Tokyo Christmas Market with Family

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welcome to hybia park this is the christmas market during the day i was here a couple of days ago and was able to show you a little bit of the vibe on the first day of the opening i don't like it of the christmas market here in tokyo but you can see hybia park is a beautiful place especially on a sunny day this is the fountain in the middle and all around the fountain are christmas stands and i found out that that the german chamber of commerce also plays a part in this so they try to make it as authentic as possible how you doing everybody greetings so today i'm joined by kanai and leo my wife and son and we're going to walk around this this is sort of a consolation prize because we were going to be going to the united states and that trip got cancelled so welcome here we go santa is here hello oh merry christmas merry christmas ho ho ho leo are you ready for some christmas cheers [Music] he looks so sleepy you're gonna have to wake up sir because you have a lot of presence to give out to the people all right let's get moving so um this time i will get some food and can i what would you like to eat that's the question because the options are limitless to this market items so we have beer you want beer can i i'm gonna see yeah i i need a kingdom a kinder punch that's the drink of children so when you enter here you do have to pay a thousand yen and actually i don't think i paid that the day before yesterday you might have just walked right in no i didn't know what was going on oh my gosh they got eggnog can i they have eggnog with caramel oh wow wow that's better than pistachio hot cocoa pistachio hot cocoa this is so not really that christmas but we could go look at the lines are already pretty long for this booth here all right let's do it all right santa you get milk okay and we already brought a bottle for you what do you want leo hey cosman's here uh okay here's my cup uh i have it yeah so i gave kanai a stash of cash so oh yeah so just if you can use that and then pay i'm gonna instead of waiting in line with everybody i'm going to use this one and get a bunch of food wow look at this stew yeah oh there's some good stuff here hey suzette's in the house we can get some soul fish yeah there's some sausages some soup there's all sorts of nice things on the menu here that stew looks good i guess this is kind of christmas food here yeah so go ahead and get something i'm just going to take people on a walk okay what do you want um just uh eggnog you want eggnog yeah and then i'll share whatever you get [Music] sausage all right grilled sausage fish and chips yeah they have a honey butter cheese ball that's odd oh they have played too okay well we can get varabara so i guess just get whatever you want here and then we can do a part two okay all right i'll be back okay i'll be back in like two minutes okay okay all right thank you ann do again aloha all right let me take you quickly around the market for those that are joining us just look at this while can i wait in line with leo each stand is sort of different they kind of have different stuff on here this one has borsch is this what is it [Music] so it's some sort of stew but you can see the steam rising in the background that must be them making the blue blind the glue wine i always say it with the b but i have to remember that be silent this one's got a lot of deep fried food in there it's so much different in the daytime the colors are vibrant because at night time it's sort of all washed out they have a snow snowman cocoa whoa that's pretty cute maybe kanai wants snowman oh [Music] sorry about that i think maybe kanai wants snowman coco what's this up here oh this is the more uh forest terrace i don't know what you go up and then you come down i'm not sure what the big deal is here and then like a lot of the christmas markets here they are in these wooden booths these wooden boots um that i don't know it looks very much like any of the christmas markets that we've been in germany but i'll tell you one thing the prices are a little bit different as you can imagine like what it's not too bad though um this is called a gosh i forgot now it's a one of these um i guess ornaments you will see at every german market christmas pyramid that's right i like these you know what the only thing we're missing is snow and colder weather now that's the lint booth over there and they have a snowmaker so every now and then it just starts snowing thank you to lint chocolate for providing with some snow let's go see how kanai's doing over there oh she's next did you get something no i was just looking oh it doesn't have a kinder bunch here ah you said you wanted pistachio cocoa they have snowman cocoa wow what's the flavor of a snowman uh marshmallow marshmallow yeah yeah i tried pistachio cocoa all right thanks bob joe in on you know the fun here look at that one cheese potato and the the stew looks good too doesn't it potato looks good too oh yeah just get get a bunch of stuff here this is the honey banana uh honey nuts oh look can i honey nuts cheese pancake oh wow you want to try eggnog oh so if you have a mug it's uh 600 yen but everybody gets a mug don't they i think they come in here all right if it's