Jason Evert: Love Matters

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[Music] I was very blessed last year in July when I went to Poland for the World Youth Day - ever attended - of Jason's talk and what blew me away was not just his in-depth knowledge but really his ability to connect with us young people and just an amazing and incredible speaker that is so tonight after flying more than 24 hours from Arizona all the way here we can finally see life and Singapore we have Jason ever thank you very much hi guys doing tonight good oh it's a it's a blessing to be with you tonight let's let's begin our time together in prayer in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit amen Jesus tonight we pray for the gift of purity so we can be free to love and we entrust our time together to our lady as we pray hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen Saint Joseph pray for us the name of the Father the Son the Holy Spirit amen to get started I need a guy volunteer from the audience and it a good brave guy so who's it going to be huh let's see that work come on no you're on the edge yeah come on down get my hand come on up let's see who's there who is it No okay they're not going okay oh that'll work come on up get my hand come on down yeah you got volunteered by your friends now come on oh now what's your name Nicholas good to meet you Nicholas now Nicholas do you know what my talk is about tonight yes it's a chance that he talked now sis is a chance that he talked we have to cover certain issues like how far is too far to go with a girl on a date you know and stuff like that so so so it what Nicholas and I are gonna do for you Nicholas and I he and I are actually going to show you guys how far is too far to go on a date okay so he's excited now and uh now in in order to do this in order to do this I'm gonna be the guy Nikolas is gonna be the girl okay now now now now problem now now Nikolas is not a very pretty girl but that's it oh oh yeah you won't be a pretty girl okay let's get you pretty DUP a little bit let's see we uh that's gonna start with that once you put put that on there you go yeah yeah you'll be pretty yeah it's a little nappy yeah the the tag goes in the back so yeah all right yeah so you'll be pretty frightening so oh yeah I can I can see your roots but now-now I've never been a Dan Nicholas before we give you a name change you could be a Nicki you could be Elsa Nicole Nicole okay Nicole so now Nicola we decided to go for a date right so we go what's that hotel down in Singapore the big swimming pool on top of the hotels what is it called Marina Bay okay so we go to the top of that big old swimming pool and you know we're looking out over the city and you know and I started thinking well how far do you think I'm get my beloved Nicole here you know to the edge of that swimming pool well actually throwing him off the swimming pool and him hurt it whatever but there's there's there's really only one way to find how far we can go to the edge so I've got to pick you up into my arms all right okay so you hold on us your left hand see now now how far how far can we get to the edge let's find out let's see can we go further okay let's see now quick Oh nonono should I drop him yes okay drop you take a seat give him a hand good job now what's what what's the point of that whole dumb thing the point of that is this no guy is gonna go on a date with a girl thinking how far can I go before I kill her you know you don't ask the question but when I was in high school college this is the question we had about girls how far can you go with a girl can we do this with her can wear that with her and we had to hear like these sex talks where someone would get up there and they'd be like sex is bad sex is dirty you're gonna die and it's like it was all about guilt all about fear all they try to do is scare you and you know it's useless you know that doesn't work and we'd walk out of these talks and it'd be like so what all God cares is making sure we don't go too far with girls but to prove you God's got a bigger plan I met this guy wants name Kevin he fell in love with a girl they decided to get married they go to church they're getting ready for the wedding the priest is going through their paperwork he said hey look at that you guys got baptized in the same church when you were babies oh that's cool we didn't know that he looked closer he said yeah you guys got baptized on the same day in the same church as babies and they went to their parents photo album sure enough found a picture of the two babies getting baptized together years before they'd ever meet again so you never know what God's up so you might be sitting right next to your future spouse right now yeah yeah sorry about that yeah yeah sisters taken now I am now uh not now one spouse per person now now I didn't think though I didn't think though I didn't think God I didn't think God had this big plan for my love life and so the relationships I got and reflected that the relationships I got and tended to be very physical very fast I remember in high school I hooked up with his girl and we're doing stuff and came to the point and I had asked myself well well should I give this girl my virginity and I thought well I've already known her I've already known her for three days and I could I could I can hear I could hear that voice in me that's a Jason this gift is not for her it's for me please wait for me and we cool things down I was able to hold on my virginity and for people of virgins I said good for them I've got right here what's considered to be the most comprehensive sex research ever Don's about 700 pages and what they found on page 503 is this people who get married as virgins have a divorce rate that's about 70 percent lower than those who won't wait for marriage now some people think what that's great but Jason I'm not a virgin or I had my virginity taken from me does that mean I'll have a messed up marriage if you're like me you're so sick of all the divorce going on nobody wants to get divorced so how do you prevent it all I'll suggest is one idea if you hope to get married that means you hope to promise somebody I am gonna love you and honor you all of the days of my life okay today is a day of your life are you willing to love and honor this person before you meet them and what I mean is this the biggest question we get is how far can you go can you do this with a girl can that with a boy easy way to know where drawline we were to junior high it means the students are about 12 13 years old after the talk three girls came up to me they said Jason is it is it okay for us to hook up and make out with different boys the party I'm like okay they're 12 I said okay I said let's say the boy you're gonna marry one day doesn't go to that party the boy you're gonna marry one day goes down the streets of that other school and right now he's with an eighth-grade cheerleader who wants to hook up and make out with him I go what do you think about that other girl who's with your future husband right now and she was like I'd kick her butt easy tiger then then we went to a high school all-boys high school eight hundred boys after the talk guy raised his hand he said okay Jason your talk was fun but can we get specific so sure he said I want to know exactly how far I can go with my girlfriend I said it's a fair question what do you want to do with her and he was like oh that's okay you know we're not in third grade we can mature or specific what do you want to do he's like cool can we do this he went through a whole list of sexual things I said that's charming slow down pick one and he's thinking about I said look I'm gonna have you answer your own question do you want to get married one day he said yeah I'll get married I said now if you're gonna get married that means your future wife she's out there somewhere right now isn't she for the first time ever he thought about his future bride and he said yeah she is out there cool I go but let's say she doesn't live here in Chicago let's see she's wrong from the California schools getting out right now she's coming home from class with her boyfriend who's a guy that you're never going to meet he's got his arm around your future wife and he's saying mm-hmm baby girl I love you so much your eyes are so beautiful you're amazing just the way you are he's like oh you're killing me and he walks him home and he sits there on his couch he's like hey baby girl you feelin fine cuz you lookin fine you know she's she's like Bob Bob and I I said this guy oh my man I'm like did you know what's going on in that couch don't you and he's like yeah I said that guy is trying to trick your future wife and they're doing that sexual thing with him trying to make her think that if she does that with him he'll like her more when he's just using her more I go does that bug you and he's like oh I don't know I'm like you don't know that guy doing that with your future wife doesn't bother you he was like well the guy next him in class was like I'd be ticked off when he smacked them in the head I broke them up I said look if you don't want somebody else doing that with the person you're gonna marry one day set the same standards for yourself and this is not some condemnation of any of us it's a calling to rule of I'm not gonna stand in front of you guys in here it's a you you have to be like me it's a joke that you're a guy I'm a guy we're the same every guy in here has temptations to lust but then there's a deeper desire to really love there's always a battle going on what I want you girls to realize is the guys are sitting next to you every day in school all of us have been lied to about what it means to be a man we're supposed to learn about manhood from our dads but girls think about it some of us haven't even seen our dads since we were three even if you have a great dad we still get lied to about manhood everywhere else being told if you