January 9, 2021 - Reflections of Jesus - "Adam, You the Man" - Jerry Nelson

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[Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] hello church hope that you're blessed second sabbath of 2021 and i have just a few brief things we want to talk about today a couple of announcements that we want to share with you but just hope that you're having a beautiful sabbath and that you are enjoying maybe being with family hopefully in some kind of warm warm setting so we continue to be in in a situation where you're not able to have live services indoors this is the latest from fresno county you can see that as of january 4 that the positivity rate ticked back up again a little bit and also the new coven 19 positive cases per 100 000 went up about five up to 61 61.6 so we are continuing to be in a in a troubled zone i have seen that the number of cases per day has gone down a little bit since uh since it since about four or five days ago but it's still it's still not good uh currently hospitalized 662 people which is up 56 compared to last week and the number of available icu beds as of yesterday was at six for our whole county i want to just say thank you so much and praise the lord for the faithfulness of our of the saints and um tithe tie the 421 thousand dollars that came in this year plus we made budget by two thousand dollars so uh i think ninety five thousand dollars maybe came in this month if i read read it right uh for budget so anyway we're just so thankful and grateful for the way god has blessed us in the midst of a very challenging and difficult year let's keep pressing together there are ways that we can continue to faithfully give the information is there on the screen and let's let's start strong and have another good year we're looking forward to this year ending better than the last one did even though we've got some really rough things that are happening in the start of this year mark your calendars on january 30 our church though we will not be meeting here will be hosting a virtual women's ministry sabbath and we have a special guest speaker her name is heather day thompson or heather thompson day shoot heather day thompson i can't remember which one it is anyway heather is going to be speaking to us through from colorado and this is something that's being organized through gloria our women's ministries director coordinating with our conference women's ministries director which is joyce mulligan and there's going to be three presentations you can see that on the screen there will be a live there'll be a live program taking place at 10 at 11 15 those are numbers that are familiar to us that's when we normally would have sabbath school and church and then at 2 p.m there's a third a third session that will be taking place and it should be really really a nice time and it's not just even though it's women's ministry sabbath it is for the whole church it's for women and men it's just being sponsored by women's ministries uh remember when it comes to finances uh to wait to file your income tax until after you've received the notification of your church contributions for deductibility purposes but i did hear from from our treasure ron that um he's already sent out those receipts to people which is amazing i mean that's just amazing uh remind you that we will be continuing to have sunnyside lighter we meet at 9 15 on zoom the the information you need is there on the screen we have such a great time uh it's a it's a it's a time for us to to laugh and we cry and we share burdens and challenges and praises and it's just a way of kind of pressing together and being being god's people uh even though it's just for a short time just for 30 minutes at that time then also our wednesday night prayer meeting continues at 6 30 use that same information that you saw on the last screen and join us for that i'm going to give you also one more piece of information to update you on our youth pastor search we have a team of seven people that have been working really hard on this we've had over 15 applications for this and we've narrowed it down to six persons we have four interviews this week and we will narrow it down from six to maybe one or two and maybe just one we'll see what happens after this next interview that's coming up on wednesday and then that recommendation will recommendation will be will be made to the board for a decision to be made regarding our youth pastor so we're excited about that keep keep the youth pastor search team in your prayers please then i have some other information go one more okay yeah i i kind of messed up the order of that i wanted to share one other thing with you and that is um some sad news for our church family if you read the e-newsletter the sunnyside news last night you're aware of the fact that ameren has emeryn montgomery has been sick she was in she was non-responsive as of last night but we got word today that at 3 10 p.m this afternoon she breathed her last emma montgomery and it's a sad day for for our church she was one of the the great lunch bunch gals there's really i think only one or two left we have lost so many of them over the last just the three years that i've been here and we're going to miss ameren tremendously she was married to robert and they sent their children drinda and monty to monterey bay academy and we just our families became friends and we would do things socially together we've been up to bass lake uh skiing behind their their ski boat we've played a lot of games together we've been visited their home in san jose before they moved here to the fresno