know I what's that all about he F you you know and I P up what's that F you and I go let me guess what go 52 fat bald huh divorce let me guess your kids hate you right you hate your job when was your greatest day was it high school and I'm just berading the guy and then he starts crying and I go look I'm sorry CU you're right you're right my my kids hate me I said all right pull over pull over so I get in his car I go look I'm sorry I go no everything you said was true I said well how old are your kids he goes 9 and 11 I got two girls and they don't they hate me I go look at they like Taylor Swift he goes I love I go well look I got on the show Wednesday I say well don't you come Wednesday bring your two kids is my guess okay I go in the dresser I tell Taylor about this the greatest gives him CD swag talking to the girls like you say what songs you like she couldn't have been nicer just the most wonderful person yeah she was really very kind very nice and how was the guy after oh fine it was you know he was an he was an okay he was just a stressed guy he's in traffic here in La it's bumper to bumper you know he's got some awful job he's divorced you know he says a little about Taylor Swift that story as well well yeah and what what do you make of the fact she's now this billionaire I think it's wonderful I mean breaking all records beating Elvis Michael Jackson all them yeah I think it's wonderful I think it's great she's really she's deserves everything and you know she's a really nice person yes I met her once I thought she was lovely you know you don't get any sort of uh attitude or any no just just a wonderful person in fact I met her dad once at a one of the one of the car AR here's a proper here's an English car you would get a kick out of this is a 1934 rolls P2 chassis we built the body here but this has a beautiful this has a 27 L Merlin aircraft engine in it oh my God out of it you see this plaque here in memory of Thomas J Lane junor Corporal US Army fifth core of engineers special Brigade died on Normandy Beach I a friend of mine he's a big insurance guy and uh his name is Tom Blair and he's written a few political books and things a nice guy and his dad was an American and he went to join the British we weren't in World War II yet he flew he flew to Europe he met an English girl he married her okay she got pregnant he went off to normary Beach and he died on June 6th and my friend Tom never met his dad but he always liked his dad flew a Spitfire so he always collected the models and the planes and all that kind of stuff so when I got this engine I I dedicated this to him and his dad and uh it was just cuz that's what these were built for I mean you you take something like where's this from miss engine this is from a 1944 deavin mosquito which was a yeah which was a a fighter plane and you know to me those and you built all this yeah we built it here but those guys in England these 16 17 18 year old men that flew these planes I mean this kid I I I have this car too there's an mg down there in 1938 he got it as a gift for his parents are graduating college uh he drove the air he drove the mg to the Airfield there a picture of him and his parents standing next to the plane blown out of the sky like a week later later and his parents kept the car and Tom bought the car you know that it was the same plane that just added from yeah so that's why I put this on there as sort of a tribute amazing yeah kind what I mean this is such a unique vehicle now what would this be worth if you tried to sell this well no it's again it's more money than brains it doesn't make any sense what would it be worth I don't know we got quite a bit of money into it you could probably get 6 700,000 for it maybe be nice to do but it's quite fast it's quite reliable how often do you drive this one oh I take it out but you only get where where do you go in these cars where you go on the road I mean just around locally do you go further or no well I mean you only get about four miles per gallon and it's a 60 gallon gas tank so it's like 150 bucks to fill with you got a fire fire truck well that's another them that that that was Warner Brothers lock truck that was the fanciest fire truck you could get Warner Brother part their lock truck at the at the 1941 about 1949 or 50 they donated it to U Burbank Airport they used it when Burbank Airport was done with they left it out at the end of the Airfield as a wind break uh you know to keep dust off the Runway then when 9/11 happened you couldn't have anything on a Runway that somebody could hide behind could be where you couldn't see them so I saw them hooking it up to drag it off and only had 11,000 mil on it cuz it just used at Warner Brothers you know just drive around around bird bank but it was pretty far gone so I saw I said Hey listen what you thinking I said we take it to the junkyard I said we drop it over here the guy goes yeah I don't want to drive over the junkyard so I gave it to me and then we fixed it up beautiful absolutely beautiful we got a it's a tank that's a uh that's a British that's a feret that was used in uh Northern Ireland Saudi Arabia from about the late 40s up until oh the Desert Storm was about the last time you saw those so really but it's it's got a and it's street legal don't tell me you drive that out no I drive that in La yeah but see it's got tires not tread see like in Beverly Hills you use a 30 caliber when you go down wait a go downtown you put the 50 cal you don't drive that through Beverly Hill I drive and you know something people just get out of the way