want to be a man today you got to get some of the girls does it to get some of the ladies there's you're the man everything's about sex it's on TV I'm watching a basketball game this car commercial came on there's this lady sitting in her car and she's trying to be sexy and she's like the real question is when you turn your car on does it return the favor I'm like what I'm like lady I Drive a pickup truck you know if I if I turned on my truck and it returned the favor I would freak out stop it that's awkward like everything today sex this next bad and the basic message is simple come on man you're young you're gonna do it anyway you're still a virgin something's wrong with you oh you're not a virgin oh it's too late for you it's all you ever hear and it just gets old cuz look we want love but sometimes we don't know how to find it but God offers it in the Bible there's one passage a guy has to know to love women it's out of Ephesians 5 where st. Paul actually says the guys husbands love your wife like Christ loved the church giving himself up for her so she'd be holy to do this the Gospel of Luke said Jesus was praying in the agony in the garden it said his sweat became like drops of blood and fell on the ground I know some of you will become doctors you'll learn about this it's called he matted Roces which means under extreme stress capillaries in your skin can rise up come in contact with sweat glands that burst and you bleed from the pores of your skin your body becomes an enormous bruise and then they'd scourge him on this scourging means they strip you naked they wrap your arms around a pillar so the backs exposed and they come up to him with whips at the end of the whips are fishing hooks fishing weights pieces of glass and metal they would torture him he's almost dead put the crown of thorns on his head and he carries the cross for about six hundred yards and then they strip him naked piercing him probably through the wrists and for hours he hangs there to give himself up for his bride the church us and then st. Paul says you guys you want to get married well you better be ready to love a woman just like that and guys hear this it's like crucify myself for some girl how do you do that it begins by not sacrificing girls for the sake of ourselves because that's what I picked up in high school because the influence for me back then of the pornography that thing is when teenage girls find out how many guys look at porn and it's not that only guys looking for but girls find out how many guys do girls feel sorry for us cuz pornography for a guy is the perfect way for a guy to shoot his future marriage in the head teaching me you girls are things to be used and when I get bored with you I'll go the next fantasy high school we'd laugh it off all I'm not getting anyone pregnant we're just appreciating women and we'd laugh it off porn was everywhere your buddies had a your friends had it first porn I ever saw I was like seven or eight years old I mean we're riding our bikes to the neighborhood found this dirty magazine in the street I'm like what's that Mike nice to meet you I like like what do we do with it my friend said let's keep it I'm like well yeah where do we put it he said let's put it at your house I'm Michael good idea so ride the bikes to my house and we get there and I'm like I'm not putting it inside I'm not getting busted I had never seen porn before but I knew something was wrong so I said I know what to do so he ripped out all our favorite pictures crumple them up into little balls and then shoved him into bushes in front of the house we'd come outside and look at them when we wanted now the problem is my dad trimmed the hedges Saturday afternoon from porn growing on the plants out front so got busted by the porn plant but you know we got we got back into it and we would just laugh it off and I know right now there's guys the audience and in your mind you're thinking huh whatever I got some stuff on my phone I'm not addicted knows getting hurt and when a guy desperately tries convincing himself porn is not a problem you know what happens the poor guy gets emasculated emasculation means when a young man is robbed of the ability to be masculine you look at a crucifix you have masculinity the lover who empties himself for the beloved porn flips it backwards so guys learns empty ladies for the sake of ourselves we missed the point what God made us men and we didn't even know we're looking at the porn look when you're looking at porn you're not looking at a naked body you're looking at somebody's daughter who is probably sexually abused as a little girl but we just laugh it all off Karr self gentlemen for enjoying this some of the girls in porn aren't even alive porn stars have a huge mortality rate death by drug overdose murder suicide AIDS you could be lusting after a woman who's in her grave right now some of the girls in porn aren't even human beings some porn magazines have now paid computer companies more than 20,000 bucks a pop to generate fake women not airbrushed no she's fake legs eyes everything on the woman created with the computer she doesn't exist they've used fake girls for their cover models but scientists have discovered that if a guy gets hooked on internet porn and swimsuit magazines you will train your brain to expect all women to live up to this fantasy of a disposable supermodel and where does it leave your bride my friend in college had all the porn and he figured I'll throw it away before I get married I went to his wedding it was a beautiful wedding and he was divorced in three months all he did was take all the lust he had for porn look at his bride that way and the marriage is over as soon as it started one high school girl said to me she's a Jason she said I found out my dad looks at porn she said I used to look up to him now I can't even look at him I thought he was a better man than that every guy in here knows that's the father I'm gonna be that's not the husband I'm gonna be that's what if you can trash the porn tonight you're being faithful to your bride before you ever lay eyes upon her because it's not about killing your sexual desires it's about perfecting your sexual desire and what does it look like you know the Catholic Church has a saint who spent all his money on prostitutes the guy's name was st. V Tallis of Gaza he lived in Africa he'd work all day under the hot Sun and take all the money he earned and every night he'd bring it to a different prostitute so she would spend the whole night with him and no other man but instead of using these girls he brought them the gospel prayed with him prayed form told them they can start over converted a great number of prostitutes who became holy wives and mothers one morning he's walking out of a house of prostitution and a man saw him recognize him as a Christian was so sick of Christian hypocrites hit the guy in the head with something and killed him and the prostitutes came out and they said well well you don't understand what he was doing but it was too late and he was dead and historians say when he was being buried all these former prostitutes came out of hiding processing with candles and lanterns to his gravesite to honor the man who saw their dignity when they had totally forgotten it now I'm not recommending you try that as a method of evangelization mean don't be going to your youth minister hey Gracie somebody get a prostitute for the youth group you know service hours okay is a it's a bad idea but the point is the redemption of the human heart is possible and what's at stake is our ability to love and I don't think you guys the problem don't get me wrong I think teenage boys are the solution to the problem and I have research to back me up you ever wonder how many high school students having sex so Mike everybody's doing it well here's the numbers at least in the United States of America sexual activity amongst American high school students in the last 25 years has been constantly going down the majority of American high school students are virgins this came out 15 years of research high school boys sexual activity is now down twice as fast as the girls and people hear that and they're like really I thought I was only virgin in America like there's another one here no kiddin that change is shifting but you don't hear about this cuz nobody talks about it one guy came up to me he's like can we talk I said what's going on he's like can we talk over there sure way over here he goes can we go in the corner Mike all right we're in this dark little corner I said what's going on with you he said I have a virgin I'm like I thought you're gonna tell me you had leprosy I mean this is a good thing more people choose it people starting over in fact they found two out of three high school students who have had sex privately admit they wish they'd waited longer there's a change going on it's happened with the girls this came out a while ago Vogue magazine it's a fashion magazine and it says in the cover naughty versus nice why showing skin is no longer in it's this big fashion article showing how modesty is making a comeback and I'll admit as a guy I don't know the pressure you girls are under to look and eat and dress a certain way my wife was it a toy store she saw a Barbie doll they came out with she said oh I have to get that and show Jason so she bought me a Barbie doll okay and it's for work this this is what they're given the girls to play with now look at this thing she's got fishnet stockings short skirts strapless top I don't even know girls call these tops what is it like a napkin top for you or something and you know and people people complained about Oh Barbie too skinny that's not realistic so what are the toy company do yeah they made her skinnier so this is what they're giving the girls to play with now look at this thing I mean this is wrong okay like look I'm not some dietician but I know something's missing from your diet if your