area and then saw them many times after they moved here and i'm thankful that emery's not suffering anymore the the reality is that she they found cancer all through her body and i'm just thankful that she didn't suffer on a long time because it really was a terminal situation please keep drinda and her family and your prayers please keep linda who is linda griswold who excuse me linda barons i know her as griswold that's how anyway that's i went to school with linda amaran is her aunt so her father richard who just passed away five months ago was amaran's older brother and so anyway this is a really hard time for linda because she has lost her precious aunt that she loves so much like a mom and then and then has lost her father also so please keep please keep linda in your prayers as well we're now going to invite the worship team to come forward and they're going to lead us in a beautiful song that i love that reminds us at the beginning of this new year of who our creator is the god of wonders [Music] lord of all creations [Music] glory to the lord [Music] beyond our galaxy the universe declares your majesty [Music] [Music] remember [Music] early in the morning i will celebrate my when i stumble in the darkness [Music] i will call your name by [Music] you are the universe declares your majesty [Music] lord of heaven and earth [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] beyond your galaxy [Music] the universe declares your majesty [Music] lord of heaven [Applause] lord of heaven let's pray father god you are the god of all creation lord we're thankful that in the midst of trying times in our country the country facing difficult times and political transitions facing the challenges of a global pandemic a country that is divided politically and in some ways emotionally we know that that can affect families can affect communities right now lord we're praying for the unity that can come only by fixing our eyes on you lord we're thankful that we belong to a country that has had so many political transitions from one president to another that have gone relatively seamlessly and lord we're thankful that at the end of the day it's going to happen and we can be thankful that we have a country that respects the rule of law and that when people don't follow the rule of law we do things to to address that lord we just pray that you would give us peace and hope and that we would turn our eyes from the dimness and the darkness and the challenges and problems in our world and that we would fix our eyes on jesus the author and perfecter of our faith before the joy set before him endured the cross scorning it shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of god lord we're so thankful for jesus lord we want to lift up the montgomery family lift up the barons family we lift up our church family that are that is grieving the loss of ameren we ask that you would be with the ward family as rini this past sunday broke her femur we ask that you be with her as she's transitioned now from the hospital to a skilled nursing facility we actually be with judy plant who recently broke her wrist their people like gloria's dear friend sylvia who's lost another family member to covet we think of the cornwell family with both tina and todd struggling and we're thankful that they are on the comeback trail and have recovered or doing well we're thankful for that and we know that this side of us all getting vaccinated that the covid crisis will continue and so we're gonna just trust you we're gonna seek to be safe we're gonna seek to be an encouragement a blessing to one another lord right now we turn from the challenges in our lives in this world to the word of god asking that you would teach us and that you would lead us that you would show us the things that you want us to see for you pray these things in the powerful loving and saving name of jesus christ amen let me ask you a question is jesus in the old testament can you find the name jesus in the old testament well you probably can't find the name jesus but you could find the name yeshua which is the same name that jesus was given by his parents it means the lord saves and we know it better as joshua joshua is the name that we think of when we think of the hebrew term or the hebrew name yeshua jesus is similar to joshua and that's kind of the point of the series that we're beginning right now luke 24 19 to 27 i've got three slides i want to share with you here that will help to introduce the series that we're getting into right now addressing this question is jesus in the old testament luke 24 starting in verse 19. speaking of of jesus he was a prophet powerful in word and deed before god and all the people this is the two disciples on the road to emmaus this is on sunday afternoon and they're walking together and someone walks into their midst and begins a conversation and he's asking questions and they don't know who it is they don't realize who this person is that has stepped into their midst and so they continue on their journey walking to emmaus from jerusalem and in answer to a question that this guest to their conversation has asked they're speaking about jesus and they say he was a prophet powerful in word and deed before god and all the people the chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death and they crucified him and listen to these words but we had hoped what tense is that is that present tense future tense or is it past tense it's past tense think about the implications of that but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem israel we had hoped that would indicate that they're