Say Hi! Say Hi! Awww pretty baby<3 Hey guys! Hey guys! So this is a subject that we've talked a lot about in random videos, but we've never dedicated any video to it before, so... I feel like it's overdue The subject of saying "I love you" in Japan So it's kind of not a huge thing in Japan that a lot of people say to their loved ones. But first I think we should start out by actually translating "I love you" into Japanese Because there are a couple different ways to translate it Mkay So if you watch a drama or anime A lot of the times you'll see a character saying "suki desu" and that gets translated to "I love you" Ahhhh~ I always get confused by that Right They're not even dating or anything, just... Right, and then like, super suddenly I LOVE YOU!!! They're so intense! What? But "suki desu" actually means "I like you" and Yeah That's how you would directly translate it You say... Like, confession, right? Right I like you Suki desu Right And you don't just use that to people, you say "suki desu" for anything like "neko ga suki" "I like cats" or whatever I mean it's stronger than "I like cats" but it's less, less, less than "I love you" Right And I think the confusion as to why that gets translated as love comes down to the fact that "love" in English has a very broad range of meanings to it Mkay Like, that you can say "love" about a person where you really really love that person and that has a lot of meaning to you But you can also say like, "I LOVE THESE SHOES!" or whatever and that's obviously not nearly as intense So I feel like... That's That's not a common usage in Japan You don't say really say "I love these shoes" Right So that's why I feel like when they say When they translate "suki desu" to love, I feel like it's that level of love in English It's not like, you know, 100 intense level love It's more like the English "I really like you" That kind of thing Hmmm So, the level 100 love in Japan, in Japanese that's "Aishiteru" You would say "Aishiteru" for that Normally it's a really strong and Traditionally Like, maybe you would say that in a wedding ceremony? Yeah, wedding ceremony Jun has joked about it a lot of times before where he said, to him it feels like something you would say on your death bed Like a death bed confession to your loved one "I love you" *dies* and then like, pass away? Pass away Like that Like it's that level intense So obviously this isn't everyone in Japan there are people who say, um, "I love you" to their partners I'm sure Right? In Japanese? Yeah, in Japanese Maybe So we've seen Japanese commons before who have agreed with Jun's like, usage of "I love you" where it's like It's something "You don't say that!" that's like "That's really difficult to say!" because it's like so intense Yeah, we don't just say it Yeah, you don't just say it here I mean there are people in America who don't use it lightly either There are definitely families that, you know, don't show a lot of open affection like that But it's different But I feel like it's different because in my culture, if you don't say "I love you" to your family members then people think you're closed off or they think that you're like emotionally distant, or maybe your family isn't very open with each other So I mean there are people who don't say it but there's a negative stigma to that It's just different But it's not, that's not the case here There's not a negative stigma to not saying it, right? It's It's something that's there It's not something we say if that makes sense to you Right Japan I guess, isn't a very like verbally affectionate country At least this is how my interpretation of it from what I've heard from Jun over these past 5 and a half years It feels like you don't have to say it in Japanese, like there's no need to say it because people know We just didn't grow up like that so it's also strange so I can remember my family when I gave them a hug at the airport, they're like super shy, they're like Right Yeah I did it to make fun of them and just joke around They were happy but they're uncomfortable too Right Because we didn't grow up like that Right And I think a lot of foreign viewers who hear you say that are gonna say "Isn't that just your family? Are there families that are a lot more open in Japan?" There are some families that are open, but just saying "I love you" in Japanese "Aishiteru" is just not a thing, really Maybe, but I assume there aren't very many I hear what Jun's saying and I understand it, but it's really difficult for me to comprehend not needing or wanting to say "I love you" because it's just like so deeply ingrained in my culture Maybe this is just me, but I'm sure there are a lot of people like me too Um We do something nice, something considerate does it make sense to you? Right Instead of saying it Right And we tried We don't really try to prove it but we do it by action Not just words Right And we have a word for that There's actually a really famous book in English called "The Five Love Languages" Okay Where it breaks down 5 different ways that people show their love and how they want to be shown love And so I feel like Japan, like the entire country is acts of service So *Pfftttt* There's one that's called acts of service Okay So people show their love for other people by doing things for them Okay So like, working, or doing household chores, or cooking or something AND THAT'S YOU That's something like I do everyday, don't I? THAT IS JUN like all the way He's like 100% acts of service But you just think I'm just a nice person But Well, yeah for me THAT'S FROM MY LOVE, okay? That's how my love language That's from my love So I feel like there's Japan as a culture leans toward acts of service I'd say there's a word called "Omoiyari", I think it's closer to what this our concept of love Right Just It's there Right You feel it You feel it Yup And if you like, grab a Japanese person, you wouldn't even think about wanting to say it But But do you think they would be happy if their partner say "I love you"? If they say "I love you" in English, maybe they're fine like me Right But if you just suddenly come home and just say "Aishiteru" to your partner, normally they're "Okay" That's the reaction you'll probably get What if it's like What if it's after a nice date or something? Or you had like, a nice like, deep conversation with them? And you're having like a really good mood, would they be happy if their partner said "Aishiteru"? I think so Well it depends of course like it's a nice thing to say It's just something you don't really say that often or lightly So just to let you guys know we say it all the time in our relationship Jun wasn't super comfortable with it at the very beginning of our relationship Even though he said it first Um But he got used to it really quickly after I guess, like maybe two months I don't remember how long it took me So Just I'm growing up And he says it I think he says it more than I do now We say it very often Very frequently We say it very frequently which even in my culture some people don't like Some people feel like the more you say it the less meaning it has to it That's exactly how I felt about it at first That's how he felt about it at first That's what Ryosuke said too Right And that's a very very common thing for people to feel even in my culture So that's not That's not unique or strange at all You know how I feel about it We already have this conversation Okay So I guess that's all we really have to say about it now but if you guys have any comments then leave it down in the comments box below It's there It's there It's there You show it You feel it, right? I love you I love you too Byeeee Byeee Hi guys~ Hey guys~ So I got a cat here So we got a cat, okay? Okay We'll do about another video our cat later You're such a pretty kitty What are you doing? What are you doing? *bites*