That Japanese Man Reacts to WEEABOOS by FilthyFrank

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[Music] hey guys it's yuta so today we are going to revisit this classic from 2014. i've actually made a reaction video with random japanese people in 2016 but today i'm going to be reacting to this one konichiw are you magnificent bastards i got a joke for you [ __ ] weeaboos go to japan and be like where where are the subtitles yeah that's a pretty good joke is it the one who started it but the thing is many people just repeated this joke so it got old pretty quickly i want to talk about an issue that affects us on a global scale weeaboos for those of you who don't know what a weeaboo is a non-japanese person who basically denounces their own culture and calls themselves japanese they try to learn japanese through the anime they watch and usually end up pronouncing it wrong and looking like a complete idiot keep in mind that a non-japanese person can like the culture watch anime speak the language and respect the culture while still keeping in touch with their own which keeps them from being a weeaboo yeah this is like the original definition of weeaboo i guess original or the definition back in 2014 but then people started using the word more casually and nowadays they just say weeb and it might just be a regular anime fan if you watch a few anime you like them you talk about them and then you are a weeb they also call japanese people weebs nowadays so there you go it has become very casual of course you might disagree the way people use the word web these days but it's a fact that a lot of people use it for a regular anime fan here we go weeaboos basically disrespect the culture and make complete asses of themselves even if you don't know the definition you've definitely seen these guys around on the internet at your local comic book store in your mom's attic they smell bad they're disgusting now before i go into this i want you guys to realize that there's a difference between being a person that just likes anime and people that are full-on disgusting unhygienic weird frank is actually making a lot of sense here and it's his character he's supposed to be somebody who you shouldn't be he's supposed to be inappropriate and offensive but here he makes a lot of sense and i think that's probably why this video is one of the most popular videos uh by him if you just like watching those japanese cartoons and you're an all right person go for it but i don't give a [ __ ] if you'd like to watch a little hentai on the down low that's that ain't my problem you know yeah you know i watched that [ __ ] bruh sex invertebrates i mean i feel you guys my favorite animes consist of toy story cory in the house yeah korean house videos from the 80s again is he the one who started this just so many people repeat the same thing and it's just not funny anymore you know seinfeld you know we all like the same [ __ ] i get it i'm an anime fan as well but this is when you have a real [ __ ] problem i have a katana collection i've been learning japanese i was at a stone for like five weeks now i've had so much sex with my body pillow that it stands on its own you know how he's emphasizing a lot of disgusting elements and it's not even about anime because it's more about how you act around people you can watch tons of anime but if you are just respectful you know if you can communicate with people normally and you don't have to talk about anime all the time even if the other person has no interest in inanimate you can talk about other things too so if you can communicate well you might not be considered a weeaboo in japan we would call these people kimota kimo comes from kimoy which means something like disgusting or creepy and ota somebody who is obsessed with things and in this context it's mostly anime so you can just be an otaku without being on kimorota you become kimota when you are disgusting unhygienic and stuff like that my wife is coming to life don't talk [ __ ] about attack on titan it's a really good show it is a really good show who else is watching the final season of attack on titan let me know i've been really thinking about going to japan soon i know how to use chopsticks i know hiragana because you know i don't feel like anybody here is on my anime expertise lived in japan for three years teaching english so i'm kind of an expert of japan i finished a few japanese textbooks and now i know japanese more than native speakers first i'll have to get a job that's that's that's the first thing yeah we have these people in japan as well we call them hikikomori or nito no these are not the same thing hikikomori is basically how do you say uh shots in somebody who stays at home and doesn't leave the house nito is somebody who doesn't have a job and who's not in school and we kind of have a stereotype that a lot of kimota are these people i mean if you have to go to school or if you have a regular full-time job you can watch so much anime because you have other things to do it's kind of interesting that regardless of the country we have similar stereotypes like dude i get that some of you like collected weapons or something but that's already kind of red flaggish in the first place but if you're wasting money on like japanese weapons that you can't even use that's that's that that's actually like a problem you should notify your school it's kind of interesting how people are fascinated uh by katana but actually when i was little we had plastic katana like with my brother and we would like fight you know using these uh katana so you know kids but i kind of understand why people are into weapons and don't forget guns so many americans are super into guns as well but that's probably not the relevance to this conversation so let's move on face it buddy you're never gonna be japanese and changing your avatar to hentai or wife or whatever they're called so anime avatars i used to think like oh an anime avatar it's so cringy but it's just so common lots of you a lot of you guys have an anime avatar let's just admit this and if you are on twitter and in japan like so many people have anime avatars so i kind of got used to it and