not feeling the hope right now and here they are walking with this guest who is it and what is more it is the third day since all this took place in addition some of our women amazed us they went to the tomb early this morning but didn't find his body they came and told us that they had seen a vision of angels who said he was alive angels telling the disciples that he was alive then some of our companions went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said but they did not see jesus so even though they had much reason to hope they seemed to be very discouraged and are speaking in past tense about jesus being the one who would redeem israel here's jesus response and he hits him pretty hard he comes on pretty strong trying to break through the block in their minds and in their hearts he said to them how foolish you are and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken jesus is pointing out that they should have confidence and hope that the messiah is going to redeem israel because of what the prophets have already spoken these are jewish people that have been trained in the synagogue they should know they should have confidence not just because of what has happened over that weekend but because of what had been taught in scripture jesus is trying on sunday afternoon to shift people's focus to the word of god and as we're beginning 2021 with deaths continuing disease continuing challenges and problems continuing what i'm hoping that we can do is we can hear from jesus challenging us to turn to the word of god to find hope and confidence in the reality of what it says moving on jesus continues saying did not the messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory and beginning with moses and all the prophets what does that mean beginning with moses well that would mean beginning with the torah or beginning with the pentateuch the first five books of the bible beginning with genesis exodus leviticus numbers deuteronomy beginning with moses and all the prophets he explained to them what was said in all the scriptures concerning himself so what's the answer to the question is jesus in the old testament well according to jesus yes jesus is referenced is pointed to in the old testament this is what we're going to be looking at another place and this was a few days earlier jesus says to the jewish leaders who had begun to persecute him you study the scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life great hope great confidence in the word of god in one sense these are the very scriptures that testify about me yet you refuse to come to me to have life so jesus is pointing out as he does later on the road to emmaus that the scriptures and certainly we're not talking about matthew mark luke john we're not talking about romans first and second corinthians we're not talking about the epistles we're not talking about the book of revelation because they hadn't been written yet now we can have that confidence now but what jesus is referring to here is the old testament what we refer to as the old testament that would be the holy scriptures genesis through malachi you study because you think that in them you have eternal life but these are the very scriptures that testify about me but you are not willing to come to me you refuse to come to me that you may have life the point of the word of god is to lead us to christ so that we can have life eternal now in romans chapter 5 verse 14 we there's a word that i want to discuss with you nevertheless death reigned from the time of adam last week we talked about the first adam and the second adam and we're picking up from there death reigned from the time of adam to the time of moses even over those who did not sin by breaking a command as did adam who is a and the word there is pattern who is a pattern of the one to come that where i have the you the word there is the greek word tupas which we translate as type in fact some translations will say who is a type of the one to come a type what is the idea of type a type is a symbol of something or someone the antetype would be the person or thing foreshadowed or represented by the type or the symbol when the sun is out you can look and see like even right now i've got light shining behind me and i can see my shadow on the ground that's not me but it's a representation of me when you're outside and the sun is shining on you you can look on the ground and you can see your shadow it's not you but it's a representation of you it tells something about you if you move your arms you can see what you're doing it tells you something but it's not actually you a type is something that tells you about something else the type shares something about the anatype if you were able to clone yourself if you made an exact replica of yourself that's not a type that's that would be the same thing rather a type only possesses some of the characteristics of its antitype or the thing that it symbolizes so let me give you an example in john chapter 2 starting in verse 18 through verse 22 we read this the jews then responded to jesus what sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this this is after jesus has has come in and cleansed the temple because there there was buying and selling that was taking place and this place that was supposed to be a house of prayer was being treated as a den of of thieves then of robbers so what sign can you show us to prove that you have the authority to do what you just did in driving people out of the temple and jesus answered them destroy this temple and i will raise it again in three days they replied it has taken 46 years to build