pixelated let me see if i can find a better place wow they got septo lemon do you want your mug yeah yeah oh he is yes [Music] foreign is hey hey so you're getting a look inside of the kitchen [Music] santa you don't look so happy what's wrong santa i want milk i want milk he wants some milk all right let's get to the table there's this standing table over there you can just go take a table can i and i'll find you or you can sit there by the water okay i find a table yeah i'll try to bring all this food how's this gonna be possible how does john do it can i ordered a lot i'm gonna need a box to get all this stuff to her santa claus hey apparently they didn't have the sausage so they got to give me back my money oh my gosh uh oh that's a shame so i guess they're sold out they're sold out of this um uh stoop pond roast beef too like all this good stuff they're not they don't have it they're sold out what so i guess we're gonna have to we're gonna have to go and to another booth but the eggnog is very very good hey gogeta 13. thank you nice of danny's here hey danny hi hi all right i got a big tray here hold on guys then we get two two forks and off we go did anybody see where kanai went kanai leo kanai leo kanai leo i couldn't find a table there oh really okay let's get a table all right i guess just keep walking oh this is i guess it get it pixelated around certain areas of the market here and then after we eat this stuff we're gonna go get a christmas ornament for kanai wow it's a rainstorm it's a link yeah how about between here can we sit here yeah oh okay hi hi leo are you okay for now bro i think i ordered the sausage too no i they didn't have it on the menu it was sold out oh my gosh they give me back my money oh okay trust me they sold out yeah ready they just start at 11. i think it's not sold out they just don't have it on them i know i know it's still before twelve franco three five eight so i can take off my mask here all right cool so um i guess because the market opens at 11 11 o'clock every morning we uh our options are admitted to what they have cooked so don't worry about it we're gonna get another a chance to try something a little bit later i have a feeling this isn't gonna be enough now the entry procedures were a little bit odd i thought they made us wait in line so if you don't get the tickets online yeah you have to wait for a while that's not as much fun all right welcome so let's try this out here now we got a pancake and some german potato with bacon and then you got an eggnog gray cut oh no no here's this pistachio cocoa which one is that it's it's yours oh mine's got whipped cream yeah i didn't put the liquid this is better than my glue bond the other day it's kind of small for seven bucks is it me i'm not trying to be cheap i'm just like cost performance is probably not the greatest but it's like 150 milliliters why all right come by i'm fine you say that with eggnog merry christmas that doesn't taste like eggnog it's just melted caramel yeah i think maybe japanese don't have um eggnog tolerance just it's uh it's like butter and caramel with whipped cream there's no eggnog in it yeah we didn't we didn't drink a lot yeah where do you get eggnog in japan you don't i guess oh yeah i didn't buy it before you need to make it's not that hard to make yourself i believe it's pretty easy can you make it i can make it if given a recipe i can i can make anything pretty sure pretty sure danny writes in here hi jonathan i wish you both a wonderful day happy to see you again again can i hope you're well and everything's going well for you first time to see a christmas market during the day would be fun if i could be there too danny we're waiting for you buddy all right kanai is eating pistachio what is that he's got it's spinach that's that looks better than mine i thought that was edamame it's spinach and potato okay oh wow all right leo will you eat i eat we're a team yeah team food leo wants to eat we study yay all right we'll do our best here um so while canada is feeding leo we're going to chow down on some of this food here this is the german potato offering like like 700 or 600 700 or 600 yeah about seven dollars for this it's a lot of potatoes a lot of bacon some guy who just came walking around here like what what's up with that dude what did i give us [Music] wow they really like garlic question this is authentic german food cuisine not really i'm pretty sure that they alter it to the taste of the people here but never mind that you know it's about the spirit of christmas and it's so warm today what is the temperature like judo junior but it's windy yeah there is some wind here so we've got these external microphones attached here but it doesn't i guess it's too warm to feel like christmas you need to be bundled up and you need blankets and you i i don't need um they always play the wrong music at japanese events too um i think they had michael jackson and they had idol music here just stick with traditional man i guess they're trying to get like younger people excited about christmas i don't know and christmas means idol music they're playing tom jones music i guess he has a christmas album taste test leo's food it's good it tastes like spinach it's not bad it's good savory it's creamy all right next up on