people are so when you turn that turr around they just they just back but did the did the police stop you or no it's legal it's street legal it's no it's it's no bigger than a Porche lengthwise I mean it weighs 4 tons and it's got guns on it but other than that it's fine which is the car you most enjoy driving well I like them all actually I me is there one like real Heart Stopper for you well I mean there I like the steam cars any you know anything that rolls explodes and makes noise now what are you driving uh well I'm going to take you to my little vehicle in a moment all right uh you'll be un surprised to hear it's it's rather like its owner it's British and classy oh all right yeah so what do we we got some amazing cars here right what's this one here that's Gordon Murray's first car who GM who built the F1 the legendary that weighs 775 lb 147 horsepower what is it what make it's well it's called the uh a rocket car those he built those he built uh I think about 50 one of those um they cost about the same as a Porsche so most people would rather have a Porsche but I would rather have that light fast I mean it's really a fantastic car yeah amazing and that's the McLaren F1 that's this one here yeah that's considered probably about the most valuable car in the world you can buy right about now what what are these worth you know I paid 800,000 for 98 and people thought it was crazy but last offer I got was 20 mil so what oh yeah that's a one just sold for 24 million yeah $220 million they only they only Built 64 of them so in the world yeah you sit in the sit in the center yeah what do they like to drive oh it's fabulous car to drive it's really considered probably the it was vter the best car that of the last century but if that car alone is worth $20 million how many have you got in total there's 206 on the road cars yeah yeah so I'm doing the mass here there a lot of well they're not all worth 20 million no they're not but a lot of are worth money right uh yeah yeah I guess what what these are these are new McLaren that's A1 McLaren that's a trse see that's a Tesla plaid right that's my everyday car the Tesla fabulous car you you like Teslas wonderful car yeah Elon Musk is a genius yes genius yeah you've actually had him you've interviewed him in here you know something he's a a lot of geniuses are dreamers he's a manufacturer I mean he's an engineer at you know he came to he ended this Garage in 2006 s with his prototype electric Roadster and I oh this is pretty cool and he says you know Jay I'm going to build charging stations all up and down the coast it'll be free and you can pull it in charge I'm going you know right like that'll happen but he was smart enough to build the infrastructure at the same time everybody else who builds an electric car where can I charge it oh you can charge anywhere just plug it well no you can't I mean he's the only the first one to really get the things so no he he's a genius and I went down to that you down to SpaceX inred Texas well okay we around he goes Jay what I want to do is uh we want to have go to Mars and have a rocket land on Mars every 3 days I said well how you going to do that he goes well come here and we go into this Warehouse he's got jet in a thousand of them you know the engines is tall tall in this roof and they're ready to go and I go okay and while you're talking to them you know physicist Elon excuse me the trajectory trajectory The Rock oh right okay incredible oh yeah very bright guy oh yeah so more importantly you've got all your cars very I've got mine oh very oh there yeah the four yeah the ason Martin raped that's a repeat yeah that's based on the laganda repeat are you thinking James Bond when you look at this little beauty uh you know if I do a little Daniel Craig or maybe probably connory actually huh what do you think I was thinking more Terry Thomas but yeah yeah but yeah yeah you like asimon I do like asimon you know asimon is one of those uniquely British Brands and it it it's the car that most people need you a lot a lot people say it's not a real sports car but it's a real sports car it's also a luxury car yes and that's what's great you've got the Fantastic handling but you're not getting kidney punched every time you go there you know it's got the proper leather and the proper stereo now they're wonderfully buil cars I I like well look you can have it 20 million all right there you go thank you thank you very much it's my it's my going right it obviously not worth that but because I've driven it right because you've driven it massively increases the value no that is the value J it's been what a what a pleasure pleasure a real to finally get in there and to see it I I invited you 20 years ago I I know I won't leave it 20 years for next time but it's amazing well thank you it's an absolute work of Love isn't it well oh yeah it's fine it's fine we have a good time brilliant thank you for your time thank you guys
Channel: Piers Morgan Uncensored
Views: 863,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: piers morgan, piers morgan uncensored, interview, debate, piers morgan debate, piers morgan interview, jay leno, jay leno garage, jay leno's garage, jay leno's car collection, jay leno piers morgan, taylor swift, jay leno taylor swift, tesla, rocket car, elon musk, most expensive car in the world, most valuable car in the world, car collection, mclaren, mclaren car, jay leno elon musk, f1 mclaren, motors, cars, teslas
Id: TfkkCxoDK_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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