this temple this is talking about the work that herod had been doing to build up the second temple and you're going to raise it in three days but the temple he had spoken of was his body after he was raised from the dead his disciples recalled what he had said then they believed the scriptures and words that jesus had spoken after he was raised from the dead his disciples thought about what he had said and they they remembered what he'd said and they realized oh okay so he was when he said it was going to be destroyed three days we didn't understand what he meant but he was talking about himself so what that shows us is that the temple in jesus mind as john writes about it was a type pointed to jesus and we're going to study the sanctuary in this regard you think about all the different things that the different elements of the of the sanctuary starting with the um the curtain that's on the outside the white curtain like covered with the robe of christ righteousness you come into the the courtyard and there is the altar where the lamb is slain jesus the lamb slain from the foundation of the world we come to the uh the bronze laver and we find the water that is there symbolizing jesus as the water of life we go into the holy place and we find that there is the menorah on one side the candlesticks jesus said i am the light of the world you look on the other side and there is the altar of showbread the table of showbread and jesus said i am the bread of heaven you come to the altar of incense and we are reminded that jesus is our righteousness and it's his righteousness that is mingled with our prayers that allows us to be accepted we think then of the inside the most holy place and we have we have the ark of the covenant and within the ark of the covenant is the ten commandments and the ten commandments is a representation of the very character of god and we're reminded of the judgment and the work that was done on the day of atonement and jesus being our high priest who is also the one who sits in judgment praise god and so everything about the sanctuary and all the different feasts and festivals are all pointing to a different aspect of who jesus was and so jesus is talking about himself when he says destroy this temple and i will raise it after three days jesus is using the temple we're seeing the idea of typology connecting to the antitype so have you ever heard someone say we're going to look at our first example now first example we're going to go all the way back to the beginning have you ever heard someone say you're the man have you heard that have you heard that phrase you're the man sometimes it said you the man or you're the man or whatever um where did that come from here's a there's there's a little little kid who demand you to man so i want to talk a little bit about about adam in fact just this idea of you the man it's actually a phrase that has been used for for uh quite a for a couple hundred years back in 1839 it was used in a short story that edgar allan poe wrote and he didn't say you the man but he said you're the man or he's the man it was used in jazz circles back in the 50s that's when it started to kind of take on that idea of being you're the man um but i remember it in the in the 90s and even in the early 2000s connected to the game of golf if you ever watch a golf tournament and i don't know they still do this but it used to kind of drive me crazy because if you're watching golf somebody would hit this amazing shot and then somebody from the crowd is going to yell out you're the man tiger you're the man that's that's where and then it's it's passed on to other different sports uh you'll you'll hear it in basketball people watching basketball will say that so what i'm wanting us to think about is who is the man the reality is the name adam as we talked about last week actually means man or mankind the the fact that we all exist is because god created adam from whom we all have come and so he's the man and what i want to do is do a comparison between the man and the man now if you remember the story about pilate and how pilate interviewed jesus and after he had talked with him he was just so amazed by him and so he brings him back out to the people and he says he's asked him to choose between barabbas and jesus and and the phrase that he says is behold the man behold the man what i'm wanting us to do today is to compare and contrast the man adam one and adam two the first adam and the second adam what i want us to do is to see the typological connection that there's so many interesting things about the first adam that connect to the second atom and what this can do is it can turn scripture into something fascinating it can be a treasure hunt to find more information that you can learn about jesus from the old testament you can look into the life of old testament characters and try to trace what does this teach us what does this show us about the messiah who was to come who has come so let's look at several examples of of this idea of the first adam being the type for the last adam who is the antitype all right so first of all the first adam when we find him in the garden was naked and unashamed whereas we find jesus the last adam most likely hanging on that cross naked and bore our shame on the cross the first adam's sin brought us thorns you can read about that in genesis chapter 3. genesis chapter 3 talks about the curse of sin and how now adam would have to toil with the soil and there would be thorns and thistles where we find that the last adam wore a crown of thorns he took the curse of sin upon himself the first adam substituted