arms come off like that okay you know and girls I mean you've you've you've been told since you've been in diapers behold womanhood you know you you can be a woman too okay so for for dinner tonight you can have a grain of rice for dessert have an ice cube that's fair because cuz once you look like this girls oh you're gonna find love and you know it's fake you understands a joke but what you understand it's all fake this is supermodel an American named Cindy Crawford Revlon makeup thought she was too fat for them so it's computers they made our arms skinny and their advertisements real womanhood isn't showing you which showed you our beer commercials telling you your body it's disgusting hate your body hate yourself and a girl's desire just to look pretty you look at some magazine and you think well if I look like her I'm sure I'd be loved too and it sounds like it makes sense but what happens is girls look we love you but we're different than you when it comes to sexuality we get seduced differently a lot of girls today are getting seduced through their ears like a boy gets the deuce to his eyes girls often get seduced by what they hear a boy telling them all baby I've never felt this way about a girl before really look at look at look at the music they make for girls like Justin Bieber and Ed Sheeran and all the twelve-year-old girls go to the concert they squeal and pass out but you ever notice like historically there have always been these boy bands for the girls have you ever noticed there's no girl bands for the guys you don't have a bunch of guys go to the concert together oh it's Hannah Montana I'm gonna die it doesn't happen we we don't get seduced through the ears we get seduced through the eyes perfect example I'm eating dinner at a restaurant Chicago I had to go to the men's toilet as soon as I walk in there's this massive photograph of five women's sexy legs first thing I thought was yeah I wonder if I go in the girls bathroom kind of picking the lady's toilet is there gonna be like a massive photo of five men's bare legs on men's bath right probably not in fact I think just for fun we should get some of the guys together after the talk today let's get a big photo of your legs let's stick at the girls bathroom back there huh well what would happen when the girls walk in yeah or they vomit but why hmm aren't the boys cute well they are but it's different if a girl doesn't understand these differences watch what happens she starts hiking up her skirt wearing a little belly button she thinks her outfit is cute he's not looking at your outfit if it's her sexual value that brings the guy to the girl what do you think he wants to get to know about her her intelligence or personality he wants to get to know the body if she gives him access to her body thinking about this will make him like me more usually what happens as a guy gets bored as he loses respect and he moves on and she's left there thinking well maybe if I was skinnier he wouldn't like me more maybe if I just did more with him sexually he would've stayed longer and guys get used to pressure goes both ways with modesty now I'm not saying girls you know I want you to show up at your big dance dressed up in some big muumuu you know and your boyfriend sees like a modest teen you know you look up you look ravishing and your potato sack tonight you know stay home no you know it isn't about looking dumpy it just means you look classy take the beauty of being a woman use it teach boys about your dignity because look I didn't know how to treat a girl until I dated one in college who dressed modestly and it was captivating you could take her seriously as a woman she wasn't trying to make boys stare at her body parts she had a good figure she could address like boys check this out like the way she dressed is like she's saying yeah boys frankly I'm worth waiting to see and you will not lift the veil over this body until you lift the veil over my face and I'm telling you respecting that girl was automatic and all I know and all oh look a girl deserves respect no matter what she chooses to wear but you girls have this god-given power to turn the guy's head and you often forget you actually have the power to change his heart I saw it one couple beautiful newly Wed couple deeply in love and when they first met the girl was all big into chastity the guy was the total opposite mr. pimp daddy's sleeping around looking at porn and when they first met oh he was infatuated with her he had never met a woman like this of such virtue and character in class and he starts hitting on her and she thinks it's a joke because she knows who he is she's like oh now you want to date a girl like me and he's like yeah why not she said three things need to happen first he said okay what is it she said step number one you need to ask my father permission to court me he's like that's weird but I'll do it okay what's number two she said number two I want you to read this 500 page book on chastity in the theology of the body ten days you read the whole thing he said to number two it's number three she's at number three you may not kiss me until the day you lift my veil on the altar is my husband she just wanted to know if he knew how to sacrifice because she wouldn't give away her kisses freely and he said okay sign me up and he dropped his entire old way of life only to become worthy of this one great woman who's now his bride now girls I'm not recommending you go off and date mister Snoop Dogg hoping you're gonna be the Messiah but the fact is you got power and the question that remains is what will you do with the power because the end of the day you will never convince a boy of your dignity until you first convince yourself and here's the proof we're at a high school in the state's 1,400 girls not a single teenage boy I said girls the guys aren't around so be honest with me how many of you girls really think that to meet a guy today who's got self-control he's a gentleman he's pure in the way he treats girls he's pure in the way talks about him even when girls aren't around he defends their dignity how many of you girls think finally that virtue of chastity in a man today that that makes him more attractive to you as a woman fourteen hundred girls put their hands up I said okay then I went next door to the old guys school twelve hundred boys I told the fellas what the girls said one guy put his hand up J'son I don't believe you I said no I'm promise I promise all the girls are there hands up he said no I believe you he said what I'm trying to say is we don't believe them I said why not and he's like man you're telling us that they want us to be all innocent and pure but they're gonna dress like that at our dances they're gonna dance like that at our dances you're telling me she wants me to treat her like a princess but they're gonna act like that every weekend he's like we don't take them seriously they don't take himself seriously and I'll grant you girls it's often hard to find modest outfits you go to buy some fancy prom dress everything they sell you now is low-cut bare belly bareback some slit up to your armpit like I know I know what it an easy but but girls are helpless and girls black with chisim and you can't be sexy how can you get a boy's attention can you flirt well it depends flirting means different things like flirting for me when I was like you know eight and eight years old if I like the girl you just throw a rock at her you know it's like oh she's hot i'll here watch like papi huh yeah now she likes me yes she has a concussion okay that's her problem now um girls are different girls flirt like this so when you girls were like 10 years old this is how you'd flirt don't even act like you didn't ten years old you'd see the cute guy and he's don't care and you get in the huddle with your girlfriend's it's like a team effort like he's cute what should we do oh they all start plotting about it the first girls like I know let's give him a note oh that's brilliant get out the paper no no it's like do you like my friend Nicole you know yes no maybe it's like a survey he's gotta check the box then you commit no kidding my boy just got his first one a couple of weeks ago in school and I brought it here and this is the real thing yeah it says to Colby from Kylie do you like me answer the question and give it back oh okay girl yeah and so and you know and and it's all fun and games then a girl girl gets like 11 12 years old then you start getting more sophisticated flirting you'd see the cute guy oh he's cute what should we do your friends like I know how about when he's leaving class I'll shove you into him oh that's good shoves me into him yet yeah yeah yeah some of you apparently still doing this but you you guys see the girls hitting each other laughing the reason girls think this is so funny this is what girls talk about when they go to the toilet with like thirty of them at a time under the toilet I mean yeah they've got like you know they've got like drawing boards in there you shovin of this locker I'll come around the back they have couches in there in the bathroom sometime I mean I was in World Youth Day I saw four girls come out of one porta potti I'm like this that's not even sanitary you know but it's gotta do what you got to do know what happens girls get like what I don't know like 13 14 years old basically as soon as you become a woman the world will tell you ladies look now that you become a woman for her you got some of the boys like now better than those old notes and games you've you've got your body and you can give her to guy and he's gonna like you more girls always begin with this idea okay as long as I'm technically not having sex with him I'm being good so hooking up and making out that's not a big deal doing this with a guy that's not a big deal doing that with him as long as I love him it's not a big deal why not um cuz those other girls are worse than I am and when it's all