Jay Foreman, Singing, and Syllables

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hi I'm Matt and I'm not Tom and this is the park bench and today I have with me while Tom is away in the Arctic frolicking with astronauts Jay Foreman hello you may know him as comedian singer documentaries you like that that title hey I'm trying to give you it as a title I'll take it okay okay like - with between each of those words comedian singer documentaries but it on your card okay - on your poster put it on your CDs so um you haven't come across Jay before you have a youtube idly link to bear down there everywhere that links normally go on the YouTube on your YouTube you have your songs you've done a couple of documentary series what we got recently is well what it is my YouTube my youtube channel is a disparate collection of all the different videos I've done some of them are live clips from my live gigs that I do where I play my songs some of them are funny videos that I've made on my own which sort of like funny documentaries and most recently there are some funny documentary videos that I've done with TVs Mark Cooper Jones and there's probably a link to him in one of the directions of pointing all about maps map men map men is the name of the show if you haven't seen that go watch it was it six of them there are six yes very good very funny oh very educational thank you I like the DIA the end of one of them is a little in joke that I noticed their ass didn't it admittedly you know I was funnily enough this was only just in the last two minutes I was reading and you can check my Twitter feed because I just retweeted this apparently the song maps by the Yaya's which is the song then ends with so it begins with is supposedly one of the most influential songs ever of the last 20 years even though it didn't make much of an impact in the charts really well I was about to read more information I was about to find it cuz I loved that song and I was about to read more of the article and find out why it's so influential and then I realized that I'd left you alone in the room for a couple minutes since I put my phone away and I came back I'm on the job I can go Luke's without thinking about that song then suddenly I've just thought of it twice by the time this goes out I'll have finished reading the article that was the mecca's gonna do after I know I might discover something on there that actually this is terribly written this isn't true at all and it's slightly racist the last thing I want to do is promote that article but now vertically is promotable and isn't terrible we can link it if you remember to CERN really well we've spoken about it for a good minute now I really hope it's good and I really hope it's accurate any way that you use that as a little joke at the end of the one of them because it's called maps and you just get the daily dilly dilly so the map men has a different piece of music at the end of each episode and for that first one we decided to use the song called Maps which is a nice little joke for so far only you have noticed yeah actually no that's not true some song a comment on the YouTube box and my favorite one by the way you might know that I uploaded a video a couple of years ago which was a song containing every single London Underground station and the YouTube commenters favorite thing to do is to say you missed out Bromley Bible but you missed a page but it's a different one every time that they suggest a 30 minute and so I keep on title I used to get really involved and I keep on replying and saying no we checked they wouldn't have put this on on unless we really check that we didn't miss any but that won't stop them and so what I've ended and this was a lot of fun I can now reveal I uploaded another version of the song which is a live version which is slightly different because it's in front of an audience there's a bit more talking in between and in that version in the description on the video I said we left out one station by mistake can you guess what it is and did you know well we used you and your talent at the citation Lee did live gig that we did yes few weeks ago thank you for coming if you came if you didn't then that's also fine you were our warm-up act I was and you guys cooled down for me no it was a lovely gig and there were lovely people there and I finally got to see the show citation needed from the back oh yeah because the nature of the venue once I've been on there's no way for me without causing some disruption to then go out into the audience and watch the show so I was behind the curtain listening in yes cuz you're stuck behind the curtain backstage which is literally backstage and there's no way out the funny thing about that venue for those of you that were there you might have seen that you don't walk on from the site like in most theaters or performance spaces like you open a door that goes directly from the greenroom to the middle of the stage it's like something from a panther or eels yeah make your entrance it's right so entering is amazing because you enter with immediate impact and you open the door and hello I'm here and then you start building it's wonderful but then leaving is super awkward it especially the door looks like it should go in videos yeah yeah I think all both you and we had the Oh open the door the wrong way it's even worse for you guys cuz there are four of you so you then go to sort of argue over which one goes through the door first then the black has to select awkwardly shuffle forward yeah I remember the first time I saw you play your songs actually you do yes uh there was an annual charity gig inventively named woodstock really yes and I think I remember seeing you on the stage of that I remember it I'm gonna miss about it now may I make a request for one I remember liking so many years ago go on then Spira ah I have not played this in a very long time so you need a minute to prepare yeah you can bring on the guitar now normally now this is uh this is a song that I used to sing with my partner in crime film God rest his soul if he's not dead but he lives in Lincolnshire and we don't get to see each other very often so you're gonna have to replace Phil okay in the same way that I'm replacing Tom you replace Phil and using the other half of spirograph and I'm confident that you remember how it goes all right round and around and around and around and round and around and around and around around and around and around and around Cyro graph thank you very much now you know let's do a charity handshake you know a charity handshake I need to put this out of the way for now a charity handshake involves a shoulder and we both look at the camera like this so since either a charity or a sort of a peace talk where we're presidents of our respective countries yes I can't think of anyone else issues other than those two but because in a normal business meeting when you shake someone hand if you only need the two hands you look em in the eye but if it's a two presidents for example of you like this cherish you drained then then you've got no hands left for the big novelty check that's a third person it's a bit of a novelty check now now we tweeted we did shall I have a look at my Twitter yes I'm doing a park bench video with at unnamed corporate why you called unnamed copper by the way random