the hit list is this this is a um german nut caramel nut pancake [Music] it's cheese pancake a cheese pancake pancake cheese caramel pancake it weighs almost nothing and and it set us back about eight dollars seven dollars but you can't complain like i don't know just it's all right it's the holidays it looks like a cheesecake more than pancakes it does look like more like a cheesecake than a pancake all right just just let's go for it we're gonna try some more food don't worry about it [Laughter] take it take good care of my future french student you got it leo's gonna be learning some canadian french bonjour that's pretty good it's not bad no i could i could see myself eating more of that here's a scene from hibiya park here see there's a lot of people uh entering in here hey aaron's here happy holidays erin hey aaron check it out we got the aaron buggy rolling yeah and uh we bought a new attachment which is this this uh blanket that attaches to it so leo and the aaron but the aaron buggy are very comfortable in the winter yeah and aaron buggy has a friend we call him aaron it's a sweet sweet ride it's a sweet ride so this christmas market here it has a brochure um now this i didn't like this i don't last year it wasn't this so this it was a thousand yen to enter into the market they didn't have an entry fee last time or ever it's just christmas markets you just kind of walk in but this year they gifted everybody a christmas mug and kids are half price i guess it's all right i have two mugs now the problem is every time you every time i come back i have to pay a thousand yen to enter and get a new mug but i i kind of want to save the planet so i don't need six mugs unless danny and aaron and and jennifer when you guys come to come to japan i got a mug for you just remind me i'll give you your mug i have like a fleet of them this i already we have three of them right now so it's kind of easy you see the the christmas pyramid here you want more okay wow so it tells you the system especially for the beer so in order to get a beer here and they do have good german beer this place is sponsored by the german chamber of commerce you have to pay i like how they lay it out in the flyer here so it's a thousand yen for the deposit on all the beer mugs but you can keep the mug the glass i believe for the price that you pay that's kind of neat uh fuchsia 500 would be a lot more reasonable there's a lineup for the music oh wow and they have a list of the food here except oh wow do you want that no error oh it looks good the one thing that we had when we were at the munich christmas market every time we've been which is like like uh two times i believe right nikai apple like there's a stand that's um on marion plots in munich every year uh she's there at least because the two years we went and we have this apple milk strudel uh my gosh it is so good and they don't have that here this must be based on the nuremberg one and the nuremberg christmas festival also really cool and you know what the great thing is we have live streams from both those markets on this channel so if you want to check it out there's two christmas live streams from the munich market mariam platz and there's there's a nuremberg one from two years ago or three years ago and there's a couple of other christmas and there's one from the czech in in prague we went to the christmas market in prague and we met up with viewers too so the prague one we didn't have quite a turn up but the german markets we always had a pretty good turnout in in germany which is really awesome so those are available on only japan go i guess just i'm going to make a christmas playlist and then you can check it out and let me get back to this eggnog here [Music] that is not eggnog but tis the season not to complain you enjoy it they might have put some eggs in there it's rich but it could be the cream it could be the cream [Music] leo's got four teeth two on the top and two on the bottom [Music] deep in thought he doesn't draw us yeah he doesn't want to show his teeth but he does bite he recently bit me it's pretty powerful he's got a lot of power in those teeth it's a family fair today folks welcome to the german christmas market in tokyo so i'm gonna get can i i'm gonna get some different food because i don't think this is good enough so you want this noel i think leo wants some milk so you know what i'm going to do is i'm going to go and go get some more food while kanai and leo bond so let's go let's go head back into the market i'll find this noel okay you can get some sausage and some sausage all right noelle and sausage you got it uh what having with my mask here oh here it is on words and there's a lint chocolate place right there too here i can take this off i got double i'll get double the mics on now all right see you soon without having the camera in her face let her do what she does right i think that's the best way we'll be back um oh wow that looks like meat that looks so good um the sausage plate is sold out too that's crazy how do you sell out in a market i guess they're preparing it now i look for this no editor i promised her that this is um yakisoba all right i found this one here check it out this one has a tunnel sausage tornado sausage okay um all right it's hard to know which way