said and done the girl convinces herself this priceless gift of her body it's not a big deal something dies in the girl she can go from boy to boy to boy she never sits still by the time she gets to college man she's got no clue who she is she defined her whole identity by the boy she's clinging to and she thinks she's in love with him when she's probably in love with the fact that he wants her when she doesn't even want herself half the time but she's so afraid of being alone she settles it for stuff hooking up giving away bits of her body and her kisses thinking it's not a big deal something dies in her I've read about a guy he's sleeping his dog starts barking guy came in the backyard and the dog is barking at a bush and he's like that's a bush you know go to bed he goes asleep 2:30 the dog starts barking guy came in the backyard or the stick come here pooch smack and he beat the dog into submission and went back to sleep 2:45 the dog starts freaking out the guy threw a fit cocked a gun came in the backyard apparently shot and killed the dog in the backyard and went peacefully to sleep and then what happened is the robber who was hiding in the bushes got out of the bushes walked over the body of the dead dog came inside the guys house apparently killed him in his sleep and robbed everything that he owned and that dog is like our conscience that tells us right from wrong and I've said to my conscience do shut up don't tell me should be looking at that don't tell me should be doing this with her dude shut up I'd kill the voice and I'd do it anyway and then I think I'm free I'll not do my mom wants I'm not doing the church wants I'm free then I always think afterwards if I'm so free how come I'm empty afterwards if I'm so free how come I can't look her dad in the eyes whenever I go over her house that's my freedom and it can lead to the point where a girl will think Jason you've got cute stories but you don't get it look Jason I'm not a virgin or Jason I had my virginity taken from me or Jason something something bad happened to me when I was a little girl and what good guy like you're all talking about as if I know and he would even want a girl like me he's been through what I've been through Jason look I'm damaged goods it's too late and once it's gone it's gone okay I'll tell you one crying all about when she's a little girl they're her dad left her dad was an unfaithful drug-addicted sexually abusive physically abusive father and he just walked out of the family and left he's one of these guys out there just kind of male enough to get a girl pregnant but not man enough to be a daddy so she's raised with no father she gets the high school dude she doesn't know how a gentleman should treat a lady and this football player asks her she's thrilled they start dating and he says they're a honey I've never felt this way about a girl before I love you and for her those words were magic she never heard that at home and she said well I love you too he said if you love me show me she know what that meant so she went her girlfriends he wants to start doing this and that what do you guys think they said you like him right oh yeah I like him then they said it's not a big deal everybody's doing it don't be a prude look as long as you feel ready get it over with so she figured yeah it's not a big deal at the age of 15 she lost her virginity thinking they'd be forever in love she said in all actuality she's at all respect was thrown out the window because she said after a while he didn't want to spend time with me anymore he was basically spending the time with my body because when a girl's getting used she knows it she tries to distract herself but she knows it there's no peace he lost respect for her they sort of fight more because whenever they're together that's all he wanted and she'd give him sex for the sake of feeling loved and he just give her love for the second again sex eventually they broke up and she said I will never forget the day he walked away for the last time she's at all I could think is that guy's leaving with something that never belonged to him and now I'm never gonna get it back I'm not a virgin anymore what's the whole point of waiting for marriage it's too late for me and started a cycle every relationships she's about 16 years old and the biggest stud at school asked her out captain of the football basketball teams and he said I've never felt this way about a girl before I love you she said I love you too he said if you love me show me so she goes back to girlfriends she said now he wants to start doing it what do you guys think they said look let's set standards let's not sleep with our boyfriends for six months if he can hold out with no sex for that long then I know he loves me and then we'll sleep together and now she looks back and thinks six months six months is the price that I put on my body six months of his time attention phone calls that's love so he held out for six months they started sleeping together and he really lost respect our cheating on her abusing her physically abusing her emotionally abusing her girl you're so fat you're stupid you're so ugly stupid she got straight A's in college fat and ugly the girl was a kickboxer voted the prettiest girl in the high school of 3,000 students but he had her convinced she's fat and ugly she was miserable she said those Saturday nights all my friends would say to me is oh it's all fun and games but she said you wake up the next morning fun and games are over I woke up hating myself she said I'd sit in my bathroom flipping over my pregnancy test scared to death but then I go to school that week with the biggest mask on my face I'm so happy with my life put a mask on for my parents one for church one for the boys one for God one for me she said I was so sick of this I don't know anyway out her mom found out what was happening and she said you're going to a chastity talk she goes no I'm not going to your stupid church sex thing I've heard those before the mom said I don't care you're going and forces her and I don't know who gave her the talk it wasn't me but she said that guy got up there and the one hour I sat still she said my life did a 180 she said the guy was honest blunt and real and he didn't judge any of us but she said it felt like he took my hand out of the audience and he walked through my whole life with me he had done everything I had done sex smoke and drink him but she said he had something I didn't have and I wanted it back he had a backbone he had confidence he wasn't living a double life I wanted that piece so after the talk she went up to him they talked for a long time and she took his advice Hey start over she went home to the sacrament of reconciliation and then she wrote down a list 60 things she dreamed of and a future husband why never again would she settle for less and that weekend the guy's called her up hey girl want to hook up or over this guy's house she wasn't stupid she knew what they were after so for the first time ever she said no and she stayed home a little lonely where she wrote her first love letter to her future husband I said no to them tonight out of love for you I'm respecting my body tonight out of respect for you and I can't wait for the day we're gonna meet with all my hopes and prayers and dreams and she signs it next weekend they called her back hey girl where you been to be too good for us they tried to make her feel guilty for taking care of herself for once she turned him down again another love letter every time she was tempted to go back to that life she'd read those old letters and write a new one and she got stronger and those stack of letters got thicker and thicker now why do you think I know all this stuff about that girl it's cuz she's the girl who gave me every single one of those letters on our honeymoon when I married her this girl's my wife my bride the mother of my kids I mean hey could you she deserves the applause not me but I mean could you imagine how grateful I am for the day she started waiting for me what if she heard that talk in high school what if she just blew it off chastity abstinence Shh what a joke not for me do you think I ever would have met her do you think our marriage who exists do you think a little baby boy that we're expecting seven weeks from now would exist it was cool when we found out that we were pregnant I think specifically her you go to the doctor you do ultrasound see a little due to the TV screen first one the baby's as tall as a grain of rice and you can watch his heart beating it was awesome most of the ultrasounds stink he can't see anything like is that his head but like that's his butt like Oh like his dad but now they have high tech ultrasounds called 4d they can zoom in on your kid's face in color live 3d videos they have videos now of kids who appeared to be laughing it's something in their mothers wombs so when we found out we're expectant we brought our little kids with us in the doctor's office it was any of them guys if you look at that TV screen you're gonna see your baby brother sister for the very first time no kiddin soon as the unborn baby's profile came into focus his little hand reaches up and he waved at the screen and the kids start waving back like hey the doctors like I've never seen that before I'm like yeah that's my kid he's pro-life and then and then we got one we got one of my boy Kolby he's real tiny he's only about as tall as your cell phone from head to toe but then we zoomed in on his little face this is what he looked like taking nap in my wife's womb five months before he was born it's like do you get the point my boy lives today because of a decision his brave mom made back in high school to turn things around and when we got married yes I was a virgin when we got married and you couldn't have paid me all the money in the world to give it to anyone but my bride now she was not a virgin but she was worth waiting for and she knew it I