some of these people with an anime after their comments can be quite insightful so i try to not judge people just because they have an anime after i've actually met this girl who has an anime avatar on whatsapp but she's just a normal person and she told me it's because she just doesn't want to show her real face because some some weird people approach her and talk to her something like that so yeah and i recently discovered the author of my favorite anime origairu also has an anime avatar so i guess don't judge a book by its cover the self-righteous [ __ ] literally everywhere on the internet it's not gonna help these people with anime avatars are everywhere every comment section every twitter discussion you know everywhere in the facebook comments and you say one thing about anime and these guys are so true they will breathe really yes type it on the keyboard really fast yeah that's totally true anybody who's on social media can relate to this i think well if they mention anime at all but i've actually gotten one of these comments and i said something about anime and i got this very angry and abrasive comments criticizing me and i was like why you're so abrasive you can disagree with me but you can just disagree with me politely or respectfully or at least you don't have to be so abrasive about it but that made me realize that these days i'm getting these comments much much less than before meaning i think anime has gotten much more popular and which means more normal people watch anime so even though i talk about anime a lot on my channel i don't most of the comments are pretty level-headed people don't use the word weeaboo as much as they used to they just say weeb which is more casual and that's actually kind of the same in japan more people watch anime and watching anime has become much easier because we have all these streaming services netflix also added a lot of anime so you can be watching a jester regular live action netflix show and you'd be like oh i remember people were talking about attack on titan so maybe i can give it a try and next thing you know you are binge watching it before if you want to watch an anime that is not currently airing on tv you have to physically go to a shop and rent a buy so the bar was much much higher so things have changed you sure showed me like damn who put a good old russian gun up your ass wait what did you say let me play this again who put a good old rossan got up your ass who beat the girl on rasengan up your ass so he said rasengam but he said it in an english way so i couldn't catch it and it actually happens a lot when people are speaking english sometimes they use the japanese word but they don't pronounce it in a japanese way and i don't understand what they are saying and they are like come on you're japanese you're supposed to understand japanese words and i'm like but you're not saying in a japanese way so that's why i don't understand it happens a lot actually i mean oh [ __ ] yo a pigeon just landed on my do you hear that i just put it outside my window also the worst part is you think you know all about japan after watching like what six anime series like these days people are more sophisticated i guess so you have so many things on youtube it's more like they've watched 100 videos about japan on youtube and now they think they know everything about japan and by the way japanese people can be like that too they watch a bunch of videos on youtube about the united states for example and now they think they know everything about the united states to the point where they could give unsolicited advice to american people about how they should behave and stuff like that happens in any country if that school girls have eyes this big you believe that everyone holds the [ __ ] katana on the trains nobody practices jutsu's in the corner and nobody talks like this oh it's actually pretty fun to speak japanese like an anime character getting a body pillow and masturbating to animated 13 year old girls doesn't make you japanese it just makes you a borderline pedophile and also guys as much as i wish it was true not all asian girls sound like yeah yeah looks like it's done a lot of research [Music] i i definitely walk my neighbors up [ __ ] my neighbors heard that for sure i love this scene it's just so these breaking character moments i think my neighbors are weirdos they probably think i'm getting mad [ __ ] because you know i get all that [ __ ] i'm sure you do scrub deadly anxious as an outsider you're literally praising one of the most xenophobic cultures there's so much to talk about actually let me know if you think japan is very xenophobic give me some examples of japanese people being xenophobic and maybe we could talk about it in another video what you're doing would be like a japanese person doing this wearing a cowboy hat in boots swinging a rope around and going yeah actually i know somebody like that a japanese guy who even wears a cowboy hat he speaks okay english and he sometimes says he's american apparently which he's not any country these people exist a lot of people get defensive about this look i'm always getting harassed by everybody to make fun of disease you know race you know black people jews like everyone's like yeah do it do it do it but as soon as i even touch anime oh i won't too far everybody yo really everyone yeah frank relax you can make fun of everything but anime is the filthy frank show make up your [ __ ] mind bro like over here at the filthy frank show we support prejudice equality everyone gets [ __ ] what do you call a white girl that can run faster than her brothers a redneck virgin a girl who can run faster than her practice i i don't get this joke maybe you can uh explain this to me because i don't know anything you're the one who knows look everyone gets [ __ ] here you take that white people follow your dreams son but still i can't i can't help but feel scared man those those weeaboos man they're [ __ ] scary i'm not gonna lie it's almost like i can hear them just breathing really [ __ ] heavy okay so now the skit i'm gonna skip this a little bit because i think it's mostly because of the first part this video is so popular