to go for the order all right this is where you order so they seem to have like um [Music] so it's just a bowl i guess this is kind of like a big leg i better get the ice bind what do you guys think i spying well the wind is violent i can i want sausage and i'm gonna get some ice vine and they just have sauerkraut it's just a bowl of sauerkraut for five bucks hey angel forever's here x angelfaire59x to the christmas market thank you we're gonna i'm putting that good use right now we're gonna go over here this this booth looked really good too and there's nobody there but kanai wanted sausage and they didn't have a sausage on the plate this is a christmas plate do you see this in the middle it says christmas it's not too crowded i think in a couple of hours it's going to get really um really packed oh there's a beef minchikatsu check it out and they have a fried bamaku hen i gotta try that that's so unhealthy why would you why would you deep fry a bomb kuhn they deep-fried a bamboo head did you see that oh i gotta get that okay oh wait it says x that means they don't have it this is this is awful they don't have it they don't have a lot of stuff here i'm going to get a big big plate of sauerkraut [Music] [Music] all [Music] okay hey all right number 29 boy you know it's going to be really crazy at night time when it's so crowded if it takes us this long to get food and stuff talk about chaos when i was here there weren't that many people because it was still kind of early hey diana's here tis the season to be jelly celebrate with the glorious food and enjoy jk jkl family hey you know you know our little moniker jkl family bonding time yeah john kanai leo jkl you got it that's pretty cool thank you diana hopefully the package i sent you arrives too before christmas time [Music] now the japan japanese idols are not singing over there and i'm giving kanai a little bit of time to uh feed leo and then after and then afterwards we're gonna take you to the ornament booth and then buy some ornaments for for the christmas tree which i bought uh last year i think i got kind of a ballerina and this year we got to find another another really good christmas ornament now you can see except when people are are eating they're wearing masks and the same protocols are in place just about everywhere they held the nave festival in in november which is super crowded more so than this one and everything went pretty good the procedure is to get in temperature check and we have to clean our hands with alcohol and [Music] yeah a visual inspection that's kind of nice but everybody is is wearing the mask and that's kind of nice this almost everybody is a lady over there not doing it but when you're eating you can't so that's the deal so we're gonna look for another ballerina ornament and i don't know what else we're gonna find but the the christmas market shopping is coming up in not too long from now every time we've been to the german markets in germany and in prague we always buy one thing at least one thing as an ornament for the tree and then we want our tree completely covered with ornaments that we purchased at the christmas market so we got to get one for today shout out to my friend bayla the day before yesterday when he gave a super chat for that i believe so it's pretty cool bail and his mom are watching i believe in illinois gotta go visit them when we get back to the us which is sad because we're supposed to be there right now it would be in the u.s but you know it wasn't for the cancellation it's this crazy time to be traveling it's got a it's beer a beer it's not even noon i like that guy folks we're number 29 that looked pretty good the sausage plate that was a good year i remember 29 i was traveling i was backpacking i did a lot of traveling in the after college between 1997 and 2003 i traveled to 70 countries backpacking around a lot almost every country in europe i didn't hit the baltic states up in the north and um moldavia and uh albania a couple of countries i didn't hit but yeah i went to yugoslavia i think right up right i think was there right uh during the war right after the war it's a pretty tough time now it's like now it's uh i think four or five different countries did some hitchhiking in croatia that was really fun we hitchhiked from croatia to slovenia i met two girls in a youth hostel in in budapest they told me to come visit them in zagreb so i took a ferry from brendissi in italy to split in croatia and then bust up to zagreb and then they met me stayed with them for two days and we then they said join us let's go to slovenia so we went out to the highway and hitchhike that was pretty cool that was christmas time 1996 8. 