would have waited her and tells 50 she started over and a lot of different ways I did too and we don't want to end up divorced so we did things that'll decrease your divorce rate first thing we would not live together before we get married you know how couples are doing that all the time you cohabit shack up play house get married how are those marriages doing they have a higher divorce rate so why do they do it they say we need to see if we're compatible with each other didn't trust me if you're a guy and she's a girl you are not compatible I figured that out so fast the marriage we get back from a honeymoon she moves our stuff in my bathroom the toilet you what happens when a girl gets in the guys bathroom when you get married that's called a hostile takeover all right cuz I guys toilet is perfect I mean what do you guys have in there like soap shampoo that's it I mean some guys don't even have that and then she she moves in I counted one morning she had 24 bottles of different things in the shower I'm captivated I'm reading all these things she's got like this hummus foot polish and like knee cap remover and she's got like this she's got as body wash just like exfoliating body wash with raspberry apricot aloe olive you know the pork chop apple sauce something pallid dressing and she got razor blades all over there she had one bag it says lemon sage body butter I'm like what do you do with that I mean guys aren't into this like how many of you guys have body but don't answer the question but the but the point is that you're not going to be compatible in marriage okay and that's because girls are weird and guys are entirely normal and that's obvious but yeah but you're not gonna be compatible I mean it's just for kind of science but the facts you're not gonna compatible but successful marriages aren't cuz you just fit perfectly it but because you know how to deal with difficulties when they come up and girls think about it I mean living with the man who is not your husband it's crazy because think about it imagine you girls go on one date with a guy and he's an absolute jerk to you breaking up is easy it's one date okay date a guy for six months a break-up okay that's harder but now you sleep with them now you move in with him and then you realize he's not the one for you do you have any idea how hard it is just to let go when you've invested all of that girls don't wanna girls want to stay put and fix the guy but the relationship is done before it begins so first thing we didn't live together second thing we didn't sleep with each other before we got married if I had sex with Kristalina before marriage I'd be lying to her my body would be telling her one thing I've given myself completely to you I'm all yours if I'm not her husband the embrace of sex is a lie this movie came out with his guy sleeps with a woman and afterwards she says dumb don't you know when you make love to a woman your body makes a promise to her whether you do or not the promise of sex is I am completely yours and if they're not married it isn't true and some guys will say to me but what if it's not like that some cheap one-night stand and you're drunk what if you really care about this girl and you both talked about it and you both feel ready how come you can't sleep with her if you really love her really love her what does it mean to love her you do what's best for her really best fertile wake up tomorrow my pregnant is my mom gonna find out I spoke at high school in Texas they had 87 girls pregnant on campus that didn't include the junior high brought the number of pregnancies over a hundred but here's the question how many pregnancies do you think that school would have if it were the guys who could get pregnant girls wouldn't it be funny just for one month of each year if guys could get pregnant let's say January is now male fertility months that's what what would happen guys I feel like it is national abstinence Awareness Month this month I've got my pledge card.i everything would be different I mean dates would be different imagine someday some big soccer athlete at school and his girlfriend and she starts flirting about sex whoa I'm not ready for sex coach would kill me if I got pregnant on a soccer team next year I can't run four touchdowns like that that's not gonna work you know I can't score a goal like that but he'll let her take the risk any night of the week and some guys will tell me oh I'm telling you I really love this girl I'm sleeping with look if a guy loves a girl he's sleeping with how come if they're in bed together at her house and her dad comes home the guy will jump out of like a five-story window rather than face the dad this happened to my friend John in high school he's over my friend Michelle's house they're up in her bedroom messing around they weren't even supposed to be seeing each other her dad supposed to be out of town at work he came home early saw John's car out front whoa boom bus through they hear him coming upstairs my friends freaking out because he's trapped there's nowhere to go he's like Michelle where can I hide in the closet the desk in the microwave working late fit there's no ego he looks Michelle's bed is like six inches off the ground so he's like honey I'm going under there when he dives under the bed and he Wiggles under the mattress he's like the beds like moving up and down in his chest a dad breaks throw down boom words John no no Michelle Michelle smooth she's like John whoo yeah sweetheart the bed's levitating behind you there's a clue so dad comes in that looks under the bed my friend John is on the floor in the corner shivering like a rat under the bed what is he doing there I mean if he really loves his girl why does he no boy well you better hide from the man who loves her the most because he knows in the depths of his heart this has nothing to do with love and sacrifice it's about lust and pleasure if you worry about love do you know how proud he'd be to show the father how he loves the daughter but as it is he hides now why is her dad like that he's so uptight and protective because he's not naive he knows the price show hey cuz look man did sex is sexist girls always pay the biggest price look at this they studied here ten thousand girls when a girl starts having sex and what happens in her life they found four girls starts having section she's 12 years old or younger on average those girls will go on to sleep with about 21 different men in their lifetime if a girl starts having sex when she's 13 or 14 should probably sleep with 14 different guys and if she starts having sex fifteen sixteen she'll end up with an average of eight the numbers go down according to how long you wait but the sooner the girl starts unless she starts over she becomes more likely to have more breakups STDs out-of-wedlock pregnancy become a single mom live under the poverty level have a divorce have an abortion be depressed on and on the longer a girl waits for sex the happier she's gonna be now this does not mean if you're not a version of a terrible life all this means is how can a guy look at this and say oh I love girls so much I can do this with them and with crystal my this is not what we saved sex for marriage I mean you think we'd practice chastity cuz of this it's like well honey I'm afraid of increasing your rates of living under the poverty level anyway certainly can't do that tonight no the reason we waited is simple because I love her and love can wait to give but lust can't wait to get if you're sexually active right now are just doing any sexual stuff if you take it out you'll see if it's oral love we did this big public high school there's about there's a thousand a secondary what does it be is about 14 years old and about a thousand fifteen year olds after the talk this 17 year old runs in the auditorium and he's all ticked off he's like dude who told my girlfriend all about chastity I was like me and it's like man I know as a matter turns out he's 17 years old dating a 14 year old girl that was in the talk he's one of these older guys who doesn't have enough social skills the dated girl his own age so he gets tries to go to the young ones but what's the deal with you girls and older guys how many of you girls in here are 14 or 15 years old put your hands up 1450 our old girls put your hands up put up I put up high how many of you girls are currently dating a 12 year old boy Dabra you have issues now how come no okay he's kidding now how come girls laugh at that but if a guy's older she doesn't think twice first reason it happens is girls mature faster than guys do I know you girls are thinking that's a shocker but think about it looking like looking like a 13 year old girl third tier girls they sit at home texting each other I want a relationship one day where I can communicate about my feelings my friends and my shoes fine look at a thirteen-year-old boy he's not there he's having clothes to be in there dirty Arab boy they sit at home by themselves they're like I think oh he sees my room it's fascinating yeah and that's and that's fine I still do that but the thing is is that I tell my wife how to do it but the thing is is that thirteen-year-old girls can get bored of 13 old guys but then along comes mr. 17 HR guy or the college guy at the high school girl first thing she thinks he's older than me he's more mature and he likes me this is exciting little does she know all the guys know the younger she is than you the more easily she'll give in to your sexual desire because she's afraid of rejection I'll bet you girls whatever you want most the time what's going on right here the girls probably looking for the love she never got from her own dad but she's not gonna find in the arms of another man from the time you girls are - you want her - no daddy am i beautiful do you love me do you want me do you notice me are you even gonna be here for me girls look I'm sorry if your father is abusive or he's absent physically