himself for god so instead of obeying god and trusting in him he was trusting in himself whereas the last adam was god substituting himself for us the first adam sinned at a tree think about that the last adam bore our sins on a tree the first adam died as a sinner and the last adam died four sinners the first adam lost the tree of life and the last adam is the tree of life the first adam was the head of the old creation the last adam is the head of the new creation the first adam was created in god's image let us make man let us make mankind in our image where the last adam is god's image we're told this in hebrews chapter 1 and verse 1. the first adam was to reign over all the earth remember if you go back to genesis chapter 1 and 2 we find that god gave dominion that is we get the word of the idea of dominion as that of rulership they were given rulership over the earth they were essentially the king and queen over their children their grandchildren and over the animals they were to be loving caretakers of the earth to be stewards to be managers of what god had given to them they were to reign over all the earth in a benevolent way the last adam will reign over all the earth forever the first adam was actually the very first husband and the last adam will be the ultimate and eternal husband the first adam was alone and needed a counterpart we're told in in god's word in genesis 2 18 it is not good that man should be alone i will make a helper i will make a helper that will be perfect for him the first adam was alone and needed that helper that help mate but the last adam is alone and needs a counterpart so that's an interesting comparison first one being alone and needed a counterpart the last adam is wanting his bride he misses us he wants to be united with his bride the first adam was seeking a wife the last adam is seeking a wife the first adam was put to sleep to produce eve the last adam was put to death to produce the church the first adam came out from the ground the last adam fell into the ground the first adam became a living soul and the last adam became a life-giving spirit this we get from first corinthians chapter 15 we just read this this last week the first adam a living soul the last adam became a life-giving spirit praise god the first adam died and returned to the ground the last adam died and returned to heaven praise god the first adam's side was opened the last adam's side was pierced eve was taken out of the first adam out of his side and the church was taken out of the last adam it's interesting when jesus was pierced water and blood came from his side these are the things that we need we need the blood for cleansing and we need the water representing the holy spirit eve was built with the first of adam's ribs the church is being built with the last adam's life eve was brought to the first adam without sin the church will be presented to the last adam without sin amen the first adam and eve became one flesh the last adam and the church had become one spirit so it's exciting and i just wanted to kind of give you that as a taste of what we can learn when we look back at the old testament and look for traces about jesus we can find exciting things i don't know if you enjoy um movies or books or stories that have pieces that are not matching but then you find this and you plug this in and this fits just so i love stories like that that's why one of my favorite stories is the story of esther i love how things seem like it's going one way but then there's this plot twist and it's totally turned around the story of adam is is amazing because it's it seems like all defeat but we see a promise that's given in in revelation in genesis chapter 3 that there is a promised one who will come and that he would he would take the sins of the world upon himself now in this series i'm hoping that we can reflect and learn a little bit more about jesus and everything that we do humans created in god's image if you think about it are a pale reflection of jesus we are sons of god but we are sons of god like the moon is to the sun we do not we are not sources of light we are reflectors of light and so in what i'm challenging us to do through this series is for us to learn more about jesus about his character to learn more about the beauty of his incredible love what he was willing to give up so that he could unite himself to us humans created in god's image are a pale reflection jesus is a brilliant reflection glorious reflection and as we fix our eyes on him the hope is that we will be changed and transformed there are typological aspects of various lives in the bible that reflect what was laid to be lived out by jesus and this is what i'm wanting us to dig into is to discover together by looking at several lives and to realize what it teaches about jesus but more than that not just to find these different little puzzle pieces but to apply them to our lives to recognize that we are linked to the first adam through birth but through rebirth we are connected to the last adam we are adopted into the family of god from the family that was headed towards death and towards hell and towards destruction we have the privilege of putting our faith in the last adam and being adopted out of the family that is hell-bound and being adopted into the family that is heaven bound to be connected to jesus forever and ever and then also we're to become like jesus by learning to reflect character aspects that we learn from the biblical types so one of the things that we learn we find adam and eve by the way that they live the choices that they made led them to be kicked out of