1997 and 1998. maya and victoria crazy crazy girls so the hot chocolate has got a big looping chunk of chocolate on the top [Music] oh hers is easy oh wow that looks good too did i miss order i think i missed ordered [Music] all sorts of weird sauce on it foreign oh my gosh this is pretty big oh my gosh i i'm trying to balance this another live streamer i wonder what he's doing oh my that big piece of leg what is that what did i order can i i ordered something they put ketchup on everything is that german do they do that in germany just they slather it in ketchup i thought it was mustard all right and then i got this one it's a butchered piece of meat wow yeah that's i'm sure it's not raw let me cook it in the sun um i think it's not raw it's all good it's christmas what what bad can happen what i don't know what it is it's meat well it's good for you ice wine it's boiled so we have our own we have our own corner here at the christmas market santa i think he's an elf though more of an elf all right let's give this a try here and then we're gonna you ate all the potatoes i only had one potato okay let's try this and then yeah you were good for you keep the energy up definitely raw all right let's try it here's your why do they put ketchup on the sausage is this a japanese thing yeah i didn't no it was weird but they're so busy i hate to bother them all right let's try this boiled animal leg i think so all right it's cooked there's a lot of fat on it it tastes like christmas like um christmas meat oh yeah it's cooked through it's pretty good it comes with sauerkraut oh you have an um shibodi wow that wasn't shibori and do you have a tissue it picked up the big piece of meat so in a couple of minutes we're going to take you over to look at some of the ornaments and some of the shops here grazie um your christmas spirit is strong here it's just different though it's not it's it's i guess it's you can feel christmas here sort of but it's not the same this is why i don't like that you feel christmas i don't feel like it's the same though i just don't feel like it's the same that's why i try i tend to get i like to get out this is our view i like to get out of japan for christmas it's just not the same christmas eve has a different meaning in japan than other places usually when couples go to the hotel leo what do you want for christmas leo milk okay that's easy a snow machine hey yeah that's that ronald's got it yeah snow machine shout out to katayama he sent us a nutty present under underneath the pillow so we got five different kinds of sausages here i'll take this one in the middle with ketchup supposed to have um mustard right it's a good boiled sausage though i wonder those that are german who come to the market what do they think about this like are they critical are they happy that they have an option i'm curious to find out what my german friends has a think christmas market too neo i put the mic back on kanai okay i try sausage i think if you're hungry everything is good yeah this is a huge piece of meat i don't even know how you eat this thing leo you want some wow he's only got 14 what flavor is this it's meat flavor i don't i don't know it's kind of oily and real say hi to everybody hello it's very lamb inside it's medieval i need my battle axe go out and hunt in the black forest get some berries can i you can gather some berries i'll get hunt some meat that's what this big chunk of meat's like you know get mega meats on on on the bone and you just pick it up and you go like ah like this that scared leo sorry i've been to the um john the barbarian you don't want to see it i i go beast mode now when i went to the oktoberfest back in 1996 was the first time i went and then back into and then i went again and a few years later oh no no 1990 yeah 1996 1996. and um was it it was a lot of fun but i remember they had swine socks in or something these big chunks of pork leg and then people would be drinking these mugs of one liter beers and going like this and chugging beer and eating pretzels like this big it was amazing pork knuckle right really really barbarian and you felt like a barbarian and that's the way you know i don't know if that's the best way for christmas but you kind of want to have a different feeling yeah you want some meat um you want it yeah i'm kind of scared yeah a little bit a little bit worrying all right let me try this uh you try the sausage tornado yeah wait ah it's wine i'm gonna try white sausage yeah white sausage is a breakfast item in uh yeah honey mustard yeah which is weird that this is the nutty pancake we got this it's which is weird that they have it for like on with ketchup on it [Music] and he's tapped us like oh no get some fried chicken instead i think it might be better you know it's a nice market though i really can't complain oh my gosh [Music] leo's watching me eat ah this is how we eat leo you like eat like a barbarian it's good learning quick huh study i will teach you the mysteries of the world all the answers lie within it that's pretty good sausage no as you can imagine we don't get a lot of sleep oh yeah he just woke up one time last night yeah he was crying for something [Laughter] but oh my god everything's you know going pretty smoothly going well this is his first christmas on earth i don't know where he spent christmas last year but we were hoping it was going to be in the u.s we had to cancel that trip it was just not because of the virus it was mostly because it was just too hard we couldn't have been guaranteed to return and that was uh if the situation gets worse and it has nothing to do with omicron either just gets worse in the u.s then the restrictions coming back are going to be really harsh in the next two weeks so it was just a decision that we had to make oh my gosh you know it's got like a cross-section of the beast it's like an analytical cross-section of the beast