or emotionally you go in the world and the questions not answer and then older guys show up yeah you're beautiful yeah I notice you yeah I want you ah feels like it's making up for this missing love I saw one night I'm putting my daughter Mary to bed she's five years old I'm kneeling extra bed just talk about a day saying some prayers I go to give her a hug good night I want to go to hug her she won't let go a minute goes by two minutes ago by she won't let go I can feel her little five-year-old heart beating on mine her breath on my cheek I just gave her big squeeze and she let go and she said Wow dad that was a lot of love like you bet girl next night I gave her another big hug she said dad your breath smells like dead frogs can't win them all and then the next night I gave her another big hug she said daddy what would happen if your eyeball fell out like what but I saw it the first night her heart like this sponge just waiting the love of the father to fill it up if that heart of yours is not filled up with real love at home it's so easy to settle for lust because at least you'll feel want them for something and these poor girls they haven't heard the boys line before you know the number one thing he'll say to get her in bed is look I love you so much and you know I would never pressure you to do anything sexual that you're not ready for I totally respect that we can wait until you feel ready for it and she thinks oh you see he's sweet but if you watch it he'll sexually take from her everything she's willing to give he doesn't guard her innocence he's wearing it down her girlfriends tell her can't you see he's bad for you it's like she's deaf she's like I know he has problems but he smells good I can't break up I don't know what to do and she stays put but when it's real love it will bring you closer to everyone who loves you family friends and God when it's not real love you get plucked away from all three remember that guy ran in the auditorium who told my girlfriend about chastity I said me what's the matter he said I just saw my girlfriend the hallway after your talk she looked all happy and now she won't sleep with me anymore I want to find out what happened to her I said oh you could sleep with her again one day marry her he was like I said isn't she worth waiting for he said no it's the love test you all know if a boy loves you well here's your chance to find out because some guys will say girl if you love me if you really love me you'd give it to me if you love me girl if he loved you he wouldn't be asking for in the first place and if you love him you can't give him what he wants to defrayed I'll just go and get it from another girl that's not love that's insecurity real love doesn't give people whatever they want I came downstairs looking for my kids once guys where are you silence like come on son not funny John Paul Kolby Mary where are you silence no and my kids are quiet it means they're either sleeping or doing something illegal those the only options you have on the table I know they're up no good uh-oh I caught Kolby I'm looking around and I look in the kitchen and then the freezers open and there's a gallon of ice cream missing from the freezer I'm like yeah I know that is Kolby my Kolby I know where he is I go in the kids playroom we have a big slide in there under the slides a cave I look underneath it sure enough there he is completely naked eating the gallon of ice cream out of his lap haha El Gordo give it to me he's like oh here comes dad grab his fat the Lanco some drag him on his butt on the floor he's still scooping it in sliding on the floor I pull it away give it to me he pulls it back he's like you don't love me I'm like I don't love you like did you're lactose intolerant I'm like boy you'd be on the toilet for a week if I let you eat that much man of course I love you and because I love you you can't have it feels good it's just not good for you it's the same principle by an absence love why do you think I waited 27 years for my wife love you think we've waited because like we're afraid of something no perfect love casts out fear it's not about following rules so you don't go to hell it's warning heaven for the person that you love and so that's the second thing we did we saved it for marriage third thing for a sod marriage one of the beauties of self-control you don't have to worry about birth control even in marriage no way on earth when I put my wife's body on that junk how disrespectful what's your fertility like some kind of disease we got to give her pills or drugs to make her sexually available and that's messed up girls today are not told the truth about birth control doctors never say no sweetie here's your birth control pills ooh yeah we forgot to tell you the birth control pill will increase your risk of developing breast cancer some doctors like the pill and breast cancer that's not true oh not true we knows who thinks it is true the World Health Organization the United Mayo Clinic companies that make birth control pills openly admit it's true but they don't tell the girls that they said look if you don't want the birth control pill we can give you the birth control shot oh the birth control shot the company that makes that has been sued for more than seven hundred million dollars because it fins out the girls bones you know who was not given away the shot anymore veterinarians they refused to give it to dogs they said that is not safe enough for our house pets but they'll give it to women for birth control they say look if you don't want the pill or the path we can give you the patch we can give you the implant didn't read the side effects on this stuff this one for girls says ladies on Implanon call your doctor right away if you start coughing up blood you go completely blind or unconscious what think how she's supposed to make the phone calls like if anyone's been my cell phone around here I didn't coughing up blood I mean come on like what was so wrong with her fertility to begin with your fertility to give it's not some kind of disease and people say oh I know but there's all those STDs out there man you got to practice safe sex protect yourself be responsible oh come on man safe sex is not safe I mean what do you think is the most common sexually transmitted disease deep AIDS syphilis nobody ever gets this right like aids chlamydia syphilis herpes there's always some guy in the corner he's like crabs and I called hosts on crabs stay away but what is it it's not AIDS the number one STD has killed more women than AIDS has because it can cause cervical cancer it's something called HPV human papilloma virus and this thing is getting so widespread I mean just in the United States college girls 45% of them are currently infected with HPV every other college girl in America the reason it's spreading like this is cuz safe sex does not stop it it's spread from mid thigh to mid abdomen contact any skin-to-skin sexual contact can transmit this virus now I hate discussing all the STD stuff but the fact is safe sex is not safe I hate discussing all the STD junk if you've been sexually active go get tested but if after you hear all this stuff it's like weird go from here guys girls girls take off after Mego go to the shopping mall tomorrow buy a white candle let your husband like that on your wedding night as a sign of the purity that you've maintained from this day and to the day he lifts your veil on our honeymoon my wife and I went not too far away in Tahiti to Bora Bora we had an overwater bungalow which means your hotel room is over the ocean but you have a glass floor underneath so you can see the fish and the Sharks then at midnight she said Jason I have a present for you I'm gonna gimme it and then I open the box and in it was a heart-shaped white candle with an untouched wick as a sign of the purity that she's been guarding for love of me before she met me so girls from this point on don't you dare be afraid that some guy is gonna leave you if you don't give him something sexual girls you turn that around you let the boy be afraid he's the one who's gonna lose you unless he knows how to respect you but girls will say any but Jason here's the problem there's no good guys anymore Jason Jason guys are pigs they're dogs they're their animals they're giraffes they're antelope you know there's you know there's just no good guys anymore you know and girls are always telling me this 3 girls came up to me once they said Jason guys are jerks I said no there's lots of good guys and they're like guys are jocks I'm like whoa issues like I asked the first girl I said look are you dating anyone she's like kind of it's complicated and like we'll tell me about him we talked for an hour and a half she finally admitted okay he is a drug dealer he swears a lot drinks a lot he's cheated on her and her parents hate him but I couldn't figure out why parents are so unfair and then next girl jumps in she said Jason all guys are jerks I said no there's so many good gentlemen I meet him all the time she said they're all jerks she said weird a party three weeks ago these guys came up behind a girl and they poured a beer on her head because she was a girl two weeks ago weird the same party and they poured a beer on another girl's head last weekend we're at the same party they poured a beer on another girl's head see guys are jerks I'm like yeah what are you doing this weekend I think we're going to the party like I wonder where your problems coming from that's right beg the girls has set the standard high because if you have to lower your morals to find love it's not love you're finding and some girls are afraid to hope because some girls think we'll Jason what's the whole point even if there are good guys why would a good guy want a girl like me Jason if any guy ever found out about my past and what's happened to me he wouldn't want me he'd want to run away from me girls you just got to trust me on this one if any