rosetta stone it's no use weevil jones is too strong that's it i know exactly what i need to do [Music] [ __ ] you jones i love family guy oh family guy but you are japanese you're supposed to watch japanese things you have to watch anime aren't you proud of your own culture unbelievable fortunately nobody has said that to me i do watch anime now but before i didn't as much but people kind of do stereotype me sometimes i say something i do something and people are like oh i thought japanese people were like these why are you like that so i'm like you know there are many different people in japan i'm an individual and i have individual values not because i'm japanese because i'm me and sometimes whatever i do people just interpret it as i'm doing it because i'm japanese and it can get quite frustrating definitely remember this song [Music] i even remember some of the lyrics if you ignore the lyrics this song actually sounds kind of nice and it also reminds me of the end of evangelion this whole scene and how the song is if you watched it you probably know what i'm talking about i watch asian cartoons asian cartoons that i'm a weeaboo sticks and stones may break my baby you get arrested i kind of feel bad about some of these people in the photos because they can't just be somebody who likes anime and stuff and they might be quite harmless you know we don't we don't know them i know this is filthy frank it's supposed to be offensive and inappropriate and i know it's just a joke but yeah i just can't help feeling like that let's see what they have they have one piece four metal alchemist a dog do you hear that anyway so this match manga would be nothing in japan for a japanese person it's completely normal to have some manga i do have some manga my brother does my friends have so it's completely normal this will be nothing because i read the manga you're such a [ __ ] pleb you've in japanese bro i haven't showered in like 16 weeks all my friends and people yeah this girl maybe she's just enjoying cosplaying nothing wrong with it friends and peers are ashamed of me [Music] i don't know what to comment on this [Music] yeah these girls can just be enjoying cosplaying [Music] i have so many body pillows [Music] it's interesting english speakers still use the word yaoi which means yamanashi ochinashi yamanashi there's no climax and climax as in the story not the other climax because i i hope there will be a climax anyway uh ochinashi there's no punch line iminashi there's no meaning but in japan people mostly use the word bl which is boys love and people who like bl or girls who like bl would be fujoshi yeah i don't think japanese people use the word yaoi these days [Music] why would he take a photo of him licking a body pillow like it doesn't make sense unless he did ironically doesn't make sense naruto is so overrated i like i like that part because it's so spot on that's the kind of thing that anime snobs would say but naruto i think today it will be a different show uh could be demonstra or my hero academia but yeah people always criticize something that is mainstream happens in any genre you want to see my katana collection you can be into stuff like this that's fine you just don't have to show it to the world rosetta stone anyways point is you can do whatever the [ __ ] you want i don't give a [ __ ] just don't bring that [ __ ] near me see he's making sense and he's being kind of constrained filthy frank is being considerate because he's like oh okay it's okay to be into whatever you are into just don't just be mindful this is just common sense it makes total sense i'm a [ __ ] hustler i'm gonna say it again guys i have nothing against anime i have nothing against any of that [ __ ] everything i just said could be applied to every any kind of other obsession see making a lot of sense silent hour bastards a mouthpiece it's filthy frank [ __ ] so watching this i feel like things have changed more people are watching anime and it has become i wouldn't say super mainstream but it's definitely more popular than before and i kind of i don't like the fact that just because you are into something japanese people think it's kind of a negative thing because japan is just a you know another country and i think there's some a little bit of discrimination here because if you're into something european if you're into something like contemporary french cuisine for example and if you're obsessed with it and if you talk about it all the time people wouldn't see you as somebody who is as cringy as somebody who is super obsessed with anime so i think there's a little bit of prejudice you know going on here so i think it's a good thing that it's becoming more socially acceptable i guess in the west to be into something asian not just uh something japanese you know could be into chinese korean or other asian countries and i also think that people are more informed about japan in general back then i've met some people in western countries who asked me about ninja and samurai and stuff like that we don't have them in japan today there's so much information on the internet today and you even have japanese youtubers like me who talk about japan in english so a lot of things about japan is accessible but still most think about japan is not translated into english and if you speak japanese you will learn more about japanese culture and if you want to learn japanese with me i will teach you the kind of japanese the real-life japanese people today actually speak which can be different from the kind of japanese that textbooks teach you because it can be unnatural and old-fashioned so click link and subscribe to my email group japanese with utah alright see you guys soon ciao
Channel: That Japanese Man Yuta
Views: 96,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filthy frank reaction, that japanese man yuta, yuta, japanese react to filthy frank, japanese man yuta, filthy frank, japanese react, weeaboo, filthy frank weeaboos reaction, filthy frank japanese reaction, weeaboos, weeaboos reaction, react to filthy frank
Id: y5g6N6edeJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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