that's that in itself is pretty amazing right christmas [Laughter] this is pirate food wow here's a little pink they wouldn't sell us something that wasn't cooked though would they that's pretty good stuff if you're watching this in playback there will be a chapter a table of contents so you can just skip to the the parts that you want to go to all right you don't have to watch the whole thing i'm putting more and more uh chapters of uh what do you call them yeah chapters in the videos so you can just skip around there's one i guess we're gonna have one chapter called beast mode another one called leo eats and then shopping just want to have some night motion in bg maybe i just got that from peter oh background okay chris peter's doing a christmas party so you might be invited leo's gonna be full-on santa thunder yeah you want tornado sausage you can try some look at the pieces of oil dripping off of it here it's that's a piece of sausage looks like a snake [Music] oh it's not bad you want it okay [Music] all right off we go it's a lot of food oh the eggnog which is not eggnog at all just cream now [Music] [Music] ah smile smile all right i think we're done okay how do you even take this mug glass you have to clean out the the whipped cream from the mug glass i hope you're ready for some shopping because that time has come time for shopping what do we do with the used plates can i we get the ornament yeah do we throw this away or uh i think so yeah that was a pretty good feast here now for i sent out this last week so it should be on the way this is our um our our family card for this month on patreon so at the end of the year we usually do a family card hold on i usually do a family card and this is the one from leo's 100th birthday 100th day birthday you have to take them to the shrine you can sleep it's a good way to celebrate the holidays that'll be in your mailbox too all the patreon supporters santa this tis the season to be married [Laughter] don't cry and find some happiness we're gonna go shopping ornaments that work okay [Music] okay can i just dump the remainder in the pot i want i have a feel like i want to dump the leftovers in the pot and the fountain but that's pretty bad should i even keep the mug it's a it's a mess oh we can just put in the bug oh really yeah it's nice it's nice man okay we have three yeah we have three one for danny don't worry danny we'll wash it first you want to put here yeah here i'll try to clean it [Music] santa claus is coming to town [Music] he's making a list he's checking it twice he's going to find out if you're crying or you're [Music] two nice yeah yay okay all right off we go okay that didn't work [Music] he might be just sleepy yeah he's sleepy okay all right how do we get rid of this meat here i got a bone i ate most of the good meat the rest i don't even know what it is i guess you can eat the fat too all right finding the trash that's another another challenge here where's my mask do you return it back to the place that you bought it trash in japan is always a little weird you don't know you don't know how to handle it but it seems like there's a trash can right here all right we have burnable garbage and unburnable garbage unburnable is the trays here [Music] all right burnable unburnable plastics okay and uneaten food here hi neil this is uh unburnable [Music] um unburnable burnable and then there's a bone can you open that one it's a bone oh okay and then the tray goes here all right we did it hi all right next chapter shopping this is the final chapter wow the last thing he needs are more plushies though oh it's rumbly they kind of look girly to me isn't there any like barbarian animals i don't know if i want leo surrounded with these critters is that an ornament or is it it's not not but it's mine some of these are really look at scary eyes all right you know what just okay kind of here's the ornaments leo is is nine months he kind of just wants milk i asked him all the time and he just kind of doesn't say anything he can say da da mama and and nae-nae in some other words i don't know if they're words though you have to for the good ornaments kind of you have to look on the top there but i don't see the same kind of choices as last time do you see any ballerinas oh there's some ballerinas yeah is that right over there i think just push through the push through the boots girl just gotta get in the front attack the ornaments booth is quite popular papel is what they call it it's pretty busy yeah all right bob joe let's get something can you hold the deal oh yeah i'll do this yeah yeah you find what you need nice going on the hunt here so while she's hunting i'm i'm doing this with leonardo oh there's a ballerina yeah [Music] you got me this one last time last one yeah yeah last one i got that last year [Music] i just get them both she looks creepy yeah she's like because it's too they look too pale that one's cute that one looks like danny that looks like your niece this one's better yeah i think this one better leo needs a shiba inu plushie all right we'll see what we can find okay yeah this one should we get nut cracker oh yeah just just oh uh uh i dropped 100 yen 100 yen [Music] these kind of look a little generic kenai's got good choice with the ornaments is that a cupcake