guy ever judges you by your past he's not that good of a guy you hold out for the man who could see you for who you are today and your future instead of holding your pass over your head you can start over anybody can but what you need to do is have a backbone what does that look like perfect example this magazine came out a couple months ago with his cover story why high school students are sending sexual pictures to each other over their phones I got the article to look for statistics most it was pretty depressing except for a one high school girl and here's what happens this guy sends her a sexual text message he wants her to send him some revealing photograph of herself and so he texts her he's like hey why don't you send me a picture of yourself and she's like okay here you go click and took a selfie of her face and sent him that he got it he was disappointed and so he text her back he's like hey I didn't mean a picture of your face and she's like who okay here you go click took a selfie or a foot and sent him that picture instead god blessed that girl man that's the girl who's gonna find real love cuz their standards will intimidate the men who have no standards of their own so you know what girls if any guy ever asks you to send him a revealing photograph of yourself you know what I give you permission to send him a picture of your completely bare hand waving goodbye to him that's as much flesh as he deserves to see and so if you want love you got to have a backbone so but girls help each other with this girls you gotta quit the gossip oh you see that girl she is such a because she did that she's a hoe cuz I heard she did that I saw it on Twitter so I know it's true because it was retweeted so sources are verified like no you don't exist I made a hundred thousand students a year I've never met a and you may be thinking well then you haven't met this girl yet okay oh well perhaps but oh I'll bet you I know that girl better than you do I mean sometimes we judge but like you don't know what happened or two months ago you don't know what happened to her when she's seven years old you have no idea take the labels off and give each other the freedom to start over guys where to go from here I think guys can have different reactions to a chastity talk first reaction is you hear the talk and you walk out of here and what's the first thing you look at typically the first thing guys look at is the other guys would you guys think I don't know what you guys think oh no what did you guys think cuz like girls we want to impress you but at this time in life we're more interested in impressing the other guys cuz until a man knows he's a man he's always trying to prove he is one if I think degrading a girl makes me more of a man I'll do it to score points with the boys because I'm insecure what's needed though with chastity is authenticity you can't be one guy on Saturday night a different guys Sunday morning in church you can't be one guy in front of a girl's parents and when their backs are turned you become somebody else it demands you have no duplicity in New York three basketball players came up to me and I love basketball we started talking they're sleeping with all these girls and I said to him how do you want some guy to treat your daughter one day he said oh we ain't having daughters we're just having sons oh why don't you want a daughter and he was honest he said I know what I'm doing the girls he said I'd kill a guy if he ever did that to my princess behind my back so this is a solution to use the girls but don't have a daughter know what's needed is authenticity I saw it at a school they had the best basketball team in the country after the talk the star of the team came up to me this guy's like a leaven feet tall and he walks up and I hate can we talk in the back I'm I guess come with me and I took his hand and we went back here I was like what was going on there he said look be honest with you he said I've been with so many girls I've done so much stuff he's like I knew every time I was killing her dude she wanted it I wanted it half the time I was drunk I just blamed it on the beer he said nowadays he said girls around here he said they're more aggressive than the guys half the time you should see the nasty text message of their Senan he said but after your talk today it's different he said I want to be faithful to my wife before I meet her he said I don't want to get married with all these memories of girls I'm never gonna see again when I graduate but how do you start over when you been where I've been he said when you're with the girl she says she's ready for sex how do you say no to that I said look if she thinks she's ready for sex and she's not ready to be a mother she's got no clue what she's talking about one twelve-year-old boy came up to me he said Jason my girlfriend I have talked and we're ready only party's 12 I'm like ready I'm like are you ready to be a father he said no just for sex so after explaining to him the shocking connection they just discovered between the two I said look you know I'm married got a couple of kids I go you know what you don't know about me our first baby has had so many medical problems he's had to be in all these different hospitals I go do you know the first two years of being new dad I spent about $50,000 and medical bills on him so I could have the top doctors on earth taking care of my sick boy and you got what it takes to be a good father you're ready for sex he opens up his wallet showed me his money he's like I have five dollars like buy her pizza I mean if you love her you'll prove it and I'm not gonna lie it didn't easy but can we just be honest as guys we caused 90% of our own temptations by what we look at and who we hang out with and then we complain it's difficult to be pure you want to make it easy find good friends not only good friends but friends who are good campus ministry youth group life team get involved and and to make it easy only date a girl unless you can really see herself marrying her as the whole point a datin to begin with but in the end purity is a gift from God if you really want it he'll give it to you if you want purity go get it go to confession some people like I'm not going to confession what if I tell the priest what I did it's like that's the point I mean what do you do you think you're like broke this unknown 11th commandment that's never been known but I mean you're not that original I mean what do you think he's gonna call the Vatican afterwards I've never heard of this before Pope Francis I mean did Pope Francis wouldn't care he'd be like no hablo English click so just go you feel so much better afterwards and it what's beautiful is the sacrament is available tonight and so go to confession second thing never leave the mass my wife and I go to Mass every day every grace I need to love her I get from the Blessed Sacrament you never leave the mask third thing was huge for me was devotion to Our Lady the rosary because for me I mean you look at porn man it takes like five minutes like a porn and then honestly it feels like it takes 15 years to forget what you saw and so for me it was devotion to Our Lady that taught me how to look at girls again and when those flashbacks of porn would come back to my mind I learned that you know what to battle my temptation I can actually stop and start praying for that person that's coming to my imagination to transform temptation into intercession so get a rosary keep in your pocket pray it every day if you can't pray a rosary every day fine man just pray a Hail Mary every day you can't do that find just say the name of a Mary is a prayer and she'll come through for you get a rosary get a miraculous medal if you can get one mother treats to call these things spiritual bullets and help you live out these things we brought stuff for you there's books that are available in the back pure manhood is a book that I wrote for the guys a little booklet and then my wife wrote one free girls called pure womanhood and the middle of my wife's book she has written for you girls a dump him list okay it's like 16 things if a guy has any of them you just say goodbye don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you so that's all in there and then we also have these little postcards I mean probably I think we still have some of these and on the back are all the talks that we do and you can download them for free at that website and then also on the other side of it it has all of our social media my website is the top one chastity project comm under that is my wife's website women made noon just for girls and then we have our you know our Instagram Twitter Facebook YouTube and I thought it'd be fun because right before this talk the best gift I have for you is this I sent a post on her Facebook and Twitter that went out to about a hundred and fifty thousand people I said hey everybody now you know I got here in Singapore and I'm about to speak to about 7,000 people today and for talks please pray for them and I put that on social media and I check the post afterwards and in some place be like oh hey we're praying for you in Argentina we are from mastery in Kenya all these prayers are descending on you and all I'd ask a return is if you'd please pray for the people that we speak to and I thought it would be fun to to take a selfie with all of you and then put it on social media to thank all the people that are praying for us so you want to take a selfie together here real quick so I want to take a quick one and then we're gonna put this online okay Sarah smiles uh all right there we go there you go all right so I'm with that on social media so you pray for them so but the what I ask from you please pray for all of the students I speak to I head home tomorrow morning and then in two weeks I speak at high schools in North Dakota please pray for them why because I could speak to your future husband or wife they might be here today