word generator 1980s it's now taken replacing Tom Scott god rest her soul what should we talk about /do and the answers that you guys have given what am I gonna pick good ones here so I also asked for TV theme tunes because they're my favorite now there's a reason for this and this is because I'm sat next to a very talented man oh you shall I pick you you pick for me if you piss why are you perfect pitch because you see any if we know a song that you know you seem to be able to just play it yes I do have perfect pitch it's a superpower that apparently only one in a thousand people have whoo and it's useless apart from this sort of thing let's put this into practice so you give me a TV theme tune that it's likely I might not have played before and then I will try to play it and from then to the fun shot a right okay a Bajoran budget everybody the most important airplane that I feel that what we should do is add an extra element to the theme tune so it's all very well saying can you play the theme tune and then I play it but there needs to be something else that we do okay what is this else well what other tones have you got hidden inside that noggin I wonder if I might try there's a trick I used to do on stage I haven't done it in a while but basically what I do is I sing a song where the lyrics are delayed behind the melody by one syllable so to explain you do this Oh to explain so basically if you take a song like you know the song goes known a deer a female deer ray a drop of Golden Sun that's done right so imagine that but instead of starting with the word doe you start with the words doe doe and the rest of it goes out of sync and it then sounds like this doe doe a deer a female deer ray a drop of Golden Sun me name I call myself far a long long way to sing along run thread Locker no to follow so tea you drink with jam and and so on and so on that so that you have perfect rhythm the except the way to do that trick is to basically play the song in your head twice half of me is listening to the melody and what to do with my fingers the other half is listening to the words and I don't know how it will sound until it comes out so it's very difficult to me to concentrate on a third thing while I'm doing that kind of like what computers do but you still have two things or as I think I only got one good try another one so for this to work it has to be a song but I'm extremely familiar with it doesn't have to be simple but I just have to know it very well okay because this will be a case of trial and error I'm gonna suggest one all right it might be too hard if I mean it might work so go on then aha take on me take take on me take on me take me on take on me day so needless to try without song if you apply the syllables trick to it it actually makes more sense grammatically I suppose it yeah right shall I go for Twitter for some more charcoal vision it's probably anywhere there's no words for them chuckle of it chuckles it's no good these are very British references so for the people it's written they are though - oh yeah so in America if you don't know what chuckle vision is if you go to youtube we've mentioned we'll show you in an hour oh that's great okay another there I quit Barbie girl um I'm I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world life in glass stick like this back to sneak into pair or not gone wrong life in plastic not life isn't plastic knife I think la still gets fantastic you can brush my hair undress me honey we're in a generation life is your creation Bob should come on Bobby let's go Mattie yeah I feel like agency along but no no I've not done that one before uh teenage bein Herod Turtles Teenage Mutant hero turtles teenage Mutant hero turtles teenage whatever dr. Jose Rosen her half shut up oh also for non Brits watching when we grew up it was called the Teenage Mutant hero turtles I I think that worked out some of it some of it did we might do a bit more later um so we have reached the part in the bench where I will ask you what you would like to plug would you like to plug anything I would like to plug my youtube channel which is my name you'd show what you do is you click which direction should I point in that way is it over that way unless you're on mobile then it's that way right so Mobile's down there desktop up there watch my channel Jay Foreman which is my name what it is is it's all of my most recent videos including Mad Men which is a series all about maps and how maps can be very funny and entertaining and it's got me and it's also got TVs muck Cooper Jones who is like me he's a comedian who finds maps hilarious and brilliant so there's that there's also a series I did not too long ago called politics unborn which you'll find on the same channel so if you if you want to get involved in politics but you don't understand how it works and you don't know what does the Prime Minister actually do who does the cover who does the government government how Home Secretary that is a cabinet reshuffle opposition right honourable what then politic Sun boring explains all of that and I assume that's going to be in your I say I see I've watched them a while ago when they came out and they've gone hideously out of date already yeah so in the the opening title sequence we have four influential political faces appear they always have so we tried to have a face from each political party and they've all resigned and in a space of just you know not long just thinking that means songs must go out of date as well I'm just thinking of 100 it was from back in the Uni days a procrastinator yeah I thought you're gonna do that one right so that I had a song from a very long time ago accordingly tur and then the chorus was basically and the procrastinator make way for me I will do everything eventually odd first Isle and then it goes on to explain it's really interesting to look at that song's lyrics now because what it is is a description of what people used to do students mainly what they used to do in about 2005 before smartphones I had to listen to this like I had a quick flick through your discography that I have yes I've been going through my files I mean I came across this and was thinking the majority of people these days because since smartphone bought it know if I was writing that song today if I was doing the song of the procrastinator in 2016 the Luas would be like this I will do everything eventually but first I'll look at my phone my favourite thing is that there is an entire section there about MSN Messenger yeah like like maybe half the track is about him like hilarious at the pub for the time in mate sense of the chair but no one knows what injuries anymore it's our place um we are currently experiencing technical difficulties hi I'm just crossing my legs I know about mine you can sit however the hell you want I just don't want to cross Mike thank you is it because it looks weird if with both crossing our legs I tell you what looks good if we both move our leg to exactly the same time quite awesome see
Channel: Matt and Tom
Views: 289,938
Rating: 4.9741907 out of 5
Keywords: matt gray, tom scott, mattg, mattgray, tomscott, matt and tom, jay foreman, jay forman, park bench, matt and jay, syllables
Id: rTW661upLJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2016
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