oh if i was getting is that beer well if i was in charge of the ornaments i'd be getting that but there's no way she'd allow me to put that onto the onto the christmas tree okay let me get out of here okay i got leo up here onto the platform whoa that guy's plate just went flying he's going into recovery mode or is he so it's a beautiful day here in tokyo this is the for those joining us this is the christmas market here they're blasting copyright music now but it's not bad it's let it snow and let it snow i got that from uniqlo same shirt it's kind of nice when you see shirt your shirt buddy people who buy the same shirt from the same shop you kind of wink and you know each other you know you gotta have to acknowledge especially if you're wearing it on the same day but i'm not the kind of person that walks up and say to strangers and say hey i got the same shirt issue i know you're in your videos you're fantastic thank you thank you what do you think of the market here oh it's good i was here last year too it's very good it's very genuine good food good drink i think so too was there an entry fee last year i don't remember either you came here yeah every year i try to come if i'm not in europe but the market's there i'm here i'm from sweden so i would say this is pretty genuine all things considered yeah they do a good job it's not too bad it's nice in the afternoon too because at night it's so crowded [Music] how's the weather in sweden right now terrible it's pretty cold it's really cold you have a fan in canada my friend alan i think he has contacted you once or twice ellen graham thank you yes yeah okay you're very popular have a good day thank you thanks for stopping oh that's nice i don't have any you found me cards because i'm not because of the pandemic it's so nice when somebody stops and and says hi to you that's the christmas spirit i can feel the christmas spirit now kanye's over there she's right now um getting the ornament this is a battle royale look at all the other ladies in there and one guy i bailed i think kenai's got mike on so maybe you can hear her [Music] a cluster i hope she can get out of there that's why i got leo out of there hi leo do you feel the christmas spirit [Music] [Music] no don't eat my finger i picked me [Music] away oh my gosh she's got jaws of steel did you get the ornament here show us what you got oh yeah oh nice they wrapped it pretty good [Music] oh yeah what should we name her does she have a name we have to give her a german name german name um greta guleta yeah greta glitter okay this is greta glitter it's my god oh yeah okay it's a swedish name i'm not sure um oh god that sounds swedish too though heidi how about heidi [Music] oh he's gonna eat eat it can i helga's gonna end up inside the mouth of leo's jaws of steel i gave him my finger he tried to bite it like a hot dog here leo okay he's not gonna bite my finger [Music] let go [Music] this christmas spirit is strong literally it's just strength pure strength all right go to sleep little leo go to sleep and for those that are just joining us make sure you hit the hit the thumbs up button um okay i found your no water that one right oh yeah yeah i got it you still hungry it's sold out wow it's shocking they don't have half the stuff here is sold out [Music] edible selects we just we already fed him that could be why a little popeye action going on there i can't believe it everything is like you see blacked out there unless it's free but that one looks good too the cheese uh [Music] oh they have apple pie apple pie with vanilla you know what the best thing to do across the street is hibiya midtown it's a big shopping mall oh yeah they have an apple pie shop yeah the edible pie might be better this is like just better pie wow she's got her hands full of twins he's doing open clothes he's just like a bear one of the kids is just like a bear that's awesome all right everybody thanks for thanks for watching champagne sumo next christmas ornament is a whiskey or sake barrel that would be pretty cool sake barrel i gotta get i gotta get that beer though i might have to go get that beer for for mr das and i well chris was camping with the beer in the tree he's got a beer and a churros that's a weird mix beer and churros all right everybody thanks so much for watching um we're gonna go now to the shopping mall across the street maybe thank you yeah but i hope that the christmas spirit is strong in your household and uh yeah i know you can't make it here to tokyo but it was really nice to share an afternoon together kind of walk around the market during the day and and have some fun time get some sunshine we all need that so until next time which is maybe tomorrow i'll see you later oh um i think the main channel episode will be dropping tonight it's a 30 minute um episode on the fireworks industry inside there this should be a lot of fun to watch see everybody you can't even see him in there santa sander open the door
Channel: ONLY in JAPAN * GO
Views: 38,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Only in Japan, Japan, John Daub, Japanese, Tokyo
Id: c4Xeu1gRLgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 6sec (4266 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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