you never know a lifestyle Dan that's why I beg your prayers I know one girl fifteen years old woke up one night she said I need to pray for my future husband and she prayed for him and went to bed years later they met and got married she said honey I prayed for you when I was 15 he's like oh thanks and she says look there it is in my diary I prayed for you he said I used to have a journal back then let me see it I was doing for fun finds his journal dusted off he said that's the year I was in the war because he was a veteran she said what does it say that night he said honey the night you prayed for me was the night the enemy troops came across our lines they slaughtered almost every man in my platoon and they spared me so thanks for your prayers prayers are good prayers are good as a I beg your prayer and I know I've said a lot to you about future husband future wife some of you are being called to a higher vocation to priesthood to there be the religious life don't be afraid of these vocations I know tonight I've said a lot you also about boyfriend/girlfriend most of you right now do not have a boyfriend most of you do not have a girlfriend good good for you don't be like me I started dating when I was like 12 years old one girl back then even broke up with me cuz I forgot that I was dating her I was like high maintenance how much could you ask for but you're under this pressure you don't have a boyfriend you didn't have a girlfriend you've never kissed anyone before what's wrong with you you're eight years old what are you waiting for and you and you know I'm not exaggerating I mean this twelve-year-old came up he said Jason I got a relationship problem can you help okay what's going on he's like here's the situation he said dated a girl for three years is really serious and then I took a year off and now I like a girl she's friends with I don't want to do I'm like wait a minute this guy's 12 and he just took a year off a three year relationship meaning the guy was eight years old in a serious relationship I'm like what are you doing on dates together watching like Blue's Clues or something buddy what what do you fight about I want Dora I want Diego it's like you have time okay hey my high school was a thousand students today I'm friends with what two of them my wife's high school was like 3,000 students today she knows none of them your life is gonna go so far beyond the walls your school that's why one girl told me she's a Jason you're right you don't go to high school looking for a husband she said you go to high school to find your bridesmaids I said girl you get the point - take your time cuz if a girl doesn't take her time you know what happens she meets a cute guy they start flirting they starts texting hanging out hooking up and making out man three weeks and making out this guy she's like emotionally married to him she's like stalking him on social media she's like picking out her wedding dress on the Internet she's only known the guy for three weeks four weeks into it it hits her hard boom and she's like ooh [Music] I didn't know he flirts with other girls I didn't know he drinks I don't know he builds a methamphetamine lab in his closet with his friends on Wednesdays I know that it's like sweetheart that's the point take your time find yourself and love will find you now last thing is this if finally have one thing to say to you this would be it and for those young adults were in the talk last you heard this story but I want to repeat it for those who aren't here that all you need to know if you feel far from God is how he looks you for doing that stuff and this isyes you dad a few years ago dropped us off at preschool and he said I love you all pick up after school promise can get you kisses Boyd went to work huge earthquake struck Armenia when the dad shoots the car back but it's too late schools collapsed faculties dead dad shows up and he said I know my son's in that school starts tearing off the rocks the glass and he dug for an hour and twelve hours his knuckles were bleeding open his back was cramped up he dug for ten hours and people told him he gotta give up he just accepted they're gone he dug for 20 hours 30 hours his back was cramped up and people totally give up but he kept digging he said all I could think of was the promise I always made to my son no matter what happens you know I'm always gonna be there for you 38 hours later lifts up a board and under that's the face of his son and he looked down upon his son and his son looked up to him and said Papa and his son turned to 14 kids trapped alive with him and he said see told you my daddy was coming to get me I told you he promised this is the love of God the Father it doesn't matter what has happened or where you been he's always there to welcome you at home now which what's beautiful about tonight is you don't have to go to confession confession has come to you tonight more than about 20 priests are making themselves available this evening for this sacrament of reconciliation during our time of prayer that we have coming up and if you feel kind of nervous oh I don't know if I should go to confession I would encourage you bug the person next to you and say hey you want to get lined for confession with me because if you bring a soul to the sacrament of reconciliation you will receive eternal reward in heaven for the graces that that person receives through that sacrament I don't care if you've been away from the sacrament for 30 years tonight's the night because if you come here tonight and all you get is some motivational speech and some great music and you go home good luck with that it's not enough tonight we're gonna have an encounter with the Living God himself we're gonna take time right now for Eucharistic Adoration and if you haven't done this before what's gonna happen is the priest is gonna bring out a gold display called a monstrance coming from a Latin word meaning to show in the monstrance is the host from Mass we believe as Catholics that that little thing that looks like just a piece of bread we believe that that is the very body blood soul and divinity of Jesus Christ this is kind of difficult to believe people have struggled to understand this do you know a priest once was struggling to believe this about 1200 years ago in Italy he held up the Eucharist during Mass and he said the words of consecration this is my body this is the chalice of my blood and when he prayed those words in his heart he said Lord I believe but help my unbelief that this is you and when he prayed those words the host changed to human flesh the wine changed to human blood everybody saw this miracle and they kept it there at the church anybody could come and see it and and in the 1970s they opened it up for scientific investigation and atheists came World Health Organization's study this and they said okay we'll scientifically look at your little superstitious Catholic a miracle and we'll tell you what this really is and so they examine the host okay we'll tell you what this bread really is and they examine this they said okay here's what we found out they said your host from your mass of this Eucharistic miracle isn't bread they said this is human they said this is human heart tissue they said the blood you have is the same genetic type as the heart tissue so these samples came from the same individual they said the blood here is Type A B blood the universal recipient they said that's very strange because very few people have that blood type and this part of Italy but they said it is a very common blood type amongst men who live in the Middle East they said this blood type also matches the blood type found on the Shroud of Turin believed to be the burial cloth of Christ but they said the most fascinating thing about this blood as they said in human blood are proportions of proteins that when you die those proportions of proteins change they said the blood you have is coagulated it's dried up and it's ancient but the proportions of proteins are the exact same of living human blood they said what you have here is ancient living blood from a man who is from the Middle East whose blood type matches the burial cloth of Christ and matches the human heart tissue that that priest received in his hands during Mass 1200 years ago and one of the scientists who had been atheist wrote in the report the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us in he entered the Catholic Church because of this Eucharistic miracle and the greater miracle than this is that this happens every day in the hands of every priest around the world and so the question is not are we is Jesus present in Mass he is weand II become present because the end of his life he didn't just leave us a symbol of his absence in his absence he left us his very presence and so tonight we're gonna take a time of Eucharistic Adoration of prayer because like I said if tonight is just a motivational speech and you don't encounter the Living God this lifestyle is not possible but if you can connect with Christ through the sacraments and with him all things are possible and so our band now is gonna lead us in some music and they're gonna begin with the song and once that song is over the priest is gonna process with the Blessed Sacrament then then we're going to lead you in a time of prayer and and recollection and that's gonna last about a half hour and then we're gonna have a time of praise and worship to wrap things up and so I would invite you to begin now now with applause with the spirit of prayerfulness as we enter into the time of prayer together
Channel: CatholicFamSG
Views: 15,953
Rating: 4.8595042 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, Christian, Love, Youth, Marriage, Dating, Jason Evert, Singapore, Family
Id: CAkZ5e4G7Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 59sec (4859 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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