the garden of eden but we have reason to believe that they raised they sought to raise their children to be godly and we have hope that we will see adam and that we will see eve again the in the in the book uh great controversy there's a picture given of of adam when he approaches the throne of god at after we have after jesus come back and taken us to heaven and there's be this powerful moment when adam comes and he humbles humbly comes before jesus and takes his crown and lays it at his feet and we get this picture of jesus picking that crown back up and putting it back on his head well done good and faithful servant that's what he's going to be saying to us we who come from adam 1 but have been invited to join adam too there is no reason for us to be taken down by the sin and sorrow and sickness and sadness of this world we don't have to be we don't have to be brought low we can find hope and courage and and joy because of what god has done for us through jesus and so my hope is that we will learn from each story something that we can apply to our lives that will transform us and something that will help us to prepare for his soon return jesus is coming back soon this is not the time for us to be um buried under discr discouragement this is not no time for us to be saddened and and to be without hope we have every reason to put our faith and our hope in our savior jesus because what he has done for us so i challenge each of us to give serious thought and consideration about jesus and who he is as we learn through the types and first john i want to close with this first john 3 2 we read these words dear friends now we are children of god and what we will be has not yet been made known but we know that when christ appears we shall be like him for she we shall see him as he is but we know that when christ appears we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is i love the story of the little boy who would sit at his mother's feet by the fire as she would do her needle point and she's sitting there in her chair doing her needle point and from where he's sitting on the ground it just looks like kind of a mess there's a mess of threads and he's not really seeing what the picture is that's how it is for us maybe as we're down here on this earth and we look up and we face the challenges and difficulties of this world but then the mother shows the little boy come here come look and she shows him this incredible picture that she has created through needlepoint this beautiful picture and little boy is able to see it that's what god wants to do for us there are all kinds of reasons there are all kinds of ways that the evil one is trying to discourage us all kinds of ways that he is trying to turn our attention away from christ but i want to encourage us to lock our gaze on him be aware of the challenges within your own life don't deny it but find your strength and your power and your hope from jesus fix your eyes on jesus the author and perfecter of our faith and let him make something beautiful out of your life maybe your life in some ways looks pretty ugly right now but jesus is wanting to work all things together for good so that we can become more like him that we can be not only covered by his righteousness but that we can be changed to be more like him that's what i hope will happen for us this year that we will each one grow to be more and more like jesus because someday we will see him as he really is let's pray father god we just want to thank you so much lord for your word it's a it's like a treasure map it's fun to study and explore and dive in and and to try to understand more fully what you're teaching us lord you know that we you create us in your image so we have brains to think and i'm thankful that the word of god is a challenge it's it's something that is worthy of our deep lifelong study i pray that as we do that lord that we will learn more and more details about who you are and that as we fix our eyes on you we will be changed into your image we will become like that which our attention is focused on lord we want to become ourselves reflections of jesus the people would see us and they would be drawn to know you because of the way that we treat them lord that's something that we know that we fall so short so often but right now we're asking that you would answer that prayer make us more like jesus we want to be like jesus we pray these things in your loving powerful and saving name amen [Music] lord i wanna be more like you lord i want to be more like you [Music] i want to be a vessel [Music] i wanna be more like you [Music] i wanna be more like you [Music] i wanna be more like you i want to be a vessel that you work through i wanna be more like you [Music] i wanna be more like you want to be more like you [Music] i want to be a very sore that you were through i wanna be more like you i wanna be more like you i wanna be more like you [Music] i hope you have a beautiful sabbath hope you find encouragement and strength from god's word from his spirit i hope that you have joy in a time that might be difficult and challenging for you i hope that you can find that the joy of the lord is your strength let's say the myth but together may the lord watch between me and thee while we are absent one from another amen go with god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Fresno Sunnyside SDA Church
Views: 135
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: lCbxp-73Pp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 52sec (3112 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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